#anyway. little guy. cowman.
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(art commission by the lovely and talented @curious-menace)
It is a time where I would like to see what my followers think about various concepts I have in mind pertaining to alternate versions of one my fics. It may take some time to write out any alternate versions since I've been busy and stressed out so much lately, but I am very curious as to what others would find intriguing to read.
But first, some backstory so be patient. We'll get to the voting at the end of this post.
I've been having a lot of bad days lately, and my mood has plummeted to a major low. This includes my self-esteem, which has always been in the dumps but is now basically a dumpster fire.
However, I don't want to be entirely cruel to myself. I deserve some sort of happiness, some sort of reprieve, and writing can be a good coping mechanism. I put a lot of my own thoughts, emotions, struggles, opinions, etc. into my works, as they serve as a way for me to get things off my chest. Sometimes, it's just cute and funny stuff, other times angsty but eventually fluffy stuff, and other times it's quite depressing and dark.
One fic, in particular, stands out, and that is the Mortal Kombat/Batman Arkhamverse crossover, "Volunteer," (trigger warnings: mentions psychological torture and suicide...more about this fic in a bit for those who would rather not read it because of those triggers) which features Arkham Knight Edward Nigma and Jonathan Crane, as well as a lady friend for Edward named Sara. It also features Erron Black and Cassie Cage from Mortal Kombat (Cassie is only mentioned in the story a few times).
If you read the blog intro/self-introduction post pinned at the top of my Tumblr, you know very well how I feel about Cassie Cage (particularly in MK11) and the Erron Black x Cassie Cage (BlackCage) pairing. Those negative feelings are mostly due to a very bad experience with a pushy BlackCage fan who just wouldn't relent one bit on their stance and it was emotionally and mentally draining to try and talk to them, including providing counter-arguments.
I've come up with alternate versions for "Volunteer" recently due to the spike in stress, depression, anxiety, and insecurities I've been dealing with as of late. This is where my followers come in!
I would like people to vote on which alternate take on "Volunteer" they would be interested in reading. Now, I can't guarantee when I'd get to it because, as I mentioned already, I've got a lot going on. However, I really want to try and write at least one alternate version of that fic, just to get some insecurities and negative thoughts off my chest.
Now, for those who are wary of reading "Volunteer" because of the trigger warnings, here's my advice: Just read the first chapter, if you want to. Chapter 2 deals directly with the sensitive subject matter, although, you can probably guess what happens anyway just by reading Chapter 1 and if you know anything about Jonathan Crane/Scarecrow...well, he likes to mess with people...mentally. To put it very mildly.
Now it's time for the voting. I have three different scenarios I've come up with that are variations/alternate versions of the current "Volunteer" fic's concept/storyline. I'd like followers to select 1 (one) alternate telling of the fic. I will open anonymous asks again, so if you are shy or just want your vote to remain a secret for some other reason, then that's fine by me. Otherwise, you can reply to this post with your choice.
Edit: if you are turned off by the idea of a Mortal Kombat/Batman Arkhamverse crossover, I get it. I don't read crossover fics myself, and that's usually because the crossovers either make no sense or do make sense but the ideas are poorly executed.
This crossover I'm talking about, though, isn't a full-on crossover of MK and Batman. There's no world-building, no larger plot, and no other characters in MK even appear or are mentioned except Erron Black and Cassie Cage.
If anything, it's more of a Batman Arkhamverse standard AU with Riddler and a female oc, and Erron and Cassie are the only concrete elements of MK brought in. I mean, yes, the other MK characters exist, I guess, but they have no purpose in this crossover I've written, and won't make any appearances.
So, if you had any concerns about the crossover aspect, I hope this clears things up
Choices below the cut!
A) "Don't You Wish"
This version is inspired by a song from Pink, called, "There You Go." In this alternate telling, Erron manages to survive Scarecrow's fear toxin, and escape (most likely because Erron is out of his mind and panicking, thus not a threat, and he has no one to help him, so Scarecrow doesn't give a damn what happens to the dude). The first thing Erron does is go to Sara's place, having already broken up with Cassie after realizing dating her was a mistake, and Sara means more to him than he thought.
