#at the meeting i heard the other teachers saying 'oh your students could do cosplay!!'
liliran · 2 years
the school where i'm currently working as a mandarin teacher wants to make a dance event by the end of the year... but i have no idea what to come up with in my class 🥲
there's a chinese dance studio in the city but i'm yet to go there and ask if they'd like to partner up and maybe give some classes at the school... my other idea was to search on youtube any dance covers of modern songs, much like cpop or something like that... perhaps it's safer than to try a traditional dance, even though it would be so nice if it worked 😭
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bellafarallones2 · 3 years
From the meet uglies prompt list:
84. I’m not entirely sure who you are but we’ve been in a massive prank war ever since your first prank on your friend went awry and I was covered in paint
For JakeHollis, please? Sfw or nsfw! This screams them to me!
JakeHollis, SFW, very light angst, some absolutely weird vibes! QueerElfClub's Hollis cosplay is my headcanon for them always and forever
All told, Jake’s first day at Kepler High hadn’t been too bad. Barclay and Dani had told him roughly what to expect, including a rapid rundown of the Earth history he’d be looked at strangely for not knowing. So far, math was his favorite class, because it was the same as on Silvain. Mama had gotten him into something called AP BC Calculus, which seemed like far too many acronyms for a class about shapes. His next most favorite class was PE.
Now it was almost three, and the final bell had rung. Packing up his backpack had taken so much time that the hallways were mostly empty, and he wandered idly, looking for the exit. Barclay was supposed to be picking him up somewhere called the “kiss and ride,” though Jake had been assured kissing was not mandatory. No signs pointed the way, and Jake knew better than to ask someone for directions. Teenagers were the same everywhere.
He found himself in a wing of the school none of his classes had been in, passing rooms labeled ORCHESTRA and BAND and COLOR GUARD EQUIPMENT STORAGE. The sound of music came through the walls.
Finally, though - miracle of miracles! - he saw the light of day, and hurried towards the door it was coming from. The door was even cracked open, and Jake pushed it open the rest of the way and stepped out onto the sidewalk.
Something hit his head.
Something that made a klang noise against his skull, and he thought for a moment his head had cracked - he didn’t know how fragile these disguises were - but no, there was something else dripping through his hair and down his face and down all over his new colorful jacket. He looked down. It was white and foul-smelling, and when he blinked his eyelashes clumped and stuck together.
Jake was fairly certain neither Dani nor Barclay had mentioned this. He could barely see, just the edges of a person saying oh fuck, I’m so sorry, I thought you were Keith, and tugging him back into the school, which was not at all where he wanted to go.
“Let’s get you cleaned up,” the voice said, and Jake found himself in a restroom, without even the time to make sure it was the correct one - he needed to be in one called BOYS or MEN, or the one with a little outline of a person without a skirt. or GENTLEMEN. (Barclay knew a long list of things he’d seen printed on bathroom doors.)
But here he was, and he bent to the sink to wash his face and came up dripping. Then he repeated the introduction he’d given so many times already today.
“I’m Jake,” he said. “Dani’s brother.” (People knew Dani; she’d graduated only two years earlier. He told teachers he was Barclay’s brother. Barclay was a little older, but a better student than Dani had been.)
“Oh,” said the person. “I think I had an art class with her. I’m Hollis.”
“Nice to meet you.”
Hollis had curly black hair and brown skin, and the sleeves of their shirt were tattered like they’d been cut off and not hemmed afterwards. When they rubbed at the stuff on Jake’s sleeve with a wet paper towel he could see the fine line of muscle beneath the skin in their arm.
Jake took a deep breath. “Do you think you could point me towards the kiss and ride?”
By the time Jake climbed into Barclay’s truck, he was as clean as one could get with hand soap and paper towels.
“How was your first day?” said Barclay, tactfully not saying anything about the paint.
“Fine. I’m really glad you and Dani told me so much about what to expect. But when I was trying to find my way out at the end of the day a bucket of paint fell on my head.”
“Oh, dear.”
“Someone helped me clean up, though. Their name’s Hollis. I think we’re friends now?”
“Well, that’s nice.”
