elomdasport · 1 year
تردد قناة العربية على النايل سات والعرب سات 2023 التردد الصحيح والجديد لقناة al arabiya
تردد قناة العربية على النايل سات والعرب سات 2023 التردد الصحيح والجديد لقناة al arabiya التجاوز إلى المحتوى P
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'Why did you fire from Rafah?' Arab hostess embarrasses Hamas leader on air
Al-Arabiya hostess Rasha Nabil questions the timing of the missile barrage launched from Rafah toward Israeli civilians as the IDF was advancing toward the city.
by Shachar Kleiman
A host on the Saudi Al-Arabiya channel has challenged a senior Hamas official over the terror group's tactics in the current war.
In an interview aired Wednesday night, Rasha Nabil questioned the timing of the missile barrage launched from Rafah toward Israeli civilians as the IDF was advancing toward the city.
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In response, Razi Hamed, a member of Hamas' political bureau and a close associate of the terror group's Gaza chief Yahya Sinwar, made the unsubstantiated claim that Israel was committing "massacres" in other cities in the strip as well as in the West Bank even though, as he claimed, no rocket attacks were conducted from there. "Does that not justify it? It's a criminal, cruel, Nazi state," he said.
Dissatisfied with Hamed's response, Nabil pressed on, asking whether there was "a specific purpose, a calculated aim, a political goal" to the Rafah missile launches that were otherwise perceived as supporting Israel's claim of Rafah being a terror hub sheltering Hamas terrorists.
Again making an unsubstantiated claim, Hamed insisted that Israel was a state "founded on crime" and, therefore, "does not need justification for its killings."
Israel considers the Rafah operation vital to achieving the two goals it set on Oct. 7: to destroy Hamas and secure the release of the over 100 hostages still held captive by the terror organization, many of them considered to be held in Rafah.
Nabil is known to challenge senior Hamas officials in her interviews. Just last week, she interviewed Hussam Badran, also a member of the terror group's political bureau, about the blood on captured IDF female soldiers and "violent discourse" toward them.
Badran attempted to justify the terrorists' behaviors by pointing out that the events occurred on a military base, rather than a civilian area. He even tried to suggest that no violence against the soldiers can be observed in the footage, at which point Nabil interjected, saying, "No, there are female soldiers with blood on their faces… and there is violent speech toward them documented in video and audio."
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charleslebatman · 5 months
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Dana Barqawi, Chapter 5: It Takes A Village, from the collection: (Re) Narrate, December 2023.
All of the pictures are coming from her site and her Instagram.
Dana is a Palestinian artist, based in Jordan, in Amman (capital). She’s not only a painter, she’s an architect and a designer.
Through her art, she recounts her heritage and the discriminations that has dominated both her world and ours. She's not a revolted artist, but she bears witness to her origins and history through militant pictorial poetry. As here.
She has come to tell us the story of a mother, her grandmother and all the mothers of a nation who fought for and nurtured an entire people. The heritage of a stolen, scorned nature, and how these women tried to heal it and pass on the hope of freedom and life through their cultural heritage.
“This work is on indigenous motherhood & colonialism.
My grandmother’s resistance, my mother’s resistance, my daughter’s resistance, is my resistance.
The mother in this work is embraced by an extended lineage of past mothers who whisper generations of maternal indigenous knowledge & teachings into her ear.
She is nursing her baby, feeling a deep contentment & calmness, as she nurtures her child as well as the land. Indigenous motherhood is sacral, It is tending to the land, harvesting medicines, with our babies by our side, teaching them to grow food to survive & to live in a way where the land falls in love with them.
If we take care of the land the land will take care of us.
The mother in the artwork is adorned with traditional herbal plants our mothers collected to nurture & heal their loved ones: Thyme, Sage, Black Seed, Anise, Wheat, Pomegranate, Oranges & Dates.
Indigenous motherhood is resistance, it is a reclamation of culture, food & land.
It is another step in our healing from a history of colonialism & its abuses.
For indigenous mothers, choosing to have a baby is a deliberate political act & to raise & protect our children, is the revolution.
The artwork portrays the macrocosm as nature & life flowing through a mother, coming from a divine origin, which gives the same life to flora & fauna. 
The artwork pays homage to the “Daisy Flower” women’s militant group which fought along the men against the Zionists in 1948.”
