#assassians creed
souredfigs · 7 months
I swear to god if Ubisoft push forward the distant future ending as the main storyline for the next games and completely dump the present day storyline with Shaun and Rebecca and now Basim I will actually throw hands
I have never recovered from Desmond I don't think I will ever recover from them setting the modern assassin's plot many years forward into the future like this isn't marvel pls we are better than this help me
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emperor-palpaminty · 6 months
Okay, listen…. a sad Christmas night with Arno Dorian or something
Arno is a sad boy (trademark) and he's having a blue Christmas/ winter holiday headcannons
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look it's a revolution, there is no time for festivities
Well, at least not for Arno
he doesn't allow himself time
however you :D you love festivities of all kinds. and you love the snow!
arno does not. it is cold and wet. gross. no. ick
Arno tries to avoid social interactions because Christmas reminds him of many good things he no longer has- a father, friends, Elise. Home is no where for him any more.
You don't push him. It's hard out there for him.
You still want to indulge in the hope of the season, the joy of it all. This leads to you singing carols, your mood lifting.
Perhaps, eventually, you think you catch a smile coming from the corner of the lip of the assassin- it's brief, but enough for you.
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ronkeyroo · 2 years
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we were never monsters to begin with
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jams-sims · 20 days
Im dick riding assiassn creed RED i havent played a assassian game in YEARS!! But they got my boy Yasuke!! I GOT TO PLAY HIM!!
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moltage · 1 year
Hi friend! How have you been 8)? Did you have a good holiday? I had a good Christmas! Anything to share about your boys? Weren't you playing (?) assassian's creed? How is/was that? I've never been into it but I know it's pretty popular, yeah?
omg hiiiii helloooo!!!! i am great thank u so much for asking, and im glad to hear that u had a good Christmas!! 🥺 sorry for replying so late im trying to survive these exams rn haheheh BUT YEAH tysm for asking<33 ALSO UEAH I AM. I AM PLAYING ASSASSINS CREED RIGHT NOW god im so invested in it rn the story is so appealing and i suddenly want to know everything abt it.
I just wish I had gotten into it a lot earlier cuz this year is a really bad time to focus on it but yeahdjdhd😭 I'm currently playing Black Flag, finished the book recently and it HURTS and im scared to proceed w the game but.. ya.... i love it a lot. my hands are itching to get the other AC games rn but I must resist. I mus-
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@lalacliffthorne - I am so sorry I did not eespond to this, life got busy and I missed it. Here are my responses for your post "people I want to know more about"
-Last song?- Wander. Wonder. By the Arcadican Wild.
-Favorite color?- I love the color blue, particularly shades of dark blue and some shades of light blue.
-Currently watching?- I don't watch shows, but I am currently watching Sam and Colby's Conjuring House series.
-Last movie?- I don't watch movies very often, and I don't remember the last movie I have seen
Sweet/Spicy/Savory? All three, but normally Sweet or Spicy given the day. Currently, I could go for something sweet like a Donut or some sort of Candy.
Relationship status? Currently in a relationship, however I also have a crap ton of book character crushes at the moment.
Current Obsession? Currently caught between Acotar and Assassian's Creed, more so Acotar then Assassian's Creed.
Last thing you googled? So, uh, the Korean war. I am doing an art project involving the flags of countries involved in the Korean war.
Thank you! I don't have anyone to tag, but I appreciate the tag!
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adoresbutlers · 1 year
your opinion about Ivar the boneless, if you don't know him, try to find out who he is, something tells me that you would like him
are we talking assassian’s creed or a viking show??
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antebellumite · 2 years
Benjamin Brown French was a fucking Knights Templar? A fucking MASON of the Knights Templar? Assassian’s Creed get your ass here now- 
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camscendants · 5 years
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Why did I think this was Descendants when I saw it.
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heyo-silver · 5 years
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It is done 
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souredfigs · 8 months
The Templars in Assassian's Creed Universe:
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emperor-palpaminty · 2 years
Assassin’s Creed Syndicate but make it ✨ slightly spooky ✨ interpret that how you will! 😉 👻
Look this is the second AC syndicate request i have gotten and I've been replaying it so I HAVE TO-
Also Rye's art is v pretty! If you like traditional watercolor go check her out!
Also this is more than slightly spooky. Hope you like, uhhhhh yikes
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The night was dark, but assassins thrived in the dark. Evie, ever the believer in all things ghosts and things that went bump in the night, rested, perched, atop the roof of the chapel. The modest cemetery was restless, with a constant flocking of birds and mice and creatures, wandering about the usually quiet area.
But on Hallow's Eve...
Evie jumped slightly and whipped around, dagger dropping into her hand. Her brother raised his hands, springing back. "Okay! Okay. Evie. It's me. Jacob."
"I'll kill you for real if you do that again!" She spun the knife and dropped it back into the sheath.
