#author: dirtiebirdie17
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Day 16- Movie Night by @dirtiebirdie17
The friends’ weekly movie night takes an unexpected turn during a snowy evening a week before Christmas.
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Day 5 - Baby, It’s Cold Outside by @dirtiebirdie17
A major family event is made all the more special by an unexpected snow storm and a special surprise.
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Teacher’s Pet : A Richonne Round Robin Fanfic
A small town sheriff and preschool teacher find love thanks to the cutest little matchmaker around. [RATED: T]
Chapter 4 (written by @dirtiebirdie17​)
Glenn scanned the crowded dining area from behind the service counter of his pizzeria and caught sight of Rick, who motioned for him to come over. When he noticed that Judith had fallen asleep on the bench next to her father, he grabbed a tablecloth from the shelf and brought it over.
Rick got up and took it, placing the folded fabric gently under his daughter’s head.
“Someone’s pooped,” Glenn commented, his head tilted sideways as he grinned at the typically precocious preschooler.
“She’s usually wiped by Friday, so no surprise there,” Rick grufffed, his voice slow and raspy.
“I was talking about you,” Glenn tossed back half-jokingly, making his way to the front alongside Rick, who brushed off the dig completely. After a few moments of silence, he asked “Are you still mulling over that dilemma of yours?”
Rick grimaced, silently cursing himself yet again for having broached the subject of dating with his best friends on Monday. Shane had been incessantly hounding him for more details all week, trying to break him until he caved, and although it had almost worked, Rick had stood his ground so he wasn’t about to yield to Glenn now. Ignoring the question, he just glared at him instead, mentally implicating his two buddies as the probable reason why he was so goddamn tired today.
Glenn noticed. “So a single and an RBI triple, huh?” he inquired in an effort to change the subject, being as enthusiastically supportive as always.
“Yeah, it was great. Carl’s been in such a groove,” beamed Rick, grateful for Glenn’s redirection. “The whole team has actually. Four for their last five games.”
“Everybody knows it’s all about having the right sponsor,” kidded Glenn, glancing over Rick’s shoulder at the group of victorious Little Leaguers in the back who, unsurprisingly, all seemed preoccupied with something on Carl’s phone. “Do they need a refill? More pizza?”
Rick, resisting the urge to call it a night, rested his forearm on the counter and nodded. “I have no idea where they’d put it, but I’m pretty sure if you served them the whole kitchen, they’d eat it all.”
“Well,” joked Glenn, stretching out the word for emphasis. “How about just a couple more pies for now? I’ve already got some started.”
“Sounds good,” sighed Rick as he nonchalantly glanced at his watch. As much as he loved celebrating a win with his son, he wanted nothing more than to pull off his boots, collapse onto his bed and just sleep. The week had been a decidedly grueling one, what with an unusually busy workload and Shane’s relentless interrogation, but only now could he admit that it was his burgeoning infatuation with Michonne that had really done a number on him.
“Yeah, sure it does,” Glenn chided sarcastically, attuned not only to the weariness in his friend’s voice, but his obvious preoccupation with other matters. He knew exactly what was bothering Rick, but opted to let it go, considering that he had just been on the receiving end of one of those infamous Grimes death stares. “How about you? Another coke? Water? Some warm milk?”
Rick glared back once more after the last question then held his face in his hands, conceding defeat in his struggle to mask his exhaustion. “Is it that obvious?” he queried, his voice muffled yet playful.
“Yeah, well between wedding planning with Maggie and business really picking up of late, I shouldn’t talk. It’s exhausting,” Glenn replied, patting him on the arm in solidarity. “Just take it easy and relax. I’ve got everything covered.”
The happy-go-lucky restaurateur scooted back towards his fiancé Maggie, who, despite having worked a full day at her own job, was as sprightly and enterprising as ever. She knew Friday nights here were particularly busy, especially when the KC Crushers paid a celebratory visit, so helping Glenn out on weekends was a no-brainer. He snuck in a quick appreciative kiss on her lips so she gave him a playful pat on his rear in response, giggling at his satisfied expression before they both resumed their work.
