#atab icons
titanus-helsing · 4 months
@littlemissatlas @standard-human @sleepymilkcarton @gay-trashcan-cat @mjtheartist04
So....3 announcements on atab
As I mentioned earlier the inspirations for the story are a lot of indie stuff like helluva boss, lackadaisy,hazbin etc(don't wrap me up in the drama, I could not care less)
But also for the kaiju tone and stuff like that, here are the main inspirations
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All of these Kaiju films are easily my favorites in the genre. Shusuke Kaneko, and Takashi Yamazaki are some of my favorite kaiju directors and their movies have shaped the kaiju genre as a whole tremendously, Godzilla vs mothra is here for nostalgia reasons mostly and because I think it handles the lore of monsters pretty well too.
Now, what's a Godzilla/daikaiju story without some monsters. The roster already included Godzilla, Gigan, Megalon, titanosaurus, Mothra,Anguirus, and Rodan but I think that there's another kaiju icon that needs...some work. The ion dragon from Monarch legacy of monsters was cool and all....but it gave me false hopes of a sonic super dragon showing up. So joining the ranks of the kaiju in atab are these fine folks: Moguera, Barugon, gyaos, legion
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....and one more, taking on a more villainous approach than the usual benevolent guardian role he usually has
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Each kaiju will be adapted in my own way that I think would be interesting for atab. also me saying that Gamera is gonna be more antagonistic presence doesn't mean he's gonna be THE villian of atab. I'm taking an approach similar to the titans in the monsterverse, where they are just creatures from an age far older and far more merciless than the age of man.
And now for the 3rd announcement, production on the first story of atab's universe is starting, I want it to come out in early to mid March, it's gonna be focusing on the early days of the warden's and fittingly enough, the origin of several Kaiju(primarily Godzilla, Gamera)
I hope you enjoy! There's a lot more to come for this^^
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demonicxrocker · 2 years
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filtered alia icons from arlo the alligator boy + i heart arlo. love this funky tiger sm /p /pos
as usual, free to use with a reblog and credit somewhere on your account; no exceptions. (tags of the post DON’T count. and no, "credit to the maker" or whatever doesn't count either!!)
reblogs > likes. spam-like(liking) and/or spam-reblog(reblogging) my posts and you're getting blocked. /srs
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NEUROSIS Announces North American Summer Tour Dates With Support From Bell Witch And Labelmates Deafkids
Having just returned from their tour of Japan with Converge, visionary heavy music icons NEUROSIS have announced a new North American tour for this summer, with Bell Witch and Deafkids also on the bill.
NEUROSIS’ previously-announced tour of Europe runs from July 11th through 27th with support from Yob. NEUROSIS also plays a special one-off London performance with Godflesh on July 20th.
Upon their stateside return, NEUROSIS will now head back out to the Eastern US and Southeastern Canada for a run of performances in August. The new dates, confirmed to run from August 7th through August 17th, will see the band performing in Atlanta, Carrboro, Washington, Philadelphia, Brooklyn, Boston, Montreal, Toronto, Detroit, and Chicago. On this tour, direct support will be provided by Seattle doom metal outfit Bell Witch. Opening support will be deployed by Brazilian avant/noise/industrial trio Deafkids, who NEUROSIS signed to their own Neurot Recordings. This tour marks Deafkids’ first time on North American soil.
Showing their discontent with convention from the very beginning, NEUROSIS revealed what would become an instinct for transformation in sound and scope. Over the collective’s past eleven albums and their utterly memorable live shows, NEUROSIS has invited listeners to join them on the path their music carved. Going beyond the remarkable, the band has become unforgettable. For over thirty years, NEUROSIS has relished in the unpredictable and embraced the unknown possibility of where the music could take them.
NEUROSIS’ acclaimed eleventh studio LP Fires Within Fires is available now on CD, LP, cassette, and all digital platforms through the band’s own Neurot Recordings; stream the album HERE and see all bundles and options HERE.
Watch for additional NEUROSIS tour dates to be announced in the months ahead.
