Birthday RP
Chaz slowly made his way downstairs, it had been a long day, his parents had gotten him a few good presents, and spent time with him, but he hadn't heard a peep from his friends all day... Not even a birthday card... Well, that was okay... They were all busy. He understood... Still, he couldn't help but feel a little sad.
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askpenumbra · 11 years
A couple of hours after the Argument's settled, Penny's packed up, and heads to the nearest Tartarus gate. Once she's there, she waits for her brother to open it up for her.
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mylittlemages-blog · 12 years
Rainbow Dash Audition Accepted!
Thank you for a your audition, Jacob, I loved your Para Sample! Please have your Rainbow Dash blog ready within Twenty-Four hours and consult the Masterlist for blogs to follow!
OOC Name: Jacob Time zone: Pacific Age: 18 Activity (1-10): 9  Character Wanted: Rainbow Dash FaceClaim (if one is not provided or you want it changed): Para Sample (2-3 Paragraphs):
*In the city of Angels known as Cloudsdale, The one that goes by “Rainbow Dash” was awake at 6:00 am in the morning. Dash is known for sleeping in during the day and napping quite often, But what her friends and everyone else doesn’t know is that she wakes up early in the morning to start her daily workout. She had a strict schedule to follow but it was worth it to Dash so she could be at the top of her game. Besides, How else would she become a wonderbolt one day? She couldn’t do anything she dreamed off if she was a giant bowling ball!*
Good mornin’ Cloudsdale. Here comes Dashie. *She said to her own reflection, Having come fresh out of her shower in nothing but her blue towel hand crafted by Rarity Belle* Now let’s see….. what’s next? *She asked herself as she picked up a clipboard with the current day’s date on top, Dash pulled a pencil out of her desk nearby and crossed off two of her morning events* Awesome! *Dash cheered to herself, The true workout was about to begin. All that was left before she could work up a sweat was set up her ponytail as she does before a jog. From another drawer in her desk, The girl pulled out a red hairtie and used into the keep her ponytail in position, Looking once more into the mirror as she does so. Once finished She smiles and tilts her head at the reflection*
Who’s awesome? *She asked before she pointed to herself with her thumbs and nods her head* Ya, You’re right! *Dash went over to her dresser and pulled out a blue tanktop and grey shorts, Her standard uniform for the morning. Sadly Dash doesn’t tend to wash it very often which caused her to scrunch her nose at the smell* Yupp…. Smells like a workout to me. *She says giving off a slight cough, Dash shrugged it off and put on the outfit anyway as she told herself that she would just wash it later…. Though she never really does. It only usually gets washed unless there’s a complaint by one of her friends who often compare it to the smell of something dying* Wish momma luck, Big guy. *Rainbow told her pet, Tank before she went outside to start off her day*
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askpenumbra · 11 years
Star and Penny
She smiles, as they rest in one of the tower rooms. "See? Best healers ever~ And, don't worry about Dad, he's away today, so, we should be alright~"
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askpenumbra · 11 years
"Star, do you know where Echo is?"
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askpenumbra · 11 years
Bowling with Starshock
"Alright, Brother, do you want to go first, or should I?"
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