#aydan vs ayfer
lizacstuff · 3 years
Which of these two meddling mamas is worse? Aydan or Ayfer?
Listen, sure, Aydan is suddenly all anti-Eda and she doesn't seem to have a reason for it other than she left when Serkan pushed her away, but it doesn't matter, because she has zero power over Serkan. Serkan does not listen to her or heed her when it comes to her trying to meddle in his life. Her meddling isn't really annoying, because it's ineffectual. Also, she may have some sort of grudge, however that hasn't manifested into her doing something horrible like lying and hiding a child for 5 years, or putting pressure on her son to lie and hide a child from the child's other parent for 5 years.
Ayfer on the other is a nasty, intolerable piece of work that puts so much pressure on Eda that Eda feels like she can't tell her the truth and has to hide the fact that she has spoken to Kiraz's father. They were literally tiptoeing around behind her back and lying to her face because of what her reaction would be. That is fucked up.
Plus Ayfer is actively trying to prevent Eda from telling Serkan the truth. She was thrilled Melo stole the letter they thought Eda wrote. That is beyond anything that is in the realm of acceptable. So can you imagine how she reacted any time over the years where Eda might have been feeling like she wanted to reach out to Serkan? I bet Ayfer is a big reason Eda never told him and that influence is one of the big reasons she is 100 times worse than Aydan.
Also Ayfer is actively trying to marry Eda off to a man she doesn't have feelings for whose apparent biggest selling point is that he's not Serkan, just to prevent Serkan from being a part of his daughter's life. Why doesn't she give a sh-t about what Eda wants or how Eda feels? Why would she want Eda in a loveless marriage with a stale piece of white bread? I don't know but she clearly doesn't care what Eda actually wants or needs, she just cares that neither Kiraz nor Eda has Serkan.
Additionally, Ayfer gets uptight when anyone says anything positive about Kiraz's father particularly when someone points out how Kiraz takes after him.  So basically she's setting up a situation where eventually Kiraz will sense that any of "those" traits and talents are bad and something to be ashamed of because of crotchety, old, Great Aunt Ayfer's reactions. That alone is enough to kick her out of Kiraz's life. No joke, that's exactly how kids get insecurities and emotional scars.
Also, from the teaser, we know that Ayfer is actively trying to cut her great niece off from her actual family money. "We don't need his money." Listen, bitch, that's not your call. Ayfer only had a flower shop because Serkan intervened and saved it. Now she's a temporary cook and she's 100% living off her niece. So she doesn't get to make financial decisions for Eda and Kiraz, not only because it's none of her damn business, but because she's terrible at it!
On a final note, Aydan is tolerable because she's funny. Her antics are amusing. Her meddling is played for comedy.
Ayfer is humorless. Her antics are boring and she's an insufferable, judgmental gasbag who does real damage and who can't leave soon enough. Can we trade her to get Ferit back?
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awesomesaucerica · 4 years
Episode 9: Handcuffs, We Meet Again
Serkan this episode made me say “Daaamn, he’s cute” so many times that I lost count
Love that Eda is so unabashedly herself that’s her character breaks all the norms of what we’re used to. I love it, and this is what keeps me watching tbh
Again, the female relationships in this show are top notch. I love all the friendships and I also love that Piril and Ceren bonded
Speaking of that: Engin, dude, get it together. I hope there’ll be no drama (or if there is, it’s not super serious) because c’mon, we don’t need these amazing ladies fighting over a guy
I’m kind of proud of my boi Ferit? He did what Selin did to him and good for them that they sorted everything out (really hope it keeps up!!!)
Sayfi, you are my voice of truth. Love you!
I’m glad Ayfer was able to bond with Serkan. She’s definitely more genuine with him and you can see she likes what she sees in him (vs when she was with Kaan)
Truly hope Melo finds someone for her! The new secretary of Alptekin perhaps? Or will that dude be a jealousy point for Serkan? Let’s see...
Aydan Aydan Aydan, I love her so much. It’s sad that she still can’t see Eda as a DIL but I like that she finally said she likes her as a person. It’s so funny and heartwarming when she said Eda brings peace but also annoys her (I’m paraphrasing) but yeah. Love the mother/son moment and I hope we get to see more of that, especially on what happened with the fam
What I want to see next episode:
Serkan to finally acknowledge he has the hots for Eda (one can dream, you know!) Obviously the line from Eda in the trailer would refer to Selin, buuut, bring us out of our misery, tv gods!!!
More loose shirts for Kerem! His outfit during the pool scene with Aydan?? *chef kiss*
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ladylillianrose · 4 years
Episode 15 Thoughts
I love the parallel convos. But oh god they make my heart break.
Engin needs to talk to Ceren asap.
"The problem is that I considered myself worthy of an angel like her." *sobs* But you are Serkan!
"Half of my soul is her" I'll just be over here crying forever now!!
This man I swear his selflessness because he loves her so much.
Oh god he's looking at her star!!
The look on his face as she's berating him, he's so in love with her and her passion and fire!!
