#at relatable sent them any of those games 💀😭
dnpbeats · 2 months
relatable games I think d&p might play
relatable like the brand that sent them games, not relatable like the adjective
"New Phone, Who Dis?": standard apples to apples or CAH format, you draw a received text message then everyone picks a reply text message from their hand and you vote for the funniest. bonus points for the millennial-ass name (sometimes I forget d&p are m*llennials 🤧)
"Over-Rated": again same format as above, but with this one you draw location cards and then pick the funniest review for it. anyone remember the "phil" tripadvisor drama,,,
"Same Same But Different": DAN AND PHIL WOULD SLAY AT THIS ONE!! you draw two cards that are two different situations, then you try to come up with a funny phrase that could be said for both scenarios DAN PHIL IM BEGGING PLAY THIS ONE
"Hot Takes": literally just cards with opinions then you say if you agree or disagree and then argue about it. dan and phil already do this quite literally free spon money at this point
"They're A 10, But…": think d&p would like this one because it's kinda similar to heartthrob in some aspects. basically you start with a rating a hypothetical person has, then a good/bad/neutral trait is drawn, then you assign a new rating to the person. d&p would have to make up a way to play against each other but they could just try to guess what new rating the other person gave or smth!! (also, one of the example negative traits they show on the site is "they have chronically chapped lips"....... anyway)
"Like I Like My": this one is kinda similar to the same same but different one, basically you are given two things in the "I like my ___ like I like my ___" format then you try to come up with the funniest similarity btwn those two things
"Buzzed Tower": almost like tipsy jenga but not really. you draw a card and follow its instructions for adding a block to the tower, if you knock the tower over you have to take a drink. I just wanna see d&p get drunk on camera okay
honorable mentions to "Catch the Vibe," "Be$t Offer," and "Date Fate Eliminate" which also seem like shit they'd play but this post was getting too long 👹👹
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yanderecandystore · 2 years
Imagine if reader is the imposter and goes yandere over a crewmate, how would they court their future mate?(this is a request)
An Among Us request on the year of our Lord, 2022?
I'm actually pretty happy you did request this cause I was worried I would never use this scenario again 😭
Like I'm not exactly the most proud of it but at the same time like- I like it 👉👈
It's kinda short, summarized af and based mostly on my other posts about Among Us (like, completely non game cannon I presume 💀)
TW/Tags: Yandere! Reader // Alien!Imposter! Reader // vague mentions of cannibalism// mentions of gore // traumatized oc // Reader has a questionable (by human standards) upbringing and culture // mentions of children/mating and also probably mentions of nsfw (not much tho, just mentions of it) // chopped off/ severed head // I had so many other things to write about but this sparked something in me that I can't even begin to describe 🗿
This game isn't so bad after you look at it outside of the meme filter, at least that's my opinion [Crewmate! Oc x Yandere!Imposter! Reader - Headcanon]:
In the previous posts we've discussed how Imposters can either be human or alien, and can be of varying alien species so I'll leave it up to you what's your flavor of little space freak~
 Though your request says "mate" so I'm assuming we're talking about an alien Reader, so let's talk about that for a second-
 Are you an alien form that lives on consuming life forms that drift aimlessly in space, lost travelers being your favorite meal? Or maybe you were a lonely bandit operating on their own (for personal reasons) and decided that the one-by-one elimination method would be the best one for being able to take this alien ship for yourself! Or maybe you were sent here as an assassin, as the small ship of "humans" was wandering too close to your contractor's ship, despite the unidentified ship posing no actual threat your contractor still gave clear instructions to wipe out any possible danger that may come their way.
 Whatever your role is I think you would be quite surprised to find something more to these people than annoying relationships forced by the circumstances or sentient food you have to "butter up" before getting to the good part.
 Oh no dearest, you would find yourself being captivated by one of your captives! It is pretty unfortunate to be a "predator" longing for a "prey", to be enamored with one of the people you swore to kill!
 But life is cruel, isn't it? What will you do, what would you do!
