b3g-4nd-cry 19 days
Me: (Kore)
Gets a new subsystem
Subsystem mate is a vampire
I鈥檓 a werewolf. We can make this work
Calls ourselves the night children cause it fits both of us
Goes to the hospital
Splits into new subsystem member
New subsystem member is a fire lord
Name no longer matches everyone
We ignore the fire lord on grounds of messing up our name (light hearted)
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snowbits 5 months
wjenever I play a male tav, it feels wrong for lae'zel to be attracted to me.. no. you're a lesbian. sorry
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b3g-4nd-cry 27 days
So I鈥檓 new ish and was created and put into a subsystem with this systems main host. But she already had a family, like a whole huge family. Kids, partners, parents, everything and now I get to be apart of that. I haven鈥檛 gotten to meet everyone yet but I am for once excited for it. I鈥檓 excited to meet her kids, and if they like me, my kids. It all just baffles me. I get to have a family again. I don鈥檛 know why I was out here in this subsystem but I鈥檓 glad I was. Even if my subsystem mate is a smelly werewolf.
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b3g-4nd-cry 27 days
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Name: Astarion
Pronouns: He/They
Species: Vampire spawn
Hello darling, I am Astarion.
I am one of the hosts in this system. I am also apart of the night children subsystem which is just me and two others.
My hobbies so far include regressing, creating digital art, and sewing (which I am excited to be learning again).
My origin date is estimated to be April 15-20 2024
My sign off for posts is #astarion.txt
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snowbits 5 months
assigning you Dazai :3
I'm honored 馃ス
I do need a hug.
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snowbits 5 months
馃寛馃挅鉁⊿end this to the twelve nicest people you know or seem to have a good heart and if you get one back you must be pretty awesome 馃槑馃挏馃挌馃挋
awwe, thank you, dear 馃グ
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snowbits 5 months
I'm emotionally devastated by the ending of baldur's gate
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