Well, it's been several months since Sara basically pushed Erron out of her life for his poor choice in women, and (Arkham Knight) Edward Nigma has proven to be a much better (and, wiser and more sensible -- yes, I know, but he's not a skirt chaser, Guys) friend to Sara. While Erron ran off with a blonde selfie princess, Edward offered genuine comfort and companionship, and now Sara has been in the process of moving on from Erron even further.
Sara humors Erron and lets him tell her -- while sounding terrified, confused, and conflicted beyond belief thanks to the fear toxin -- what happened to him. Now, Sara doesn't know Edward asked Scarecrow to take care of Erron as a means of getting revenge for her. Doesn't matter anyway. She's unsympathetic towards Erron's plight, feeling as if he didn't even give her a chance to confess her feelings towards him, nor did he even seem to notice how she felt; it was like he was too busy with thinking with his privates to realize he had someone in front of him who would have treated him better.
Sara tells Erron -- in a flat, disinterested tone -- that his situation is tragic and all but wtf is she supposed to do? Why not go to his dumb blonde gf? Oh, they broke up? Well, how predictable. And Crane is also a (sort of) friend to Sara, which shocks Erron and leaves him feeling worse than before.
Sara sends Erron on his way, and he wanders off in a daze, unsure of what to do with his life now.
Sara and Edward meet the next day, and they have a pleasant time, obviously moving towards becoming a couple. She chooses not to mention Erron as she is completely severing the cowboy from her life.
B) "I Don't Even Miss You"
This alternate telling is similar to the previous one, but this time it's inspired by a Miley Cyrus song, "WTF Do I Know" (Hey, her Plastic Hearts album is actually fantastic!), and Edward is with Sara when Erron arrives at her place in a distressed state. At first, Sara deals with Erron in the hall of her apartment building, unsympathetic to his plight and basically telling him, "I told you so," and "too bad." Erron is getting more and more upset, even angry at Sara's callous tone, and starts to raise his voice, demanding to know why she is being so cold at a time like this?
Edward overhears Erron raising his voice to Sara, giving her a difficult time, and he gets pissed. Edward steps out into the hall and not only mocks Erron in various ways, but demands that he leave immediately, or what Scarecrow did will seem like a trip to Disney Land. Erron has caused Sara -- who is currently moving on and growing closer to Edward -- enough problems and heartache.
Edward reveals he set up Erron, and while Sara is stunned to find this out, she handles it better than expected. Edward said it was his way of getting revenge for her, and he'd do it again if need be. Erron is sent away feeling so much worse, feeling lost, hopeless, and betrayed.
Sara and Edward talk and she admits she's upset that he did something like this without speaking about it to her first. However, he explains that he genuinely did it for her and he doesn't want her to feel pain at the hands of some "idiotic cowman," who doesn't consider the feelings of others and who behaves like a greedy, violent Neanderthal. (And yes, Edward does care for Sara, and he didn't send Scarecrow after Erron out of jealousy -- maybe a little jealousy but it was mostly rage over Erron causing Sara so much emotional pain)
Sara means more to Edward than he can express, and he may not be the best when it comes to emotions, but he does care about her and wants her to be safe.
Sara forgives Edward, understanding that, through his heartfelt but very nervous and shy confession that he is sincere about his feelings for her, and they make amends. She of course tells him to never do something so extreme without consulting her first, though, because what happened to Erron -- while she doesn't care what happens to him in the slightest -- was a bit too much.
C) "Listen When the Devil's Calling"
Another title inspired by a Miley Cyrus song, "Night Crawling," and this alternate telling involves Telltale Riddler and no Scarecrow. Almost a year has passed since Erron went with Cassie and Sara, out of bitterness and heartache, refused to speak or see him. This didn't sit well with him as she was his only friend, and his relationship with Cassie dies within a few months.
He goes looking for Sara, realizing she has moved out of her apartment. It doesn't take him long to find out where she is, and she's with The Riddler, a notorious criminal genius and one of Gotham's elite villains. Erron is worried for Sara and seeks her out.
