#anyway i'm gonna post it w some other art i need to finish + Other Things around the weekend prob ^_^
bloodswag · 8 months
FINALLYYYYYY i got this one piece i've been working on for the past week done!!!! i'm never drawing a mirror ever again <3
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weedsmokingbf · 8 months
I need some help with necessities and doctor bills 😖
[ pls don't tag this post in a way that tumblr will nuke me for lol ]
Hey. I really hate to make this post where I feel like I'm writing a sob story but it's gotten to a point where people around are telling me I need to ask for help bc I'm struggling so much. Anyways, financially my family and I are not doing well... For context: I've been out of work for 2 months due to a workplace injury + workers comp will only pay for appointments regarding my right knee, where the place of injury took place. Therein lies the problem now, though... After getting my X-rays and MRI results my knee was fine, other than fluid in the spot of injury, yet I was still having leg numbness and symptoms for a bit (tmi but it's also become hard to tell when I need to go to the bathroom now too). My doctor told me my issue lies in my spine and the impact could've also affected that... I already have indications of osteoarthritis, bone spurs, as well as constant back pain I struggle with daily. My knee doesn't hurt like it was, but the bigger issue is my back now and worker's comp won't pay for that. I'm in physical therapy for my knee but not my back right now (paid for by wc). Currently, I am living with my mom after a nasty divorce where she had to pay out a shit ton of money (we've had to cut off my dad bc he's abusive and we are both mentally recovering from it. I deal w a lot of PTSD flashbacks and dissociative issues because of all this.) and she's struggling as well as I and we want to move when feasibly possible. I've been relying on her and my girlfriend if I need money for food and "mary wanna" to curb the pain I've been. My girlfriend also lives at home in an abusive situation that she's trying to move out of and is also struggling. I cannot keep relying on these people comfortably yet I'm in an extreme amount of pain where I cannot return to my cashier job where my shifts are usually 7-8 hours long. I'm going to try and open commissions soon after finishing more examples and compiling a good way to show off my different art styles. I plan on doing "Name Your Price" comms with a $5 minimum since my situation is starting to get dire. I'll add that onto the post and make another one soon but for now I'm gonna drop my accounts if you're comfortably able to help me out. My funds are gonna go towards necessities and any doctors appointments my mom's insurance won't cover. I still need to make an appointment for my spine and plan on it soon but financially I am afraid to. Thank you for reading if you've gotten this far! Hope you have a good rest of your day! ❤️
cã$hãpp: $solarsys
v3nm0: @/putridpeaches
p@yp@l: @/putridpeaches
ignore my birth name idk her 😁
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hospitalterrorizer · 2 months
thursday - friday
named yesterday's entry wrong... whoops.
anyway, tomorrow i work for like 8 hours basically, and then the next day too. it sucks a lot, and whatever. i don't think one of the closing people i usually work w/ is gonna be able to come in, i mean, obv not, her hand is broken which is pretty horrifying.
i hope she recovers as necessary. it is weird to me when co-workers would wish for speedy recoveries, i almost did, but it seems like a way of thinking which foregrounds the fact that they need to be able bodied to do tasks and things, to help me or others. it's distantly self interested. i know the broader idea/supposed/assumed thing you communicate is that really you just hope the pain stops soon, i just feel like there's other stuff implicit in that. i hope it stops hurting though. it's awful that it hurts.
it feels awful also, to now talk about how i'm going to work on a song, to get it ready to release like, tonight maybe. that will be fun. i finished the cover and drew some stuff for fun as well. the stuff i drew is basically bad because i was too zoomed out and that made the pen movements translate weird, however maybe that kind of incompetence is cute.
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and then there's this other doodle i did while messing w/ something for cover art i screencapped. she's kind of super obscenely ugly in a way but also cute. idk. they're giving 'alien' and 'in pain' which i feel i think. i relate, to the drawing, that i made.
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these are my #bad #drawings
here is my human body in photos i took of myself because i am vain and felt good yesterday.
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notice ... i cleaned the mirror. wow.
i am feeling cuter lately i think, which makes me happy, or like, on my days off where i go out, i feel really cute, and like i need to be, because i am working now there's this wider variance between ways i might be seen and stuff. so it's this really pathetic need to be cute/pretty/sexy, that emerges, when i'm not working. but at least i am feeling that way.
i also like how bad i am at posing. it's funny to post photos of me trying to do...whatever it is i am doing. i'd rather expose myself like that, it's sort of like i'm living for the failure of affecting something, which is maybe cuter than actually being effortlessly anything. the evident effort and the failure. it's at least kind of 'kawaii'.
the reading today was not much, but interesting nonetheless. he gets to an example of an early quarantine, and the methods of observation/surveillance, delivery, and keeping count, an early expression of the relation between medicine and discipline/surveillance.
one thing he also mentions, and this is an interesting theme in the book, is the writing of discipline, and power, the writing, legal code and observation, which create life for power and discipline, and the way discipline observes individuality/individuates first by a process that homogenizes people. this seems counterintuitive but he's just getting at the categories created and the ways we for instance are put into the categories. here is one place i have always felt foucault/implicated him, in particular with my gender and the impossibility of placing myself, i do not like the idea of making myself visible in the writing of power, or visible to power by writing myself in its tongue. however in many ways i sort of do. i try to look girly and stuff, i post pictures of myself. i am visible. but i am still trying to be noncompliant. i want to be noncompliant. but one noncompliance is easily absorbed into another category, take for instance a diagnosis like 'oppositional defiant disorder', or simply 'noncompliant,' or even 'truant'. i would like to be truant but really i am some other kind of issue, much smaller than even a single truant child. sad.
he also points to the early developments of examinations, medical or otherwise, mechanisms for discipline, things he looks at in his book, as ignoble sciences which, undervalued / unexamined, have enabled the uncritical birth of the sciences of the man/human.
another thing he gets at that i feel is very very very important is how the good subject is individualized:
"and when one wishes to individualize the healthy, normal and law abiding citizen, it is always by asking him how much of the child he has in him, what secret madness lies within him, what fundamental crime he has dreamt of committing" ( pp. 193, discipline and punish, michel foucault (when i do quote should i do pages/authors and stuff? if i am pulling from a real book yes probably. (real as in, in my hands, for reference later perhaps, for myself)))
this point here gets to something very interesting that i think about at times, perhaps controversial but the propensity (i am not above this) to self diagnose, seek out some kind of medicalization, this sort of thing in people, is very interesting. i don't blame anyone because being an individual is constructed as a desirable thing, and this is not the individuality where one's being and life day to day is left alone, not looked at/written, but instead the lives we lead are subject to observation, from inside ourselves and especially from the outside, appraisal, and so one. we do not know who watches but we are watched, and so this means, needing to be individual, but many of the individuations we see are related to things which, in the past, were treated as issues, they are now things that might be 'rewarded' as in with attention/sympathy, which is now part of the disciplinary reward system, or i suppose it always was, to have some portion of the sovereign will of crime or that which is a difficulty in some way, some portion of you which might become special and useful in another way. it can always be turned to use.
