#anyway hopefully this was fine cuz i literally have to leave RIGHT now lol
honorhearted · 1 year
"take your bloody hands off of me!" from claire
The air was thick with smoke from musket-fire, and shouts arose from varying vantage points as Ben remained hunkered low behind a tree. He and his men had been out on a reconnaissance mission – it was supposed to be quick and open-and-shut – yet despite assurances of otherwise, they’d been thwarted by a small group of loyalists.
Aiming his flintlock as silently as he could, Ben glanced around the tree in his cramped position, his vision momentarily blinded by sweat as he searched through the woods. His cheek stung from a shallow cut he’d received from a low-hanging branch, and with a grimace, he paused to wipe his sleeve across the wound. Blood and perspiration smeared across his white cuff and further dirtied up his uniform.
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Fresh musket-shot zipped through the air and Ben dove to the side before running in a zigzag. Not pausing to look over his shoulder, he wove in between various trees and tore through the underbrush, all the while searching for the perfect place to take cover. Nearly losing his balance across the forest floor, he righted himself again and stumbled onward, but not before slamming headlong into a figure…something petite and warm.
Cursing, Ben managed to keep his flintlock from discharging as he landed harshly onto the stranger. He was suddenly peering directly into two wide eyes, and his breath caught once he realized he’d fallen over stop of…a woman? What in God’s name…?
Scanning the stranger from head to toe, he balked in mortification once he realized this woman was indecent – her odd-looking shift ended well above the knee, and her stockings, though a decent enough cover, were a peculiar color and fabric. Good God, who would have been cruel enough to steal this woman’s skirts? And why?
"Take your bloody hands off of me!"
Oh. Well, that had certainly been sobering...
Amidst trying to keep himself from being overheard by the enemy, let alone targeted, he now had to deal with a screeching, hysterical woman on top of it all. Had he been any less shocked, he might have slapped the sense into her -- he'd seen the camp physicians do this more than once -- but he remained stock-still and frozen before stammering, "I...I-I...m-madam, I am only trying to help...please! You must keep your voice down!"
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makeste · 4 years
BnHA Chapter 278: MOMO IN CHARGE
Previously on BnHA: Deku and Kacchan were all “SIR, THAT’S OUR EMOTIONAL SUPPORT SENSEI” and got really ferocious and made a very passionate attempt to blow Tomura up and it was great. It basically did nothing, but it was still great. AFO was all “COME HERE LIL BRO”, and Tomura was all “silly Sensei, you can’t just take over my mind and body just like that”, and he was very confident of this despite there really being no evidence to back it up, but okay! Gran was all “time to make the fandom mad at me” and grabbed Tomura by the collar and yelled at him about Nana a bit, and then Bakugou and Endeavor made an even MORE passionate attempt to blow up Tomura, which may or may not have done some actual damage. The chapter ended with Gigantomachia battling Mt. Lady, just kinda out of the blue, which is FINE, but she had better be all right, though!
Today on BnHA: Everyone is all “WAUGHH IT’S GIGANTOMACHIA” and running around freaking out about it. The U.A. alums all kick some ass, and pretty much everyone else not from U.A. does jack fucking shit. Mt. Lady, who I plan on naming all of my future children after, does her best to stop Machia but he keeps flinging her aside. Kamui Woods is all “here I come with Midnight to put Gigantomachia to sleep!” and is PROMPTLY FUCKING MURDERED!? by Dabi because he’s a flammable tree man, and so Midnight falls all the way to the ground and is badly injured. So then she’s all “well I better call the most competent person I can think of to fix this mess” and dials up YAOYOROZU FUCKING MOMO, who proceeds to take charge LIKE THE BOSS SHE IS, and mobilizes the rest of the kids. And honestly I have more faith in them than in any of the adults at this point, so yeah, you know what? Let’s do this.
so I am possibly a bit spoiled on this chapter because I did a “top five predictions” post earlier this week, and someone replied to that yesterday on Thursday saying that they were mostly correct. I don’t know exactly how close to the mark I was though, and in any case most of the predictions were just “so-and-so shows up, probably”, so it’s not too bad. we’ll see how it goes!
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I mean, CLEARLY they’re all about to be in horrible danger, seeing as Jirou is about to inform them of the whole “THE BIG GUY EVERYONE WAS AFRAID ABOUT WAKING UP WOKE UP” thing, but in the meantime at least Kami and Toadette and Honenuki made it back to the group safely
also Kaminari’s use of “Jirou-Jack” here is fucking inspired and I want him to teach a class on nicknames. isn’t he the one who coined “Yaomomo” as well? this boy has a gift and it needs to be appreciated
so Jirou is all “SOMETHING REALLY BIG IS COMING”, and actually she says “INSANELY HUGE”, which if anything is still an understatement, hard as it is to believe
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“A BAD GUY IS HEADING THIS WAY?? SOUNDS LIKE IT’S TIME TO ABANDON THE CHILDREN IN THE WOODS” kjlfakh okay you know what?? fine!! you weren’t even going to do anything anyway so let’s not pretend!!
holy shit it’s like Mt. Lady isn’t even there
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look at those speed lines!! goddamn. I just felt this huge rush of empathy for Mt. Lady though. like can you imagine growing up with this super-destructive quirk, and managing to become a hero with it against all odds, and having to put up with the manga making fun of you all the time just because sometimes you have a tendency to DESTROY A LOT OF STUFF, but it’s not like you can help it!! but the upside has always been that when your quirk is on, you are fucking UNSTOPPABLE though. so even though it’s been a hell of a rough ride for you, it’s worth it because you’re a complete badass and the number of people who can beat you out in terms of sheer physical strength is probably in the single digits. and you’re working really hard too, and lately you’ve been moving up through the ranks and actually becoming a damn fine hero if I do say so myself (and I do), and it’s like, about time though?? like finally, finally it is all starting to come together for you. and then this snarling trashrock person suddenly comes stampeding along and you put your all into trying to stop him, and it doesn’t even do a damn thing. like, holy shit. that’s just not fucking fair and YOU DESERVE BETTER, MT. LADY
anyway so she’s still hanging in there for now though so let’s check in with our villain squad riding on his back
lmaooo they’re all “I don’t even understand what is going on here”
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YOU GUYS, THIS IMPLIES THAT THEY WERE ALL PLUCKED OFF THE GROUND BY THE SCRUFFS OF THEIR NECKS AND THEY HAD ABSOLUTELY NO SAY IN THE MATTER OMG. like I’m picturing Spinner being held by his cape pinched in between Machia’s thumb and forefinger, and awkwardly trying to lecture him like a mom with his hands on his hips all, “BAD GIGANTOMACHIA! NO! NOOOUAGH -- !” and cutting off with a yelp as he’s dropped onto his back
and I am glad they got Toga some clothes! I like to think Gigantomachia grabbed those for her as well. so thoughtful
wow Skeptic actually wants to go back to Re-Destro??
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color me legit impressed. I underestimated your loyalty my dude. and let me also just take this moment to extend my gratitude toward Horikoshi for leaving the rest of the MLA out of it because good fucking riddance to them, goodbye forever hopefully!!
I guess they’ll be needing Skeptic’s quirk down the line for some reason? maybe he is meant to be like a new, less out-of-control Twice. smdh y’all out here trying to replace your dead buddy like a pet goldfish
who is this “they” Dabi is referring to
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do you mean the heroes? lol yeah I guess they’re pretty distracted by the literal fucking kaijuu you’re currently piggybacking on
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“the Jakku team must’ve made a mistake” BOY, I’LL SAY. you know what, don’t even talk to me about that yet. it’s still too fresh. suffice it to say that your suspicions are correct and things in Jakku are not very daijobu right about now
anyway here’s a closeup of this bubble person just cuz
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they are everything and I want them to be my friend. also there’s a squid person a few paces behind them who can probably do anything a squid can do. or they might actually be a shark person, actually. I don’t know. either way I love them
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1) hey so Cementoss is legit terrifying who’d’ve thought
and 2), did Cementoss always have a mouthful of gigantic perfect teeth each the size of a slice of bread, or is this just something I’m only noticing now because I’m behind the curve. either way, let me just say sincerely, DKJDLKFJLSKJG
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@waywardfacegarden​ you asked the other day which are the characters I actually dislike, and this is one of them lol. he’s just a big ol’ prick, and on top of that has the audacity to not even be interesting in any way so as to balance it out. anyway so apologies to any Re-Destro stans out there but I basically spend every panel he’s in hoping that someone will punch him in the face hard enough to finally make him shut up
anyway so my man Edgeshot is here though, finally!! but of all the people for him to fight! this is a real predicament for me. the most soothing character in the series contrasted with the character who grates my nerves the most. Edgeshot’s sexy ASMR voice is gonna be drowned out by all of RD’s punching and self-important ranting in the anime and I’m lowkey devastated but I’m gonna pull myself together and read on
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Edge, if you can liberate us from having to put up with his insufferable ass once and for all I will be so grateful to you. can you do this. please. for me
and it looks like some other boring MLA villains are following along behind Machia so I’m gonna need someone to kick their asses as well. please
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okay so now I see what that comment on my prediction post was referring to lol. I did indeed have my fingers crossed that these two would show up again, and sure enough! THE GANG’S ALL HERE YAY
and Mt. Lady is being sumoed aside!
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anyone want tonight’s lotto numbers. during this brief fleeting moment of having my predictions be actually credible, I would just like to say that Hagakure is the U.A. traitor. thank you and goodnight
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HE LOOKS SO PANICKED?? OUT OF THE BLUE I SHIP IT SO MUCH?? I keep forgetting they’re on the same team and stuff and wow, I need to calm down
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I wonder if her quirk will actually be enough to take him down? this is something I’ve been itching to see for a long time, actually. just how powerful is she? we know her quirk is more effective on males than females, but is anyone actually capable of resisting it? imagine if she really did just knock Gigantomachia out after all of this buildup. that would be some god-tier shit omg, DO IT
(ETA: I am just going to assume that since Horikoshi had to go to elaborate lengths to take her out of the fight, this means that her quirk really was capable of knocking them all out. another tragic case of Too Badass For The Plot. y’all better respect Midnight.)
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is she stripping. you know what -- don’t think about it. I won’t let you ruin this for me Horikoshi. Midnight’s gonna be a badass because the ladies are fucking ruling this arc and that’s all there is to it
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oh thank god, she’s all right. BUT KAMUI ISN’T THOUGH DLKJSFLKSJDG??!
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did Kamui Woods just... die
(ETA: okay but for real, is there an actual curse in effect on the Billboard Top Ten right now, though?? did one of them accidentally disturb the tomb of some ancient king??)
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( ・ั﹏・ั)
oH MY GOD!?!
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(ETA: Horikoshi is seriously just yanking our chain at this point. when Majestic finally does show up, he or she better have the coolest fucking quirk of all time, that’s all I’m saying.)
okay how badly injured is Midnight here, though?? she just fell all that way?? DO I NEED TO BE REALLY MAD. I CAN WORK MY WAY UP TO IT PRETTY QUICKLY, JUST SAY THE WORD. I’M ALREADY HALFWAY THERE HONESTLY. WHERE’S KAMUI WOODS
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holy shit. “a quirk that can stop that thing,” she says. and goes and calls YAOYOROZU FUCKING MOMO y’all I am barely holding myself back from SCREAMING right now I...
you guys
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you guys. if Midnight and Yaomomo team up to take down Gigantofuckingmachia using some sort of MOMO MADE A MACHINE TO SPREAD MIDNIGHT’S QUIRK strategy, or whatnot?? I will fucking die on the spot. you can end the manga right there. Kacchan you can keep your quirk I don’t even care
“IT MIGHT BE AGAINST THE LAW” lmaooooo insert John Mulaney “WE’RE WELL PAST THAT” gif here. holy shit. listen, that is fine. if anything it’s even better
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(((( ;°Д°))))
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[GRABS HORIKOSHI BY THE COLLAR] listen, you. if you only just now, for the first time ever, gave us a lady hero actually mentoring another lady hero, which we have somehow NEVER HAD BEFORE in almost three hundred chapters, only for you to then KILL OFF THE MENTOR IN THE MIDDLE OF HER GODDAMN SPEECH TO THE MENTOREE, I will... there’s... I’ll... okay, listen. DON’T. THERE WILL BE A RECKONING. CAPSLOCK SUCH AS THIS WORLD HAS NEVER WITNESSED!!
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so the other kids are all “what the fuck” and “so Momo’s in charge??” which, YES!!! IT’S THE ONE GOOD PART ABOUT ALL THIS SO DON’T YOU DARE QUESTION IT
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hell, it’s not even just an “I believe in you” thing, because it’s not just belief, it’s fact. you motherfucking can do this, you are the most capable and brilliant student in 1-A, you just gotta have faith and let yourself shine!!
so now there are some more panels of Machia running and the villains and heroes fighting, blah blah blah. and Momo screwing up her face as she makes her decision...
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lol she’s all “Jirou use your ears and scientifically calculate how long it’ll take him to get here”, and Jirou is all “I can literally fucking see him, he’s gonna be on top of us in like two seconds” WELL OKAY THEN
thank god there are no adult pros left to fuck this up. is that weird that this is a real and honest and completely sincere thought that just ran through my head? like, at this point if any of the adults were around I’d just be afraid of them dying honestly. but with the kids I actually feel real hope that they’re somehow gonna do this. of course it helps that unlike the adults they’re pretty safe from being killed off
also! way to represent the entirety of class 1-B there Honenuki lulz. sorry, The Rest of Class 1-B
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lmao at Shouji using his power of “putting some extra eyeballs on my arms” to inform everyone that Gigantomachia is Right Over There and Very Big
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good job Shouji
oh my glob I have so much love for Momo right now that it can’t even fucking be contained. brb wildly flailing my hands around a little to try and release some of this excess excitement
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maybe Momo can be president instead and Mt. Lady can be the vice president
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Kaminari is so fucking brave right now I just want to crush him in a hug?! we know he’s still scared!! look at his eyes!! and he was freaking the hell out earlier too, and now the situation is much worse! but he doesn’t give a fuck because his friends need him! he is ready to be a hero, my little baby boy is all grown up and I’m so proud??
Mineta’s face in the bottom right corner is everything. I know, I know, boooo Mineta, but that’s still the best face anyone has made in the entirety of this manga
Tetsutetsu’s out here all “I humbly request to also represent class 1-B” and Momo is all “okay fine I guess we can have two of you guys”
can we all just stop for a moment to appreciate how KamiJirouMomo is alive and well. like, we had interactions between all three of them in this chapter, in all possible permutations? do you know how happy this makes me?? I am vibrating with joy??!
I really can’t stress this enough -- I have no clue at all what these little soda can things are (anesthetic, I guess??? you know, like how you sometimes buy cans of anesthetic at the supermarket?? what do you mean you don’t do that??), or what they’re gonna do with them. I have like negative clues. but DAMNED IF I GIVE ONE SINGLE FUCK. the next chapter can be them all fucking hurling them at his face for all I care. THE DETAILS OF HOW SHE KICKS HIS ASS DO NOT MATTER!! GOOD MORNING TO YAOMOMO AND YAOMOMO ONLY!! MY MOMO ACADEMIA
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bigskydreaming · 5 years
So it took interest rates that were like WE OWN UR SOUL NOW U FOOL HAHA TWILL BE OURS FOREVER, but joke’s on them lol like I never use that thing anyway. But I got the personal loan for $10K in the end after like a month of searching but who knew that obsessively raising my credit score for a year by like....occasionally chilling all night in an IHOP rather than use a credit card too much on a room would like....pay off with a credit score that actually is useful to me in a way that means I don’t even care right now that hahaha credit scores are just pointless imaginary numbers that really only exist because capitalism’s a dick?
Look I’m allowed to be a hypocrite for three weeks let me have this, I promise I’ll go back to ranting about people selling their souls for the sake of strings of binary code on a computer screen, like just cuz I wasn’t using mine doesn’t mean other ppl don’t want theirs.
Because oh yeah so I was like gimme the loan plz and they were like ugh fine and I somehow got my credit card companies to raise my limits because I’ve had them for over a year now and I honestly couldn’t even tell you how I convinced them to do that like did I haggle did I beg did I put out, who knows, it’s been a very long and strange and sleep deprived month and that’s on top of a long, strange, sleep-deprives two years. Point is between raising my limits on those two, the loan of DOOM and getting a CareCredit card with the remaining credit left to me or before the latter realized I’d just massively dinged my credit cuz the raised limits and loan hadn’t been reported yet, I came up with the $12400. Like again most of that is in the form of imaginary money that I’ll probably spend years paying out of future paychecks so if anyone wants to go ahead and put The Revolution on the books for like, say October, that would actually really work for me. I’d even be all pumped and full of rest and vigor and extra fightey and like, you know how fightey I usually am to begin with I’m just saying....