"In life you cannot replace me with anyone" oh Eda he knows, he knows hon
Eda telling Aydan that "he broke me to pieces" while Aydan is crying and telling her she will move past this. *sobs*
Ooofff Eda that was harsh "ask yourself how you raised such an insensitive son who does not know how to love." Especially because he loves her so much!!!
Alptekin knows he deserves Serkan's scorn.
Moving out?!
He cant even bring himself to pack up her stuff.
Even the world?!!!
He cant bring himself to take off the ring. It's the only thing he has left of her.
Oh Eda trying so hard to distract herself and be chipper
"Hair and stubble in a mess" you say Seyfi? That sounds incredibly sexy, I'm okay with this.
Oh shit! It's not enough that her heart is broken but now she finds out about Ayfer's lies.
I really really don't trust Efe!!!
Too convenient that he shows up to "rescue her"
Engin protecting Serkan from everyone bothering him about Eda.
Efe offering her her dream job, and the opportunity to get under Serkan's skin
Serkan is so upset that not only is she working for Efe but that Eda's giving up studying in Italy.
Efe is way too conveniently playing the white knight to Serkan's unfeeling robot.
Of course we have Eda and Ferit vs Serkan and Selin on opposite sides.
Dammit Selin did you have to point out the ring!!
Yowch Selin talking about Serkan breaking women's hearts.
Serkan telling them to help Eda and Efe, because he wants Eda to have the better design
Ooo the guys walking towards the girls love this shot.
Lmao "did fifi start working here too?"
Also side note but damn is Serkan looking extra fine today in that vest!!
"Eda pretended not to see me?" Oh Serkan sweetie
Oooo Selin wants nothing to do with Ceren
Erdam trying Adam play it cool with Fifi
Oooo Eda wearing the ring again just to bother him.
Staring at Serkan's hands often there Eda?
"So no other woman distracts me from my work" lmao mmmhmm sure Serkan that's why you're wearing the ring
Serkan has to keep his hands in his pockets around her to keep from pulling her towards him
Alptekin ugghhhh you should have told Ayfer!!!!!!
You idiot!!
Smart Serkan knowing that Efe would offer to buy Ferit's shares.
Seyfi knowing how Serkan and Eda work lol. Knowing that them working together and fighting will just bring them together again.
Eda has to know from the way he watches her that everything is not what it seems.
Engin stepping on to ask where they are going since Serkan can't
Lmao "I don't want to talk to Erdam"
Serkan you are not the only one missing Leyla
Yes Ayfer take Efe, keep him away from Eda.
Mmmhmmm also from Mardin, with family there? Either a distant cousin or related to one of Grandma's friends
Uggghhh both of them working alone and totally thinking of each other!!! * sobs*
Face timing him just to see his face, oh Eda honey
Serkan hiding the flower because he cant look at it but he can't bring himself to get rid of it
Oh no you did not bring up Serkan breaking up with Eda, Efe. Forget Serkan fighting you, I'll fight you!!!!
Serkan can never say no to his mom.
Oooo yes Seyfi going to the office to spy on Eda and Serkan.
I'm on Serkan's side about not talking to Alptekin. They already didn't have a good relationship and this made it worse.
I feel for Aydan hurting because Serkan is going to move out, but he does need his own space. She didn't think he would marry and stay there the whole time?
I think he will move into that house that he was having Eda design ideas for.
The new picture will be just as marked up as the last was.
Eda making a plan for school yaaaassss!!!
"The woman saved me from my own cruelty, from my terrible condition" *sobs*
"Now I realized how much I need her." Just stab us in the heart why don't you!!
Serkan is totally picturing Efe's face on that punching bag.
Lmao Engin hitting him with the towel!
Good on Eda for getting the university to agree to a payment plan.
Ooo Serkan is jealous that Eda was willing to use Efes name and not his
Leyla and Seyfi as friends? Yaasss the duo we deserve!!!
Serkan watching Eda throw everything out! Ouch!!!
Someone go dig it all out!!!
Sirius!! Go get Mama's stuff from the trash!!
Engin just wanting to hug Piril
Serkan thinking she poured him coffee but its for Efe
Efe charming everyone even Aydan
Lmao at jealous Serkan sending Efe away. Oh honey you're so bad at staying away from her
"If you are not ready, you should not have accepted me into your life" Damn Eda!
Serkan is so proud of Eda and her presentation/work
Oh Serkan, throwing the presentation because he doesn't want Eda to lose!
And Eda knows he's throwing it too, because she remembers what he was saying in the car.
Engin us so terrible at hiding his relationship with Piril, lol Serkan's smirk.
Yaassss team camping trip!!
I'm glad that Ayfer and Eda made up, but
Yaaaasss Serkan coming to go camping! Casual clothes Serkan!!
"I only came because you are here" we all know exactly who that's directed too
Efe go away we want Eda vs Serkan
Leyla not wanting to pick a side lol
Oooo Selin has to ride with Efe
Lmao Serkan still calling her "Eda honey"
Lmao the look on Serkan's face knowing Eda wants to drive!