“One girl in my homeroom brought in brownies to share with everybody because it was her birthday. Are you allowed to do that even if it’s not your birthday?”
“I don’t see why not.”
“Can I bring in cupcakes tomorrow? The ones you make are really good and I think people would like me if I gave them some.”
Barclay looked over at him, drumming his fingers on the steering wheel. “Alright,” he said. “I’ll make you some cupcakes.”
The cupcakes were gorgeous. Each was as the platonic ideal of what a cupcake should be, the cupcake held before the fire to cast a shadow in Plato’s confectionary cave. The cake part was delicate and moist and yellow, and the frosting was pink, dusted with rainbow sprinkles.
“Oh,” said Jake’s homeroom teacher when she saw him come in carrying the lovingly packed tray. Barclay had put crumpled saran wrap between each cupcake so they wouldn’t knock into each other. “Is it your birthday, Jake?”
“Nope! But I brought cupcakes for everyone.”
“Alright,” said the teacher. “You can start passing them out now, if you’d like.”
Jake held out the tray to each person in the first few rows in turn, receiving varyingly sincere ‘thank you’s in return. But sitting in the back corner by the window was Hollis, and when Jake got to them, he didn’t hold out the tray. No, he selected the most perfect cupcake there was, cupped its soft bottom, and shoved the perfect pink frosting into Hollis’ perfect face.
“Oops,” Jake said sweetly.
“Jake!” said the teacher. “What do you think you’re doing!?”
But Hollis was already laughing, wiping pink frosting off their face and licking it off their fingers. “It’s fine, Ms. B., we’re in a prank war.”
“Well, please refrain from waging it in my classroom!”
“I’m sorry,” said Jake. He’d never heard the phrase prank war before, but the word war he didn’t like at all. War was the slowly narrowing boundaries of habitable land, war was an enemy that was somehow both inuman and implacably angry.
The boy sitting to Hollis’ left was looking up at Jake with something like shock and anger in his face. Looking away, Jake held out the plate of cupcakes to him so he could select his own.
Jake still had trouble finding the cafeteria, and so most of the students were seated when he arrived. He was scanning looking for a seat where he wouldn’t be intruding on someone else’s friend group when Hollis’ waving hand caught his attention. “Yo, Jake! Come sit with us?”
Jake hurried over. Before he reached the table Hollis elbowed the boy who was sitting next to them, the same one who’d been next to them in homeroom, and he scooted hurriedly over into the next seat so Jake could sit next to Hollis.
“Hello,” Jake said, nodding at each person at the table.
“This is Jake,” said Hollis. “He got me good in homeroom with a cupcake to the face.”
The others at the table laughed.
“Jake, this is Keith, Madison, and Ty,” Hollis continued, indicating the boy who’d been displaced, a girl with purple streaks in her long brown hair, and a boy with a mullet.
“Nice to meet you,” said Jake. He listened to them talk as he unpacked the lunch Barclay had packed him. A sandwich on part of a baguette, a chocolate-chip cookie, a honeycrisp apple (Jake had just been on earth long enough to have opinions about the different varieties of apples), and a note reminding him that Barclay loved him and wanted him to have a good day.
His tablemates were discussing what they were going to do over the weekend. Ty suggested going to Walmart, which was shot down on the grounds that they’d done that last weekend. No one’s parents were out of town, which eliminated the possibility of a house party.
“There’s nothing to do,” Madison whined.
“Can you drive places?” Jake asked.
Everyone went quiet. “Yep,” said Hollis. “When Madison’s parents let her use the car.”
It was Jake’s first autumn on earth, and from his bedroom window on the second floor of Amnesty Lodge he could see the leaves changing colors, red and orange and yellow between the bristles of the evergreens. “You could drive around and look at leaves. I’d like to come along, if that’s alright.”
Everyone was silent, deciding whether that was the lamest thing they’d ever heard or so lame it went straight through the other side into being kind of a good idea again.
“Fuck it,” said Hollis finally. “Let’s do it. And of course you’re invited, Jake, let me add you to the group chat.”
