#ayesha liveblogs she-ra
prongsmydeer · 1 year
Ayesha Liveblogs She-Ra S5 
“You’re not She-ra anymore, remember?” Unlike Bow, Adora is not adjusted to fighting without her powers LOL
You know, it didn’t really occur to me to question it until now but why do only five of the princesses have runestones? Spinerella and Netossa are princesses but they don’t get to be part of the balance of planet LOL
Scorpia, Entrapta and Micah in the intro ahhhhhh! I love this for all of them
“What is this?” Akorradora trying to access the Avatar state again:
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Shockingly tactful for Entrapta to suggest they’ll figure out where Glimmer is soon. You know what that is!! Growth!!!
“You saved me, and you’re gonna save my little girl.” Micah said: Have you heard of father figures. I am available
Ffhkjhg @ Adora defiantly charging every enemy she sees, magicless
“It seems [Hordak] had very little love towards you at the end.” Hordak said: I looked into my brother’s memories just so I could figure out how to hurt your feelings, Catra 
How nice of Horde Clone #1 to warn Team ScorDorBow that their camp was being attacked LOL if Micah hadn’t sent a signal they still could’ve gone back
[Shadow Weaver saves Micah from a bot] [Micah grunts, perhaps in both thanks and resentment] “You’re welcome.” The funky little aunty trauma emerging from Micah and Shadow Weaver. Call me compelled
Horde Prime offering his flagship speciality, Genoc!de Jello: 
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How does Glimmer get this whole view of the camp being attacked but somehow DOESN’T see Micah. Feels intentional 
“Ah, here she is, your beacon of hope. Adora.” Horde Prime is smarter than I gave him credit for in identifying Adora as the leader
Though, he saw all of Hordak’s memories. So. Eh on credit
“These princesses are so predictable with their feelings.” “As were you. Elevated heart rate, dilated pupils. Adora means something to you.” I was half-kidding about Horde Prime trying to figure out how to hurt Catra’s feelings but it was true
“Cast aside this false hero and deliver her to me.” Okay Lorde Hordemort
I know I’m like. Technically Millennial/Gen Z cusp. But as a self-identifying Millennial, the way this show was DEEPLY written by a Millennial. The media influences are clear 
I googled it and he was born in ‘91. HA
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I think Frosta should get to punch Horde Prime, as a treat
Whatever, much like Mermista, I’ll take it if she’s not pro-Horde
Also: Djjfkjfkhfkj funny that Scorpia is now the mediator
Also also: Scorpia’s really good at impressions! 
“Little sister, why do you rebel against my commands?” Horde Prime calling Catra his little sister gives me the heebie jeebies. You are nothing like Daddy Hordak!!!! Not that Hordak was a good guy, but like. Hey. He had something to offer as a family dynamic
Ohhhhhhhhh poor Glimmer: 
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“You don’t care about Glimmer or any of us. You only care about tech.” Are we FINALLY going to have Entrapta show some remorse. I hope so. AGAIN. I get that she’s probably representing a specific like. Cognitive situation. But NEURODIVERGENT PEOPLE CAN CARE ABOUT THEIR FRIENDS!!!!!
“I thought maybe, if I could use tech to help you, you’d like me.” This line is a hard sell. Why then, do they have to talk Entrapta into doing anything for/with her friends by offering tech? Literally done so in this same episode? Just lean into the fact that she didn’t realize how much she’d hurt them rather than rejecting responsibility and suddenly deploying a tragic underlying motivation! 
I do genuinely like Entrapta!!! She is endearing in her way. I just think that they make her so neutral towards most people (save for Hordak, with whom she shares both technology and a seemingly familial-esque bond), and then inconsistently suggest she is people-motivated. Be accountable to your actions, babygirl!
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“Focus, Entrapta! Glimmer needs you,” said Entrapta, to herself. Loving Entrapta’s Empathy Era. Good for her!!
Ahhhhh Adora needing to let go of She-Ra to move on. <3333
“Yeah, it turns out I’m an awesome leader, so we’re gonna be fine.” Also loving Mermista’s Rebellion General Era!!!!!!!
“You want She-Ra? Come and get her!” MICAH, KING OF COSPLAY
“You remember me, don’t you? Here’s a clue. You don’t like me. Hordak.” RETURN OF DADDY HORDAK AND THE FUCKED-UP FAMILY REUNION:
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Bow’s mediation skills and level-headedness are unmatched. If Adora is the Heart of the Rebellion, then Bow is the Head
The powerful healing energy of teenage girls sitting on the floor:
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“Your Adora causes you nothing but suffering.” Actually, I think Catra causes most of her own suffering, Horde Prime. This is just the manifestation of her Repressed Furry Space Lesbian Feelings
Platinum Hordak has such sad little eyes as he goes to the memory bath
Poor Bow is clinging onto his hinges for dear life trapped on a ship with the two princesses with the worst impulse control (aside from Bestie Glimmer LOL) kjhgkjhgjh
“You will be exalted, raised up above the other creatures of your wretched home world.” Is this Horde Prime’s way of saying Catra’s gonna be in his museum of war horrors
“I’ll never say sorry to anybody, ever,” said Catra, at age 7, and then she stuck to it for the next ten years of her life
“I want to do that one good thing in my life. Like you said.” YEAHHHHH CATRA AND GLIMMER
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(Cannot help but feel this will immediately bite Catra in the ass though)
“There’s no one left in the entire universe who cares about me.” [Immediate cut to Adora] WRONG
Me last season: Catra/Adora is gonna be hard sell given how hurtful Catra has been for every single episode of this show
Me this season, after seeing Catra be nice twice: IT’S FINE
I keep thinking how unrealistic it seems that no one is being killed but at least with Catra it makes sense that Horde Prime would keep her, as she is the Adora Bait 
Adora is taking being used as a weapon WAY better than I expected jkghkjghg. I mean good for you but you’re allowed to be a little mad at Glimmer! 
“Like, one time, Kyle told me he had a crush on Rogel—” the Lizard Boy who speaks no words??? Kyle please. Also Kyle/Rogelio forever ❤️
“This is all my fault. Horde Prime only found us because—” “Because YOU activated the Heart of Etheria.” Bow is mad enough for the both of them, actually:
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”That was forever ago. A lot’s changed since then.” Bow said: Now I have broader shoulders, you have a different hair, and you’re a war criminal, Glimmer. Times have changed
I looked it up on the UN website to see which War Crimes Glimmer has committed, and I count at least two:
“Intentionally launching an attack in the knowledge that such attack will cause incidental loss of life or injury to civilians or damage to civilian objects or widespread, long-term and severe damage to the natural environment which would be clearly excessive in relation to the concrete and direct overall military advantage anticipated.” (Using the Heart of Etheria)
“Subjecting persons who are in the power of another party to the conflict to physical mutilation or to medical or scientific experiments of any kind [...] and which cause death to or seriously endanger the health of such person or persons.” (Turning the princesses into the weapon)
Starla with her boomerangs and magic owl and immediate sharing has already won me over
Do the robot arms imply that Tallstar is a double or quadruple amputee? Wild as hell
“I’m not leaving anyone behind!” YEAHHHH ADORAAAAAAAAA
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“Ready to do something that probably won’t work?” “Always.” Oh, how I’ve missed the Best Friend Squad
“We’re going to fight Prime, and take back our home.” Love this for the Star Siblings as well ❤️
“You get to be mad, for as long as you need to be. But I’m not going anywhere.” Glimmer is speaking MY love language
Swift Wind making magic radio calls to Adora every night is v sweet
How have none of the Horde clones alerted Horde Prime about the intruders in their server room lmao
Are we sure this isn’t Hordak? The crying seems kind of on-brand:
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Hahahaha, Wrong Hordak is a delight. The implication that all of the Horde clones are incredibly emotionally vulnerable sad boys if left to their own devices kjhgjhgkjgh. Hordak never stood a chance of being well-adjusted lmao
“I brought her to the light. Isn’t that right, little sister?” Hate every part of this for Catra. However. This animation fucking rules:
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“But you have already hurt me. Prime has set me free of that pain.” Quit blaming Adora for your repressed gay middle school crush, Catra. If it were about abandonment issues, please see the past five seasons when Adora has repeatedly extended her hand to you
I also like Catra’s new haircut. The hair changes in this show are good
“We both know I don’t matter.” “You matter to me!” 💞
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I really hope the Helpful Hordak that they brought with them IS actual Hordak. I want to see him and Entrapta reunited
Update from thirty seconds later: It was not him, but he knows she is looking for him. Daddy Hordak will get his favourite daughter reunion soon enough
Helpful Himbo Hordak is my new favourite character. If anything happens to him I will [redact] everyone on this ship and then myself:
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“What do you care? I know you all hate me.” “I never hated you!” I am glad Catra is literally the first ex-Horde soldier to actually be dealing with some lingering guilt and complex dynamics emerging of her actions
Also. also. For the final time. Someone desperately needs to fix the captions of this show and stop dropping important words. The captions here drop the words ‘I know,’ which are important, because it signifies 1) Catra’s pre-empted conclusion (i.e. I don’t need to talk to anyone, I know how they feel about me) and 2) That this feeling of being hated is entirely rooted in herself (I feel that I am hated). I get that it probably has been outsourced and done as quickly as possible. But it is deeply inaccessible to people who rely on captions to understand what’s being said 
All of this caption mess is really a piss-poor-how-dare-you-say-we-piss-on-the-poor moment
Also. Kind of unrelated but something I’ve been thinking about since I looked up the Millennial who wrote this show. Why do the credits use a name he doesn’t go by anymore? The show is recent enough to reasonably be updating it. Like Umbrella Academy also had someone involved in the change their name, and they changed the credits on every prior episode to say Elliot. Did the creator for She-Ra choose to leave it? On Wikipedia it describes his production credits for this show as ‘credited by deadname’ which like, to me, suggests it’s not something he actively chose. For a show which tries to weave representation and inclusion into its fabric, its Netflix presentation is bizarrely thoughtless when it comes to real people!
We interrupt all the meta concerns to say: Hee hee, leetle kees on the volleyball court
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“Did you think she was going to just instantly become a different person?” LMAO @ ‘a different person’ being Glimmer and Adora’s code for ‘Catra trying not to be mean for more than 30 seconds at time’
There’s something very poetic and funny about Micah desperately wanting Frosta to accept him as a friend, like Frosta wanted from Glimmer
[Ominously] “Why don’t you stay for supper?” I KNEW something would wrong with Elberon ever since the Flutterina thing. Something has been brewing in the water here
“Horde ships coming right for us,” from Entrapta also sounds kind of like, “hardships coming right for us,” which is also true
I really feel like Adora should’ve yanked the chip out of Catra when she was still in She-Ra mode. Is it like. Connected to her brain stem?
[Groaning] “My daughter’s gonna hate me.” Micah is the love of my life
“It’s like they’ve been replaced by totally different people.” Hmmmmm
Elberon has gone full Spooky Mode. I love the constant Haunting Lighting:
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Entrapta clearly remembers every time she’s been wronged (being left in the Fright Zone, Catra taking her work and sending her to Beast Island). But somehow NEVER retains anything she’s done to wrong others (hacking the Black Garnet, creating the portal which took Glimmer’s mother). What kinda selective memory jkghkjghgjh. [Entrapta as Aslan meme voice] I forgor 
Wow. Catra admitting she wants Adora to stay is a real breakthrough!
