#ash was so quick to talk shit to eiji when he said how eijis older than him and he should act like it
bananafishdepression · 10 months
I get that everyone thinks Shorther is older than Ash since he's always been so much taller than Ash, even in Angel Eyes, but we never see Ash teasing him for his age, even if it's maybe like 1 or 2 years. I think they're same age, which means Shorter would've been born in the year of 2000 too. He could be younger even, but we never see Ash calling him a kid either. We see Ash teasing Eiji for his age all the time even tho it's just 2 years apart, but never them.
All I'm saying is that Shorter and Ash knew each other for a couple of years and never teased each other for their age, while Ash literally made fun of Eiji when they just met lol.
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tkl-tee · 5 years
(Almost) Twenty Questions - AshEiji
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(Almost) Twenty Questions - Ash x Eiji from Banana Fish
A/N: Ayeee, my first ask! Thank you @ticklygiggles so much for the prompt. I was really happy to see it and this was really fun to write! Also, I have a page with a list of the fandoms I am in, and I recently made a post with the list for those on mobile who can’t see the page! :)
Disclaimer: This is a tickle fic.
Summary: One lazy day, Ash and Eiji decide to play 20 questions to get to know each other better. They don’t even make it halfway through before they stop taking it seriously. Ash is a brat, Eiji returns the favor, and Ash makes him pay for it.
Word Count: 1709
Dust specs floated lazily in the air and were occasionally illuminated by rays of yellow, evening sunlight drifting through the windows of the safe house. It was a lazy sort of day. Ash and Eiji were relaxing on the couch in comfortable silence. Ash was sprawled across half of the couch, reading a book, while Eiji was sitting cross-legged at the other end, clicking through photos on his camera.
They had been enjoying each others company like this for close to an hour, when Eiji turned off his camera and set it beside the couch. For a few minutes, he sat quietly and surveyed his surroundings, lost in thought. Eventually, he broke the silence.
“Hey, Ash.”
“Do you want to do something?”
“Like what?” Ash asked, looking over the top of his glasses at Eiji. Eiji made a thinking face for a moment, then shrugged. Ash just rolled his eyes and looked back down at his book. Eiji was silent for a few more moments before breaking the silence again.
“Have you ever played ‘twenty questions’?” he asked and Ash shook his head ‘no’.
“Do you want to?” Eiji continued.
“Eiji, I’m in the middle of a chapter.” But Eiji was persistent and nudged Ash’s leg.
“Come on, it will be fun!”
Ash sighed, and was silent for a few moments more, before bookmarking his page and setting the book on the floor beside the couch. He sat up and faced Eiji.
“Fine, fine. So I’m guessing this game has something to do with questions? Probably around… twenty of them?” he said sarcastically. It was Eiji’s turn to roll his eyes, and he laughed softly.
“Yeah, we take turns asking each other questions until we get to twenty,” Eiji’s face suddenly turned serious. “And you have to tell the truth, no lying.” Ash smiled softly at the other’s expression and nodded his head.
“Yeah, yeah, got it. I’ll go first. Mmm… when’s your birthday?”
“That’s too easy! But it’s June 27. What about you?”
“August 12. Do you have any pets?” Ash replied before immediately asking his next question. Eiji made an unimpressed face and pointed at Ash.
“Slow down, or it’s no fun! And pick better questions. And yes, I do have a pet back in Japan. His name is Buddy and he’s basically the best dog ever.” Ash looked like he was about to make a joke, but Eiji put his hand up, cutting him off.
“Best. Dog. Ever. Anyway, I was wondering, how long have you known Shorter?” Ash looked up at the ceiling as he thought about the question.
“Hmm, quite a few years. We met in reform school back when we were just a couple of punks.”
“Aren’t you still a punk?” Eiji asked in a teasing tone.
“Ha. Ha.” Ash deadpanned, then asked, “Had you ever gotten in a fight before all this?” Eiji made an unpleasant face and nodded.
“Yes, but only with my little sister,” he grumbled. Ash smirked at this and asked, “Did you lose?” Eiji frowned at him punched him softly in the shoulder.
“It’s not your turn to ask a question!” he huffed. He thought a bit about his next question, before smiling smugly.
“So is it just pumpkins?” Eiji said. Ash gave him a confused look, and Eiji continuted.
“Like… do you like pumpkin pie? Or are you scared of that as well? What about pumpkin seeds? Pumpkin bread? Too spooky?”
Ash just stared Eiji dead in the eye with a blank expression on his face, but Eiji saw the blond’s eye twitch slightly. He felt his heart drop and hopped up off the couch to flee, but Ash quickly grabbed after Eiji to stop him.
Eiji yelped as Ash’s hands connected with his waist and squeezed firmly. Eiji writhed as electric sensations shot from his waist, and both of them went tumbling face-down to the floor with Ash landing on top of Eiji.
“O-okay, I’m sorry,” Eiji said, his voice wavering from restrained laughter. Ash was still holding on to his waist, and Eiji twitched as he tried to crawl out from underneath him.
Ash was quick to catch on and effortlessly sat on Eiji’s legs, preventing him from going anywhere. He removed his glasses and tossed them onto the couch.
“Are you ticklish?” He smiled devilishly as Eiji pushed his upper half up, still trying to escape.
“Nooo, let me up!” At this, Ash tutted and shook his head in disapproval.