So now I am literally just waiting for my loan check to clear in my bank account cuz my doctor doesn’t accept checks. Second it does, probably Monday, I’ll go down to my doctors office, pay the $6200 upfront and finish the insurance paperwork for them to submit the claim for the insurance company’s part of it, and they can officially schedule my surgery, possibly in as little as three weeks??!!
Which is absolutely surreal to me, like after literal years of treading water and setbacks and everything dragging out endlessly and he’ll even just yesterday, it’s utterly bizarre finishing my stuff at my bank and doctor’s this morning and hearing how matter of fact they all are about how quickly things could happen now and like. Finally be over. Or like, start lol in the sense of holy shit I could actually maybe have an actual life again.
They can’t confirm a date until my first payment is processed, only then does she officially put me on the books at Cedar Sinai when they can get me into an open OR, but it hopefully could be the 20th. She’s already got another surgery scheduled for that day and an OR booked for it with potential slots before and after it but I can’t count on the 20th as a given just yet. Could still be one, two or even three weeks after that before they actually fit me in, so I’m trying not to set my thoughts and hopes too much on that three weeks from now appointment but that’s easier said than done. LOL.
But whenever it’s actually set for, I go in the day of, pay the second half of the payment, and the surgery takes a few hours but they send me home the same day. My high school friend from San Diego hopefully is going to be able to take enough time off to look out for me while I recover, we’ve been tentatively planning for that for most of a year but couldn’t guarantee anything with her work until we had actual dates which I mean we still don’t technically have. But my jaw will be wired shut for ten days so there’s no way I can manage on my own, esp the way I’ve been getting by day-to-day, and I’ll be on a liquid diet and having to drink everything through a special straw and stuff and completely unable to talk the whole time and oh yeah also apparently in agonizing pain that I’ve been extensively warned could put anything I’ve experienced thus far to shame, so I’m really REALLY looking forward to that part lol. Currently pondering the viability of just knocking myself unconscious every day. We’ll see how it goes.
But after that I go back in ten days later and they unwire my jaw, check that everything looks okay and I’m healing the way I’m supposed to, and I have two weeks of physical therapy and....that’s it. It’s over. I’m just. I’m just leaving that right there for now because I honestly don’t even know what to do with that thought after all this time, it’s. Like I can’t quite wrap my head around it and even really picture how that works. Idk my brain just fizzes out and it’s like wait, are you sure, that doesn’t sound right.
But like I made them go over it multiple times to make sure I wasn’t missing anything or understanding it wrong or whatever, like my doctor was this combination of kinda amused but also exasperated when I finally stopped asking to go over it all again. LOL look I just really really really needed to be sure there wasn’t something else involved that like I was supposed to already know or have been told by someone else, I don’t know okay? Anyone who’s been following me the last couple years knows that this isn’t how this sort of things go, they’re supposed to get my hopes up and then tell me they have no clue what’s wrong or send me off to someone else or tell me oh yeah you also need another thirty thousand and an MRI and some headgear that’s like made of platinum, but we just thought you already knew that. LOL.
But. I mean. Yeah. That’s it. I checked. A lot. Theoretically though unless there’s some new bizarre development in which case I will most likely detach my spirit from my body and evolve into my ultimate great rage power Digimon form, AreYouFreakingKiddingMeMon, and go like, fight god or the physical embodiment of the universe or whatever like I keep threatening....like, that really is what’s left. And then it’s all over. My jaw should by all accounts be restored to its full functionality from before all this. No more pain, no more eternal headache, no vertigo, blind-outs, no problems eating any particular food or swallowing or 45 degree slope to my lower jaw, none of the shit that’s been my day to day existence for well. Years. LOL.
Yeah. Really don’t know what to do with that yet. I just. Can’t. Haha.
Anyway, as I’ve said before, I literally couldn’t have made it to this point without the support of people here, both emotionally and financially. I hate to ask it because you’ve helped so much already, but I’m definitely going to have to ask for your help a little longer, there’s just no way around it. I am completely wiped and tbh overwhelmed so I’m probably going to try and sleep the rest of the day - I was pretty much up all night, unable to sleep while I waited to hear back on all this.
Then when my head’s fully processing things again and not friztzing our because I’ve forgotten how to process good news, lol, I’ll probably be putting together a post asking for your help paying my insurance premiums one last time, and on Monday or once I get the official set in stone date for my surgery I’ll be doing another, basically begging you guys to help keep me afloat the hopefully no more than three weeks til then.
I really really hate having to do that when I know you all have helped and given so much already, and it’ll literally be nothing more than my basic expenses of motel room and food, I don’t need anything beyond that, but I truly don’t see anyway around it. I exhausted every possible avenue available for me to try with my credit in order to get this loan and raise my limits enough, and I milked every cent I could out of those. There’s just no more money to be pulled out of any of that, it took everything I had to get what I needed for the surgery. And I’m afraid of the very real possibility that if I don’t ask for this help because of pride or because of how much I’ve asked for already, I’ll end up using one of my credit cards to pay for my room and such and end up stuck without enough money at hand to cover the second half payment on my day of surgery and I truly literally can not afford that. I have no idea what will happen with my insurance if I have to reschedule, how long it would take to reschedule, etc.
And the other side of this is there’s really not a whole lot left I can do for work at the moment. I’ve finished off all my existing projects except for one last cover and they already paid for it in advance. I honestly don’t know that I could take on new jobs if it ends up with my surgery on the 20th in just three weeks. Searching for more jobs and clients has become more and more time consuming these past months as is, and the simple truth is I couldn’t in good conscience or in honesty guarantee any new clients that I could finish their job in that time frame. Not with my present state physically and mentally and the uncertainty of my day to day expenses and stress about potential complications hanging over my head and not, truthfully, mixing all that well with my pre-existing mental health conditions lol. And yeah, if I can’t guarantee getting any new projects done in three weeks, I can’t afford to take them on for any potential client’s sake, not to mention the sake of my professional reputation, which I will really need to be, y’know, intact, in order to rebuild my life basically from the ground up, once my previous physicality and quality of life comes back after my surgery and recovery (knock on wood). With at least two or three weeks of recovery after the surgery even assuming it goes well and has no other complications, that’s way too much time to leave clients hanging and not be available to address any needs, concerns, revisions, etc. Especially if they’re not returning clients but brand new ones.
So yeah, as much as I would love to not have to ask for any more help than I already have and have been given, I sincerely just don’t see any alternatives that don’t jeopardize or risk wasting all the help I’ve already been given. You know I am fully aware of just how much that is and what its cost some of you, and I already could never repay you for this, not even in terms of just the money itself, but the fact that I know some of you have given at your own very real expense, sending me money that you really could have used yourself, that wasn’t any kind of surplus. I am already beyond grateful and humbled and overwhelmed how many of you have stepped forward to help me in ways that even though I’m older than many of you, I honestly have no precedent for, in ways and to an extent I’ve never received help or support from family. So I just needed to say that again, because I have not asked for any of this lightly, and I don’t now either. Really, really thank you. I’m not exaggerating or being dramatic or hyperbolic or silly for a change, when I say you guys most likely saved my life. Its simple fact. Hell, I was genuinely hours away from sleeping outside freezing my ass off in December, that first time I posted asking for help and you guys came through for me. So, yeah. I will never ever forget this, and never ever be able to give back as much as I’ve been given these past few months, though I will always do my best to pay it forward.
I’m going to go ahead and leave my paypal link here anyway, though I’ll be making those two additional posts tomorrow and next week, as I said. Aiming to keep them shorter than this, well, shorter than any of my posts, really, as shorter posts really just get more traction and I’ll need that. I can always link to the longer explanations of my situation for those wanting to know more.
Again, thank you all more than I can figure out how to put into words. I’m finally. Fuck. LOL. Sorry, I’m being very umm, sentimental over here but like its your fault I’m overwhelmed lol, like omg you guys, you can’t just throw love and affection and support at a guy with so much childhood traaaaaaaaauma, his brain doesn’t know how to handle it, look, you broke him. Are you happy? You broke his brain machine.
Okay cool, we’re back to inanity and obnoxious humor as an overcompensating self-defense mechanism, whew, everything’s normal, everyone can relax. LOL. Anyway, I’m gonna shut up now and go try and get some rest. Just know that I’m doing so feeling way more....hopeful? Optimistic? Faith-in-humanity-and-goodwill-and-community-ey? Than I have in years.
....the fact that I don’t even know what I’m feeling right now is called probably tells you all you need to know about me, huh? LMFAO God I’m so messed up lol. But whatever. Still alive and kicking. So. Y’know. There’s always that.
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survivormontenegro · 5 years
Episode 3: "This is a lying game. You have to be good at lying." - Michael
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It’s sad bitch hours with your boy skinny penis!!!!!!!! Uhm I’m not in a good position I don’t think KSKSKSKSKSKSK Alex told me he, Caeleb, Evan, Jules, and JJ all have a 5 person alliance possibly forming,,, and if you do the math that’s 3/4 of the brigade,,,,, yk,, the one with Jules, JJ, Alex and some irrelevant bitch named ME!!!! Alex is reassuring me saying it’s all for the brigade, but I’m waiting for Jules or JJ to say something about it, or else I’m not gonna feel so good yk??? Like if it’s for the brigade then you should feel comfortable w telling me about it,, like basically all this is telling me is that I’m the most expendable member of the alliance but I die gress,,,,,, Speaking of the brigade idk how I feel about the brigade strategy ? I just feel like there are a lot of moving parts to it, and it lowkey feels like a selfish excuse to have more allies for yourself JSJDJSJSJJSSKS like,,, idk, plus I feel like there are more chances for flipping and I’m like blehhhhh. It’s dumb. Everything’s dumb. I’m dumb. I flopped in the bridge. I’m soooo dumb. Pls destroy me. I’m probs fonna throw this immunity to JJ bc WHILE I LOVE alex’s joking remark about blindsiding him at 18th, I feel like if I try and set it up for a JJ win then it’ll seem like he’s good w everyone and put a target on his back,,, idk!!! Idk. I just want some form of power. I’m hungry. Gimme gimme.
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Omg me and Ali are SOOO close to the idol....!!!! unless its already been taken ugh but I was like almost there today but fell at 90 so he will prob get it which is cool better than anyone else !! altho would still be nice to have it hehe . tho knowing my idol history of wasting and being blindsided with it.. .maybe its for the best not for me to have it LOL
So its kinda awk last round I voted Noah I think most people did so now idek what to say to him ahhh . and now its a double tribal soo hopefully its just a repeat but. after this its prob a swap which is scary but I hope I atleast end up with ali or mitch or even jared, and from the other side my queen willow
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omg Reuben "sandwich" Studdard, american idol season two WINNER helped me get that IDOL
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We shockingly won immunity wow!! That at least saved us from going to tribal and kinda spared Noah if everyone was telling the truth to me before the results.
Then here comes double tribal and first of, it’s good we won immunity on the previous round because the double tribal is screaming a swap next and all tribes will probs be equal in og tribe member numbers. Secondly, if everyone is still in the same page then the target is still Noah.
Honestly tho, I kinda want to target Michael just cuz he threw my name out to Julia. But it’s difficult to go against the consensus even more so because of this twist.
Right now, I’m in an alliance with Jason and Julia which I’m gonna be loyal to. I’ve also got this thing going with Jared where we share information and I think he has something going with Michael? I’m also working my relationship with Ali and Benj, so I’m gonna keep them in my back pocket for now. I’m also a bit close with Mitch. That only leaves Michael and Noah as the people I haven’t really connected with. I mean did talk with Michael about academic and stuff but it’s still hard talking to him hahahaha. Talking to Noah is fine but like from what I’m getting he is the next to go, mainly because Jared and Michael were I think the ones who threw his name out among the others including to me, so it’s hard to become invested to talking to him :((
I’m trying to cover all my bases here, and not be a so oblivious on what’s happening in my tribe. Nicole G is my spirit animal!
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me: I should at least try and keep this idol a secret
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okay so.... its paranoia o'clock and julia is who the clock struck on.
"i think a couple others might put me as 1"
this is what she said when i told her i was putting her top of my list. this is freaking me out, because a) this means others think she is their top ally b) its just.... what? like... julia is obviously connected and this freaks me out.
in other news, my list for the challenge is probs gonna be this: julia > jared > ian > benj > mitch > jason > michael > noah
julia because she is my ally, jared/benj in 2nd and 4th because that is our plan, ian high because king, mitch/jason middle because kings, and then michael and noah because they are my biggest worries.
i think some shenanigans could happen with this challenge and a twist or something, i don't really know what to think. i don't think i want to win, i feel like i've already got a lot of attention from doing good in challenges, if i win this one thats going to get me even more unwanted attention.
but ya, so otherwise... benj is such a king, he is playing the kind of game (at least I think) that i always want to... just super social and nice, and like lowkey strategic. i think earlier on, i made jason my winner pick, i think he might be a lil' bit too inactive, i think i'm feeling ian or benj as a winner pick now. its defo not gonna be me, have you ever SEEN me play, i'm a whole mess.
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okay so... nancy drew hat is on and i'm onto the biggest threat on our tribe. its Ian.
here is the evidence, it comes from two people who freak me out on this tribe. julia and jared.
STAGE 1: Jared sending his list (a choice...?)
This is apparently Jared's list. 1. Ian 2. Ben 3. Jason 4. Ali 5. Michael 6. Julia 7. Mitch 8. Noah
Couple of interesting things here. Jason is high, Ian is VERY high and Julia is low. Already my radar is ping-ping-pinging about Ian being high, because he has been on my radar before, he hasn't got far in games before by fluke, he is smart. Also, I've been feeling for a while (and have been talking to Benj about this), that Jared has other allies, other people he is working with (he is evidently playing multiple sides, but he is obvious so i'm not as fussed). Anyway, so Jared I've felt has been playing other angles, and now Ian is his top choice!
I think I did a smart today too. My 2nd/4th strategy. What it was, was for me/Benj/Jared to put each other 2nd and 4th on our lists, to not sabotage each others' chances of winning, but also not give away our alliance. It had two additional purposes, to allow me to put someone else 1st to build trust, and to see who they put first. Jared put Ian. which... is very interesting. very very interesting. This ties into theory #2
STAGE 2: Julia says Mitch is targeting her....
"Hello!!" - from Ian, at 00:41 "ummm mitch is throwing my name out" - from Julia, at 00:47
okay so this solidifies to me that Ian is defo playing SO smart. When I told Julia she was top of my list, she was.. notably quiet about where I am on hers. And like... i dont care jkalsfda, i don't want to win. But it means, in the very least someone else is first. So with that said, the question is a) who is top b) who told her about mitch. Now I had no idea Mitch was targetting Julia, I think its a dumb, dumb move, since his name has already been thrown out there versus Noah, so he needs to... play a whole lot smarter. But... someone obviously told Julia, and I know it wasn't me, it wasn't Benj (he likes Mitch). I am just now realising as I type this that Jared had Julia about Mitch on his list, so he couldve told her, but I am thinking it was Ian.
I was talking to Julia before her saying Mitch was targeting her. Its only when Ian came online that she knows this? I think Ian is working with everyone, playing it super super smart. I think he is playing all sides, but less blatantly than Jared.
STAGE 3: What the frick-a-frack do I do about this?
Okay so.... an important preface is that... I could be totally, totally misreading the situation. But I have felt since the start that Ian is a better player than he was letting on. But what do I do about it?  Well for starters, I need to look at numbers I know I have. Benj/Jared/Mitch I think are all in my corner, Michael/Jason I could hopefully swing, and Julia is tight with me, Noah.... Noah is tough because he trusts me but also... we like all voted him out last round so we will see what to do about that pickle. So I don't think Ian can make a move on me if he wanted to, and I can't make a move on him.
so we wait. I'm keeping Ian 3rd on my list, because I really really want to keep an eye on him, and wanna get in close. keep your friends close (benj/julia) and your enemies closer (ian). I love Ian, he is a real king, but I'm onto his winner shenanigans, and is he going to march to the end unopposed? Well...
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okay hey freaks. my tribe? decided to all snort from the collective crack pile in the middle and lose their HEADS and its unacceptable. UNACCEPTABLE.
first off, my cracked tin foil ian conspiracy? was CORRECT. benj also trusts ian! ian is playing EVERYONE, I'm on to him and I hope this challenge exposes him! I am ONTO YOU IAN! YOUR TRICKS HAVE BEEN OBSERVED.
in other news? budva tribe has lost their ENTIRE minds, and if we go to a double tribal with durmitor? we are going to fracture faster than you can say '18' (coincidentally also the placement i'm getting).
