#as the god will akashi
cemetery14 · 2 months
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long-manic-nights · 9 months
Akashi calls Kuroko every time something happens. Hearing what Tetsuya thinks is his way to make sure he isn’t going insane.
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aomine-ryo · 9 months
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I’m having too much fun with these
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active-mind-15 · 3 months
Short Masaomi headcanon before I head out, but I feel like he's kind of a bad driver. Since he's always so busy and constantly getting driven around to save time looking for parking and such, I would bet he doesn't often put his driver's license to good use. So, in the rare event that he does drive, he sorta drives like a newbie. I'm talking 10 miles under the limit, shaky hands on the steering wheel, abrupt stopping, and constant confusion on what street signs say. When Seijuro gets his own license, he's constantly having to help his dad figure out how to drive and is also perpetually in fear of losing his life whenever he has to sit in the passenger seat.
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japeneselunchtimerush · 4 months
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Was rewatching the Rakuzan vs Seirin match and I kinda noticed something so I obviously went and checked it out because I'm incapable of letting things be.
So I think that Oreshi is actually a smidgen taller than Bokushi as you can see in the pic
Use this info how you will
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ryuvnosuke · 4 months
akashi is a legend. he appears for the first time and tries to commit murder over high school basketball. he manipulates his way to victory. he threatens with taking off his eyes if his team doesn't play right with all seriousness
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kuroko-no-cuties · 10 months
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You can find out the story behind this beautiful picture on grimmfeather’s website translating the 3DS game DLC Events
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beolh · 2 years
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p’tites racailles de bac à sable
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missowo · 8 months
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Imagine they wanted ask you play basketball with them and they just stare at your dead soul.
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zanashair · 2 years
Bonten trio (+ y/n) playing "needle in a haystack" but quite literally (it was sanzu's idea)
warning! suggestive jokes 🚶🏻‍♀️
( ib by this at 5:26 - 5:51 )
sanzu, being dramatic: ok, I'll use my dainty hands
rindou, standing besides sanzu, and has already found his needle: you don't have dainty hands, i know this for a fact!
rindou: you have the fucking boney-est, like, death grip hands, fucking slamming to the ground, hands grabbing onto bars
rindou, with a straight face: god help any woman you ever finger, it is a death sentence.
ran & y/n: *losing their shit at rindou's last sentence*
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Second reason I found as to why Sanzu and Senju still use 'Sanzu' and 'Kawaragi' in the final timeline (even tho they probably have no reason to):
It'd be hard for them to make a name for themselves if their brother's reputation follow them
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cemetery14 · 3 months
why is this literally what happened when akashi entered the zone
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geometricalien · 1 year
Realistically, people can lose feelings toward someone who had hurt them greatly. No more rekindles, not even a spark.
This wouldn't happen to my fav ship Akafuri, but I love angst and I would like to put them in that situation.
Seijuurou and Kouki broke up last year due to reasons (Seijuurou was under succession process stress and Kouki was depressed). Seijuurou tried to take him back, but Kouki was still under clinical depression and the only reason he accepted the offer was because Koutarou (Kouki's bro) has a startup company and their main client was a subsidiary of Akashi Corporation.
It's the last thing Kouki could do for his brother whose business plans were paused for choosing Seijuurou last year.
Seijuurou tries everything to make Kouki smile while staying in their old apartment where they stayed as a happy couple, but all he could do is to watch Kouki eat himself away in the apartment, scared of him and wary of him. In these instances, Seijuurou would remember how Kouki made his life colorful, but he drained all those colors away.
Kouki's love is simply gone, his dreams unreached, his youth unrealized, and his life meaningless.
What had Seijuurou done to turn such cheerful being this way?
Can he wake up Kouki's soul again? Even not his love for him. He just wants Kouki happy again, even not for him.
hell yeah!! put them in situations!!
This is an interesting idea, especially with japan's attitude towards mental health and at the core of this premise is that yes Seijuurou distancing himself from Kouki when he was under succession scrutiny surely didn't help Kouki's depression- it is not the actual cause.
From the way you've described this, I can't help but think that in this Kouki has untreated, undiagnosed, clinical depression. Which will be a life long battle for Kouki, not a quick fix, tada!! you're all better! thing. It comes in waves and it ebbs, coasts, rushes, drowns- and Seijuurou needs to realize that. Kouki needs to confront that.
Seijuurou is a perfectionist with (although he would describe it as an entirely truthful and whole view) a very specific view that if things are not the way he wants them to be then he can make them the way he wants. And while some things definitely do work like that, another person's mental health isn't one of them. Especially if he trusts, loves, and respects that person. His character development arch would be centered around accepting this fact - which for a control freak like him it would be fairly difficult - and doing what he can to support Kouki be it holding him in the night, giving him space, offering to pay for any medical support like therapy or medicine, and even if it calls for it- walking out of his life.
It must be difficult for Kouki to be back in their old apartment and feel the ghost of who he was, of his hopes and dreams, and not recognize himself anymore. The memories of bad lonely nights, his insecurities bubbling up when Seijuurou wouldn't come home because he was "working late" and although Kouki 100% trusts him and knows that Seijuurou wouldn't cheat or anything those intrusive thoughts are so fucking loud. (Codependent Kouki lets goooooo :'( ) And unless Kouki got that mental health help and therapy, he won't be able to stand being back in the same environment, stuck in the same thought loops, and feeling awful about himself. And even if he does get help or therapy, he might still need to break off from Seijuurou to start fresh and actually have a safe place from the person who all of this is connected to...
And like you said, if their full and final dissolution is what will make Kouki finally able to make progress with his mental health and create better coping mechanisms/habits, Seijuurou would pack his bags for him.
I am banking on a ten year later reunion when Kouki has better control over his mental health and they can rekindle the spark that never truly died
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bmpmp3 · 23 days
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and of course here's the drawing from my recent voicevox cover~
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active-mind-15 · 4 months
Headcanon that the concept of raisin bread upsets Akashi. No I will not be elaborating.
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japeneselunchtimerush · 6 months
Me, about to watch knb for the first time: Ok, You're favourite character is going to be the main character, otherwise you will find no fanfictions.
Me:*starts watching*
Me:Huh,Kuroko is pretty cool.
Me:*Sees akashi*
Me:*Goes through nonexistent(2) pages of akashi centric fics on ao3 in one day*
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