Rick caught himself smiling at the sight of his friends’ unabashed ebullience, and felt a mild rush of nostalgia for a time when it seemed that every day was full of firsts and every glance was full of the promise of intriguing things to come. It occurred to him that he didn’t have to think too far back to recall when he’d last felt like this. The more he thought of Michonne, which had basically been non-stop since their first meeting, the more he realized that she had reignited a small spark from that aspect of his past life.
As he wondered when he’d have the opportunity to run into her again, his phone vibrated, rousing him from his brief reverie. He read the text message pleading for more food then turned toward his son and gave him an incredulous stare.
“Are you seriously too lazy to get up and ask me?” he wrote, shaking his head in feigned annoyance.
“Not any lazier than you are to get up and ask me that.”
Rick couldn’t help himself but snicker, knowing that his son had a point. He gazed back up to see Carl shrugging as if to ask ‘What?’ and returned the gesture with one of his own, playfully mimicking a slap to his face. He proceeded to thumb out a response.
“You’re lucky that Glenn likes you.”
“Evening,” said Glenn, as an unfamiliar face entered his place. “Can I help you?”
“Hi. Yes, I’m picking up an order.”
Rick continued his reply. “More pizza is on its way.” He winked at Carl, who gave him a thumbs up before rejoining his friends in conversation.
“For Michonne.”
Rick instantly shifted from a slouched posture to his usual, confidently upright stance upon hearing her name. He turned, immediately taking notice of how amazing Michonne looked in a simple tee, white short-sleeved blazer, and jeans, all which seemed perfectly tailored to her slim, toned body.
“Yep, it’s right here,” Glenn replied, placing a warm box on the counter. “Perfect timing. Just pulled it out of the oven.”
“Perfect,” she responded, having just caught sight of the familiarly attractive face in her periphery. Despite having entertained the possibility that he’d be here, Michonne trembled with surprise, then chided herself for her ineptitude at maintaining her composure.
Rick, happy to have been discovered, practically pounced toward her, much to the amusement of Glenn, who noted how quickly he seemed to have gotten his energy back.
“Well this is a pleasant surprise,” greeted Rick, oblivious to the inquisitive eyes fixated on both himself and the lovely woman beaming back at him. “Getting some dinner?”
Michonne, unable to contain the slight giggle that made its way past her coquettish smile, placed her hand on the pizza box, glanced down at it, then zeroed back in on his inviting eyes.
“That was a stupid question, wasn’t it?” he added, sheepishly running his hand through his unruly curls.
“As a teacher, I’m supposed to say that there are no stupid questions…but-,” she quipped, letting the last word linger in the air.
“Ah, I see how it is,” Rick chuckled audibly, his dimples practically perforating his cheeks. “So I’ll take that as a yes.” Michonne chose to plead the fifth, laughing at his adorable self-deprecation instead. She was getting a kick out of Rick’s expression of faux indignation and wanted it to last for as long as possible, but when it finally morphed back into his warm smile, she simply responded a few beats later with a coy, “Hello, Rick.”
“Hi,” he greeted back, charmingly unaware of just how attractive he was in a black t-shirt and jeans. “I thought I’d might see you here.”
Michonne smiled and nervously ran her fingers through the hair behind her ear, giving them something to do to other than tap nervously on the counter. It was as if Rick had read her mind, since she had been thinking the same thing, but was grateful that he couldn’t. If he only knew how emphatically she had insisted to her friends that they get pizza tonight and that she’d be the one to pick it up, she’d never hear the end of it.
A brief silence filled the suddenly warm air between them, prompting Glenn to retreat towards the kitchen while trying not to forfeit his view of the events unfolding before him.