Here is the break down. Noah told Julia that Mitch threw her under the bus, and Noah wants to work with me & Julia. WHICH CRAP, I do not wanna work with Noah because I already voted for him. And in the grand scheme of things, having voted them out is an exceptionally poor foundation for an alliance.
If Mitch seriously threw out Julia's name to Noah, he is exceptionally foolish. WHY. he has already almost been the vote twice, he needs to just NOT AJKLDFASF. i just.... my tribe is driving me absolutely insane. Jared actually is like... back on this planet and being less scary, but Michael is off recharging in his robo-station and GONE, mitch/noah are losing their minds, Julia is leading charges and Ian is playing TOO WELL.
honeslee if its a combined tribal, budva is going to literally explode. explode.
i want to work with noah if he wants to work with me.... but i literally voted for him, how do I get back from that JKLASD. I also want to work with Mitch but he NEEDS to control his mouth, its causing problems. i just want everyone out except benj/jared/julia/jason, the other 4 can go BYEBYE.
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So apparently Mitch leaked the vote to Noah and was attempting  to vote out Julia. So I talked to Ali, benj, Ian, and Noah about it and we are all voting Mitch. Depending on what happens at immunity 
(Continued) Mich and Michael were gunning for me??! RED ALERTT RED ALERT WEEEEE WOOOOOO WEEE WOOOOOOOO. Luckly I gathered the forces and we had the majority to vote Mitch. I might have managed to convince Michael to vote Mitch (maybe not? We will see tomorrow) but he doesn't trust me. Womp womp. I mean Michael was not in my immediate line of threats so I don't know why he wouldn't trust me. I guess we don't talk much but it seems like I always have to talk him, it's not reciprocal. 
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Okay so it has honestly been a roller coaster.
Following Madeleine's vote I thought that I was going to be in a FABULOUS position, but that was not the case.
Most of the tribe went fucking silent on me. That round brought me to a whole new level of frustration that I can't even DESCRIBE. I was freaking out because I genuinely felt like I was just getting iced out and was going to be eliminated.
As soon as that round from Hell was over, I felt the need to act quickly and harshly to try to improve my position in the game. I took a major gamble by creating 100% false rumor (there wasn't even the slightest bit of truth to it), and took it to Julia. I told her that Mitch had been talking about targeting her to me. Now this was a huge risk because she could've sniffed me out right away, but luckily for me she's kind of nutty and bought it.
With that lie I essentially destroyed whatever alliance Julia and Mitch had. In the process I managed to A) Make Julia feel like she can really trust me to have her back, and B) Increased Mitch's already sizable target to decrease the odds of people coming after me.
I further pushed Mitch's game down the drain by stroking Jared's paranoia that Mitch is plotting against him, but in this case I was actually telling the truth because the truth could be used to my benefit.
So I really have two major goals that I would like to complete within the next 24 hours; 1) Solidify a F3 alliance with Julia & Ali. 2) Send Mitch home.
I suspect that we're going to see a tribe swap after this vote, but just in case we don't swap that soon, I'm already planting VERY subtle, small seeds in people's heads that Matthew should be the next one to go following Mitch.
Overall, the twists being thrown at us early on this season have really forced me to take a much more aggressive, offensive battle strategy. I've essentially found myself in a position where the best way for me to ensure my own survival is to jump on any opportunity to turn my tribemates against eachother.
My hope is that if there IS a tribe swap, it'll benefit me and put me in a more comfortable position where I can lower my profile a bit and stay more under the radar. Obviously it's great to make moves and have some control in the game, but I also know from experience that playing too aggressively for too long is the best way to set myself up to crash and burn.
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Literally people are telling me they’re putting me first on their list ahsjdjsjs ok folks assuming y’all aren’t lying immunity could work!!
The scoop that just came in this morning is apparently Mitch is being one hot mess? Julia told us that Mitch threw her name as a target and then Jared told me Mitch leaked to Noah that he was getting wacked had we lose the puzzles challenge. Naturally this made things quite difficult because Noah was obviously the easy vote but here comes Mitch making a mess out of things.
This morning made me realize that Jared is dangerous. He is calling the shots and I won’t be surprised if he actually faked all this information about Mitch being a mess because he did wanted to go after Mitch the previous round before we all decided with Noah. My alliance with Jason and Julia better keep an eye on him. As much as dangerous Jared is, he still trusts me with information so I ain’t getting rid of him yet, contrary to what our friendly neighbourhood robot/Michael is concocting. Jason told us that Michael wants to make a move against Jared now, and uh no I don’t take orders from a robot and he would just replace Jared with himself as the so called king pin of Budva. I’m gonna relay this info of Michael targeting Jared on the wraps until the time to take out Michael presents itself because bringing my name up will get ur ass burnt!! Assuming there ain’t a swap incoming which the likelihood of a swap occurring is VERY.
Julia told me and Jason she’s already in the 60’s on the bridge and me and Jason are here in the 20’s like ok.
I’m also becoming very close with Ali and Benj. right they’re my back up if we do swap and I’m separated from Julia and Jason.
So in summary of this little rant, the targets are Mitch and Noah. Mitch is the more likely to being the one getting whacked and although I do like the guy, him being messy and with the potential of going rogue is a big liability. Although Noah can also go rouge but at least he ain’t messy!!
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okay so confession time, since its looking like the vote is kind of finalising.
its looking like mitch, and he is such a king, but he also like... kind of did this to himself? i can kind of understand why he did, like he was the Plan B for both of our previous tribals (even though he was never in jeopardy), but like... particularly since i think its kind of obvious we are swapping after this double tribal, he only needed to ride out one more tribal.
but he just did so so much, like first he threw Julia under the bus to Noah and then with Michael started targeting Jared. Like that just isn't smart, like going to the person who was the other potential vote, to throw people under the bus. Noah I'm sure wants to elevate his own standing, and Mitch literally gave him the ammunition to do so?
also like Jared and Julia are maybe two of the louder personalities on our tribe? Like if he wants an easy target to divert attention off himself, Julia apparently isn't great socially, but also like.. its obvious she was going to be able to rally support for herself, as is Jared?!? Like I get Jared is a threat, he is doing a lot and very clearly at that, but a big move like this while maybe justifiable at merge, is just way too early.
so yeah, at the moment I think Mitch will go 7-2, because I could see at least one of Benj or Michael throwing him a pity vote. I really wanted to work with Mitch, but he would just do... too much, like people were mad at him for his weird feud with Madeline, and like... he just needed to take it easy.
for the swap, i'd like to swap onto a tribe with jules, because LEGEND LOVE THEM. i really hope the swap situation is not 4vs4, i want to build trust with the other tribe going into merge. I really hope Thomas doesn't make merge, he makes me SOOOOO nervous.
also idk if i ever confessed about this, but rip david robb. to reuse an emathia joke (a season he will not remember), david robb-ed.
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I’m voting for Willow, and I feel awful because she’s a really sweet girl. But the brigade has to stick to its guns. Willow is the only person excluded from our brigade plan, and especially with a supposed tribe swap coming soon, we need to keep the eight of us as tight as we can be.
Sorry Willow!
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so this round has been an absolute cluster fuck and im really emotionally drained because of it. mitch first of all fuck you, you stupid lying ass bitch. you wanted to throw my name under the fucking bus are you fucking kidding me you idiot??? I HAVE BETTER SOCIAL CONNECTIONS RN. I don't even want the damn thought of me leaving rn as an option like are you serious. fuck you!!!! second of all jared is now a target and i'm literally so stressed I cant think straight. but my goal to get mitch out is hopefully gonna work.
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As far as the rest of the game goes, I’m kinda scared and kinda excited by the prospect of being so beloved by everyone in the game. I was talking with Alex, and apparently everyone that he’s talked to in this game has mentioned how much they love me when asked about how they feel about the tribe. While it’s a big change from being voted out 9-1 for being “Hostile and unapproachable”, it’s scary. What if that makes me a big threat? I hope not. My fate in this game most likely rests on loyalty, which isn’t a great standpoint to have in a game like survivor.
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I’m mitch saying he hasn’t heard anything and Then suddenly saying he’s hearing Jared
Boi what should have been an easy vote for Noah has now become a mess of a vote and your probably gonna be the one hit in the crossfire. Assuming the people who I’ve talked to are being truthful.
Meanwhile Julia, Jason and I have more or less come to a consensus to end Mitch with Julia probably earning Michael’s supposed allegiance since I think Michael is pissed that Mitch had become messy so the robot is now prolly voting mitch and Michael is always talking with Julia?? Idk mess
On a different note, I’m really liking Ali. He’s got a great insight on the status of the game rn and he HAS A DOG!!
Wow at me doing more the 2 confessionals
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Shit literally hits the fan when you’re eating breakfast yeah?
Julia crossed the idol bridge only to discover the idol has been found!! Kudos to whoever did that, I only got to 25. Right now everyone is panicking, mitch could have the idol idk Michael could have idol idk
Right now the plan needs to split the vote between Michael and Mitch. I assume none of them won immunity but the idol is still in question. The potential people to be caught in this mess of crossfire will be either mitch, Michael or Jared. It could also be me or it could also be anyone!! Who knows let’s see if I live to tell the tale!!
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this vote is a mess, and... i am the cause of it KJLSADFAF.
so julia has learnt that the idol has been found, she told jared, who told... literally everyone JKNLASDFASF. but i have the idol, but people are kind of assuming either Michael or Mitch does which... works for me KLSDAF.
But of course people (especially Jared) want to split the votes. Which YIKES, the Budva tribe is dead six feet under after this for sure EEEK. Like literally... we as a tribe voted Noah OUT, and he is gonna be so comfortable after this vote he DID THAT WHAT A KING.
but yes I think Budva tribe is not going to be able to stick together long term. Like after this vote, Michael and Jared are gonna be out for blood. Noah can sense sharks in the water after last tribal. I'm also now really hoping for a swap, people want Jared out, and if we don't swap, Jared has DIRT on me and benj which could be really problematic aklsdfa.
yeah i think tonight the plan is to split the votes between michael and mitch to save jared? who people literally want OUT this is such, SUCH a mess. we are about to swap and everything is literally going to explode oh god.
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omg imagine if noah made up all that stuff mitch apparently told him and he caused all this chaos (well except for the idol, that was defo me KALSDFSA). his MIND, noah is flexing that big brain on us lesser mortals.
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my game is over. jared is going and i want to vote him, but also he will just expose our alliance and idk what we do about that EEEEEEEK.
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I swear this is my fucking last confessional for this round. So jared’s messy ass finally caught up to him and now me and my golden girls are flipping the script! If everything goes accordingly jared’s going?? And Noah is the only left out of the loop probs
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okay i'm going to confess as much as i can, as quick as i can. the vote is now jared and benj & i have a really cracked scheme to make sure he doesn't expose us. noah is being left out of the vote. benj is voting mitch too, so it looks like jared has two votes alongside him and thus he doesn't expose me and benj?
ITS CRACKED AND A MESS. also jared going and the mess is good, it made me look like a REAL follower which is good news i think.. i was worried about looking threatening.
honeslee cut to jared winning immunity and this mess being... even messier KASLFSADF like honestly i'm just. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
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also michael truly terrifies me. i'm freaking out about the vote, and he pops in being like 'hear jason out'. LIKE SIRI I KNOW YOU WANT YOUR CHUM MITCH TO STAY, but its VERY unhelpful to just pop in and make it REALLY clear i'm on the outs K;JLSDFA.
i just am so tired. Julia/Benj/Ian are the only ones I trust, Jason too kinda but he defo runs the show. Michael is just confusing and Mitch/Noah are both not gonna trust me after this vote. I'm so getting screwed over in this swap KLASDFSAF I HATEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.
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1 note · View note
because-of-a-friend · 6 years
Time Travel Series Pt. 5
Seungcheol | Jeonghan | Joshua | Jun | Hoshi | Wonwoo | Woozi | DK | Mingyu | Minghao | Seungkwan | Vernon | Dino 
This is SUPER LONG sorry, but please feel free to request things so I know what to write
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-There is no rhyme or reason to Hoshi’s time travelling
-This boy is literally just gonna travel to any time and place that pops into his head
-He literally never thinks before he does it
-He just freaking goes for it
-One time at like three in the morning Hoshi sits up in bed 
-And he’s like “Wow it would be cool to see the pyramids being built”
-Dino is like pretty much asleep next to him
-”Ya hyung, that sounds cool. Maybe tomorrow you can-”
-And Hoshi just jumps back in time
-Dino literally just falls out of the bed from the shock of Hoshi jumping right next to him in the middle of the night
-When Hoshi gets back from seeing the great pyramids it’s morning time 
-Joshua and Jeonghan are just sitting there in their robes with their coffee mugs, tapping their feet angrily and scolding Hoshi like a couple of moms
-But anyways
-Hoshi just time travels on a whim
-He thinks of something he wants to see and he just goes there
-One time he’s sitting in the kitchen, talking to Vernon
-And Vernon is telling him about the little he remembers from New York
-And he mentions Grand Central Station as he stirs his noodles on the stove
-And when he turns around 
-Hoshi is gone
-And Vernon just rolls his eyes
-He just sarcastically calls out to the empty chair where Hoshi was sitting 
-”Cool hyung, thanks for letting me finish my sentence before you time traveled”
-Hoshi, meanwhile, is standing in the middle of the Grand Central Station lobby 
-He’s just looking up at the ceiling in awe
-Not really paying attention
-Neither are you
-Cuz your train was late and now you’re late
-And you’re trying to rush out of the station
-You look at your watch to check the time
-And bam, you have completely run into someone
-And you’re just soooo embarrassed like
-Crap now you have to deal with this 
-And you look down at the person YOU LITERALLY KNOCKED TO THE FLOOR
-You’re expecting to deal with some angry businessman 
-But like
-It’s just this really cute boy 
-He looks really confused for a second and then he looks up at you
-And you’re already like 
-”I’m so so sorry, I should’ve been paying attention, I feel awful”
-And you’re scared that he’s gonna yell at you
-But he just starts laughing
-And you freeze and your heart speeds up
-Cuz his laughter is so beautiful
-So you just slowly lean down and help him up
-He’s just like lol they’re so cute, what are they blushing for
-”It’s totally fine, I wasn’t paying attention either”
-And he’s just smiling at you with that over-the-top, takes-up-his-whole-face smile
-So obviously you’re smiling back 
-”It looks like you’re running late and I don’t want to bother you but, could I get your name? I’m Soonyoung”
-He just kind of nods
-”Well it was nice to meet you, [Y/N], good luck with whatever you’re late for, hopefully I’ll see you around”
-And you just kind of nod and say goodbye and run off
-Hoshi comes back to the dorm in time for Vernon’s noodles to be done
-”Of course you came back in time for the food, hyung”
-*cue another Vernon rant*
-But Hoshi is only half listening 
-He’s kind of out of it and sort of smiling as he serves himself a bowl
-Vernon doesn’t notice until Woozi walks in and points it out
-”Hyung why are you smiling like that?”
-*cue more Vernon sarcasm*
-”He wasn’t listening to me again? Wow. So cool. I just feel so appreciated. I just love that everyone follows along and appreciates everything I say”
-Hoshi just kind of shrugs off the question
-But he’s just smiling and blushing the whole night because he can’t get you out of his head
-And then when he sleeps, you’re in his dream
-Which is cool and all
-But Hoshi?
-He does this really strange thing where he sleep jumps
-Like literally travels time in his sleep
-He’s usually ok
-Aside from the time with the dinosaurs
-And the accidental involvement with that future bank heist 
-DK still hasn’t forgiven him for that
-Or that one time he woke up in a medieval pub and Jeonghan was there and everyone was calling him “Sir John”
-Jeonghan had to beg him not to tell anyone
-Hoshi was like ok, honestly what the fuck, but ok
-So he’s dreaming of you
-And he just happens to travel to your location
-You’re in a little coffee shop
-It’s nighttime and you’re reading a book at a corner table
-And Hoshi just appears in the seat across from you
-He’s immediately awake
-Sees you and blushes harder than he ever has because with just one meeting you already have him crushing hard enough to sleep travel to see you
-You’re not paying attention bc your book
-So when you look up and see Hoshi, you assume he just sat down, not appeared out of thin air
-”Oh hello Soonyoung”
-He jumps when you speak to him cuz he was looking around the coffee shop and trying to think of a way out of there without anyone seeing him in his PJs
-”Oh hi [Y/N]”
-And you’re feeling all warm and fuzzy inside cuz he’s smiling and blushing again
-At that point, Hoshi’s like, well I’m already here
-So he orders coffee 
-You guys start talking
-And since he’s dressed the way he is he really starts to pay attention to your clothes
-”What’s today’s date?”
-”It is March 21st”
-”And the year?”
-”You don’t know what year it is Soonyoung?”