The teams should just agree to lock them in a closer until they solve their issues
I'm okay if Efe and Selin end up together, both are competitive enough for each other
Serkan back seat driving
Gorgeous view there!
"What if something happened to you?" Eda don't you get it, it's never about him its always about you!
Selin go away you just ruined things!
Serkan knows where Eda would go of course!
You end it there??????!!!!!!!
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lizacstuff · 3 years
Your thoughts on the epi? I thought it was a good episode overall. Serkan is acting the way I thought he would: he wants to be the perfect Dad, is scared she won't love him, is spoiling her but also teaching her things. I'm not quite sure why Kiraz isn't calling him Baba, maybe she needs time to adjust to calling him that. I have mixed emotions when it comes to the way Eda spied on Serkan. I understand she's worried but trust the man a little. No comments on Aydan and Ayfer! They are too much!
Hello! I liked the episode. It felt very light, very romcom-y and I thought it was very enjoyable to watch. Loved every minute of Serkan trying to be the ideal dad and I'm here for the Edser UST this ep brought. They want each other sooooo much. And, yes, Eda wants him, she wants him bad. I thought the custody thing at the end was silly and convoluted, but, hey, I'm totally here for the "they're not together and fighting their feelings, but forced to live together" trope so I will just ignore how unbelievable it would be for Edser to be drowning in hearteyes for each other all ep, getting along in regards to Kiraz, AND seemingly aware that Aydan/Ayfer were up to something and still allow a misunderstanding over their shenanigans to spiral to that nonsense degree.
Maybe the folks that think that Serkan & Eda were playing all the meddling family and friends are right, and they set it up beforehand, it's just that I've thought things were a fake out on this show so many times, only for them to be real, so at this point I'm operating under the assumption that this is just a romcom plot point to throw our romantic leads together and it's not worth examining it too closely.
I'll give my thoughts on the "Baba" vs "Serkan Bolat" thing and Eda's actions after we talk a bit about the B, C and D players... Thankfully we had plenty of Edser and Kiraz screen time this ep so the supporting stories didn't overwhelm the episode too much.
(much more under the cut)
That being said, who can we pay to get these people to mind their own f-cking business? LMAO. At least Engin and Piril weren't annoying and were actually trying to be helpful. I mean, Piril is still cancelled, but if she's not causing trouble now then she's not at the top of my shit list. However, I did laugh at her when she's sort of pleading with Serkan: "We've been friends for a long time, you'll understand why I did this." Um... what, Piril? You're sitting there approximately 72 hours after Serkan found out he has a child and he's already proven that he's ALL IN on being a father, and you expect Serkan to think you were right for hiding it from him? Cause why? He has already proven that any concerns you had about him rejecting Kiraz were invalid. The only thing wrong with Serkan's anger at Piril is that it will probably only last for that scene.
Anyone else think Kerem the assistant is an ass? Seriously, do they really want us to root for sweet Pina to be with this dickweasel? He's insecure, he thinks he knows it all, he's snarky and lashes out, he's vindictive. No thanks.
As for Aydan and Ayfer. Ooph. As punishment for their unprecedented assery this episode they both need to be stranded on a desert island with only each other. Only then maybe they'll learn not to insert themselves by such underhanded means. They're both giant pains in the ass, but Ayfer still annoys me more than Aydan. Because here's the thing, once Edser is back together and Serkan is happy, Aydan will fully embrace Eda again, but I don't think the same can be said for Ayfer. Did you see some of the bitchy, sour faces Ayfer was making, taunting Eda about her soft spot for Serkan. She's insufferable.
Turning to the nonsense meddling custody plot line, Kemal and Seyfi were just following orders, but what is Melo's excuse? It's unfortunate that the narrative pulled her into this. Ayfer may have her head in the sand, and not really care what Eda wants, but Melo does and she knew that Eda wanted to cooperate with Serkan and bring him into Kiraz's life, she knew that Eda was about 2 seconds from melting every time she was near Serkan, and that they were likely on the cusp of rekindling their relationship. There is no way she should have been complicit in trying to get evidence against Serkan or visiting lawyers behind Eda's back.
However, even after being complicit in Ayfer's nonsense, she still deserves a helluva lot better than Burak. That guy was annoying af this episode. What exactly does he think he's doing? I'm sorry, in that situation you step back and give the people going through such a monumental life change some space. Again, it's not like it needs to be forever, but you don't try and monopolize the kid's time the night of and 2 days after she meets her long-lost father. He needs to fuck all he way off.
Also since Eda had no interest in this guy, why is he coming over to tuck in the kid EVERY night? I get that he's been good to Kiraz and they have a nice relationship, but that's soooo overkill, it's just not normal. Especially since they've said they've only been living there a year. The only reason for a dude to revolve his entire life around a kid like that is because he's actively trying to get in the mom's pants. So when it comes to Burak's intentions, Eda is as dense as Serkan used to be with Balca/Selin/Actress. Burak only took that level of interest and inserted himself into their lives because he wanted Eda, and Eda should realize that and have a frank conversation with him. Eda doesn't even have to be cognizant that she will inevitably get back together with Serkan, she already knows she has no interest in Burak. She should tell him. And if she's already told him (which it seems she might have from her comments to Ayfer and Melo) she should put some boundaries in place because his presence was ridiculous.