7/11/2019 Roman Ampitheater - Rome Ostia Antica, IT [info]
7/12/2019 Carroponte – Milan, IT [info]
7/13/2019 Dour Festival – Dour, BE [info]
7/14/2019 Dachstock – Bern, CH [info]
7/16/2019 Sala Apolo – Barcelona, ES [info]
7/17/2019 Biarritz Atabal – Biarritz, FR [info]
7/18/2019 Bataclan – Paris, FR [info]
7/19-21/2019 Supersonic Festival – Birmingham, UK [info]
7/20/2019 O2 Forum Kentish Town – London, UK w/ Godflesh [info]
7/22/2019 Metal Days – Tolmin, SI [info] (no Yob)
7/23/2019 Arena – Vienna, AT [info]
7/24/2019 Akvarium – Budapest, HU [info]
7/25/2019 Festsaal Kreuzberg – Berlin, DE [info]
7/26/2019 Progresia – Warsaw, PL [info]
7/27/2019 B90 – Gdansk, PL [info]
w/ Bell Witch, Deafkids:
8/07/2019 The Masquerade – Atlanta, GA
8/08/2019 Cat's Cradle – Carrboro, NC
8/09/2019 9:30 Club – Washington, DC
8/10/2019 Theatre Of Living Arts – Philadelphia, PA
8/11/2019 Brooklyn Steel – Brooklyn, NY
8/13/2019 Paradise Rock Club – Boston, MA
8/14/2019 Corona Theatre – Montreal, QC
8/15/2019 The Opera House – Toronto, ON
8/16/2019 St. Andrews Hall – Detroit, MI
8/17/2019 Thalia Hall – Chicago, IL
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rumahinjectssh · 7 years
Ngeri Kecelakaan Bus Rosalia Diminta Untuk DIselidiki Oleh KNKT - FROM RUMAHINJECT
WARTABALI.NET - Kecelakaan yang menimpa bus Rosalia tanggal 24 Juni 2017 kemarin memang menjadi salah satu momok mengerikan, atab bus sampai terbelah dan sampai saat ini sudah 4 orang korban tewas, bus rosalia yang terjun kejurang itupun mendapatkan perhatian luar biasa dari masyarakat, kini Menteri Perhubungan Budi Karya Sumadi menugaskan Komite Nasional Keselamatan Transportasi (KNKT) untuk meneliti kejadian kecelakaan Bus Rosalia Indah jurusan Jakarta-Yogyakarta yang terjun ke jurang di ruas Jalan Raya Bayeman, Kabupaten Purbalingga, Sabtu pagi (24/6/2017).
"Nanti kami tugaskan KNKT untuk meneliti kejadian itu karena kami tidak bisa langsung menghukum tanpa tahu sumbernya seperti apa yang ada di lapangan," kata Menteri Budi di sela-sela meninjau Bandara Halim Perdana Kusuma, Jakarta, Sabtu. Ia pun menyatakan bahwa Kementerian Perhubungan sudah mendapat laporan terkait kecelakaan Bus Rosalia Indah di Purbalingga, Jawa Tengah, tersebut. "Saya sudah dapat laporan tetapi belum tahu detailnya seperti apa, makanya saya prihatin berkaitan dengan kecelakaan bus Rosalia ini," tuturnya. Menurut Budi, Kemenhub belum mengetahui apakah bus itu memang laik untuk jalan atau memang ada kendala dari sopir yang mengendarai bus tersebut. "Karena beberapa kecelakaan sebelumnya ternyata tidak laik dan sopirnya bukan sopir yang benar tetapi saya turut prihatin dengan kejadian ini. Kami harapkan para sopir itu jangan buru-buru, harus antre, dan sebagainya," kata Budi. [ads-post] Ia pun menyatakan Kemenhub akan melihat terlebih dahulu untuk mengambil tindakan terhadap Perusahaan Otobus (PO) Rosalia Indah terkait kecelakaan yang menyebabkan empat orang meninggal itu. "Kami mesti lihat dulu bus itu ada status kelaikan atau tidak dengan stiker. Kalau ternyata tidak, maka kami akan lugas melakukan tindakan itu kepada Perusahaan Otobus tetapi kalau ada kelaikan, berarti yang salah kan tinggal sopir," ucap Budi. Sebelumnya, Menteri Perhubungan Budi Karya Sumadi