#ashborn was the only one calm in this situation (no he wasn’t)
hanakihan · 10 months
In Absolute Being AU it’s interesting how Jinwoo and Jinchul’s progression differs
Jinwoo was gradually growing into his strength having time and space to figure it all out and practice even having literal guiding material with him all the time
Jinchul in this case is completely opposite: he wasn’t growing into his strength, it just hit him like a truck at critical moment, he has no one to guide him through his own ‘can’ and ‘cannot’, he has no guide and no idea what to do with it all
Ashborn’s strength allowed Jinwoo to bloom and take roots, while Absolute Being’s, while creational in it’s core, literally hurts Jinchul.
Jinchul’s health started to become worse even more than usual, some S rankers can feel that something is wrong with his mana, it’s in state of chaos and unrest as opposed to usually calm and stoic one. And then one day nothing seemingly is wrong until Gunhee notices that Jinchul is having a strong nosebleed, Jinchul just touches his leaking blood like ‘oh’ and then he just half coughs half chokes half spits splutter of blood and it’s an absolute mess.
Jinchul’s mana pretty much slowly tears and eats him from inside because human body isn’t supposed to host literal god in it. And since AB’s unlimited pools of mana slowly absorb Jinchul’s, it’s ain’t helping either, and Jinchul himself just can’t take this wild force under his control without outside assistance but from where?
Ashborn is helpful beyond any reason, Jinwoo is gradually becoming more panicking but old man is here on back of his consciousness giving instructions and explanations. Jinwoo felt his shadows that he assigned to Jicnhul being unrest and panicking and he instantly teleports here only to see Gunhee trying to keep Jinchul standing and leaning forward so he won’t choke on his own blood he just keeps coughing out. There’s so much of it, Gunhee’s hands and chest is covered in it, there’s small pool of it on floor, and then Jinchul lifts his head greeting Jinwoo with ‘Ah, good day, hunter Sung’ with hoarse bubbling voice and Jinwoo wants to yell (Ashborn later notes that he did yell extremely loudly inside) because Junchul’s lower half of face is completely smeared in blood, his suit has so much of it that it seems even darker. Man is extremely pale and barely focusing his eyes on Jinwoo’s face and Jinwoo can see how prominent shadows on Jinchul’s face are.
Jinwoo just grabbing Jinchul’s face no questions asked and starts to tune this wild strength in man while making sure that Jinchul coughs out all the blood from lungs. And then Jinchul’s breathing evens, all three stand here still on adrenaline and Jinchul just tiredly closes his eyes for a minute only to fall asleep, Jinwoo and Gunhee silently agree that today Jinchul is having a day off.
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soulstream-rp · 7 years
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DATE & PLACE OF BIRTH: January 2, 1986 / Nottingham, UK SEXUALITY: Bisexual OCCUPATION: History teacher at Redwood High School FC: Theo James OPEN
Phil was always known for his gentleness. As the oldest of his siblings, he was often entrusted to caring for the other kids when his parents went to work and he loved it. He would wipe away any tear, prepare meals for the rest of his family, tell stories late into the night. He was a caring soul, if always a little distant to those he didn’t know well. He didn’t have many friends outside of his family, and was always thought of as a little weird by the children in his classes at school. He didn’t care, so long as they left him and those he cared for alone, they were of no interest to him. He grew up an intelligent boy. Well-spoken and polite, he flew easily through secondary school and sixth form, going on to study History at university.
It was after finishing his degree that his whole life changed. On a trip home to visit his family, he was keeping watch of the youngest of his siblings when the thing arrived in his home. A phantom, though he didn’t know it then. At the time, he had not been a medium, he had not seen the beast that was tormenting them, causing the walls to shake, decorations to fly dangerously quick across the room. He had told his siblings to hide, to run. His little sister Daisy was trapped, however. For the first time in his life, he was filled with a rage, a protective fear that had never gripped him before. That was all it took for his True Name to take its grip on him. Phil saw the phantom, glared it dead in the eye and charged. It wasn’t the kindhearted Philip Mason in that room anymore, but a darker, angrier manifestation that had never existed before. All he remembers is a sudden burst of power, a hollow laugh that sounded like his then black. He awoke hours later, with the thick red of blood upon his fingers and the terrified whimpers of his siblings upstairs. All apart from his youngest sister, Daisy. She was killed.
Consumed by guilt and self-hatred, Phil ran. He ran from his hometown, fled far away, and promised to never return again. When he looked in the mirror, he no longer recognised himself. All he saw was a monster, a beast, a murderer. But was there some part of him that enjoyed this new side. The power, the lack of guilt, the freedom. It was too tempting, made him disgusted at himself. He changed his surname, and became a new man, running to a place he thought he had never be looked for: Port Ashborne. It took him years to brave facing normal life again. His anger had become his weakness, the key to a monstrous part of himself he could not control. But with the slow passage of time, he is inching closer to something similar to restraint. Not that he trusts himself, but he knows that he will never risk getting close enough to someone to hurt them ever again.
It is uncertain what happened that night, if Phillip had really murdered his beloved sister, or was it the phantom.
Wanted for murder in the UK, Philip has been hiding out in Port Ashborne for six years now. He has been teaching at Redwood High for two years.
His “beastly” side has become almost a myth among the supernatural and medium community, though no one would dream to link it to the seemingly plain and withdrawn Philip North.
FAMILY: Richard Mason (father/estranged) Sara Mason (mother/estranged) Michael Mason (younger brother/estranged) Tom Mason (younger brother/estranged) Lily Mason (younger sister/estranged) Daisy Mason (younger sister/deceased)
Nico Gallo (acquaintance): He knows the ghost has been watching him, knows he has been trying to tempt him towards a darker side of himself. What scares him most is how he sometimes finds himself drawn to what Gallo says.
To most people, Phil seems pleasant enough. He is a good teacher, calm and patient in class. But the moment that school bell rings, he is gone. He is rarely seen out and about in Port Ashborne, except when he needs to be. On the few occasions he interacts with people outside of work, he seems cold and withdrawn. This is a defense mechanism, a way to protect both himself and those he meets. He is plagued by an eternal guilt, that follows him like a cloud above his head. It’ i painfully obvious to almost anyone who sees him, the sadness that is there when he thinks no one is looking. When anyone attempts to grow close to him, he becomes harsh and sarcastic, anything to push them away. It is what makes the temptation to give into the power his True Name all the stronger. He could be a man that takes whatever he wants without guilt, a man of confidence, a man of ruthless power. A man no longer plagued by the emotions that make each day a living hell. He must keep his anger controlled, not out of choice, but out of fear of what it could cause. He always tries to leave any situation that could enrage him as quickly as possible. Philip is reliant on routine and order, and is driven mad by anything that disrupts his day to day life.
As a a medium, Phillip can see and communicate with spirits. His sense may not be as strong as the well-trained medium, but he can usually sense when a ghost or phantom is near by, and has come to accept their presence in the world.
As part of his True Name, Phil has the ability to use higher than average amounts of life-force in order to enhance the capabilities of his body. He becomes stronger, faster but at a deep cost. In this state, he loses his morals and sense of self. He becomes like an animal, taking what he wants, doing whatever savage deeds must be done to survive a situation. It is a gift that is a constant temptation to him, but has destroyed previous incarnations of his soul in the past. Those who give into the temptation of seemingly bottomless power, risk losing not only themselves as a person, but draining all the life-force of their soul and those around them.
Has studied history to become a teacher and is knowledgeable especially in transnational history. He is evaluated highly among teachers by students, but often viewed as distant and aloof. 
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