-”I just always get kind of mixed up you know? As soon as I’m finally writing down the correct year, it’s New Years again and I have to get that into my head”
-You laugh a little
-”It’s 1933 Soonyoung”
-”Of course, right”
-He tries not to make it obvious how his heart drops at your answer
-Cuz maybe, just maybe if you were from the present, he could’ve started something with you
-But when he travels specifically for a location he doesn’t always specify a time
-And now he’s just kicking himself for it
-Because you two talk for hours and all he wants is to spend time with you
-But he’s like “No Soonyoung, this is the last time you see them, you’ve got to forget about them so you don’t cause any problems”
-Lol ya right Soonyoung 
-He starts traveling to see you like all the time
-It weirds you out that Hoshi always needs like an exact date and location to meet up... like EXACT
-But at the same time you don’t mind because it gives you the chance to show him your favorite parts of the city and at the best times to see them
-Hoshi doesn’t travel randomly to see cool things anymore
-He just likes going to see you and what you have to show him
-Because talking with you and experiencing things with you makes everything that much better
-So the little bookshop you show him on a random corner is just as cool as seeing the pyramids built because you’re there telling him why you love it so much and how you found it and random stories of times you’ve spent there
-So Hoshi is just living happily going back to see you all the time
-And there’s a voice in the back of his mind that’s warning him that it can’t stay like this forever
-But he just keeps ignoring it
-But then one day
-You two are walking around the city
-Arm in arm
-And everything’s just as fine as usual
-But you manage to run into the one person 
-The only person in the whole of New York City
-That just happened to be in that exact place at that exact time
-The one person that could ruin everything
-It’s Joshua
-And you’re like apologizing to Joshua and trying to pull Hoshi forwards
-But Joshua grabs Hoshi’s arm and just gives him this look
-And he lets go and lets y’all keep walking
-And Hoshi’s heart is just breaking 
-Because he knows what that look means
-He knows what Joshua is gonna say
-”We’re not supposed to make friends in other time periods, we’re not supposed to get involved”
-Joshua is talking to Hoshi later that night in the dorm
-Hoshi is just leaning off the edge of his bed with his head in his hands
-”You need to stop going to see them”
-Hoshi knows Joshua isn’t trying to hurt him
-He knows he’s telling Hoshi to do what’s best for everyone
-Because honestly the more he goes to see you the more hurt both of you will end up when something potentially worse happens
-Joshua is just trying to be a voice of reason
-”Can I at least tell them goodbye?”
-Joshua turns back to face Hoshi
-And he’s ready to put his foot down
-Because yes, the one thing he hates more than anything is hurting his members
-But he needs to be strict to protect not only Hoshi, but you, and everyone else
-But when he turns to tell Hoshi no
-Hoshi is just staring up at him 
-Tears filling up his eyes so much that they’re just spilling out
-And Joshua feels himself start to tear up just looking at him
-”Fine, Soonyoung, but this is the last time”
-Hoshi just nods his head
-Hoshi waits a long time to jump back and say goodbye to you
-Cuz yes he needs to plan what to say
-And yes he needs to be super careful and cautious about everything
-And yes he needs to take a little time to concentrate on the present
-But mostly he’s just stalling 
-But one day he just sighs
-Pulls in this big breath and jumps back in time to see you
-You’re waiting for him as always
-That beautiful smile pulling across your face as you wave at him from across the street
-He tries to smile back
-He tries to smile the whole time he’s with you
-He tries to joke and play
-But he’s not all there
-And of course you notice 
-”Soonyoung what’s wrong”
-No response 
-”Seriously Soonyoung, I can tell that somethings wrong with you, don’t think I don’t-”
-”I’m leaving”
-So Hoshi just tells you that he’s moving away for a job
-He can’t come back
-And you’re just so upset 
-Both of you are on the verge of tears but you’re both trying really hard to be strong for each other
-”I have something else I need to tell you”
-”What’s that Soonyoung?”
-He’s like c’mon Soonyoung don’t be a coward
-He regrets forever that he didn’t actually tell you
-He just pulled you forward and kissed you
-”This won’t be the last time I see you Soonyoung”
-”Yes it is [Y/N]”
-And then he just left
-He’s dying inside after that
-The other boys can tell
-He’s so dismal
-It’s like he lost everything 
-Hoshi just lives on for weeks regretting how everything worked out
-So the boys are also lost
-Because what can they even do to help him
-And then one day at the dorm they get this call
-And Mingyu picks up the phone 
-Everyone just kind of ignores it until 
-”I’m sorry you said you were calling from a nursing home?”
-And everyone’s just kind of looking at each other because none of them have any family in that nursing home
-”They’re asking for who? Soonyoung?”
-Hoshi was confused at best when Dino knocked on his door and told him a resident at a nursing home requested that he visited 
-But Kwon Soonyoung is a good kid and you bet he’s gonna go visit this person
-He gets there and goes to the front desk and tells the lady there his name
-And she’s like “Oh yes, they’re expecting you”
-Hoshi asks her if she knows any reason this person might have asked for him
-”Oh well they’re very old now, they don’t have any family around. The doctors are saying they don’t have much time left at all. We think they might be lonely. They saw you on a TV broadcast one day and immediately requested to see you.”
-And Hoshi is just nodding along
-Wondering who this mystery person is and why they wanted to see him
-The lady knocks on the door before telling Hoshi to go on in
-Hoshi walks inside, see the person on the bed, and freezes 
-He wasn’t sure at first but the framed picture of a couple in New York city in the 1930s on the nightstand was enough to confirm his thoughts
-”You might be the time traveler Kwon Hoshi, but I was the one that was right about seeing you again”
-Your smile was just as beautiful as it had been the last time he saw you
Sorry it was sad and I didn’t warn, pls request things for me to write!!! I’d appreciate it!!! 
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cow3survivor · 3 years
Ep. 2: “I’m Trying To Lay Low” - Jake
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plan worked fabulously purrrrrrrrr
(a little later)
maybe its me being paranoid but why are jake,jones, and lindsay always the last three to leave calls............ when i have a f2 with all of em....
Song of the day is ELVIS by AOA. My favourite workout bop. Silver got voted out! So sad, I wanted to play with him. But also, kinda cool! This is the only game I have played where I truly didn't know anyone (except my very first ORG). What an experience. I know last confessional I said Sam and Shane were both kinda on the fence for me in terms of if I wanted to maybe work with them or not. An update: I think I want to work with both! Both of them, unprompted, told me they wanted to work with me if we lost immunity, and I have actually been getting along well with both of them I feel now that our conversations are moving past the sort of awkward beginning stages. I still like Sammy even though I probably should talk to him more oops... and Daisy/Lovelis/Ethan are also still in my good books. I kind of keep forgetting Pete and Cloud are on this tribe but when I remember, I am happy they are here. That being said, I think Cloud or Madison will be the first to go if we lose. Cloud is very inactive. Madison is too but she was at least on the call tonight. It might come down to how immunity goes. I want to participate because it will bond us as a team. That way even if we lose, I was a part of the team effort and won't stand out as someone who people don't know or want to work with. Also while I personally want Cloud or Madison out as I know them the least, I am not going to push it. I'll let somebody else throw out a name and as long as that name isn't Jessica then I will consider it. I sort of chilled today with the social game and only messaged people as they messaged me. The vibe of this team is very relaxed from what I can tell and I didn't want to overdo it with conversations and come across as too much. Tomorrow, my goal is to talk to every single person for at least 1 (one) whole real conversation. I might have to start using my good ol' tactic of sending people random youtube links and saying "what do you think of this" to get something going.... Honestly nothing starts a conversation like David Hasselhoff and his cinematic masterpieces that we call music videos. I hope the other tribe is full of problems so that when we eventually swap, I have a very easy time in this game.
no recording tonight because i have a headache:( anyways i'm apparently not in as good of a position in the tribe as I was hoping. got left out of a six person group chat bc I was associated w Silver and people were nervous abt this vote w me. Jake luckily looped me in but I'm kind of bummed out people didn't trust me enough to let me in on this. I know it's probably just cuz Silver and I had been getting along alright the past two days but that means I'm in kind of a yucky position in the tribe that is starting to gear me up to a S6 type deal from survivor umich and I'm not fuckin' vibin. I'm gonna try to reach out (Nash appears to be ignoring me currently tho so lol) and try to fix that. I still want to work tight w Jones and Jake but I don't want them to be my only options. I need some more connections than that. ALSO WHEN SILVER DID THE THING MY HEART STOPPED LOL SO THAT MIGHT BE WHY IM BEING IGNORED also "you kept laughing at silver's jokes" was a comment someone leveled at me today and i couldn't find a good way to level and say i laugh at everything because that's how my brain is trained to react to everything. monkey brain cannot comprehend emotions so i laugh everything off. anyways i guess this is my clue i've got to step up. i mean, it's fine if i'm under the radar some because it's not merge yet so like it's fine, but i'm... worried. if nothing else we're even tho bc the galaghers got revealed as well as the six person alliance so we're all even here. bottom line is, i'm winning this fucking scavenger hunt this shit aint happening next week
y'all I'm still shaking from tonight tbh....
Nobody will want to vote me out if I have kittens and share pictures of them muahahahahahahahahahaha
Oh no, we lost! I hope that Shane and Daisy want to be a final 3 because that is what I am envisioning in my hopes, dreams, and mood board.
WE ARE IMMUNE!!! I’m so excited to have flipped the vote on Silver AND got us immunity but, I’m gonna have to be more careful if I’m gonna go far in this game. I know I can be strategic, I can be a comp threat but I really have to work on making myself a little dimmer in the social department. If we swap or merge obviously down the line, I feel like I’m gonna have a LOT of different potential paths to the end but, it won’t matter if they all realize that. So I really really have to be careful here. I am playing this game with a level head so far and really trying to make my rounds daily to talk to people. I am close with Jake, close with Jones and close with Nash. I am working on forming better bonds with Jabari, Lindsay and Jennet right now and honestly to me, Pennino is a non factor as well as Mikey but I am obviously going to try to maintain being on their good side. So that’s all I got for this round it’s been pretty tame except for Jennet immediately leaking our alliance by accident. At this point I really don’t think it matters.
Okay so our tribe is not superhuman and we finally lost a challenge so we will be attending tribal tonight. Nobody is really saying much in terms of what will happen which is extremely worrisome, however, I did hear Sam on call very subtly throw Cloud out there and I'm kinda hoping that Jessica and Shane heard that too and will kind of run with it. Daisy wants both of us to be safe and I feel the same way so I'm hoping that's what will happen. In other news!!! I have officially begun the idol hunt one round too late but perhaps that works out better because if something is found, I'll know it. So because of the way things were worded during the hunt, the idol has either been found already or whoever wrote this system wanted to through a red herring in there to trick us. I'm going with the latter because I feel like Jarod would do that. That's all from this neck of the woods for now, hopefully will be writing another one of these bad bois next round :*
I WILL die for jones btw...
(a little later)
Survived the immunity challenge... at what cost
(after falling asleep on the beach)
The way we accidentally won that comp is literally a joke.... period i guess?
so we lost cus we’re the beauty tribe not the brains tribe fuck math dude anyways, it’s been hella fuckin quiet like not a lot of people are on and aren’t really talking. Up until about, 4 hours before tribal Sam comes to me and says the vote is gonna be Cloud and i’m like what who why. All he said is “that’s what he’s heard” honestly i think it’s just his own idea but whatever. I don’t know Cloud at all so it’s fine with me. Sam, myself, Jessica, and Shane apparently are all agreed to vote Cloud and with Ethan’s vote that’ll be 5.
i have nithing to say other than i might just be the stupidest person on the planet. absolutley nothing is happening in my head ever. if i stay its pure luck HSKSHSNSKBSKS
smiles at immunity... this is cute it feels good to not be in danger for once! i’m honestly still worried my tribe might want to cut me at next tribal but at least tonight can be chill! i hope kiki is first brookeisa boot xoxo
honestly there is no tea, daisy found an idol and gambles her vote but she lost her vote early so no worries w that! I love her so much and i hope she doesn’t snake me...but daisy if ur reading this, in this moment i love dont snake me mwah!! I love Jess and I love Cloud but everyone’s telling me Cloud is the vote but I’m so sad because I had such a good time with them and they are one of the few funny ones in the game!! Anyways not much is happening we lost the challenge cause we are just bad at math...blinks...I don’t think I’m in any danger and this vote should be unanimous. I was also told someone said I was one of the few active people so that’s a check in my book!
I'm trying to lay low so if I'm not very present on Discord the next day or so that's why hehe
so ethan is down for voting Cloud, sammy too. Cool great awesome hot. i’m just sitting here vibing and suddenly Sammy tells me that my (and Madison’s) name came up for a second. He said it went away and it’s Cloud for the vote but like jskdhd why do i aaalways get targeted bitch i’m literally just sitting here whYY can’t i relax for once?! Frfr every survivor game it’s always this person or me. I’m always the other option and i just don’t get why lmao
This tribes been kinda dead until like an hour ago plss, a new alliance of 5 has been organised and somehow me and Shane managed to make it seem like it was Jessica’s idea? Don’t really know how that happened in all honesty but a vibe. Then Daisy also leaked that she’s in another alliance who’s actively idol hunting so that was a lovely bit of beef that I love to see - my guess is she’s in a duo chat with Jess and they’ve tried to get this group formed with people who they think are unconnected, unbeknownst to them that me and Shane have a final two deal and I kinda have one with Sammy as well that happened on day one but it’s not really developed as of yet, he’s not really tried to talk game with me as of yet, but all in due time I suppose there’s plenty of time for more shenanigans 😂
HONESTLY Chile. Not much tea going around since this round we won. Im very proud of Nicole as she literally carried us and I pray she'll do it again dhbhsfg. Ive started getting really close with Jones and she's so fun to talk to, im hoping me her and nash can form a little trio and work together but who knows. Jennet STILL hasn't replied back after like a week so idk what's up w them LMAO
So our tribe loved it when we blindsided silver, it puts me in a much better position than before. Now I have to talk more to people and take time to realize what's gonna happen. As of right now I have 2 alliances. The big majority one and the one where its just me and Jake and Jennet.
0 notes
hihowareyawrites · 6 years
Young God - Ch 1
Cross Posted from my AO3
Guzma/Reader, 18+ (this chapter is SFW)
Summary: yet another guzma/reader story where you make him your new roommate and learn about his edgy past while becoming closer. spoilers for ultra sumo i guess since it's after the rainbow rocket arc and that's mentioned a few times.
Notes: Listen I know there are like a million and one Guzma/Reader things out there and 90% of them are angst Guzma-your-new-roomie style but that doesn't mean there can't be one million and two and I completely intend to saturate this market.The team here is just gonna be a rehash of my ultra sumo team, because I mean why write another when we all know these are basically self insert proxies lol...This is my first real time writing Guzma in a serious sense so hopefully it translated well lmfao. This was sort of a last minute thing I did since I read through all the ones on here and just played through Ultra SUMO, so if ya'll like it lmk and I'll keep at it while I'm inspired.The title was literally chosen by putting my Guzma playlist on shuffle and Young God by Halsey was the one that came up, so.
Sudden adverse weather in Alola wasn't common, but it wasn't unknown either. Ever since the wormholes had started cropping up, it wasn't unheard of for normally stable areas to suddenly experience weather extremes that would dissipate not long after and seem like they hadn't ever even occurred. It didn't matter where or when, and Alolan natives had quickly become incredibly capable of dealing with whatever came up.
So when a misplaced blizzard struck Melemele island, the residents acclimated to the weather surprisingly quickly. Truly, Alola was a region of adaptable people and pokemon, and you'd learned that very well since your moving from Kanto. Occasionally you missed your hometown of Lavender town, but your mom wasn't keen on the direction the municipal had taken. The demolition of the pokemon tower for... some radio tower? It was insulting. Alola was a region that would have never allowed for that, and since your mom already had family connections here (your dad's side was Kantonian), it just seemed appropriate to move away from a region that was forsaking tradition. Especially since you'd already been champion in Kanto and Johto, and now had recently been crowned champion of Alola; the opportunities seemed endless.
You sat in your living room watching the snow fall heavily on the tropical island, knowing that when conditions were a little safer, you'd be out searching for the wormhole and UB causing the disturbance to begin with. You were pulled from your thoughts when the phone rang, and you walked into the kitchen to take it off the hook and watch the screen, where your mom's face came on.
“Oh, I'm so glad you're home (y/n), I was worried you'd be out there in that mess!” She smiled, relieved, though she knew you were more than capable of taking care of yourself.
“Nah, I'm gonna wait until it gets a little easier to navigate before I head out.” You looked out the window to watch the white out conditions blow against the glass panes.