Turns out, Sara's just fine. This isn't one of those scenarios where the girl is with a guy who just using her and taking advantage of her vulnerability. No, Edward does actually love her and takes good care of her. He finds people like reckless, selfish, and ignorant people like Erron to be a disgrace but also amusing because of how pathetically primitive they are.
Edward also doesn't appreciate how Erron pushed aside a good thing in Sara to pursue a girl who is a social media brat and has more selfies on her phone than brain cells in her, well, brain. It defies all logic to Edward, but he's also not surprised because of how much of a disappointment Erron is as a human being (hey, this is Riddler we're talking about, and he's not one to be sweet and gentle to those he can't stand). Edward doesn't say these things out loud, though, as it's a bit too vulnerable and personal for him to do such a thing with someone he doesn't know or trust.
Sara is upset that Erron has resurfaced and she remembers how heartbroken she was when he went after Cassie Cage. She wants Erron to leave her alone like she asked, so she can move on. She can't trust him anymore, because he's just a skirt chaser in her eyes.
Erron tries to plead his case, tries to apologize to Sara, and expresses how he really feels, but this just distresses her further. Edward steps in and tells Erron he's done enough to Sara, she clearly doesn't want to see him, and he needs to take his leave.
This isn't a request.
Edward pulls Erron aside, telling the cowboy that the only reason he's going to walk away from this alive is that Sara hasn't asked for him to be killed. Should she tell Edward to take care of Erron, well, you all know what Telltale Riddler is like.
And those are the three variations on "Volunteer."
If you could be so kind as to:
leave a comment with your choice or
send an ask (even an anon ask) with your choice or
suggest your take on this story.
I'd appreciate it immensely!
Thank you all so much for supporting me and my writing and being patient with my sluggish publishing schedule!
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unicyclehippo · 4 years
"You don't see me." for Beaujester
It comes to a head after the turtle - dragon - dragon-turtle thing because of course it does, because all of them came really fucking close to dying and this has been hanging over them like a storm, like a wave that never broke over them, held there by everything they weren’t saying. It comes to a head because Beau retreats to lick her wounds and when Caduceus tries to heal her she snaps at him, which is one thing, but when Jester tries a few moments later to heal her, Beau snaps at her too, which is unheard of. 
Beau stares into surprised, hurt eyes and closes her own. 
‘Fuck. Sorry, Jes-ter,’ she says, completing Jester’s name after holding a moment on her nickname. 
Jester’s jewellery clinks when she shakes her head, like she’s doing now. ‘It’s fine,’ she lies. 
‘Is it?’ Fjord demands and Beau isn’t surprised when she forces her eyes open to face him, face...all of this, that he is glaring at her. ‘What the hell is going on with you, Beau?’
Nothing, she plans on saying. 
‘Mind your own fucking business,’ is what comes out. 
‘Beau,’ Jester tries to say, tries to interrupt them before they can begin, but Fjord takes a step forward and Beau juts her chin out like the cockiest of prize-fighters, daring him to take a swing, and the wave comes crashing down, all noise and hammering pressure.
‘Mind my business? You are my business!’
‘Sure, it’s really fucking felt that way -’
‘What is that supposed to mean? No, what is that supposed to mean?’ he demands when Beau scoffs, turning away. ‘You have a problem with the job I’m doing? Because from where I’m standing, it’s not me with the problem.’
To anyone really paying attention, the flash in Beau’s eyes is pure satisfaction. ‘Got something you wanna say to me, Fjord?’
‘You know what? Yeah. Yeah I do. You’re being an asshole. Have been for a while now.  I wanna know what the fuck is going on so I know if I’ve gotta knock your head back on straight.’ 
Fjord stumbles back a step when, instead of rolling her eyes or yelling back at him, Beau is suddenly up in his face. 
