#atsushi has no concept of whats a normal feeling or amount for things like food or hunger
karmicpunishment · 11 months
atsushi is someone who has never had enough of anything growing up, especially when pertaining to food, and now is willing to take whatever he gets.
except he has this incredibly powerful ability that uses a fuck ton of energy and in turn calories and nutrients and the like. but he has no reason to know that right?
and his bodies always been in survival mode and the tiger always tried to take as little from him as it could, but now he’s usually his ability all the time and in addition has access to steady food and water. but he doesn’t know how much he needs and he doesn’t know that its not normal to be constantly at least a little hungry.
yosano told him when he joined that he was malnourished and set him up with a basic meal plan and he sticks to it best he can. he doesn’t know why he’s still constantly tired or not gaining any weight or hungry all the time but he figures it just takes time.
as time goes on and he uses his ability more and more he starts to get more tired daily. he sleeps longer, starts napping during the day etc. kunikida scolds him a couple times for falling asleep at his desk and tells him not to take after dazai any more than he already does but he’s getting worried too. atsushi is usually the third one in the office behind kunikida and fukuzawa, and second only to kunikida in his diligence at work.
it keeps going for a while until one day after a week of back to back to back missions (the last one being a joint one with the pm) he passes out while giving a debrief in front of everyone.
yosano is practically kicking herself when she realizes what the problem is and draws him up a Much different nutritional plan after all this. nearly everyone else in the agency feels real bad about it too, it seems so obvious but it really just slipped their minds. dazai buys atsushi lunch for a week (with kunikidas money), kunikida draws up a new food budget plan and helps him find the best local deals, yosano takes him and kyouka shopping and gets him whatever they want, and fukuzawa gives him a raise to help handle the food budget increase no matter how much atsushi insists its all not necessary. ranpo even shares his snack with him once.
chuuya gives atsushi a lot of tips too (if anyone understands what its like to have an energy consuming gift its him).
atsushi is a bit (a lot) overwhelmed with all of this but he also finds the feeling of peoples worry over him to be…kind of nice? its nice to be helped instead of hurt. and he’s getting really fond of not being exhausted and hungry all the time (though he does still keep the occasional daytime nap in his schedule 🐱)
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