loominggaia · 9 months
what does titania even do. does she just leave the actual governing of her country to other people ? someone get this freeloader out of the palace!!!
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Titania's chronic inaction is a big meme at this point. Not just among her people, but the whole world makes fun of her for sitting there like a rotting log while crazy shit goes down around her. They say things like "Titania works very hard at doing nothing" and "No one works harder than the seat of Titania's throne".
The reality is actually pretty tragic though...You see, Titania is one of the oldest divines on Looming Gaia. She used to revel in her immortality like most divines do, and even tried using her new god-like powers to conquer the world. But at some point during her conquest, she imagined herself sitting on the world throne, and she asked herself, "Then what?"
In that moment she realized the true meaning of eternity. This realization hit her like a freight train and paralyzed her with existential dread. She's been paralyzed ever since, believing that existence is utterly meaningless, that nothing she does matters anyway, and worst of all...she can never escape this eternal pointlessness.
Her kingdom's struggles are microscopic to her. The world's struggles are microscopic to her. She's so far beyond giving a shit about politics and worldly affairs, even cosmic and universal affairs. She's mentally transcended all of this and retreated back into her own mind, where she takes life one minute at a time and tries not to go insane with the knowledge that every morning is a new dawn of forever.
Many people would like to see her get off the throne and make room for someone who can make real change in the world. They tell her, "If you ain't shitting, then get off the pot!"
And she's like,
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because she's too cowardly to sacrifice what little comfort she has in this eternal, inescapable existence of hers. She can't be bothered to spend effort improving anything for her people because they're like ants to her. Their lives are over in a blink of an eye. They don't matter to her, nothing does except her own comfort/sanity.
Morgause has been trying to pry Titania's ass off off the throne for thousands of years, but so far hasn't succeeded. She's the only one who's been crazy enough to try. Titania is so insanely powerful that no one else wants to mess with her, so they just let her sit there and give her a wide berth. It's not like she's antagonizing anyone. Or doing much of anything, really.
Titania is capable of taking over the world. Like, she could actually do it if she wanted to. She could annihilate the Alliance, end Evangeline, mop the floor with Matuzu, undo the Unseelie, destroy Damijana, eradicate Etios, zap Zareen, level Lamai, fuck up Folkvar, and Yerim-Mor...well, they would whip out the white flag as soon as she glanced in their direction.
So why doesn't she?
Well, simply because she once stopped and asked herself, "Why should I?" and then spiraled into a waking existential nightmare.
For the record, Titania is not the only divine to succumb to this kind of immortality-based depression. But she is believed to be the first, so the condition was named after her. It's known as "Titania Syndrome".
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loominggaia · 4 months
Chaotic scenario idea: Morgause is gifted this thing:
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The 1000-THR Earthmover, a machine hundreds of meters tall whose lightning cannon can decimate a city, a shield generator making it impervious to all attacks on it’s exterior, and large enough to also house a city. Finally, It is powered by both solar energy and blood.
What type of hell have I unleashed by giving Morgause this giant robot alpaca?
Her first move would be to unleash this thing on the Seelie Court. Once they were destroyed, she would try to unleash it on the rest of the world.
But I think realistically, world governments would step in the second she turned it on the Seelie Court. Because they know what her next move after that will be, and they will not tolerate it. It would turn into the most lopsided war in history: all Great Kingdoms vs. Unseelie Court.
Ironically, giving Morgause this much power would lead to her destruction.
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loominggaia · 6 months
what are some seelie court subclutures
This is a subject I haven't developed very well yet, so I only have a couple of concepts at the moment:
Mockmutts: Kobolds who magically disguise themselves as dogs to beg for food. In the Seelie Court, kobolds are an oppressed underclass that is not allowed to leave their slums until after dark, when the elves and most other peoples are asleep. Because of this, begging on the streets is not very lucrative for them.
However, some kobolds have learned to transform themselves into dogs so they can sneak out of their slums during the day and beg rich people for food. The Seelie people are much more sympathetic to a hungry dog than a hungry kobold, so they usually feed them.
Mockmutts have tight-knit little gangs, where they run organized rings to gather food and sometimes even steal things in dog form. There are heavy consequences if the Seelie Guard catches on, so they must swear loyalty to eachother, promising not to rat the whole gang out if they're caught.
Pearlies: Pearlies are simply Seelie citizens--usually elves and adhene--who pride themselves on keeping their communities free of dark magics like necromancy. Wherever there is morbid activity, the Pearlies are there, clutching their pearls, waggling their fingers, and snitching to the Guard. They're basically nosy Karens who want to police everyone's behavior. They are determined to win the Purity Olympics(tm) by acting holier-than-thou and morally superior than everyone around them. They hate anything that glorifies death, violence, depression, or other morbid subjects. They wear a lot of white, gold, and pastel colors as a display of their moral purity.
