#apple computer repairs
goldengeeks11 · 2 years
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techav · 11 months
So I have this printer ...
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Not that one specifically, that one is beautiful and in great condition, but one like it — Apple ImageWriter II. Specifically mine is the ImageWriter II/L variant, the last revision of the ImageWriter II line, but it looks like this one.
Or at least it did once upon a time.
My family acquired this printer second-hand in the late 90s along with a Mac Classic. It got used regularly for school reports and letters and business documents and tax forms for a few years until we finally were able to get a new computer with a color inkjet printer.
Long story short, like the computer that went with it, ultimately this poor printer ended up sitting in storage without air conditioning in East Texas heat and humidity for nearly twenty years. It's a sad story of slow decay.
My ImageWriter is now yellowed and scuffed and scraped and rusted and missing a piece or two; just a dim reminder of its former beauty. Given the state of it, what hope do we have of ever again hearing it sing the song of its people?
Well, I'm not going to let it go without a fight. Time to dig in and see what we can ...
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... oh. Oh dear that won't do at all.
A good rule to follow when working with these 30+ year old systems, is to (carefully!) open and inspect before applying any power. In this case I'm very glad I did. Three large filter capacitors on the power supply have very obviously swollen and burst, spreading their corrosive bile all over the neighborhood.
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The back side of the power supply circuit board was a wasteland of rotting solder mask, corroded traces, and displaced silkscreen. The electrolyte has eaten its way down the leads, through the solder, and left carnage in its wake all across the bottom of the board.
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First order of business is getting those old capacitors removed from the board so cleanup can begin. If you've never worked with hardware of this vintage, a fair warning — make sure you're working in a well-ventilated area. Sure the solder has lead and the flux ain't great for the lungs, but the big concern here is the unholy stench of heated capacitor electrolyte hitting the nostrils like the revenge of Poseidon's refuse bin. The local fish market has nothing on these things.
The old solder, especially when mixed with the electrolyte, tends to behave in a very un-solder-like fashion. It will refuse to melt and when it does it will slump around like wet sand rather than flow like liquid metal should. While it may seem counter-intuitive, the best way to get rid of it is to add more fresh solder to it. On these single-sided boards with large components like this, a spring-action solder pump works well for getting the old parts removed, and then some solder braid will clean up the pads well.
Once the old parts are out, I like to thoroughly clean the area with isopropyl alcohol to remove the electrolyte and years of grease and dirt and pet hair that may have cemented itself to the board. In this case I also needed to use a mild abrasive to remove that damaged solder mask where it had bubbled up off the corroding copper traces. I was lucky here that none of the traces were actually broken or corroded through completely. Clear nail polish works well for protecting the now bare copper (just make sure it's not the UV-cure gel stuff).
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From here I turned my attention to the case, because the power supply is the last item removed and first installed when conducting a complete tear down of this printer, and it didn't make sense to put my newly cleaned power supply into a dirty old case.
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I'm not really a fan of retrobrite, and these large case pieces would be a real challenge anyway. So all I want is to clean up the dirt and rust and as many scuff marks as I can. As far as I'm concerned, the rest is just part of the history of the item. Each mark tells a story of how this item was used, not just put up on a shelf to be looked at. And if I didn't have any interest in using the machine until it completely falls to pieces, I wouldn't be bothering with going fishing replacing old capacitors.
This is a good point to do some testing. There may still be more wrong with that power supply. Output voltages could have drifted out of spec from other components aging, or maybe I installed capacitors that don't quite match the originals. The ImageWriter II/L power supply has three outputs — +5VDC, -5VDC, & +26VDC. With no load on the power supply, I measured the outputs at around ±7V and 30V. That seems high, but it's not outside of what I would expect for a power supply that's not actually driving anything. This would be a good point to use an adjustable test load, but since I don't have one of those, I'll just have to move forward with my "well it seems fine'
Spoiler: it was not fine.
As part of its startup sequence, the ImageWriter exercises all of its stepper motors to get everything to a known state. This high current draw immediately after power on was more than its old power supply could give. There's clearly more than bad capacitors on the supply, but identifying what exactly is still beyond my current skill level.