 Whatever your reasons and goals for being here may be, your species have a sort of a- ""Ritualistic expression of desire and an instinct-based comprehension of mating urges that are currently over taking your priorities in relation to your situation inside this alien ship"'.
 In other words you're horny and your instincts are clouding your better judgment, especially since your mating rituals may not be compatible with human mating rituals- And we didn't even mention the amount of suspicion that this ordeal has brought upon you!
 You have tried flirting before, you understand the concept, sure- But ""human flirting"" is a lot tougher than your specie's idea of flirting! Who would have thought that humans didn't like the severed heads of those who failed to court them outside their door!
 Thank the stars none of the humans found out it was you who did it, and thank FUCK that in the heat of the moment you didn't say it was YOU! When the head was found the first thing they did was call an emergency meeting to discuss it and you felt terrified because not only could your disguise be completely ripped apart you were a bit embarrassed at the love confession being now brought into everyone's attention-
 On your planet, this sort of thing is considered normal although really juvenile, it would be the equivalent of high school students writing and exchanging letters to one another- And then having one of these letters be read to everyone else out loud!
 Yeah it's a bit "cheesy", but come on, that head was a private message! Ugh, DAMNIT-
 Damn these people are starting to piss you off, at least they eliminated one of their own people instead of you, and thankfully it wasn't your-
 Y-Your crewmate! Your totally platonic crewmate!! Which you're totally NOT obsessing over despite trying very desperately to court them in any way, even going as far as trying to learn human tactics when it comes to courting and mating.
 And failing, miserably, of course. So horribly in fact that even your other "fellow humans' ' have started to comment on it, calling you out in every attempt you give to be close to your darling.
 "- I don't really get what you're talking about, [Y/n], but like if you like them just go for it like, gawd, it's so obvious and honestly who cares- We're all stuck here anyway so let's enjoy our time, right?~"
 "- Yeah no, I won't be giving you their "phone number" because you should ask THEM for it, not me. Also we're in the same spaceship…? You see them everyday, what the hell [Y/n]-"
 "- I shouldn't have to talk about it considering it's not exactly the company's policy and more of a common sense rule amongst co-workers. Though it's understandable that our current situation may lead some to… Act out on "instinct", please keep in mind that seeking romantic relationships with coworkers during work hours is very frowned upon and heavily discouraged and although technically it's not officially an police (yet), me (and others, probably) would be more comfortable if you didn't-" [Really long one-sided rant-conversation about your recent behavior towards one of your coworkers]
 It can be pretty discouraging to hear that even another species can see your blatant fascination towards that one specific individual, it almost seems foolish to keep going after them like this! If only you two were from the same planet, at least you two would have an easier time communicating.
 Oh stars, what's with you lately?! Taking people's heads and giving you someone you barely know? Who is also from a COMPLETELY different species than you?? Damn, you're kinda embarrassed at yourself for that one, but you just couldn't help it~
 You tried focusing on the task at hand SO many times yet every single time you tried to be a cruel, cold hunter there they were again! Being all- 𐌂𐌵𐌕𐌄 like that!
 You wish they could just stop being so distracting but you're not a fool, you know that technically they didn't do anything, you're probably suffering from one of those human crushes you have heard about. It's just psychological torture, you'll get over it.
 You just have to keep ignoring them and keep making the numbers of this ship go down, more and more- I mean, you WILL have to kill them, right?!
 It- It's not like this would ever work out anyway, you're too different and besides you're on a mission of your own, they're nothing but fresh flesh to you.
 Maybe if you keep your distance, act more bitter and cold, they'll just- Just-
 Just leave you alone, f-forever. I mean you can't kill them now! You're too attached to them, you just have to get tired of them and soon enough everything will be okay! You just have to kill everyone else to really revive that hunter mindset you have pushed down so aggressively.
 But then again… Sounds so convenient, to leave them as the last survivor…
 "- [Y/n], come on let's go-"
 "- Hey can you help me out, [Y/n]?"