It still blows my mind that this sad sack thinks he has a shot with Eda. Seriously, while the dude isn't hideous, he's also not attractive and he has the personality of dead grass coupled with the charisma of warm mayonnaise. He's not worthy of either Eda or Melo. The scene of Melo and Burak walking on the beach made me a bit uncomfortable. They're totally setting that relationship up, but so far all we see is Melo obviously harboring feelings for him as Burak broods over his Eda delusions. We'll have to see how this plays out, but I feel like Burak didn't need to be this upset over Eda for the story to work, and it would be a lot easier to root for him with Melo if by episode 5 if he wasn't still actively trying, as Engin said, to take over Serkan's family.
On to Edser and the newly forming Bolat family unit. It's funny, I'm not someone who thinks a woman needs to take her husband's last name, I think people should do whatever they want, but for whatever reason I really, really want Eda and Kiraz to have his name. Maybe because I think they all crave having people to belong to in a sense. Serkan because he was unloved and sent overseas alone at such a young age, Eda because she was an orphan, Kiraz because she didn't have a dad in early childhood. So for that reason, I really do feel like it will be meaningful to have them tied together that way as a family unit. They belong to each other now (or they will soon).
Along those lines, you say you're not sure why Kiraz isn't calling him Baba, narratively, I think it's because that will be a big milestone in their relationship. When she feels comfortable enough, connected enough, and secure enough with him to do that, it's going to melt all of our hearts right out of our chests. If she'd done it right away it wouldn't feel as special as it's going to feel when it eventually happens because she feels it (not just because it's a fact).
As for her calling him Serkan Bolat, I think it's adorable. That's how she knew him before, it would be weird if she called him anything other than that or Baba, (like Serkan or Abi) because then it would be like she was settling on that, but calling him by his full name, which is such a part of his identity, is cute and charming and pays tribute to the interactions they had before they knew of their relationship, and it's a signal that it's only temporary. Baba is coming, don't worry.
Loved Kiraz showing Serkan her room and all of her things, and really loved Eda standing there, smiling, soaking it in. I've seen a lot of criticism of Eda in this episode and she did have a few moments that were unnecessarily harsh, but I think it's also valid to give her a minute to adjust because this is a lot of change in just a couple of days. While she now knows Serkan had understandable, and even noble, reasons for what he did and said, that still doesn't erase the heartbreak and pain he put her through, or the 5 years of being a single mother and not having anyone to consult or needing to consult anyone on decisions regarding Kiraz.
I do think, though, that we didn't see Eda give him enough credit when he covered for her lies to Kiraz. When Kiraz asked her why she didn't tell her Serkan Bolat was her father and then asked him when mom didn't answer, he could have easily told the truth and thrown Eda under the bus, big time, but instead he comes up with something that passes as an explanation, doesn't make anyone a villain, but also doesn't make him look great. I wish we'd seen Eda recognize that. It was a magnanimous gesture on his part, since he and Kiraz were the ones who were lied to for 5 years.
However, her running a bit hot and cold this episode makes sense. On one hand when she's around him her heart feels that strong orbital pull towards him. She loves him. She always has loved him, she always will love him. Just like with Serkan, that will not change, and obviously didn't after heartbreak and separation. But it also makes sense that at times her head takes over and with it the fear and the memory of the pain and she freezes up a bit. It doesn't ding her or their love, she just needs time to let herself believe that this is really happening. That Serkan is back, that he still loves her, that he loves their daughter and wants to be a father and form a family. From the way she recorded those videos, how many times do we think she dreamed of them being a happy family together? I'm guessing a lot. Now it's within her grasp and I think she just needs to be sure that Serkan is for real before she fully succumbs to this dream.
She also needs to get over her pride, I'm sure there's a part of her (Ayfer's voice) telling her a woman doesn't go back to a man who hurt her that badly. But as we saw, girlfriend was snuggling with his shirt, she still has it so bad for him. But, pro tip, Eda, he wanted to stay the night, wouldn't it be so much more fulfilling to snuggle with the real thing? I promise it would... just let him in. The lawn scene was hilarious. Kerem is really and truly a gifted physical comedian. We know how tight the timelines are on this show and they don't get to do a lot of takes, but his stumbling over the furniture and falling was flawlessly done. Hande was great too... that bat! Of course the sexual tension in the robes and towel scene was magnificent. When she first walked in wearing that towell I thought my man was going to combust. That look on his face, priceless.
Speaking of priceless, what first-day Baba makes his little girl's dreams come true like Serkan Bolat does? Staying up all night to build her flying house? MY HEART!