That Saturday, a silver Honda pulled up in front of Amnesty Lodge. Madison was at the wheel, Ty in the front passenger seat, and Keith sulking in the back. Behind it was a sleek motorcycle, and the rider’s helmet reflected the autumn leaves above.
Hollis pulled off their helmet. Their hair was disheveled and gorgeous. “If it was five of us in the car someone would have had to sit in the middle back, and that sucks,” they said. “Hop on, Jake.” They were holding out a second helmet.
“Um,” said Jake, offering them a bottle of sparkling cider with gold foil around the neck. “I brought something for us to drink?” The agreement had been that they would drive to one of the pull-off spots along the highway and have drinks there.
“Sweet,” said Hollis. “Put it in the back of the car?”
When Jake opened the back door of the car he saw a case of white claw on the seat next to Keith. “Was I supposed to bring alcohol?” Jake said. “I could have.” There was wine at the lodge; sometimes on the weekends Mama and Barclay went wine-tasting together, because Dani’s ID said she wasn’t old enough.
“No, Jake, you’re fine,” Hollis said. “Climb on.”
Jake fit the helmet over his head and climbed onto the smooth leather seat of the motorcycle behind Hollis. “Hold on tight,” said Hollis.
The motorcycle roared to life like one of Silvain’s larger beasts. Then it leaped forward, swerving hard to veer around Madison’s parents’ car. Jake swallowed a shriek and held on tighter. He could no longer feel the soft fabric of Hollis’s shirt, only the beast beneath them and the wind tearing at their jackets and the red, orange, and yellow leaves racing by above.
By the time they reached the appointed meeting place the others weren’t even in sight.
“So,” said Hollis when they pulled their helmet off. “What brings you to Kepler?”
Jake knew how to lie, when presented with questions like this. But with Hollis they found they didn’t want to. “I got kicked out of my old school.”
Hollis’s eyebrows went up.
“For… stealing.” Stealing food, because his family’s traditional hunting grounds had been corrupted by the Quell, and everyone else had barely enough for themselves. The huge mounds of apples in the grocery store in Kepler were the first thing to convince him he’d been exiled to paradise.
“Damn, Jake. And here I thought you were so wholesome.”
Jake threw up a hang-ten. “Nah, I’m a real bad boy.”
“Are you… with anyone? From your old school?”
“Nope. Are you?”
“Nah.” Hollis took a deep breath. It was the first time Jake had noticed them breathing. Human beings had to breathe so frequently, he’d found, and he sometimes forgot to until his lungs reminded him. His old body had been able to hold its breath for over an hour, collapsing his lungs so he was sleekness against the water inside and out. Incompressible.
“Wanna make out?” said Hollis.
“Yeah,” said Jake.
Hollis leaned in and kissed him. The best part was how warm their lips were, how warm their face was, right up close to his. No, scratch that. The best part was how they smelled, a smell Jake hadn’t encountered on earth up to that point but knew now he could never get enough of. No, the best part was -
Tires on gravel. Jake startled, but Hollis didn’t stop kissing him, even as Madison honked the horn on her parents’ car.
To Jake, that was the most surprising thing, that Hollis would want to kiss him in front of their friends. Teenagers were the same everywhere.
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Serpent Royalty
Sweet pea x Jones reader Word count:  Summary: Jughead Jones’ cousin Y/N returns after being made to leave Riverdale by her mother when she was 12. She returns to escape the drama in New York, to find that Riverdale has just as much drama going on.
Warnings: Swearing,
A/n: Y/N = Your name Lee = Your middle name Y/H/L = Your hair length Y/H/C = hair colour
Hi! So sorry for the delay on this part, I’ve been super busy with uni assessments and trying to sort out my cosplay for Oz Comic Con which was last weekend, I cosplayed as Dark Betty. :) Anyway hope you all enjoy this part!
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Part Four
 Sweet Pea’s P.O.V
I walked back and sat next to Fangs. Toni handed me a drink from behind the bar. 
“Did anyone see where Y/N went?” FP yelled to everyone in the bar. 
“I saw her outside, she said she needed a moment alone.” I told FP. 
“Thanks, Sweet Pea.” He put his hand on my shoulder, thanking me as he walked out to find Y/N.  