So in the interest of getting the machine working (because I have plans for it), I opted to try replacing the power supply with something more modern. The catch here is the odd assortment of voltages the original supply provided. It's easy to find a ±5VDC supply, but 26V is virtually unheard-of.
Apple's documentation for the printer mentions the +26V supply is for driving the motors. I suspected that the 26V supply was less carefully regulated and probably targeting something more like 24V. Sure enough, the stepper with the highest voltage rating on its label was 24V. With a little extra current capacity available, I figured the printer would function just fine with a 24V supply.
The catch is, 24V & ±5V is not a common configuration. There are plenty of 12V & ±5V supplies, but that won't do here. I settled on a Mean Well 24V & 5V supply with a -5V inverter ... And promptly ordered the wrong part. I had a nice new 12V & 5V supply. That's ok, once I got it in hand it was a bit too large to fit in the space I had anyway.
So I got a different Mean Well 24V supply and a separate 24V-5V DC-DC converter. It's a bit of a mess all crammed into the bottom of the case, but it should give all the right voltages (or near enough).
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I did have to remove the power switch from the old supply though. That particular part has long since been discontinued, and compatible replacements proved difficult to find.
Now that it's all assembled, it's time to test. This is the part that always makes me nervous, especially when dealing with mains voltages. There's so much that can go so very horribly wrong.
I started out with a smoke test — switching on power briefly to make sure there were no direct shorts that might cause an explosive failure. No smoke is a good sign, so check the voltages. With no load, the new supply rails read 23.99V, 5.00V, and -5.55V. That's about as good as I could ever ask for. So now there's only one thing left to test … does it actually print?
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It's not perfect. Every once in a while it will stutter while printing and get stuck with the carriage on one side or the other. It really needs a complete disassembly, thorough cleaning, and relubrication. That kind of mechanical teardown is a bit beyond what I'm comfortable with at the moment, but I'll happily settle for mostly working over not working at all.
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gayvampyr · 1 year
with all the shit going on in my life rn especially considering my financial issues the last thing i needed was my fucking tablet screen to crack
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bread--quest · 3 months
good news is i have A Laptop again to tide me over and allow me to do my schoolwork until my laptop comes back from the evil lab (apple) where they have been doing Experimence on her (apparently trying to repair her) and hopefully she doesn't come back that wrong. bad news is the laptop is a chromebook (world's worst computer) and i have to look at tumblr without the dashboard unfucker. dear god. i feel like a war correspondent. folks i am at the scene of a wasteland
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draculas-tits · 9 months
its funny how as i grew up and learned about tech, my childish preferences morphed directly into the correct behaviors and analyses of tech. i hated apple as a kid, i didnt have a reason then, but i have plenty of valid reasons now, almost all stemming from their shitty business practices. i was always a firefox user, never had a reason until chrome started demonstrating how evil a simple browser could be.
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lonesomedotmp3 · 1 year
oh wow it's just. not turning on anymore. now I'm a little worried.
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pansyfemme · 1 year
also i have to go to the fucking apple store and i am dreading it
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smithlee1221 · 3 days
Laptop Repair Service Melbourne | AMT Electronics Pty Ltd
AMT Electronics offers comprehensive laptop repair solutions in Melbourne. From hardware issues to software glitches, we've got you covered.
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qawirenter · 15 days
Tips to Choose the Best Computer Repair Service
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Computers have become an integral part of our lives. Be it for work, communication, and entertainment we rely on computers for various tasks. Like any other electronic device computer can malfunction or break down over time. It is crucial to find a reliable Apple computer repair service to get the device up and running again smoothly.
This article gives you a comprehensive guide to finding the best Apple computer repair service for your needs:
Experience and Expertise
Well, experience says it all. The more experience the technicians have the more efficient their work would be. While looking for technicians make sure to find someone with significant experience in the field. A service provider running the business for several years is more likely to encounter various computer issues – hence, they can solve them effortlessly.
Check Certification
Make sure the computer repair service you choose is certified. Certification from a reputed institution confirms they have undergone the required training and have the expertise to handle computer repairs. Qualified technicians are liable for their mistakes.