What a fantastic first gift. It was incredibly thoughtful, it was meaningful to the two of them, and it was also Serkan giving a piece of himself (using his skills in what he does best as an architect) to her.
Absolute perfection.
And how sweet that Serkan wanted to spend the day with her alone!?! I really liked that because we all know he loves Eda, he wants Eda back, and he will use any excuse to spend time with Eda. And he could have done that here, but he doesn't. So the fact that he wanted to spend the day alone with Kiraz, clearly illustrates that his interest in Kiraz, his desire to be her father stands on it's own. Kiraz is not just an excuse to get close to Eda, he is pursuing both relationships, and they are both important to him.
Also you said that you have mixed emotions on the way Eda spied on Serkan, that she doesn't trust him, but honestly I really don't think it's about that. She might have been a little discombobulated by the idea because the man has never really spent any time with children and here he's thrust into fatherhood, but she trusts him and knows Kiraz is safe with him. Honestly, I think her biggest driving factor in following them is FOMO.
She doesn't want to miss this! She has wondered what kind of father he might be for years, and now she wants to witness it. She wants to be there and see what he's like when he's spending time with her. She also wants to be a part of it, and a part of her might be a little jealous. For years she's been the only parent, and now another parental bond is forming and it's natural she is curious what that's going to look like.
Melo even sees through her during their conversations while they're out spying. Eda pretends it's because she's worried that Serkan doesn't know what he's doing, but Melo susses out that it's really because she missed Serkan. I think she really just wanted to be a part of it.
And her ulterior motives are exposed when she reacts with jealousy over the park moms and then with Hulya. She's jealous over Serkan, but also over what it might mean if Serkan had a woman in his life that's not Eda. (Real simple way to ensure that doesn't happen, Eda, just saying). On first watch it was a little frustrating to watch Eda be upset about Huyla and not have it cleared up immediately. However, on the second time through I found it incredibly enjoyable to watch. Hilarious even. Knowing that Serkan is going to let her off the hook just a few minutes later, and it's not going to be a drawn out misunderstanding, it's very fun to watch him just totally bask in her jealousy. The way he sits there and giggles and is just so chuffed at her display was very endearing. Since he's been celibate for 5 years, I suppose he's earned an incrediulous laugh at her thinking he has all these women on the line.
Eda is not wrong to be concerned about the Bolat's ability to spoil Kiraz with material things, Aydan can get out of control, however I can't be mad at the pony. The girl asked him if he had horses the first day they met, she said she wanted a dad like Serkan who had horses, he HAD to get her one she could actually ride! The girl was deprived of her father for 5 years because both of her parents are stubborn, so, let's be real, she kinda deserves a pony. Besides Eda should be more worried about the "spoiling" she gets from her camp, where she, Ayfer, Melo and Burak let her get away with constantly running away/running wild, eating ice cream whenever she wants, being rude to strangers etc. The fact that she's taught it's okay to knock a customer's water over without apologizing is more damaging to a forming personality than a pony. (Yes, that was another dig at Burak.) The point is, spoiling isn't only about material things, and from the glimpses we've seen of Baba Serkan he's already taught her about taking responsibility (confessing to breaking the window and apologizing), being self sufficient (tying shoelaces, putting pjs on herself), and setting behavioral boundaries (don't shoot arrows at people in hotels, you shouldn't hug strangers). He's going to be a very good influence in her life, because despite growing up with material privilege the man believes in hard work, effort and personal accountability.
Anyway, loved that when Serkan told Eda about dinner with Engin/Piril/Can she looked so secretly pleased when she casually agreed to go. I think that goes hand in hand with why she was spying, she won't let herself admit it, but she so badly wants them to do things as a family. That was part of her tug o' war this episode. Wanting that, but then suddenly worrying that maybe she shouldn't want that after everything that's happened, those feelings are helped along by Ayfer's judgemental looks and comments, and Burak trying to assert his place and Eda maybe feeling guilty.
Eda's behavior at dinner perfectly summarized the war going on between her head and heart this episode. First she fights with Serkan, going so far as to tell him she hates him, but the second she gets good news she flings herself into his arms. He's the person she wants to celebrate with, he's the person she wants congratulations from. So even if she was mad at him, she can't help herself. Also thank you Engin for telling Eda how Serkan lost weight and didn't come to work for months after she left. Those are important things for her to know. Also reinforced later by Aydan.
And thank you, Jan, for planting that fear of her dad leaving again with Kiraz, because it gave us sleep over at the Bolat house. It also gave us Kiraz asking Serkan if he will leave her. A good question and I'm glad we have Serkan's promise to never leave her. Just with the way tragedy (and meddling family members and obsessed stalkers) seems to find both Eda and Serkan, it's good he's made that promise. And it's good that he knows she needs that promise.
Now onto the secret room. I suppose if you're going to keep all of that and you have a large house, then you might as well keep it in a special room. This was a huge missing piece for Eda. Something tangible that she can see with her own two eyes that proves that he never forgot her and has been pining for her since the day they parted. I thought Eda was suitably touched by it all, and the fact that he got her gifts for every birthday. Anyone else think that they're going to get married on the beach and she's going to wear those flip-flops, that white dress, and the locket when they do? That's what sprung to my mind. The Neslihan scarf product placement made me roll my eyes, though.