“Is she okay? We saw her run out of FP’s office?” Fangs asked me. 
“I don’t know, I saw her come out the doors, she got to her car and then she just collapsed onto the ground. I went over to see if she was okay, she was crying. I helped her up and offered to help her inside, but she said she wanted to be alone. Where’s Jones?” 
“He went to the bathroom.” Toni answered before Fangs could. 
 Reader P.O.V  I jumped when I heard a know on my window. It was FP. I sat up and opened the door, moving over to let him in. 
“Hey, come here” he wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me into his side. 
“I’m sorry for running out, I just felt so overwhelmed. Why didn’t my mother tell me when it happened?” I asked.
“I don’t know honey, I’m sorry you found out like this.” He replied. 
“I just don’t know what I’m going to do now, I thought I’d come back, and he’d be here, and I stay with him and we’d catch up on all the years we missed. Now I’m here and he’s gone, and I have no where to stay. I-I-I just wasn’t expecting this.” 
“It’s okay, don’t stress, you can stay with me and Jug. You’re family, we would do anything for you.” 
“Thanks FP. I missed you both so much” 
“Come on, let’s get you back to our trailer. Where are your keys? I’ll drive.” 
“What about Jug?” I asked as I handed him my keys. 
“I’ll text him when we get home.” He smiled at me, “It’s all going to be okay.”
It wasn’t a long drive, Sunnyside Trailer Park was just down the road from the Whyte Wyrm. As we pulled up my mind began to wander. I thought about my dad, I remembered the first time he let me ride with him on his motor bike. We almost crashed into FP’s trailer. He promised he’d get me my own bike and teach me how to ride when I was old enough. 
“Y/N?”I snapped out of the memory and saw that FP had opened my door.  “Come on, I’ll help you inside.” 
I grabbed my duffel bag from the backseat and followed FP into the trailer. 
“Sorry about the mess, you can sleep in Jughead’s room tonight, we’ll sort out something for you in the morning.” 
“What about Jug? Where is he going to sleep? I don’t mind crashing on the couch.” 
“He’s staying at his girlfriends house,  so his bed’s going to be free anyway.” FP led me into Jughead’s room. 
“Okay, so you remember where the bathroom is right? My room’s just down the hall if you need anything. We’ll talk about everything in the morning, for now you just get some rest.” 
“FP? Thank you, I really appreciate it.” 
“Anytime kiddo, now go to sleep, you must be tired from the drive.” 
As tired as I felt, I just couldn’t sleep. My mind was racing, I couldn’t stop thinking about everything that had happened. I wondered how different my life might have been, had my mother let me stay with my father.  I woke up the next morning to the smell of pancakes. I got up and headed into the kitchen.  
“Hey, how’d you sleep? Are you hungry? I made pancakes.”  
“Morning FP, I am actually starving. Thanks.” 
As I sat down at the table to eat, the trailer door swung open. Jughead walked in with a look of accomplishment on his face. 
“Jug, did you sort everything out?”  
“Yep, all sorted. Y/N, go get ready, we’re going to school.” 
“School? What?” I asked confused. 
“Yes school, Jughead went early and arranged your enrollment. I’ve also organised a small trailer for you to stay in, and also for you to do some shifts at the Whyte Wyrm with Toni.” 
“Really? You both did all that for me? I-I-I don’t know what to say. Thank you both so much.” 
“It was not a problem, now come on  and get dressed, we’re gonna be late.” 
I finished my breakfast and headed back into Jug’s bedroom to get dressed. I threw on my high-waist black skinny jeans and a white front lace-up singlet. I put on my black converse and pulled my hair up into a ponytail. I grabbed my black crossbody bag and walked back out to Jug. 
“Ready?  Do you want to drive? Or do you want to come on my motorbike with me?” Jug asked me.
“Definitely your motorbike!” 
“Good, let’s go.” He handed me a helmet, I climbed on the motorbike behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist.
“Hold on tight,” he smiled at me. 
“Welcome to Riverdale High.” Jug said as we pulled up into the school’s parking lot.  
Toni, Fangs and Sweet Pea were leaning against their motorbikes. The three of them looked up as we approached. Sweet Pea whispered something into Toni’s ear and then took off into the school.  