however this isn't what i was thinking, the use stuff, it is just true, just that it's interesting that this is something one might be able to see going farther back, and that it would blossom into what we see now.
and it's uploaded!!!
i'll put it on tumblr in a regular way tomorrow or ssomething, with tags and stuff
there's like a weird popping sound. maybe i can like, fix that, or something, before anyone even gets to hear it. let me see, #lol.
omg... ableton is being so annoyingggg.
and here's a hi res version of the cover art, that i have slaved over, and is only okay:
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the photos of the mascara/eyeliner running onto tissues are from me, i did makeup and poured water on my face to make it run like i had been crying, and that picture at the top is me attacking a broken imac. and then there's the little drawings and then a photo i found of a woman's lace collection.
anyway, i need to sleep now, so
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millsv2 · 2 years
"Twitter" Ramblings
I just did a big thread on twitter that I'm gonna cross post here because idk I feel like it has some good thoughts. Sorry if it sounds a bit weird here since it was a bit disjointed and cause its Twitter posts™
For Context: I, in my immense worrying, decided to go through my entire following list on twitter and try to see if they had a tumblr or art station to follow in case Twitter really does truly burn to the ground.
Yippie! ive hit the point of worrying that im now actually scrolling through every person i follow to see if they have a Tumblr or Art Station or w/e the fuck
I ended up finishing this last night... all 1,527 people i follow... absolutely deranged behavior... but now i have the peace of mind that i follow a decent chunk on another social media...
I wont lie everything thats been going on with [Twitter] because of HIM is legitimately deeply concerning to me... No other social media works like Twitter does for artists seeking employment... Like i know im not popular [on Twitter], but it widens the base to connect with others
and having said base immensely increases job prospects. Literally my friend recently got a job with the assistance of Twitter connections (and i couldnt be happier for them). Its a very real thing, and unfortunately to my knowledge, no other true social media has anything similar
Like sure you could make the case that its on Art Station or LinkedIn too but to me those are far too professional and more just "gallery sites". Same with deviant art and New Grounds those are also just gallery sites I have a gallery, its my portfolio website.
I think if things really do go to shit, I of course still wont delete my twitter... but any actual interaction with people will be greatly reduced and mostly move to tumblr, even though my following is way tinier [on Tumblr]... It'll mostly become "i just share art [on Twitter] and thats it"
I know people are making Lists and such to keep track of people but like... when a site is becoming actively hostile to you for not spending money on it??? i dont want to spend my time here...
again this isnt the "im leaving cya bye forever" post im still sticking around till everything truly burns to the ground... but i definitely needed to set up alternate places to share my work far sooner (other than instagram cause lord i hate insta)
If thoughts do end up getting shared [on Twitter] after everything (stuff like this) itll probably just be crossposted from tumblr since it has a button to post to twitter (idk how it works though lol)
So again, to all the people that follow me and enjoy my work. Please follow me on other social media. My links are on my website at the top right.
I just hope it turns around for this site
I know following doesnt matter as much here on Tumblr (the site literally does not show your follower count to anyone but you)... but i genuinely hope i can get back to even my small twitter numbers... Like dont worry im not a massive clout chaser or anything...
but posting into a void to only receive interactions in the single digits really does fucking sting.
Like at least on Twitter or Insta i can post stuff and will average around like... 30-50 likes on a post... which of course isnt a lot, but its nice seeing my friends among them and the occasional new person and hoping that seeing my work at least made them smile to see it. anyways im just hoping anyone that followed me on twitter will find me here and that i can make some new friends with people here too.
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annbourbon · 4 months
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2024 Reading List
Okay so I have to finish some books I left last year. And new ones. Here we go!! If you need hel understanding why they are colored, I suggest you to check my System color and Master List.
If I don't finish by the end of one month I'll take them with me to the next month so don't worry about it 😉
Also, if I ever create a post to rant or criticize it, the link is gonna be on the title of the book, so now you know<3
♡ Twisted Lies by Ana Houng *for now it's only me, rambling about it, but maybe I'll try to change it and put my thoughts in order after I finish reading it*
♡ 100 Deadly Skills by Clint Emerson
♡ Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen (yes, again lol)
♡ Persuasion by Jane Austen
♡ Fairytales by Brothers Grimm
♡ The Beauty Myth by Naomi Wolf
♡ Weird by Olga Khazan
♡ Save the cat! by Blake Snyder
♡ The second sex by Simone de Beauvoir
♡ The rights of woman by Mary Wollstonecraft
♡ The feminine mystique by Betty Friedan
♡ Why does he do that? by Lundy Bancroft
♡ The Bible ~ KJV (it took me sometime to decide which version of the Bible read. Please keep in mind I'm not reading as a believer but as a Literature student who wants to improve my writing skills. Although I do have some religious background and I'm passionate about certain versicles.)
♡ War and Peace by Leo Tolstoi
♡ Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoi
♡ The Art of War by Sun Tzu
♡ Frankenstein by Mary W. Shelley
♡ The picture of Dorian Grey by Oscar Wilde
♡ Perv by Dakota Gray
♡ Anarchist Cookbook by William Powell
♡ Badass Survival Secrets by James Henry
♡ The seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid
♡ Nobody's Victim by Carrie Goldberg
♡ Essential Book of Martial Arts... by Guli Cohen & cia.
♡ The Ethics of Spying by Jan Goldman
♡ Fighting Talk: 40 Maxims of War by Colin S. Gray
♡ Stein on Writing by Sol Stein
♡ Grand Strategies: Literature... by Charles Hill
♡ Grand Strategies and Military Alliances
♡ How to kill, spy and other survival skills
♡ How to Stay Alive by Bear Grylls
♡ Japanese Sword Fighting by Masaaki Hatsume
♡ Japanese Ultimate Martial Art by Dorrell Max Craig
♡ Ninja Skills by Anthony Cummins
♡ 100 Unorthodox Strategies by Ralph D. Sawyer
♡ Prepper's Underground by Jonny Mayhem
♡ Prisoners of Geography by Tim Marshall
♡ SAS Handbook by John Wiseman
♡ Secrets of the Ninja
♡ Sel Defense Nerve Centers by Bruce Tegner
♡ Spy Book: Encyclopedia by Thomas B. Allen
♡ Criminal Poisoning
♡ A court of thorns and roses
♡Lord of the vampires by Gena Showalter
45. Haunting Adeline by H.D. Carlton
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I'm too lazy to type the rest rn... there are more of 20 something pages, each with 30 titles per page. Yes. I'm sure I can finish all by the end of this year. But I'm not gonna type it all here.
