#anyway just a little wordy filler episode
cinamun · 4 months
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eijiroukiriot · 3 years
here are my thoughts of all the filler/anime original content (filler) added to the bnha anime except i’m not looking up a list this is just everything i can remember 
iirc there wasn’t really any filler in season 1 (probably because they had the least episodes to work with and a brand new show doesn’t really want to waste viewer time on boring/unimportant content) BUT season 1 did come with the first OVA which, although it was pretty forgettable, had some genuinely fun moments i.e. iida and uraraka’s very cute interactions and that part where 13 praises bkg like “he’ll surely become a beautiful hero” and sero’s like “well, he’ll never be beautiful”. i don’t have bad feelings towards it but since all the rest of the OVAs and even though i’m complaining about training exercise plots the show had just started and it was still a good way to get new viewers acquainted with the class 
okay so this is gonna get wordy but bear with me: since anime moved away from the “popular series air year round” structure to the “popular series air in 1-2 cour chunks at a time” the definition of filler changed a lot - in like the early 2010s all you’d hear is “naruto is unwatchable because of how much time they waste on meaningless filler arcs” and i’ve never watched naruto myself but i’d imagine the fact that studios were expected to air 50 episodes a year was a huge part of why it turned out like that. but since things are different now the game is more about “how much of our original story can we fit into a short burst of episodes, and if we have extra time, what can we do to expand on it” and i think bnha proved in season 2 that they were really good at playing that game! s2 does not waste any filler time. like. that tsuyu episode is one of the most beloved episodes of the season and a GREAT example of how to use an extra episode to give a minor character some time to shine while also checking in on some other characters (i’m not gonna get into jean man thoughts right now but Bakugou Makes Kids Cry was a really good scene to expand on how horikoshi first wrote that internship and sorta. a part of why everything after it feels less credible) 
s2 also had the OVA with the zombies and tsuyu’s backstory which only took up the first few minutes BUT made it so that OVA checked off both the boxes of adding something to the story while also just being fun to watch. that scene at the end where all might offers a mummified deku cake in the hospital and he’s just like “i can’t eat this” is just so good 
obviously i’m biased about pool episode but also i think krbks are the only people who came out of that episode really happy. other than really firmly establishing their friendship (which is actually really good & important buildup to kamino) it’s a pretty clunky way to recap the characters and not even all of the flashback sequences were really handled in a way that made sense. i think the concept of a pool episode/race could’ve been done better if they had spent more time on it but what’s there is fine and it’s always nice to see the kids being kids. still don’t get why the girls didn’t get to race though 
i remember being so excited when miss saiko intelli was revealed because that was one of the first anime original GIRLS and i thought everything about the fight with her was fun! very fun watching her and her weird school friends, very fun watching momo and jirou work together while shouji held tsuyu like a baby. i enjoyed it  
i hate that mystery episode. like. not all filler really has to add anything to the story, if it was a really fun and exciting episode that would’ve been just fine but the whole episode was just deku walking around explaining a mystery that the audience had no chance of figuring out on their own. i liked the shot where all the kids poked their heads out from behind a corner in a little stack though 
i don’t remember if it was that episode or not but i do remember there also being a scene with melissa sort of promoing the movie in the anime which i didn’t mind because it was pretty quick and well integrated
i liked the first episode of season 4! camera guy’s quirk was cool, there were a lot of fun shots of the kids, and i thought the moment with him and deku at the end was really heartwarming. i don’t 100% remember what it was but it was heartwarming 
season 4 had a good amount of side arcs and the school festival arc was lighthearted and character-focused enough that i don’t think they had or needed any filler but also if i’m wrong please don’t correct me about it i like living with the mystery 
i just put this in the tags for that ask 1 second ago but season 4 ova was. boring. especially because they got 2 episodes to work with and decided to do another training episode. not much came out of it plot or character-wise other than 3 musketeers (is that what we’re calling them now .) working together and bkg accepting deku as a cane to lean on. those were good scenes but they could’ve shown them in a different scenario (like in team up mission!). idk what there really is to gain from making ovas anyway (unless they’re on a streaming service or something?) so i guess profit isn’t really the issue at hand but you gotta imagine that the people in charge know that another training exercise OVA isn’t gonna be the most exciting thing possible for fans. i’m not gonna demand that they make a fantasy au OVA or anything but if they had the resources to make 44 minutes of new animation and content it feels like a waste that they repeated what they already did without really fleshing anything new out 
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