Dana pays tribute here to the little-known feminist resistance organization of Palestian women, Zahrat Al Uqhuan (in Arabic language), "The Chriysanthemum Flower".
More simply called, “The Daisy Flower”, today a symbol of the feminist movement. Daisy Flower too, probably cause the chrysanthemum Flower, in Palestine, is quite similar to a Daisy. It’s the most popular flower you can find in Palestine.
“The Chrysanthemum Flower” was Palestine's very first armed, feminist organization, founded in 1948. Just after the famous UN partition of the Land of Palestine between Israel and Palestine. And that by 1948, 26% of Palestine's officially allotted land had already been reclaimed by the Zionist army.
The organization was founded by two sisters, Moheba and Arabiya Khorsheed. Many Egyptian women (from Sinai) also took part in the organization: Yusra Al Barbari يسرى البربري, Yusra Toqan يسرى طوقان, Adela Fatyri عادلة فطايرى, and Fatima Abu Alhuda فاطمة أبو الهدى.
I wrote you a brief summary of Moheba Korsheed and this organization. I advice you to read this article, “Radical Lives: Moheba Khorsheed” by Linah Alsaafin, November 24th 2014, Novaramedia. It helps to learn more about her and how she marked Palestine, with her sister and so many others women. How they collaborated with secret governments. A shame we never learn about her and all of these women.
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indizombie · 2 years
The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that poor mental health costs the global economy $1 trillion annually in lost productivity. In India alone, a 2019 WHO estimate said the economic loss due to mental health conditions between 2012 and 2030 would be around $1.03 trillion.
‘Mental health issues cost Indian firms $14 bln a year: Deloitte’, Al Arabiya
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masryno · 1 year
رنا هويدي مذيعة MBC السابقة “تريند” بسبب صور
رنا هويدي مذيعة MBC السابقة “تريند” بسبب صور عارية ونشرت “هويدي” صورة عبر موقع تبادل الصور والفيديوهات “إنستجرام”، صورة لظهر مدون عليه عبارة: “من منكم بلا خطيئة فليرجمني بحجر”. rana heweidy mbc رنا هويدي مذيعة MBC السابقة “تريند” بسبب صور عاد تسريب صور وفيديو منسوبين لـ “الاعلامية” رنا هويدي تصدرها التريند من جديد، تِلك الإعلامية التي كانت تعمل بقناة  MBC مصر، والتي تم القبض عليها نهاية الشهر…
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learnarabiconline · 1 year
5 Reasons Why Arabic Is So Important During Ramadan
As we experience the sweetness of the blessed month of Ramadan, we can’t help but think about all of the extra exposure to the Arabic language we get during this special time of year subhanAllah! Whether we are an Arabic speaker ourselves or not, we hear Arabic words on a daily basis, especially if we join community events such as Taraweeh or Iftars at the mosque. But why is Arabic so important…
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amereid1960 · 2 years
دور الإعلام العربي في تسيير الثورات العربية (ثورتا تونس و مصر 2011) - دراسة تحليلية مقارنة بين قناتي الجزيرة والعربية من وجهة نظر عينة من النخبة الجزائرية
دور الإعلام العربي في تسيير الثورات العربية (ثورتا تونس و مصر 2011) – دراسة تحليلية مقارنة بين قناتي الجزيرة والعربية من وجهة نظر عينة من النخبة الجزائرية
دور الإعلام العربي في تسيير الثورات العربية (ثورتا تونس و مصر 2011) – دراسة تحليلية مقارنة بين قناتي الجزيرة والعربية من وجهة نظر عينة من النخبة الجزائرية   دور الإعلام العربي في تسيير الثورات العربية (ثورتا تونس و مصر 2011) – دراسة تحليلية مقارنة بين قناتي الجزيرة والعربية من وجهة نظر عينة من النخبة الجزائرية الكاتب: جودي عبد العزيز الملخص: لعب الإعلام العربي دورا تاريخيا في دعم و تحقيق المطالب…
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alewaanewspaper1960 · 2 years
دور الإعلام العربي في تسيير الثورات العربية (ثورتا تونس و مصر 2011) - دراسة تحليلية مقارنة بين قناتي الجزيرة والعربية من وجهة نظر عينة من النخبة الجزائرية
دور الإعلام العربي في تسيير الثورات العربية (ثورتا تونس و مصر 2011) – دراسة تحليلية مقارنة بين قناتي الجزيرة والعربية من وجهة نظر عينة من النخبة الجزائرية