Sometimes they do helpful things, like exposing truly disgusting and illegal activities. But mostly they just complain because they think today's media is too violent, kids curse too much, etc.
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loominggaia · 5 months
When it comes to monsters and their lack of creativity, aside from being uninterested and robotic with art/music, what other creative forms does this effect? Stuff like cooking/ inventing/ etc…? Would monster chefs innovate with food or only cook exactly off a recipe with no innovation or flair?
That's a great question! In a way, you could say monsters are similar to animals in that they don't exercise creativity. They have no imagination. They can paint a picture, but only from memory or by copying another picture in front of them. They can't invent an imaginary landscape or creature to paint. They can't add their own style or flair.
The same goes for writing; they can write a story about something that happened to them or retell a story they were once told. But they will really struggle to invent an original scenario, characters, setting, etc.
The same principle applies to music. They can play a song from sheet music or copy notes they recited. But you will not catch a monster writing an original piece of music, lyrics, comedy routines, and so on.
So, can they cook? Only if they copy recipes from a cookbook, otherwise they are lost. And forget about fashion; monsters could not throw together a nice outfit to save their lives. They have no sense of aesthetics, meaning they don't know how to decorate either, nor do they appreciate the beauty in anything. They learn to dress themselves by copying outfits they see peoples wearing.
Monsters don't choose outfits because they like them, they choose outfits based on their function. For example, a drau knows that he has a better chance of landing a job if he wears a fancy suit to the interview, as opposed to rags. Tojum understood that a dress would help people perceive and treat her as a female.
A monster's lack of imagination also means that they don't dream. When they go to sleep, their minds go blank until they wake up.
They have no urge to dance or sing to music. (This one can actually be an advantage, because some mind-control spells exploit peoples' weakness to rhythm! Monsters can easily resist these spells. The sirenes' song, for example, has no effect on monsters.)
Even the most intelligent monsters, such as drau and adhene, will never advance their civilizations without help from peoples. If left to their own devices, these monsters form groups that stagnate indefinitely, or eventually dwindle and die out because they're not creative enough to think of solutions to new problems.
Case in point: Seelie and Unseelie Courts. A huge chunk of these kingdoms' populations are made up of monsters (faerys, mostly). But these monsters are not the ones calling the shots. They remain stuck in lower rungs of society, ordered around by the upper classes of peoples such as elves and goblins. They are basically grunts, they need direction from peoples to thrive.
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loominggaia · 8 months
I just had a dream where you made an updated version of the Seelie cuisine post where almost all the food was replaced by ice cubes. And also introduced a new monster that was a lion whose lower body was replaced by a snake tail
>I just had a dream where you made an updated version of the Seelie cuisine post where almost all the food was replaced by ice cubes
Absolute power move by Queen Titania. Sits on her ass and does nothing for thousands of years, then when she finally does decide to take action, she's just like, "Hey losers, it's Ice Cube Day. All other food is illegal for the next 24 hours, because fuck you and your whole existence".
Pretty on-brand for her tbh.
>And also introduced a new monster that was a lion whose lower body was replaced by a snake tail
I swear this is already a creature in European mythology, but I can't remember what the hell it's called...I think gryphons were depicted this way sometimes? Anyway it's an awesome idea, I like it! I might do something like this someday.
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loominggaia · 8 months
Pregunta: ¿que hubiera pasado si twin spires no erupciona?, Osea que no hubiera hecho caboom.
Lo pregunto por lo de los ela ya que(si de verdad surgieron de los cenizas) titania no existiría, así que, no existiría la corte Seelie y la corte unseelie
(Translated via Google Translate)
"Question: What would have happened if Twin Spiers didn't erupt? I mean, it wouldn't have made caboom. I ask about the ela since (if they really arose from the ashes) titania would not exist, so the Seelie court and the unseelie court would not exist."
Good question! The eruption actually had nothing to do with the Ela's creation, that's just a myth that some religions believe.
If the Twin Spires never erupted, some cuisine would not exist, such as asinte. In fact quite a number of crops and drugs would not exist, because even though this ashy region called Badlands looks barren, it has its own unique ecosystem.
The culture of the Unseelie Court would also look very different, if it existed at all. The Unseelie colonized these seemingly inhospitable Badlands by adapting to its conditions. It's part of what makes Unseelie culture so unique.