‘Go ahead and try,’ she snarls, planting her hands on his chest and shoving him back. He stumbles back into netted crates, catches himself there. When she shoves at him a second time, he’s ready for it and knocks her hands aside, rams his shoulder into her sternum; it’s Beau’s turn to stagger but she uses it well, grips at the chestplate of his armour and twists, kicking at his injured leg to take him down to the deck. He snatches at her and misses, snags the amulet instead and the leather thong it’s tied on snaps, coming free in his hand. 
Beau swipes at her nose. It had stopped bleeding after the fight but has started again. It leaves a rusty smear across her top lip and cheek. Crimson drips onto the deck beside him as she leans over him. 
‘Give that back.’
Fjord closes his fingers more tightly around it. He hadn’t meant to take it but now that he has it... ‘Tell me what’s got you acting like this.’
‘I think that’s probably enough,’ Caduceus says from the sidelines and his even, calm tone is enough to grate at both of them. 
‘I don’t think it is,’ Fjord says at the same time Beau snaps,
‘Fuck off, cowman.’
‘Now that’s uncalled for -’
‘Cow man? Really? This is exactly the shit I’m talking about.’ Fjord shoves the amulet up toward Beau, who snatches it from his hand and steps away. The string is snapped so she doesn’t bother to tie it but instead shoves it into her vest protectively. ‘You should apologise. I know you just barely learned how,’
He bites down on his bottom lip, keeping back harsher words at Jester’s rebuke. 
Beau’s eyes are cool as they rest on him. Flick over to Caduceus. And, they all come to realise, the rest of the crew and their friends. 
‘Beau, come on, let me heal -’
‘Don’t touch me,’ Beau snaps at Jester again. 
‘You don’t have to talk to her like that, vulnerability be damned,’ Caleb mutters from the sidelines. 
‘Caleb, shut up!’
He falls silent for Jester but his disapproval is potent. 
Fjord takes in the line of them, all manner of beaten and bloody and bruised, and looks back to Beau. She’s the same way, maybe worse. He sighs. 
‘Ah shit. I’m sorry. Here, let me help.’ 
Calling what little healing he can manage into his hands, he stretches out a palm and watches as it fizzles into nothing, into empty air, when Beau steps back out of his reach. 
‘I don’t need your help,’ Beau tells him, all of them, words exact and cold. ‘I don’t need your help.’
Jester’s hands open and close into anxious fists as Beau turns and limps from them, toward the trapdoor leading below. Reaching out, Jester whispers a few words; the healing light around Jester’s hands is obvious, as is the way Beau’s spine shoots straight. She pauses mid-step before pushing on. 
She isn’t surprised that Caleb is the one to come after her. They all think it’s the two of them - humans sticking together - and maybe it should be, maybe that’s exactly what it once was, but for the last few weeks the distance between them has felt like a chasm growing wider and wider as he refused to talk to her, refused to look at her. 
He enters the cabin with a quiet knock and closes the door behind him. Doesn’t take a seat, just stands there by the door and watches as she unwraps the bindings around her fingers and wrists and begins to clean what wounds she can.
‘You were cruel to Jester. She just wants to help.’
Beau grunts. Hisses as she pours stinging salt water over the abrasions on her hands. ‘She can keep her spells. She might need ‘em.’
‘You need them, Bea-’
‘I’ll be just fine but we won’t be if the ship sinks when the Captain drags it onto a fucking reef or whatever.’
Caleb is quiet for a moment. Then, ‘Perhaps he needs the aid of his first mate.’
Beau flicks her eyes toward him, watches him as he is watching her. His face is impassive but his eyes... He watches her as he had Essek, when they had found him to be a traitor. Like he doesn’t recognise her. 
‘What are you trying to do? Interrogate me, Vollstrecker?’
The flinch is minute, but it’s there.
‘Why are you trying to leave us?’ he asks after a moment, sliding the question in front of her openly. There is nothing in his tone but curiosity. Perhaps some faint confusion. An equation he wants to solve. She resumes scrubbing, over her hands, beneath her nails. The water bleeds red. He continues. ‘You told me we could do great things together. You told me to trust you.’ The word hisses from him, like air from a punctured lung. ‘You told me to believe in you, in the rest of the group, and now you - you’re the one who wants to leave? Why?’