“This place came highly recommended by an up-and-coming young pizza-chef so I thought I’d check it out,” offered Michonne, who stopped short of admitting that she’d secretly hoped he’d be here too. She could feel the blood rush to her face, and while she silently prayed that Rick would be unable to see through the pretense, a part of her wished he would.
“You won’t regret it,” he intoned softly, picking up on the ambiguity of his statement a few seconds too late. He coughed uneasily, leaning back slightly to relieve the tension, and added, “I mean, Judith knows her stuff. Glenn’s is the best. Speaking of, let me introduce you to him -”
They both turned, expecting to find the owner where they had last seen him, but instead spotted Glenn’s head on the other side of the swinging kitchen door. Rick, assuming that Glenn had probably been staring at them a second earlier, tried in vain to get his attention, then decided to let it go, determined not to waste this opportunity with Michonne.
“I guess it’s a busy night…” Rick offered, brushing off Glenn’s sudden disappearance.
As the two resumed their banter, Glenn, who couldn’t help himself, texted Shane.
G: I think our boy is making his move.
Twenty seconds later he received a response.
S: Rick?
G: Who else, dumbass?
S: Where?
G: Carl’s team won so they’re having pizza. Someone just walked in…never seen him jump up so fast
S: Are u shitting me? I’m missing this??? Who?
G: don’t know her but she’s cute
S: Just cute?
G: dude, Maggie’s here
S: u for real right now? what does she look like?
Suddenly Glenn flinched as Maggie, who had noticed her fiancé’s odd behavior, seemed to appear out of nowhere.
G: give me a sec
“Ok, spill it. What are you doing?” she queried in that playfully stern tone that occasionally made an appearance, especially when Glenn and his friends were involved.
“Nothing,” he lied, despite knowing that he wouldn’t get out of this. “Just texting Shane about something.”
S: what’s happening?
“It wouldn’t be about Rick and that woman over there, would it?” she inquired, nudging her nose towards the couple.
“And if it were?” he smiled in that puppy dog ‘don’t hurt me’ sort of way.
“Oh my god, is she the one you told me about?”
“That would be my guess.”
“Then don’t be so obvious!,” she reprimanded him good-naturedly, simultaneously enjoying this little stake-out they were participating in. “Don’t ruin it for him!”
“I won’t,” he avered, continuing his conversation with Shane.
S: so what the hell is happening?
G: there’s definitely something going on
S: That’s it. I’m coming over
G: don’t be an idiot
“If anybody will, it’s Shane,” he said, after responding to the latest text. “See?”
Glenn held the phone up to show Maggie the evidence, who yelped when she read Shane’s last message. “Hell no!”, she added to drive the point home.
Realizing that her protest may have resonated a little too loudly, she looked up to see if anyone noticed. Thankfully Rick and his friend seemed blissfully unaware of everything around them, so she resumed her admonition, successfully swiping the phone from Glenn’s hand. “I will kick him out if he comes here,” she warned light heartedly and began to feverishly type a response to his last text:
S: Dude- you’re the one who texted ME, so this is on you…you’re the idiot
M: this is Maggie - love ya but you’re BOTH idiots. Leave Rick alone.
S: sorry Mags, but I need some details. This is my bro were talking about.
M: I’m sure Glenn will fill you in as soon as I give him this phone back
S: oh, he better
M: I will say this….they both seem VERY happy to see each other
M: And for the record, she’s gorgeous
Michonne shifted her eyes towards the dining area, finding the intensity of Rick’s gaze momentarily overwhelming. She was impressed by how modern yet charming this place was, with its funky artwork and subtle retro-vibe, and decided that it was assuredly a few steps up from the typical pizza joint. It seemed Rick had some cool friends.
“So is it always this packed?” she questioned, as she caught sight of Carl laughing with his friends.
“It gets a decent crowd most nights, but Carl’s team is celebrating a win so it’s really full tonight,” he bragged, nodding towards the energetic bunch. “Glenn sponsors them.”