TBH I've been reading 4 books per day since I was at least 13. I beat my own record by reading 7 books (Narnia Chronicles) in one day once. I was bored. Anyways I never tried it again or at least I was never interested in doing it so. But yes. I can read them all by the end of the year. I'll bring to you the whole list (I'll take pics but let me tell you my handwriting is messy so don't expect too much of it.)
If you by chance finish the books listed here during the year, send me an ask and I'll drop a couple of titles here.
The book titles might be a bit weird but that's because I'm trying to research for my future project. I promise, I'm a writer lol
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hua-fei-hua · 4 years
jesus christ gained three whole clout points since going to bed that new drabble must be taking the fuck off
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 3 years
Comic buff with a thought, I notice the P5MM art and composition is more striking and closer to p5's art and style than the other manga, which is fine, but kinda... flat. (I find myself thinking there's something missing when I read it, then I look back at P5MM and I notice how there's more clever paneling, imagery, and stylistic choices akin to the games in it (like that one goro panel ya had a rant about) and I realize what's missing) That could be why P5MM is brought up more, just a guess. I dunno how you feel about all that though, I'm curious.
Under the cut cause it gets long cause of pictures:
I am very big on art style and visual presentation. I do actually judge a book by it's cover (manga, game, movie, show, yadda). If I find something pleasing to my eye I'll read it.....even if the contents are trash. Domestic Girlfriend is one, horrible manga (didn't finish, was holding out for Momo, aka best girl, and getting closure for her....then I bounced). Didn't watch the anime (didn't need to I was way ahead in the manga I think), but I know that opening is wasted on it. ldskfjaf Don't invest your time into it, it's not worth it, you would probably learn better morals from P5.......probably. But yeah I found the art style pleasing enough to try it out (I's not amazing by any means, but I like looking at it....or did.....that writing man....dat was bad ;w;).... *waves hands vaguely in air* yeah.
Fun fact, it's why I got into Persona. I happened across an ad for P4 on the PS2 in the Gameinformer magazine, it showed a screenshot from an animated cutscene plus one of the fully body art for the chars and I was like "Yes this is my jam!" (which only doubled down when I read what it was about, and it was a murder mystery and the article also talked up "the mystery of the glasses" which fakldjsalkfs yeah). So yeah it really clicked for me.
Tbh it's why I'm probably going to get back into freaking Bleach, and it's why I got into it and Naruto over One Piece (I don't think I'll ever read ON I'm sorry). Tite Kubo has sexy art what can I say? Can't trust a thing that man writes now but eh. It's also the reason I read a lot of Shojo (and now Yuri) manga, cause their art style is usually what I find very appealing (even if I've read the same gd shojo love story just by a different name for the 1000th time, give me the flowers and sparkly eyes! they are my life blood!)
And I've mentioned I really like Saito's art style. I've (attempted) to color some of his pieces on top of animate some manga frames (most of which I haven't actually published......I...I should....get around to finishing those up....haha...aha....haaaa). I really like his art, it's pleasant. But even with good art, I can still see past it and see what BS it's peddling and it can hamper my enjoyment of it. If I don't look at the context of the scene or the words on the page, I can be down with it. But when I'm reading.......I get annoyed. I balk at anything with Goro. I guffaw whenever Makoto's on screen (cause Saito nails her from P5, she acts useful but really she's useless but the narrative views her as useful it ironically makes her useless......it's the weirdest thing I've ever witnessed >.>). Like Saito really.....gets P5 it seems, down to it's flaws even (tho he can actually make the good parts of P5 shine, or at least parts that P5 failed to execute....execute in a way). But he also makes the flaws.....shine that much harder for me.
Now the Reg manga? it's nothing special art style wise, in fact it starts off VERY wonky, and while still wonky, has gotten a lot....better/cuter (esp Ryu). Not like shojo cute just.......I wanna squish their wittle faces cute (at times when it's not serious).
Like when it comes to Reg Manga these are the two pieces that have appeared in it that I feel kinda hit the P5 mark in terms of style:
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(look at Mona, coming into this world like the pustule that he is 8U)
Which isn't much, but it's something. At least Reg's AOA is better looking than the anime. 8U
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But I dunno, as the chapters go on, the Mangaka allows for more cuter expressions, and I just like their neat:
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(btw I colored that page)
I dunno, it's not as overtly cutsey as Saito:
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But they are still charming in a more simple way (without out having them go full chibi), it subtle but it gives it flavor. "Silly why are most, if not all those pics of Ryu and Anne?" I dunno guys maybe you should ask them how their backs are doing, cause they're the ones who are carrying the Reg manga when it comes to this! 8U
Tho I do think the first ch or two of Reg does a better job capturing P5's feel than the rest of the chapters, I think the mangaka is just.....bogged down by exposition and the game's BS that a lot of text on their pages so it almost reads like a novel:
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ALots of text, not the most dynamic of framing with the panels. It's kinda eh. I haven't really read the manga past the 2nd dungeon tbh (I mean......as the residential #1 Makoto hater, I think that's fair.....that I'd start to zone out during my least fav dungeon....and then continue zoning out during my 2nd least fav dungeon askfdjaflk)
But during the first two dungeon arcs, I liked how.....bad the PT were at thieving, I liked how green they were. It was obviously a learning process. I also like some of the fight choreo (Saito did the best hand to hand one in the series in P4U's Yu vs Sho....which I actually animated....spoiler.....no I have no released that...my dumbass wants to tempt fate and see if I can redo it in color even tho it took me 4 days non stop to get that animated in just black and white.....but I am a fool so alas 8U). I mean it's not mind blowing, but it was simple and decently thought out, which is more than I feel like we usually get (esp with the anime shows....or at least P4/5's).
But I think what draws me in is....it's lack of P5 style. P5 style has them being still oh so cool despite being new at everything. It's tired me out. P5's how identity is style. It's....style over substance (gonna rile some feathers with that....Cvit(?) vid title). But P5 is overtly stylish, to the point it......weighs on me. Drags me down. Tires me out. I don't think they're cool, I'm bored with it. Ironically, Reg manga lacks that, which......def would make someone (and me usually) give it much of a passing glance. It's very basic I guess. But.....consider me, being in P5 hell, surrounded by all it's nausea inducing stylishness, sees a small break in the hellish hurricane to see.......normalcy. It kinda makes me connect better with the kids (kinda, it's still P5).
