astrxlfinale · 7 days
@araneitela replied to your post “Literally 10 minutes into any conversation I have...”:
literally please show them some of the stuff you say to me. please show them
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WHAT WE SEE HERE. Is the reach across souls, of allowing the instance of action to create energy and motion.
For two hearts to ignite in inspiration and creativity alike!
It makes you wonder though, doesn't it. What is it that Sae is seeing here that I'm not? 🤔
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daybreakrising · 3 months
@araneitela: "If truth be told, I’ve grown oddly fond of you." (Blaaaaadie)
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He feels the gentle weight of her head as it falls to rest against his shoulder. It's a gesture steeped in familiarity, of something done a thousand times before, and a thousand times yet to come. A small gesture, but a telling one. There are few who would dare to be so familiar with him - few who would be comfortable. Perhaps, even, she is the only one.
There's the curl of fingers within the crook of his elbow - yet another of those gestures that speak louder than words ever could. Her hand fits there as if it was meant to, as if it has always been there. That he has accepted this without question, that his mind has come to such a conclusion, is only indicative of the bond they share: one that is so natural that it does not come with questions.
A crimson gaze shifts, subtly. It slides in her direction, to rest upon the crown of wine-coloured hair nestled so comfortably upon his shoulder. He studies the top of her head with a discerning eye, lingering only a moment or two before his gaze slides away again. The silence that hangs from the end of her words stretches on between them, but it is not a silence of discomfort, but rather... the opposite.
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"Why?" The question on his lips is one frequently lurking in the murky corners of his mind. Why? Why him? It is a question he has posed upon many a subject, a question he presumes to never know the answer to in most cases. But this one, perhaps, he can hope to achieve.
He is useful, he tells himself, and that is why. A swordsman may hold a particular fondness for a certain blade. Perhaps it has a grip that fits perfectly in his hand, or a sentiment that is dear to his heart. Perhaps it has saved his life countless times and, thus, he cherishes it. Other blades may serve the same purpose, but none shall carry the meaning this one does.
Is that why? Am I that cherished blade?
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resolutepath · 22 days
Charlie, have I told you lately that your Elio is everything I've ever wanted him to be and more? To the moon and back, and then some? Most brilliant. I love, I just, /smooches your cheeks; everything perfect.
Sae, Sae, you know how much this means to me, you know I'm right here crying because you enjoy the way I have interpreted Elio, the character and lore I have pulled out from dribbles if content. This muse sits in my mind so much, consumes so much of my thoughts and well you know what plans I am considering too. Know I thoroughly enjoy writing with your Kafka and seeing how they work together and interact with one another. I'm blowing you a kiss rn fbfhdhdh
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reveriys · 19 days
❛❛       how much do you wanna bet ?        ❜❜ 
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[  ✧  ]     one - liner , @araneitela
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doloniaxdiegesis · 1 month
Ye of such little faith?
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Ma'am he doesn't look like the type to be in a relationship and your very likely to play with your "food"
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rosenpiety · 2 months
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❝   𝙒𝙝𝙖𝙩   𝙬𝙤𝙪𝙡𝙙   𝙮𝙤𝙪   𝙨𝙖𝙮   𝙗𝙚𝙖𝙪𝙩𝙮   𝙞𝙨,   @araneitela?   ❞ 
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He   is   always,   always   trying   to   deepen   his   understanding   of   the   beauty   of   the   universe.   As   a   Knight   of   Beauty,   it   is   his   duty   (   as   far   as   he's   concerned,   though   he   knows   his   fellow   knights   may   not   view   it   the   same   way   ).    He   feels   that   perhaps, if   he   learns   all   he   can   of   those   around   him   and   how   they   see   beauty,   he   will   understand   why   his   Aeon   left. 
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ephemyrals · 2 months
❛❛       how much do you wanna bet ?        ❜❜ 
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[  ❀  ]     one - liner , @araneitela
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juesha · 9 months
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"i presume your companion has recuperated by now." it's what he hopes at least; regardless of his former friend's most current relation to him. in the end, there's little point to feeling nostalgic in a time of crisis. if he's learned naught else of their encounter, he'd at the very least been able to assess the stellaron hunters' rationale a bit better than before. "whatever your plans, i'm afraid i'll have to advise against spending more time than is necessary on this ship. though you have assisted us in this affair, few will consider your cooperation as incentive for hospitality. ... ... i suppose one of the many downsides to a long life is the ability to bear grudges across centuries." / @araneitela
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astrxlfinale · 2 months
I'm gonna select the big 'ole flashy 30, and say... whatever is boiling the most intensely in your veins in terms of salt, Jace, please share it with me— I mean, /cough, share with the class. (As a fellow salt truck, I know there's always specific things, so I want you to have the ability to.)