“Yes, I see. Well, congratulations are in order then,” she acknowledged, getting a kick out of seeing Rick in proud-Daddy mode. “And where’s Miss Judith this evening?”
Rick gently took hold of her arm and pulled her slightly closer to him, pointing out his daughter who was now contorted in slumber in that adorable way four-year-olds often are.
“How sweet is she?” beamed the doting father, inwardly marveling at how his daughter could fall asleep at any time and place.
“The sweetest,” echoed Michonne as she leaned in a shade closer to him, much to Rick’s delight. Immediately, Michonne took notice of her own body’s physiological responses to the sensation of Rick’s touch and hoped they’d be subtle enough to go unnoticed.
“…most of the time,” she added in jest, laughing in tandem with Rick after his knowing nod of agreement.
“Yeah,” he smiled, his lips curling up in that same sexy way they did the first time she saw him. “She definitely has her moments.”
Michonne admired the devotion she saw in his eyes whenever he spoke of his children, adding it to her ever-growing list of his appealing attributes she had mentally catalogued since meeting him. Although she was enjoying this repartee with Rick immensely, and found him to be as charming as always, she did find it increasingly difficult to conceal her burgeoning fondness for him, especially since all she could focus on was how close they were now standing to each other and how incredibly hot he looked.
Rick, likewise, was taken in by her, enamored by the fact that she managed to look sophisticated and sexy yet casually laid back at the same time. There was an ease about her that he found incredibly appealing, and all he wanted to do was discover more about her. It also didn’t hurt that she smelled incredible, or that her clothes cradled her curves just enough to resuscitate some latent urges.
“So, uh…you still settling into King County?” He queried, genuine in his curiosity, yet desperate to distract her from the fact that he’d just been eyeing those curves.
“I haven’t had the chance to really explore all that much, but I like what I’ve seen so far,” she answered mischievously.
“Is that so?” Rick grinned playfully, positive that he detected an invitation of sorts in her flirtatious delivery.
“It certainly has potential,” she countered, refusing to take her eyes off his.
With that, Rick had little doubt that his feelings toward her were reciprocated. He was sure she was baiting him to ask her out, but should he? His indecision was driving him crazy, but so was the thought of passing on another opportunity. Ever since his last encounter with her at the grocery store, he had wavered pathetically between rationalizing his inaction and mentally kicking himself for it; the latter often dominating in the end. The truth was, he wasn’t certain if the unwritten rule of not dating your child’s preschool teacher even existed. What he was certain of, was that he wanted to get to know Michonne better, and in this moment he couldn’t think of a logical reason why seeing her would hurt anyone, least of all Judith, who emphatically adored her.
Imagining Shane’s voice whispering Tennyson into his ear ad nauseum, Rick told himself, “Screw it,” shutting down his own naysaying voice once and for all. He leaned in an inch closer and inhaled fully, hoping the extra oxygen would quell the slight nervousness he could feel propagating through his body. Fumbling with his fingers, he lowered his handsome face and subtlely licked his lips, preparing himself for whatever answer he’d hear.
“Well,” he began as he brought his gaze back onto her beautifully wide, expectant eyes, “I hope I’m not overstepping my bounds here, but how about I show you around some time? Get you acquainted with things? We could grab dinner afterwards, or we could-”
“Rick,” she hushed, utterly wrecked by the nervous yet sexy timbre of his voice, “I’d really like that.”
“Good,” he smiled back, breathing a subtle sigh of relief. “Me, too. I’ve got the kids this weekend, so how about next week sometime?”
“That’s perfect,” Michonne replied eagerly, hoping that he hadn’t taken notice of her shaking hands. She had always been pegged, mocked even, for her cool-as-a-cucumber demeanor, but here she was, struggling mightily to stifle her excitement. The fact was, in her downtime, she had thought of very little aside from Rick Grimes, and now that she’d be spending more time with him - alone time - she started to imagine all the things they could do with and to each other.