They feel like normal kids, trying to do their thing (sometimes trying to look/act cool and failing), and.....it's just the absolute antitheses to P5's brand......and I think that's why I like it. KLFJDSAFLKJA;
Anyway, who knows, maybe when I catch up on Reg in english and re-read MM with the official translation I might change my mind about a few things, or at least how I rank them. But for post length sake, and my sanity sake, I think I should keep the anime and mangas out of the "Which entry do you hate least" post......because I should just make another post where I go into both mangas as well as compare and contrast the anime! :D I'm just delaying some insanity for later haha....
Wait.........I just remember Day Breakers exists......and I liked it....still do....don't have much issue with it. Well shit, that is probably the one entry I hate the least. fklsdjfalkjdfkla;jsL;FJljsfdlskafaj *sobs* nO NO, I committed, and that's just a sad loophole. fdklsajflakfj *sobs* I still need to the game thing, cause let's be honest, the games are where it counts.
So right now my ranking for manga/anime is:
Daybreakers>Reg manga> MM>>>>>>>>>>TV Show Anime and it's OVAs (may the burn in the hell fire from which they spawned)
Oh, one last thing, forgot to put it in but I dunno where to put it now. I like how the manga tones down the pervyness some:
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I mean Ryu is a fellow monkey. u_u .......but it's for the best I don't have to see his ape expression. ;w; (iirc the pyramid scene was a lot shorter/faster, but that's by the grace of reading and books rather than animation I suppose).
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spector · 4 years
Earlier anon, I just binged the entirety of Kipo and Scarlemagne's death was so unnecessary. Sure his character arc reached it's conclusion but it was the last episode, everyone's did. Plus nothing he did was bad enough that he could only be redeemed through death. He deserved to live and I'm just gonna pretend the ending was actually him having to spend six months in cast. Then for the five year later thing she's just filling him in on what happened while he was scouting areas outside the vista
it honestly feels like they’ve killed him off because they wanted to have that FIVE YEARS LATER sequence and needed someone dead to ‘fill in’ . i know that its... kind of redundant to critique a show that had to resolve a whole story in 10 episodes 20 minutes each (lbr its kinda nothing, thats not enough time to finish telling the story they set out to tell). im sure the creators felt very limited by the time frame and u can feel it bc scarlemagne’s death kinda comes out of nowhere??? at the end there, he has barely spent any time w/ kipo, he hangs out w/ wolf exclusively and he also has ZERO meaningful lines of dialogue w/ either lio or song. like yeah they shielded him from the cure which is obviously touching but idk, so did everyone at that party ??? he didnt even talk to them he was just like AWW MY FAMBILY <33333 and they just stared at him aHIGFHGFIHG
i thought the beginning of his arc in this season was super strong, when he apologized and everyone said that its nice that he did that but they cant forgive him yet bc theyre not sure they want him back their safe space. i thought that was a great move by the writers bc cartoon villains often say ‘sorry, mb’ and everyone just goes ‘oh np!!! we’re cool now. at best some of us may glare at you sometimes but thats it haha’. amy (the rat) specifically said that, she said she’s not ready to let scarlemagne back into her space after what he did to ratland. and kipo understands that! even scarlemagne understands that! but then he doesnt get to earn that spot back in the mute community because he has to die for kipo and his death is seems super pointless anyways, bc the animation made it seem like emilia was going to mcfreaking lose it either way, regardless of his intervention
ok whatever so hes dead then and five years later they name a Scientific Academy after him and im 💀💀💀💀💀 THIS IS JUST FURTHER PROOF THAT LIO AND SONG REALLY DIDNT GIVE A SHIT ABOUT HIM, SCARLEMAGNE WAS LIKE . THE ONLY ART MAJOR IN THAT FAMILY DO YOU THINK HE GAVE A SHIT ABOUT SCIENCE IM SCREECHING LIKE A WILD BABOON 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀 MAYBE IF THEY MADE A CONCERT HALL AND NAMED IT AFTER HIM ID BUY THIS BUT THIS IS JUS THIGHFIGHFIGH (and yes ik that could have been a music academy but it was in the old wolf observatory if im not mistaken and the statue of him outside it had like... a spyglass in his hands which isnt very Artsy)
this isnt how i wanted his character to go, i genuinely thought he was going to show hes gonna work to earn his spot amongst other characters, especially the mute community. i genuinely thought he was going to help rebuild the ratland bc it would have been a very satisfying end to his character development arc. he destroyed it with his lackeys and then he’d be the one to help amy rebuild it, with his own hands, no more mind control, just hard work. i know that amy is such a minor character but... w/o ratland NONE of this would be happening and she also got so much shit this season i thought it would have been nice if scarlemagne earned her trust and forgiveness by putting in the work. plus im sure he’d enjoy running a post-apocalyptic didneyland, this would be a very fulfilling position for him and he’d put his skills for the benefit of the whole community etc etc and im just. i can’t believe they didnt go with this. its so obvious. he destroyed ratland, he’s the one who should rebuild it. and like i said, amy went thru so much shit in this season, the two of them working together on rebuilding the ratland would be a very nice hopeful touch ...
IDK i was kinda shocked bc the writing in this show has been so solid and they just pulled the rug out from under me in that last episode ... i was enjoying myself so much and then they murked my monkey my MONKEY my fop monkey ... HE WAS SO GOOD IN THIS SEASON TOO and then they just killed him because idk, its too much work to deal w/ lio and song being shitty parents to him or something.... or like i said, they just needed someone to die so they can quickly drop that ‘FIVE YEARS LATER, EVERYTHING IS OKAY’ scene... i swear to god i cant believe theyve done this ... my monkey... my fucking monkey i miss him every day ... THEY SHOULD HAVE JUST DONE THAT SCENE w/o narration , just kipo running thru the new world and having fun, thats it. 
now that i think abt it, they rly couldnt have killed anyone else from the main cast, everyone else is Too Important and if they killed a human character, it would have been Too Dark for the kids (like... idk if one of kipo’s parents died for example that would have been fucked up). so i fully understand why hes the one who had to bite the bullet but idk, maybe it could have been avoided. or idk at least executed in a better way. i still think there was still a lot of material to go thru btwn scarlemagne and lio (and song) and its just... the fact that he asked everyone to call him hugo before his death, FORGIVING everyone is kinda fucked up bc i dont think they earned that. and i dont think he earned forgiveness from people+mutes either... 
idk, this was too rushed and i didnt like it. but i hope u enjoy this chaotic essay abt a gay fop mandrill
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franeridart · 7 years
hey fran, i really love you & your art!! i fell in love w your bokuroteru tattoo au after reading it through, and then i found your bakushimas and i love them so much! you're actually the reason i found the motivation to start bnha lol and i'm really glad i did, so thx!