To be honest I really didn't care what the gifts were, all I cared about was that thank you cheek kiss. I DIE. The birthday-present-thank-you cheek kiss he gave her in 7 is one of my all time favorite scenes and this parallel was a long time coming and wonderfully executed. And then they delivered on the USTy stare off where they clearly want to make out, but they're not quite there yet. It was going to have to be Eda that broke them out of it, because up to Serkan they either kiss or he stares at her for the rest of time.
Did anyone else feel a crick in their back, neck, legs at how Eda slept on that couch? Serkan was as comfy as can be, stretched out using her legs as a pillow and her torso as a blanket, lol. I wish the editors would have given us a couple of more seconds lingering on them all contorted like that. It was too precious. It would have been sweet if they'd had Kiraz find them and watch them for a minute before waking them up. Show the parent-trapping gears turning in her mind.
Buba absolutely deserved Serkan showing up to spoil his outing. And of course both ladies instantly gravitated to Serkan. I liked this scene because it gave us over-the-top BDE Serkan, a whiff of "Drain the pool" Serkan, the comedy of Engin and Serkan doing the Cyrano thing, and the obvious little "fish" measuring metaphor. But what I really liked was Eda telling him that he didn't need to try so hard to win Kiraz, that he just had to be himself. That was important and lovely, and illustrated to him that she really did want him to develop a good relationship with Kiraz.
The best moments of the episode for them, though, came during their family stargazing outing. Loved Serkan's extra safety precautions, including the mirror just so he can see her in the backseat. Though, if he's that concerned about it, maybe a larger car, lmao? Kiraz tricking them into kissing was an auspicious start to the evening, hopefully that's a taste of things to come. I'm here for her forcing the two of them into intimate situations.
The way Serkan was looking at the two of them throughout the stargazing was something else. He was looking at them with such longing. Like he couldn't believe they were so close, but he wanted them so badly. DUDE, they are right there, continue to play your cards right (and not let Ayfer and Aydan spoil things, spoiler alert, they do) and you're just days away from having everything you want. Loved that he changed the Apollo story to give it the happy ending he wants. Hopefully, that gave hope to any doomsdayers out there that think this show is going to end in tragedy. (Spoiler alert, it's not).
The only shame is that they have that nice (if not detached from reality conversation since they pretend they're not going to be together raising Kiraz) adult conversation about cooperating and working out how they're going to deal with Aydan and Ayfer, only for things to go totally off the rails during said conversations. As I said off the top of this marathon post, it was totally unbelievable in the context of the rest of the episode, but as I always say you can't take this show too seriously, and I prefer to just enjoy the situations as they come and not get too annoyed when they take these writing shortcuts to drive the plot. I plan on very much enjoying Eda and Serkan forced to live together while they're (or at least she) is still pretending they're not going to end up together. Looks like next week is another fun romcom romp, and I'm here for it!
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lizacstuff · 3 years
Top 5 Sçk funniest moments :D
My apologies for taking forever to answer this. Since I used Eda & Serkan jumping in the pool and Drunk Serkan on my favorite moments list, I won't include them here, even though they'd both be at the top of any funny moment list. Once again, ask me tomorrow and get a different answer. 
Serkan vs his car - Episode 1 - There are so many hilarious, laugh out loud moments in the first episode, it was hard to narrow it down. Serkan rolling down the window as Eda is vandalizing his car, Eda hitting the gas pedal and peeling out as Serkan tries to give her a remedial driving lesson for his high performance vehicle, tomatoes flying through the air as Eda tries to eat one-handed at the business meeting, Engin bringing an army of people to try and get them out of the cuffs, Eda finding that Serkan is her passenger on the private plane, Serkan introducing Eda as his fiancé to Selin and Ferit on the beach, the list goes on. However, I'm going to go with handcuffed Edser getting in the car, and specifically Serkan. 
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The physical comedy here is perfection. It starts with Serkan realizing that their cuffs mean he can't drive. With, literally, one-hand tied, Serkan attempts to maneuver himself over the driver's seat of his compact sports car. It gets better and better, with the windshield wipers going crazy and Serkan's feet hitting the windshield, until he's finally settled in his seat.  The crowning moment, however, is when our Eda, elegantly settled into the driver's seat, gets the better of him by calmly retracting the convertible roof. It's absolute gold when arrogant Serkan realizes he could have done that in the first place and saved a bit of his dignity. This was pretty much the road map for how their relationship was going to go. One person creates drama, while the other calmly stands back and waits for them to finish. 
Drain the pool - Episode 4 
Isn't this everyone's favorite? It's hilarious at face value, but it's also meaningful because it was the first time we got to see Serkan get (irrationally) jealous. Which means it was one of the first real signs that Serkan had caught real and serious feels for his fake fiancé. 
