#attached are pics of toothless
oncecharmed · 8 months
Haven't ditched, I've just been super busy and I arrived back off holiday the same day they announced an XL Bully ban here in the UK so I've been very emotional and stressed about that— I work as a student veterinary nurse so it's also just been a tiring week. Thursday I was part of three euthanasia's and my favourite patient of the day who wasn't even sick when he came in, later ended up going to out of hours and was euthanized. :(
I also have a lodger for the week, a poorly kitty that came in as a stray! Since we're not open on Sundays, and there'd be nobody to feed him, I have brought him home and I'm thinking of keeping him here until the rescue decides on a date to come get him! So I've been busy busy busy.
Hope y'all are well and I'll be back at it as soon as I can 💖
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ks-caster · 4 years
I was tagged by @bea2me to list 5 TV shows that make me feel better and tag other blogs. 
This is hard, actually - part of my enjoyment of media is bitching about them to high heaven (ex. The 100 lol) so it took me a minute to separate out which ones I like because they actually make me feel *good*
1. The Vampire Diaries
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I mean, I do bitch heavily about this one but my girl Caroline (and Best Bitch Katherine Pierce, sue me) always pick me up. The plotlines are very teen drama angsty vampire but I appreciate that Caroline is girly and feminine, and she's *allowed* to be girly and feminine, without losing her ability to also be kinda murdery AND the emotional strength character of a lot of the show. Generally I find that female characters are either one or the other (cute shallow, loves parties, OR strong, courageous and sometines snapps and rips people's throats out). And when characters condemn her for these girly traits (outside of S1, once she had more plot), the narrative frames that as having been the *wrong thing to say.* I appreciate that.
2. The Good Place
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One of very, VERY few actual comedies I can sit through without cringing and either turning it off 10 minutes in or doing shots. I loves philosophy in college and so I really appreciate the opportunities to go “wait I recognize that! That's a thing I know about!” And a show in the 21st century having a thesis that whether people are good or evil, they can become better in stable healthy environments is so uplifting.
3. DreamWorks Dragons - Race to the Edge
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This one's cheating a little because it has the movies attached to it of course, so it's not *just* a show. But. Whatever. It's ALSO a show. I'm obsessed with dragons (my first tattoo was Toothless) and with flight (grew up on a steady diet of Hayao Miyazaki movies) and HTTYD was the first movie I went to see in the theater that I didn't read the book first - i just watched the trailer and went for the sake of the movie itself. There's an earlier show (pre-rtte) which is okay, but it's definitely more Y-7, while the movies (and RTTE) had that ageless feel of grown up topics made accessible to kids. It's low risk because it IS for kids so you're guaranteed a certain level of happy ending to the episodes, but i still enjoy it as an adult.
4. The Mandalorian
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Funky space western with a predictable plot, a tropey hero, that one body builder lady from Deadpool, and of course the real reason we all watched it, BABY YODA. The basic feel of it reminds me of my childhood (my dad loves spaghetti westerns and of course star wars) and I love stories about scary broody types who become parents and are just all the way in for their kids. That's the good shit.
Last but DEFINITELY not least:
5. Star Trek - TOS & Next Gen
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In the middle of winter when I'm low on sunlight, energy and a will to live, Star Trek comes to the rescue. The ridiculous optimism of the creators in wanting to see humanity's future the way they portrayed it coupled with the barely veiled critiques of injustices in the real world *which were able to air even back then* are things that I find really uplifting. It's of course super campy and the special effects/acting are dated (and my “I like to bitch about my shows” definitely comes up) but it's just so fun!
Honorable Mentions
Doctor Who
Avatar The Last Airbender
Adam Ruins Everything
Stranger Things
Tagging: @ifandomus @countesskittymeow @violetchaos @blodreina-noumou @blodkru and anyone else who wants to play!
(Anybody ever do these things and go “yeah I know people's profile pics but can't remember their usernames to save my life”??)
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nightfurylover1112 · 6 years
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Remember this thing?
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It’s the ‘cage’ for Toothless and the Light Fury.
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And it also appears to be Grimmel’s throne. We see him sitting here ^ - He is clearly above all those ships, most likely flying. But we can see two strong winches lowering chains downwards.
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We can assume that these chains going up, are the same from Grimmel’s throne... Obviously, these pics are not from the same scene but you get the idea.
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How awful is this guy?! 
His throne is a giant, torturous cage for dragons
Lifted by dragons, seemingly at all times.
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mortalgabby · 5 years
Mechanical Toothless 4
Creating the Movement
I created the stand for toothless by cutting out 3 pieces of wood on the bandsaw, making sure that the two on the side were exactly the same length and width so it would stand correctly. I then drilled two holes in each side piece and one on the top piece to allow the dowels to go through. Finally, I attached the pieces of wood together using a hammer and nails. This caused some of the wood to split, which probably could’ve been avoided if i’d used wood glue instead. However, I didn’t have a lot of time to make this final part of my project.
