#anyways this was so fun to draw and tbh the hardest part was colouring the damn lips TTT
semdere · 2 months
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THE Maximum Legend, Fabian Aramais Seacaster.
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tubbietommo · 3 years
With finally that dumb rule about amount of helmet changes out of our system, I’ve been enjoying seeing all these different helmets this season. There have been beauties, some that I’m still thinking about till this day and there have been some uglies.. some also which I’ve been thinking about till this day and literally thinking: WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?!?!? to the drivers that wore them. 
As I’m getting my official graphic design ‘papers’ I wanted to give my opinion about my top 10 helmets of this year: 
10: Daniil Kvyat Abu Dhabi helmet
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This is his last helmet and honestly I’m a fan of this one. It’s a pretty simple design and usually I’m not a big fan of the colour red being used in a helmet. Mostly because I find that colour a bit overdone in helmets. But it being sparkly makes it extremely beautiful and it’s the first Alpha Tauri helmet that I’ve seen that match fully with that big ass logo on there. With most of the Alpha Tauri helmets I feel like the helmets designs have two parts to it, the design and the big ass logo. But with this one I find it matching extremly well. Good job on that, love it.
9: Pierre AustrianGP helmet (fan made)
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Oof, the front and the upper part of this helmet is just so fun. I’m a big fan of using a dark background with a very bright color scheme combined and I love the fact that this was a competition where fans could design Pierre’s helmet and that a beautiful design was chosen. I would have loved it even more if the alpha tauri logo wasn’t there. Especially that big. It would have looked so cool and given me an 80′s disco vibe if the whole colourful design was fully around the helmet, without the logo. But I guess with this one I just pretend the logo isn’t there. It's still so good though.
8: Sebastian Vettel Abu Dhabi (ferrari tribute) helmet.
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Now I wasn’t sure which helmet of Seb I liked more, this helmet or the Styrian helmet. I decided on this helmet, because it’s such a Seb helmet and reminded me of one of his Red Bull helmet (which is prettier than this one tbh). But also because I think there’s a special concept to this helmet. This obviously could be wrong but to me this helmet is a bit of ‘self reflect’ for Seb. You obviously have the achievements with Ferrari on there and his famous quote ‘grazie ragazzi and the helmet has a bit of a mirror effect. but the colours to me that especially are being used in the number 5 tells me his F1 adventure (past and future). The colours start (in the number 5) with the Redbull colours, than goes into the red(Ferrari) which blends in with a little pink and goes straight to the green(AM). So I really like this little detail even if it wasn’t on purpose, which sorry but I am convinced it is. 
7: The pink Hulkenberg helmet
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I’m not gonna lie, I kind of had forgotten about this helmet, but as I’ve been looking back at these helmets this one has been really catching my eyes and is so well done. I find Pink a very hard colour to work with anyway, definitley the bright pink that just screams at you. And the fact that the bright pink isn’t overpowering with the pastel pink and white makes this helmet just nice to look at. The things that needs to grab your attention, grabs your attention and the fact that it has stripes going vertically over the helmet is one of my favourite design choices you can do with helmets so I absolutely love that. If a driver is doing a pink helmet, then this is what I love to see. Very beautiful. 
6: Jack Aitken Abu Dhabi helmet
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Now this one I was pleasent surprised by. Lets just put it this way: It’s a busy helmet well done. This is also a helmet that is just nice to look at it. Using these kinds of shapes that go from small once to big once is not easy to make it not look messy and the way they've done the white spaces inbetween the shapes is really well done. It looks like a puzzle that fits well and I have nothing bad to say about this. The color scheme with this one is just amazing. Really really love this one.
5: Lewis Hamilton purple helmet (bahrain)
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I haven’t been a fan of Lewis’s helmets before BUT LET ME TELL YOU, this season he has really been bringing it. I am in love with the use of purple. Such an underrated color in this sport. And why? I have no clue. Purple is creative, magic, rich colour. How has it not been used more? It looks so good on this helmet, especially the Bahrein one with the glitter. Very pretty, good job Lewis. Finally! I have nothing bad to say about this helmet. The stars for his champions, the blm message on it. A good helmet right here. 
4: George’s Abu Dhabi GP helmet
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I guess a lot of drivers saved their best helmet for last... When I saw this helmet for the first time I was legit in love with it. I love that this helmet is for Frank and Claire and showing the success of Williams which haven’t been showed the last couple of years. But the use of the two dark blue shades with the white lines is complimenting all three colours so beautifully. I really hope George keeps those three colours and make a different kind of design as his main helmet because this looks beautiful to me. I wouldn’t even know anything bad to say about this helmet. Love it.
3: Alex’s Abu Dhabi GP Helmet
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Now this one might come as a surprise and I don’t think anyone would’ve picked this one out as a number three BUT HEAR ME OUT. I’m absolutely OBSESSED with the cartoonish design that’s going on with this and it stands out a lot more compared to all the other Red Bull helmets that have been designed since 2015. To me they’ve been all looking kind of the same but this one to me is just so unique while still being a very RedBull helmet. The black outlining makes all of the colours pop out so much more and just the whole cartoon vibe is just right up my alley. If I were to design helmets, the whole cartoon vibe would be what I do and I think that’s one of the main reasons why this helmets speaks to me so much. Like I absolutely love it.
