#asparagus and jelly are cast as singers and performers first and dancers as a nice maybe
I'm honestly really into the idea that Jelly and Asparagus are kinda just...there in regards to their theatrical talent. You'd think, with both their parents being stars in their own right, that they'd also be quadruple threats - at least that's the expectation- but they aren't great dancers (for varying reasons), they're only so so actors, have never interacted with an instrument that didn't protest, neither are particularly showy cats, etc, etc.
And you think huh, well that's too bad. The Theatre Cat genes didn't really translate down all that strongly. Shame.
But then they open their mouths - and you're like ah...yes, there it is. There's the ticket. Because their singing voices are beautiful in that effortless born with perfect pitch kinda way.
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