#anyway. i taught a little boy to fold one of the origami frogs the other day and i had to teach him How to fold a piece of paper
asterchats · 1 month
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lizartgurl · 6 years
“Be Brave” (Aqualight Coffee Diem AU)
So forgive me, because I actually hate coffee, but the concept of coffee shops is really cute to me, especially when you bring @super-spoiler‘s Coffee Diem AU into the mix, so this is cute scenario+cute ship+Owl City’s new song=More cute! So enjoy!
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Kaldur decided to blame the heat on his cheeks as his body’s natural defense against the falling snow, and definitely not at the cute girl in front of him.
Being bi was a disaster. He was attracted to basically everyone he saw. There was no escape. Roy and Conner were taking their lucky exchange student buddy sledding for the first time (they didn’t get snow in Kaldur’s Mediterranean home). 
He was confident that he’d seen the girl with a long black braid and a gold nose piercing before, but he couldn’t place where. She was currently laughing in a manner most uncouth as she struggled to help a gaggle of blonde girls about her age drag their huge sled up the hill, but all of them kept tripping through the deep snow. 
They were halfway up the hill when Kaldur and his friends caught up to them with their own sleds.
“Hey Kara,” Conner grinned at the tallest blonde, who stuck out her tongue at him.
“Piss off, Kon,” She said. The girls burst into laughter again.
“Can I help you with your sled?” Kaldur was asking before he could think.
Another blonde, who appeared to have dyed her afro, and who wasn’t Kara, placed her hand over her heart dramatically, “What a gentleman!” The girls backed up to let Kaldur dump the snow off of their sled and hang it over his shoulder to bring it up to the top of the hill.
“Who’s the gentleman, cuz?” Kara asked Conner, holding the hand of the third and final blonde. Kaldur tried not to notice that the girl he had noticed earlier was smiling at him gratefully.
“Ladies, this is Kaldur. He’s an exchange student from Greece.” Conner patted him on the shoulder with a wink as they followed Roy.
“I love Greece!” Kara’s hand-holding buddy squealed appreciatively, “I go there every summer with my mom for work!”
Afro-blonde shoved her hand at Kaldur, “I’m Stephanie, I’m a disaster bi and I’m from Gotham.” Kaldur tucked both sleds under his arm to be polite.
“Kiran, you’re an exchange student, right?” Kara asked the dark-haired girl.
“Yeah, I’m from India,” Kiran smiled. Kaldur almost tripped. Her smile was almost as bright as the sun, dancing off the pure white snow in a dazzling display of light. Kon elbowed him. He knew.
“Is this your first snow?” Kon nodded in Kiran’s direction.
“Yup!” Kiran caught a snowflake on her tongue, adding a little skip to her step, her thick green winter shawl spreading like a pair of angel wings as she bounced along. 
He was going to have a heart attack.
“Hey! It’s Kal’s first snow, too!” Kon patted Kaldur on the back with a little too much enthusiasum, and he fell over.
By then, thankfully, they had reached the top of the hill. Kiran helped Kaldur to his feet and helped him brush the snow off his shoulders. “So, what do you think of the snow?”
Kaldur looked around, blinking up at the sky, praying to the gods above for an answer.
“Cold,” He settled on at last. Like an idiot.
“Hey!” Stephanie held up the girl’s giant sled, “Let’s see how many people we can fit on here!”
“We could barely fit ourselves on there,” Kara’s girlfriend, Cassie, pointed out with barely-contained laughter.
“We can squeeze real close,” Kara suggested with a wiggle of her eyebrows. “Come on, Kon! Grab Bart and Roy! We’ll dogpile on the thing!”
Roy immediately said no, and slid down on his own before further argument could be made, but Kon’s other friends were all in.
“You wanna join in?” Kiran asked Kaldur. Stephanie had already claimed seat at the front of the sled.
Unable to form a coherent sentence, all Kaldur could do was not. Still smiling, Kiran took pity on him, or maybe she wanted to see him spontaneously combust, and gently took his hand and sat the two of them on the sled with Cassie and Kara. 
Rose, one of Kon’s co-workers, agreed to push them down once they were all on.
“Remember!” Cassie barked, “We lean together!”
“Go!” Rose shrieked with glee and gave the sled as big a shove as her tiny muscles could, which was much more than Kaldur expected. They shot down the hill with a collective scream, shooting past every other sled on the slope.
Kiran was seated right behind Kaldur, and as he held onto the sides of the sled for balance, she held on to his torso, like they were riding a motocycle. Kaldur didn’t have a motorcycle, but he had a moped back home in Santorini.