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For the laugh out loud part, Kerem and Alican were terrific. Seyfi's: "I thought you wouldn't ask." when Serkan tells him to sit down is forever one of my favorite moments. Then we get to see Serkan trying to work, him fidgeting as he picks up and sets down a book, and then finally his attempt to end the lesson only moments after it began. 
We already knew that things were starting to get real for Serkan in episode 3 when he got so angry and tried to freeze her out from touching his heart/soul, but this, this cemented it.  Because there wasn't any reason in the world for him to be jealous. The swim instructor was hired by Serkan. Eda was actually visibly disappointed that Serkan wasn't going to "teach" her to swim himself, so it wasn't like she rejected him for the guy. Eda invited him into the pool. The instructor wasn't hideous, I guess, but he also wasn't someone who would turn Eda's head. He also didn't flirt at all, like he knew Serkan hired him, he knew this was Serkan's fiancé and he knew Serkan was watching. It was all above board. But yet, Serkan, lost. his. damn. mind. If Serkan could lose it to the tune of trying to end the lesson and ordering Seyfi to drain the pool in this scenario it was a sure sign that he was way further gone than even he realized. Bonus Serkan's reaction to seeing Eda in her very cute, but also modest swimsuit. I mean it almost showed less skin than what she wears to work! Good times. 
Mountain Pervert - Episode 9
It's hard to quantify how much I love everything about their handcuff honeymoon at the Mountain House. The episode has it all, Eda's hypocritical tantrum about him handcuffing her, the sexual tension in the rain, Serkan doing everything in his power to get back in her good graces except the one, very easy thing that would have done it (a simple apology), Eda's joke about the world-renown architect who has a leaky roof (but seriously, Serkan, get a crew in there), not that I complain about the romantic bed-sharing that leaky roof led to, and of course the mountain pervert. 
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Throughout the entire episode, Serkan was working every angle (except the easiest and most obvious) to get her to forgive him, so it was a little contrived that he got mad enough to take off on her, but I'll overlook it since it set up this hilarious scene. Obviously, once he left, he had to come back. We knew that, but apparently Eda didn't. How fortuitous for the visuals and our funny bones that Eda just happened to get soaking wet and just happened not to have any clothes there, so she just happened to be covered only by a flimsy bit of terry cloth wound around her nubile body.  I suppose it's a fitting punishment, though, for him having stalked off, that she impaired his vision to the point he wasn't actually able to have his mind blown by a mostly naked Eda. I have no idea what she sprayed him with, if it was an actual defense spray like mace, or something like hairspray, but in any case it would have stung. His comically pained reaction to whatever she sprayed into his eyes is wonderful. Great physical comedy from both Hande and Kerem. Serkan milking the situation to get Eda to continue to tend to his injuries was the icing on the cake.  Hamile - Episode 17
How good was Serkan mistakenly thinking Eda was pregnant with their child? I could do an entire post choosing the top 5 comedy moments just from this episode. Serkan's every interaction with mini-Serkan was delightful. Having no idea what food could fit in mini-Serkan's tiny mouth and down his tiny throat was hilarious, and showed exactly how inexperienced this highly educated man is when it comes to babies. Loved him giving the history of architecture and deciding mini-Serkan would be a businessman like him. 
His constant glances at her tummy region and insisting she eat healthier, both warmed my heart and tickled me. As did Ayfer and Aydan watching them through the window as they embodied the picture perfect young family, meanwhile our favorite broken-up couple had no idea why the mothers couldn't stop staring at them.  
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However, if I have to pick one, the funniest moment was how it all began when Serkan, at a client's home, mistakes the client's pregnancy test for Eda's. The emotional journey that Serkan takes in the space of about 30 seconds results in a parade of exaggerated facial contortions and is a delight to behold. Kerem kills every second of it. Is there anyone better than Kerem at the incredulous: "NE!!!!!!!!!!!"  No, no there is not. He is king. 
To woo or not to woo - Episode 27
I don't think Chef Alexander has brought all that much to the show but all is forgiven because he was the catalyst for one of the funniest scenes in the series. 
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His bumbling entrance into Serkan and Eda's engagement ceremony brought a whole new level of comic relief, we'll ignore that the man would have to be a dipshit to not understand how he could be misunderstood (on second thought, ChefA might be just that kind of dipshit) with the talk of wooing and making an offer.
Lots of amazing things crammed into this sequence. Aydan's never dimming rivalry with Ayfer, Serkan speaking English to get Chef to move it along, Ayfer telling him to make the offer to her mother, Eda insisting that it needs to go to her, Alex's request for Ayfer to come to him 2 nights a week, Serkan's disbelief (Kerem's adlib) that this was even an option, Eda threatening to hit him with the flowers and Aydan wondering if the rest of his nights were free (Neslihan's adlib). But the best part might be Ferit cracking up in the background. The whole scene is just pure joy. 
You know, after putting this together, I didn’t realize how much I appreciate Kerem’s comedic chops. He’s talented. 