“That's good, you be safe. I just wanted to let you know that because of the weather, I'm going to be a bit late coming home- it probably won't be for another week or so. Will you be alright by yourself?” your mom smiled but you could see the concern in her eyes. Just below the view of the webcam, you could see her meowth's ears wiggle, listening to your voice.
"I'll be okay, I think the champion of Alola can handle a little snow... I've got my pokemon with me.” you held up a pokeball and smiled at your mom, her concern appreciated. She laughed.
“I thought so, I just wanted to make sure. There should be plenty of food there, but if you need anything, I'll be transferring some money into your account. Better safe than sorry!” You had told your mom more than a few times that she didn't need to help you out financially, being champion was an exceedingly well paying job, but she insisted on helping you anyway. You felt lucky to have such a compassionate parent.
“Thanks mom... don't worry about me, I'll be fine.”
“I'm glad to hear it! Well, your aunt and I are going to have some tea and go to bed. It's 10 PM here, but only 3 PM for you! Time zones sure are funny. If you need anything, you call me alright?”
“You got it mom, good night.”
“Goodnight honey.” And with that the screen clicked back to the screensaver of a voltorb floating across the screen and bouncing off the edges. You decided now would be as good a time as any to feed your hungry pokemon. Releasing them, your kitchen suddenly seemed a bit more cramped. Sylveon shook and trilled, affectionately rubbing against your leg. You patted her head affectionately. Some of them didn't take up too much space- raichu, sylveon and mienshao. But primarina, arcanine and malamar made it feel a bit cramped. Opening the cupboards you pulled out the food and started to divvy it up, only to find by the end you were scraping to distribute it evenly. And here you thought you were a bit more well stocked.
You knew your paycheck wouldn't clear until tomorrow, but luckily the amount your mom had transferred you had cleared; you'd never underestimate a mother's intuition to know when somethings needed. “Alright you guys, if we want to eat tomorrow I'm going to need to head to the store. Do you think you can all behave while I'm gone?” Your pokemon happily agreed. You were glad you'd trained such a reliable team.
Since she had finished eating first, you recalled sylveon to her pokeball to bring with you on the way to the store, in case of emergency. You never could be too careful.
It never ceased to amaze you how well charizard was able to navigate through the winds and weather like this, but you were thankful for it as you landed outside the Hau'oli city shopping district. You hurried inside, rubbing your hands together for warmth. Next time you'd be sure to dress warmer, you'd gotten too used to dressing for tropical weather.
People hurried about, purchasing last minute items quickly so they could get home before it got too bad, and you navigated the busy shops expertly until you'd gotten enough groceries for yourself and your pokemon to last at least another week or two. You thanked the cashier and stepped outside, ready to page charizard before deciding you would stop at the pokemon center before heading back to get a few last minute items only available there. It had lightened up a little but no considerable amount, so you were still in a hurry to get home. As you approached the telltale red and white building, you heard people arguing inside. No doubt some young trainers picking a fight with one another. You rolled your eyes and walked through the automatic doors of the pokemon hospital.
You were surprised when you were greeted with an empty center, all but the nurse and one other stood in the lobby. Even the shop keepers had left. You were about the turn to leave when you looked closer and realized you recognized the young man arguing with the nurse. You set your bags down on one of the public couches and decided to see if you could intervene here. After all, you did have some respect as the champion.
“I'm sorry, but as it stands we have limited resources with the pokemon we can keep here, we're just too full... and besides, the pokemon here are already injured. Inviting a violent, historically antagonistic pokemon here would only stress them out further. Please understand.” You frowned, unaccustomed to hearing a nurse find an excuse not to allow a pokemon into her care. While storms and the like did seem to book up the centers a lot quicker, normally she'd at least try to accommodate an injured pokemon somehow. You approached the two from behind, the nurse recognizing you but deciding to deal with one problem at a time. Though, you were more than a little certain if her first problem wasn't the former boss of a feared gang, maybe she might be a bit more lenient. Your former enemy took his hands from his pockets, still in his signature slouch.
“You ain't gotta stereotype him like that, just cuz' he's big and strong don't mean he's gonna hurt nobody. 'Sides, ain't it your job as a nurse to help all pokemon? You know bug pokemon don't do well in the cold- s'pecially blizzards n' all.” Even though he had a history of being violent or aggressive, you'd known well enough that didn't mean Guzma didn't care for his pokemon. No doubt his golisopod was having a hard time acclimating to this type of weather. “I ain't got nowhere to go in this weather, 'least he could have somewhere better to stay.” You cocked your head involuntarily at that. No where to stay? What about Po town?
“I'm sorry, we're just too full. You might try the center up a ways on route 2, I can't guarantee they're any better off, but it's worth a shot. I really need to get back to work now, good luck.” She seemed so quick to dismiss him, you guessed people still had ideas about former members of team skull, and certainly the guy who created the gang in the first place. Guzma shoved his hands back into his pockets.
“Tch. Figures.” He turned and seemed quite unexpected to see you, given he took a step back suddenly in surprise. “You..!!” Was he really about to fight right now? You only had one pokemon on you, even at his weakest you didn't know if you could beat him. You reached for your pokeball instinctively anyway; he seemed to notice. “Hey now, I ain't plannin' on fightin' you. Don't got time for that.” He shrugged with his hands still in his pockets and pushed past you. You felt a little guilty for assuming he'd immediately resort to violence, but it wasn't exactly uncharacteristic. Still, you didn't feel right not inquiring. The nurse seemed ready to ask if you needed assistance, but you waved at her and excused yourself, chasing after Guzma.
“Hey! Wait!” You called after him, noticing the bright red 'x' on the back if his black jacket. Guess he really was done with team skull. He stopped and only turned enough to see you over his shoulder.
“What? Now you wanna pick a fight? I told you I don't got time for that.” He was about to leave through the automatic doors when you reached out and grabbed the short sleeve of his jacket.
“You said you don't have anywhere to go...?” You couldn't help but look at him with concern. You'd been through a lot, with the ultra wormholes, team rainbow rocket... you knew he wasn't a bad guy, at least not anymore. After all, he'd helped you out more than a few times. You'd even go far enough to call him a friend before you called him an enemy, even if you hadn't seen him in a long time. He stopped, didn't pull away from you, but turned to face away.
“S'right. What's it to you?”
Were you really about to do this? Was this really a good idea? You asked yourself these things but before you could answer your own inner monologue you spoke.
“You could... stay at my place. It's not great out, and your pokemon- golisopod, could use the rest. I just bought a lot of pokemon food, and my mom's out of town for a while. It's not much but at least til this weather dies down.” The sleeve of his jacket was still in your grasp and you adjusted your fingers around it nervously. He was silent for a moment, considering your offer.
“Why? You ain't gotta debt to me. Go home girly.” He tried to pull away but your hand slipped down to grab his arm.
“Come on... don't be that way. I don't need to have a debt to help you... but if I did, think if it as thanks for helping with that rainbow rocket nonsense a while back. I'll make us some tapu cocoa.” You flashed a smile at him, though he couldn't see it turned away from you. He reached up and scratched the back of his black undercut with his arm that wasn't in your grasp and sighed heavily.
“You sure?” You let go of his arm and smiled.
“I insist.” He shrugged and turned to grin at you.
“Guess it would be rude 'a me to turn down your generosity, champ.” You turned to grab your bags from the couch, in the corner of your eye you saw the nurse give a brief look of disapproval before turning away when she saw you'd noticed. You hoisted up your groceries.
“Alright, let's hit the road.” You marched outside to be greeted with an even stronger gust of wind and snow than had been blowing before you left. You frowned, this was troublesome. You asked Guzma to hold your bags and he hurriedly complied. You tried to page charizard, but the signal wasn't going through. “What a mess, guess we'll have to walk it. You got an issue with that?” You looked back at him still holding your things.
“Me? I been through worse. I can handle this, s'no problem.” He seemed confident enough. You laughed at his words.
“Snow problem indeed.” You said to yourself, he didn't hear you. You reached out to take your bags back but he didn't return them to you.
“I got this, no big. Lead the way.” You smiled, thankful you didn't have to carry them. The walk back to route one was a little longer than you remembered, but you were able to manage. You hurriedly unlocked the door and motioned for him to go in first, since his hands were full.
“You can set those anywhere.” You followed soon after and turned and locked the door behind you. You didn't think you had anything to worry about, but better safe than sorry. A year ago you'd have locked your door to keep team skull out, and instead you were inviting the (former) leader in. You couldn't help but snicker at the irony.
“What's got you laughin?” You were removed from your thoughts when you remembered you weren't alone. You walked into the kitchen to go through the bags that Guzma had set on the counter for you. Your pokemon had dispersed into the house, but they were coming to greet you now that you were home.
“It's nothing, don't worry about it. While I put these away, why don't you say hello to everyone?” You rummaged through the bags while Guzma gave you a confused look.
“Everyone?” He questioned you, before turning to meet a wary arcanine, growling at him. He stumbled back. “W-whoa, hey now-” The large dog pokemon lived up to his reputation, and sniffed at the new guest, no doubt recognizing him from battles. Your other pokemon followed suit, giving you questioning glances and him aggressive warnings.
“Hey guys, don't worry about him. Be polite when we have guests over.” Your pokemon backed down at your order. Mienshao and malamar were more loners, and chose to sleep in your mothers room in her absence, returning back there after making sure the tall man in your kitchen wasn't a threat. Primarina and arcanine relaxed in your living room floor, while raichu hovered around you before deciding to snooze on top of the refrigerator. “Oh, I almost forgot.” You released sylveon from her pokeball, and she shook herself. More than any of your other pokemon, you could count on her to greet any trusted guests with friendliness. She approached the team skull leader before snaking her ribbon like appendages around his arm, which seemed to make him uncomfortable.
“Whats she doin that for?” He questioned you. You finished putting away the last of your groceries and pulled two mugs down to start on your promised tapu cocoa.
“Its just how she says hello! Here-” you reached into a jar on the counter and tossed him a pokebean. “try giving her one of these.” He looked at it in his hands for a moment before offering it to her in an open palm. The pink fox-like pokemon happily ate it then nuzzled his hand affectionately. He seemed to smile, genuinely.
“You singlehandedly handed my ass to me more than once, looks are real deceivin with fairy pokemon.” She seemed to take that as a compliment and trilled happily, before releasing his arm and trotting into your room to curl up on your bed. “You got a lotta cute pokemon.” You smiled.
“I love all my pokemon, but I would be lying if I said I didn't catch cute ones when I saw them.” You were happy, for one reason or another, that he appreciated your pokemon's aesthetics as much as you did. You finished making your drinks and picked up the mugs. “Hey, I got these as promised, come have a seat.” You walked into your living room and he followed you wordlessly. You sat on one end of your couch and handed him the mug, which he accepted with a brief 'thanks' before taking the spot directly opposite you on the other end. If you could pride yourself in anything, you made great tapu cocoa. You watched him stare into the cup for a while, both hands around it, as if he was trying to absorb all the warmth he could out of it. “So... what happened that you had nowhere to go?” You decided to break the silence, but immediately wished you'd picked a better topic to do so. You watched one set of his fingers thrum against the mug uncomfortably.
“It's a long story I guess.” You couldn't tell if he was avoiding the subject or prefacing it. You looked at the clock.
“It's only about 7:30... we have time. If you don't want to talk about it, I und-”
“It's not that. I just gotta image I gotta uphold I guess.” He cut you off, then finally decided to drink the cooling beverage in his hands. You watched him, and noticed for the first time how tired he really looked. “Po town, after everything that happened, I convinced the grunts they could do better than that. Kicked 'em all out, and they seem to be provin' me right.” It was true, you recognized a lot of the former team skill grunts around. A lot of them had part time jobs, were re-attempting island challenges, finally making an attempt to turn their lives around. “Plumes' is off doin her own thing. Since I had no use for it, I handed Po town over to that old guy, with the cats.” You knew he meant Nanu. “I dunno what he's doin with it now, but he said he'd take care of it.” You sipped at your cocoa while you listened to him talk. You didn't want to tell him aloud, but you were impressed with his maturity. Maybe you'd had him wrong back then.
“Why'd you give it up with nowhere to go though...” You still couldn't believe he'd just put himself out like that, he wasn't martyr.
“I did, at first, I guess. Things just didn't work out, that's all I gotta say about that.” He seemed adamantly unwilling to tell you why, and you didn't push the issue. Something about the way his hands tightened on the mug, and his eyes narrowed, you felt like you had no right to ask. You nodded and sipped your cocoa together in silence for a bit, before you suddenly gulped the rest of yours down.
“Hey, if you want, you can take a hot shower.” You said, standing up. He looked up at your sudden change in position. “It's cold out, and we just walked a ways... I thought maybe you'd like the chance to.” He stared into the mug still half full and reached to scratch the back of his neck with the other.
“Sure, if yer' offerin'.”
“Great. Finish that and-” as you said so, you watched him down the rest of the tapu cocoa like you had done earlier and reached up to hand you the now empty mug. “well, that takes care of that. I can't do much while the water in the shower is running, but tomorrow you can wash your clothes if you want.” He shrugged and you turned to walk away.
“Hey.” You heard him call out behind you and stopped, but didn't turn around. “Why you bein' so nice to me anyway? I ain't done nothin' to earn it.” Even though his tone played casual, behind it you could sense a tone of uncertainty and wariness, as if hospitality was a trap to him, that he didn't want to set off.
“I told you, it's not like I don't like you. Just be grateful I came by when I did. I'll be in bed when you get out, but I'll get some blankets and stuff for you.”
“Yeah, sure.” As you put the cups in the sink and ran the hot water you heard him get up from behind you and start down the hallway but stop. You laughed to yourself, sure he was confused which door to open and didn't want to invade the wrong one.
“Door on the right!” You called to him, and heard a faint 'thanks' in response. After you finished washing the cups and heard the water running, you made sure to grab blankets and pillows for the living room, and laid them out there. Only a few minutes later you were crawling into bed with the door shut, ready to sleep; you hadn't realized how tired you were. As you felt yourself falling asleep questions raced through your mind: was this a good idea? What kind of person had you invited into your home? What would people say? Should you tell your mom?
All valid, but they weren't things you were willing to entertain now as you heard the water turn off only just before you finally slipped asleep.
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survivor-kuwait · 5 years
Episode 11 - “i am the balrog elder gay” - Kait
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i am the balrog elder gay 
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Losing Chloe BROKE ME. listning to Bye Bye mariah carey and crying!!! this is for the people who just lost somebody... SHOOT. I wanted her to blurt out more of her votes in tribe chats. RIP. a fallen Goddess...
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I’m so dumb, completely missed the voting deadline, in my defense i was teaching, but still. Never again, its merge (maybe) and im not gonna jeopardise my game like that.
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I'm glad we merged but two people are returning to the game? This has been the most cracked game I have ever played.
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Renee and Chips have a chance to return. Between the both I hope Renee comes back. She was an ally for me and most probably work together again.
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Go rennee!
boo chips
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MERGEMERGEMERGEMERGE!!!! glad my zodiac sign is known for being loyal cause I sure ain’t. 
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This challenge is always weird but i think if people tell me the truth i may have cancelled out some of my stuff im getting. M&M&M are good standings hopefully. I also trust kait thomas and timmy. Hopefully i can make itndeep in the game.
This challenge was a total meh i guess this works. Hopefully i win immunity. If not hopefully im not a target. My relationship with Madison may be rocky right now cuz i blindsided her tribe friend in another game. So im kinda nervous. Hopefully she doesnt pass it her vengence here and tries to take me out.  Im slightly worried a but for this tc.
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This merge is a little different from my norm game, I usually have 2-4 alliance chats going but I don't have a single one so far this game.  All my deals have been side deals so far, I do not know if that is a good or bad thing as of this moment in time.  Corey did fill me in that there was an alliance being formed that included him, at least it's indicative of him wanting "The Bull and the Lion" to continue to work. I am also way to mentally drained to give a damn, I just needed to make a confessional to not strike. I worked for 14 hours today but I made 325 dollars and now only owe 4k on my student loans.  Thassss a win in my book even if I get voted out, I'm just gonna drink some beer, hold Jenifer and go to bed.  Good night Moon.
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THANK GOD I WON IMMUNITY. You have no idea how good it feels to not have to stress out too much this round. Considering there are 14 of us, really anything could happen, but it's great to know that I will make it through at least one more round. The only key here is just making sure that I stay on the right side of the numbers. The line will most likely be drawn in the sand, so it's important that I stay on the right side of it. So far, I think the people that trust me the most are Ian, Corey, and Matt. I talk to them the most out of everyone, and I do trust them all to an extent, Corey and Ian the most. I would love to find a way to get all three of them on the same page, but I know that will be a heard feat. Next in line would probably be Maynor, Madison, and Kait. I talk to these three a good amount, but for some reason I am having a hard time putting my full faith into them. I talk to Owen a good amount too, but he is a MAJOR threat, and someone that I do not want to be in the game for too much longer if I'm going to have a chance to win. For this round, in an ideal world, Thomas would go home. But that seems too easy. I am hoping someone starts throwing names around, but if not, I guess it will have to be me.