Inquire about the Turnaround Time
The time it takes to repair the computer can significantly impact productivity and daily routine. It is important to inquire about the average turnaround time of computer repair service. a reputed service provider is transparent about their repair timeline and strives to complete the repair in a timely manner.
Evaluate Customer Review 
Reading the experience of the customers and their testimonials can give you a clear insight into the performance of the company. in fact, you will get an unbiased opinion from the previous customers. Positive reviews are indicators that the service provider is reputed and reliable.
Visit their Store
If the service provider has a brick and mortar store, make sure to visit the store. On-site repairs are pretty easy since there is no hassle of transporting the computer to the shop. In addition, it allows the technicians to observe the computer in the regular working environment.
Wrapping up
Lastly, make sure the service provider is offering a legitimate warranty for their service. A company that stands behind its work is likely to offer quality service and be accountable for any prevailing issues.
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smasheditnzsblog · 1 month
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icustomus · 2 months
I Custom Repairs and Retail is a family-owned cellphone and computer repair business that strives to offer the best in both customer service and quality.
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rcomputers93 · 2 months
Royal Computer Best Laptop Computer Repair Service in Dwarka
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If your laptop hits a snag, don't fret! Royal Computers has got your back in Dwarka with top-notch repair services that'll have your device up and running in no time.
We get it. Laptops aren't just gadgets; they're like extensions of ourselves nowadays. Our team at Royal Computers Best Laptop Computer Repair Service in Dwarka knows this well. With loads of experience under our belts, we're pros at fixing all sorts of laptop hiccups.
Time's precious, especially in today's fast-paced world. That's why we're all about speedy fixes. You won't be waiting long before your laptop is back in your hands, good as new.
We're not stuck in the past. At Royal Computers, we keep up with the latest and greatest in technology. That means we're equipped with cutting-edge tests and repair techniques to tackle any laptop problem head-on.
Communication is key, right? We make sure you're in the loop every step of the way. Our experts lay out the issues and solutions plain and simple before getting to work. You'll be clued in and in control throughout the repair process.
Quality service shouldn't break the bank. We believe in fair pricing without skimping on excellence. Your satisfaction is what drives us, so expect top-notch service without burning a hole in your wallet.
But hey, we're not just about fixing stuff. At Royal Computers, we're all about giving you an experience that goes beyond the norm. Our focus is on you, our customer. We're here to not just meet but exceed your expectations. Your convenience is our priority, ensuring your laptop not only gets fixed but comes back better than ever.
In Dwarka's bustling digital scene, Royal Computers shines bright. Swing by our place for a seamless repair experience where every glitch is a chance for a comeback, and every fix is done with care. Your laptop's road to recovery starts right here with Royal Computers.
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netsystems · 4 months
HomeMacbook Repair center near meHow to Repair Your Apple Laptop at Home, A Step-by-Step Guide.
How to Repair Your Apple Laptop at Home, A Step-by-Step Guide.
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 Learn how to perform basic repairs on your Apple laptop at home with this comprehensive DIY guide. For more complex issues, visit applelaptopservice.center for expert assistance.
Apple laptops, known for their robust performance and sleek design, sometimes require repairs. Whether it's a battery issue or a screen problem, knowing how to perform basic repairs at home can save you time and money. However, for more complex issues, professional help like that provided by applelaptopservice.center is invaluable.
Understanding Your Apple Laptop
Familiarize yourself with the basic components of your Apple laptop. Knowing what each part does can help you diagnose issues more accurately. Be aware of signs indicating your laptop needs repairs, such as unusual noises, slow performance, or screen glitches.
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Common Apple Laptop Issues and DIY Solutions
Many common issues, such as battery drainage or screen flickering, can be resolved at home. This section will guide you through simple fixes that you can perform without extensive technical knowledge. AMC Service Near me
Tools and Materials Needed for Home Repairs
Before you start any repair, ensure you have the right tools. This includes screwdrivers, spudgers, and anti-static wristbands. Remember, safety first! Always power down and unplug your laptop before attempting any repairs.
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Step-by-Step Guide to Basic Repairs
Follow these detailed instructions to replace your laptop's battery and fix common screen problems. These step-by-step guides are designed for beginners, making home repairs less daunting. Laptop repair center near me
Troubleshooting Software Issues
Software issues like operating system errors or application crashes can often be resolved with a few simple steps. Learn how to troubleshoot these problems, from restarting your laptop to reinstalling the OS.