Rick took out his phone and began to type, causing Maggie, who had remained frozen in her lookout position alongside Glenn, to squeal with delight.
“He’s getting her number,” she reported, stating the obvious. “I’m so excited for him!”
Glenn smiled and mumbled, “Yeah, me too,” more as an acknowledgment to himself than a response. Glenn could tell that his friend’s whole demeanor had changed. Gone was the exasperated, hesitant guy from a few minutes ago and in his place stood the self-assured, affable guy he’d always known him to be.
“You think it’s safe to go out there now?” he asked facetiously. “I mean, I do have a business to run and all. Plus it’s starting to look suspicious, no?”
Maggie chuckled and admitted that they both got a little carried away. “Yeah, we probably should.”
Just as Rick finished entering her info, the nosy couple emerged, failing miserably in their attempt at casual indifference.
Rick pretended not to notice their antics, hoping that Michonne hadn’t already discovered how insane his friends could be.
“Sorry about that,” explained Glenn, who tried to convince Michonne that he’d been extremely busy with work back in the kitchen.
“Michonne, this is Glenn,” offered Rick, doing his best to downplay the situation. “Glenn -Michonne. She recently took over as Judith’s pre-school teacher.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Glenn,” she said, holding her hand out to greet him.
“Likewise,” he grinned, finally understanding the nature of Rick’s unusual situation.
“I love the decor here. It’s fabulous.”
“Thanks. I hope you feel the same way about the food,” kidded Glenn, deciding then and there that she was a keeper.
“And I’m Maggie,” blurted out the bubbly brunette, side-eying Glenn for his apparent lack of manners.
“They’re engaged,” added Rick, pleased to see that his friends seemed genuinely happy to meet her.
“Congratulations,” Michonne exclaimed. “How exciting for you both.”
There was a tiny pause, as all four of them considered what to say next.
Michonne asked, “So what do I owe?”
Before Glenn could respond, Rick interjected, telling him, “Just add it to the tab for tonight.”
Michonne protested. “That’s so sweet, but -”
“Please, let me,” Rick insisted.
“Rick, I-”
“This one’s on the house, anyway,” Maggie piped in. “It’s part of a promotion for first time customers. We want to make sure you come back here the next time you’re up for pizza.”
Michonne acquiesced, knowing she wasn’t going to win this battle.
“Thank you. Truly,” she nodded, as she placed her hand over her heart in gratitude. “And I have a feeling I’ll definitely be back.”
She peered back at Rick as she spoke, and he did the same, both of their faces etched with knowing smiles. Maggie and Glenn took that as a cue to excuse themselves and scampered off to belatedly tend to their customers.
“I should get back,” Michonne sighed, unenthused by the prospect of leaving. “It could get ugly if I don’t feed my friends soon.”
“If they get half as bad as Carl does when he’s hungry, believe me, I understand.” Rick picked up the box of pizza in one hand and grazed Michonne’s arm with the other. “Let me walk you out to your car,” he whispered before glancing back at Judith.
He caught sight of Maggie out of the corner of his eye, gesturing and nudging him to go. “I’ll keep an eye on her,” she mouthed, thrilled to see her friend so unequivocally happy.
Rick nodded then turned toward the exit, opening the door and respectfully motioning for Michonne to go ahead. She obliged, giggling at herself for how utterly smitten she was with this insanely adorable, attentive man.
Once they reached her car, which was parked only a few steps from the entrance, she spun around to face him. She was surprised by how giddy he made her feel, but took comfort in the fact that she seemed to be having the same effect on him.
“Your friends seem great,” she mused earnestly before arching her lips in a wry smirk. “But they’re horrible liars. There’s clearly no promotion.”
“Oh, there is,” he avered, unconvincingly deadpan. “But I think it just started…and ended, with you.”