“Just stay with me while I do it okay.” It’s a day of breakthroughs for Catra. I’m very proud of her!
You know. Aside from Adora being a literal alien. They’ve already established that she’s impervious to the cold, so why not, to her free-floating in space? 
Bold of her to jump out without checking though!
“Chip appears to be fused with the subject’s nervous system [...]” I guess Horde Prime did put it in her brain stem!
Catra said: I do apologies AND thank-yous now. I’m a new catwoman!
Glimmer and Bow immediately moving aside so Catra can sit between them. I love the Best Friend Squad!
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Not Spinerella being chipped!!!! Don’t harm our happy background emotional support couple
“Onward to a secret underwater party adventure.” Screaming over the fact that Scorpia, Perfuma, Mermista and Sea Hawk have decided the way they’re going to deal with the citizens of Etheria being turned into robot spies is by having a fancy dress party:
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I love that Perfuma is an excellent actress, good for her
LMAO @ MERMISTA AND SEA HAWK HAVING TO BEAT UP HALF OF THE PEOPLE THEY SEE. Feels like perhaps the easiest version of this plan would be leaving Sea Hawk at home 
“I just wanted to know what [setting someone’s boat on fire] felt like.” [Gasps] “You are everything I’ve ever wanted.” Mermista x Sea Hawk 5ever
The ratio of musical numbers really does increase as the shows goes on. Also losing it at Scorpia literally singing her deception to a room full of people: 
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“Strangest thing but I think we’ve met before.” DHJKDHDJHD has Prince Peekablue been replaced by Double Trouble
Update from 30 seconds later: Yes
Good for Netossa for noticing right away but for someone who has full access to his victims’ brains Horde Prime is sure not good at acting in-character for them. He should take a lesson from Double Trouble 
I should’ve figured that Mermista would be the one to get chipped at the incredibly convenient and inconvenient location of underwater but NOOOOOOOOOOO MERMISTA
They are messing with ALL of the emotional support background couples this ep
This party is not really going well for Team Princess at all: 
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“That’s your cue, Hot Stuff. Let’s go.” Hahahah is Double Trouble calling Sea Hawk Hot Stuff because he likes to set boats on fire or just because they think he’s cute kjghkjghgkjhg
Kind of bizarre that Scorpia, despite being under water, has seen no impact of water conducting an electrical current. SHOULDN’T THAT BE A MAJOR ADVTANGE? 
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Very haunting when they end episodes with just silence ahhhhhhh
Ohhhhh the chipped friends going into the antagonist slot in the intro 😧
“Your plan is to ram through an armada of ships?” “No... Maybe!” Rare voice of reason moment for Catra LOL
Dhdkjhdjjdh Helpful Hordak immediately spilling Horde Prime’s vulnerabilities at the slightest prompting. Me oversharing about my health problems when people ask how I am 
Someone please clarify how they had a spacesuit with cat ear slots so readily available to them in the middle of hiding from a nearly omnipresent enemy. Was Adora just keeping this on board always in the hopes Catra would get her act together hahahaha: 
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LHFKJHFJHFKJH Bow and Glimmer looking between Adora and Catra perplexed whenever they make Lesbian Eye Contact 
Lesbian Eye Contact Count 1: Adora giggling at Catra as she tries to take off her unexplained custom-made helmet 
“So, wait. The plan is to barge ahead into the structurally unsound building to find some mystery person that we know nothing about, in the hopes that they somehow know how to defeat Horde Prime?” Catra is experiencing culture shock from the Rebellion planning strategies
It really takes Shadow Weaver like seconds to figure out how to get under everyone’s skin: 
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You know, surely there’s some kind of risk in plugging Helpful Hordak into this new building. You don’t really know what his reset button is
Lesbian Eye Contact Count 2: Adora staring as Catra makes a new door in their mysterious abandoned building:
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“Seems Wrong Hordak has begun to question the meaning of life. [Sobbing] “Who am I if not an exaulted brother of Horde prime?” Helpful Hordak bursting into tears the moment he has to deal with anything that he’s not used to. Relatable content
Catra was right to hesitate to take her helmet off, I think. Just because they can breathe doesn’t mean those glowing spores are safe
“I think the feeling I had about this place is a bad feeling,” said Glimmer, as they were chased out of a hallway by numerous spikes trying to impale them 
[Deadpanned and emotionless] “Go through the door on your left.” That Entrapta message doesn’t at ALL sound suspicious
Update from 1 minute later: It was not Entrapta speaking 
“I thought it was bad but it’s not. It’s magic.” Ohhhhhhhh love that Glimmer’s understanding of magic has grown with time!!! Her being the first to understand the illusions they’re seeing: 
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Is the illusion creature a cat or did it just choose to be a cat for Catra?
“I’m sorry I got angry. It’s something I’m working on.” [Endeared] “Oooh. You are?” Me and Adora being impressed and endeared whenever Catra shows the bare minimum of growth hahahaha
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I can’t believe the payoff for Catra’s five season fursona is that she can speak alien cat hahahaha
“They dug into the ground. Built machines.” “The First Ones. That’s what they were doing. They were mining this planet’s magic, just like on Etheria.” Everything eventually circles back to space colonization
God I love the addition of Melog, Space Cat to Team Princess
“Brothers, Horde Prime lied to us. He is a false ruler. We must rise up against him and free the universe from his unjust reign.” We love the self-radicalization of Helpful Hordak. He said we will seize the means of production and overthrow the bourgeoisie (his rude brother)
“Etheria isn’t a weapon. It’s a living creature.” Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh Shadow Weaver said I see your Space Cat Friend and Raise You Planet Friend
“We can destroy the restraints the First Ones built, set the magic of Etheria free and use it against him.” Didn’t work too well when you tried that on Daddy Hordak, did it, Shadow Weaver? Shadow Weaver said: Never forgive, always forget
“What is this tingling sensation?” “That’s warmth, buddy.” That’s Rough Buddy vs. That’s Warmth Buddy stand-off in the streets
I was wondering if Melog was going to be added to the intro in this ep and while Melog wasn’t, I did notice how the Catra and Adora fight has changed to more of a friendly and playful ahhhh I love when intros match the emotional stories of the protagonists
What good is the Hive Mind if it can’t see She-ra right in front of them LMAO
“Oh... expressing facial emotion is a privilege reserved only for Prime,” said Helpful Hordak, like doesn’t burst into tears every time he’s stressed
Obsessed with Helpful Hordak mimicking any expression he sees ❤️: 
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[Horrified gasp] “Princesses? Where?” [slams door] wild that the princess propaganda that Catra and Adora were raised on as Horde children has eventually circled back to being true 
Hahahahah Glimmer and Bow are incapable of not trying to recruit people to the Rebellion for even 30 seconds in a shop
I like that Melog is now Catra’s means of using magic. If you're not born into royalty, adopt a giant cat with whom you develop a symbiotic magic relationship and it’s basically the same
“My fight is over. Lord Prime has given me peace.” [popular Netflix show voice] There’s no war in the City of Light
Adora: How are we supposed to fight our own friends?
Catra, scoffing, like she didn’t instigate 98% of their fights: It never stopped you before
I think Spinerella’s use of the word beloved (a term Netossa has said they don’t use) is Horde Prime being purposely cruel ☹️
“I must access the memories stored in this version.” Can’t believe we’ve graduated from Daddy Hordak to Grandpa Hordak 
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Speaking of Daddy Hordak, I have been waiting all season for him to find Entrapta and join the Rebellion. It feels like a matter of time 
Side note though: I do think he will sacrifice himself for the Rebellion and Entrapta. He’s done a lot of damage so I can only imagine that’s how his story will end with four-and-a-half episodes remaining
“So the only person I’m fighting here is... my own wife?” WIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HER WIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD
“We were gone. We weren’t here to help our friends.” Bow you literally were helping your friends!! You can’t be every at once, sweet boy
“We won’t abandon Erelandia,” said Glimmer, before teleporting away
Perfuming crying because she hates managing people. Same girl:
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“But can we circle back to your not-at-all-weird-and-very-detailed theories on our weaknesses?” Netossa said: I have a had a lot of time and trauma while you were gone
“Glimmer: Crippling self-doubt mixed with overwhelming hubris.” “Whoa, whoa, whoa, that’s like, really personal compared to fire.”
2) True
3) Same
“Your negative vibes aren’t appreciated here, Catra.” Perfuma directly calling Catra out for being a vibe killer
“They can’t defend themselves. They’re dads.” This is such a wonderful line, I feel like they just breeze past it jkdhkdjhdj
“’What did the First Ones say when they burned dinner? It was ruined.’” Bow’s parents leaving him a note about their secret hiding place with a doodle of themselves, drawn hearts and a joke inside is peak parenting. Lance and George deserve an award for this kind of communication:
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“This one’s mine.” Perfuma wants to stay above fighting her friends but Netossa truly has no such qualms about fighting her wife. She said: Are you kidding me, my wife will kill us, we gotta kick her ass
“Mara wasn’t alone. She was working with a group of rebels going against their First One’s leaders.” OOHHHHHH ARE WE FINALLY GOING TO RESOLVE MARA’S PLOTLINE? I LOVE
My money is on Arxia being the Fright Zone or Bright Moon
“Friendship isn’t a weakness. It’s my greatest strength. And Scorpia’s too.” Is this cliché? Yes. Do I adore Perfuma being too nice to hurt her friends anyway? Also yes!!!
“Because Spinny, you’re my weakness.” AHHHHHHHHH NETOSSA:
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Perfuma reassuring Catra that it’s okay to keep your heart open is why I think she should date everyone she interacts with. She just has the vibe of everyone she knows living in her heart
Well, colour me incorrect! Arxia is on Mystacor, I kinda forgot about Castaspella and Shadow Weaver LOL
Netossa and Spinerella being reunited in the intro with a kiss 🥺💘 I’m love them
“Would a ‘please’ kill you?” Fjlfjfjhfjkh that ‘a’ really sounded like an ‘I’ and was really thinking Castaspella was escalating hahahah
“Micah was an exceptional sorcerer even then. It’s a shame it didn’t run in the family.” Shadow Weaver is determined to antagonize everyone who has joined her on the Arxia Rebellion Field Trip
“This isn’t about tech. It’s about our chipped friends. If I can get this to work, I can save them.” THAT’S RIGHT BABYGIRL, ENTRAPTA’S EMPATHY ERA HERE TO STAY
Lesbian Eye Contact 3: Adora loving that Catra is trying to rescue her and Catra being embarrassed about it
“I see you and Catra are close again. Do you really think that’s wise?” Yaddah Yaddah Generational Trauma: Emotional Distance Edition 
Also this is horseshit, every time Adora has transformed this season has been in the interest of protecting a loved one
Speaking of generational trauma, DADDY HORDAK IS BACK BAYBEE:
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This is certainly a rough way for Glimmer to reunite with her father 
“Adora, it doesn’t always have to be you!” Ohhhhhhh Catra
Vhjkvhjvhkjvh I know it’s like. To prevent them from wreaking magical havoc. But wild for Adora cave-in Micah and two other sorcerers in a hidden magical prison without food or water 
“[Sacrificing yourself for Etheria] is what you’ll always choose. I don’t have to stay and watch it happen.” Someone was listening to Shadow Weaver’s emotional distance lecture a little too hard
“Adora doesn’t want me! Not like I want her.” It took her 51 episodes but Catra is finally admitting that her feelings for Adora are not entirely platonic LOL
Having non-verbal communication and comfort from an animal friend was really an element we’ve been missing until Melog. A talking horse just doesn’t hit the same feelings: 
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We are back to the realm of the Romantically-Charged Friendship Simulation. I wonder what Bow and Glimmer will see in here, if anything
You’re telling me instead of needing a bunch of princesses, all Horde Prime needs to do to activate the Heart of the Etheria is to invest in an auger drill? LMAO
"I never could’ve done any of this without you. Thank you for being the best friends anyone could ask for.” ADORAAAAAA ☹️☹️
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Catra going back to warn Adora only to stumble on to Shadow Weaver getting drunk in the middle of a war while Adora takes all the world’s burdens. Incredible. Truly representing the average parenting energy of this show
FINALLY they’re acknowledging that water conducts electricity. Just as the planet is about to explode
I can only imagine Entrapta being captured will trigger Daddy Hordak to turn. [Rafiki voice] IT IS TIME
“Take care of her, Horde Scum.” “That’s the plan, Sparkles.” I LOVE CATRA BEING IN THE BEST FRIEND SQUAD 😭❤️😭❤️😭❤️😭❤️
“Bow. I love you. I love you. I love you.” “I love you too.” Kind of figured Bow and Glimmer were headed in that direction. Every single friendship in this show is romantically charged hahahaha
More like the Best-Friends-To-Lovers Squad, am I right? 