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WHY DOES MATT HATE ME SO MUCH?!?!  I genuinely wanted to work with him after first impressions, I bet he was the one who voted Taurus now.  My idol now has a name attached to it, so thanks for that Matt.  In a way, I guess you did end up working with me in some fashion.  Ideally this round goes down with a clear majority on Stephan and Corey can get his save a vote activated and I play the slow burn on good ole Matteo, I wanted to butt heads with Owen at merge, but Owen has been a delight while Matteo has been nothing but a thorn in my side.  
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Phew child this merge! 14 people is so so so many and I did in fact vote out Adrian and Chloe, both people who I’ve worked with. I’m left in a really interesting spot because of the warzones it’s still hard to see who has a pattern of voting together. I feel that I’ve positioned myself to be in a lot of threesomes, and hopefully nobody really catches on to that? I know Kait is my number one currently and I have trust with Madison and Devon and Corey. But I’m also fully aware that everyone is a huge threat, and I have to downplay myself as one as well. Hopefully a stepehen vote will provide me with good positioning, as we’re removing someone I personally can’t reallt work with, and lessening the numbers. I also wanna really work with chips but I’m sure everyone was chomping at that bit! Who doesn’t want a bite of chips!
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I wish I could put an image in this form bc the joke I’m about to make is so funny Anyways lol I told Kait about the idol I felt like I had to or else I’d break her trust if I ever used it. But THEN LOL SHE TOLD ME THAT matt also has one LMAO THAY HE NEVER TOLD ME ABOUT!!!! So that meme I linked above is literally me and matt with our idols Here’s my prob tho I like l.... I have to tell matt bc he knows I guess the coordinate. So I guess that’s a thing that’ll happen
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Finally have an alliance chat with Kait and Owen...it’s been so many rounds in the making tbh, it just needed to actually be made. I feel safer having that as well as us going to make one with Matt and Maynor as well, making sure that Matt is okay with it...Maynor already seems to be on board. The only name that’s been going around is Stephen so that kind of sucks because I wanted to work with him, but he isn’t around enough to try and rock the boat for in this game unfortunately. 
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I found a hidden immunity idol which is awesome! Also, everyone has been silent this round after we decided on Stephen so that’s a bit suspicious 
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This is a really hard round because I really like everyone. If any good came from it, it's that I solidified myself into a strong alliance that should be able to keep me safe for at least a few rounds. Corey did not seem to bite on my idea to vote out Owen. Matt says he is most threatened by Ian and Timmy. And everyone just seems to want to vote Stephen. I think this round will be pretty easy, but from this point on it just gets harder. I assume that Chips is in a bad spot and most likely will go next. But at final 12, it's going to be a doozy to see who can stay on top of the vote.
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So thisrounf there is an alliance of 6 however I have 0 faith in Thomas. He is a wild card and will be hard to judge and work with. No idea what’s going to happen tonight. 
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Aight a lot happening this merge!!! Fourteen people we losin our minds. First of all let me say half these ppl were kinda boring to talk to but I’m liking it a little better today. I came in wanting Stephen GONE because I lied to him during the taylor vote and we haven’t clicked since and I promised I would get out whoever lied to me in this food challenge and his bitch ass didn’t submit so I didn’t get my perfect ZERO!!!! So I was all ready to press him but suddenly Devon had already thrown out his name! Easy as pie. I rlly trust Kait and her and corey get along. I was branching out to some others too like madison is bae, Devon is fun, I like talking to Ian. My FAVORITE is Maynor I rlly like him but I’m scared matt has a hold on him. Anyways I helped set up some alliances today that I hope are solid. One is me Kait madison corey and then they wanted to add Devon and tommy which is cool. Still kinda pressed at Thomas because yesterday I said ily to him and he replied with lol but other than that it’s a good group. But then suddenly Timmy wanted something with Kait and I so I took that as an opportunity to solidify something with Maynor! Precious angel. Kait and I are worried because the tension between corey and matt lmao which is honestly kinda stupid. Matt was sus about corey after he spearheaded the renee vote which like I understand. And I stirrred the pot a little because I told corey that matt was after him lmao. But for now I’m rlly working hard to keep them from targeting each other and so is Kait. Idk how long that can last tho. Ummmm trace’s THOT HOE ASS told corey he wanted me out?!!! So he gotta GO! And Kait and matt think Ian is dangerous which I’m like ok maybe..., sure. Ummm Cullan is just mind boggling. He ate tater tots for breakfast who does that. But he’s sweet I guess. Id prefer him and Ian and trace gone soon but corey likes all those people oop. I rlly think Kait wants to stick with going to the end with me and matt which like.... I rlly will keep allegiance to Kait but matt? Idk. He kept his idol secret from me and it’s clear he doesn’t trust me as much which is fine, I wasbsure Stephen would target me tonight but apparently now he’s going for Thomas. Hopefully it’s an easy vote and Stephen goes and I get what I want and next round I’ll figure out what to do when it gets harder
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Well. Tonight the vote is Stephen. Well, for the majority of us. For little young me, I will be voting for nobody! We acquiring a save vote. Hopefully, at our next tribal, Timmy leaves! Woo! I am in 2 alliances: Mighty Happy Meal (Owen, Kait, Madison, Devon, Thomas) and Queer Eye-ish (Madison, Matt, Trace). Period... I am loyal to my own people. Madison, Owen, Ian, Devon. Kait too, to an extent. The rest need to go at their time. I do what I can. Matt is a priority for me to get rid of. Unless Timmy wants Matt gone, I want him gone too for next time. x
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Ep 11: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-fEEBtT8R4hk_587qknbxwLmB8yhN_lt/view?usp=drivesdk
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This is my placeholder confession for until I am at a computer and able to type something out. I got back in the game!
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alyssa said put ep 11: just a quick recap bc i have to play this silly flash game now before i pass out - corey and matt allegedly not liking each other is still a problem - owen found an idol - i told owen matt has an idol bc i have a big mouth - corey told owen all this shit about the vote and idk just other game sensitive stuff and not me and - there's an aliens of trace, matt, madison, and corey that trace allegedly made. this is a big question mark bc either it's just really random and people that trace wants to work with despite what they said or this beef??? between matt and corey is fake which i wouldn't be too surprised by - corey told all of this to owen before tribal but told him that he was going to wait until after tribal to tell me like.... i don't appreciate that. - i think that kind of solidifies that if/when corey v matt happens and i have to pick a side i wanna go with my matt. - im sure i will think of more tomorrow oh also i want ian to get deleted from skype thx
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EP 11 Confessional: I got an idol this round which is cool. I heard the vote was stephen however it’s been kinda quiet. Not sure if that’s a good thing or a bad thing. 
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Aight a lot happening this merge!!! Fourteen people we losin our minds. First of all let me say half these ppl were kinda boring to talk to but I’m liking it a little better today. I came in wanting Stephen GONE because I lied to him during the taylor vote and we haven’t clicked since and I promised I would get out whoever lied to me in this food challenge and his bitch ass didn’t submit so I didn’t get my perfect ZERO!!!! So I was all ready to press him but suddenly Devon had already thrown out his name! Easy as pie. I rlly trust Kait and her and corey get along. I was branching out to some others too like madison is bae, Devon is fun, I like talking to Ian. My FAVORITE is Maynor I rlly like him but I’m scared matt has a hold on him. Anyways I helped set up some alliances today that I hope are solid. One is me Kait madison corey and then they wanted to add Devon and tommy which is cool. Still kinda pressed at Thomas because yesterday I said ily to him and he replied with lol but other than that it’s a good group. But then suddenly Timmy wanted something with Kait and I so I took that as an opportunity to solidify something with Maynor! Precious angel. Kait and I are worried because the tension between corey and matt lmao which is honestly kinda stupid. Matt was sus about corey after he spearheaded the renee vote which like I understand. And I stirrred the pot a little because I told corey that matt was after him lmao. But for now I’m rlly working hard to keep them from targeting each other and so is Kait. Idk how long that can last tho. Ummmm trace’s THOT HOE ASS told corey he wanted me out?!!! So he gotta GO! And Kait and matt think Ian is dangerous which I’m like ok maybe..., sure. Ummm Cullan is just mind boggling. He ate tater tots for breakfast who does that. But he’s sweet I guess. Id prefer him and Ian and trace gone soon but corey likes all those people oop. I rlly think Kait wants to stick with going to the end with me and matt which like.... I rlly will keep allegiance to Kait but matt? Idk. He kept his idol secret from me and it’s clear he doesn’t trust me as much which is fine, I wasbsure Stephen would target me tonight but apparently now he’s going for Thomas. Hopefully it’s an easy vote and Stephen goes and I get what I want and next round I’ll figure out what to do when it gets harder
0 notes
Episode 2 - “Loyalty Pyramid” - Eric
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Stoner, Stoner, Stoner. Sorry but he's a stupid ass. He sent me to redemption island despite the fact that I am the strongest person in this tribe for challenges, not to mention i have done redemption island before AND won 4 duels. He wasn't thinking straight tbh
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Bye Andreas! Actually v v sad to see you go. I have a lot of thoughts. I'm going crazy right now after first tribal- i'll write again once i get to my boring ass class in a few hours.
Too much has happened for this damn confessional- but here I go. I like most of the people on my tribe. Augusto and Stoner are playing really hard- but I like both of them. I like Carson- don't know him well though. Emmon is nice but not in any formal alliance with me. I don't really know what's up with Roxy- she's cool, bur we haven't really clicked too much. First tribal had me dying. Like i didn't know Stoner at all- but he's a player. He's going to play hard and he's going to try to manipulate me- and I know that, so hopefully I can correct for that to keep myself safe. I don't know how he got the idol, but he did, so that totally changed my strategy. Right after tribal- my alliance situation Got CRAZY. I'm in 3 different alliance situations, 1) Me, Roxy, Carson, Augusto- Augusto got me in on this one to my knowlege. 2)Me, Stoner, and Augusto- Augusto and I created to get Stoner on our side. 3) Me, Carson, Augusto- the supposed "core 3"- initially the plan was to bring Carson into the alliance with Stoner, but I know Stoner doesn't want that- even though Augusto seems to think he does- so i'm just trying to prevent that from blowing up. Honestly I have no idea who to trust. Augusto and I decided to get close to Stoner so we can protect ourselves from him- which i think is a good strategy for now. Augusto has been my closest ally this whole game, and I have no reason not to trust him, because he has shared so much information thus far, but Stoner has started warning me abour Augusto- likely to make me paranoid. So as a result, I am becoming paranoid, but right now i'm going to table that paranoia and keep going. I know Augusto is playing hard, and as much as I like him and hate being disloyal- I think it will have to happen perhaps sooner rather than later. Now onto idols and shoreline. So far no alliances have come out of shoreline for me- and honestly I don't know when/ if they will, that isn't really my focus right now. In terms of idols, I'm almost positive someone else on our tribe has one right now. I think it could be Carson or Roxy- maybe Emmon, and also less likely, but still possibly Augusto if he's lying to me. Augusto showed me the olace where the idol was- and i'm so mad because if I hadn't been out to dinner I would have used the 87xx code we had to look for the idol myself. I think what likely happened is that Stoner told Carson/ someone else outside of our alliance chat about the 8 clue- who also knew about the 7 clue from Augusto and maybe that person had another number we dont know about- or they just tried all possible combos and got the idol. And if that is what happened, only a few people have all that information, me being one if them, but I didn't find it. Augusto thinks there could be a tribe swap- which tbh would make me die because I feel pretty good about my spot on my tribe right now.
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I went to the shoreline right after tribal knowing that at least Andreas who got voted out would be there to chat with me. I couldn't search so I tried to get information about his tribe and who and who not to trust. I feel like if I am at the merge and he wins the duel to return we can work together but I will have loyalty to myself, then the Gallaghers, then other allies like Andreas, and ending the pyramid with "strangers." My "Loyalty Pyramid" needs to stay intact or I will never make it as far as I hope to, and I won't be able to achieve the goals I want to in this game.
Listening to this mashup on headphones sounds like you died and a bunch of ghosts are screaming in your ear while your least favorite artists just sing songs you don't like. Not fun... I like it (xD)
I will download this mashup, get my friend to make a program that makes it look like I'm brutally destroying my file and then put the mashup in it so i can see it rip and die. And then I will be like "Try breaking my ears again, try me b*tch"
So apparently Jordan Pines visits are tribe and then leaves and I am like "You will be missed.. maybe??"
I love the tribe I am in! Everyone works hard, but I feel one person is setting themselves apart from everyone else. Some people have told me that they didn't enjoy Kyle's attitude during the last immunity challenge, and I would have to agree. There was a bit of an attitude where it didn't belong, especially when he was the same person that could of sent us to tribal for not being at the challenge in time.
Yay!! I am so glad that we won tribe immunity again! Shows how strong of a tribe we truly are!
I'm glad that Andreas won this duel. He's been telling me the tea about what's been going on, and it's been helping me know who to trust and who not to trust.
I feel like with the shoreline twist, who gets voted out is more important than ever. We all know everyone from the other tribe, whether they can be trusted, if they are nice, good at challenges, etc. And we can also chat with eliminated contestants who get an infinite stay until they either win the final duel or lose a duel, and they hear and see all. There is a lot of strategy that goes into it and hopefully gaining trust with Andreas helped gain trust.
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Nobody is really taking any initiative on this tribe when we have tribal council in just a few hours. I didn't want to be the one who led a vote on the first day but that seems like what is happening. Since nobody is coming up with an alternative plan I just suggested that Matt should be targeted. Hopefully all goes thoigh and I stick around for this vote.
I'm fucking pissed off. Kage is telling me that I'm getting all the votes today and it's really making me mad. I don't know what his deal is now he's saying it was a joke or that he's playing his idol on me. Honestly I don't care anymore these people are idiots if they really want to get rid of someone who tried there hardest to help the tribe and didn't fuck up at the challenge even once. Whatever I don't care anymore
So I'm going home today. Kage gave me the idol but it's definitely fake. I'm gonna fight my hardest at redemption island when I get there though.
Well that fucking sucks. Everyone on my tribe are a bunch of liars. Whatever I'm gonna win my way back.
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I realized I did like 500 confessionals for the last round and not this one, sad :( Well, not too much has gone on this round... which is perfectly fine with me. An alliance did start though between Dana, Carson, and myself. Roxy, being the lovely queen that she is, wanted us 3 in an alliance with her so the stars aligned perfectly there. Dana and I are trying to work whatever angle we can to get Stoner to be loyal to us and it's paying off, yay!
So, I've been trying to get everyone on the tribe to tell me where and where not to look at the Shoreline because I am power hungry and need an idol. Eventually, I did come across something... an EMPTY chest! I had a chance and obviously blew it, go me <333 I will find a way to get that idol! I spent my last moments in Bhutan trying to look for one because I was for sure going home, but I'm not letting that happen again.
I am SHAKEN TO THE CORE by the fact that Wyandot won immunity and Andreas stayed in the game. Like, my last tribe (Sarpang) was a hot mess and things seem to be shaking up for the better, which I'm thankful for! I'm glad we won immunity because I did not want to vote someone out and get blood on my hands. I am not a sociopath or a psycho murder, so that blood can gladly remain where it is. I just want Wyandot to remain on a streak of some sort cause lord knows I need it. #Pray5Me
A thought keeps seeping into my head for whatever reason and that thought is a potential swap. A swap would throw a major curve ball towards us and put a wrench in everything I've worked towards thus far. Plus, it's way too early for one but the hosts probably love to see us suffer so it doesn't matter, sadly! I probably need to visit the Shoreline once more to get a feel for people and try to seem as nice as possible. If we do swap, I would want to be with Roxy since she's a major social player and I feel as though everyone loves her and would try to save her. That being said, she needs to go sooner than later cause the sex beast is a threat, lol. Anyway, #LetsNotSwapPlz #DontDoThisToMeHosts
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So Dan joined our alliance to gain majority on our tribe. It's now Eric, Matt, Dan, and I. My thoughts? Eek. I don't trust Dan. There's something about him...I feel like he's playing nice but is secretly a villain? And Eric completely exposed us to the other tribes so I doubt this will last (which is why I'm making sure my bonds stay solid) but for now, it gives me some security in my standing.....especially since Eric found an idol! (except he told too many people....) I am actually feeling closest to Matt at this current moment because we share a lot of the same thoughts about the other players!
