#askljd no I'm splitting it up cause it's huge but god
righteousruin · 2 years
Bane Timeline (Pt 1)
(under the cut for long post)
The revolution is lost, the rebels are sent to prison. The mercenary Edmund Dorrance escapes, leaving Irie Ramira Martín, a Santa Priscan native and commander of a provincial cell, behind and pregnant.
Irie Martín is arrested and tried for her crimes against the Santa Priscan government, and her unborn child is tried for the crimes of their father. If the baby is born male, he is sentenced to serve his father's sentence in Peña Duro.
Birth and Childhood (0 - 6 years old)
The baby is born male within the walls of Peña Duro: Bémbé Arecibo Dorrance Martín. He is sentenced to life imprisonment for the aiding and abetting of traitors of the Santa Priscan Government. There is no paperwork filed on his birth. There is no proof that such a boy exists outside of the prison.
To ensure his survival, and to serve her own sentence, Irie is sentenced to serve with her son until the age of 10, when she will be freed, and Bémbé will be released into the general population.
Bémbé and his mother are sequestered to the infirmary ward while he is in infancy, and as he grows into a toddler. His sole possession is a teddy bear called Osito. This is where he meets the man known as Zombie, sentenced to work in this ward for 30 years.
Bémbé is unaware of any other life. He uses the prison as an elaborate playground. He carries Osito everywhere he goes, witnessing all manner of villainy in secret, and growing increasingly desensitized. Irie does not often call her son by his name, and so Zombie does not know it. Irie is losing the battle to her depression by the day. The physician on staff does not notice.
Irie is almost entirely non-verbal by the time Bémbé is five years old. He has all but forgotten his birth name, and is used to being called Niño by prison staff and Zombie. It is clear his mother will not survive her sentence.
Irie dies the year her son turns six, and is denied a Christian burial. The warden makes him watch as the guards throw her body to the sharks. He does not allow himself to cry.
Immediately after her death, the boy is relocated to the general population. His first night, the inmate he has for a neighbor invites him to come work for him, and threatens to see him in the morning.
As promised, the man, Puerco, grabs him, and claims they will be friends. Trogg intervenes in the defense of the child, and a scuffle ensues. The boy is knocked from the second story walkway onto the concrete below and enters a 31-day coma.
He has one, long, vivid dream in which he follows Osito to his future and Ideal Self, who claims that he will be a paragon, and a living embodiment of human superiority. He idealizes the blood of his unknown father, and claims that if the boy is able to conquer fear, nothing will stop him from becoming master of all.
Upon waking, and a brief recovery period, the boy returns to Puerco, and asks if he would still like for him to work for him. He carves the inmate up with a shiv, and returns to his cell. The guards find Puerco's body, and the boy covered in blood. The warden calls him a bane to everything holy. And so he is named.
Bane tells the warden that he'd spoken to his mother in his dreams, and that those below stokes a special fire for him. This shakes the warden, and Bane is sentenced to the cavidad obscuro, and told he will not see the sun again until his cuffs fit snug and there is hair on his chest.
The Cavidad Obscuro (6 - 17 years old)
The door to the cell is welded shut with Bane inside. It is underground and below sea level. Each night it floods with water, and he must swim to surface to survive. His only source of food are rats and the sea life that ends up inside the chamber during high tide. He survives on hate and the vision of his future.
Bane learns to track the days by the tide, to catch fish with his teeth, to exercise, and to meditate. He hears no voice but his own for over 4000 days, and learns to find comfort in the silence and the dark. He spends most days in his mind finding different ways to kill his imagination’s embodiment of fear -- a giant demon bat.
Bane embarrasses the warden by refusing to die, and after more than ten years, is released back into general population in the hope that someone will kill him for the murder of Puerco. Instead, the inmates welcome him as a legend, and sought his favor.
Peña Duro and the Venom Trials (17 - 31 years old )
After his release from the cavidad obsuro, and gaining the favor of the majority of inmates, Bane begins building a network, starting with Trogg -- the man who had defended him as a child -- and operating in the prison on good behavior. 
Bane meets Bird, a new inmate from Gotham, who trades information for Bane’s protection in Peña Duro. Bird becomes Bane’s closest companion, and teaches him to read. Bird is the first to tell Bane of Gotham City.
Bane’s good behavior allows him access to the prison library, once a monastery, and a visiting priest called Father Orestes. Bane’s academic prowess sharply increases, and he consumes three books a day, using his network to smuggle in more of any and every topic he can. He speaks with Father Orestes about history, books, and the world for hours at a time.
Father Orestes is blinded by an inmate, Tigre, and can no longer visit. Bane crushes Tigre’s skull in retribution.