“You’re worth more than what you can give to other people.” MARA 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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“Doesn’t it remind you of the first time we met? You also tried to kill me then. 😌❤️” Sea Hawk for Most Boyfriend in the History of Etheria
Everyone’s suddenly being really forthright about their romantic feelings. That’s TWO I love you exchanges from the Team Princess and self-admission from Catra. They said if we’re gonna die we might as well speak our feelings
“Hello Babygirl.” Micah for Most Haunting Use of Babygirl Award:
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“How strange. I must have fought her. I must’ve known her face. But I have no memory of it.” Last minute theory of Light Hope/Mara/Horde Prime love triangle. I don’t really think it’d happen, but it would HILARIOUS to me if it were true 
CATRAAAAAAAAAAAA (also Shadow Weaver). Ex-Horde reunion LOL
“My mother raised me to be brave. My friends taught me to be kind. And I’m stubborn. I get that from you. I will never stop fighting. And I won’t lose another parent.” GLIMMER 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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Side note: Until this point I have kind of been assuming Angella would be freed from her dimensional trap during the finale, but it doesn’t seem like that’s going to happen 
I love that Bow and Entrapta’s knowledge together is what takes down the chips!!!! TECH BOY AND TECH GAL FORCES UNITE
“It’s time to take back our world. It’s time to fight.” BABY BOY BOW INSPIRING ALL OF ETHERIA TO FIGHT BACK
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“It’s too late for me. But you, this is only the beginning for you. I am so proud of you, Catra.” Shadow Weaver said: The cycle ends with me, actually
“Whatever happens, I am staying with you.” Catra said: ‘Til death do us part, Adora
“I made a life of my own. I made... a friend. I am Hordak, and I defy your will.” I knew Daddy Hordak was incapable of killing his favourite child: 
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Hordak didn’t really think through the whole Hive Mind thing when he threw his brother/parental figure/supreme overlord into a bottomless pit
Adora’s dreams for the future are so sweet ahhhhhhhhhhhhh:
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(On a less serious note: What wild hair choices for everyone LMAO)
“Don’t you get it? I love you. I always have. So please, just this once, stay.” They got there eventually! GOOD FOR THEM 
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Not to be dramatic but lesbian love is literally going to save the whole universe. I repeat: GOOD FOR THEM ❤️❤️❤️
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I’m not sure if I fully understand why the hell the First Ones did all of this planet weaponization if all it took to defeat Horde Prime was She-Ra finding a lover she could find strength in. They really took the path of Most Resistance 
“I remember you.” I cannot believe that She-Ra just exorcised the Horde Prime out of Hordak as if he were a particularly vindictive ghost and not his clone brother/paternal figure/supreme overlord controlling via Hive Mind:
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“Hordak! I’m so glad you’re back.” AWWW ENTRAPTA AND DADDY HORDAK REUNION 
(Does no one care that Hordak has been terrorizing society for over a decade prior to this, and is probably responsible for killing a bunch of their parents? No? I really thought he was going to die, LMAO)
Edit after posting: Befuddled by what the creator had to say about this relationship, DO BETTER AT DEPICTING AGE AND DYNAMIC LMAO 
“Hello! I’m your dad.” GLIMMER AND PAPA MICAH REUNION 😭❤️
Scorpia said, to Catra: My kekkei genkai is forgiveness
“So are we all just like, okay with this?” asked Mermista, glancing at Hordak suspciously, verbalizing what I believe they should all be thinking jgjhkgh
The Fall of Salineas could not be THAT long ago omg 
“Look at us. From capturing you to us now being buddies. This is so dope.” Hahahaa, the off-screen dialogue in this scene is def improv
“What a sweet and optimistic ending of everyone having a peaceful friendship, familial and romantic reunions and the protagonists deciding to plan a fun little road trip to bring magic back to the universe, which could not possibly backfire on them given the amount of space colonization that has happened in order to harness magic as a weapon thus far. As with Hordak, we will pretend we do not see it 😌❤️:
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20 notes · View notes
prongsmydeer · 2 years
Ayesha Liveblogs She-Ra S1
“Is that a mouse?!” Why is it just an accepted fact of this universe that some people are furries and scalies
“This is what I raised you for,” is a messed up thing to say to anyone but particularly in the context of a military draft
I know “Horde” is an actual word but that it’s called the Horde and their leader “Hordak”... imagine if the Empire in SW was “the Darthettes” 
Based on only these two scenes Catra seems like a difficult friend to have with the sulking and not waiting her turn at the helm
“Dear Mom, I feel like you don't respect me.” A teenage mood 
Bow picking up and folding Glimmer’s clothes, what a sweetheart
“Will you fight for the honour of Grayskull?” Seems like an unfair question without defining Grayskull
“Not much for talking, huh?” “I prefer not to swap pleasantries with my captors.” Adora makes a very reasonable point, Bow
Speaking of captors, I assume that Adora did once have parents:
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“Where’s a blinding flash of light when you need one?” We call that foreshadowing
Glimmer’s core personality trait so far is stubbornness to a fault
“I never knew where I came from or who my family was. Shadow Weaver said it didn’t matter who I was before, that I was nothing before Hordak took me in. There’s always been a part of me that I just don’t know anything about.” Which came first Finn from Star Wars or Adora from She-Ra lmao
Adora discovering birthdays and horses and all she missed of the outside world is really very endearing 
“She’s been messing with our heads since we were kids.” “How could you possibly be okay with that?” “Because it doesn’t matter what they do. The two of us look out for each other. And soon, we’ll be the ones calling the shots.” It’s actually really sad that Catra is so resigned to being manipulated and that she views Adora as her entire support system, someone put these girls in therapy
“But I was stupid. And a jerk, and I almost got us killed.” That was a quick turnaround time on the stubbornness, good on Gimmer
“It’s been an honour serving beside you, Horsey.” I delight in every minute of screentime that Bow has
I feel like a lot of these Horde soldier concerns can be partly addressed by making sure Adora has a different outfit when she meets the queen
I love the immediate friendship with the horse and how they just call them “Horsey”
“She attacked our troops with a sword and then fled with the help of a winged beast.” I mean... Adora defended herself with a sword, which is not the same thing as attacking. These guards are lying. She-Ra said, even in pastel space: ACAB
“I know her secret.” “And what’s that?” “Hm. Like I’d tell you.” Everything about Catra just screams I am gay and in 10th grade at all times. I’m sorry I compare everything to Naruto but she is Space Lesbian Furry Sasuke. I will not elaborate
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I’m guessing Mara is a previous host(?) of She-Ra 
“I don’t have my glasses, you’ll have to speak up.” I relate to this sentiment, Madame Razz
Very genuine question: Is She-Ra’s pacing/dialogue slower than the average animated series because I keep having to switch it to 1.25 speed in order to move through the show hfkjhfkjhf what is up with it
Although I understand that this is a struggle between a corrupt military empire and a rebellion of united forces/nations a la Star Wars, whenever they bring up that this is a monarchical system, I can’t help but be like, “Dissolve the monarchy!!” I blame Magi the anime. Or the British empire. Probably both
“Catra has been nothing but a disappointment to me.” “If you have failed to condition her properly, you have no one but yourself to blame.” Hordak and Shadow Weaver are like a divorced couple who can’t agree on how to teach their kids responsibility
This is the second time I’m mentioning it, but how much of the outward hostility towards Adora would be solved if they got her a different outfit???? A lot of it, probably
I am assuming that Shadow Weaver is fixated on Adora mostly bc she is a lost princess and not bc she has any emotional attachment to her
“You want She-Ra to fix everything, but you won’t even try to save yourselves?” They are so close to the idea of democracy and yet so far 
Lmao @ these three teens turning a diplomatic supply mission into encouraging a pacifist nation to throw away their ideology and smack people down with plants
How the heck was Adora hiding that GIANT sword in her Horde uniform and somehow no one took note. No one ever managed to look at her back as she walked in?????
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“Would I get to hit more people with flowers?” Perfuma said: Actually it turns out, I love violence
Bow and Glimmer giving Adora a firmer bed and sleeping in her room bc they understand she’s used to military barracks... I love the Best Friend Squad 
It’s funny how often Queen Angella makes war decisions based on ‘Glimmer asked very nicely’
“Everyone here looks like a real pirate.” I’m gonna be real with you, Bow, it looks like you’ve entered a lesbian bar rather than a pirate’s tavern, but I guess there is a Venn diagram crossover of interests
“Tragically, they went down in flames.” “How did that happen?” “I set them on fire.” I think I like Captain Sea Hawk
The men on this show are fun. Bow is so easily excited and impressed and Captain Sea Hawk is no thoughts just vibes
Gkhgkgjhg Shadow Weaver not giving Catra the Force Captain orientation while simultaneously using her to hunt Adora is kind of like cutting off her nose to spite her face
There is something about the concept of Mermista and Sea Hawk dating that I find very endearing:
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Does some voice innately speak to Adora or does she point the sword and hope
“Try being the daughter of an immortal queen when your powers are ‘sparkles.’” 1) Salt in the wound to be named Glimmer kghkgjhgk imagine if Superman/Clark Kent was called Laser Eyes also 2) Way to casually drop that Queen Angella is immortal??? What???
 Makes a lot of sense that Bow would have the advantage in a battle since he seems to have been an active part of the rebellion for some time vs these Horde cadets who are on their first mission
She-Ra’s height is a little perplexing bc Adora seems to essentially maintain her proportions so rather than being a tall person she just looks like a person x1.15. Adora + HST (Hardy Size Two)
Update from 3 minutes later: Mermista just described her as an ‘eight foot tall lady’ which doesn’t make any sense at all. She is one (1) head taller than Catra, and I don’t think Catra is 7 feet tall. She-Ra’s gotta be like. 6′5″ at best  
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Confused by Bow’s gesture with Mermista, is he participating in the magic or just posing???