“What’s his problem?” Jughead questioned Toni. 
“Don’t know, I think he said something about seeing a teacher?” Toni replied, “Anyways, Come on Y/N, I’ll show you around.”
I followed Toni into the school. We stopped at the lockers. 
“Okay so this is your locker,” 
“Toni! There you are! I’ve been looking all over for you!” A stunning girl with bright red hair shouted down the hall. 
“Oh, and who is this?” 
“Cheryl, this is Y/N, Y/N this is my girlfriend Cheryl. Y/N is Jughead’s cousin.” 
“It is lovely to meet you, but I need to steal my girlfriend away for a few minutes.”
“Nice to meet you too, I’ll catch up with you later then Toni.” 
She shot me an apologetic look as Cheryl dragged her away. I continued walking down the hall, looking around. I noticed Sweet Pea up a bit further leaning against the lockers. I smiled at him but he just looked away. I wasn’t watching where I was going when I ran into a boy with red hair, knocking his books from his hands. 
“I’m so sorry.” I said as I bent down to help pick up his books. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Sweet Pea smirking. 
“It’s all good, wait, Y/N?” the red haired boy asked. I looked up at him. 
“Archie? Oh my god Archie!” He helped me up and then scooped my up into a big hug. 
“I haven’t seen you in so long!” he said as he put me down.  
“I know it’s been ages! I’ve missed you so much! Did Jug tell you what happened?” 
“Yeah, he said that you and your mum just disappeared one night, I always wondered why you never said goodbye,” 
“I didn’t know I was going, I fell asleep in my bed that night, then woke up in the car.” 
“So are you here to stay? Or are you just visiting?” 
“I’m here to stay, I left my mom in New York” 
“Well, I am glad you’re back.” He said as he wrapped his arms around me again.
I looked of his shoulder to where Sweet Pea was standing but he was gone.  
“Come on, there’s some people I want to introduce you too.” 
Archie led me into a room with couches filled with students. Jughead was sitting with a blonde girl, Toni sitting in Cheryl’s lap, Fangs and Sweet Pea were sitting at a table in the back, and a couple of other people I didn’t know were sitting on the couches.
To be Continued.
Tags: @bcfangirlthatswhy @chipster-21 @anini71 @vinylrosess @riverdale-enthusiastt-backup @mysteriouslydelightfulwolf 
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peaches-of-1 · 6 years
The College Crush ~ Chapter 1: Twisted Girl
Black!MC x E’Dawn
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Just a flash of red and brown, and E’Dawn couldn’t help but stare. His smile fell and it felt as though his world had stopped. Your hair was in twists and so was his stomach after seeing you. The other guys didn’t fail to notice their friend’s new infatuation with the girl who had just passed by.
“You think she’s cute, huh?”
He nodded and fell off the wall since he had been too occupied staring at the beautiful brown girl who had passed by to worry about his own safety. Hyojong just had to know one thing. Who were you?
[Two hours earlier...]
Hyojong woke up and stretched, turning off his phone alarm and almost forgetting he wasn’t living on campus this year. He was so used to seeing the cream colored walls, that his black painted ones surprised him. Yawning, he smacked his lips together and tasted last night’s sleep on his tongue. It tasted like spit.
“Good morning, Cheolsoo! Yeonghee, how was your sleep? Is Nari thirsty this morning?” He said cheerfully as he watered the growing sprouts on his windowsill before getting ready.
Skipping forward, Hyojong spit foamy toothpaste into the sink and wiped his face. Only as he double checked his freckled face did his roommate Hongseok came out of his room to do his morning routine.
Scratching his tummy, he said his usual greeting, “Mornin’”
“Sleep well?”
Hongseok nodded and yawned, splashing his face with cold water, “Ah, we’re meeting the guys at the brick wall outside the library today for lunch. Bring cash. Jinho says the card swipe thing got stolen over the summer.”
 “Well fuck,” He pouted. “Ok.”
The be-speckled blonde beauty opened his closet and changed his bottoms to the black slacks required by the school that sported his grade’s color. He slipped on a white tank top after flexing in the mirror a bit. High white socks and black tennis shoes. They could have been any color, but Hyojong decided to keep it simple.