Thank you!!!!!! So much!!!!!!!!!! For liking my stuff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *O* and you’re most welcome, I’m super happy you’re liking it!!!!!
Anon said:I love dragons and I love kiri and I love your art so that post is like all three of my favourite things rolled into one, B L E S S.
I’M GLAD YOU LIKED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:your traditional sketches are so cool!!! i feel like it kinda adds like depth to it or something but like those are so neat what if you lined some
Thanks!! And I’ve actually thought about that, but I’m not much a fan of going back on stuff I already posted... it’s more probably I’ll just go back to the concept and draw more instead of lining those haha
Anon said:voltron third season is cOMING SOON AS IN TWO DAYS AAAAAA ARE U EXCITED?
Anon... my pal... my dear friend... I don’t know how to break this to you but... I haven’t even properly watched s2 yet...
Anon said:i started reading bnha bc i wanted to understand your art better, and I gotta say it's a really great series. thanks for inspiring me to read it. finished the manga today and my favs are definitely kirishima, tamaki, toshinori and fatgum. actually I knew kiri would be my fave anyway bc 75% of why i got interested in your bnha drawings was bc of him...he's just?? so good?? that aside your art is incredible and your characterizations of the bakusquad are perfect. you're super cool, keep doing you!
I’m!!!!!!!!!!!! aaahhh!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank you so much oh my god ;A; I’m happy you decided to try it, I’m super happy you ended up liking it, and I’m indecently happy you actually do like Kirishima!!!!! BOI!!!!!!!!!!!! He needs all the love he can get, the pure son ;A;
Anon said:your art is so good wth!! everytime i get the notif that you posted i get so excited!!
Anon said:The fuck is shitty ab these traditional art pics. They're good, everything u do is good, don't play blind u perfect shit
Tough love! Sometimes this comes around my inbox too haha it’s fine anon, the reason why I rarely draw traditionally is that I never feel like I’m done with a drawing when I do, feel incomplete for however much details I put in because tbh there’s always more I can do on them, so with shitty I mostly meant “incomplete” lol going okay this is finished is something I don’t know how to do with traditional doodles hah
Anon said:yo what happened to your hand bro?
Therapy with my dermatologist that ends up giving me blisters on one of my fingers! It’s nothing serious, but makes arting sorta hard haha
Anon said:You should draw more kiribaku kids it had me really interested and brought out my happy
Should I 👀👀👀 an ugly word, let’s try with could next time shall we - that said, seems like yall really did like something that for me was a one time thing! I might get back on them in the near future, just because that post seems to have blown up way more than I had anticipated haha
Anon said:ahhhhhhh i absolutely love your art. i've been feeling very irritated lately and your kiribaku / kiribakushima art really helps calm me down.
This makes me super happy to know!!!! Oh my gods!!!!!! I hope life has stopped getting on your nerves in the couple days it took me to answer, anon!!!
Anon said:Headcanon: kirishima plays dream daddy
To be honest I don’t know anything about that game aside from “it’s a dating sim” and “it’s gay”, but either way to me it sounds more like something Kaminari would play hahaha
Anon said:Hey Fran! I recently caught up with the BNHA anime thanks to you (still have to get around to the manga) and I loveeee itt so much (pretty much adopted like 20 kids😂) have a lil question tho, in your AU/bnha comic thingy are Bakugo and Midoriya finally like... "okay" friends? Or is Bakugo still acting like he hates the poor boy? Thanks in advance and also absolutely love your art~😍
WEEEEHHHHYYYYYY I’m glad you decided to check it out, anon!!!!! But, I’m sorry I’m gonna need you to be more specific here since I don’t have any “ongoing” AU for that fandom atm - exactly which comic are you referring to?
Anon said:I've been restraining myself from going on Tumblr to once a month max for like a year or so now because it was exams and then I had a new year (MY LAST YEAR) of high school to worry about, and I know me. When I go on Tumblr, I stay on Tumblr for literally an entire day. Or more. And then I accidentally stumbled upon your stuff today and wasted (thoroughly enjoyed) a day of scrolling through your art and asks. I never knew I shipped bakushima so hard until today. Thank you for your beautiful art.
AAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I’m so happy you decided to use your one day for my blog omfg !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you so so much for this ask, it made me really super happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:do you know the song that is playing when endeavor is fight the winged nomu? ive tried looking for it but I can't seem to find it. thanks if you know it. its fine if you don't. btw you're amazing
Eeep sorry anon this ask is so old omfg I hope you found your answer somewhere else - also because I’m actually the worst person in the world to ask about soundtracks orz so, like, double sorry o
Anon said:A cute kirikamibaku thought to hopefully help cheer you as you wait for your hand to heal again: the three of them going out to a restaurant and Denki trying to subtly convince the other two to order something he wants to try when he can't decide what he wants to eat. Whenever he succeeds, he ends up eating just as much off their plates as his own.
This has actually been cheering me up for days now so thank you !!!!!!! Also because I’ve been thinking about Bakugou giving in but making it super spicy out of spite and honestly that’s the funniest thing hahahaha
Anon said:MATSUHANA🌸🌸🌸🌸
Anon said:I can't stop thinking abt that one anon that sent you "Batsuki Katsuki" and I'm losing my fuckin mind over it oh my god but anyway hello I love ur art I hope you have a good day ( ˘ ³˘)♥
THANK YOU!!!! I hope you’ll have a great month, anon!!!! *O* and also tbh same I randomly remember it and laugh by myself thank you anon for that gem I’m never getting over it haha
Anon said:I live for your bakukirikami art. I never had an ot3 until these boys, and they're just so so good. Do you think any of them ever gets insecure/jealous about the other two's bond in the relationship? I feel like if anyone would it might be Denki? But I dunno, because the way you portray them I like to think that they all actually just love watching each other be cute and bond and stuff.
Yeah that’s how I see them!  You know how, like... when you’re friends with two people and they’re friends with each other and you look at them being silly together and you’re like boy I’m so glad I have both of you in my life and that I can have you both at the same time and that you can be silly and adorable and happy together too - that’s exactly how I portray the bkk, only it’s romantic instead of platonic haha
Anon said:Your art has inspired me to write some BakuKiri / KiriBaku bless!!!! I'm also writing KiriBakuKami as well, thank you so much for the gorgeous art!
