okay so, this is me starting a series that I will hopefully be able to continue properly.
as it turns out my lovely lovely girlfriend has been keeping track of the chaotic things I say and has a list, so here goes Exhibit a:
• trauma diya hai but this family does have good taste. (me on my parents' good taste in music, and movies lmao)
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soupclam · 7 months
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Arkhilon of <RUINOUS> is a pedophile.
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zippocreed501 · 1 year
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keegansakura · 3 months
Dear Zelda Jackson.
This 5'2 magic weilding, mentally unwell gremlin... Will be the death of me writing wise
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nicky-pink · 2 months
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Damon Albarn, lead singer of Blur alongside Liam Malone of No Way Sis at Archaos in January 1997 | 12 snaps from inside the walls of legendary nightclub Archaos
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alien-in-residence · 9 days
Survivors of Terra ch2. The Scientist
The lung tissue was failing. The gene therapy in the most current stock of subjects was incapable of creating the change that he wanted. Archaos administered a final round of water spray to the tissue and watched as the secondary bronchi failed to absorb any oxygen. The exposed lung spasmed slightly as it drowned. The test subject, incapable of properly coughing, simply struggled against their restraints. Archaos continued his dictation as he moved onto the next medical bed, "Subject 28-G expired."
Archaos leaned close to this next subject on the table. He examined a colony of cysts that had grown inside a now obstructed secondary bronchi. His massive fore-eyes took in a shocking amount of detail. If he telescoped his retinas he could nearly see the cell structure of the defunct subject. He dictated his notes in a nearly perfect native Icelandic accent. “Results of aberration set 14: cyst formation happens quickly upon exposure to Core water samples. Subject set 28 has no signs of success. Will have to move on to the next set of test changes. I’ll make these apes breathe water.”
Upon hearing the Icelandic, the subject on the table thrashed awake and nearly got its hands on Archaos’ neck. The restraints held the subject in place just barely. If Archaos had been maybe 10 centimeters closer, the subject might have gotten a grip on him. Archaos chuckled to himself and continued dictation. “Survival for two subjects persists past 10 hours. Still disappointing they refuse to change breathing patterns, but the resilience is of note.” Archaos pulled out a vial from his lab coat and injected the contents into the subject's IV.
“We’ll see how you take to this next round. Note: subject 28-H has been given two test serums in a row. I want to see how they interact. End dictation.” A machine in the room beeped to confirm it was cataloging his notes. He pressed an intercom button on the wall and spoke to the base commander in Imperium standard, “I have expired stock in room 3. Come remove them and tell the workers to prep another set of subjects.” The commander set to work and Archaos moved out of the room to examine genetic results from the most recent batch.
The genome of the human race was remarkably resistant. There were the markers of self-editing, the kind you see a species make when they first figure out gene editing. The humans had deleted triggers for hereditary disease and slowed down the decay process. The age delay edit was crude and wasn’t heritable. The current generation of humans had already lost the anti-aging characteristics their parents had enjoyed. They were eons away from figuring out biological immortality. The shocking thing was how little they had changed their genes.
The humans had largely avoided improvement edits entirely. Most of the changes they’d made to their own genome was in removing genetic disease and preventing degeneration. Did they not know how to improve? Or worse, were they afraid of genetic improvements? Archaos went from admiration to revilement rapidly with these ape creatures.
The schedule he’d constructed for his work on this planet said that he was nearing the halfway mark for the current alteration set. He had given the loss-of-function work to the laborers on the lower floors. That work was crude but necessary. Archaos couldn’t be expected to fully master the human genome without a full report on all of its fail-points. Annoyingly it required a mass amount of stock to complete. Each fail-case ate up an entire stock, meaning it could take potentially millions of subjects to be certain the work was complete.
Archaos preferred to give his full attention to the alteration and gain-of-function research. It was in that research that humanity would be transformed and made useful. Archaos’ work in that field was legendary. These simple apes should be thankful he was in charge of their ascension. In a century or two, when their transformation was complete, they would never know the great work Archaos had done for them. He told himself he didn’t care but he was lying. Combing through thousands of stocks, carefully examining each failure case, a countless number of autopsies, and all for their own benefit. Being an unrecognized genius was tiring.
Looking through his week schedule, he could feel he would need a break. He cut out 3 hours for himself tomorrow. Those three hours were for him. Who cares how many stocks those three hours would use up? Who cares how many laborers it might set him back? The planet was a massive well of genetic information and Archaos would drink it all.