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In truth, everything from this point onwards was made in one evening over around 7 hours. I had little time to prepare - and my time management wasn’t great since the project was due in the next day. Part of this was because I was ill, therefore away from college, on the day that everyone else created the mechanism to make their mechanical toys move. Consequently, I didn’t really have any idea how to make it work at all. It was only after finishing the ‘movement’ I realised a much simpler way of making it that could’ve solved all of my problems. The way I should’ve used was the same as all of my classmates - but since I missed the day I didn’t think or know how to do it (which is my own fault.). 
Also considering my lack of time management, I planned out the mechanism about 10 minutes before making it, thus didn’t have time to create several different variations and evaluate them. 
The idea I had for the movement seemed simple enough to begin with - I wanted the wings to move up while the body moved down and vice versa, creating the impression that Toothless was flying - as seen in the mechanical toy below:
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I knew that I’d need a central dowel for Toothless’ Body as well as two for his wings to allow them to move up and down. However, from the image above, it was difficult to see how the actual mechanism worked. This is the eventual plan I created: 
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The dowel would be cut into different sections, two of which pointing down and one in the middle pointing upwards. These would rotate using a handle, causing the dowels to move up and down at opposite times. 
At this stage, I wasn’t sure how to attach the dowels to the wood so that they would stay upright while the handle rotated 360 degrees. I should’ve considered this before making it as this became a big problem later on. 
The sides of each piece were made out of brass so they were a lot stronger. I used a vice and a hacksaw to cut the metal to the planned lengths. 
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Once cutting the metal to the right length, I did the same for the required pieces of wooden dowel, using the hacksaw and then sanding them to be the right length - which I had previously marked on with a ruler and pen. 
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Next, I arranged the pieces of wood and brass according to the plan on the left. 
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In order to attach the wood to the brass, I had to make holes in the ends of both. The brass was too smooth to drill initially (the drill would slip and the hole would end up in the wrong place) So I used a punch to create small holes in each piece beforehand. I could then put the drill into the small hole to keep it steady. 
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grabtee · 5 years
Floyd Mayweather Signature Shirt
New Post has been published on https://lazadashirt.com/trending/floyd-mayweather-signature-shirt/
Floyd Mayweather Signature Shirt
The best thing Hallmark offers, for the Floyd Mayweather Signature Shirt part, is genuine family-friendly entertainment. That’s a winning formula for me. This actually would be great and very beneficial to a lot of people if it wasn’t a promotion to subscribe to something that’s not available in some towns. Or cat treats opening their bag and that cat looking at you. It perfect for so much stuff. Hell, I think this cat could. Make a super bowl commercial and we can actually have some laugh at the super bowl commercials again.
Floyd Mayweather Signature Shirt, Hoodie, Sweatshirt, Long-Sleeved
Women’s T-Shirt
They are cool and funny but this cat should be doing cat food commercials and making her momma some cash. They can bring out the Floyd Mayweather Signature Shirt set on the counter and her she comes eye wide open showing mmmm good. His skull is deformed so it makes you wonder if his brain has any abnormal growth. But after 2 years, I’m sure he has been looked at. Orange cats are the best. I just rescued a feral kitten who had an ear infection and she has round pupils like this cat. Don’t know if it affects her eyesight.
Floyd Mayweather Signature Shirt, Hoodie, Sweatshirt, Long-Sleeved
Might not be a human, but something with pupils that might rival the Floyd Mayweather Signature Shirt of yours. The left pic. Idk what the cat is doing on the right. That just looks creepy. Man if this cat were black had wings could spit plasmablasts and had retractable teeth it would look exactly like toothless. No using solar wind or hydro you ate adding more to the carbon list not to mention the enormous amounts you have to use just to build these so-called renewable sources.
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swapnagangadharan · 5 years
It was a beautiful morning, we had Chai and breakfast and were enjoying the quietness of the village. With no tourists stopping here, it was very peaceful. Usually the bus from Reckong Peo would stop for lunch or just riders/vehicles checking in as to how far it was to Tabo.
Swamiji excitedly told us to get ready to go to the temple which we did but Bengalan Aunty was taking her own sweet time to put on her make up and be picture perfect ready. I didn’t want to tag along with another make up and click sessions kind of ladies. Spiti was anything but that.
Aunty walked out still grumpy, dressed like the brightest morning sun that would hurt your eyes and plonked herself comfortably in the front seat with the driver, no questions asked. It was a small car and Bhim with his long legs struggled with the two of us in the back seat and off we went.
While Aunty became louder by the minute, the Swamiji was asking questions every second to the driver. What does he do? What happens here? What is the food he eats? What is this? What is that? And in between were us two 😊
The driver was softly repeating that this was a heavy landslide area, the road was pretty rough, too narrow, one slip of concentration and it would be fatal but the two didn’t care nonetheless. In the end we zoned out and looked out at the scenery. Oh well if we had to go what better way than in a breathtaking landscape?
To go to Gue temple was to go back from Hurling, it was 12 kms away. The landscape was magnificent. It felt out of this world, you wouldn’t know it until you saw it with your own eyes.