دور الإعلام العربي في تسيير الثورات العربية (ثورتا تونس و مصر 2011) – دراسة تحليلية مقارنة بين قناتي الجزيرة والعربية من وجهة نظر عينة من النخبة الجزائرية   دور الإعلام العربي في تسيير الثورات العربية (ثورتا تونس و مصر 2011) – دراسة تحليلية مقارنة بين قناتي الجزيرة والعربية من وجهة نظر عينة من النخبة الجزائرية الكاتب: جودي عبد العزيز الملخص: لعب الإعلام العربي دورا تاريخيا في دعم و تحقيق المطالب…
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acpsalewaanewspaper · 2 years
دور الإعلام العربي في تسيير الثورات العربية (ثورتا تونس و مصر 2011) - دراسة تحليلية مقارنة بين قناتي الجزيرة والعربية من وجهة نظر عينة من النخبة الجزائرية
دور الإعلام العربي في تسيير الثورات العربية (ثورتا تونس و مصر 2011) – دراسة تحليلية مقارنة بين قناتي الجزيرة والعربية من وجهة نظر عينة من النخبة الجزائرية
دور الإعلام العربي في تسيير الثورات العربية (ثورتا تونس و مصر 2011) – دراسة تحليلية مقارنة بين قناتي الجزيرة والعربية من وجهة نظر عينة من النخبة الجزائرية   دور الإعلام العربي في تسيير الثورات العربية (ثورتا تونس و مصر 2011) – دراسة تحليلية مقارنة بين قناتي الجزيرة والعربية من وجهة نظر عينة من النخبة الجزائرية الكاتب: جودي عبد العزيز الملخص: لعب الإعلام العربي دورا تاريخيا في دعم و تحقيق المطالب…
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kora24online · 2 years
بالأرقام.. من الأفضل في إفريقيا.. محمد صلاح أم رياض محرز خلال مسيرتهما في الدوري الإنجليزي؟
بالأرقام.. من الأفضل في إفريقيا.. محمد صلاح أم رياض محرز خلال مسيرتهما في الدوري الإنجليزي؟
محمد_صلاح و #رياض_محرز في صراع على جائزة أفضل لاعب في إفريقيا مجددا .. حفل توزيع الجوائر يقام في 21 من يوليو الجاري بالعاصمة …
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reasonsforhope · 6 months
Additional humanitarian aid trucks started rolling over the Rafah Crossing from Egypt to Gaza early Friday [November 24] morning, as the planned four-day ceasefire began. The aid trucks, fuel tankers among them, were a welcome sight amid the seven-week-long war between Israel and Hamas.
Since Hamas attacked Israel on Oct. 7, killing 1,200 people and taking more than 200 hostage, Israel has periodically [note: imho, this language is wildly minimizing the extent of the long-term, near-total blockade] cut off water, fuel and electricity to Gaza. An estimated 14,000 people have been killed by Israeli bombardment of the territory, the Hamas-run health ministry has said.
People in Gaza experienced reprieve on Friday after the warring sides implemented a new deal that included a temporary pause in fighting, delivery of more aid, and the planned exchange of a possible 50 Hamas hostages for 150 Palestinian prisoners held by Israel.
International organizations and Qatar’s foreign minister, who helped broker the deal, have said the new aid will not be enough to address the dire humanitarian disaster in Gaza. More than half of the territory’s two million-plus residents are internally displaced, with food and clean water now running out in north Gaza.
The United Nations and many aid groups have been calling for a permanent ceasefire.
Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said that the country will continue its war to eliminate Hamas after the truce. Hamas told Al Jazeera in an interview that they want a permanent ceasefire, but said the group is “ready to deal with all situations imposed by Israel.”
What aid is entering Gaza? 
Between Oct. 21 and Nov. 23, more than 1,723 truckloads of humanitarian supplies entered Gaza through the Egyptian border, the U.N. said. Before the war, a monthly average of nearly 10,000 trucks of commercial and humanitarian commodities came in.
The U.N. said Israel allowed 19,812 U.S. gallons (75,000 liters) of fuel to enter Gaza on Nov. 23. Israel had previously prohibited fuel over fears it would be used by Hamas for military purposes. Fuel is now being distributed by the U.N. to support food distribution and to operate generators at hospitals, water and sanitation facilities, shelters and other critical services, the agency said. 