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“The Horde almost destroyed my home. I wanna help fight them.” This feels like a strong description for what happened. They knocked at your door and you kicked their sixteen-year-old asses. But I see your point, Mermista 
The sixth episode intro is giving very much Jumpstart 3rd Grade 
“I designed the castle as a labyrinth. I’m the only one who can navigate it.” What a horrible thing to do to your staff. Even cartoon rich people have no perspective LOL
[Glimmer Tiktok audio voice] 🎶 Adora wake up, I don’t like this, Adora wake up 🎶
I understand that Entrapta’s thing is tech but characters who like to experiment on beings with sentience give me the heebie jeebies like would she normally dissect a person like Adora??
Also I feel like it would’ve been more humanizing if she felt any emotion at all towards fighting the First Ones tech robots. But she seems to be indifferent to both people AND robots???
I appreciate that they’re starting to show the need for and strength of individuals like Bow and the kitchen staff in this world where princesses seem to be the be-all end-all of strength against the Horde
“You each have a skill that only you can do, even if it doesn’t come from some magical jewel.” Bow on theme as always. Love him to pieces:
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Also LMAO @ Bow convincing the staff to join in on the robot fight in less than 10 seconds
“I don’t have enough energy to teleport us all right now. Not without leaving someone’s legs behind.” Is the implication here that Glimmer has left someone’s legs behind before jkhgkjhg
Loving how much this ep relies on teamwork <3 Go Bow’s Kitchen Robot Mercenary Squad hahaha
Entrapta immediately putting back together the disc that nearly just killed them. Hoo boy. Always trust your heebie jeebies
“My Aunt Castaspella is head sorceress there.” JKGHKJGHKJGH I guess I understand why Angella named her daughter Glimmer. They do literal names only in this family LMAO
They’re reinforcing that She-Ra is eight feet tall, which again, HOW?
“How nice that Glimmer has finally started making some friends.” We all have an aunt like Aunt Casta jghkjghgj
“Adora, do you know what ‘aunt’ means?” “No, I was just hoping someone would eventually explain.” KJHGKJGHKJGH Adora, what do they teach you in evil military space school
“Some say she never really left. That’s she only biding her time, waiting to exact her revenge.” Wgkjhkgjhg the connect between Light Spinner and Shadow Weaver is as subtle as a ton of bricks
Awww Glimmer and Bow immediately understand that Shadow Weaver is Adora’s Terrible Mum
Wasn’t sure til now if Shadow Weaver knew that Adora was She-Ra 
“You never loved me. You just played twisted mind games.” Everything about Shadow Weaver and Adora is like. Hallmark abuse
It’s cute how the beach has clouds as waves. I love world-building
“If you want to take down Adora, you have to go for the heart.” 1) Don’t like that 2) Why the lingering shot on Bow rather than Bow and Glimmer
“Unfortunately, you’re the only I can trust around here.” “Because we’re best friends.” Scorpia is kind of delightful lmao
“I never really fit in with the other princesses.” It’s tough being a half Scorpion in this economy
Princess Prom is SO cute I love their outfits and the ball concept
“But don’t you see? That’s how it starts. Then suddenly everyone has new friends and nobody needs me anymore.” Glimmer needs to talk to a therapist about her anxious attachment 
Bow is VERY good at communicating his feelings and boundaries with Glimmer re: having other friends. We love an emotionally aware man
“She stole my food and asked me to spy on people with her. Is this what love feels like?” Being gay and in 10th grade: Jealousy Edition
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I guess Scorpia and Catra chose Bow first because he was the more accesible target, given Glimmer’s teleporting abilities
Catra continues to ruin Adora’s life and then question why she doesn’t want to hang around with her lol
“We’re the Princess Alliance. And the Horde took one of our own.” YEAHHH MERMISTA, I LOVE A TEAMWORK <3333333
Fjgkhkgjhg I would say that Mermista got the short end of this mission task for the sewer thing, but Perfuma and Adora have to wrangle Sea Hawk and Entrapta lol
GKJHKJGHKJGH a very honest take from Bow:
Bow: Why are you telling me all this?
Kyle: I don’t know... I guess because you’re the first person who’s listened to me. 
Bow: I mean, I’m being held prisoner, so I don’t know that I have a choice... but sure!
“Go to the force captain barracks and pack your things. Now that Adora is back, there’s no need for you there.” I feel like the flaw in Shadow Weaver’s thinking is how she possibly believes Adora could fight for their cause again
Adora sacrificing herself to get the rest of the Princess Alliance out is giving Season 1 VLD Allura, Dreamworks got one mission move 
“You shall stay willingly, because I am going to wipe your mind.” Ah, there it is
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“This is not because I like you,” said Catra as she handed over the sword, even though it definitely was, proving that being gay and in tenth grade can in fact lead to the downfall of imperialism
[Princess Alliance as ATLA voice] ‘Did Entrapta just die?’ ‘You know, it was really unclear’
Gjkghkjgh the fact the flames were the same moody green light for the door shut/burst of flames as it was for Jet in the underground. If the people who wrote this ep did not watch ATLA, I would be SHOCKED
As a sidenote, I don’t think Entrapta’s dead lol. It wouldn’t have even crossed my mind to consider she was dead until Bow suggested it LOL, I really just thought it was the door closing 
“If I had known, I never would’ve agreed to your foolish plan.” All this Horde team meeting suggests is that Hordak is not a particularly effective leader LOL 
I think honestly they should’ve kept him obscured for longer to up his villainous aura. Like on a scale of cartoon villainy from like, Dr. Doofenschmirtz to Him in that one really fucked up episode of Powerpuff Girls, this guy seems like a solid Hawk Moth. He’s certainly not as scary as the comparable media of VLD’s Zarkon
“What do you do when you have a cold?” “Remain out of sight.” [Concerned glances] “What? Displays of physical weakness are strongly discouraged in the Horde.” Once an episode Adora reminds everyone of what a horrific childhood she had 
Not sure what Glimmer plans to achieve by hiding her Dark Magic Flu, surely deceiving her mother will only result in more restrictions later on 
In answer to an earlier question, Adora’s strategy for figuring out her She-Ra powers really is just ‘point the sword and hope’
“Hey, you can’t just touch another woman’s tail without asking,” said Scorpia, like they weren’t holding Entrapta captive without asking
In fairness to Glimmer and Adora, they really just had to take the others word for it. They didn’t see what happened to Entrapta!
“Am I the only one who cares about sword safety around here?” Poor, rational Bow has been cursed to be besties with two people whose only two braincells constantly scream, ‘Magic’ and ‘Fight’
Again, I get that Entrapta is representing a specific type of person but it doesn’t sit right with me how ambivalent she is about the Horde. What is ur moral code Entrapta? What matters to u, aside from making technological discoveries? Who matters? 
“I was hard on you. I won’t deny it, and I won’t apologize. I just wanted to prepare you for the world. I wanted you to be strong.” “Well, congratulations, I’m plenty strong now.” Yaddah yaddah generational trauma 
“I shouldn’t have been so weird about you hanging out with someone else. I’m sorry Bow.” Glimmer’s hand on Bow’s chin as she reassures him: <3 Best Friend Squad 
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“I don’t know how you feel? I got your father killed!” WHAT IN THE ABBY GRIFFIN
Ah, it was more of a battle decision than a betrayal lol
“Don’t make the same mistake I did. I should have kept fighting, and you should too.” Wow, this episode wasn’t kidding about yaddah yaddah generational trauma 
“You must let go.” Does this mean that She-Ra also has to go on a spiritual journey towards asceticism and not prioritizing her loved ones with a mystical racially-coded guru a la Aang
Update from 18 min later: Yeah.
I like that Catra and Adora are finally getting to hang out again, even if it is while they are being attacked by giant spiders during the Alien Mega-Computer Hang-out Cyber-Security Lockdown 
“I knew you’d be weird about me letting you escape. I told you it’s not because I like you,” Adora said the furry doth protest too much
These Fright Zone simulations are very sweet <3 Childhood!!
I love the subtle contact like Adora smiling when Catra’s tail brushes her hands 
“Adora, you must do a better job of keeping her under control.” Again. This favourite and scapegoat.... sickeningly realistic abuse tactic hoo boy
“I didn’t want you to come back.” We have circled back to Space Lesbian Furry Sasuke. Sever your bonds so u can get stronger Catra (derogatory/affectionate):
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“I wonder what I could’ve been if I’d gotten rid of you sooner.” You would’ve unlocked your mangekyo sharingan, Catra
“You ever meet someone and just instantly click?” Awww Scorpia’s adoration of Catra is quite sweet
NJFKKJFHFKJ what I imagine to Catra’s inner monologue
Scorpia: She is the best friend ever.
Catra, biting her fist to keep from crying: Adora used to call me that.
“I watched you grow up from afar.” That’s a weird thing to say
KHGKJHGKJGHK lmao @ Adora pointing it out as well. “Creepy? Yes, I have, I been called this before.” I’ve only known Light Hope for like 10 seconds but already I enjoy her
“Our horse!” “I... am my own horse.” WHAT THE HELL SWIFT WIND CAN TALK?
“As part of Adora’s herd, I need your help.” That’s so cute and weird that Swift Wind measures friendship by herd. I am so thrown by this horse thing, I had no clue this was coming
“I will not consign you to the same regrets.” Angella said the generational trauma ends with me!!!
“Etheria’s not just a planet. Whatever the First Ones did to it, it went deep.” Oh good, I have been perplexed about what the hell Etheria was in the first place. A solar system? A galaxy? A country? So they are all living on the same planet, yeah?
I didn’t know the ‘You’re asking me about my theories’ audio came from She-Ra
“The First Ones were explorers who journeyed from beyond the stars to settle Etheria.” So were they like the actual first ones or is this a North America type of situation
“You are the first She-ra in a thousand years.” Ah, exposition
“Which means, [the runestones are] our best access point to hack the planet.” ENTRAPTA. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU
Is this little guy Hordak’s son or like. The Wicked Witch’s flying monkeys
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Oh. He’s like that iDog Robot that plays music from ur mp3 player
“You are distracted by your attachments. There was one before you who could not let go.” Oh no, Adora’ll never reach the Avatar state now
Wait Madame Razz knows Mara the She-Ra from ONE THOUSAND YEARS AGO? How old is she????
“Mara stranded us in the empty dimension of Despandos.” Stranded whomst?? Etheria?? Did she plop u down like a pin on Google Maps??
I assume it will become apparent to us that Mara had a reason for what she did
“You’re really going to let this... this Princess tinker with my runestone?” “Her tinkering has boosted the firepower of every weapon she’s touched. So yes, she gets to tinker with whatever she wants.” This what happens with u mix feminism with imperialism LMAO
On that note, is power passed on matrilineally in this universe? Since it’s all princesses using the runestones, I guess gender must be a relevant factor in magic usage, huh? Unless weirdly for two generations everyone just happened to have exclusively daughters?
“Freedom, equality and hay for all.” Fascinated by the horse politics 
“What good is all of your power if you don’t use it to help the people you love?” This is why I don’t see the point of these spiritual or emotional journeys to let go of the people around u. Ultimately, isn’t their reason for continuing to pursue balance, or the mission, or whatever the hell, the love of their people? I can’t believe I’m taking narrative reflections from a horse
“I didn’t do this fulfill some destiny. I became She-Ra to help others. My attachments, my friends, they’re part of who I am.” THAT’S WHAT I’M SAYING, ADORA
“It’s in the name. Net-ossa. I toss nets!” “Yes darling, you have beautiful nets.” Are Spinerella and Netossa girlfriends? <3 <3 <3 Love that for them
“All I did was push [Catra] further to the side of evil.” I don’t think you can take responsibility for that Adora, Catra chose this all on her own 
Kinda worried they might kill or incapacitate Angella. Glimmer only has one living parent! 