Okay, I just went to Shoreline for the 2nd time to find half of the cast there....I thought it would be fun and relaxed, but people are giving out info, although brief info nonetheless! I know not to trust Stoner and that Julia can neither type nor shut up...(lawd). I'm a bit scared by how active this cast is, but their personalities are bound to rub each other the wrong way, so I'm actually glad there's so many loud people. Andreas being at Lake Redemption scares me though cuz that basically means no Redemption for me if I get voted out....he'll probably be the Great Lakes version of Matt Elrod!!
Ugh, I want Kyle to be more active so I can ACTUALLY work with him, but he's literally making every effort possible to isolate himself. He's weak in comps, rude to a degree, and is giving the tribe nothing, and the worst part of it all is that when he leaves, he'll blab to everyone that I had an alliance with him! (Which wasn't even ill-intentioned on my part! I truly DID want to work with him!). I hope we switch tribes before we lose so that he can get booted by another tribe or something....
So I finally got some 1-on-1 time with Andreas and got to learn the background behind the vote-offs. (Even though Eric already filled me in privately considering he talked to Andreas first). Kage, like my instincts told me, is not to be trusted. He criticized Ashton for playing too hard too fast but here he is doing exactly the same thing....foolish. Anyways, I'm really liking my social game right now. Eric clearly trusts me the most as he's told others to trust me (and only me) while Matt has confided in me about his skepticism of Eric. Dan.....not so much, but I think that's just because Dan is too busy irl for a virtual social game. I have a bond with Kyle and Luke and I'm on good terms with Adam. Hopefully this tribe can survive til the tribe swap so that I can have a lot of human resources at my disposal =)
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WOW! What a tribal that was! First off, I'm the one that gave both the fake advantages Hahahaha 👌. The vote went perfect
Whew, what a day it has been! I don't even remember my last confessional so I'll just start at the last tribal. Ok, so Ashton got voted out GOOD! Matt played the fake double vote sonner than I thought he would BAD! According to Andreas, there was a "Kage Is A Snake" party on Redemption island that I didn't know about BAD! Also apparently half my tribe was there BAD! We then lost the challenge BAD! Ashton officially got sent home GOOD! I still don't know if I can completely trust my tribe. The plan right now is to vote Matt, and tell Matt to vote for Bodhi. However, Matt says he wants to vote for me, according to Bodhi. So I have no idea if I'm going to have to face Andreas at Redemption. If I do, that would be detrimental, because he is a challenge BEAST! All I can do is trust in my bonds and pray🙏🙏🙏
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So we're at tribal, and everyone is super tense! Except for me and a few others of course, who are just lying back watching everyone freak out. Then, out of nowhere, Matt whips out his double vote! But its fake! It's a fake double vote! Matt has been lied to, I bet he has lost his trust for whoever gave it to him! But then, out of nowhere again, ASHTON WHIPS OUT HIS IDOL. Everyone is like "ew, put that thing away," but he wont! He keeps waving his goddamn idol around like he's a very excited 6 year old. But its a fake! So he's gotta rip off his idol, which flops around on the floor of tribal, until someone throws it in the fire. And then Ashton is voted out, just like we'd planned from day one. Easy.
so this vote is another piece of cake. It would be easy for us to just all say Matt and go with it, but we've gone for more, out of boredom primarily. Kage is telling him that the plan is to vote me out, and I'm telling him that the plan is to vote Kage out. Matt is siding with me, which isn't the plan, but whatever, I do t mind him voting for Kage.
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Bodhi sent a link to a music video with porn on it in the tribe chat and it really sounds like the singer is gonna stab me in my sleep. The challenge is going well so far in the slow but steady mindset, I'm really glad it isn't a double tribal because even though I have a safenet in the majority alliance, those fake advantages still have me shook and there's no telling what that'll do to an impressionable paranoid ass man like me.
It feels like everyone's just hopped up on some insane ass sugar because the Odawa 4 alliance is just wildt as hell and trying to do some insane stuff at the tribal to show the other tribes... which is like the most nihilistic move you could do honestly. I'm down for it and it seems like everyone else is too. Now it's time to write the best goddamn idol speech I'm never going to use in a real situation. :]
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stoner: plays the idol me: https://68.media.tumblr.com/7b8d4167603a43dddaf35c15d64bf989/tumblr_nd8kgv7iZM1tcpjdeo4_1280.png
I still really don't know how stoner found that idol, but I would bet someone gave it to him. According to Dana, he was talking to the other tribes about how he was getting sent home. We probably should have seen this coming, but someone from the other tribe saw a chance to shake up our tribe. Ok so I officially have an alliance with Augusto, Dana, and Andreas, and then another with Augusto, Dana, and Julia. On top of that, I feel obligated to align with Emmon, so I could be in a pickle. The only saving grace is that we still have Stoner to get rid of, so going to tribal again isn't the end of the world. Hopefully, all of us will make it to the swap so I don't have to make a difficult choice. Having Andreas at the Shoreline is really a benefit for us. Not only is he a strong competitor and will probably beat everyone, but he's helping us look for idols and saying who's been there. He also gets all of the tea on the other tribe's dynamics so we'll know where the cracks are come the swap.
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Literally me in this game https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iOkb604pzhI I know no one wants to work with me, but I try! I really do! And just no one has asked me to the alliances, and I've just sorta dealing with being the power bottom of this tribe. SO YEAH! Just hoping I survive long enough for a swap, I'm already accepting that I'm doomed atm, so gluck me! Sucks because I like this people, I just wish they liked me back ya know? oh well good luck Christian!
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THIS SO LONG OVERDUE I'M SO SORRY. So things on my tribe are simultaneously calm and crazy.  I'm in alliance with Dan and Adam. Dan was dragged into an alliance with Crow, Eric and Matt but there's discourse over there because Dan and Matt both don't like Eric. The fact that Adam, Kyle and myself have been left out of that alliance very clearly means that they think the three of us are either a threat or too weak to help the tribe. However, the fact that Dan and Matt don't like Eric can be used to my advantage because I can team up with those two, Adam and Kyle (who wants me to watch out for him in exchange for me doing the same) and we can vote out Eric. Now...onto the best thing.....I HAVE AN IMMUNITY IDOL. I'm not planning on telling anybody that I have the idol because it can only bring bad luck to me. People can speculate but the words "i have an idol" are not leaving my mouth for the foreseeable future. Now to some opinions of my tribe mates: Dan: I've played like 3 games with Dan, we work well together, we look out for each other, I'm comfortable with him. Adam: I had never met Adam until this game but I've heard of him from the community. I think that with Dan's connection we could work really well together. Matt: I like Matt. I can tell that he's very smart and obviously knows how this game works. I'll need to keep my eye in him for sure but I want to work with him. Crow: I get alone really well with Crow on a personal level. We talk a bunch about life and the game hasn't come into it at all (which is scary af). The fact he may be hesitant of talking to me about the game means he doesn't trust me so I need to work on that. Kyle: Kyle can be too much sometimes. He's very blunt and I don't think some people in this game (Eric) will handle that very well. That being said, he said he'll look out for me. Eric: boy oh boy...this kid is SO enthusiastic about the game which is cute but it gets very overwhelming very quickly and it's easy to get annoyed by him. That being said, he's very "for the tribe" and wants us to do well which is great for us because it's helping us win.
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Holy Shit. Stoner actually found the idol and used it to take out Andreas! My plan worked perfectly and nobody even knows I'm behind it. Hopefully Andreas gets eliminated somewhere along on Redemption because that guy is in a league of his own when it comes to challenges. Meanwhile we have brought Dan into our alliance which is a great step. Eric didn't want to tell him about the idol just yet because the less people that know the better at this point. Eric goes to visit the shoreline and meets its new permanent resident Andreas. Eric, for reasons I can never explain, seems to instantly trust Andreas and takes everything he says as gold. Stoner is untrustworthy and we need him out of this game... the dude just blindsided Andreas with an idol and had EVERYONE vote against him. He is not the person you need to worry about. Somewhere in his kpop-loving brain he decides to not only tell Andreas that myself and Crow are "good people" and can be trusted but also tells him how to help his allies find an idol. This was a secret I hoped only us knew for the time being, but the more concerning part in all of this is that it puts a HUGE target on my back. You don't go to somebody you don't know and tell them "trust these people and here is how to find an idol" because what they hear is "this is my alliance, oh and we have an idol!". The only semi-plausible explanation that I can think of is that Stoner, Christian and I are not the triad in this game and Eric is with Andreas somehow. But still, Eric dude, loose lips sink ships. I'm just lucky I'm in one of those two-pegged boats because I'll be hard to stop but not unsinkable. Eric is seriously annoying everybody on the tribe. Dan and I spoke after he was brought into the alliance on how we don't really trust Eric and have our concerns with that mouth of his. To gain Dan's trust some more I told him about the idol in Eric' pocket. I really wish I found that thing first. Dan and I also agreed that Kyle should be the first target, even before Eric, because of his inactivity and negativity. I confessed my part of the Andreas blindside to Dan and he was amused, he is happy to see Andreas get the boot and was happy I helped direct Stoner on how to find an idol. Bonding at its best. For the first time in this game I had a conversation with Kyle. Kyle, the super attentive tribe member asked me if I was one of the hosts for this season..... Like.... I don't have words. We fucking worked together on the 99 Bottles Immunity Challenge. Like wow. Anyways, after some talk he asks to join (more like forces me into) an alliance with him. My momma didn't raise no dummy so I say "Sure Kyle buddy, lets work together". Kyle tells me there is one person he finds really annoying on the tribe which I correctly guess is Eric because thats his M.O. right now. I mean Adam, Dan and Kyle all already mentioned to me that they find the kid irritating and I'm in an alliance with him... Kyle also informs me he doesn't like Dan because he is "too positive". Sorry Kyle but Dan's my number one ally at this point and I don't really care for you. So, of course, I tell Dan to further gain his trust and make sure Kyle is our first target. The challenge was rough. I am terrible at naming songs let alone songs being into a genre I hardly listen too. I organized the group however and tried to help as much as possible. Thankfully we pulled out the victory and took a nice second place. Second place is just as good as first place in my books when only one tribe is going to tribal. Its a shame that Andreas won the challenge, I was hoping this was one that he'd put up a beatable score in. I want to avoid tribal council as long as possible... but not because I'm afraid of it. I'm running this tribe right now and if it was us at the final 7 I'd be in the end no problem. I want to keep as many of these Meskwakians in the game as long a possible because of that and tribal means we are voting one off. Tribal is where the game happens. It's where you get to break other people's hearts and destroy their dreams so that you can try to achieve your own. People complain that they hate voting people out and I'm not heartless, it can definitely be hard... But that is what Survivor is, especially online Survivor. You strip the adventure part out of Survivor and what is left is a complex game of lying, deceit, socialization, strategy and luck where your main goal is to take out people before they can take out you. At the end of the day only a few people remain and I fully intend to be one of those people. With another immunity win under our belts I look forward to an easy 24 hours before the next challenge is posted. We will be down to 18 people which makes me a little concerned about a tribe swap as we can be redivided into two or three tribes. I think my game is good where I am at now so a tribe swap can put all of that into question, however it could also take Stoner out of a bad position and put him into a better one which definitely helps out my game. I can't worry about this though. There is no point worrying for things that you can't control. You can try and plan ahead and roll with the punches and hope that at the end of the day you have done enough to survive. Survivor is a fluid game so you have to be a fluid player; if you can't bend you will likely break.
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So another week, another win. I'm proud of my tribe for actually working kind of well together again. On the other hand, Eric is a hot mess. He's playing so hard so fast and I really need him to calm down. Matt has told me all these things and I'm obviously telling Adam and Luke because I trust them way more. Matt is definitely setting himself up as a huge strategic threat so if I can bamboozle a vote and get him out premerge or early jury that would be perfect. Matt is playing a winners game right now and the only person who should be playing one is my ass.
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canaryatlaw · 7 years
Today was.....kind of odd. I felt exhausted and like I was running crazy all day, but I actually wasn't? Idk. I remembered today that my psychiatrist wanted me to call him after I'd been on the Xanax for like a week to see if I'd noticed a difference, as I should have, and as I remembered I was supposed to do this I realized I don't think I've actually seen much of a difference. I still feel anxious pretty much all the time and can't stop my mind from racing even when I'm trying to relax, there's always something I need to get done. I'm doing 2 mg of Xanax a day right now (1 at morning and 1 at night) and he wrote me the prescription to use as needed so I can increase it if needed. If I'm remembering correctly, at the time I accidentally went off it I was taking 3 mg a day, I guess I was just hoping I would be doing better by now and wouldn't need that much. Idk, it's weird to be experiencing symptoms of mental illness like anxiety and feeling exhausted and like something in my mind just isn't right without them being accompanied by the overwhelming and soul-sucking dread of suicidal ideation constantly occupying your mind. Because I pretty much consider myself "recovered" at this point. Like I'm SO much better than I was 4 years ago. But I'm still having symptoms that just don't feel like they have a causal connection to my life, because there's nothing that would be causing that in my life- I mean at least as far as the depression, there's obviously plenty to cause anxiety. But I don't really feel depressed at all so I don't really know if that's what this is??? Like my brain felt weird when I was without my meds for a few days but for the most part it's been fine with happiness, just tending to get overwhelmingly exhausted, but with me that could have a lot of causes (see: my abysmal high school attendance record). Sigh. I didn't mean to get into all of this right now, it just kind of came out. I think that's most of what I have to say, though. So, today. Alarm went off at 9:45, and the first thing I notice is its gross and rainy and hell no am I gonna walk 20 minutes to the train in the freezing rain cuz I fucking hate rain, so I consult google maps to see which of the alternate routes I know of would be quickest, and decide on the one that takes my normal bus route to a close by train station of another line that I can then take to the loop. So that worked out fine and I got to school in plenty of time to prep for the panel. Oh, I left out that I woke up to a text from my across the hall at work friend saying she was like ridiculously sick and couldn't come, so that sucked but oh well. After not too long DCFS guy comes over with the PD we were able to get from delinquency, so we hang out and talk for a while as things get set up more and we get food before the panel. So, we ended up having 4 panelists, which worked well because we initially felt overbooked at 6, but 2 had to cancel haha so that ended up being good. We had the PD, DCFS guy, an adoption attorney, and a child rep that does work in domestic relations (divorce/custody court). And of course I was the moderator, so I got ask my questions and they went really well! Everyone had good and varying answers, and even gave some well-reasoned answers to my thrown in at the last minute question about if they could change one thing about the system they work in what would it be, because of course I am so very reform minded, lol. We got to open the floor up a little at the end, and the panelists talked about the last question for like 10 minutes and I was like watching the clock knowing the 1L's all had to get back to class at 1 so as soon as they finished I was like OKAY whoever needs to leave go and we can chat with the panelists if you want to stay, lol. So that felt good overall. I stayed and talked to DCFS guy about some random stuff since he had some time before going back to work since this was an official work sanctioned event for him, lol. So that was cool. When he headed out I switched over to the PAD office for a bit and did something on my computer for a little, I don't even remember what, before going to meet my LARC prof for our individual conference. It wasn't all that helpful because it tended to be just more generalized feedback, and like I know what I'm doing its just a matter of doing it in the form they want. But I got my argument section back and graded so between that and my graded trial brief I should have some good basis to go off when I finish off the appellate brief this weekend hopefully. That's the idea, anyway. After that I went back to school and was gonna go to the PAD office but instead found my spring break friend, summer job friend, and the girl who's gonna be the president of the child and family law group with me next semester chilling in one of the rooms, so I hung out with them and actually got around to reading most of the cases for crim pro tonight. It was nice, even if I still felt exhausted at the end of the day. And I ended up ordering Chinese food because I felt like it before class lol and they had these mango and shrimp egg rolls that are possibly the craziest and most amazing things I've ever tasted. Crim pro was fine, just went over the few cases, and I interjected two short comments on different aspects of police behavior and their consequences (one of which was in result of a wrongful conviction that was affirmed by the fucking Supreme Court before later getting DNA exonerated that besides this man spending so much of his life in prison, there was a fucking child rapist freely roaming the streets). She then told us about how she's gonna like speed through the rest of the cases at the next two classes, and then let us go at 6:45....? Idk, I feel like she wasn't prepared for them or something, although I've discovered when she recites the "facts" of the case she reads almost word for word off the quimbee briefs I've been looking at, lol. But hey, I'll take it. It was still rainy and gross so I tried the alternate route again but with slightly more anxiety this time because I don't like relying on buses at night because, basically, the suck. We end up getting off the train literally right as the bus is pulling up to the stop (like I saw the bus as soon as I got off the train and had to run down two flights of stairs to get to it) and I just made it but like the driver was being rude and I had to like, bang on the door when there were like 4 other people with me trying to get on.....like calm down lady it's not gonna kill you to wait another 2 seconds. So that kind of ticked me off but I was at least glad I caught the bus. Got home and decided to watch the episode of Blindspot that had pretty much just finished airing and OH BOY do I have feelings about this episode. I already did a massive Twitter rant about this (and I mean massive) so I'll just give you the highlights but between this plot and Chicago Justice's (both nbc shows, fyi) treatment of a foster kid earlier this week I had just about had it. The kind of plot Blindspot did tonight was awful because it adds to the idea that foster parents are bad people who are only in it for the money, and that is overwhelmingly false. Are there crappy foster parents in the system? Of course, I spent all of last semester tracking them down and getting the kids removed from their homes. But the vast, vast majority of foster parents are wonderful, loving people who are sacrificing so much for a child they may very well have to say goodbye to some day. And when we are already at such a critical shortage of foster parents, this kind of portrayal is so damaging to that image. It only serves to add more stigma to the idea of foster parents are being corrupt and "foster child" practically being synonymous with "problem child" in some peoples heads, another convention that needs to end. The whole thing just really, really got under my skin. I mean, I know better than anyone that this kind of shit (okay I mean, this was obviously an extreme example, but similar types of mistreatment I mean) does happen, but broadcasting it as one of a very few portrayals of foster parents most people are gonna see is damaging to the idea of being a foster parent and hurts the chance that they would consider being one in the future, and that's just such a major problem for me. I obviously have a lot of feelings about this, and I feel like I should find some higher up at nbc to write to about it, other than tagging the network's account in my Twitter rant. But yeah, the whole thing just really pissed me off. Other than that though, my only other comment on the episode was that I was really sad to see Nas go, even though I knew it was inevitable as soon as she got involved with Weller, because the show has made it abundantly clear that Kurt/Jane is endgame and anyone who interferes with that isn't gonna last. But I really couldn't give a crap about her and Kurt's romance or whatever, she was such a great character in so many other ways and such a fantastic leader that I'm sad to see her character leave. And I mean not all of this is coming from my adoration of Archie as an actress, but she really did a fantastic job with the character that I feel like the show will miss her a lot. Okay, so after that I actually got to watch designated survivor live, which I've only gotten to do a handful of times. And man, this episode was EXCELLENT. Like definitely one of the best episodes of television I've seen from an objective (not fandom based) viewpoint. Like just as a piece of art it was brilliantly done. Admittedly I didn't pay all that much attention to the B and C storylines of Hannah and Aaron's adventures, but they were solid in their own right. But the really just knocked it out of the park with Kirkman's A storyline, like holy shit we're seriously at the point where how can you not be rooting for this character? I loved seeing him prep for the town hall and trying to figure out what he should see and then him in that scene and just being so fucking brilliant. Everything he did in that scene was artistic perfection. I had very real tears running down my cheeks by the end of it, and I have a hard time believing anyone else could watch it and not be similarly emotionally affected (even if you don't cry). Like they used just the perfect amount of personal story worked in there without pushing one issue or over-milking a tragic storyline. Just watching him on that stage and speaking from his heart to that mother was just so incredibly beautiful and I'm sitting there thinking damn, I would give anything to have Tom Kirkman as our actual president right now, lol, I seriously think he would be doing so much better than the current joke of an administration we have. So yeah, obviously I was very impressed with the episode. Kiefer continues to be a spectacular actor, and just shines in this role because he is so very good at bringing out the intricacies of the character, his doubts and fears while still managing to remain a strong leader that the people can trust in a time of such horrific distress. But yeah, obviously very pleased there. And yeah, not long after that I started getting ready for bed and here we are, lol, although 2 hours slipped by somewhere in between (funny how that happens). Big girl job in the morning, and then I'm probably gonna find a Starbucks to chill out and work on my LARC assignment on until small group because I just don't have the physical or emotional energy to go to the kickboxing gym this week, though I have been continuing to do push ups during commercial breaks, so that's good at least lol. Okay I think I'm done here. Goodnight lovelies. Have a good sleep.