The Israel Defense Forces said in a statement shared on various social media channels that four tankers of fuel and four tankers of cooking gas were transferred from Egypt on Friday morning. 
Videos showed more trucks started passing into Gaza after the temporary ceasefire started at 7 a.m. local time. 
As of 10:30 a.m., 60 trucks of a total of 230 expected on Friday had entered Gaza, Al Arabiya reported, citing a Rafah crossing border official.
The Palestinian Red Crescent received two ambulances and 85 trucks loaded with aid through the crossing, carrying food, water, relief items, medical equipment, and medications, the group wrote on X (formerly Twitter)...
Multiple U.N. agencies have called for a humanitarian ceasefire, with U.N.’s Secretary-General saying in a statement on Nov. 19 that “this must stop.”
In a news conference Friday morning, Jens Laerke, spokesman for the U.N. humanitarian agency OCHA, told reporters: “We hope that this humanitarian pause leads to a longer term humanitarian ceasefire for the benefit of the people of Gaza, Israel and others.”
-via Time, November 24, 2023
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matan4il · 5 months
Daily update post:
Today is the 80th day of the war. It's been 80 days since Israelis all learned that we're not safe from Palestinian terrorists even in our own homes. It's been 80 days since most Jews worldwide have come under attack, of one type or another, following the biggest massacre of Jews since the Holocaust. It's been 80 days since over 100 Israeli hostages have slept in their own beds. It's been 80 days of having to explain that we didn't start or want this war. It's been 80 days of looking at our loved ones, and knowing that on Oct 7, it could have been them. It's been 80 days of knowing that we'll have to keep losing Israelis, and mourning our people, if we want to rid the world (Israelis and Palestinians alike) of the threat of Hamas.
And indeed, two more Israeli soldiers were killed yesterday, while no less than 14 fuenrals for young soldiers, most of them around 19 or 20 years old, were held all across the country. One of the funerals had to be held low key, with almost no attendance, because the kibbutz this young soldier, Gal Hershko, belongs to is in the north, and the community members are evacuated, due to Hezbollah rockets being fired at the area. It would be too risky for them to be at that cemetery. The eulogies for Gal were held at a gym, close to where the evacuated members of the community are staying.
Israel is letting into Gaza 80,000 vaccines for children, to help with the health situation there.
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The Galilee Medical Center in Nahariya has experienced a serious issue with its computers system since yesterday, it's possibly another cyber attack, like the unsuccessful one on the Ziv Hospital (the one that's now known to have been carried out jointly by Hezbollah and Iran). The GMC has had to shut down its computers, and has initiated a special protocol that exists for such situations, saying no medical service has so far been stopped. Let's hope that this is resolved quickly, and doesn't end up costing any human life.
Ukrainian-born Israeli gymnast, Olympic gold medalist and world champion Artem Dolgopyat has decided to auction the world championship gold medal that he won on Oct 7, and donate the money to the Israelis from the communities which were massacred on that day. Winning this medal was his stated dream after taking gold at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. But when asked about this, he replied, ""What is the status of a world champion worth if my country hurts? The state of Israel comes first for me."
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This is CCTV footage, showing a fragment of a rocket that hit an Israeli supermarket, after it was successfully intercepted by Iron Dome (for all the people who think Israel should just be okay with rockets being fired at it, because we have this defense system):
What I also find interesting is that this was shared by al-Arabiya, a Saudi news channel. One of the theories about the timing of Hamas' massacre, is that it was meant to provoke an Israeli reaction so fierce, that the Arab world would have to take a stand against Israel, and the possibility of peace talks between the Israelis and Saudis would come to an end. If that was the intention, al-Arabiya posting footage that explains to the Arab world, the Israeli POV, is an indication that maybe those peace talks still have a chance.
This is 30 years old Israel Chana.
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On the morning of Oct 7, he was coming back from celebrating his 30th birthday with his family, friends, ad the girlfriend he told his mom he wanted to propose to. After the rocket attacks started, the terrorists got to his neighborhood. Israel worked as a security guard. He grabbed his pistol, 15 bullets, and went out to fight the terrorists. He saved his neighborhood, but was killed himself.
May his memory be a blessing.
