#ariareverie’s kx aus
ariareverie · 17 days
about that reblog, here are some ukraine aus (they’re just original stories at this point)
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yeah i wrote falling for you on an alt but it got like 14 views on wattpad so i don’t think it really matters
idol au is just those posts i used to make on main with south korea and ukraine posing. there was a whole lot of lore to it too i could make a whole essay info dumping. like i said, they’re all OCs now. so it’s not really ch anymore. also kazakhstan dies
kosr, or “knock off she-ra”, is exactly what it says in the title. no one was supposed to be anyone, but america was, i guess, adora. the main character. she makes friends with belarus, kazakhstan, japan, poland i think, mexico, ukraine, and mongolia. but past me only cared about ukraine obviously, that’s why it’s in ukraine aus. also kazakhstan dies.
((oh my gosh, talking about these makes me realize a lot of stuff went down and there’s a whole bunch of story, heeeelp))
omari au is just ukraine angst and everyone hates her, except for kazakhstan who is just worried about her, but she doesn’t care she’s too busy being a shut in and making up an imaginary world where everyone gets along.
oooo promise au has got to the the story that makes the least sense. i am just going to say that upa had tons of dedication despite literally being a 5 year old but whatever. at least we got villian south korea and kazakhstan dying in all these aus someone help him (also ukraine is supposed to be an empty vessel throughout the story. she literally does nothing and we know nothing about her. but that’s the point) also i think i posted a drawing about this au to my main? idk i forgot
anyway to be mine au!! it’s just a high school au where shenanigans happens, also kazakhstan dies.
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