enbydust · 8 months
*starts stalking you in the forest, making ominous clicking noises to intentionally scare you more*
*me, so horny I can hardly walk*
h..here! IIIm over hhere!
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enby-dust · 11 months
*turns you into a tree*
*experiences happiness and contentment for the first time in my life*
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enbydust · 7 months
In light of like… a lot of my mutuals disappearing randomly or not randomly, glad your still here UwU
Aww you’re welcome! I mean I think you’re cool and cute and we have a shockingly similar sense of humor so ofc ima stick around :)
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enbydust · 6 months
Miss ya my dude, hope your alright
I’m sorry aeth, I know I just dropped off the face of the earth buuuuuuuttttt on the bright side my mental health is much better and having friends isn’t cripplingly overwhelming
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enbydust · 7 months
Trick or treat!!
I uh I think you’re gonna have to trick me cause I came unprepared with no treats
Unless you want like a picture of my cat or somethin does that count?
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enbydust · 10 months
H,hhhh,,hi this is my first time reaching out to the people I interact with so um um um um hi do u like wanna be friends or something I thinn that wkhkd ve rly cool so um um um yeah
yes!! v proud of you for being brave on the internet :) i love ur username it’s very gender
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enbydust · 10 months
What's ur favorite really specific genre of music? (like American/serbian fusion jazz, whiny midwest emo tinged folk punk, etc...)
Anti-folk/folk punk is actually my favorite genre!!!! I love the midwest emo flavored bands, but my favorite, well…whatever Will Wood is. The mix of folk, punk, jazz, emo and rock–its some of the best and most unique music I’ve ever heard!
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enbydust · 10 months
Out of curiosity, how tall are you? Asking for a 6 3 friend
…5’8” on a good day
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enbydust · 7 months
Plap plap plap plap plap plap plap plap plap plap plap plap plap plap plap plap plap plap plap plap plap plap plap plap plap plap plap plap plap plap
Yesyesyesues olease breed me pleaseplease breed me please 🥺
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enbydust · 3 months
do you have any sidequests? Im going to blogs that come across my dash asking for quests to do. Also I give out headpats so if you or any of your ocs want one just ask :3
Side quest unlocked: infodump
-Teach someone something new!
I love sharing the things I find interesting with people cause it makes me smile when they get excited about something cool with me, y’know?
and of COURSE I’ll take some headpats, who could say no?
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enbydust · 10 months
Have you ever heard of the silly little band Steam Powered Giraffe? I could talk about my love for them for so long, but theres a really hot and talented guy, a trans girl, and various funny 3rd members, and they make great ""steampunk"" music, but really its just their vibes, so so so perfect and I love them and their silly atomatonic antics, and i could keep ranting but instead hear this good (dark cabaret!) song of theirs!
I have heard of them! That’s one of the 2 or three songs I’ve listened to actually! They’re on my list of bands to listen to when I’m done obsessing over being very normal about grandson again
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enbydust · 7 months
Hey hi hello, you're cute and have a great taste in games. What music are you into tho?
I did put that on my pinned lol I need to narrow that down it’s such a big question where do I startttttt
Well ummm my absolute favorite artist is Will Wood, though that should be obvious from the everything about me. His music helped me put so many of the things I struggle with into words cause voicing my feelings is a lot easier when I can use someone else’s words.
But in a broader sense I’m really into songs that have a story to tell from any genre really. It started with The Devil Went Down to Georgia cause my dad is a big Zac Brown fan, and since then I just roam platforms looking for songs I like.
Aside from WW I love to bring up
-grandson(rock/edm and punk themes)
-Days n Daze(Midwest emo/folk punk)
-Schafer James(spooky vibes and WW adjacent)
-Harley Poe(murder-folk is what I’d call it I guess)
-Rare Americans(idk what this is tho I think it’s rock of some kind?)
-Amigo the Devil(similar to WW and Schafer James as far as subject matter, but more folksy)
-and last but not least, The Taxpayers(another one I have no idea how to classify but I love how messy and raw they sound)
Idk you kinda gotta listen to them cause I really will listen to almost ANYTHING as long as it tickles my brain but most have a similar sound. Acoustic Instrumentals with lots of layers to the music and a narrative tends to be what most of them have in common
I’m also a classical music nerd but that’s it’s own essay tbh, I could ramble for hours about instrumental music and drum corps.
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enbydust · 7 months
Places my cat on top of your head
I shall wear them as my crown and dance to the music of the classical greats
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enbydust · 9 months
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Seems like I'll enjoy what you show 👍
So we got some of my favorites from my umm…my favorites playlist
(coping with self loathing babyyyyyy but I’m ok I promise)
(being a menace to society is a love language)
(no subtext here. Nope. I don’t know what you’re talking about)
(we all lie to our parents, right?)
(I just like you a little more than me, that’s all)
I spent wayyyyy too long on this wtf also sorry I’m in an anti-folk phase rn and it’s consuming my life this is a cry for help
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enbydust · 8 months
UwU could you put me in your pocket and take me out whenever you need some stress relief? <3
Of course cutie <3
having you in my pocket makes it even easier to use you as a stim toy, and if you’re good for me you can even hang out in my titty pocket when I don’t need “relief” ;3
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enbydust · 8 months
I only just realised that the one time you said I should listen to litwic, you meant the podcast, and not just some cool ghost-fire type beats
lmao i am have stupid
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Boutta drop some sick beats
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