Catra is being so mean and for what? Cause Adora’s more athletic and she’s the Avatar-Jinchuriki-Jedi-Chosen Magical Girl? Please 
Wouldn’t covering Etheria in darkness make it unsuable for the Horde? What do you gain from destroying the planet? Isn’t that where you want to take over? Very, ‘I’m one of the idiots who live there’ 
Oh my god. Has Glimmer been glitching because she’s connected to the Black Garnet now. Oh my god. IS GLIMMER GONNA BLOW UP THE HORDE
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Adora apologizing for not being able to save the world on her own and Bow immediately comforting her, paying no heed to the weapons aimed at them... I LOVE THEIR FRIENDSHIP A LOT 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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Also really enjoy how apparent they’ve made it that Spinerella and Netossa are 1) very nice and 2) very talented and battle-equipped
Even the little ice princess whose name I cannot recall!!! Whole gang’s here
Entrapta could be here too if she gave her friends the benefit of the damn doubt and didn’t terrorize the world for the sake of science!!
Absolutely LOVE that Sea Hawk and Bow are part of the princess magic rainbow blast:
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“You will have other chances to prove your worth to me as my second in command.” Hate this for Catra. Like the Non-Space Lesbian Furry Sasuke, I just want her to get some therapy for her childhood trauma and then understand that experiencing love is not a weakness
What a colourful and happy ending to a violent battle. This show is really trying to balance two wildly different aesthetics and tones, huh? It’s grown on me, though! I like it 
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prongsmydeer · 1 year
Ayesha Liveblogs She-Ra S4
Loving the intro additions: Glimmer’s hair, Mara, a winged friend
Also Scorpia’s frown and Pointy Teeth Antagonist eep!!
“Must be hard celebrating, what with Angella being gone.” Not to keep harping on it, but continuously the captions on this show are incorrect!!!! They take out key words that change the meaning, like Micah saying “this woman” instead of “this young woman,” or dropping the word “celebrating” here. It is a problem!! 
“The moonstone’s elemental power has been balanced between you and your mother since you were born.” Oooh world-building!
HAHAHAHA Glimmer asking Mermista to do the flowers just because she’s standing in front of her while Perfuma sobs in the background
“But she didn’t betray us, she just wanted us to save us from the portal [...]” “Entrapta betrayed Hordak!” Catra doubles down on the lies. I wonder how many problems would be solved on this show if Catra were capable of sharing attention
“And we’re bad at quests.” Harsh but fair, Glimmer:
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“Recharging would mean taking the moonstone’s full power for myself. It would mean admitting that she’s really gone.” Oh Glimmer 💔
It’s very touching how these three are trying to navigate grief 
“I wish I didn’t have to leave you. But I know you will be alright. Because you are Glimmer, and you are so, so strong.” ANGELLA 😭😭😭
One episode into the season and I am already so emotional about this:
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“Huntara can track anything in the Waste,” said Huntara, about herself
“I don’t like not fighting.” HAHAHHA Huntara cracks me up
This lizard character reminds me of that creature from the Witcher series that like, eats faces lol 
“And I was definitely wrong about you, flower girl!” <3 <3 <3 Love Perfuma
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I’ve been thinking this since they revealed Adora was a First One last season but surely if, as the Glowing Teamwork implies, She-Ra and the Princesses can tap into each other’s power, they must also be First Ones? Or at the very least, descendants of/connected to First Ones? Perfuma called it a gift, is this like a Sleeping Beauty and her Fairy God Mothers situation
[To Huntara] “I’ve grown fond of this desert rose.” I don’t precisely know everyone’s ages here but Perfuma has chemistry with everyone she meets. Bow, Mermista, Huntara, I could be swayed for anyone
“I’d like to introduce you to Double Trouble. They’re our newest asset in taking down the Rebellion.” If I had a nickel for every time a blue-green reptile-adjacent doppleganger working towards the downfall of society was referred to as “they” in both the multiple sense and the non-binary sense in a Netflix show, I’d have two nickels, which isn’t a lot but it is weird that it happened twice
Hordak thinks it’s Entrapta who is providing the rebellion with tech when in fact it is Best Boy Bow
Bow’s little “Hey,” and fragile expression when the kids are impressed by his arrows awwww:
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Hahahaha when Adora and Bow soft gasp in unison and then Bow grabs Adora by the face. It’s Corey and Shawn from BMW energy. I will not elaborate
Introducing Flutterina who wants to join the Rebellion RIGHT AFTER inducting Double Trouble into the Horde is suspicious ngl
“I always say, ‘Cautious today, here tomorrow.’” I feel like regardless of the potential PTSD, Mayor of Elberon is on to something
“You were the one who left the villagers unprotected.” Catra will really find a way to blame Adora for everything she has ever done in her life 
“I know you think I’m just a kid, but I’m ready to join the Rebellion. I want to fight the Horde, and keep my people safe, just like She-Ra.” I don’t think you’re a kid, I think you’re a non-binary lizard performing an infiltration operation for the Horde
“Did it work?” “Like a charm. The plan is underway.” HA!!!!!! Immediate vindication
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Side note: Catra telling Scorpia, “I don’t need to explain myself to you. We are not friends.” :( Rude Teen’s Guide to Alienating Everyone Who Cares About You
“What sort of role would the Princesses trust? Someone tooth-achingly cute, and pink.” Something I have been wondering: If Flutterina is supposedly a citizen of Elberon, does that mean there is a real Flutterina out there that Double Trouble replaced? Or, did Elberon not notice a new child, or is in the know about the espionage? 
“You must decide for yourself what kind of Queen you will be.” Shadow Weaver said I have a new favourite teenage superhero to manipulate 
Fjfkjfhkjfhfkj Bow doing a thumbs up and then realizing how painful it is to move his body no matter how minutely. Big fucking mood
“Ahhhh! It got me in the abs. The most vulnerable part of the body that I refuse to cover because I don’t own real shirts.” Double Trouble has pointed out Bow’s true weakness LOL
“You want to fight some bots! See Adora, she’s just as competitive as I am.” “This is why no one comes to game night anymore.” I genuinely can’t tell if Spinerella is competitive or if it’s just one-sided rivalry from her gf Netossa
[Weakly, after having been blasted] “Fourteen.” “What?” “That was 14 bots for me. I win.” LMAO I GUESS THAT ANSWERS THAT QUESTION
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Honestly I feel like Glimmer’s position in this mission was a trolley problem. She had to prioritize protecting more people by disabling the Horde’s bots, or prioritize protecting the Princesses, who do have some abilities to support themselves. I understand her decision, and she came back for Adora right after!
“I live to serve. For a price of course.” HAHAHA @ Catra frowning about this transactional relationship with Double Trouble. This is what you get for telling Scorpia you’re not friends
“Mara was compromised. She became unhinged.” Honestly Light Hope’s anti-Mara sentiment is also suspicious. What’s your beef 
Fkjhgkjhgkjg Light Hope rebooting to end a conversation is the emotional equivalent of ‘I wasn’t looking at my phone’
Am I just now realizing that Rogelio doesn’t speak in anything but growls after four whole seasons LOL
“Oh! I have just now learned how to move about the castle.” Light Hope’s reboot is pretty endearing 
[Elated] “I made a crystal.” I love you sweet robot lady
“You guys are the only family I’ve ever had.” Oh Kyle, that is so sad
“Oh, knock if off, Kyle.” “YOU knock it off, Kyle,” said Kyle to Lonnie in what I can only describe as the perfect comeback
Light Hope for Mara’s ancient immortal robot ex-BFF/gf?? Did not see coming
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“Her memory brings me warmth.” OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Awwwww they are Kyle’s family! I’m glad we’re finally getting some emotional development from the back-up Horde squad:
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[Rogelio gives heartfelt speech in growls.] [Lonnie and Kyle look at each other perplexed and Kyle chuckles.] “Hey, you too buddy. Probably.” KHKJHKJH I was hoping they spoke Growl but the implication that they truly just don’t fucking understand Rogelio. Poor guy, no one to listen to him since childhood 
“This memory should’ve been purged per directive of the Heart of Etheria Project. Permanently delete.” EVERYTHING SUSPICIOUS IMMEDIATELY COMES UP
Scorpia having two mums on the picture on her desk. I love how much queer couples are woven into the fabric of this show. I see what people meant by we’re living in a post She-Ra world 
“And the way you let Adora give you orders even though you’re the Queen,” BOOOOO Flutterina, stop sowing discord
“I will return to his side victorious, worthy.” The concerned face Catra made when Hordak said “worthy” is the face you make when your dad says something at the dinner table that accidentally reveals a deep-seated childhood trauma and causes you to re-evaluate your view of his whole life: 
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“Glimmer, would you like to try phrasing that a little more constructively?” “Everything I’m doing is to protect people, is to protect you. I’m not asking you to trust Shadow Weaver, but can’t you at least trust me?” “Of course, I trust you, Glimmer.” Double Flutterina underestimated the Best Friend Squad’s greatest power!!! Family therapy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
“The whole Fright Zone used to be my family’s kingdom. But then Hordak showed up, and you know, the rest is history. It’s not like the Black Garnet ever worked for me anyway.” Fully forgot that the Black Garnet used to belong to Scorpia’s family omg????