For now, he had notes to take. The monotonous work often spawned revolutionary ideas as his old instructor used to say. There was a catalog of fail cases for him to examine. Each contained a full genetic scan, nature of loss-of-function change, and full autopsies. At least a thousand of these case files were generated a day. A lesser researcher might establish a learning machine to catalog the information for them, but Archaos was too prideful to leave discovery to a computer.
Hours later Archaos had completed his review of the day’s test subject expirations and work personnel were restocking his personal lab space. The two humans that had survived the latest regimen were conscious while their compatriots’ bodies were removed. Archaos supervised from his observation room while taking another look at the medical read-outs of his survivors. The one that had tried to grab him was an Icelandic local, selected for straying too close to the research facility. That explains his language recognition, Archaos thought to himself.
The staff were well practiced at their work. The new stock was unconscious and brought into the lab in sets of 2. Earlier break-out attempts had informed new safety procedures which Archaos found incredibly mundane. Impatience overtook him as it often did and Archaos strode into the lab to begin unloading the test subjects himself. The Yonk and Huliotess staff were surprised to see him and tried not to look directly at him. This genuflection only served to enrage Archaos further. He strode quickly, grabbing unconscious humans by the neck and haphazardly slamming them onto observation tables.
The facility staff scurried behind him, trying to restrain the subjects that Archaos had unloaded. The Yonk moved in the shadow of Archaos’ stride, clipping on restraints and hooking up scanners. The Huliotess tried to keep all the notation clean and was hurriedly marking down which subjects were placed on which table.
When he was finished putting test stock onto tables, Archaos stood over the staff with an expression of contempt. His fore and hind eyes were affixed to the two and the coloration along his phalangeal ridge was bright yellow. He towered a half meter above the Yonk, subconsciously elongating his legs and stance. The Huliotess looked like it desperately wanted to be dead or anywhere else. The silence of the room was physical and dense.
Archaos finally barked at them, “Out of the lab! I have important things to do!” The Yonk bowed its head low and the Huliotess panicked and copied the gesture. Archaos flew into a rage, grabbing the Yonk by its throat and lifting it up off the ground. He marched across the room towards the door, the Yonk dangling desperately as Archaos carried him. He opened the door and threw the Yonk out of it, his body flying down the hallway a good distance. The Huliotess sprinted out after the Yonk, making some awful avian noises that scratched at Archaos’ auditory nerves.
His nerves were peaked and he set about his work to calm himself. Credit where it's due, the Huliotess had correctly cataloged all the subjects. All the new subjects needed injections and their chest cavities opened. Methodically, Archaos delivered his new gene edits via syringe into the blood circulation of his test stock. The bio monitors started beeping showing that some of them had begun to wake. They would not receive any further anesthesia.
A human near the survivor, subject 28-H, had awoken and was screaming at seeing what had happened. Archaos crossed the room in a flash, rendering the screaming human incapable of doing so further. “I need to know if you apes can be made to breathe water, I already know you can scream.” Subject 28-H stirred on his bed and managed to spit at Archaos, hitting the alien’s face. 0
Archaos stopped his other observations, pinning 28-H’s head with one of his forward facing arms. He focussed his retinas on the exposed lung tissue and sprayed another dose of Core water. This time, Archaos watched as the oxygen uptake along the bronchial tissue worked correctly. The human was now effectively amphibious, if a bit weary in his present state. Archaos met the gaze of 28-H and an enormous predatory smile crossed his face. “Well well well, finally something interesting,” he told the human in Icelandic.
Archaos half announced half instructed the base computer, “Dictation: Success with 28-H when combining aberration set 14 and 15. I’ll move on to the full gene sequence and autopsy.” The humans that were capable of understanding him, thrashed against their restraints. “Will send rest of current stock to lower floor for loss-of-function testing. End dictation.”
Archaos returned to 28-H and wheeled the human into a smaller examination room.The tall metal door swung closed, leaving the rest of the subject stock in oppressive silence. Anesthetic was pumped into the room as the Yonk and Huliotess returned to retrieve the now unnecessary research stock.