He’d put on his jacket last in case something spilled on his shirt and he had no time to change. Speaking of which. Breakfast. Nothing too big as he’d get coffee with his friends soon enough. Yuto was in the kitchen, toast waiting on the counter with jam and butter surrounding the green plate.
“I made two slices for everyone. Do whatever you want with them.”
The three waited for the last one to wake up as they ate in the living room and played a few video games. None of their classes were until 11am, and it was just now 9:23. Wooseok shuffled in his pajamas and drank some juice.
“Cute.” Hongseok smiled.
They talked about their classes and what they heard about their teachers until it was time to go. They buttoned up their gold buttons that shined brightly against the black fabric
“These look like Japanese high school outfits.”
“And here I thought I had gotten rid of these awful collars when I graduated.” Yuto looked at himself in the mirror. “Why are they trying to copy the uniform style?”
Hongseok shrugged, “Don’t know. But I don’t exactly hate it. You look adorable, Wooseok.”
Hyojong smiled, “He’s always adorable.”
“Oh, be quiet. These pants are so stupid. Why aren’t they full length?” The adorable one turned his ankle to emphasize the fact that it showed off his navy blue socks instead of covering them like regular pants.
“Fashion!” Yuto said. “I like that feature. Makes me feel young.”
“I feel like I’m cosplaying.” Hongseok laughed. “Anyways. Let’s go. We’ve got classes to get to, and it’s best not to be late on the first day.”
After their first classes, the boys met up where they had the past two years after making their rather large group of friends. There were ten of them in total, Jinho, Hui, Hongseok, E’Dawn, Shinwon, Yanan, Yeo One, Yuto, Kino, and Wooseok. Hyojong went by E’Dawn because he messed up creating his first semester schedule so badly that he had classes at the crack of dawn for a whole term.
Most of the others had regular nicknames. They always met for lunch outside the library since Jinho worked at the school cafe located on the library’s first floor and got off at the time. He always brought his friends food that was fresh but would be thrown out after his shift. It was ok as long as he didn’t get caught, and his boss didn’t tell on him.
Even in this large group, they talked about the new uniforms for guys. Every grade had its own color that they had to wear. Freshmen in red, Sophomores in green, Juniors in pink, and Seniors in blue. Yuto, Kino, and Wooseok wore red while Yeo One, Shinwon, and Yanan got green. Hui, E’Dawn, and Hongseok got to wear black this year and Jinho was the only one who wore blue.
The colors were on everyone’s Student IDs. For the guys, they had two sets of pants. One were plaid and whatever color they needed to be. The others were black with a colored stripe down each side. The color also showed up on their ties they wore for their alternate uniforms.As for girls, their skirts signified their current academic level. Although girls could wear pants, there was just social pressure that made skirts more common than not.
Hyojong had decided to wear his black pants today. He met Yuto and Wooseok during their summer orientation since Hyojong was their Orientation Leader. They mentioned not wanting live on campus but not wanting to stay with their parents and E’Dawn said he had two empty rooms in his apartment. They’ve been close ever since.
The guys were taking turns walking on the red brick wall in front of the library to see who could do it the fastest without falling. Hyojong fell and landed on his ass, making the others laugh. He laughed along with them until your red skirt caught his eye. Your legs were an earthy brown, and you wore high black socks in combat boots.
Looking at the rest of your body, he saw that you had on a blazer with red accents and a white dress shirt underneath, red ribbon tied under the colar. The messenger bag you held was an army green color and covered in all sorts of buttons. Some E’Dawn recognized since he was a fan of the shows and bands.
Your hair was natural and in a plethora of twists, but you didn’t really notice him among all the other handsome men. You just saw them as a group of men you had to pass by. It didn’t occur that one of them had been captivated by your presence. Then again, while you were trying to see if you were headed towards the right building, E’Dawn was trying to get a better view of you. He sat up from his first falling position, fingers hanging off the edge of the wall.
After you passed the group, you didn’t see your newest admirer fall to the ground after losing his balance since you were already inside the building and taking everything in. So this is what the inside of a Korean library looked like, you mused.