Ooof @ her losing her whole home to the Horde before she could even remember. We hate space colonization
“Catra doesn’t care. She’ll hurt people to get her way.” It took Scorpia four whole seasons, but she got there
Scorpia’s a way better friend to Emily the Robot than Catra has ever been to anyone LOL
Also. Also also also. Catra does not realize that Emily’s recordings literally incriminate her for getting rid of Entrapta LOL
“You’re bad friend.” Turns out, the best way to hurt Catra is being honest
“You and I are going to conquer Etheria. And then, and then they’ll all see!” “Yes. We will prevail. Give me another day, and I will be ready.” HAHAHAHHA Catra has accidentally discovered that Hordak’s love language is words of affirmation. I can’t believe she escaped Hordak’s wrath just by using a peptalk
For all Hordak has like. Terrorized society. He’s pretty bad at disciplining anyone directly LOL
“We’re getting out of here, Emily. For good.” YEAHHHHH SCORPIAAAAA
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“Where were you when the murders happened?” “Don’t think you can get away with it. Although, there still aren’t any murders, Mermista.” “YET.” I love this buddy-detective duo of Mermista and Perfuma lmao
Lmao @ them finally introducing more men with a speaking role in this ep. I love that up until now we’ve been failing the Reverse Bechdel test: 
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Gjhgkjhgkjhg Bow thinking he could be the spy despite it being impossible. Me when I do my criminal record checks even though I know my record is clean, wondering if I will turn up for a crime I didn’t know I committed 
Speaking of men, I have missed Sea Hawk terribly. He is a delight 
“What has [Shadow Weaver] done other than help us?” Traumatize your best friend for sixteen years and entice a minor (your dad) to do dark magic
Honestly. The silliness is a boon bc I’ve been finding this show has been draining for me this season kgjkhgjgh. I love filler, sue me
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Good on Adora for being able to trust Shadow Weaver, at least for the extent of this plan 
“The Battle of Salineas is over. It happened earlier this very evening. It’s too late. Salineas is gone.” OH NO POOR MERMISTA, POOR SALINEAS
Whoever did the direction for this scene has definitely seen Mulan, because it’s almost exactly the Girl Worth Fighting For Transition, down to the position of the flag, the overlooking a cliff and the child’s doll:
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Gjlkgjlkgj why’d Glimmer get mad for Sea Hawk not already being on the boat when she was literally transporting people he’d helped to evacuate! She knows he can’t teleport LMAO
“I’ll be back for you.” You know, as sad as it is that Glimmer doesn’t have Angella, it does make a lot of sense for her own personal growth, because it was hard for her to move autonomously when she still had to follow her mother’s orders
Hugujgyugyuguyg [me chanting in unison with Swift Wind] BOYS NIGHT OUT, BOYS NIGHT OUT
Is Catra’s title General yet? I feel like it definitely should be, as heavy a hand as she has had in Hordak’s moves this season
Fucking love that what’s going on with the Rebellion is Sea Hawk and Bow is a musical number on a top of a bar:
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“After all, she taught me how to speak Seagull.” Enamoured with Seahawk. I want him to be in MY throuple with Perfuma
Cannot believe they’ve named this antagonist Admiral Scurvy lol
Hate to say it, but Scurvy’s kind of handsome 
“Hey Scorpia, where are you?” Classic Catra assuming that even if she doesn’t hear an answer, Scorpia drop everything to hang out with her. Scorpia’s right. You need to re-evaluate your friendship behaviour 
“Maybe your best isn’t good enough. If it was, maybe my mother would still be here!” I was waiting for the other shoe to drop on this one. Honestly, I was surprised it didn’t come up immediately when Angella was lost 
“THE BOYS ARE IN TROUBLE! A SEAGULL TOLD ME!” Mermista has also been particularly endearing these last couple episodes. Princess of Ice Cream with a Fallen Kingdom, Obssessed with Mermaid Murder Mysteries, Talks to Seagulls
“So why am I always the only one willing to work at [friendship]?” Damn Bow, been there, it’s rough
Hahahahah I’d wondered if the musical number was a one-off but turns out it’s a musical episode. I support it
I feel like this episode has finally got me to understand the dynamic of Mermista and Sea Hawk’s relationship
He’s the ballad and she’s the rock remix. She’s the rescuer and he’s the rescued. She’s the detective and he’s the detectable. She wants to teach him to speak to seagulls, and he wants to learn to talk Seagull. They love singing, fighting and the sea. I hope they live long and happy lives together and have musical pirate babies 
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“My name isn’t Adora. It’s Mara.” OHHHHHHH prequel episode!!! Also kgjkjghgj at Madame Razz getting everyone’s name wrong forever
Light Hope smiling down at Mara when she gets bopped on the head. They WERE girlfriends, I think
God I LOVE Mara’s transformation. Brown-skinned fighting princess <3
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“She-Ra was here long before your people arrived. You cannot control magic. Magic simply is.” Then why do only the royal families seem to use magic now!!!
The narrative structure of this episode is SO interesting. No wonder Madame Razz messes up names if she’s continuously being transported from past to present 
Are we finally going to find out what the Heart of Etheria project Light Hope mentioned was!!!
“How will destroying worlds bring peace?” The space colonization boot’s on the other foot now I guess
The weapon being Etheria does track. A planet as a bomb is common trope. I think it shows up twice in Marvel movies 
Just double-checked, and yes this is the plot of GOTG Vol. 2 (2018) and Eternals (2021) LOL 
Unsurprised that Glimmer and Shadow Weaver are pro-planet weapon LOL. Again, Angella, this is what happens when you don’t talk to your kids
“I don’t have a bed time, I can go to bed whenever I want,” said Frosta, who was literally an orphan 
Truly the Bright Moon Way is ‘Fight First, Think Later’ Do you not remember all the Bright Moon guards chasing Adora almost four full seasons ago, who was also a Horde soldier, without hearing a word she had to say?
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“Scorpia would be here if everything was fine.” 🎶 Catra, you don’t get to have a psychological breakdown over problems you cause yourself 🎶
KHGKJHGKJHGKJGH I’m Perfuma, immediately won over by this:
Scorpia: You all seem really good at friendship.
Perfuma: 🥺 You’re here to learn how to be a good friend? 🥺
(Though tbh, I’ve always liked Scorpia, she’s the best of the teenagers who have plotted the downfall of society. She’s always just trying to make the best of a bad situation)
“Why can’t you trust me in this?” “Because you’re wrong!!!” A concise and truthful response from Bow 
“I’ll be up, if you want to talk more.” PRINCESS SCORPIA <3 
Wow, I bet Glimmer is ALSO gonna have a psychological breakdown over her friends leaving. Catra and Glimmer are gonna have so much in common
Gljhkgjhjghkjghkjhgjgh stunning realism of this spin and crash for the two teens who’ve never flown a spaceship before
Okay. Not to be anti-talking horse. But I’m anti-talking horse. I prefer non-verbal spiritually-bonded-and-convenient-transport-animals like Appa in ATLA
Maybe it’s specifically the genre of voice acting and quirky-but-unthinking little sidekick characterization. I also felt this same disdain for Ol@f in Frozen LMAO
“Who is that guy?” I’m gonna guess King Micah, mostly because Portal!Micah implied he wasn’t dead but also because he’s using magic without anything to channel it: 
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Update from one (1) minute later: It was King Micah LOL
Am I wrong for objectifying King Micah because I am a bit. I love this crazy shirtless man who lives in the ruins of Beast Island 
“Sounds like my babygirl. Always in a hurry to grow up and be friends with the older kids.” :(((((((( Micah has no idea how old Glimmer is, huh
Does the signal prey on hopelessness? Because Micah didn’t get absorbed into it until he learned Angella is gone :(
I’m sure Glimmer stepping into the spooky light while volunteering to use a planetary weapon isn’t a symbol of anything: 
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“The Princesses are conduits for the Heart’s power. They must all be connected to their runestones for the Heart of Etheria to function.” So, they need Scorpia to connect to her runestone? This doesn’t bode well for Scorpia making real friends 
They again delivered on that immediately LOL. Also seems unfair that all the other Princesses get manual dexterity for their magic and Scorpia gets big ‘ole pincers
LOL @ Shadow Weaver getting defensive. The Black Garnet was Scorpia’s family’s runestone to begin with 
“You mean the Heart of Etheria? Why didn’t you say so?” LMAO ENTRAPTA WOULD KNOW THE PLANET IS ABOUT THE BLOW UP AND NOT TELL ANYONE 
“We used to be your friends, why are you treating us like this?” Catra has never maintained a single friendship in her life
“You are without allies, without your prisoner and without a plan.” Hate to say it, but I’m with Shadow Weaver on this one
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“Victory is ours.” Honestly Hordak, it seems like victory is Catra’s. She’s orchestrated the majority of your successful plans ljghkjghkjhgj. You’ve been taught How to Space Colonize By An Evil Teenage Furry Lesbian
Also Daddy Hordak said: Catra is my new favourite daughter
“When the weapon is activated, it will channel all of its power into you. You don’t get to refuse.” Deeply fucked up as a concept, and specifically that Glimmer is going to turn her friend into a nuclear device
As a side note: Being a brown person with Muslim heritage, I always wonder if mentioning any kind of explosive will get me put on a watch list, regardless of the fact this is entirely discussing fiction. Anyone else get that feeling jhgkjhgjkhg
“My best friends left me,” said Glimmer, like they weren’t on a rescue mission trying to stop the fucking planet from exploding and simultaneously bringing her dad back in the process 
Ghjkghkjghkgjh Bow giving a touching speech about how you have to work at friendship and Adora cutting across to Entrapta’s one and only priority: Fun alien tech
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“I figured out the truth. You had Catra send Entrapta to Beast Island, so She-Ra would run off to rescue her.” Double Trouble proving that they truly have no loyalty to Catra. Love that for them 
Ghkjhgkjhgkjhgkjh Catra’s favourite daughter status didn’t last long. Hordak misses Entrapta. I wonder if he’ll try to rescue her
Omg Hordak is crying. Daddy Hordak really does love Entrapta:
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“But hey, take care of her.” Awww Lonnie!! I love the back-up Horde Squad immediately siding with Scorpia even lacking the context of their plan
How much damage will Hordak inflict upon his own fort out of anger with Catra??? Also this is the most we’ve seen him fight in this whole series. He’s really pissed about this
“You’re a defect. A mistake. Haven’t you noticed? I’m running things here.” Harsh but the latter part is true
Is Catra going to KILL Hordak? Seems a little extreme for her
All other things aside for a sec, Scorpia’s powers are pretty fucking cool:
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Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh poor Adora, this is gonna suck for her
Honestly, respect for Double Trouble for using their last bit of time in the Fright Zone to mock Catra
“We’re the good guys, remember?” said Glimmer, like she wasn’t weaponizing the whole planet as they spoke
Bow and Entrapta seeing stars for the first time as Light Hope takes them out of Despondos (and into danger)
I can’t believe that the three dumbest people on the planet (Hordak, Glimmer, and Catra) are all together in one room [Captain America voice] You took all the stupid with you 
Eeeeeeeeeeee both Adora and Light Hope trying to rebel against the Heart of Etheria
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“Stay there, I’m coming,” was really lacklustre battle advice to someone who can teleport, Bow
It’s fun how Horde Prime, who Hordak was cloned from, has the same voice actor as Hordak. It’s like ‘I’m you, but sexier, more evil and slightly more appealing to the monster[redacted]!’
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Lmao @ Hordak being immediately demeaned and supplanted. Unsurprising but rough
Now that I think about it. Isn’t this the exact plot of GOTG Vol. 2. Making little versions of yourself to reform all the planets
GHHGKJHGKJHGKJHKJ @ Catra deciding to help save the planet but only via endearing herself to Horde Prime 
“Trust that your planet will become the jewel of my empire, and it will allow me to bring peace and order to the farthest reaches of the universe.” Gross. I feel like someone owes me reparations for this dialogue 
“They took her. They took Glimmer.” “She-Ra’s gone. The sword is broken.” Bow and Adora are having a bad news competition and I’m not really sure who’s winning 
Wow, these season finales are just getting grimmer and grimmer with time. At least the last season logically should have a happy ending, so with a view from the ground, the only way to go is up LOL (shout-out Commentarius) 
8 notes · View notes
prongsmydeer · 1 year
Ayesha Liveblogs She-Ra S2-S3
“Wow, Flower Princesses can’t aim.” Mermista said we believe in power profiling LMAO also how many flower princesses could there possibly be
You know, I was expecting more emotional consequences from last season’s interactions for Catra and Adora
“Is the one you call Catra... not mean?” “No, she is.” Update from 1 minute later: The consequence is that Adora must work through her feelings through Codependent Romantically-Charged Unhealthy Friendship Simulation 
“Can you teleport anything you want? Like a cannon? I can make ice cannonballs.” Hahahah awww Frosta wants to be friends 
“When you grow up with someone, they just know how to push your buttons.” “I can relate. I also have buttons.” Light Hope really is deLightful lmaoooo
Catra’s emotional consequences are her becoming a peer mentor for Gaslighting Gatekeeping and Girlbossing
Also I can’t wait to see Kyle’s inevitable defection into the Rebellion
I love how often Bow says exactly what I’m thinking: 
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Why is Mermista bullying Perfuma LMAO is this her way of inviting her to become a throuple with her and Sea Hawk
“Maybe we should hold hands and think healing thoughts.” ARE they flirting? It really seems like they’re flirting
Frosta is readily demonstrating the problem of having 10-year-olds in your army with her inability to listen to a single order 
“I thought I could help and be the Rebellion’s tech master.” Not to make everything about how much I love Bow but I love Bow
“Why can’t you be what I want you to be?” It’s a Miraculous Lucky Charm situation, Adora; your sword is telling you you need to be better hydrated and to use less brute force
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“When they’re ready to roll out, I’ll be at the head, and you’ll be here, rotting. Thanks, I needed this.” You know those posts that are like ‘traumatize ur parents BACK’ that’s Catra and Shadow Weaver
The fact that Dryl has been forced to cede to the Horde just because Entrapta has no strength of character. Dissolve the monarchy!!!