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Sae you know full well what's about to swing in here.
That said! I'd be delighted too honestly, so LET'S-
To take a fine moment for the topic on this number. In my eyes, the idea of Character respect is becoming an avidly dying practice. At least, when it comes to the motivated study of truly making that shot to learn about them in the larger stream.
The biggest means I see this appear as is the 'Cookie Cutter.' Drawing attention to this angle right here is what truly just boils the inside of my head, since in truth, it's related to some topics alluded to in the other ask. I believe that the order is going into reverse. Where the perceived mirrors are the envisioned character instead of vice versa. It's not an active study as to how this character works, rather, exactly what does this character 'fulfill' on a checklist quota to please them.
Taking from the easiest example here, let's take a look at Kafka and how it's easily taken, perceive her as 'Dommy Mommy' then virtually just leaving her to rust in said mold. It's played as a joke or 'power play' as some buzzwords do it, people will get uptight if said joke was called shitty, and here you go with the metaphorical merry-go-round on the matter.
It doesn't even stop at jokes, anyone experienced in the fandom atmosphere likely came across the lorded image, what the fun and games, personal add ins, just about a myriad things had molded about the character. How it's often, very rarely discussed about how the story expanded on the character themselves. Whether it's through the external media, the content of the narrative itself, and other examples that can be taken with genuine grain. This being from people who like to note themselves as fans of a franchise.
Then again, it doesn't even have to be that. Say there was a certain scene that just gets them literally or spiritually drooling. A scene of xyz character seemingly going unhinged, how a few 'appealing' views suddenly shoot them off to the stratosphere. There's a lot of ways where the cookie cutter can just make the easy mark. And y'know? Fair, if you're just at your angle or hole and not lording it as the gospel? More power to you! It's the people who always crave some brand of conflict and/or validation for this metaphorical ball.
I feel like the best example of what got egregiously popular is how xyz character enjoys one thing/food and suddenly it's their whole personality. The simplicity that I normally enjoy for content does the biggest disservice here. It's that jarring sense that like two people are looking at an outfit, and one is seeing armor and another a suit.
While the story quality itself is always up for question, I do like to say there's an active effort for writers to make a nebulous character, similar to someone just living in the current day, just with their unique structure and circumstances, history, life. It's just a damn shame to me how this is hardly valued when in truth, learning all of these about a long time or new series favorite of a person is fun as fuck. Mirrors in terms of concepts such as character trait can be really useful to learn. It's never that sort of thing that should be taken as the truth.
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daybreakrising · 2 months
Sorry, but as a 'job well done', Kafka wanted me to let you know here, that she's eased herself down onto his lap, rather proudly I have to note, and has settled very comfortably against him, her body absolutely sinking into the contours of his own as if she belonged there this entire time. I told you, she's definitely found her Bladie and she's very content about it.
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And, to the outside eye, nothing about Blade's demeanour has changed - though he accepts her settling into his lap with no question or complaint. But to those few who know him well... the way his hand shifts to rest at her lower back is not merely to support, but to cradle, to claim - and there is the faintest curve at one corner of his mouth, a kind of smile that suggests...
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hxkerwxlf · 3 months
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"Oh you wanna go? 1v1 on Fortnite, me and you, right here, right now." @grayfxce
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"What's the worst that'll happen? I'll get in trouble? What are they gonna do? Fine me? I'm already wanted pog" @araneitela
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"Skill issue." @ancicntforged
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araneitela · 2 months
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"Sooner or later, the curtain has to fall. As for the ending, wanna take a guess? —— Heads or tails, what's your answer?"
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#araneitela. A canon-strict and rather lore-heavy portrayal of Kafka from Honkai: Star Rail, written by Sae (30+). I do not follow fanon, and in fact, I defy it rather heavily. So follow me (just like you would Kafka) at your own discretion and risk. But if you like your lore, and enjoy some extra salt on your fries: come on in, and talk about this little thing called fate.