“Eiji~ you said no lying, remember?” Ash replaced his hands on Eiji’s waist and began gently squeezing up and down his sides. Eiji squeaked and pulled his arms back in towards his body, causing him to lie flat against the floor again.
“Nohohoho Ahash!” Ash was momentarily caught off guard by Eiji’s melodic giggles. He had the sudden strong urge to hear more of the beautiful sound.
“Holy shit,” he said with a laugh in his own voice. He stopped squeezing Eiji’s sides and instead snuck his hands under Eiji’s shirt. He ran his short fingernails up the older man’s bare sides, dragging the shirt up as well. Eiji twitched uncontrollably at the motion, and again when Ash dragged them back down. Ash continued these motions and Eiji’s giggles increased in pitch, becoming more desperate.
“Ahahahash, nahahahAH-”
“Go on, Eiji. It’s your turn to ask a question. We have to get to twenty,” Ash said with a teasing lilt in his voice. He began to massage Eiji’s ribs. The young genius was easily able to map out what spots pulled the most pleasing reactions from the man beneath him.
“I-I cahahahan’t-” Eiji’s giggled and squirmed his body from side to side. Any attempt to roll to one side or knock Ash’s hands away failed as he was fairly immobile in this position. He couldn’t focus well either as Ash was merciless and skilled in his assault on Eiji’s sensitive sides. It was hard for the dark-haired man to focus on much other than the tickly feelings.
“Will you stohahAHAP?” His giggles grew to full on laughter as the offending fingers kneaded his hips. He kicked his legs and tried to grab at the blond’s hands.
“There you go, a question. And the answer is no, I won’t stop.” Ash smirked, completely entertained by the other’s cute laughter and twitchy movements.
“Guess it’s my turn to ask a-” he spoke as he walked up Eiji’s sides with wiggling fingers, but was cut off by a shriek as he reached the top of his ribs, just below his underarms. He stopped for a moment, giving Eiji a short respite, and laughed to himself.
“Is this a bad spot?” he asked excitedly, and Eiji turned to look over his shoulder with a fearful expression.
“A-Ash, please d-don’t…” Eiji whined, breathing heavily.
“Hey hey, you can’t lie, remember?” Ash’s grin was the last thing Eiji saw before the blond went to town, scratching at the skin on his sides just beneath his armpits. Eiji immediately shoved his face into his hands and wheezed out a silent laugh, before dissolving into loud, squealing laughter.
“HOHOLYYY- OH SHIHIHI- STAHAHA-” Ash laughed at the poor guy who was unable to form a complete sentence. He applied a bit more pressure, scritching his fingers back and forth between that spot and Eiji’s underarms.
“YEHEHES, it’s bad! It’s bad!” Eiji’s thrashing began anew, and he alternated between squeezing his arms against his body, and flailing them around. He hadn’t been tickled like this in a while and never thought that Ash would be the one doing such a thing! His body reacted frantically under the Lynx’s delicate but efficient touches.
Once Eiji’s laughter was mostly silent, Ash decided to let up. He didn’t want to kill the guy. He stopped tickling Eiji’s underarms and sat back against his thighs. He began to draw random shapes across the skin of Eiji’s back
Eiji, who didn’t have the energy to try and stop him, just laid there holding his flushed face in his hands. Ash’s fingers left behind trails of goosebumps and Eiji shivered. Soft giggles came out around gasps that gratefully took in much-needed oxygen.
“Damn, you’re really ticklish. Amazing.” Eiji continued to giggle, both out of embarrassment and because of the fingers tracing his sensitive skin.
“Oh, your turn to ask a question again,” Ash said nonchalantly, like he wasn’t tickling the hell out of the man underneath.
“N-Noho wahahAHAY!” Once Eiji could talk again, Ash decided he was fine and reached back to squeeze at his sensitive thighs, occasionally scratching and wiggling his fingers as well.
“AHASHH whyyy? I’m going to dihihie!” Eiji cried, attempting to wiggle and kick his legs. His efforts did little since Ash was sitting back against his legs. He couldn’t move them very far.
“Don’t be dramatic, you’re not going to die.” He reached back and began softly scratching the backs of Eiji’s knees.
“Ohoho m-my Gohod,” Eiji said as his legs twitched.
“Yeah,” Ash smiled fondly at the tired man. “This is the best,” Ash sounded smug, like he had made some grand discovery. “Just wait until Shorter hears h-”
“NO!” Eiji cut Ash off. Taking advantage of Ash’s relaxed position, Eiji attempted to roll over and knock Ash off. He ended up in a sitting position facing Ash, who was still on his legs. Eiji was pushing on Ash’s hands, but struggled as Ash was obviously stronger.
“You can’t tell Shorter! He’ll never leave me alohone” Eiji laughed a bit as Ash’s hands had escaped his hold and poked his stomach repeatedly.
“Alright, alright, I won’t tell him… for now,” Ash said and winked at Eiji, who blushed and pouted. Ash was caught off guard again as he stared at Eiji. His dark hair was messed up, his face was flustered, and mirthful tears threatened to spill over from the corners of his dark eyes. It was beautiful. Beautiful, like the expression he wore the day they first met, the day he flew.
Ash smiled happily at Eiji and began to gently tickle his stomach again. Eiji began laughing again and trying to fight him off. Their game was long forgotten as Ash decided that he would always cherish Eiji’s beautiful laughter and expressions.
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