Jacob held up his hands, a small grin emerging on his face. "Aw. Is Ickle Evie-kins frightened of ghosties?"
Evie glowered and turned to the graveyard again, which had fallen oddly silent. The grey hues were getting darker with the clouds masking the moon, and even the owls had hushed themselves. "Mister Green mentioned that bodies are walking." She managed. The words bit her throat and she felt her brother squat next to her. "Graves- fresh ones- empty within the night."
"Oh. Walking corpses." Jacob plunked down, a leg dangling off the roof. "My favorite."
Evie inhaled heavily and stared over the graveyard. Under the dirt was rows of corpses, all sleeping firever- waiting for judgement day or whatever afterlife met them at the end. "Not walking, just... Leaving. Gone. Unearthed."
Her brother's laugh was taunting as he spoke. "Ooh. Ya know, I think you've been reading one two many books-"
Her brother raised his hands in a fake surrender, chuckling. Evie turned back to the graveyard, eyes skimming the scene again. The trees groaned with the wind- Evie thought of the dead raising. Climbing from their graves in their finest garments, dust and the stench of death still clinging to them as they stumbled from their eternal beds, lumbering towards the gate, groaning and trying to churn out words as if their tongues had not decayed long ago.
Evie shuddered. Perhaps she had been reading too many books.
Her brother exhaled into his hands, rubbing his gloved fingers together. "Logically, I understand it does not make sense. But you must admit, it is rather strange that everything suggests that the graves are being dug up."
"Lots of reasons for that." Jacob said.
Silence hung from the moon and starkly between them, and Evie slowly looked at her brother. "Why would you dig up a grave."
"Donno. Seems fun."
Jacob shrugged again, the grin only vaugely visible due to Evie's sharp vision. "Yes, seems fun. Should I ever consider a change in profession, I shall have to consider grave robbing."
Evie rolled her eyes and crouched down again, pausing as she heard a creaking. "Jacob." She whispered.
Her brother understood. His remarks hushed and he crouched down atop the little chapel, watching as flames flickered on the torches entering the graveyard. Evie swallowed her relief as the resurrection men paused at each grave, a shovel thrown over each shoulder, examining the grass growth, finding graves that were fresh.
"It seems we have our answer, dear sister." Jacob whispered, smiling. "No dead raising, after all."
Evie nodded, watching the men shove the dirt aside. "Just stealing corpses."
"Freddy said." Jacob replied, and only shrugged as the men struggled, raising the body from the grave, pressing it into their wheelbarrow. He nudged Evie, arms crossed, the grin alight on his face as Evie snorted. "Dead men tell no tales, and the dead don't walk in Londo-"
Two arms reached up from the cart, arms that should have been very still, and yanked the now screaming graverobber down, a gargling emerging as the corpse bit into very living and very warm flesh.
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aren-freya · 3 years
Do not read unless you have played most of the Assassin's Creed games or at least the ones after the the Ezio Trilogy and Assassin's Creed III
First things first, I've played most of the Assassin's Creed Series with the exception of Unity and I know the plot for most of them so I just need to rant about a few things that tick me off.
Now, I love the games. The combat is great, the graphics are pretty good, exploring the world and the historical settings is really fun and most of the characters are well written. My favorite games out of the series are Syndicate, Odyssey and Valhalla now but I'm not blind to their flaws.
So these are just some of my rants and pet peeves.
1. The modern setting is boring as hell now. I don't really care about it. It really takes me out of the game. With Desmond, it started with him and it went on for 5 games. I remember crying when he died.
2. I know it's a critical part of the plot but the Isu artifacts or anything about them really gets on my nerves. I didn't mind it too much in most of the previous games but from Origins to Vahalla, it is getting really old.
3. Some of the romances are forced without any real development shown to us. Evie Frye and Henry Green are the worst in my opinion along with Kassandra or Alexios being forced to have a child just so it can be shown that their descendent is Aya, Bayek's wife who isn't even shown that much. I loved Aya and Bayek's relationship and it's said that they say they can't be together.
4. Kassandra or Alexios deserve way better than the crap ending they gave us. I won't go into too much detail but if you've played the game to the end, you know what I mean.
5. I've seen others say this before but it would be nice to have a game where you play as a female protagonist, not this crap in Odyssey and Vahalla where you can choose their gender. If you like it, that's fine but I would love to play a game where you're a kickass female Assassin.
Sorry for the rant but I just hand to get it off my chest. Ubisoft has given us these games and they're fun but they have disappointed us
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What if I told you that your a playable character in this game called super smash Bros ultimate
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Am I really THAT popular now from saving the world?!
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anunvalidcritic · 4 years
Let me go a head and speak this into existence now... the day Ubisoft drops a vg of (what we now know as present day) China edition of Assassin’s Creed.... I’m gonna wear that game out!... you may carry on with the rest of your day/evening/night.
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thatbitchbrenda · 6 years
and it was great
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