#austriadactylus cristatus
saritawolff · 2 years
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Archovember Day 28: Austriadactylus cristatus
Austriadactylus cristatus was a ramphorhynchoid pterosaur from late Triassic Austria. It had a unique crest: it got wider as it got closer to the snout. It is not really known where Austriadactylus belongs in the pterosaur order, other than it is an Eopterosaur (a group of basal pterosaurs from the Triassic.) It was very small, about the size of a fruit bat with a 3 foot wingspan.
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a-dinosaur-a-day · 7 years
Austriadactylus cristatus
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By Fabrizio De Rossi, retrieved from http://www.pteros.com/, a website dedicated to education about Pterosaurs. 
A reminder that we will not be able to do every pterosaur until we reach $240 in donations on our patreon, so please donate even a dollar if you can.
Name: Austriadactylus cristatus
Name Meaning: Austria Finger
First Described: 2002
Described By: Dalla Vecchia et al. 
Classification: Avemetatarsalia, Ornithodira, Pterosauromorpha, Pterosauria, Eupterosauria
Austriadactylus is another early derived Pterosaur, and comes from a similar location as Preondactylus - specifically, in the Seefelder Beds of Austria, indicating that pterosaurs first evolved in Europe. It lived in the Norian age of the Late Triassic, about 215 million years ago, and is known from a crushed partial skeleton. Unlike Preondactylus, it did have long wings, with a span of about 1.2 meters. It was still very small and had a long tail, which was flexible unlike the more stiffened tails of later early derived pterosaurs. It even had differently shaped teeth, indicating that it may have eaten a variety of prey types. 
Shout out goes to @lordbootington!
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theoldbone · 4 years
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Two Austriadactylus cristatus fly near a subadult Seazzadactylus venieri in the Late Triassic coastal waters of Italy.
Paleoart by Gabriel N. Ugueto, Oct. 2019
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saritawolff · 3 years
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Here it is! My Archovember 2021 list, since we’re already a little over a week away from November (yikes)
For for those not in the know, this is my version of Draw Dinovember that I started doing two years ago to challenge myself to draw not only dinosaurs but other Archosauriformes that I have less practice with. It usually features a somewhat even mix of dinosaurs, pterosaurs, pseudosuchians, and a handful of oddball outliers.
Anyone can feel free to join in! I will be sharing art of the featured prompt for the day in my story on Instagram, including that of anyone who joins in and uses the tags. The animal prompt for each day should be posted on or after their specific day, but can be drawn at any time. You can also join in at any time and don’t necessarily have to draw every animal. The point is to have fun and learn about some interesting prehistoric critters!
Here is the full list in case the graphic is hard to read:
1. Your Choice!
2. Acrocanthosaurus atokensis
3. Thalassodromeus sethi
4. Baurusuchus salgadoensis
5. Scleromochlus taylori
6. Guanlong wucaii
7. Rhamphorhynchus muensteri
8. Anatosuchus minor
9. Silesaurus opolensis
10. Shunosaurus lii
11. Caiuajara dobruskii
12. Sarcosuchus imperator
13. Yi Qi
14. Nicrosaurus kapffi
15. Anhanguera piscator
16. Styracosaurus albertensis
17. Pakasuchus kapilimai
18. Moganopterus zhuiana
19. Sinosauropteryx prima
20. Poposaurus gracilis
21. Vancleava campi
22. Prenocephale prenes
23. Normannognathus wellnhoferi
24. Cricosaurus suevicus
25. Stegosaurus stenops
26. Hyperodapedon huxleyi
27. Stenonychosaurus inequalis
28. Austriadactylus cristatus
29. Typothorax coccinarum
30. Parasaurolophus walkeri
(Also, for new paleoartists: as a heads up when looking for refs you will come across David Peters. It is ill-advised to use any refs from the websites “pterosaur heresies” and “reptile evolution” as all those skeletals come from him and his own personal tree of life and are usually pretty innacurate.)
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