When to Seek Professional Help
Some issues, like complex hardware failures, are best left to professionals. If you're facing such problems, visiting a service like applelaptopservice.center can ensure your laptop is handled with expert care.
Maintaining Your Apple Laptop for Longevity
Regular maintenance can extend the life of your laptop. This section covers essential tips for physical and software maintenance, ensuring your Apple laptop remains in top condition.
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Upgrading Your Apple Laptop at Home
Upgrading your laptop's RAM or storage can significantly boost its performance. Learn about compatibility and the steps involved in upgrading these components yourself.
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Apple Laptop Repair: FAQs
How can I tell if my Apple laptop's battery needs replacement?
What should I do if my laptop's screen starts flickering?
Is it safe to upgrade my laptop's RAM at home?
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Welcome to the future of computing with Apple’s latest MacBook update for the year 2024. As technology continues to evolve, Apple remains at the forefront of innovation, consistently pushing boundaries to enhance user experiences. In this post, we’ll delve into the exciting features and improvements introduced in the newest MacBook lineup, offering you a comprehensive guide to stay informed and make the most out of your device.
1. Cutting-Edge Performance
The 2024 MacBook update brings unparalleled performance enhancements, leveraging the latest advancements in hardware and software integration. Powered by the next generation of Apple Silicon, the new MacBook delivers lightning-fast processing speeds, enabling seamless multitasking and resource-intensive tasks with ease. Whether you’re a creative professional working on graphic design projects or a power user juggling multiple applications simultaneously, the enhanced performance of the 2024 MacBook ensures a smooth and responsive computing experience.
Visit: Apple MacBook repair in Delhi
2. Stunning Visuals
Experience the beauty of breathtaking visuals with the upgraded display technology featured in the 2024 MacBook lineup. Boasting vibrant colors, deeper contrasts, and enhanced brightness levels, the new Retina displays redefine the standard for immersive viewing experiences. Whether you’re editing high-resolution photos, streaming your favorite content, or engaging in graphic-intensive gaming, the stunning visuals offered by the 2024 MacBook elevate your viewing experience to new heights.
3. Enhanced Connectivity
Stay connected and productive wherever you go with the enhanced connectivity options of the 2024 MacBook. Featuring advanced Wi-Fi technology and lightning-fast data transfer speeds, staying connected to the internet and transferring files has never been more convenient. Additionally, the inclusion of Thunderbolt ports provides versatile connectivity options for connecting external displays, storage devices, and peripherals, empowering you to expand your workstation and unleash your creativity.
4. Immersive Audio
Immerse yourself in rich, immersive audio experiences with the enhanced audio capabilities of the 2024 MacBook. Featuring spatial audio technology and advanced speaker systems, the new MacBook delivers dynamic soundscapes that bring your content to life. Whether you’re enjoying your favorite music, watching movies, or engaging in video calls, the immersive audio experience of the 2024 MacBook ensures that every sound is crisp, clear, and impactful.
5. Advanced Security Features
Protect your sensitive data and privacy with the advanced security features integrated into the 2024 MacBook. With built-in biometric authentication technologies such as Face ID and Touch ID, you can securely unlock your device and authorize transactions with ease, providing peace of mind knowing that your data is safe and secure. Additionally, the enhanced encryption capabilities and robust security protocols ensure that your personal information remains protected against potential threats and vulnerabilities.
In conclusion, the 2024 MacBook update represents a leap forward in technological innovation, combining cutting-edge performance, stunning visuals, enhanced connectivity, immersive audio, and advanced security features to deliver an unparalleled computing experience. Whether you’re a professional seeking productivity and performance or an enthusiast craving creativity and entertainment, the 2024 MacBook offers a versatile solution to meet your needs. Embrace the future of computing with the latest MacBook update and unlock endless possibilities in your digital endeavors.
To know more, Visit:
Apple Service Centre, Delhi
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computervillage1 · 4 months
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Computer Village 1140 S. Dixie Hwy Coral Gables, FL 33146 (305) 667-7400
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