2: Seb’s Tuscan GP helmet
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This was the hardest decision, because to me this is a clear number one. I have something with old designs coming back. And I LOVED Seb’s 2019 Monza helmet which was a love letter to the old helmets and I LOVE this helmet for the same reason, but even more so of how creative this is. Obviously it was the 1000GP for Ferrari so there was the inspiration. But I’m just obsessed with the way the old side looks. How they used an old drawing of the old racing car and made it really work. Like it almost looks like an old world map but to a racing driver. I’m obsessed with this side. But also I’m obsessed with the way it goes from the old side to the new with the old looking colours to the vibrant almost neon ‘now’ colours... is just amazing. I probably would’ve loved it even more (if that was possible lmao) if the old side was all around the helmet, but you just have to love this concept. For a 1000gp celebration it’s so good and well thought while still keeping your main design helmet in there. I would love to have this helmet. So cool.
1: Sebastian Vettel diversity helmet
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Is it really a surprise that this one is on number one though? Now I’m gonna be honest with you, even though I absolutely love this design, it’s the combination of the design and the extremly strong message this helmet brings to the table that makes this helmet a number one of the season. This helmet is so special I will be thinking about this helmet in probably 10 years still. Now let me talk about the design. The stripes of rainbow where usually the German flag is (which I said before) something I’m obsessed with. I really love a helmet that has stripes going vertically over the helmet. I don’t think a lot of drivers use that and obviously Seb’s Ferrari helmet is known for that design and is so iconic. Your eyes will go straight to the vertically stripes, which in this case are the rainbow colours. But that’s not all. On the side you have all these unique illustrated people. Every character on there is differently that you almost could say you could ‘find yourself’ in there. It really shows the message of this helmet. What I also love and probably is a detail that is a forgotten detail, is how the number five slowly fades with the background. I’m very curious if that’s just a design choice, but I almost would think there’s a concept in that alone. Overall this is just a mind blowing helmet. I have nothing bad to say about it. It’s a beautiful design with an amazing message that should be talked more about in this sport.
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micdropragnarok · 5 years
40 Questions with Ao3 Writer Emilyymay_x
So I saw this on tumblr and thought I would answer some questions, I have adapted a few, but hopefully y’all can learn a bit more about me and my work <33 
1) How old were you when you first starting writing fanfiction? I was 14/15!
2) What fandoms do you write for and do you have a particular favourite if you write for more than one? I used to write for the CW show Arrow, but not so much anymore. I also used to write for Daredevil/The Punisher, but again not so much these days. Currently, I am writing for BTS which is my main focus - and It is my favourite :)
3) Do you prefer writing OC’s or reader inserts? Explain your answer. I think for the first two things I wrote for it was ships, but I prefer writing reader inserts for BTS. I think that’s because of what I enjoy reading more - it’s easier to imagine yourself in a character in some ways than an OC!
4) What is your favourite genre to write for? I am a sucker for romance tbh. Just cute fluffy stuff - it kills me.
5) If you had to choose a favourite out of all of your multi-chaptered stories, which would it be and why? Draw My Heart - It’s an olicity fanfic, and whilst it isn’t my most popular, it was so enjoyable to write, plan out, and I created this whole new world which was super fun to do. I hope people like it as much as me. It was also a lot longer than anything I had really written, so it was challenging for me which I liked! Here’s the link if you’re interested:  https://archiveofourown.org/works/11911494/chapters/26914737
6) If you had to delete one of your stories and never speak of it again, which would it be and why? Werewolves and Vigilantes. It was a Teen Wolf and Arrow crossover, which was... well, I tried to be dramatic and I should have just stuck to my fluffy roots! I will never delete it though - I’m still kind of attached!
7) When is your preferred time to write? Free time during the day, definitely. As a student, I am quite flexible with my time.
8) Where do you take your inspiration from? I get inspired by films, tv shows, and other fanfictions, definitely. There is so much content out there to be inspired by! 
9) What’s your favourite kind of scene to write? I love writing scenes where characters get together, or express their love for each other. That’s always magical.
10) Have you ever amended a story due to criticisms you’ve received after posting it? Yes - Only in the following chapters, I rarely go back to change things. Fanfiction for me has always been about fanservice, and I take criticism to heart - which is not always a good thing! But usually the readers are thinking the same as me - so I’m happy to change things.
11) Who is your favourite character to write for? Why? I like writing for Namjoon, my bias - which for me makes it more challenging, but rewarding.
12) Who is your least favourite character to write for? Why? I find it hard to write for Tae, but I’m hoping to write some more with him. I just haven’t had any ideas that have suited him yet.
13) Post a line from a WIP that you’re working on. “I love you. And there is nothing stronger than the power of love. I will find my way back to you.” 
14) Do you have any abandoned WIP’s? What made you abandon them? Unfortunately! I only really abandon stuff in the early stages, though, so its no real loss. Usually, it’s because the idea isn’t good enough to flesh out into a proper story.