Anon said:Hello! It's the anon that asked about posting your art online for the first time. Thank you so much for answering my questions! That means a lot to me. I'll definitely take your advice. You made me feel a lot better about posting my stuff online. I'm gonna go ahead and draw the things that make me happy and,, hopefully I'll find people that like it like me!
AAAAHHHHHH I’m happy I could help!!! And I’m sure you will, anon!!!!! I hope you’ll be able to have a great time in whatever community you decide to be part of *O*
Anon said:I was feeling slightly uck but then I was like "you know what would make you feel better" and I just started scrolling through your blog and HONESTLY you are a blessing I feel a lot better and lighter and looking at your blog is literal self care for me now I love you and I hope you have a fantastic day
Sob thank you so much for this ask ;A; aaahhhhhhhh!!!! I’m so happy I can help you like that and this made me feel great back when I first read it (and also now that I’m rereading it, honestly!!!) so thank you for making my days better too, anon!!!!
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Janis & Jimmy
After smacking Mia one (and Jim).
Janis: Soz about the shiner, like Janis: Dunna how to dodge like a decent ref should obvs...you should work on that Janis: But forreal, you're welcome for the time you got to spend in the head's office with a cold press on #schoolboyfantasiesaremadeofthis Jimmy: 🤔 You mean this tiny insignificant scratch like Jimmy: I'd say get the pads out but between you and your nan lately I'm not sure my ego's up for that Jimmy: Your plan all along was it? 👌 she's no type of mine but I appreciate you trying to be a mate 😉 Jimmy: Best bit was Gracie doing her bit to defend my honor at the end there. Maybe I DO owe her one 😂 Janis: Alright, monty python 😂 don't be a hero on my account...oh wait, advice coming too late, my bad 😉 Janis: Ah well, if you're not fancying it like, pal, good thing I'll have her to myself all this week AND next 🙄 thanks mia... now THAT was the real plan all along 😏 Janis: At least you know what her shout is already 👍 though if you could spit in Mia's next, I think she'd take that and call it quits Janis: If you make like Rocky and get steak up on your bruises, I'll get my Da to cook it for ya after, we settled too then, yeah? 😘 Jimmy: Mia's plan 100% 🙄 Am I meant to be offended that she thinks you're a lesbian still? Because I'm taking it as a compliment #prettyboy 😂 Jimmy: Shame I've got too many disciplinaries to have her banned it'd be one less skinny latte to have to expertly craft Jimmy: Maybe. What sides are we talking about? I think one more smack down and I'll be demanding my chips triple cooked Jimmy: Warn your relatives Janis: Assumedly, pretending here her stinging text slams had her intended effect, and didn't just make me fall about, like #facesoprettyyoudontseeascar 🤞 Janis: Ugh, tell your boss to do one, 'cos they'd lose half their business if you did, think on, dickhead 😒 Janis: Know your worth, babe Janis: Gotta respect that Janis: At least my Brother doesn't need to bother fighting you now I beat him to it, ay? Jimmy: Who'd you wanna be, princess (bless Gracie Lou) and basketcase already taken and athlete being the obvious choice 💪 Jimmy: Tempting offer but you can do better Jimmy: Of course that was 1 of the 10! Should've seen that coming Jimmy: Can't lie I'd much rather take you on 😉 Janis: Never seen it 🤷 but boy is Charlie Sheen's bro, yeah? So sounds legit for the family I have to endure 😏 Janis: You're not gonna end up with Grace in the end are ya? 😤 just 'cos you wanna rock the leather fingerless gloves #lewk Janis: I'll never tell 😉 his ego definitely ain't up for that Janis: we can have a rematch any time any place Janis: i'm ready 💪 Jimmy: Me either. Still break you out though. Isn't that what they do? 🤔 I'll ask your sister but not before she gives me of precious bling to take down cash converters Jimmy: My bad boy image has taken too much of a battering, literal, for me to refuse the fashion 😎 Jimmy: Let's go then. There isn't a nurse but I can still play the concussed care and run. Say when. Janis: Probs after some cringe bonding and bants, thank GOD we got that outta the way, mate 😜 Janis: Most of her jewels are from Primark so I dunna how golden your chances are, don't tell anyone like #banginonabudget Janis: What lesson you in anyway? In PE rn so usually you wouldn't get a look-in (you ain't that special, babe) but they got me coaching the first years girls for a fucking team management module and...Give me strength Janis: we talking screaming when the ball comes their way levels Janis: so I'm making them do laps whilst I shout encouragements about how it ain't that cold from my warm as shit coat, like any gym teach worth their salt 😉 Janis: Gonna get an A, like Jimmy: Oh I dunno, you and Mia still need to hug it out 😉 bet she'd love it too 💘 Jimmy: I'm in art of course #tortured soul and everyone knows you're my muse so done deal there. Jimmy: I'd come snapping but I don't need the rep that'd come with background first years in their shorts Janis: I'd sooner watch a thousand chick flicks with Gracie Janis: amongst other fates worse than death Janis: but honestly #whyareyousoobsessedwithmehun? #toolittletoolateforthisloveaffair Janis: That's probably why you're so tortured 😉 Edie Sedgewick I ain't Janis: Nah, that wouldn't help your case, there's only so much bashing that I can be a party to in a day... Janis: I get to swap with Kayleigh Dwyer next period, meant to go write up about my experience but sure I can as easily do that wherever you need to get your inspiration from, like Jimmy: 😂 it's the curse of being so #goals, hun Jimmy: I don't have a clue who that is but like I've said before you take a decent picture. Now don't get a big head (it'd fuck with my framing terrible) but it isn't half bad being stuck with you Jimmy: There is always Mia's 🦆 pout if you're really busy but like Jimmy: Since you aren't I'm thinking back to mine? Twix will happily hear about any of your running or ball based experiences Janis: Kayleigh? Rude, she sits next to you in English, the one drooling all over you and the desk? Bless her, she'll be devvo 😂 Janis: I forgot you haven't had an Ali McKenna education, she was Andy Warhol's main bitch (aside from Basquiat, tea) in all his shit films, Bob Dylan was hard for her too but she weren't really arsed so he wrote Like A Rolling Stone about her Janis: At least you didn't come for my life that hard post-bath Janis: Bad enough like, I'd have to fake my own death forreal then Janis: She'd fucking love that...do her dirty in the edit, boo, no facetune 😂 Janis: A girl after my own heart that dog, kindred spirts 😍 Janis: sounds good, always down for being out of this dump Janis: your Da's unlikely to pop back for lunch, yeah? Jimmy: I've been calling her Kourtney #awkward Jimmy: Bet she loves it anyway Jimmy: Speaking of, I still have that project to finish up (deadlines long enough to hang yourself with cheers ms sheppard) might dedicate some space on that edit to the lot of them. Fancy helping as well as inspiring? 