She stared at his inscrutable face before they both lost it, letting their breezy laughter diffuse through the air until all that remained were the possibilities in the silence.
“I really should get going,” she lamented, “My friends are going to kill me.”
“Well I don’t want that to happen, so yes, you should go,” he joked, tilting his head as if shooing her away.
“Goodnight, Rick,” she smirked, shaking her head at his cheekiness.
“Goodnight, Michonne” he whispered, piercing her luminous eyes with his.
As Michonne got into her car, Rick took a few steps back to give her room, taking advantage of the view the increased distance and her movements afforded him. As his gaze lingeringly shifted focus from her perfect backside to her flawless face, she waited, cognizant of yet amenable to his wandering eyes. She had stolen a few glances of his physical attributes randomly during their conversation, so she certainly couldn’t fault him for doing the same.
He handed her the pizza, which was cold at this point, and shut the door while she turned the ignition. Michonne lowered her window, and waved halfheartedly, reluctant to say goodbye.
“Get home safely,” Rick directed.
“You, too,” she replied.
“I’ll call you soon.”
“I’m looking forward to next week.”
“Me too,” he grinned then paused before a wry smile crept up. “It certainly has potential.”
She shook her head, as if to say “you’re too much” then drove off, worried that if she didn’t leave now she never would.
Rick stood in the parking lot, smiling to himself as Michonne’s car pulled away. He sighed, preparing himself for the military-style grilling he was about to receive, but quickly shrugged it off knowing it’d be worth it. The decision to ask her out had taken a lot of deliberation, but the instant he saw her walk in, he knew that the night couldn’t have ended any other way.
Michonne held it together until she was positive that she was long out of view, then gripped the steering wheel with both hands and squeezed, finally letting out the squeal that had wanted to escape since the moment she saw him tonight. She’d have a tough few days ahead of her trying to accomplish anything in anticipation of their date, she knew, but realized she had to get through the gauntlet that was a Sasha-Paul interrogation first.
Michonne took her time on the road, opting not to play music or sing aloud as she normally did. Taking advantage of the perfect weather instead, she kept the window down as the cool evening breeze flickered by, providing the perfect backbeat for the low, raspy sound of Rick’s voice to echo in her mind the rest of the way home.
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3|
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ff.net |
Why did you pick the name(s) you are using?
It’s a combination of a nickname, a play on words of part of my name, and my favorite number.
When did you start writing?
I’ve dabbled here and there for a few years but I didn’t publish my first fic until last year.
Something you think will surprise most people about you?
I’m a tree-hugging, nature-loving science nerd with an unhealthy fear of mice. And I’m pretty crafty.
Which is your favorite story that you’ve written and why?
I’ve had the most positive feedback for “The First Taste” and I loved writing it, but I’ll always be partial to my first story- “We Are Yours” - a one shot about when Michonne tells Rick about Andre. The words kept pouring out of me and I couldn’t stop writing. I was inspired by their love and shared pain.
Favorite episode:
“A” - I’m convinced this is the episode when Michonne fell in love with Rick which also happened to be when I fell in love with him. Something about the primal, biological need for a man who would do ANYTHING to ensure the safety and survival of those he loves, especially his children. I was riveted from beginning to end. 
(Honorable mentions: “The Next World,” “Say Yes,” “The Distance,” “No Sanctuary”, “Clear”, “Nebraska”)
Who would you like to have as your best friend, either the character or the actor?
For actor I would choose Andy- he’s adventurous, loyal, worldly, kind, and according to pretty much everyone who works with him, exceedingly generous. He seems like he enjoys his life and lives it to the fullest. For character, Glenn or Maggie. Both are just decent human beings with big hearts who are loyal to their friends and who try to bring people up.
If you could revamp any one specific character’s personality or look which one would it be and why?
Could I revamp Daryl’s personality AND appearance? He really just needs to shower already. And I know he’s had his share of heartache and pain, but the mumbling needs to stop. (I like him, but I wish his storyline would go SOMEWHERE.)