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loominggaia · 6 months
razzek Oh man, the mockmutts are extra sad because if they could take that kind of transmutation skill anywhere else they'd make so much money! And even if it's just a glamour and some very good acting, they could still do so much better almost anywhere else. 
Right! Transmutation is one of the hardest schools of magic to learn, but kobolds have a natural inclination towards it. Most of them can only keep up the spell for a few minutes at a time, and even among them, their dog forms may not be very convincing. The Mockmutts specialize in this, they are masters at their craft.
Adjacent to the Mockmutts are kobolds who practice different forms, like peoples or other animals. But dogs are the most common form they take, because even the ugliest dogs are loved by peoples. It's pretty hard to screw up transforming into a dog.
It's too bad kobolds are shunned everywhere they go. In most Great Kingdoms, they are not even allowed to exist and are killed on sight. Ironically, these transmutation spells are part of the reason why. Outsiders believe they will be deceived by tricky kobolds in some way.
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loominggaia · 7 months
Thinking about holidays in LG, I imagine that Seelie has something similar to Easter and Unseelie has something similiar to Halloween, since they're pretty much opposites in aesthetics and take place on the opposite ends of the year. Some countries have an easter tradition that's like trick-or-treating where kids give people decorated willow branches in return for candy, and Seelie having that and Unseelie having a version of that where they threaten to play pranks on people instead makes sense
Great ideas! I think this is very fitting for both of them!
Easter is a celebration of birth, rebirth, etc. which is perfect for the Seelie Court, as it had a huge cultural rebirth of its own after Titania outlawed necromancy and other "dark magics". I think they would celebrate the day of this outlawing with Easter-like traditions, doing activities that symbolize the concept of new beginnings and behavioral purity.
Deep cleaning something, wearing white, putting a fresh coat of paint or otherwise restoring something important to them, conceiving a child, making a resolution, burning herbs to purify energy, those kinds of things.
As for the Unseelie, their culture was built around the reverence of all things dark, spooky, taboo, and even dangerous. Maybe on the day of the court's founding, they would really go nuts with pranks, mischief, and dark spellcasting to flex the fact that they are allowed to do these things in their land.
Basically their "Halloween" would involve wearing crazy costumes, launching fireworks, indulging in way too much junk food and alcohol, sexual debauchery, pulling pranks, and celebrating spooky repulsive things, like vermin and corpses.
I'll have to think on this some more, and once I have something solidly developed I will add it to the holidays page. Thanks again, these are great concepts!
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loominggaia · 7 months
Indiga, much to her horror, finds herself to have turned into an elf. (She has very old-fashioned, holier than thou no-nonsense vibes, which other elves in fantasy have.)
That's a good match for her! She could shuffle her bigoted old ass on over to Mogdir Kingdom and join the elven supremacist groups, she'd fit right in.
Seelie Court is another option, there's quite a lot of elven supremacy bullshit over there too.
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loominggaia · 11 months
Will we have an article on the giant centipede-bus? What peoples tend to wear a lot and/or very little clothing?
Yep, there will be a comprehensive article about transportation in the future, and I'll be sure to include the centipede buses! There will also be sections about airships, trains, and boats.
What peoples wear depends mostly on their local climate. If it's hot and humid, they likely wear less clothes. But it can also depend on species. Species with a lot of blubber, like minotaurs and ogres, overheat easily so they don't wear as many clothes.
There are always exceptions to the rules. Most Yerim-Mor territories are very hot, but it's a dry heat. So, people actually cover their bodies as much as possible to protect their skin from the sun. They wear lightweight fabrics like cloth so the heat doesn't get trapped.
Most Lamai territories are also hot, but it's a wet heat. Sweat and moisture can get trapped under clothes and cause skin infections, so Lamaish don't typically cover much of their bodies. They let their skin "air out" as much as possible.
Kingsfall Swamp is cold and wet. People here, like the Larainites, cover themselves from head to toe to protect themselves from leeches and other critters, and they wear big wide hats to keep the rain off. They don't wear furs because furs absorb moisture, but instead layer themselves in water-resistant textiles like alligator and fish skins.
The Red Tundra is cold and dry. Peoples here, like the Maskamar, wear thick furs to keep warm. Since it's dry, the furs don't get waterlogged and become a problem like they would in wetter regions.
There are the coastal Matuzans, who live in hot tropical climates. They wear little clothing, and what they do wear is lightweight. They might wear big hats to protect themselves from sun.
Peoples of Noalen's Blue Valley tolerate hot, dry summers and brutally cold, wet winters. So, their fashions are very different depending on the season.