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spiderwarden · 19 days
BOLD what always applies to your muse; ITALICIZE what sometimes applies to your muse; STRIKE OUT what never applies to your muse.
absent-minded / abusive / addict / adrenaline junkie / aggressive / aimless / alcoholic / anxious / arrogant / audacious / bad liar / big mouth / bigot / blindly loyal / blunt / callous / childish / chronic heroism / cheater / clingy / clumsy / cocky / codependent / competitive / corrupt / cowardly / cruel / cynical / delinquent / delusional / dependent / depressed / deranged / disloyal / ditzy / egotistical / envious / erratic / fickle / finicky / fixated / flaky / frail / fraudulent / foul mouthed / guilt complex / gloomy / gluttonous / gossiper / gruff / grudge holding / gullible / hedonistic / humorless / hypochondriac / hypocritical / idealist / idiotic / ignorant / immature / impatient / incompetent / indecisive / insecure / insensitive / lazy / lewd / liar / lustful / manipulative / masochistic / meddlesome / melodramatic / money-loving / moody / naive / nervous / nosy / ornery / overprotective / overly sensitive / paranoid / passive-aggressive / perfectionist / pessimist / petty / power-hungry / proud / possessive / pushover / reckless / reclusive / remorseless / rigorous / sadistic / sarcastic / senile / selfish / self-destructive / shallow / sociopath / sore loser / spineless / spiteful / spoiled / stubborn / suspicious / tactless / temperamental / timid / thief / traitorous / ungracious / unlucky / untrustworthy / withdrawn / workaholic
TAGGED BY: @und3rdark thanks dear!
TAGGING: @infernaliscor , @oathwilled , @oathfcrged , @seabiscuit , @maestrojax , @lunarrepel , @menzoberras , @bhaal1st , @thcdoomed , @araneitela and you
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inconcordia · 2 months
I just think @araneitela has a very neat icon.
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immobiliter · 1 month
✧ ROMANTIC GESTURES BOLD what applies to your muse, italicize if there's potential / it depends.
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Holding hands · buying flowers · cooking · cuddles · writing a poem / song · holding door open · tying shoe laces · sharing a milkshake with two straws · offering their jacket when it's cold · kissing in the rain · publicly confessing love · long walks at the beach · doing the titanic pose on a boat · taking cute pictures in a photo booth · sharing a taxi / uber · kissing the back of their hand · slow dancing · getting tickets of their favorite artist / sports team / other · introducing them to their parents · lighting candles · flower petals on bed · love letters · star gazing · brushing / doing their hair · picnics · teaching them to play an instrument / sport while gently guiding their hands · compliments · late night drives · taking selfies together · drawing them · self-made gifts · massages · proposing with a family heirloom ring · lending them their favorite book to read · paying for dinner / coffee · mixtapes / playlists · surprise birthday parties · feeding them · handing them keys to their apartment · making space in drawer for their clothes when they stay over · sharing a blanket · couple costumes · tucking a hair strand behind their ear · running after them at the airport / keeping them from leaving · moving cities to be together · blowing a kiss · breakfast in bed · defending them in a fight (verbally / physically) · joint bubble baths · dropping the L-bomb ("i love you") · dedicating a song at the karaoke bar to them · wearing their clothes · yawning before putting an arm around them leaning into them while watching a movie · granting them the last bite (from meal)
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Tagged by: @araneitela Tagging: @scarletooyoroi, @delusionaid ( wrio ! ), @anquenin, @villainmade ( caroline ? 👀 ) & if you see this you are also tagged
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yuelun · 11 months
In preparation for a comeback to properly and consistently writing again within the upcoming week (life has been hell in a handbasket, but I'm working on getting it on track again!), I'm sharing my other whereabouts as they're close to being finished. Guizhong will return to the activity she was at when I started, but she will be run alongside two of my big loves from Honkai: Star Rail. So if you have muses, AU/cross-over verses, I'd be more than happy to see you!
Bear the slight mess still (no tag drops, nothing; it's still pretty bare bones on both blogs), but without further ado:
Kafka: araneitela Seele: babocka
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