😈 Jimmy: #satireorshadeisit? Jimmy: Good. Keep the lovefest away from me. Last thing I need is Twix licking my wounds Jimmy: Packed up his sarnies myself so we're set Janis: The KardashiKlan clout, everyone knows she's the CLASSIEST sister, SO fitting 😂 Janis: Can't be anything but a sweetheart, can you? N'awwh! Janis: Hell yeah, you clearly need my talents for cuntery, you bring the skillz, I'll bring my winning personality and large head, like Janis: How fucking rude though, tell her to keep her antiseptic spit to herself 💅 #menaintshitbabygirl #imsorryyouhadtolearnthislessonsosoon Janis: Like I said, you're just too good for this world 😇 Janis: Maybe I'll find the time between being a muse and bad influence to make you one Janis: Its no steak apology but Jimmy: 👍 Too right Jimmy: Maybe if we take the mad bitch out she won't chew a hole in anyone's face (tempting as that'd be if it was any of Mia's squad) been enough facial damages sustained for one day Jimmy: Get some very #aesthetic shots for my A Jimmy: 😇 Always on that good boy track Jimmy: Maybe I can shout you a pie and pint in that spirit Janis: Goes without saying, need the skirting and your Da's shoes to be safe for another day Janis: Should bin off the rest of the day altogether, then you could take Twix to pick the kiddo's up, Cass would be made up getting to show her off Janis: you always after those best big bro points, I know Janis: and I know it, you always want me to protest too much the other way like 😈 Janis: wholesome afternoon of dog walking and homework with bae, no wonder the entire female population of the school is so jealous 😉😘 Jimmy: Did you just have a good idea? 😮 Jimmy: But yeah world's most bog standard bro coming through 🏆💪 get that middleschool clout cass 😎 Jimmy: We just can't stop being #goals however hard we try. Damn 😘 Janis: Don't sound so surprised dickhead! I'm a wealth of cunning plans or have you forgotten Janis: Didn't hit you that hard Janis: Now who's being modest Jimothy 😊 you know you're bestest Janis: whoda thunk it, bitch, not I Jimmy: Been a while can't blame me 😏 Jimmy: 💕 Cute Jimmy: How will I survive the aft? Janis: We can go back there if you really pining Janis: and I'M the one who's sexuality is always in question Janis: #fakebaebetterthanarealone Janis: Ha ha, keep testing me and you might not Jimmy: You'd never make it. Can't get enough of me 💋 Jimmy: If you'd rather be in school doing their tests don't let me stop you 😏 Jimmy: 😎 Jimmy: Told you i'm bad Janis: 😑 Janis: bet you break before i do Janis: we'll see how bad you are, won't we Jimmy: Last shift's 💶 on it Janis: Done Janis: I've got my eye on some new kicks Janis: At least even when you lose you can still pretend you treated me 😜 Jimmy: When you lose you can pretend you don't need a man to treat you Jimmy: so many #s in that for you Janis: Imma win when I PROVE I don't need you to treat me as much as you need me to treat you, sucka! Janis: and there ain't no point in nothing if it doesn't make your 'gram captions pop off #truerwordsneverspoken Jimmy: We'll see Jimmy: so soon too ⏲ Janis: you started your countdown already, boy? Janis: keeeeeeeen Jimmy: Not ready? Shame Janis: Born ready Janis: Admittedly, got the upper hand, nothing sexy about first year girls, despite what some fourth year boys might believe Janis: you surrounded by all them loose af art hoes Jimmy: How rude of me not to pull all your focus Jimmy: yep, those blunt fringes really get me goin Janis: Well s'why I know I got the W in the bag 🤷 Janis: Called that in the air Janis: whip off those unnecessary nerd glasses and there's real beauty under there Janis: #hotdamn Jimmy: For a rom com hater you've got all the cliches down 😂 Jimmy: Quietly confident now. That shit won't help you off screen 🏆💪 Janis: Oh, you don't recall how pushy my sister is? Janis: Let's call this off rn and she'd be happy to remind you herself I'm sure 😏 Janis: I'm sure you've learnt PLENTY off a whole different typa romcom that is all types of fucked IRL Jimmy: Only if she promises to bring Tam too. I need that model height for my shoot naturally Janis: You really wanna be that letchy photographer stereotype, huh? Janis: Get the whole squad 'round for a sesh Janis: Just know they'll start a # Jimmy: #rolloutladies Jimmy: 😂 Jimmy: I'll #bowout of that one thanks Janis: Sure? It'll give you a better chance of winning the bet Janis: #knackered Jimmy: I'd rather lose Jimmy: #takemymoneyandrunaslongasIcancomewith Janis: Sweet talker. Janis: Meant to be me with the gift of the gab 🍀 Jimmy: nope, real talker Jimmy: Got up close and personal enough with Mia today thanks. Still washing these hands Janis: Same, despite what she might think, not something I fancy repeating either Janis: Though I will if she talks shit one more time Janis: So watch out if you don't want the other side to match, like Jimmy: Don't make me say I'll do it all again Jimmy: so many stereotypes already in this chat Jimmy: 💕 Janis: Ew. 💋 Janis: Best get your chat to as high a standard as poss tho, as all the guards and other inmates will be listening in Janis: Reckon's her Da can actually get me done Janis: Bitch be serious Jimmy: Doesn't he sell cars? Janis: Lmao, no Janis: Though he is 100% a used car salesman in aesthetic, you're spot on Janis: He is a lawyer or some shit so he knows realistically who gives a shit about a playground scrap but he'll try and scare my parents like they're fucking idiots so no one is ever mean to his little princess again Janis: That type 🙄 Jimmy: She wants to be a yank so bad it must hurt Jimmy: Remind me to cut my pops so slack next time he's pissing me off Jimmy: could be so much worse Janis: Too bad she's a few hundred years late for the mass migration to the states Janis: Only looking famished, like Janis: Same, wouldn't hate being as spoilt as she is but you know Jimmy: Yep, too bad you'll be waiting for those kicks Jimmy: 🎅's your best bet Jimmy: Not too late to back out 😏 Jimmy: Keep on his good side Janis: No chance Janis: I can keep him on side by keeping away from yours, simple 😜 Jimmy: You sure? There's literally songs about how much he loves 💋 Jimmy: I think he'll be mad if you don't cave Janis: 💋 for him