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spatula · 2 years
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Rogač House / Studio Archaos
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thinkoutsidegardens · 2 years
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Rogač House by Studio Archaos. #architecture #landscapearchitecture #landscaping #landscape #landscapedesign #garden #gardens #greenery #gardendesign #outdoor #outdoors #outdoordecor #exterior #exteriordesign #exteriordecor #home #homedecor #archilovers #inspiration #designer. https://www.instagram.com/p/CeLdJVupKB6/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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pinkeiz · 1 year
👀 oye damin k t gusta d daonnie
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aunque lo toma desprevenido, damin no aparta su atención del cuaderno donde escribe ni mucho menos permite que alguna emoción indeseada se haga notar. responder es difícil y además siente que no le debe explicaciones a nadie como para esforzarse y poner sus sentimientos en palabras.
hay varios puntos que podrían ser mencionados, comenzando por alguna ridiculez como que es lindo y dulce, pero el menor del clan yoo jamás usaría adjetivos como tales en su vocabulario. podría comentar algo con respecto al talento de daon, refiriéndose a los dibujos o a sus actos en el circo (porque se ha colado entre el público para ver una o dos presentaciones sin que nadie lo vea), pero no quiere. son nimiedades, y aunque las tenga presentes, no son la razón por la que algo se remueve dentro suyo cuando está frente al archaos.
a pesar de haber comenzado con el pie izquierdo, daon sabe ver más allá de las inmensas paredes que damin mantiene a su alrededor para evitar que personas erróneas finjan que lo conocen. daon sabe verlo, leerlo. no lo considera un monstruo, y eso parece ser más que suficiente para una persona que ha crecido con la idea de ser el peor ser del universo. ¿lo es? sin duda, no tiene sentido negarlo, pero junto a daon puede pensar lo contrario al menos por un par de minutos.
' qué te importa ' murmura al fin, sin siquiera observar a quien osó molestarlo.
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squeekleen2 · 2 years
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for archaos
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Cirque exotique (c'est aussi une chanson de François Valéry)
Pôle national cirque Agora de Boulazac / Nouvelle Aquitaine
21 MARS 2024
Cube cirque / Plaine de Lamoura (24)
50 minutes
À partir de 12 ans
Duo Théâtre / Cirque (toujours aussi bavard)
Suzanne JOUBERT (Textes)
& Marie VAYSSIÈRE (Dramaturgie)
Faisant corps (et âme) avec son complice, le circassien virtuose Samuel Rodrigues sur lequel il s'appuie au propre (jusqu'à lui faire mal) comme au figuré (magnifiques échanges), Arnaud Saury explore de nouvelles dimensions propres à titiller son désir d'éternel explorateur. Lui, l'ex-danseur, insatiable découvreur de nouveaux espaces à partager avec ses complices – on a tous en mémoire l'épopée fabuleuse de "Dad is dead" sur le vélo de Mathieu Despoisse – se lance ici à l'assaut de l'inaccessible culminant à près de cinq mètres.
Yves Kafka La revue du spectacle
Comment deux pensées, deux corps aussi différents peuvent-ils parvenir à un cet accord inattendu de gestes et de mouvements ? Quelle attention infinie a-t-il fallu à celui qui est le maitre en la matière pour conduire l'apprenti jusqu'à son art, c'est à dire jusqu'à lui. Lui, Samuel, si indéniablement bâti pour la force et si délicat pourtant dans sa façon de travailler. Lui, si patient à transmettre ses figures complexes qu'il écrit au scalpel le long d'un mât. Ce mât posé sur la page d'un monde qui oscille entre chute et exploit. Lui, si jeune encore et l’autre qui pourrait être son père, ouvrant avec lui le champ d'une parole en mouvement. Comment, en voyant cette improbable traversée, pourrait-on imaginer un seul instant, que cette aventure aurait pu être menée sans une entière confiance et un indéfectible respect. Imaginer le contraire ce serait ne pas avoir perçu l'élan qui est en jeu ici : aller l'un vers l'autre et inventer ensemble. Pour que l'eau devienne vague il faut bien que s'en mêle le vent.
Suzanne Joubert
PRODUCTION MMFF - Mathieu Ma Fille Foundation COPRODUCTIONS Agora - Pôle national cirque - Boulazac - Nouvelle Aquitaine // Pôle Arts de la Scène - Marseille // ONYX - Scène conventionnée de St Herblain // Le Prato - Pôle national cirque - Lille // Théâtre des Halles - Scène d’Avignon // Archaos Pôle national cirque – Marseille // Le Palc- Pôle national cirque - Châlons en Champagne - Grand Est SOUTIENS Espace Périphérique - Paris // Cirk'Eole - Montigny-lès-Metz // La Cascade - Pôle national cirque - Bourg-Saint-Andéol // Cheptel Aleïkoum - Saint Agil // iddac, agence culturelle du Département de la Gironde, Atelier des Marches et Festival Trente Trente - Bordeaux métropole // Ministère de la Culture - Direction Régionale des Affaires Culturelles - Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur // Région SUD // Département des Bouches du Rhône // Ville de Marseille.