 "- I'm feeling like we're not safe here…"
 "- Can you hold that flashlight for me? I can see a thing in this darkness!"
 "- Pfft- You're just so weird!- Hey don't be sad, I didn't mean it like that, I genuinely think you're funny!"
 "- … Can I be honest with you? I need to get something out of my chest…"
 "- I've been having nightmares about- That THING I saw that day… It was awful and I can't get the image out of my head!"
 "- Y-Yellow didn't deserve that- No one would ever deserve that! None of the others deserved that!"
 "- Just the head… Just the head…"
 Yeah … You thought you could easily ignore them and push the thoughts of them further into your mind but deep down you just couldn't resist it, it's too tempting. The sweet memories and good times you've spent together, even if they were really short, were still the best thing you could ever wish for.
 Ya know it's a little fucked that you haven't been able to treat them like any other victim, specially when you're part of the reason they're so terrified of being lost in space in the first place- But you don't feel bad about it at all, nothing will stop you from your goals, even if that means terrifying your darling with each friend and colleague deaths that they have to witness.
 But isn't it more messed up that you're enjoying this a little too much? I mean, clearly you can't look at them with platonic eyes anymore, heck you can't even imagine seeing them as just prey at this point! So really, maybe these killings haven't lost their meaning, but have completely changed directions to when you started at.
 You can't deny dear, you lost control of those feelings and have taken advantage of your previous goals to make this all about them! All these deaths, are for them, in their name and in the name of their 𐌋Ꝋᕓ𐌄!
 All because you wish to mate with them, to mate with the human who is desperately clinging at any survivors left just to feel a tiny bit safer, and you seem to be willing to provide that-
 Or are you? Are you the sadistic type? Do you enjoy the fact that their human naivety blinds them to the gruesome feelings you feel for them? That although they cling to you for comfort you're still very much aware you're the monster they wish to hide from? Are you impatiently expecting the right time to tell them the truth just to see the horror in their eyes??
 Or perhaps I'm assuming that the grotesque way your species is raised has influenced your morals to the point you wouldn't recognize the clear implications of YOU killing THEIR friends, making them a possible next target- Which would leave any creature understandably not trusting you, perhaps even your own kind!
 So what dear, would you choose to make things right by their human standards? Try to soothe their worries and hold them close as you unceremoniously claim them as your mate? As you try to comfort the person you have severely traumatized? Maybe you don't really enjoy your own predatory nature, especially when being put together with your darling's fearful and avoidant state, maybe instead of trying to bring them to your culture you could try being closer to theirs.
 Then again, the choice is up to you, the silence echoes through the whole ship, there's nothing but ghostly remains of what was once a group of space travelers who got stranded deep into space with limited communication to their home planet. You won, you got the prize.
 As the second last innocent person has been voted off and thrown into space, desperately trying to prove their innocence while also cursing out both you and your darling for being either partners in crime, or for being puppeteered by one sick individual, you can see a lot of guilt in your darling's eyes.
 That guilt being slowly transformed into a slight realization of something terrific- What if they really WERE voting the wrong person? But at this time, the only other option would be- You! But that couldn't be possible, right?!
 Oh dear, it's not like the truth would have never come out! To think this wouldn't have happened would be foolish.
 As they're shaking, crying their eyeballs out as they keep running away from you in the empty labyrinth that you created. You can choose whatever pleases you more now, however your pleasure will soon be cut short if you don't make a decision as to what your next step will be moving forward.
 If you had anyone waiting for you to come back, like an assassin's contractor, a planet with friends happily awaiting your arrival (hopefully with some leftovers), or maybe some sort of space police searching for their lonely bandit- How would you bring back this human with you? Would you just ditch all of your responsibilities and ignore all dangers for them? What if you felt hungry again? The food is now scarce…
 And what about mating!? Oh dear, you'll need to search for food for you, your new partner and the future children you'll have, correct?? Oh my- Just thinking about it makes you a bit nervous, it's good to think ahead but perhaps you're overcomplicating things, try focusing on the now, and the now requires you to make amends with your new partner.
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