15) Are there any stories that you’ve written that you’d really love to do a sequel to? I recently added a short sequel to my first fanfiction, Fate, Luck & Tequila, which was so much fun. I would love to add a sequel to Draw my Heart... maybe with different characters, but in the same universe. A BTS one would be amazing!
16) Are there any stories that you wished you’d ended differently? I think I end up where I usually want to, it’s often the middle that can be tricky!
17) Tell me about another writer(s) who you admire? What is it about them that you admire? I have always admired supersillyanddorky06. She is the only olicity fanfic writer that I read anymore - she is so talented, and is turning one of her works into a novel, which I am definitely going to be first in line to read! More recently, I have fallen in love with jincherie, whose work tentacledipity, in particular, is just spellbinding, and so wonderful to read. I am constantly inspired by these two writers in particular, and wish I was even HALF as good at writing as they are!
18) Do you have a story that you look back on and cringe when you reread it? My first ever fanfiction on wattpad (gah, I know!) is a bit hard to reread, but it’s all a learning curve I suppose!
19) Do you prefer listening to music when you’re writing or do you need silence? it varies. If I do listen to music, it will be chilled or with no lyrics or lyrics in different languages than what I am writing in - so I don’t get confused whilst writing!
20) How do you feel about writing smutty scenes? I’ve grown fonder of it - I certainly read more smut than fluff, although I think for me it's important to combine the two genres. I don’t think I would feel comfortable writing smut without plot, but that’s just me.
21) Have you ever cried whilst writing a story? No - although I have whilst reading other stories - most recently it was paper cranes - https://aquaminwrites.tumblr.com/post/183853221169/paper-cranes-kim-taehyung-m this tae fic had me SOBBING.
22) Which part of your works is the hardest to write? I have to say I do find it tricky to write the middle mundane part of stories? I always feel like I have a solid beginning and ending, but the middle can sometimes be tricky! ha- I’m working on it!
23) Do you make a general outline for your stories or do you just go with the flow? Depends. If I think of a scene that I haven’t quite got to, I usually write a plan for it. 
24) What is something you wished you’d known before you started posting fanfiction? Not everyone is going to love your work, and don’t rush things! Think about WHY you are writing in the first place.
25) Do you have a story that you feel doesn’t get as much love as you’d like? Like I said earlier, my favourite fic, Draw My Heart, doesn’t get as much love as some of my other olicity fics. I hope it can one day.
26) In contrast, is there a story which gets lots of love which you kinda eye roll at? Not eye roll per say, but I was surprised at the attention my one shot wonders collection of olicity stories got - I guess people really do love one shots more than multi-chapters!
27) What’s the biggest compliment you’ve gotten? I’ll never forget one of the first comments I got - that I wrote like a seasoned professional - it stuck with me and made me so happy :)
28) What’s the harshest criticism you’ve gotten? - Usually, it’s pretty specific, which makes it slightly less painful!
29) Do you share your story ideas with anyone else or do you keep them close to your chest? Sometimes I share with a friend who loves fanfictions as much as me to get her take on it.
30) Can you give us a spoiler for one of your WIP’s? I’m writing a soulmate au and a futuristic au at the moment, with Namjoon and Jungkook, respectively. The former is nearly complete and is a ball of FLUFF - although it has angsty undertones. It involves soulmate marks that change colour once you have found your soulmate, you know, the usual fluffy goodness.
31) What’s the funniest story you’ve written? Fate, Luck & Tequila has some very fun and funny moments - it’s definitely a comedy!
32) If you could collab with any other writer on here, who would it be? (Perhaps this question will inspire some collabs!) If you’re shy, don’t tag the blog, just name it. I would be too scared to collab with anyone, hahaha. But if anyone wanted to collab with me, I wouldn’t hesitate! Two is always better than one :)
33) Do people know you write fanfiction? Yes - although only two people have read them irl.
34) Song fic - What made you decide to use the song? I use a lot of songs in fics, but I was listening to ghostin by ariana grande the other day and wrote a yoongi fanfic on it, just because the lyrics held a lot of power and emotion that I wanted to put to paper (or online I guess!)
35) Has anyone ever guessed the plot twist of one of your fics before you posted it? Oh yeah, definitely! But I think a lot of people have got it wrong too- - or inspired me to write it after reading their ideas!
36) What is the last line you wrote? It’s fitting actually: “At the end of the day, you have to write what your passionate about - and you need to be passionate about writing.”
37) What spurs you on during the writing process? Honestly? Excitement, adrenaline, and maybe a bit of boredom of other stuff in my life :)
38) What’s your favourite trope to write? I love meet cutes, soulmate stuff, anything with fluffy tones!
39) If you could write only angst, fluff or smut for the rest of your writing life, which would it be and why? I do like a bit of angst now and then, but probably fluff - at least I would be happy and it would probably come most naturally. I could just imply smut anyway ;)
40) What would you like to write that you haven’t written already? I would like to write a hybrid fic. I love reading them so much! Hopefully one day I can get round to it!
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