These are just a few examples, I hope they were helpful!
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loominggaia · 11 months
could demons (or succubi/incubi) shapeshift??
Demons are a type of monster, and unlike peoples, monsters can't learn/cast spells that they weren't already born with. For example, all drau are born with innate powers of necromancy. All adhene are born with elemental hazard spells. All pixies are born with perception spells.
Demons only shapeshift once in their lives, when they transform from their child disguise into their adult demon form. They have no control over this spell, it's more like an effect that happens to them. Once this happens, their innate curse abilities are activated.
As adults, demon can bestow curses onto peoples, and exactly what kind of curse it is depends on the demon. Usually these curses involve some type of bodily harm (warts, itchiness, body part shrinkage or deformation, etc.)
Demons can't learn transmutation spells, so they can't shapeshift themselves. However, another mage can cast a transmutation spell upon them and they can shapeshift that way.
Demons do not have souls and transforming them into a human, for example, will not give them one. But they might look totally indistinguishable from a human, or whatever they were transformed into. Transforming them might also take away their curse ability as long as they are in human form.
The only monsters who can shapeshift are, strangely enough, kobolds! But the thing is, kobolds are so genetically messed up that not all of them can even cast their innate spells. Oftentimes their IQs are too low or their bodies aren't healthy enough to shapeshift without botching the spell and killing themselves. Or the spell is poor and their new form just looks...bad. Or they can only transform themselves for a few seconds or minutes at a time.
Kobolds in the Seelie Court are known to transform themselves into animals and beg peoples for food, because in this land, animals are treated much more humanely than kobolds. They might also disguise themselves as beautiful fae or scarier monsters to get what they want.
All kobolds have shapeshifting potential, but few of them can do it successfully. I think if the Seelie queen, Titania, invested in the poor kobolds instead of oppressing them and trying to sweep them under the rug, many more of them would realize their special shapeshifting talents.
In the series, a male kobold named Tojum (she/her) was determined to transform into a beautiful female. Tojum didn't really care what species, as long as she wasn't a kobold anymore, because kobolds are oppressed in her culture. She stole a magical amulet of shapeshifting from the local arcane college to help her achieve this, because she didn't trust her innate powers to pull it off successfully. So, like demons, kobolds can also shapeshift with help from other mages or magical objects.
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loominggaia · 1 year
Who rules the Seelie Court when Titania is dead and not reincarnated yet?
She has a council of advisers who she has appointed to rule in her absence. However, she has only died two or three times in her entire reign, so these guys don't see much--if any--action on the throne during their lifetimes.
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loominggaia · 2 years
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It do be like that
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loominggaia · 1 year
On Reaper's page, it says that he was born and raised in the Seelie Court, but in the timeline post, it says that he gained divinity around 800 years before the rise of Seelie Court. Which of these is canon?
Sorry, sometimes stuff gets retconned and I forget to change the articles!
I imagine Reaper was born in the territory that later became the Seelie Court. He was likely among the Ela elf tribes that Titania conquered and forcefully assimilated into her kingdom.
Reaper was slain during her conquests, but of course resurrected, being a divine and all. I think he worked for Titania for some time, despite resenting her for what she'd done to his people, because he had no other choice.
So when Morgause left to form the Unseelie Court, Reaper naturally abandoned Titania and followed her instead. Reaper was key in the formation of the Unseelie Court, it couldn't have happened without his help.
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loominggaia · 2 years
What is it with the Courts and adapting existing religions? Who did it first?
The Seelie Court officially sponsors a branch of Arcanum called "Bright Arcanum" and the Unseelie Court sponsors a branch of Vermism called "Necrom". These governments did this to sway the minds of their people and push their political agendas more easily. The Seelie Court was the first to do this, shortly followed by the Unseelie.
However, they are far from the only Great Kingdoms to adopt religion for political gain. The Empire of Damijana does this with the Communion of the The One, and Evangeline Kingdom has the Lindist House of Humanity. Lamai Nation was built on a dragon-focused religion called Serpism. Most of Etios Nation practices Sylvanism.
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loominggaia · 2 years
What is the origin of the each of the great kingdoms?
You can find some of that that information on the banners article, and some more under the "Notable persons - world leaders" articles. I'm working on revamping the banners article with more information about kingdom histories, sorry there isn't much now.
You can find additional information from questions I've answered in the past.
Type loominggaia.tumblr.com/tagged/ask[kingdom] in your URL bar, but replace [kingdom] with a kingdom name.
For example: loominggaia.tumblr.com/tagged/asklamai
and that will bring up all relevant questions.
There is also the "askhistory" tag.
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