And like every civilisation from time immemorial, wherever there was a green patch, there was a small village. There was a big doorway like a pillar entrance that led to Gue village and in midst of the barrenness was this sudden bursts of lush greenery and small homes. From the village was another 2 kms up to the temple. Besides a motorable Road, there were steps to walk up to the temple.
There was a biker in front of us with a flag stating Solo Rider – Kolkata to Ladakh. Seeing that Aunty’s eyes brightened, she stopped him, made a long conversation in Bengali. Bhim quipped, ‘Now please translate that for us non Bengalis.’
We reached the temple and saw there was  construction and renovation happening in the monastery while the Monk was respectfully placed in a small shrine next to the monastery. We went there and offered our respects before Aunty could go click click click and voice her opinions out loud.
The position of the monk was how it was usually placed in Buddhist burial rituals, in a squatting position. We went to the monastery and found out it followed the Nyingma path. Tibetan Buddhism had 4 schools- Nyingma,Gelug,Kagyu and Sakya. I had learned about this when I was in Ladakh. His Holiness Dalai Lama was the prominent figure head of Gelug school.
Meanwhile ‘Question Swamiji’ found out about the Lama Mummy. The villagers revered the holy Lama as apparently he had given up his life for the sake of the village. His tomb was enshrined a little below the monastery and was found by the army. But it was finally given it’s new shrine and preservation by a group of American archaeologists team who funded it initially. Now there were so many travellers visiting this place just to see ‘The Mummy’, in fact the only mummy in India.
We saw a mix of travellers. One of them stood out, A very good looking Sardarji wearing a traditional ‘Chola’ – this was a traditional spiritual attire in Sikhs. He was truly standing out with that blue vest, flared bottom and a beautiful dagger tied to his waist and nonchalantly playing with a basketball with his friends who were Sardarjis too.
I guess like energies connect because he approached us with a big smile and started talking. He was from Chandigarh, he was a budding documentary film maker and his first time to Spiti. When I told him I was from Hyderabad, he said he had been there and took a tour of Ramoji Rao film studios and how bored he was, I told him Hyderabad was more than that, he could have seen better ruins! He and his friends had a vehicle and they were going directly to Kaza. We wished them all the best.
Bhim and I decided to walk down from the temple. Being at the top we took in the entire view of the village and the region. It was drizzling and was beautiful. The prayer flags which you will see everywhere you travel across Spiti, were dancing with the breeze.
The steps were slippery with the rain so I took off my slippers and walked barefoot. As we kept walking down we passed the old Gompas where the monks could have meditated hundreds of years ago. It amazes me how they could make it here during those times seeing how Spiti was still so raw and wild. There truly was a higher power.
We passed by green patches of cultivation, flowers that were still blooming, people going about their daily tasks. There were sheep skins used to cover the machines, construction happening. Aunty and Question Swamiji were busy clicking every nook and corner of the place and asking questions left,right and centre  so we walked ahead.
You greet people of Spiti with ‘Juley’ and out comes a big smile from everyone there. We saw an older lady walking, chanting and spinning her prayer wheel, we greeted her and she gave a big toothless smile.
Aunty engaged her in a conversation and I must say this, the lady was very witty.  When she asked her as to what she does with the prayer wheel, she cackled ‘ I am praying hard so I can get my teeth back to eat good food’ 😁 She said she was homeless, sleeping here and there until one of the workers said she was a prominent lady of the village, owned many lands, she laughed that lovely laugh knowing she pulled a fast one on us!
Aunty took a pic with her from different angles – yep the kind of pics you want to show off to your friends that you mingled with the locals. I remember Bhim laughing about it, whenever Aunty posed and pouted in front of flowers, he would say please please you pose for a picture like that too, just to get me irritated 😁
We got into the car and came back to the village. We had a quick lunch and there was still time for the bus to come. We thought it would be better to hitchhike but with these two attaching themselves to us, who would give us a lift?Imagine us four and 10 pieces of their baggage, no one would stop and there was no way we could escape them for now so bus it was.
Finally the only bus that would go to Tabo came in. It had stopped for lunch and it was a full house. Should we or shouldn’t we get in? Rules in government buses travelling this side meant no passenger could stand, everyone had to sit. It was mandatory, but this was India and it depended on the discretion of the conductor.
Aunty and Swamiji already stuffed their baggages in the luggage compartment of the bus, we asked the conductor and he said it’s ok as long as we didn’t mind standing. It was a 1 hour journey only so why not?
What we didn’t realise was there was no space for standing either. Luggage,sacks, iron trunks, egg boxes, you name it everything was stuffed everywhere. I stood with my legs apart with a sack of rice in between with my arms wide holding the handles. Bhim somehow managed to stand at the back with Aunty behind me and Swamiji in the front.
Until then I never knew the body could contort and twist in so many ways in a moving bus 😊 Sideways to front to diagonal turns, that’s how I managed with Bhim nonchalantly playing Jim Morrison and Beatles at the back. It was fun!
After an hour, we were finally there. Tabo!
      650 year old Monk & stories – Part VIII It was a beautiful morning, we had Chai and breakfast and were enjoying the quietness of the village.
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