While discussing Gotham, Bane asks who controls the city. Bird tells Bane about Batman and, believing his dreams of the demon bat to be a sign, Bane becomes obsessed with one day finding and destroying the Bat. This becomes the foundation for his plan to eventually escape.
With new arrivals to Peña Duro, Bane is forced repeatedly to defend his status as the inmate’s de facto leader. He is also consistently the one to end fights, and riots, by way or murder. The warden has no problem with this solution, and is happy to watch inmates kill each otherr
The government of Santa Prisca installs a new laboratory in the medical wing of Peña Duro. Zombie bears witness to the first venom trials.
During a particularly violent riot, Bane’s body count exceeds thirty men. This concerns the warden, and the guards use their weapons to take him down and move him to solitary confinement.
After another inmate dies during the venom trials, the scientists request the warden bring them a strong candidate. Bane, having just been placed in solitary, is selected.
Bane survives multiple variants of the drug, and several rounds of trials. Once the scientists are satisfied with his progress, they install implants in his skull with lines fed directly into his brain. This permanently alters Bane’s mind, and his physiology, bringing both to conditions to a superior standing. Bane understands this as a step toward his ideal self.
Bane and Zombie, reunited after many years, hatch a plot to escape Peña Duro. Zombie steals the recipe for Venom, and recreates it on his own, in anticipation of Bane’s plan.
Bane fakes his death on the surgical table, willing his heartbeat below the threshold the machines can detect. He is presumed dead, and thrown to the sharks from the same cliff his mother had been decades before.
Bane survives this, and returns to Peña Duro. He kidnaps the warden, and holds him for ransom. The Santa Priscan government agrees to his demands to save the warden’s life.
Bane, Zombie, Bird, and Trogg board a military helicopter. Once airborne, Bane gives the warden Osito, and throws him to the sharks.
The team heads for Gotham.
Knightfall (tbh idk I’m pretty sure this whole event only took like a month in-world)
I’m not explaining all that there’s a whole comic about it so we’re gonna rapid fire this
Bane gets to Gotham
Bane takes control of the gangs
Bane blows up the side of Arkham, setting Batman’s worst enemies free
Bane runs Batman through the Gauntlet
Bane figures out who Batman is
Bane lets Bruce get mentally broken down
Bane shows up at his hows and physically breaks Batman over his knee
Azrael takes over
Robin and Azrael beat Bane’s crew
Bane beats Azrael
Azrael upgrades their gear
Bane gets his ass kicked, and his venom feed destroyed. Asks to be killed.
Bane gets sent to Blackrock, along with the rest of the Rogue’s Gallery Batman had rounded up, since Arkham is under construction
Blackrock (32ish? Years Old?)
Bane is near-catatonic in Blackgate prison for the duration of Azrael’s tenure as Batman. When Bruce returns to the mantle, by some premonition, Bane senses his return, and likewise makes a return to his fully lucidity.
During his time at Blackgate, Bane is peaceful, and attends therapy without issue. He is still recovering from the venom in his system, and has sporadic withdrawals.
This, his previous catatonia, and his subsequent weight gain, makes him a target for inmates who have grown accustomed to his time being unresponsive.
KGBeast picks and wins a fight with him, sending him to the infirmary for several weeks.
While unconscious, he dreams of his younger self speaking, but saying nothing he can hear.
While being held in the infirmary, Bane witnesses another prisoner dealing with the effects of venom.
His therapist makes the mistake of gifting him a stuffed bear, believing his recurring dream of Osito coming to his rescue is an opportunity for Bane to begin healing from his trauma. It has the opposite effect, and revitalizes his instincts.
Bane realizes his fellow inmates, too, are enemies of Batman, and hatches another escape plan.
Once again hiding a shiv in the teddy bear, and knowing that carrying the bear will be the spark of a fight, Bane murders an instigator, and is sent to solitary, where he makes use of the peace with exercise and meditation, as he did in the cavidad obscuro. He is sent rats from Ratcatcher to communicate, and smuggle food and information.
While in solitary, his dream of his former self offers the word ‘inocente’, driving Bane to absolve himself of his actions while under venom’s hold, and consider himself even with Batman.
Upon his release, he re-establishes dominance over KGBeast, and recruits him to his cause.
Bane checks himself back into the infirmary, citing a vitamin deficiency, and utilizes the strength of his newfound allies to escape the prison. He swims back to Gotham, and is presumed by police to have drowned in the riptide.
Once in Gotham, he hunts down the supplier of street venom, and meets with Batman again -- this time on the same side of the fight. Bane decries his innocence, Batman declares he will send Bane back to Blackgate, and Bane escapes.
Empowered by his self-proclaimed innocence, Bane uses his freedom to seek his father, and make him answer for his sentence.
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