menegaskan bus penumpang dilarang beroperasi jika di sisi kiri kaca depan tidak ditempeli stiker berwarna biru karena itu berarti kendaraan tersebut belum lolos uji kelaikan. Empat penumpang yang meninggal dunia dalam kecelakaan itu diketahui bernama Santosa Subana (30), warga Dahu RT 14 RW 05, Cikeusal, Serang, Banten, Wawan Kustanto (29), warga Prambanan RT 02 RW 04, Klaten, Setyo Prihatin (37), warga Kampung Ledup RY 02 RW 32, Jaya Jatiluhur, Tangerang, Banten, dan Suratmi (40), warga Tomang Baru Blok C1 Nomor 26, Jakarta Barat. Sebanyak 36 korban luka-luka, dua orang di antaranya dirawat di RS Nirmala, 33 orang di RSUD dr. R. Goeteng Taroenadibrata, dan satu orang di RS Harapan Ibu. Kecelakaan tersebut terjadi sekitar pukul 03.00 WIB ketika bus kelas eksekutif berpelat nomor AD-1505-AU yang dikemudikan Imamudin (44), warga Bogor, Jawa Barat, hilang kendali. Bus bermuatan 40 orang (termasuk sopir dan dua awak bus lainnya, red.) yang datang dari arah utara atau Pemalang terjun ke jurang dengan kedalaman 10 meter. Inalillahiwainailaihi rojiun..Kecelakaan bis rosalia indah jurusan jakarta solo.. masuk jurang di desa bayeman kab. purbalingga.. korban banyak yg dr sleman klaten solo.. bagi yg punya saudara yg mudik dr arah jakarta solo naik bus rosalia indah malam td coba segera dihubungi.. Update laka lantas Desa Bayeman Kec. Karangreja kab. Purbalingga: Kepada Yth. Bp. Kalakhar Bpbd Prov. Jateng,  Ijin melaporkan perkembangan terkini kejadian laka lantas di dusun Bayeman ds. Tlahab Lor Kec. Karangreja Kab. Purbalingga sbb: 1. Laka Bus Rosalia Indah Nopol AD-1505-AU dari Jakarta menuju Solo 2. Korban di RS. Goeteng Tarunadibrata 36 orang; 3. RS. Nirmala 3 orang; 4. RS. Harapan Ibu 1 Jumlah 40 orang Keterangan: Meninggal Dunia 4 orang: 1. Santosa Subawa, usia 30th, alamat Daku 14/5. Cikeusal, serang Banten (RS Nirmala); 2. Wawan Kusnanto (RS. Goeteng) 3. Suratmi, (RS. Goeteng) 4. Setiyo,  (RS. Goeteng) Luka-luka 36 orang: 1. Sutarno, 33 th, kampung dimpit 1/6 Tangerang 2. Regina Saren 12 th, Tangerang (no. 1 dan 2 di RS. Nirmala) 3. Tulus, sadar, luka 4. Mahdi, sadar luka 5. Suwardi, sadar luka di kepala 6. Imanudin, sadar, luka, 7. Siti Nur Azizah, sadar, luka 8. Mukti Nur, nyeri punggung kiri 9. Rayhan, sehat 10. Sigit, sadar 11. Tria Yunita 12. Sunarso 13. Ferdi 14. Sumiati 15. Sri widarti 16. Nazwa 17. Aang 18. Aswara 19. Kartika Sari 20. Nabib 21. Sutrisno 22. Darmono 23. Suwarjono 24. Beni 25. Sarilah 26. Resa 27. Dwi nur khasanah 28. Danang 29. Bidianto 30. Purwanto 31. Eko 32. Fajar fitri 33. Bimo 34. Darwanto 35. Muhamad (no 3 s/d 35 di RS Goeteng) 36. Data menyusul (RS. Harapan Ibu) [error title="SUMBER BERITA" icon="exclamation-triangle"]Anda Meragukan Informasi Yang Ada Dalam Tulisan Diatas ?? Atau Anda Melihat Ada Masalah Soal Postingan Diatas, Silahkan Cek Sumber Berita - Atau Anda Dapat Menghubungi Kami Di Halaman Contact - Mari Sama Sama Saling Cross Check Sumber Berita : SUARA Dan Dari Whatsapp Judul Asli : KNKT Diminta Teliti Kecelakaan Bus di Purbalingga [/error]
WARTABALI.NET - Media Informasi Kita Bersama
from Media Informasi Kita http://www.wartabali.net/2017/06/ngeri-kecelakaan-bus-rosalia-diminta.html
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