‘God. You really don’t see it, do you?’
‘See what?’
‘The size of your fucking ego.’
‘I know who I am, Beauregard. I’m talking about you-’
‘I already tried!’ she yells. It’s jarringly loud, echoing back to her against the wall right in front of her and she pulls back. Steps back from the basin, runs dripping wet hands through her hair and huffs an unhappy laugh. ‘Fuck. God. You really don’t - I have tried trusting you, the lot of you, and you don’t - you fucking throw it back in my face.’
Caleb’s expression goes stoney but he doesn’t interrupt.
‘I took you back to my home,’ she says, voice shaking but not breaking. ‘I told you I didn’t want to, that he threw me out, and you asked me to do it anyway and so I did. I took you there, and I spoke to my father and my mother and the brother they actually wanted the whole time they had me. I did that. I went to a fucking hag and said to her take it all, take every fucking thing that I have, take it all. Just let my friend go. And - and sure, m-maybe it was fucked up, maybe it wasn’t the right fucking call, maybe it’s not what you would’ve done but I didn’t fucking expect you all to sit in a fucking circle and ask me if I fucking care.’
‘Beau -’
‘No! No, you asked me what the fuck is going on so here it is! Here it is, Caleb, and I hope you enjoy it because all I want is a shred, just a shred of a sign that you guys give a fuck about me. I’d kill Ikithon if that’s what you want from me. You know that? Even if you didn’t want it, I’d punch his face in until it was jam because he tried to break you. Because he experimented on you. I care about you and I care about all the fucked up kids and fucked up mages he made doing that. I care about the fact that the rest of the Assembly knows and hasn’t stopped him. I pulled Nott out of fucking lava, pretended to be a slave so that we could go rescue her husband. I would give up everything for her. I picked up Fjord and carried him out of the King’s fucking Cage. Yasha nearly killed me and she did kill my people. Mine. Not yours. Mine. Caduceus talks like he knows what the fuck is going on but if he knows shit about me, all he talks about is destiny. Fuck destiny! Fuck fate! Fuck all of that shit! I’m the one in control here, I’m the one who gets to say what I do, I’m the one who decides what matters! Do you finally get that? Do you finally get that, Caleb? Can you finally understand that even when I try and try, I’m the only one of the Mighty Nein,’ she says, and the words have always sounded like a joke but they sound downright mocking coming from her now, ‘that isn’t mighty. And that doesn’t matter so long as my friends can see who I am - but you don’t. You don’t...see that I’m trying. That I was trying to be...better.’
‘We see that, Beauregard,’
‘I don’t need people to see me do good things to know that they’re good,’ she says, and the words are firm and flat like she’s repeating them, reciting them from somewhere. ‘But I thought my friends would...’ She shakes her head, a small smile sitting wrong on her lips. She laughs quietly. Exhausted. ‘It doesn’t matter. We’ve ended a war. What else can we possibly do? It’s over. It’s over.’
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The Boys With a Medic S/O
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Does anyone know why I say “ish” or is it just something I started throwing in and have never explained so people are confused?
This one got a little long with all the characters, so everyone else is under the cut!
Also, so sorry if the quality of the piece gets worse as it goes on, I’m writing the second half of this at two am. <’D
Whether or not you’re a medic doesn’t really change your relationship at all
The same soft, casual, romantic ish regardless
Though, being a medic, you’re probably an early riser to get to work
Akande, who’s always an early riser, spends the morning with you eating, getting ready and all that, then walks you to the med bay if he doesn’t have his own business to attend to at the time
Always pops in the med bay to chat for a bit if neither of you are busy
Escorts you to the cafeteria or takes you out to lunch since the two of you have the same break
Packs your lunch on the occasion of you being super busy to make sure you still actually have food and don’t just work through the lunch hour
Makes sure you don’t overwork yourself or get yourself stressed out; being a medic can’t be an easy job
You’re his go-to medic
Working together!!
