#araki dropped this banger
pieflavoredartz · 1 year
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the jojo when he lands, dawg🐰
og unda the cut
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Steel Ball Run, a reinvention of the Jojo's saga
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure is my favorite saga in both anime and manga, because of its light novel nature and the enthusiastic fights throughout the nine story arcs. The universe of the first six arcs is a wonderful trip with a variety of powers, characters, geographic places, and popular knowledge. I think that Araki squeezed out every drop of what he could do with the series in that universe, creating increasingly powerful villains, until the ultimate bad guy arrived, Enrico Pucci (this in a way that he has the most overpowered stand, and not about his intentions, which may be debatable). Hirohiko Araki couldn't imagine a power stronger than the acceleration of time and, obviously, the capability of not being affected by its own power, so the creator of the series at first thought it would be the end of Jojo's, thinking about moving to another manga inspired by the western stories of the USA, but he had a second thought. "What if I create another universe of Jojo's based on those western stories? and what if I made all those cowboys run in a race across the entire United States?" could have been what he was thinking about when planning his new incoming masterpiece. Well, it worked, and it was a fresh and impressive creation. It not only  changed in the serialization of the manga, but also in the way the stands work, the source of where the characters get them, the narrative of a more mature story, references of his past works and the use of songs that match with the theme of the story (combined with some new bangers that were released shortly before the manga, at the beginning of the 21th century). The depth of character development in this arc is a lot richer than the previous six, and not only in our protagonist, Johnny Joestar, also in his jobro Gyro Zeppeli (which can be also considered as a co-protagonist), the creator of the race, Steven Steel, and the USA president, Funny Valentine. The references to the western culture are huge in this arc, even Jesus appears in some parts of the manga! and to finish this post, I would like to mention one of my favorite characters in this arc, Pocoloco. This man really had the luck of one in 5 billion people, just by laying on the ground and daydreaming when looking at the clouds moving in the sky, but he took advantage of that luck, even though he didn't win the race, he still won a juicy price thanks to his stand, Hey ya! (really good song by the way).
-Aquiles Rojas
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kindajared · 4 years
Star Platinum: The World, Echoes, Killer Queen, Spice Girl, Man In The Mirror, Baby Face, White Álbum, Stone Free
BRUH That’s so many!! But I’m okay with it!
 Star Platinum-What is your favorite stand and why?
 It’s most definitely Metallica! And no, it’s not because it’s Risotto’s or it’s name’s Metallica, I promise. When I was creating my OC stand before I had even SEEN Part 5 I wanted to Incorporate blood or needles! Araki got to the idea first I guess! The power is super op tbh, so therwfore the had to fucking kill him off with a shady ass move...I cried, because my baby, of course...
 The World-Which part did you watch/read first?
 I started with Phantom Blood because I’m an intellectual. I was so upset that it only had 9 episodes! I LOVE Jonathan so much! Sometimes I consider him to be my favorite Jojo! The first part I actually took the time to read was Vento Aureo! So fucking GOOD.
 Echoes-What is your favorite OP and ED?
 My favorite OP is either “Sono Chino Sadame” or “Fighting Gold” it’s really fucking hard to choose... “Bloody Stream” comes super close! My favorite ED with ALWAYS be “Roundabout”, the only time I ever questioned it was when they used “I Want You” for Part 4! So basically...I can’t choose?
 Killer Queen-Who do you think is the worst villain and why?
 So, this seems to be asking who is the baddest bad? I’m familiar with parts 1-5 and I think I’d have to choose Dio. If you’re curious as to why I didn’t choose Kars. it’s because I sympathize with the guy. I mean...getting rid of the human race would do good for the planet for sure, despite...billions of people dying?(Plus I simp for him so fucking hard) Dio straight up just wants to make the world his for his own gain. He doesn’t give to shits about anyone or anything.
 Spice Girl-Most underrated character?
V i n e g a r D o p p i o
Man In The Mirror-Which Character’s outfit would you steal for yourself?
Probably Abbachio’s if I’m honest. It’s so fucking stylish and s e x y.
Baby Face-If you got to pick, what would you name the next main Jojo?
Jax! I just think that sounds hella cool...for a female maybe Jade!
White Album-What is your favorite OST?(All Parts)
Bruh, I listen to the Part 5 OST literally every day while I write. It’s so fucking g o o d. Formaggio and Risotto’s theme got me fucked up BUT…Giorno’s theme? Fucking BANGER.
Stone Free-If you were suddenly dropped into the world of JJBA, which part would you like to be dropped into? And would you join the heroes or the villains?
Part 5, easy. L a S q u a d r a…no doubt. I feel like they would be such a tight team. Super close with each other and caring! Essentially, they mirror the Bucci fang, so they are VERY similar in senses. Um…my Capo would be Risotto so UM?
This was fun! Thanks for asking these!
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