Is there something you wished you’d known when you first started?
I wish I’d known how supportive and creative this fandom is. I would have written sooner.
Do you prefer to work from an outline or play it by ear?
I mostly play it by ear, but have a general idea of where I’m going.
What is your favorite thing to write about?
I enjoy the challenge of writing for established characters as complex and mature is Rick and Michonne, especially how they relate to each other. I love imagining the quiet moments and conversations we don’t get to see.
How did you discover fan fiction?
I may be showing my age here, but I’m obsessed with the film, Aliens, and wanted to read more about my first “ship”, Ripley and Hicks.
Team Family Face off
Beth -vs- Hershel
Hershel 100% - I still miss him 
Michonne -vs- Andrea
not even close…Michonne, of course. 
Sasha -vs- Lori
Sasha all the way. 
Tara -vs- Rosita
I find Rosita’s demeanor more realistic than Tara’s, and I may be in the minority here, but I feel for her. 
Abraham -vs- Eugene
I have a soft spot for Eugene, but I’m going with Abe.
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Richonne Flash Fic
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by @dirtiebirdie17​
Rating: T Prompts used: Haircut, Chocolate Muffin
Rick entered their home through the garage and made a beeline to the kitchen, gingerly placing the grocery bags down on the counter. Trying to postpone the inevitable comments that were about to come his way, he made it a point to unload the bags as quietly as possible.
“Hi, honey,” Michonne called out from her reading chair, too engrossed in her novel to look up. She was enjoying this lazy Saturday afternoon - a departure from the normal hustle and bustle of errands and activities - thanks to her husband’s insistence that she take some much needed time for herself.
“Hey,” was his curt reply.
Hearing him shuffle back and forth with the groceries, she got up and strolled over to the kitchen to help.
“Did you get bacon and eggs for breakfast tomorr-Oh!” Michonne recoiled in surprise, having caught sight of Rick as she rounded the corner.
“Before you say anything,” Rick pleaded, holding out his hand as if attempting to calm a wild stallion, “Joe wasn’t there today. This is not what I asked for.”
Michonne squinted, hoping that her eyes just needed some adjusting after wearing her reading glasses, but much to her dismay, that didn’t seem to help.
“There was a new stylist there today…Jessie,” he sighed, the bitter taste of regret on his lips as he uttered her name. “Let’s just say she was a little too enthusiastic with the scissors.”
“A little?”
“I thought I’d surprise you with a nice trim,” he grimaced, gripping the back of his newly exposed neck for effect, “but this isn’t what I had in mind.”
Michonne sauntered over to him and wrapped her arms around his waist to pull him in close. She couldn’t help but notice how adorably hot he was when flustered, despite the criminal removal of those luscious curls of his.
Rick grinned playfully as Michonne undid the top few buttons of his plaid shirt to inspect his chest, running her fingers up and down as if counting every hair. She applied the same technique to his face before finding her way to his exposed neck, her hands devoid of the usual pleasure that awaited them there.
“Glad to see that this Jessie woman showed some restraint,” she smirked, caressing his perfectly trimmed beard for emphasis, “But if she ever touches your curls again, I’ll be doing some cutting of my own.”
“No need to worry,” he assured her, “That’s the last time that woman gets anywhere near me.”
“Damn right,” she nodded emphatically before a sly grin crept up. “But, you’re going to have to make it up to me somehow.”
“Well I did get you one of those chocolate muffins from The Red Door Bakery that you love so much.”
“Uh huh. Keep talking.”
“And the kids are out of the house for at least another couple hours,” he murmured, hooking his finger through one belt loop of her jeans to reel her in closer.
“They are, aren’t they?” she smiled.
“They are…”
Note: I’m enjoying venturing out into AU territory. Hope you enjoy!