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lizacstuff · 3 years
Hi Liza, I keep seeing references to drama in SCK fandom around Aydan and Ayder actresses. Can you explain what’s going on? In Oncer days I always came to your blog when things like this happened, hope you can explain (love your blog always)
I think you’re talking about the posts that Neslihan (Aydan) and Evrim (Ayfer) made earlier today? You can read translations of them here.  I’ll go through what I know, but bottom-line I don’t think those two actors have ever dealt with this kind of large and passionate fandom and it shows. 
Also, if you don’t want to wade into the drama, don’t read. 
Neslihan has also made a couple of subsequent posts, one totally cringey one about how fans should get a life and follow the example of her teenage son who watches documentaries instead of thinking about Hande and Kerem, and then a video post saying she had been joking. (facepalm)  A series of bad decisions on her part. She has made several cryptic posts over the last couple of weeks about the direction of the show starting at ep 29, including one she had to delete because it implied there would be all new writers. Those cryptic posts have incited a LOT of drama and hand-wringing and freaking out, especially, I think among young fans who don’t know how to channel their emotions.  Her post about her son was basically telling those fans, the ones who reacted to her in dramatic ways, saying they couldn’t sleep etc to get a life. But many people in fandom took offense. She later said in the video she’d been kidding and was talking about the fans who DM her (close your DMs, lady!) worrying over the fate of Edser and who let it affect their lives.  
A lot of bad decision on her part. She might want to just lay low and stop giving teases, and mostly stop allowing fans to DM her. (Especially since her antagonism has now lead fandom to dig up old IG likes of hers where she liked posts that belittled and bullied Hande. She may have just bite of more than she can chew, since Hande tried to sue the guy who made the posts that Neslihan liked... and all of that is very personal to Hande because it was happening while her mother was dying of cancer. YIKES, I’m sure Neslihan would prefer those stay buried). 
The Evrim post I think is aimed at fans who have been hard on the gal who runs the mfyapim production company twitter account, Sefkat. (Who also apparently liked some of those anti-Hande posts two years ago) she ran afoul of some on twitter after the way she handled the fan outcry after 26 when they included footage in the fragman (sex scene) that was not in the ep or released as an internet extra.  I think some fans thought she was flippant and throwing shade. Then yesterday, I think fans got aggressive with her over how late the fragman was released.  I’m guessing Sefkat went crying to the actors and then Evrim made this very ill-advised post. 
Were fans too aggressive? Yes. Were fans obnoxious? Yes. Did they make me cringe? Yes.  Did it warrant an actor on the show wading into fandom. NOOOOOOO.  
Since you referenced OUAT drama, you and I have lived through the worst of fandom, and here is not near the level of toxicity and bad behavior we saw there. Not even in the same universe. Mostly because  for SCK there is no shipwar. This show is about one couple and there is no reason to watch this show if you’re not a fan of the couple, so therefore no shipping madness cloaked in social justice outrage. The drama in a fandom without a shipwar vs one with a shipwar is like an angry kitty vs vicious rabid alien monster.  So SCK fandom is like an angry kitten in comparison. 
Also, we all know that you can’t control or discipline fandom, so they need to rise above and ignore. The admin could just post and leave and stop engaging with fans. Easy peasy.  Aydan can close her DMs and shut up. Easy peasy. 
Getting pissy with fandom is an especially interesting tack for the cast of this show, since there are really only two reasons it’s a huge success.  Hande and Kerem’s chemistry and how hot they are right now, and the giant online fandom which has propelled international sales and put the show first in every social measurement category for the year 2020.  
That’s it. International buyers are interested because of the popularity on social. Full stop. And Fox doesn’t keep buying it because of Ayfer’s catering business storyline (If Evrim is working too hard, I’d be more than fine if the writers cut Ayfer’s storyline way down so she can rest) and the ratings are borderline so what puts it over are those two things. So scolding fandom over something as inconsequential as fans complaining about a fragman on twitter is a little like biting the hand that feeds you. Which I grant you is a two-way street and fans often snap at and bite the ones feeding us, but they’re the professionals and a passionate fanbase is something all shows covet. They have it, they should probably appreciate it, instead of lashing out at it. 
Also, not for nothing, there are several cast members who try and capitalize on the social power and immense popularity of the show and our two leads, and Neslihan and Evrim are in those numbers. Neslihan’s constant teasing about Edser is obvious and Evrim was the first person to post the engagement photo, WITHOUT CONTEXT, which launched Hande and Kerem into an entire gossip news cycle. She’s also the one who, yesterday, posted the photo of Kerem arrived to set early, laying on the floor, taking photos, which set off a avalanche of speculation and rumor. Soooo... maybe sit down with your scolds and complaints about fandom when you’re blatantly trying to up your own social profile. 
It goes without saying that I think the fans who are acting badly should tone it down, relax and stop freaking out about every little thing. I’ve mentioned many times my dislike for their temper tantrums. Me taking the actors to task does not absolve their bad behavior. I wish they’d all cut it out.   
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