That type of couple that works together like a well-oiled machine
Either of you need an item? The other’s already handing it to you
You have a question? You don’t even need to finish the phrase before you have your answer
Need someone to help you with something? Jean’s already being called for you
Working in the same space? You work and move together like, well, a well-oiled machine
Ultimate medic power couple
Teasing and chatting and smooching when things aren’t busy
One of you always has a lunch packed for the both of you
Taking care of each other to make sure neither of you gets overworked
Jean jokes and teases a lot about needing a doctor
A love doctor
Jean, stop, you nerd
Genji Shimada
Just because he’s a cyborg doesn’t mean he’s not going to pretend he has injuries just to come see you
“Genji, I’m not even that type of medic; I literally couldn’t help you even if you were injured.”
“... But you can kiss my scraped elbow better.”
“Your elbow is metal; a scrape would not hurt you.”
You say as you grab his arm to kiss his elbow anyway
Unfortunately, with his traveling and your line of work, you don’t get to see other very often
However, you still keep contact with heartwarming letters and the occasional pressed flower
Genji often sends you little knickknacks and other items that he thinks you’d like during his travels
They often hint to where he’s at, as kind of a game between the two of you
More than once, he’s brought a broken soul to you for help and a bit of fixing up
A kind, strong-willed soul yourself, you take these challenges in stride
When he gets home from traveling and you’re still at work, he’ll meet you outside the compound to reunite and perhaps to go on a date before heading home
Not being together as often makes the reuniting and the time you do spend together that much sweeter
Hanzo Shimada
Whether or not you’re a medic means very little in the relationship
The biggest thing is that he’s hella respectful of your workplace
To the point where, if you wanted a kiss, you’d probably have to convince him that “Hanzo, it’s fine, I’m on break, no one c a r e s”
“Hanzo, you are allowed to come into the med bay, it’s a public area”
“Hanzo, you literally came to pick me after work. There’s no one here, you’re allowed to hold my hand.”
At least he’s respectful, though
Trusts you over other medics and straight up requests you
He could be bleeding out and be like you guys can take care of me for now but as soon as they’re available I want my s/o
He’s That Bitch
Once he got injured pretty badly on the field and while he was high on pain meds dude was the most affectionate and touchiest he’s ever been in his lifetime
Despite the situation that got him there, it was the best and funniest event to happen in your workplace and you never let him forget it
Poor you
But also great for him
You get visits or calls from him several times a day
Dude gets into trouble constantly and you bet your ass he tries to take advantage of this and you being a medic to get your attention
Even for the littlest things
“Jamie, that’s a paper cut. You do not need full medical attention.”
Even for things that are not in your profession
“Jamie, I can’t make you a leg; that’s not my profession.“
Of course, if you’re having a rough day or show your irritation towards his antics ever, he apologizes and tones it down
Tells you that he just wants to spend time with you as much as possible
Tries to cheer you up whenever you get overwhelmed or stressed from a busy day
You always take care of each other
He protects you and tries to make your days more lighthearted
You make sure he takes care of himself as much as the trashman is willing to, and bandage and smooch the smallest of scratches
Especially at home; it’s a whole fluffy, mushy thing
Roadie hates it when he’s around
Thinks you being a medic is hella cool and respectable
At one point has probably had you show him some of the basics so he has that information in case something happens and you’re not around to help
Always tries to make the home space cozy and pleasant when you get home because he knows working in a med bay, with injured and sick people a lot of the time, can be taxing
The softest and sweetest of boys
But when is he not
When he has to leave for shows or tours, he always tidies up the house and stocks the fridge and whatnot so you don’t have to worry about that stuff while he’s gone, at least for a while
While on the road he always sends you clips from shows and videos of him singing to you, and sometimes just “miss you!” selfies
Speaking of that, he almost always pulls you into dancing around the house when you get home from work
Sings to you a lot too
Thinks being a medic is a great and hella respective profession
But will also totally take advantage of it to spend time with you
Usually, he doesn’t like to go to the med bay unless he absolutely has to
However, now
Comes in even with minor injuries
Frequent overall health checkups
Calls you or shows up when he’s been drinking a little to much or got into a scuffle with some douche
You can’t exactly complain; he’s taking better care of himself than he ever has in the past