Hyojong scrambled to his feet and followed you. He just had to make sure that what he saw was human not a goddess made from his imagination as he currently believed you were. When he got inside, he saw a red skirt go around a corner. Your twists bounced with every step and suddenly stopped as you searched for the right room. Hyojong couldn’t help but reach out and touch your shoulder.
You turned around, “Yeah?” You spoke English.
He didn’t know a lot of English. Right now, he barely remembered any Korean as you two met eyes. Yours were such a dark brown, tunnels to another world. E’Dawn had to say something.
“Hi. I’m Kim Hyojong.” He bowed. “I help with new students. Are you lost?”
Having bowed when he did, you sighed and spoke Korean, “Yes, I’m lost. I’m looking for this classroom, but I don’t see this number anywhere.”
He loved the sound of your voice. You showed him the number, and E’Dawn saw the number written in both Hangul and Romanized alphabet.
“Ah, I’m guessing you didn’t get the email. That class is now upstairs in the computer lab.” He pointed upwards. “I can take you to it if you want.”
The way you smiled made his heart skip, “Could you, please?”
Hyojong smiled back, “Sure. Follow me. What’s your name, by the way?”
“I’m (Y/N), nice to meet you.” You gave a small bow and your twists trickled down your cheeks.
“Nice to meet you.”
There was no way he was going to tell you how easy it was to find the classroom since they were mostly glass walls and had the teacher’s name on the door. E’Dawn wanted to spend more time with you wanted to learn more about this beautiful black girl with a voice like the sea.
“Where you from?”
“I’m from North America. And before you ask, I learned Korean and moved here because of K-pop. Mostly the fashion aspect.”
He smiled, “Sounds about right with all the foreigners here. What’s your major?” E’Dawn asked as he opened the stairwell door for you.
“Thanks,” You grinned. “And I’m undecided at the moment. Just trying to get my general studies out the way and try a few things out before committing to a specific field just yet.”
“You’ll find your place here rather quickly. Um, let me see that paper one more time?”
You hands him the paper, and he took a pen out of his pocket to scribble something on it. He handed it back to you, and you noticed a few extra characters along the bottom.
“Wow” You heard a voice whisper.
Both of you turned your heads to see the stairwell door closing even though it should’ve already been shut after E’Dawn and you stepped out. You guys decided to ignore whatever it was.
“It’s my KTalk. You can message me if you have any questions. I hope you enjoy your class.” He opened the glass door leading to the largest computer room.
“Thanks. Hyojong-oppa?”
He wanted to clutch his chest as he was having a heart attack from how cute you were, calling him oppa. He almost forgot you were younger than him, but the red skirt was obvious. You were just very comfortable to be around that you didn’t feel younger. Must’ve been because you were American.
You took his reaction the wrong way, “Oh, sorry, I guess we’re not close enough for me to call you that yet.”
“No, no, no, no, no, no. It’s fine. You can call me oppa if you want.”
“Oh, that’s a relief! Thank you, oppa!”
Hyojong nodded, caught his breath, and put on a charming smile, “Yes. You’re welcome. I’ll see you around. Your Korean is very good.”
“Thank you! I’ll see you around.” You bowed to him and went inside.
He nodded back at you and let go of the door. Releasing the breath he didn’t even know he was holding, E’Dawn gave you one last glance and headed downstairs to rejoin his friends. However, as he opened the door that lead to the stairs he saw several of them standing on the landing.
“Hey, guys. What were you doing?”
They all looked at each other until Yeo One spoke, “Nothing, oppa~”
The others joined in teasing him about having the freshman girl call him oppa even though they had just met. Hyojong was a blushing mess, and nothing could hide it. The librarian shushed them and pointed outside.
Once outside, Jinho was the first to tell the other five, “She called him oppa and almost took it back, but he said it was ok. Dawnie’s got a crush~”
“So, is she Korean?”
E’Dawn shook his head, “American. Not sure which area. Her name is (Y/N).” He touched his cheeks, starting to blush even more. “She’s really cute.”
This was fun. Should I write more? I should. Five chapters. I’ll write five chapters of this with this one being the first.
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