The joyride ended all too early, as Stephanie screamed at all of them to lean to avoid a tree. Everyone leaned in a different direction, and the momentum sent them tumbling into the snow.
“Bart! That was all your fault!” Cassie shouted as they lay red-faced in the snow.
“How was it my fault?” Bart pouted, throwing a clump of snow at Cassie. It hit Kara instead, who threw a snowball at Kon. Then it was just a free-for-all.
Kaldur’s gloves had fallen off, so he packed the snow with his bare hands, tossing one at Connor, then at Stephanie. Kiran surprised him with a snowball exploding on his back. She laughed, and it sounded like the tinkling bells that played at Christmastime.
He was in love. 
“Oh crap,” Kara checked her phone, “Steph! We have a shift in like five minutes.”
“Aw, already?” Steph pouted.
“Come on, maybe you’ll see business girl today,” Cassie teased, making Stephanie’s cheeks flush a lovely shade of pink. 
“Or Wayne boy,” Kara grinned.
Stephanie was already running through the snow, “I’m going, I’m going!”She shouted, sprinting for the coffee shop across the street.
“Any of you guys wanna come in for some hot chocolate or something? I work in the back, and Steph’s only allowed to man the register, but Court and Harper are pretty much barista wizards.”
“Do we get a discount for being your friends?” Kiran asked, tapping her chin thoughtfully.
Kara laughed. “No.”
“Trust me, if I could get a discount for being her girlfriend, I would,” Cassie whispered in an exaggerated manner. Kiran and Kaldur laughed.
“Where’s my discount for being the best cousin ever?” Conner demanded, running to catch up.
“Reserved for Clark,” Kara smirked, holding the door open for everyone.
The bell rang to announce customers in the mostly-empty cafe. The only occupied table was a girl with a soft smile and short black hair,
“There you are!” A girl in a green apron and purple and blue hair waved at Kara from behind the counter.
“Steph came in early for once, and I was wondering where you were.”
“Hush, Harper, I brought us customers, didn’t I?”
“Yeah, yeah,” Harper chuckled, “Klarion and Amy did something funky with the frother, so I’m going to make that my main project for today.”
“Ugh, Klarion,” Kara rolled her eyes. “Steph will be out in a sec to take your orders,” She promised. She ducked behind the counter with Harper and disappeared into the kitchen.
Kiran sat down at the booth with the only other customer in the store. “Origami?”  She asked, noting all the folded scraps of paper.
“Yeah,” The girl waved her arms, “Harper’s brother found a book and taught her, so she taught me.”
“We wrote little fortunes on the inside of all of them!” Harper grinned at the girl in the booth.
“Take one,” She handed a crane to Kiran, who shook her hand.
“I’m Kiran.”
They were all made with neon-colored sticky notes. Cassie took a little folded-up bright green frog that you could hop across the table, Conner took a tiny pink paper airplane that didn’t fly very well, and when Kaldur stood around shyly, Kiran pressed another crane into his hand. While hers was bright yellow, his was a beautiful blue.
Kaldur carefully unfolded his crane. He wanted to see this curious fortune that Harper and Cass had come up with, but he also wanted to preserve the complex folds in the shape of a bird.
He found it, under the wing. Two words in black ink, written in cursive.
“Be Brave”
“Okay!” Stephanie burst out from the kitchen in a hat and apron that matched Harper’s and stepped up to the till.
“You know what you want yet?” Kiran asked Kaldur.
He shrugged. Right now, he was trying to contemplate the complexity and simplicity of his fortune. 
“I think I will just get a black coffee. That is what I usually get.”
Kiran’s nose scrunched up. “You can’t just get the same thing every time! There’s like fifty items on the menu! Don’t you want to improvise?”
Kaldur glanced at the menu hanging over Stephanie and Harper’s heads as the fourth barista, “Court”, burst in.
“Peppermint latte?” He asked Kiran for approval.
She nodded, satisfied, “It’s seasonal, you have to appreciate it while it lasts.”
“Be Brave”
The writing on his fortune flashed in his mind again. 
“Can I buy you a coffee?”He asked.
Kiran blinked, as if his request had blown her away.
“Two peppermint lattes coming up!” Stephanie declared.
“Court, get your butt out here we got work to do!” Harper barked.
Kiran laughed again, as Court stumbled out to help Harper with the drinks. 
Neptune’s Beard, she was beautiful.
“Don’t worry, I was going to say yes anyway,” She promised, taking his hand.
They walked up to the til, where Stephanie smiled smugly at the two of them, to pay for the drinks. Kaldur slipped his crane into his pocket. He may need it later.
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