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Richonne Summer Hiatus Round Robin
All right, Rchonne Fanfiction readers, writers and lurkers!
Please prepare yourself for some round robin awesomeness written by a group of undeniably, unbelievably, undisputedly awesome AND talented Richonne Fanfiction Writers: @birdnmouse,  @cranesinthe-sky, @reciprocityfic, @dirtiebirdie17, @queencoles​, @lovedmoviesb, @iminyjo, @forevermichonne, @constablemichonnes​
So please stay tuned to this blog for your summer time Richonne Round Robin treats!
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Michonne crashed down on the entryway bench, ecstatic to finally be off her feet. Friday night was finally here and there was no way she was going to let another weekend go by without making time for a little self-indulgence. While she removed her shoes, images of chocolate, wine, and an overdue leg massage from her husband inundated her thoughts.
She entered the kitchen and noticed that Rick had prepared dinner for her, as was often the case when she worked late. The head of his department at the university had scheduled him to teach morning classes, leaving most evenings free and for that she was particularly grateful. She called out for him but an unexpected silence permeated the apartment. It was the rare Friday evening when he didn’t greet her with a loving kiss or playful touch, considering their weekdays were jammed packed with deadlines and responsibilities, so after a second call with no response Michonne’s imagination began its descent into the darker corners of her psyche.
“Babe?” She attempted for the third time, the unease palpable in her throat. She sped down the hallway but as she turned the corner to their room her concern gave way to relief. Sitting with his back toward her in his chair, with headphones and those ridiculously vibrant orange socks on, was her adorable husband engrossed in reading  something on his tablet.
She tiptoed over to him, trying to predict when he’d catch sight of her in his periphery, but when he failed to notice her presence she frowned. Thinking that a little human contact would do the trick, she began to lightly massage his shoulders, then leaned over to give him a kiss.
“Hey,” he greeted, smiling as he removed his headphones.
“Hey,” she answered back.
“Did you eat?”
“Not yet, but I will,” she replied. “Perhaps an amuse-bouche first?”
She flitted her eyelids and kissed him again, this time longer and deeper. While he returned the kiss he seemed distracted, and ended it before Michonne had wanted to.
“Chonne,” he whispered affectionately, if ruefully, “I promised Aaron I’d read his manuscript tonight.”
“What’s it about?”
“The history of skepticism.”
“Oh, sounds fascinating,” she responded sarcastically, hiking her skirt up an inch at Rick’s eye level. Unfortunately he hadn’t taken his eyes off the screen.
“I miss you,” she pouted.
“You’ve got me,” he promised. “Just give me another hour or two.”
“Suit yourself,” she mumbled as she headed back to the kitchen to eat. “But I’m not waiting no damn hour,” she thought.
As Rick continue to pour through his colleague’s book, fascinated by the details he had been previously unaware of, Michonne was busy carrying out her plan to win her husband’s attention.
After having removed certain stifling pieces of clothing, and with her phone in hand, she proceeded to take a few suggestive yet tasteful selfies, then edited them into one photo collage. Confident that this would work, she waited until she was outside their bedroom door, hit send, and waited for his response.
A few seconds later Rick turned the swivel chair around, grinning lasciviously as soon as he saw her statuesque silhouette standing in the doorway.
“How’s that book?” she asked, her tone playful and seductive.
“What book?” he replied, tossing his tablet over his shoulder onto the bed.
After she sauntered over to him he reached out for her waist with both hands and planted soft kisses on her exposed abdomen. She giggled then nestled her body next to his, resting her head on his chest as he played with her hair. This was all she had wanted (well maybe not all, she thought); cuddling with her extremely hot and adoring husband after a long week’s worth of work.
“You didn’t actually think I would have ignored you all night, did you?”  he asked, tilting his head in the way that always drove her wild.
“Well, I was skeptical at first,” she smiled, “but now I’m a believer.” 
written by @dbirdie17​ | ff.net: Dbirdie17
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