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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jordanianroyals · 1 year
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Portraits of Rajwa Al Saif at her henna party, 22 May 2023. Upon entrance, Rajwa is showered with petals & bakhoor. The Saudi bride to be wears dons a white traditional dress with golden silk threads by Saudi designer Honayda Serafi.
Speaking to Al Arabiya, Serafi said that, through the dress, she wanted to “tell the story of this love and to merge between Saudi and Jordanian identities in terms of fashion and culture.” Serafi added that it was also important for her to portray Al Saif’s character and personality through the design which was rooted in history.
Al Saif’s dress is inspired by the traditional thobe of the Najd region which Serafi wanted to execute with a modern take. The dress and overlay resemble the union between Saudi Arabia and Jordan that is happening through this wedding where Serafi noted that she incorporated the seven-pointed star that adorns the Jordanian flag and which reflects the seven Quran verses of Al-Fatiha.
“I also took the palm tree symbol from Saudi Arabia which represents the nerve of life, vitality and giving,” Serafi said, adding that the dress also includes poetry written by Tunisian poet Abu Al-Qasim al-Shabbi. “I am very happy and proud to be part of this historic event,” she added. (x)
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zvaigzdelasas · 5 months
In an interview with Al-Arabiya News, [Iraqi Foreign Minister] Hussein said that Iraq is the one that determines the need for the US forces to remain or not, stressing the need to prepare the domestic situation before starting negotiations for the withdrawal of these forces from Iraq.
“According to the results of the negotiations, a decision will be made as to whether the forces will withdraw or will gradually withdraw,” Hussein explained. “We do not want to create a chaotic situation in our relations with Washington,” he added.
The Iraqi Foreign Minister mentioned that Baghdad confirmed to Washington that the Iraqi government is committed to maintaining calm, considering that the recent events, which included attacks and counterattacks, are unacceptable.
Hussein illustrated that Prime Minister Mohammad Shia Al-Sudani is constantly communicating with all parties to maintain peace.
Al-Sudani stated on Tuesday that Iraq has not set a date for the swift and orderly negotiation of the withdrawal of US-led military forces from its territory, describing their presence as destabilizing considering the ongoing conflict in Gaza.[...]
Al-Sudani noted the importance of a timeline for the coalition’s withdrawal that is short to prevent the forces from staying too long and the attacks from continuing.
The Pentagon said on Monday that it was not presently intending to withdraw its 2,500 personnel from the country.[...]
The Pentagon Press Secretary, Pat Ryder, said on Tuesday that the US forces in Iraq and Syria have been subjected to 127 attacks since October 17, 2023.[...]
The war on Gaza has entered its 97th day
11 Jan 24
[JPost is Private Israeli Media]
The United States Embassy in Iraq was bombed on Thursday night, according to preliminary reports that The Jerusalem Post could not independently confirm.
The event came within a half hour of reports that the United States and Britain had begun striking Houthi targets in Yemen, and if it was indeed an attack, it was presumably an act of retaliation. 
12 Jan 24
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mariacallous · 7 months
It’s hard to take people going off about Israeli/IDF/“zionist” propaganda seriously when they uncritically share things from outlets like Al Arabiya, Al Jazeera, fucking Quds News Network, greyzone; the intercept like…oh so it’s only propaganda when you disagree with it or it doesn’t say what you want it to, got it.
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hero-israel · 8 months
I'm helping someone write an article combating disinformation about the war and Israel, and currently we are working on the section about the rapes. We are looking for that study and article done by anti-Zionists that revealed IDF officers have such a low rate of committing sexual assault that activists tried to spin it to be "Israel is just so racist they won't even touch Arab women." I was wondering if you happened to have a link to that saved because I remember that being a topic brought up here at one point. We're really struggling to search through internet engines right now because everything is overflowing with news updates.
"You're so racist against Palestinians, you won't even rape them!" can be seen here and here.
And I know what it's like to be unable to find sources that you definitely know are there, just because of the overflow of current events and Google enshittification. In the May 2021 conflict when Israel blew up that media tower where all the press had been based, I was able to find a clip of an Al-Arabiya anchor who had been in the middle of a broadcast from their studio inside that building when the camera shook, the anchor looked around nervously, and said - live - "A missile was just launched from the window beneath us." The forum where I saw it went dead, and searching for "Gaza media tower rocket launch" naturally only shows Israel blowing it up.
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