Mathieu Ma Fille Foundation Fond d'écran n°05 Mars 24 © MMFF
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what species of mushrooms are you? also, what is a kurta?
heyyy great question, thanks for asking
as for mushrooms, I'd either be oyster mushroom or Portobello. there are no deep reasons behind this really, it's just for funzies.
a kurta is an ethnic Indian outfit. this is me wearing one:
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and thanks to @musaafir-hun-yaaron for suggesting this name, i love it <3
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zyuna-arts · 5 months
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Artfight 2023 | 01 Wholesome Hangout
Backlog on Tumblr because I forget I exist here too
Food-themed creatures chill at a beach! Maybe they'll have a picnic or gathering to watch the sky? 👀
First Artfight attack for 2023 is a mass attack, which I ambitiously decided on challenging myself with and lmao did I struggle, mostly with perspective and rendering. Probably should've used more references but I didn't want to spend too much time on the same piece and obsess over details :")
Clockwise from bottom left: - Banana (WillBeRedeemed) - Brioche (@squidvonbob) - CookieDove 1 (Archaos) - Candy Corn Stout (@nekocatt) - Mango leaf (Darkanimations) - Wheat (wheat) - Papaya (StxrChxser) - Apple Worm (@fishwithoneeye) - CookieDove 3 (Archaos) - TBN (@moppything)
Art © zyuna
SOCIALS: Linktree
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asa6iri · 6 months
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* il daon. ) veintiún años. retraído brujo miembro del aquelarre archaos, donde se desempeña como circense en un número especial llamado el show de pierrot. maneja parte de las siete maravillas, siendo su habilidad más poderosa la telekinesis, que lo ha acompañado desde que tiene memoria. oriundo de corea del sur, vivió en un pueblo costero junto con su madre fanática religiosa, periodo de su vida que le desencadenó una severidad de traumas que poco a poco está intentando sanar. dueño de tres conejos.
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keegansakura · 1 year
Today on DND madness that has made the party question my well being-
Lore was dropped in the latest tyranny session that I feel you all should know
WISH. Gods/godlike entiti3s get their power from the wish spell. Stronger the god, stronger the wish with the strongest coming from primordials which are the gods that are responsible for the very foundations of the frostfire created universe.
Wish hunters go after these beings to try and obtain a primordial wish in order to upsurt the order and remake the world in their image under their Matron.
One of our party members is a child of Tiamat. His name is Luka he is BABEY. He almost died and was shown to have a wish spell
Meanwhile. Evelyn (my character) who is a god as well (heavily nerfed the poor girl doesn't know half of her abilities) didn't seem to drop a wish.
It could be that she comes from a different universe entirely (cough the archaosverse a different writing project go check some of the stuff out at UmbraProductions on youtube-) or it could also be that in archaos lore, she was a god made, not born. I will explain that in a later post as to my theories behind this and go into more detail behind that.
The other bit of lore was about the nine hells. Technically in Frostfire Lore: there's only 8 layers. The 9th went missing along with a very powerful god
ANYWAYS. Not my character casually talking about what essentially is a giant gibbering mouther she keeps as a pet back home and doesn't know it is a gibbering mouther-
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J'ai repris récemment la sculpture en matériaux de récupération. J'avais fait 1 pause de 30 ans je pense mais j'avais toujours cette idée derrière la tête. Quand j'étais gosse ma mère nous avait amené voir 1 expo au Prado (pas le musée mais la plage à Marseille) qui s'appelait Tresors d'étoiles c'était immense et magique à la croisée des univers de Sciences Fictions, Dune et Jodorowsky. Avec des bouts de métal, des moteurs etc. Très futuriste, galactique et Mad Maxien.
Je pense il y avait une vague hobopunk dans tous les milieux Rock et Cirque ( la Fura del Baus. Archaos. Generik Vapeur...) et l'art et la sculpture idem. Ca m'a marqué ado à tel point que je passais mes après-midi dans le garage de mon père délaissant la console et les amies imaginaires à coup de rouille et de marteau. Biensur j'étais encouragé mais incompris et oui jai abandonné ça.
Je reprends un peu voici la première base de ce qui sera pour moi géant.
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