All under the idea of just doing it to see you
Not to mention, being in a small, enclosed area with a pretty shirtless cowman who continuously compliments and flirts with you isn’t often an unwanted event
However, if you’re busy during his drop-by, he often tries to put the facade back up and leave again
The other medics have learned to hold him hostage until you’re free again, unless it’s something serious
Does his best to make sure life outside of work is lighthearted and comfortable as he can, though there’s still the occasional scuff
Tries to keep in tune with your emotions during and after work so he doesn’t overstep and make life worse for you
Get that bread
Highly respects your profession
Never bothers you at work, which is probably a little disappointing on occasion during times where you’re free for lunch and your breaks line up
However, you can’t really be mad
You’re often the one going and checking up on him when you have free time
The man does a terrible job of taking care of himself, being self-loathing and also throwing himself into his criminal work almost 24/7
You bring him snacks and water and the like on breaks if you can track him down
Often goes to pick up dinner after work and then comes back to hang out and eat with him at the office while he works late
Rubbing his stiff shoulders and back and arms while he’s hunched over his desk doing paperwork
Or rubbing the pieces that haven’t smoked off his body, that is
He loves and appreciates you so hard, but lowkey feels bad that you feel like you have to take care of him alongside your other business
It takes some convincing, assurance, and maybe even a little scolding to get his brain off such thoughts
Giving him smooches and making sure he takes breaks
You’ve fallen asleep in his office only to wake up in your comfy bed at home more than once
The perfect balance of respecting work boundaries and being a sweet, sappy man
The two of you share breakfast together before work, if you both have the time
Picks you up for lunch almost every day, and visits you when he’s not busy with his own business
If you’re busy, depending on the task you’re dealing with, he’ll either wait for you to be free or leave a message with another medic and drop by later
Always picks you up after work
If he’s gone on a trip for work, he leaves messages for you to read on your breaks and calls or video chats you during lunch
Always asks about your day and makes sure you’re doing well and taking care of yourself
Is overall indifferent to the situation
He finds it mildly pleasant that, should anything direly serious happen (as rare of an occurrence as that may be), he has someone trusted in the medical field he can do
Worries on occasion when you come home from a particularly taxing and/or gruesome day that looking like a tired wreck
Does his best to comfort and soothe you in his own quiet way
This mainly involves cuddling and massages and ordering good food
Then there’s the days you come home with fire in your eyes, overflowing with pride as you talk about your work
He knows he doesn’t have to be too worried when he sees you like that
Soldier 76
Finds your work very honorable and respects it a lot
Probably told you this when the two of you first met and that’s what caught your attention
Thinks much more highly of you than himself
He probably catches you in the hall during work or pops in when he sees you free through the med bay window, but otherwise doesn’t often bother you during work
Occasionally takes you to lunch or walks with you to the cafeteria if he’s too busy to eat lunch that day
The two of you kind of take turns taking care of each other
Helping each other through everyday stresses and making sure you’re both treating yourselves healthily
He makes sure you’re eating and staying hydrated and you make sure he actually goes home instead of working through the entire night
The occasional smooch or handhold
Similar with Genji, Zenyatta’s travels and your busy schedule make spending time together difficult on occasion
His permanent home is a sanctuary, so you’re often not alone with him either way
Not that you mind; you love to help take care of people there
Plus there’s various pleasant, relaxing things to do there, such as meditate or tending to the gardens or simply chatting with the visiting people and sharing a bite
Regardless of how frequently the two of you are physically together, you keep in touch
A constant stream of letters and when he has the time and service, Zenyatta often calls to check up on you
Tries to always call in the morning, on your lunch, and at night but different time zones and both of your works being pretty fluid, that’s not always possible
If you want some time truly alone together, your place is the spot to go
Lots of cuddling, smooching, and catching up
He always brings one or two small gifts for you when he gets home from a trip
If he gets home during the day, he’ll either catch you during your lunch or go to your home and tidy up while your away, then surprise you by waiting on your doorstep when you get there at night
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