leviismybby · 2 months
Levi wouldn’t be hung and that’s okay!! Sick to death of fandom describing him as having 9 inches of schmeat. Man is 5’3” and was malnourished during his childhood. It would be so wrong for him to have a horse between his legs. He’s probably smaller than average and that’s not a bad thing!!! 💦
I agree and also not haha, it's why I don't mention Levi's size in my smut because I let people decide for themselves. In my mind he is 5.5-6 inches but that's just me. Also anyone who thinks that 9 inch feels good.....it doesn't. That shit hurts, anything above 6 inch hurts and it's too much.
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leviismybby · 2 months
Levi’s height is a turn off and that’s okay
I disagree with this highly. His height really never mattred to me and it never made me look at him differently. Maybe because I don't mind short men irl either, I have been with guys who are short before and I am 5'8. I also don't understand people who see Levi and then get turned off by how short he is as of that's the most important thing about him.
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leviismybby · 2 months
It pisses me off when I see people shipping Levi with mikasa or any member of that squad because they are kids ffs
Ufff hard agree with this one, anon. I never understood it, especially because all of them probably see Levi as a father figure and let's not even get into the age differences. It's just...ugh.
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leviismybby · 2 months
Unpopular opinions:
Gabi was wrong for doing what she did, but I don't hate her, because she was manipulated and a kid.
Levi had no sexual/romantic feelings for any character. Not for Erwin, not for Hange and not for Petra.
Gabi definitely dosen't deserve the hate she gets from the fandom and yeah her actions were wrong but as you said she is just a manipulated kid. I can't hate her no matter how much I love Sasha. And second is just a fact haha, I mean ships are fun but let's be honest there is no implications or hints that Levi had romantic feelings for anyone anywhere in the manga or the anime. When people try so hard to prove that he loves someone, it takes all logic and canon points out of the window and often blinds thier view of Levi's actual character and his true motives. He has amazing and deep bonds with people in his life however they simply aren't romantic.
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leviismybby · 2 months
I think everyone in Levi's squad appreciated him and liked him, but was too scared to actually tell him
They did for sure! It's pretty evident that Petra admired Levi a lot and had a lot of respect for him. His whole squad did, they trusted him more than anyone. I wish we got to see more of them tho, they were all so interesting to me and it clearly hurt Levi a lot when he lost them. And I think Levi knew it too especially since Petra's father told him how much she admired him, that scene hurts so bad.
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leviismybby · 2 months
Controversial opinion - Levi fans ignore his flaws too much. His flaws make him interesting.
I am in full agreement! He isn't perfect by any means, well for me he is but not in the sense that he doesn't have flaws. Some people only tend to see black and white instead of gray when its comes to characters, Levi is an incredibly complex character.
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leviismybby · 2 months
Im a strong believer that Levi loved both Erwin and Hange equally!! I hate how some shippers always try to say that levi loved or cared for one more than the other😭
I agree fully and it's stupid that some people try to prove that he cared more about one than the other. Both of them were very clearly important to him and it's so weird when Hange and Erwin get hate from people because of all the pointless discourse. They are a trio and cared for one another equally, end of story.
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leviismybby · 2 months
I’m not sure if this is an unpopular opinion, but i do feel like it’s not talked about enough…
Connie is a criminally underrated character in terms of the pain and grief he goes through. It literally ends up altering his personality, especially after Sasha’s death. I know all of the AoT characters are traumatized, but I think Connie has a tough time carrying it.
The juxtaposition of him collapsing into himself after seeing Sasha again in the background while Gabi reunites with her family again is so fucking heart breaking.
Even in the end after the time skip when they’re heading back to Paradis you can tell his whole demeanor is different. He still carries so much sadness in his eyes.
I could write a whole thesis about Connie and how he has one of the roughest goes of it in AoT, but I’ll stop here.
100% agree! Connie is such an interesting character and he is, as you said, criminally underrated. People often overlook his trauma which is wild because in my opine had one of the strongest ones in the whole story. He gets left out of official art and merch often too and I hate that it's that way.
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leviismybby · 2 months
Connie is a bad character if you separate him from Sasha and Jean. He does nothing except try and feed a preteen to his Titan mama. I’m sure she’d be so proud of how her son turned out.
I will disagree with this one, Connie is extremely underrated and one bad action doesn't undo all the good things he did.
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leviismybby · 2 months
Ymir x Historia is a wildly overrated ship. People just want wlw crumbs so badly they accept it
Disagree and I think they are super cute together. Nothing wrong with it being a WLW ship and people wanting it to be that way.
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leviismybby · 2 months
I don’t think Levi would really care what gender his partner is. Male, female, unknown. I think he goes more for morals and personalities than genitalia.
I also think this pisses off some of his younger fan girls, like the ones who constantly write about him wattpad.
Yeah anon, I definitely think Levi would look at personality. I don't know about his sexulaitiy, while I headcanon him as straight, canoncially it doesn't matter and it has never been discussed. I just say he can be anything. With that being said, I don't get what's there to be pissed off about haha, Levi can be anything and he is fictional so it matters even less.
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leviismybby · 2 months
I feel like Levi doesn’t have a label for his sexuality. I think he just falls in love, not really caring if it’s a woman, man or androgynous.
Hmm that's a good opinion. I don't worry about his sexulaitiy because he could be anything, we don't know so personal headcanons exist.
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leviismybby · 2 months
Sasha’s death was needed/important. If she never died, Nicco would have never hit the wine bottle on Falco and Falco would have never become a titan shifter. His titan form was so important in helping them win the fight.
I agree, as much as her death was sad and it hurt. I would've loved to see more of her and Niccolo because they were in love and it's just super cute.
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leviismybby · 2 months
Eren is one of the most selfish, least justified protagonists in all of fiction. Nothing and I truly mean NOTHING can justify killing billions of people. He doesn’t even do it to bring peace, he does it because in his fucked up mind his friends are worth the lives of countless innocent civilians. He cannot and should not be defended. He should’ve just been eaten early in the series and someone with emotional intelligence could’ve used his powers for good instead of leaving the fate of the world to an angsty, poorly written 19 year old with boring friends.
Wow anon, harsh words but I agree that there was no need for the rumbling and I think that Eren did some fucked up shit but I also don't hate him. I have a soft spot for him, Mikasa and Armin. I do think that he is extremely good written tho, probably one of the best main written characters in the whole of anime.
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leviismybby · 2 months
Levi I think would like the fan girls, knowing how appreciated and loved he is
Yeah anon, I can see him appreciating the love and admiration not just fan girls but aot fans in general have for him. I just think he would be a little schoked to see how much some us love him. I have no idea what he would think about all the smut lmao.
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leviismybby · 2 months
i wanna like annie but im tired of lying ab it she irritates me so bad
like she says she never wanted to hurt anyone but then swings people around like a lasso
like sorry u miss ur dad and you became an ice cube but i dont really care
Uff anon Annie is a character that can be discussed for hours. I am honestly in a love/hate type of situation with her. Mostly because she was just a kid who wanted to get home to her dad but on the other side I dislike her for killing the Levi squad so ruthlessly. Also she was in the crystal for years and when she came back, she helped which is good. I think her Reiner and all marley kids deserve better, I mean, every child in aot deserves better haha.
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