#anyway kekdkekd
hyunubear · 1 year
Yep, I agree, as long as we empower this type of fan it will only get worse... we should be able and free to have opinions and criticism and share them.
I recommend Kaia's videos a lot, I enjoy them a lot, also because they are more relaxed! Among their favorite groups are dreamcatcher, mx, and today they uploaded the reaction to onlyoneof's undergrOund idOl series. Hope you like them if you watch smth <3
Oh I get the first impression on Lktv, he actually studies Japanese and Korean, he reacts to a lot of content in both languages, not just music.
Is the long-haired vocal coach perhaps Austin? I don't remember for sure if he is, but he has long hair and I remember watching a few videos of him and liking them.
When they take endless long breaks for a 3 minute video... 🙄 feel you. I don't know "retired dancer reacts" 😮 so idk really 🤔 i think yours is a valid question tho 😆
Right??? Thank u! Even on here (which is as remote and niche as it gets even for kpop stans) i wish there were more people talking abt this stuff on main, u kno? Sometimes i feel like im the only one! Like where’s the fun of consuming content if ur not gonna talk abt after??? Kdkdkdk maybe thats just me idk
I’ll definitely be checking out more of their stuff for sure!! And as for Lktv, okay that makes sense kekdkdkd
Yeah i think his name was austin! I know he cut his hair eventually but yeah kendkdk
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