from MILFs maybe Janis: I don't think it'll pain him to see you go without Janis: I see no mistletoe, like #demstherules Jimmy: 👌 Bet stays on Jimmy: Take your chances Janis: Way to make me sound more predatory than the big man 😲😂 Janis: If you're that scared, we can mark it down to a lose for you by default 😉 Jimmy: Not when I'll have you begging for a draw in a bit. Easy Jimmy: Just get ready to accept your loss, not reason we should both be sore Jimmy: #bruisedandbattered Janis: Pretty cocky for a boy who can't even promise A FEW bruises, like 😜 Jimmy: Waste of a 🤞 Jimmy: why talk about it when I can just do it Janis: As long as you start it, I'm allowed to finish it Janis: win win for me 😊 Jimmy: Cocky for a lass who hasn't won anything against me yet Janis: 😡 Janis: it wasn't a fair fight all those other times, thank you very much Jimmy: Maybe you were faking the skills as well as the 💕 Jimmy: awwh Janis: You won't be finding out any time soon Janis: ✌ Jimmy: So you keep saying, all talk I think 😂 Janis: All talk no action is right Janis: Prick 🖕😂 Jimmy: 😘 Jimmy: You're about me Jimmy: unlucky ☘ Janis: Shh Janis: Not all bad, I suppose, at least you've got a cute dog 😘 Jimmy: good point, what a you offering? first year having an asthma attack? 😂 #goals Janis: I never said I had anything worth sticking 'round for Janis: More fool ye for your 😍 Jimmy: Secret's safe. I won't tell Mia Janis: I think she's pretty confident she knows where she and I lie on the pecking order already 😂 Janis: not coming for her 👑 Jimmy: just her 👃 Janis: What can I say? Save daddy the surgery fees Jimmy: you're the 😇 you think I am Janis: it has been said Janis: oh wait, no it hasn't, ever 😂 Jimmy: Only because 🐶 can't speak Janis: The love is so real Janis: Its all the treats and walkies, maybe I'll have to employ the same technique on you when the bet is up Janis: Worth a shot 🎯 Jimmy: Start now #worthashot #haveyoubeentricked? 😂 Janis: I'm not quite as easy to distract as Twix Janis: All these dog comparisons, bit rude tbh, don't think I appreciate Janis: Will piss on your boots tho Jimmy: Unless we're playing pool or darts Jimmy: Make sure they're mine. My dad has only just replaced his Janis: Wasn't even you, it was pub lighting and a prick munching on his crisps too loud at the bar #dontflatterlike Janis: Will do 👍 I'm not looking to make him dislike me anymore than I already have lol Jimmy: #surejan Jimmy: least he's never about so no drama there. Been enough for one day Janis: #ihateu Janis: what's he even do, like? dead busy Jimmy: 💕 Jimmy: Warehouse Jimmy: Very much #goals Janis: Ah fun, lots of shitty shifts and long days like, I'll give him the benefit of the doubt too for being such a prick about poor Twix then Jimmy: Probably shouldn't. He bought her Janis: True...People never think how big a commitment a dog is though Janis: Twix be giving them puppy dog eyes like a pro Jimmy: before 🎄 too though what a prick Jimmy: can't even use the excuse Janis: Bleh Janis: Shoulda clued him in like 😉 #cuffed Jimmy: if I'd known he was going to do it I would've Jimmy: done now though Janis: Yeah, its just another stress you don't need, like? 😕 Jimmy: Snagged me you so maybe she's worth keeping about 😏 Jimmy: Because yeah she does take all the credit Janis: Smooth 😋 Janis: Can't go breaking my heart now, nor the kiddo's for that Janis: I can start taking her out again in the mornings, don't miss much 'bout dem days but it was decent having a running buddy Jimmy: Fancy some company or you wanna be alone with your true love? Janis: You reckon you can keep up, yeah? Janis: Not having you slowing me down 😉 Jimmy: Can't be using me as your excuse thanks 💪 Jimmy: maybe I'll come with then when I'm not working, leave you in no doubt Janis: Its a date, mate Jimmy: 💕 Janis: That's probably them more than sufficiently warmed up Janis: Get back to work, slacker 💚 Jimmy: 🎨📷 will do Jimmy: not too hard though, gotta keep my 💪 up for the victory party you'll owe me Janis: In your dreams, baby 💋 Jimmy: see you there 😘
0 notes
hospitalterrorizer · 2 months
tuesday - wednesday
labor rights violated today......could not take my break... wtf i thought my bosses #were #my #friends.
anyway, i finished my drawing thingy. i finished the actual drawing part and couldn't figure out what to write over it. but i came on something. against my better judgment, i'll post it. it is probably overtly sexual but it's a constant thing in any kind of art i make...so... whatever.
Tumblr media
i don't know what to say, other than i think all the points of reference are rather obvious, but i guess one thing i'm especially interested in right now is deformity as handled by hans bellmer, where it's more like deformity by capturing movement, the erotic gestures as mutant, that kind of idea. but i've always tried that, i've always been in his debt, so idk, it's just about needing to feel cute ultimately, i suppose.
i also drew tonight, to keep up with my every other day practice thing.
i like some of the ideas in it/ ways i drew faces. i think referencing photos is really useful for constructing heads better, it helps remind me of things like,, idk. it just helps me know what a human head is like. it's easy to forget that i suppose.
anyway, today i also did a song, so that makes 2 more for the mixing process, and thennn,,,,, more vocals.
and that's not too much... so we're getting #close.
with the tablet i stole from my gf, i'm definitely thinking about re-tracing the bugs, in other resolutions too, just cuz...idk, i know what's gonna upscale better now at least. so yeah, there's that on my mind, for the cover art.
anyway i gotta work out nowww.
worked out... fun.
i listened to the new cindy lee album in full today finally, really great stuff, the exact kind of music i like hearing, or like, one kind of thing i love to hear. i love a lot, so i really wanna hear a lot all the time.
but i digress, i love diamond jubilee, it might be a big deal this year, for me at least. no bad songs on it, a lovely way to spend 2 hours.
here's another bit of music i'm obsessed with, this song.
i love that it's got a cute garage rock vibe but it's still kind of got the white-belty thing going on w/ the paper thin guitars, or like, how white belt took the 60s affectations, this kind of bumps that up, the keyboards are so beautiful to me, i love those synths, it's just a perfect song to me.
apparently the lead guy of the intelligence was in this band:
reminds me of numbers a bit. fun stuff. i love the freakout section in this song with those way bleepy synths.
anyway i need to sleep now, we have to do errands tomorrow, so,
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