“He is apart of you. Your destines are intertwined.” I won’t lie, I wasn’t expecting Horsey to have such a significant role
“We’ve got to save her.” Glimmer my love... your friend sucks kjghkjgh
I really am trying to give Entrapta some grace mentally, cause I get it, she’s like 16, her friends abandoned her, she’s got a hyper-fixation on alien tech, these guys offered her new friendship and encouraged her technological growth... but it’s not a good enough reason to like. Colonize and oppress a planet. Like, okay, Entraptylo Ren. Have some perspective, my girl. LOL
Hahahaha Light Hope having to reboot for her software update
“But [the Watchtower] was destroyed by Mara when she lost control and attacked Etheria.” I am so interested in them explaining Mara’s story. I love a legend inside a narrative. Avatar Wan was by far the coolest part of LOK, I am not accepting constructive criticism at this time
This fight with Catra and Scorpia really suggests that Bow should work on his hand-to-hand. He’s a mid-range fighter compared to Glimmer and Adora’s close combat
Perhaps Adora, like me, just doesn’t really know what to do with a talking horse:
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“We took a hostage! We’re supposed to be the good guys.” Bow did this show not literally start with you and Glimmer capturing Adora LOL
Not directly related to the content, but it does bother me that the captions don’t match the audio. Like they shorten Scorpia’s “Catra, you beautiful genius, I’m coming,” to “Catra, I’m coming.” Why! Shouldn’t it be accurate? Those aren’t filler words or stuttering that might take away from the readability, it’s literally the way Scorpia is addressing her
I too, like Swift Wind, appreciate the toppling of unjust hierarchies
Entrapta really has -1,000 empathy. Casually telling Bow and Glimmer about hacking the Black Garnet which almost killed Glimmer’s mother. With peace and love. Get some help. 
“I saved a little magic, just for you.” [Blows raspberry] I think Glimmer should be a little spiteful, as a treat
I want to see the shady backstory between Mara and Light Hope!!
“Who needs Entrapta? You’ve got Bow, tech master and premier member of the Etherian Maker Community.” I love that Bow’s narrative arc is him being Rebellion tech whiz who is all empathy, all the time
“Thus far, your performance has been lacking.” Wow, so the emotionally-malnourished 10th grader you made your General HASN’T changed the tide of the war in two episodes? Who’d have thunk it, Hordak?
You know what’s genuinely a little funny. I think Catra came because she wanted parental attention (to be yelled at) and Hordak entertained her because he wanted someone to yell at. New fucked up father-daughter dynamic unlocked
“Nothing gets past us,” said Glimmer, which I’m sure isn’t foreshadowing 
I’m sorry I’m so sassy about Entrapta but I cannot believe she has more moral quandary over whether to go into Hordak’s sanctum than about orchestrating the downfall of society lmao
“Portals aren’t theoretical, they’re real. And I’m going to open one.” I love how quickly Hordak has embraced Entrapta as his lab assistant hahahah. Finally something funny!!
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“Etheria is the only planet I’ve encountered that does not seem to understand [that there are countless planets and galaxies].” Is Hordak’s story about how he wants to go home like E.T. I’d laugh so hard
“You are the one bothering me, Force Captain, with your unwanted intrusion. I am working. With Entrapta’s assistance.” Daddy Hordak’s got a new favourite daughter 
Also. Why is Glimmer the only Princess with parents? Are the rest of these gals orphans? Like Frosta for sure bc she took the throne at age 8, but all of them??
“I need [Catra’s gift] to be something that says ‘Thank you,’ but also, ‘We are soulmates tied together by the beautiful threads of fate.” Scorpia’s adoration of Catra is very sweet
It kills me that in their DnD war simulation campaign, Bow imagines everyone in outfits accurate to their 80s design. I truly love him to pieces:
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Bow: It looks like I’ve got you meow, evildoer. 
Catra: I’d paws to reflect on your upcoming death if I were mew.
Bow: I don’t know, I’m feline pretty good right now.
“Adora, isn’t this all going a little overboard. We’ve faced the Horde before. What’s the worst that could happen?” said Bow, as if Glimmer’s father didn’t literally DIE in battle
Fjkfhkjhfkjfh apparently Glimmer is still team pro-improvising. RIP Daddy Glimmer
Hahahahaha @ them taking halfway through the second season to identify Rogelio the Lizard Guy 
Love that there is no justification or explanation for why Perfuma can create sentient plants:
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Update from a minute later: Rogelio is fine. We did not witness a live casual murder by one of the protagonists just yet
“All in favour of blaming this on Kyle?” We continue the inevitable steps towards Kyle’s defection LOL
Legitimate question. If they glow every time their teamwork is good, would that become their main metric for how successful they’ve been? Like if you’re not glowing, the plan isn’t going well?
“Mermista cancelled our plans this week, and she’s hanging out with her other friends and didn’t invite me to join.” HKJHGKJGH Mermista told Seahawk you’re not invited to my weird flirt-bullying with Perfuma, actually
I’ve been wondering if Scorpia’s feelings for Catra were romantic or not (it seemed romantic, but like, could easily be read also as just loving her a lot as a friend) but this Arctic After-Hours Invite seems very clearly to be a date hahaha
Interesting that She-Ra is impervious to the cold! How exactly do these powers work lmao
“Maybe there’s scientific truth to the rumours about strange things happening in this region,” said the Magical Technology Princess to her two friends, who are half-scorpion and half-cat
1) Why have I never noticed Sea Hawk fighting with a lightsabre!!! Is that new? 2) I love him asking Scorpia if he’s cool mid-fight and her going, “Potentially.”
“Looks like you’re mine now, Adora.” Gay and rude. Catra’s only two personality traits 
“Yay! It’s a girls’ night in.” It’s interesting that infecting her sword has effectively made Adora drunk LOL
I won’t lie, I paused to watch some other stuff, so I forgot about the terrifying snow monster hahahaha
It’s so funny that Sea Hawk just politely announces he’s come to rescue Adora instead of you know, attacking with his laser sword. I am wondering if he is the diversion:
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“Whatever the Horde is giving you, it’s not worth the damage you’re doing to Etheria.” Bow brought logic to a magical science fight
“Does she even understand how much I do for her?” “Exactly, it seems like the only time anyone wants to hang is when they need me to give them a ride or do something for them.”
1) It is so funny that Sea Hawk is bonding with Scorpia but please don’t tell me he’s going to join the Horde. I will lose my mind
2) Isn’t the way you met Adora, Glimmer and Bow literally bc they needed a ride to Mermista’s place? Why are you surprised that continues to be your role?
3) You’re in the Rebellion! Of course people need things from you, Sea Hawk
4) However, I get that you need some good friends who want you around. Maybe u should expand your social circle beyond miscellaneous rebel princesses lmao 
“I don’t need their opinions to validate me. I’m Sea Hawk.” “And me, I am brave, strong, and give great hugs, and I’m loyal.” YEAHHHHHH SEA HAWK AND SCORPIAAAA
“I’ve got control of Adora. I am not giving that up.” I wonder how many of Catra’s problems could be solved by getting some therapy
Sea Hawk telling Scorpia that caring is the greatest adventure of all. It is cheesy and I am WEAK and soft-hearted. I love them <3 
“You can’t expect me to out-cast Light Spinner, the greatest sorcerer to ever walk the halls of Mystacor.” I can’t believe we’re getting Shadow Weaver backstory AND finding out that boys can do magic
I don’t remember if they’ve ever said his name, but based on him needing to a relevant character, and on his similar appearance to Castaspella, I’m gonna say that Micah must be Glimmer’s dad.
Are we to gather from the lines and circles on Hordak’s back that HE is First One’s tech? Is he Mara or Light Hope’s weird boyfriend? I don’t know how I’d handle that 
Daddy Hordak has really found a way to recreate Catra’s exact Favourite and Scapegoat childhood trauma. He’s really embracing his place in the parent dynamic 
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[Light Spinner, but also me, voice]: I’ve only had Micah for one day but if anything happened to him I’d [redact] everyone in this room and then myself:
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“You’ll make [the Guild] see [the threat of the Horde]. If anyone can do it, it’s you!” Awww so Shadow Weaver wasn’t ALWAYS a terrible influence on teen lives. It’s a fun spicy update that we get later on
“Why do you really want to keep her around?” Stockholm Syndrome and Mommy Issues
I can’t believe that Shadow Weaver’s origin story is that she got Alphonse Elric’d by trying to do dark magic with a twelve-year-old
“I had to earn my power. Fight for it. Why should it be any different for you?” “I was a child when you took me in. What could I have possibly done to deserve the way you treated me?” Yaddah Yaddah Generational Trauma: The Sequel 
“Serenia. Portal. Mara.” I’m doubling down on Hordak as Mara’s Weird Boyfriend 
Are we gonna find more about Bow’s family!! I LOVE BACKSTORIES. WHAT A FUN COUPLE OF EPISODES
“Adora! Glimmer! We’re so happy to finally meet Bow’s school friends!”
Bow having two dads is actually one of the few things I knew about this show going in, but I am SO happy that they are depicted on screen, and not just like, mentioned. <3 YEAHHHH SHE-RA!!!
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This scheme has really forced me to remember that Adora STILL only wears her Horde uniform as her everyday outfit. HOW DO BOWS DAD’S NOT NOTICE JGHKJGHKGJH
“So I did the only thing I could. I secretly taught myself archery, ran away and pretended I was at a made-up boarding school.” “That seems really elaborate, Bow.” Honestly. Honestly! Life mood for wanting not to upset your parents but still to live your life in way that reflects your values and identity
Yaddah yaddah parallel journeys to queerness in youth while inverting the heteronormative structures in which they usually take place 
From 5 min later: “I act like someone I’m not with my family because the truth would hurt them.” LIKE HELLO???? BOW!! I LOVE HOW CLEARLY THIS WAS WRITTEN BY A QUEER PERSON
HAHAAHAHA funny how they did not have a way to organically bring up Lance and George’s names so they made Bow first-name his own dads
“We’ll find Shadow Weaver, the two of us, and not a word of it will leave this room.” I KNEW THE iROBOT BABY RECORDER WOULD BE LISTENING
HKJFHKJGHKJGHKJHF Bow’s historian dad having a First Ones tattoo that says, “Lunch.” Poetic cinema. This is why u should never get a tattoo in a language you don’t understand 
“Adora is a sixth major in She-Ra?” I love how quickly Bow’s lie has fallen apart
I’m losing my mind that the thing that signifies Bow returning to himself his him wearing a crop top. Also his dads SCREAMING as he rips his shirt
“You only listened to me if I said what you wanted to hear.” [...] “We love you the way you are, Bow. And we’re proud of you, no matter what path you take in life.” CRYIN’
“This was a test, and you failed.” I won’t lie to you, I took a long pause from this show purely because I knew whatever emotional trap Daddy Hordak laid out for Disgraced Daughter Catra was going to make my heart clench LOL. Delayed this two minute scene by weeks 
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Shadow Weaver said: I will not let Daddy Hordak take the terrible surrogate parent spotlight. Time to haunt Adora’s room like a sleep paralysis demon 
“Technically it’s the spare room. But it is more than adequate as a holding cell.” You’re telling me with guards as attack-happy as in S1, you’ve NEVER imprisoned anyone in the castle? I CANNOT BELIEVE. AREN’T U IMMORTAL ANGELLA. SURELY U’VE BEEN RULING LONG ENOUGH TO CREATE SOME KIND OF JUSTICE/REHABILITATION SYSTEM ON BRIGHT MOON. DIDN’T YOU FIGHT A WAR!!!
