#auuuu this is a classic
top five destiel aus?
this is INTERESTING. I'll answer based on my most recent reading preferences?
1. roommates au - decimates me every time
2. college au. im such a simp for academically stressed and coffee addicted deancas. at the same time, i sooo love seeing them in that setup - woke and cusswords and huge friend groups and that good ole dash of relatability, sorry not sorry
3. single parent! au - need i explain?? it's just so good. so good. so wholesome. so fluffy. soooooo light-up-my-life-y.
4. other modern aus - I'm a simp for destiel in contemporary settings. like, football player au, or coffee shop au, or neighbors auuuu
5. idk if this counts but i ADORE the stories where its just destiel in some classic romcom setup with a twist? I've read one for Megamind, one for The Proposal, one for breakfast at tiffany's and they're all PURE GOLD. idk whether to call this a cinemaverse au or like? meetcute?
special mention, because idk if it's an au: canon divergent(?) destiel w baby jack, co-parent sam, living in the bunker!!!!!!!!!
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whenzombiesattack · 3 years
eruri fic rec list
i spent all of january 2021 obsessed with eruri (i’m v late) and this is what i can give you. also these fics are ones i’ve never really seen rec’d before. i wld die 4 them and i hope they (these fictional characters) know that 
sole by valisi @valisi-clark. 2k, T. Levi wonders if Erwin has ever considered a punishment for him. Because Erwin thinks of everything.  if you get off on levi’s devotion to erwin, and erwin knowing that, this is for you!!
300-thread-count by masi. 4k, T. An interesting new guest by the name of Erwin Smith has checked into Levi’s hotel.  super cute au. 
your arms like towers by kanthia @kanthia. 5k, M. It’s expensive and time-consuming keeping his body in peak physical condition, but there’s really no point in saving money. The Military Police and Garrison are content to let death come slow, from jaundice or an improperly maintained rifle. The entire Survey Corps lives balancing pleasure against death. this is a great take on erwin being invested in nutrition, and to that end, levi. 
indigo blue by watergirl1968. 4k, E. "You’ve gone soft," Levi muttered. He understood Erwin’s command demeanour in the field. He empathized with Erwin’s occasional deep silences and blue moods. He appreciated that Erwin was inclined to laugh easily, in spite of, or perhaps because of, their circumstances.What he was utterly unused to was being cherished in so thorough a fashion, and it unbalanced him. ok i love horses so this is SUCH a good fic on erwin actually being great with horses, and the symbolism that translates to levi, too. also v hot ;_; 
blood and salt by valisi. 10k, E. Erwin spares a man's life during the war. i really rec anything by valisi but this one just hits me soooo good. an au about erwin sparing levi’s life in a war.
vespers by valisi. 100k, E. A series of stories detailing Erwin Smith and Levi Ackerman's private life together.  ok you get it. i love valisi. this is the PERFECT precanon fic in my opinion. erwin’s manipulation and levi’s understanding of it is SO perfect. the tenderness. the tension. UGHHHHHHHH. 
i will return once more by kanthia. 25k, M. A phone call from counselor-turned-director Erwin sucks Levi back into a strange and wonderful world.  this summer camp au is really beautiful and also so immersive. i am brown so i do not camp but this really was so descriptive and cute. 
service not included by ketita @jochai 21k, E. Levi is living his best life, assassinating people in Sina's underground and getting paid for it. Unfortunately, some big Survey Corps asshole calling himself Erwin Smith keeps rudely interrupting him with numerous misconceptions: that Levi cares about what he has to say, that Levi will hang around to let him say it, that Levi is actually a prostitute, and that Levi will not murder the shit out of him for constantly getting in his face. this one is SOOO funny, i am in love. truly the hijinks fic of eruri for me, at least.
accidental by unknown. 10k, M. I decided to leave daddy kinks to the professionals and wrote this soft, soft daycare au... DAYCARE AUUUU. so perfect and soft and made me CRY.
we are getting old, but I still love you (even when I don't) by kusuriuri @ningen-suki. 11k, M. Erwin and Levi are married and 40. They schedule sex, should really work-out more, and need each other to shut up. All the time. So Levi buys a book to help improve their marriage. He just wishes Erwin would stop eating cupcakes. au about oldies. they’re so perfect together and so stuuupiiid. 
communication by everythingsshiny @buttercup-the-bard. 11k, E. The war is over, but Levi cannot say goodbye.  after the war, levi is mute, and erwin is blind. they still want to be together ;_; so soooft.
pavlov by longlostwriter. 3k, E. Levi gets bored of his usual routine in the Survey Corps, so he decides to spice things up with a bit of classical conditioning. sometimes you need levi just messing around, super cute.
competitive by patroklassy. 11k, not rated. Levi is a university student unimpressed by many things. Most of them have something to do with the fact that fellow student Erwin Smith obtrusively appears in his life to sweep him off his furious little feet. i would classify this fic as eruri with just hilarious scenarios they find themselves in. the first chapter is about them, the second is just a road trip with the gang that’s just so funny. 
the bf by afuzzyowl @afuzzyowl @fuzzfics 76k, M. Levi gets a new boyfriend, and he's everything Levi could have ever hoped for. Except there are rumours going around, rumours that maybe he's not as perfect as he seems... PURE CRACK. so cute.
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secondhello-moved · 2 years
green, blue, cream, and coconut!!! *waving* :-D
Hai hai socks! ヽ(*´∀`)
green: do you have a favourite flower?
Gonna have to go with classic roses rn, I mightve had a more meaningful favorite in the past but you see I just woke up nd Im kinda foggy right now LOL hmm though I do love flowers, and flower meanings,
blue: preferred type of weather?
Snow!!!!!!!! Not exactly walking in it but the look nd seeing it outside in the morning nd laid out fresh is a feeling like no other. When not snow I love rain, especially laying down or sitting inside listening to it.
cream: any piercings or tattoos? do you want any?
No nd no, maybe my mind will change later but im a bit scared of both currently >_>
coconut: a subject you enjoy learning about
Coconut again... Obvious answer but I love art nd studying it, all kinds of art! Currently ive been very into 3d art, you know this >_<! Its just such a fun thing to do nd learn and even explain to people. I love all the little things that go into art and picking out meaning and adding meaning and consuming it nd creating it just auuuu yknow.. Arts been my biggest special interest for a very long time , a lot of my other interests go back to my art (anatomy, psychology, etc) !!
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thatwasboat · 4 years
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-challenge accepted from @auuuu ; my favourite perfumes - i have seven! 1.TOM FORD - TOBACCO VANILLE - most fav 2.LE LABO - SANTAL33 - new love 3.MAISON MARGIELA - BY THE FIREPLACE - warm & fuzzy 4.HERMÈS - TERRE D’HERMÈS - classic 5.GUCCI - GUILTY ABSOLUTE - clinical 5.PRADA - IRIS CÈDRE - hygienic 7.GUCCI - POUR HOMME II - discontinued :( gonna forward this challenge to @bcos_of_boss @ubbyibby @wrueddy @dangeroustete https://www.instagram.com/p/B__8bx5Hf9y/?igshid=1kj3bpeqhidk6
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