“Shadow Weaver is dangerous. I will not let that woman near you.” Angella said: Maternal bond with Shadow Weaver ended, Adora. Now I am your best mom 
“You will answer for the crimes you committed during your time as my brother’s teacher.” I’m glad that the Micah thing is coming into the main narrative because I keep forgetting if they confirmed it before bc I’ve stopped watching this episode for months at a time LOL
“I have to believe that others can change too, even Shadow Weaver.” Ohhhhh Adora <3 
Adora referring to Shadow Weaver as the woman who raised her :’( I’m with Angella, Adora deserves to not be around these adults who only want to use her 
Shocked that Shadow Weaver is being honest about Hordak’s plan. Shadow Weaver said manipulate, momtrauma, military defection
“You were bought through a portal from another world.” AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH?????????????
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“I was a baby! Babies don’t remember things.” “Interesting, I will make a note of this.” Light Hope’s not wrong about her assumption though, there are studies on trauma in infancy. This is truly the story of how your fucked up childhood can come back to haunt you later on LOL.
“Don’t I get a say in what happens to me? Don’t I get a choice?” “No, this is your destiny, you do not choose.” 1) The heartbreak in Adora’s voice as she’s finding out she’s a First One is killing me and 2) WRONG 
KJGHGKJHGJH Catra dunking on Hordak in front of his entire army. She’s right, he is incapable of defeating teenagers
Bow tapping Adora on the head reassuringly with his Space iPad to let her know they’re there for her as much as they’re there for the Rebellion. I love himmmmmmmmmm
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I have this series on 1.25x speed atm because it’s so hard to focus and let me tell you. It sounds normal. So I stand by the view that they just pace the dialogue too slowly LOL
Bizarrely, the more screentime they get, the more invested I am in the father-daughter relationship of Entrapta and Daddy Hordak. He really does seem to care for her. If it was just her value as a tech person, he wouldn’t have listened to her about changing his plans for Catra to go to the Crimson Waste instead of Beast Island: 
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Why is the proportion of furries in this bar so much higher than in any other place. Furry Exile Wasteland
I’m with Adora in terms of immediately admiring Huntara. I think it’s the voice and how she stepped in to protect the kids. Also maybe the ponytail 
However. I believe her when she says no one should be trusted, including herself LOL
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IFjkfjfkjfkjfh is that a smaller Hordak inside a test tube? Daddy Hordak making a new clone baby????????????? Saving an old baby???????
“We should say something.” “NO! We are supporting her.” LMAO @ GLIMMER AND BOW. When ur friend is making bad decisions but u don’t want to alienate them gkjhgkjhgjhg
“Paralyzing darts. But you probably figured that out, being a fast learner and all.” Best Friends Squad said: Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal, Huntara
Why is Hordak and Entrapta’s relationship so fucking endearing???? It’s killing me as he hisses while she tries to force-feed him soup:
Are they still morally bankrupt. Yes, I do think so. Are they very funny. Also yes!!!!
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“I am not discussing this.” “Your armor, it’s holding you together.” “It’s none of your concern.” Maybe I wouldn’t feel this way about Hordak if I didn’t have Repressed Immigrant Father Syndrome kjhgjhgkjhgb
“I am a clone. A clone of the Emperor of the Known Universe.” HELLO???????? I THOUGHT HE WAS CLONING, NOT CLONED. IT DOESN’T EVEN SOUND LIKE A WORD ANYMORE 
“And Horde Prime will see that he was wrong. I am not a defect. I am worth something.” WOW, IT REALLY IS THE STORY OF YADDAH YADDAH GENERATIONAL TRAUMA. EVEN HORDAK’S PROBLEMS ALL CIRCLE BACK TO DADDY ISSUES 
Side note: Adora and Hordak are really carrying the voice acting for this season so far. Like Adora’s yelling at Light Hope and Hordak’s “I am not a defect.” AHH!!!!!!
Also I really do love how they animated this cutaway sequence. Conveying the energy of Hordak’s past without necessarily revealing everything, and giving us a sense of how Hordak views himself and his history:
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“I do not need your help.” “Everyone needs help sometimes.” Entrapta said: I’m here for you, Daddy Hordak!!! The generational trauma ends here, as I am impervious to criticism 
You can tell that she really doesn’t absorb criticism by the fact she talks about her homies abandoning her like she had nothing to do with it LMAO. THEY THOUGHT U WERE DEAD, FOUND U LATER, GAVE U THE BENEFIT OF THE DOUBT AND U SAID ‘ACTUALLY I PREFER SPACE COLONIZATION INSTEAD XOXO’
“No matter what you say, you are not a failure. Any who discount you are utter fools.” Wow, Hordak’s using his words. Growth?
Awwwww I love that Adora’s comment from last episode about people can change is immediately coming to fruition with Huntara. Ex-Horde mentor!!!
“I’m looking at the Crimson Waste, the place Hordak sent me to die. I have no idea what you’re doing, as the last thing I told you was to leave me alone.” Scorpia’s just here to love you, Catra
Fhkjghkjghkj I feel like Catra and Scorpia fit in better at the Star Wars Bar because they are also Criminal Furries
“But me? I’ve already lost it all,” said Catra, as if her homie Scorpia who would go to the ends of the galaxy for her wasn’t standing right there 
Same energy as Kakashi saying everyone he cares about is dead when he has at LEAST four friends
“Who’s the strongest in the Crimson Waste?” “LASHOR.” Tung Lashor said my love language is words of affirmation 
Wild how so far Catra has been achieving victory over all these adults through no other skill than bullying jkhgjghkjgh. Although $10 says she wins this battle through the convenient paralytic darts she asked for earlier
Update from 1 minute later: Alright, I owe you $10. Bullying it is 
“This is the one place they’ll never find us. I saw what they would do. The deaths that would follow.” !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Assuming ‘they’ is the army of Horde Prime? But it would be interesting if it were someone else. I really, really want to see more of Mara’s backstory
You know. This past two and a half seasons I have been assuming that this would lead up to a Catra and Adora relationship because they are the main characters. But they have also made it clear that Scorpia likes Catra and based on this episode, it does seem like Catra is starting to respond to those feelings: 
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“So why would we go back? Let’s stay here. Forget Hordak. Forget Adora. Forget all of them. We could rule the Crimson Waste together, just the two of us. We could, you know, be happy.” Scorpia is shooting her shot
“We are going back. We are going to open a portal. And we are going to crush them all.” Wow. Didn’t take much to sway her in the other direction
Hordak 🤝 Catra 🤝 Entrapta
Pretending like your abandonment issues are a good reason to colonize space
“Before I started ‘rushing in,’ the Rebellion hadn’t made a move in years. You need me.” I feel like what I’ve learned is that Glimmer is usually not the best judge of what to do, unless she’s directly defying Angella, in which case it is the right call kjghkjghkgjhgkjh
“I could not have lied to you about who you are, because I have never known or cared about someone as inconsequential as you.” Daddy Hordak said Shadow Weaver got full-custody of Adora in the divorce
Glimmer hasn’t really learned much from her dad’s journey with having Shadow Weaver as a mentor. This is what happens when you keep secrets from your kids
Adora trying desperately to reason with Entrapta while Entrapta continues to facilitate the downfall of the planet. Just Quirky Girl things: 
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You know, thus far this seems to be amounting to a rough day for everyone involved
“If we open a portal, the anomalies will be catastrophic. It’ll unhinge time and space, creating a warped reality that will collapse in on itself, erasing us from existence.” OH, SO NOW WE CARE ABOUT WHAT HAPPENS TO THE PLANET. WHERE WAS THIS THE PAST TWO SEASONS, ENTRAPTA? 
[Insert Guardians of the Galaxy, “We’re the idiots who live in it.” LOL]
“Who do you think let the princesses in?” “She wouldn’t--” LOL @ CATRA TRYING TO RUIN ENTRAPTA AND HORDAK’S WEIRD FAMILY. Catra said: If I can’t maintain any meaningful relationships with the adults in my life, NEITHER CAN ANYONE ELSE
“Wow, I can’t believe you like me, that is so embarrassing for you.” [Laughing and playfighting] “Stop it, get off! This is not because I like you.” If Adora and Catra do end up together it will be a tough pill to swallow considering Catra has been so SO MEAN TO HER this whole time like she literally broke reality rather than listen to people side with Adora LOL
“I don’t know what it is, but I do not like you.” It’s because your crush is obsessed with her, Scorpia
“If you get us out of this, I promise I won’t hate you. I will just dislike you a reasonable amount.” I kind fo love that this has turned into a Buddy Adventure for Adora and Scorpia:
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I like that Adora is connecting with people (Scorpia, Lonnie, Madame Razz) every step of the way <3 
“Don’t you get it? I am never going to go with you.” I know I’ve called Catra Space Lesbian Furry Sasuke, but truly that is unkind to Sasuke bc it’s absolutely understandable why Sasuke does what he does, but Catra barely has a whisper of a motive for her actions. What? You miss Adora? She’s right there extending her hand every time. Shadow Weaver doesn’t love you? Tough. Glimmer and Bow are the only kids in this show who have parents. You got an inferiority complex? Surely the legions of followers and the putting down everyone you meet helps. You were raised by the Horde? So the hell was everyone else, you don’t see them collapsing reality. Get! Some! Help! 
“That’s alright, dearie. You don’t need to understand. You just need to remember.” I love Madame Razz
MICAH <3 At least one good thing has come out of this!!!!
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It is tragic though, that in order to preserve the world, Glimmer will have to give up her father
“You’re a great fighter, a genius inventor, and you shouldn’t worry about what your dads think. They’re proud of you, just like I am. And Glimmer, you never give up, and you never admit defeat. I know making friends is hard for you, yet you’re the one who pulled us all together. I’ve never met anyone like you.” ADORA TALKING ABOUT ALL THE REASONS SHE LOVES HER FRIENDS <3 SWEET GIRL
Ohhhhhhhhh Angella’s goodbye to Micah is killing me. They love each other so much 
“But whoever shuts the portal down can’t leave.” AHHHHH is Angella going to strand herself here? Poor Glimmer!!!!!!!!!!!! She’s going to lose both her parents at once 
You know, I actually thought now was gonna be the time that Horsey’s fate and Adora’s intertwined 
“You made me this.” SHUT UP CATRA, YOU MADE YOU THIS!!!!!!
“I didn’t make you do anything. I didn’t break the world, but I am gonna fix it. And you? You made your choice. Now live with it!” YEAHHHHHHHHHH ADORA 
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Does this mean Shadow Weaver is the only adult figure for these princesses now? Oh how the turn tables 
“So that’s where you’ve been, little brother.” Not only did Glimmer lose both of her parents, but also the plan didn’t really succeed? What a deeply sad ending to this season omg 
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