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survivor-guyana · 5 years
Episode 4: "I'm pan with a plan, and I'm here to make messy ass moves." - Maynor
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So... Dog food is salty as fuck. No wonder my dog downs the whole bowl of water after he's done eating... What the hell dog food makers
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SO THIS WHOLE dare challenge this has got me GOING right now. The whole impersonations and "Who will Win?" videos are going to be BIG indicators of who is close to from my tribe. BUT DEVON.... TOOK IT TO A WHOLE NOTHER' LEVEL. A NORMAL person would do a silly one y'know? Does this guy NOT do Sarah (someone I know he's close with) and state all these things he obviously knows about her. She goes to Michigan state, has a finsta, likes to make friends in games... etc. THEN THE PICK TO WIN VIDEO.... AGAIN A NORMAL PERSON WOULD DO SOMETHING SILLY. For example: I did JD and went on about how she is CANADIAN. DEVON GOES AND DOES: Jose and how he could be tricking us... and it's actually his strategy. I can not with this being anymore. BUT tbh I'm just GLAD he's making himself a bigger target than me in case we lose. ALSO: Chelsea showing that she knows stuff about Alyssa... ummmm NO. I'm scurrrred. As say they say in French I am "le fucked" here. TBH i'm NOT lying when I say I wasn't close to my old tribe. I literally was only close to Aidan but aside from that no one else. There was an alliance of Sarah/Aidan/Devon inside of the alliance of Dani/Maynor/Sarah/Aidan/Devon/ myself. It is driving me BONKERS that Devon (the one person I NEED on my tribe right now) is unintentionally and potentially fucking his game with his videos. This was avoidable imo. Johnny didn't say "you MUST put a target on your back"... THIS IS THE GUY I NEED TO STAY WITH ME. ALSO if I ever find out Alyssa is playing me I might cry. She's literally my bitch. She's awesome. I NEVER GET ALONG WITH GIRLS IN GAMES. EVER. I just know Sammy/Chelsea are close. I could see Alyssa being close to them too so I'm just trying to make myself as relevant as possible with Alyssa because if I don't she won't feel bad sending me out. If she has doubts about it I CAN WORK WITH THAT. Sammy is totally the glue between the faves on my tribe IMO. I just know I need to somehow get closer to Sammy. I just don't know HOW! Chelsea seems super quiet and it's hard to really get a read on her. I just hope we never have to lose because I will actually cry if José pops up with an idol and my ass gets sent packing.
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So me and Jones have gotten closer and closer!!! So has me Jones and Nick as an alliance. The challenge went pretty ok but we eventually lost in the end. There's a joint tribal happening right now so we're all a little shook. The Green team is thinking of a way to stay safe through it all. The other tribe seems like it has some pretty nice peeps on it honestly lol. I watched their intro videos and Danielle's stands out the most. (I think she's the pizza one lol). The Green Team was originally going to try and get Jenna to flip back with us but we're not sure if she even values us so now we're going to try and flip with the fans and somehow vote Jenna out.
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First of, can i say that i missed jones and tim. 😭❤️ Like im so happy i finally got to talk to them. I missed my DAD Jones. We have a duo alliance going on. I brought it up right when the joint chat was made. Its going to be great. As for the vote tonight. We are going to target Nick. And hope that Jenna stays with us.
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HNNNNN Jenna isn't going to flip on the fans to my knowledge which really fucks over a lot of things. Now I'm not sure if I'm gonna be targeted or Jones or Nick. TJ and JD can go home and I'll be fine but I'd hate to get out right now. In my head I'm like UGH JENNA JUST FLIP BACK TO FAVS you'll be in a good spot and won't jeopardize anything!!! And you'll almost surely guarantee Jury!!!! But on the outside Im like.. omg ya fans vs favs is over the swap did that snatched wig tea okurrt PEriod. I just wanted a simple tribal but now I'm losing my shit. If I go after Nikias I will JUMP.
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Honestly my allies bore me. I guess I trust them but I don't know... this other tribe seems to suck too. I just want a favorite to leave at this point because the fans are getting slaughtered. But Thomas is an interesting situation. We definitely have a past and he's the biggest threat but the devil you know is better than the devil you don't? But I know he'll pick Jess over me any day of the week I've been a little quieter so I predict people might have doubts but I'm loyal to my alliance for now. I'm just trying to lay low and make it to the merge before I can really be a crazy cunt. Nick is apparently the vote and I'm sad because he's also a minority? But not too sad because idk him.
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updates: Maynor, Mitchell, Tim and I make an alliance maybe possibly? also,, we're probs gonna surrender to the fans lmao sorry JD :(
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I think nicks going home but I’m kinda nervous. Jenna’s sticking with us fans apparently. Jonesy wants jenna out that’s all the tea I have
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I was prepared to flip when they brought up Jones’ name. Like nah. I would lay down my game for Jones aka Dad. For this vote cuz i think theres a swap coming after this vote. Hopefully. It looks like its Nick tonight which i am fine with.
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(i don't have the time/energy to film a video confessional) THEY'RE REALLY GOING FOR ME HUH MITCHELL THAT FUCKING RAT threw my name out to the rest of the fans because I suggested Jenna, and now they wanna vote me out (the only reason why I know is bc my king maynor told me) Maynor said he'd try to switch the vote, but right now, it's on me, and that's NOT OKAY HAHAHA. if it stays on me, then he's gonna flip. it's so INTERESTING how all I do is suggest someone who's a CLEAR MINORITY ON THE OTHER TRIBE to be voted out!! and then SUDDENLY some fake vague ass people wanna cherish her???? like suddenly she's the token person on the tribe??? that's fake as fuck and they know that. ok while i'm writing this,,, apparently the vote went off me. but it's also all up to JENNA like ARE YOU KIDDING. like,, y'all are a group of 5 people, you can come up with a decision on your own and she can go with it. like she's really chill, I like her I think she's cool, but she shouldn't be getting this treatment from a tribe that had her on the bottom before. i'm at a point where i'm just trying to get Maynor to flip to our side, because h's just as frustrated about this situation as I am. and I don't really want Nick to will me/tim his idol if we can get him to flip. ,,, so yeah *does fake ass stick out tongue thing*
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This vote is a MESS. At one point it was Jones and then its JD and now its TJ and now I want to JUMP from a cliff. Also Nick is two faced. Apparently he had an idol hunt group composed of Alyssa, JD, Whats her face, and Himself. He probably used MY idol clue and I want to fite him.
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Hi I’ve been very tired owo so I come out of nowhere and honestly I’m like, this is cute owo so now I’m just going to come out of nowhere when we swap, and honestly that’s cute :,)
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so according to Maynor it's between Jenna and Nick, i'm still trying to work my magic on Maynor, and I think it's working. hopefully a swap is coming sometime soon though so i can kick Mitchell's ass laksdjflsdkj
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I can't imagine being in a better position in this game. Think about it:
1. I got almost everyone's trust from the fans tribe. 2. I got swapfucked alongside Jess, who I barely spoke to prior. 3. I got connected with Jess and solidified a relationship. 4. I made connections with Sammy, Alyssa, Chelsea, and Jose. 5. We haven't lost a single competition, and now the other 2 tribes will be pitted against one another. Whoever votes in the minority will be forced to come to Jess and I, so in essence, we hold every ounce of power. Best case scenario: We get swapped into a tribe with current Hosororo and old fans, giving me the ability to pick and choose who stays and who goes. Worst case scenario: We get swapfucked and I need to make new relationships with alternative favorites. I would also be more than fine staying in the same tribe, considering there is a clear gap between our tribe and the other 2.
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Our tribe really thought Jenna was the swing vote. Bish it was actually me. Im pan with a plan and im here to make messy as moves. Jones aka DAD. ❤️ I think im going to flip and do Jenna. While my fans + jenna are doing Nick. Im really hoping there is a swap cuz if there isnt im screwed. But its a move and me and Jonesy are going to be the villians of the season. But at the end of the day. A favorite is still going home.
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Me and Jones went on call for an hour and talked about the vote. We're sticking with voting Jenna out. Jonesy worked her magic on Maynor and is getting him to flip. Also Mitchell is a bad bean akdjdjs. Anyways ... Me and My wig have decided to vote ... for Jenna Nick wanted me to play the idol on him since he's getting votes this round and Maynor may not flio but HNNNNN i dont want that target on me just as of now. It'd be too risky and since he made an idol hunt group without me on our OG tribe... I considered letting him will me the idol and then him getting voted out ajsjsksks.
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Well, there's no way of getting this to work unless Jones works her magic. I'm simply trying to get people to realize that I'm social and understanding of how this game gets played. Hopefully I can get people to want to keep me and play with me come a tribe swap or a merge.
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It’s been a weird round.  I fought my ass off in the challenge but to no avail.  This joint tribal has been a battle.  I think Maynor is flipping to vote out Jenna.  If I’m wrong it’s me with an idol in my pocket. But my allies Tim and Jonesy both feel confident in Maynor and you can’t win Survivor alone so I’m going to stick with my homies and not play my idol.  Gulp.  Wish me luck:
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Curse you hosts! Throwing us into a blender to vote someone out! RTQ-read the question, or so my professor always said. What do I do not not read the whole thing and forget to put a Guyana sign or even say it In my videos. Which leaves me scrabbling to do it all again. Dog food and fucking hot sauce bullshit is not something you want to do twice in one night, let alone in one week. Lesson for the day? READ THR MOTHER FUCKING QUESTION FOLKS!
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YALL I am so sorry about not making confessionals. It's just I always have a fear that I am wasting my time and that the confessionals won't even got posted...and like nothing interesting has happened on my tribe.  Here are some fun facts tho: after tonight me, Alyssa, José, and Chelsea are the only ones that have not gone to tribal. YEEHAW SKEET SKEET YALL.  I am living in paradise, I have connected w Devon and Jess pretty well.  Devon I know I can trust 100%, I am sure that Jess and Alyssa are pretty close but I still trust them too. I want to be reunited with JONESSSS I miss her.  CRYING IN THE CLUB RN.  We had a mini tribe call just to like chit chat and that was fun.  Jess also destroyed the comp and if José would not have been on our tribe I would have asked to sit out bc like I was still recovering from editing the music video. UMM what else. Oh we have that lit joint tribal that we do not have to go to #BLESS and Idk yall I am just waiting to go to tribal so I can play the game, it's hard coming up with stuff to do and have fun when u winnn.  I have just been collecting tea about the fans sooo
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AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH THAT WASN'T SUPPOSED TO WORK OUT OH MY GOD BLESS MAYNOR HOLY FUCK I LOVE THAT MAN SO MUCH that's all for now xoxo, i'll do a more detailed video confessional later
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Not even going to lie.. I'm shitting bricks that José is going to fuck up this challenge for us. If he does RIP me in this game. I think I'm the one on the outs out of the 5 of us. Devon is connected with people like Chelsea who won't even give me the time of day.. I'm fucked. SO FUCKED.
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Lets start off with Jenna.  I am very sorry. Im sorry that i voted for you. Im a sorry that i made the move? No. I felt you were too close to Dani and Sarah and Aidan and Mitchell. And you had lots of power that tribal. I guess you can say you were sarah and i was kass in this vote. And chaos struck. No one knew my connection to my dad aka Jones and Tim. They are ❤️. I would protect them and i did. Am i ready for the fall out idk. Hopefully no one takes the temptation on our tribe cuz my ass will go right behind Jenna. If I cant do damage control.
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Welcome to my: "I Think I may Just be PMSING" rant for this round. BUT I JUST NEED A FUCKING PERSON IN THIS GAME. Someone who I know has my back at least 75%. I'm not asking for a miracle here.. I know someone having your back 100% isn't realistic at all. However, I just need someone who I know going forward will pick me over their old friends or tribe-mates if when we swap or if I make it to merge. Where is this all coming from? I have no idea. I just have a fucking weird feeling. I felt good with my tribe but for some reason something just feels OFF to me. This is probably my paranoia kicking in or my hormones? Only time will fucking tell.... If you'd ask me currently who I considered my person I would say it's Devon by fucking default.  WHICH IS REALLY SAD CONSIDERING HOW WE WERE PRE-SWAP. We swapped together, he has ACTUALLY given me information. BUT..... I know homeboy is looking out for himself first and will sell me out when time comes. SO that's not good for me in the future... I know he has a tendency to tell people the same things too so.. that’s a mood. I would have said Alyssa is my person HOWEVER, I don't see a scenario where she chooses me over Chelsea or Sammy on this tribe right now. In the future? Possibly, I won't rule that out at all.  But for the remainder of however long we have on this tribe... I don't feel good at all. She gives me almost no information and that could be a result of me not giving her information but I’ve honestly told her everything I know. Mitchell possibly being on the bottom, what went into the Lucy/Bee vote. That’s all I got. I physically can not give her anything else. SHE KNOWS EVERYTHING I KNOW. Maybe she doesn’t know anything? I have no fucking idea. I want to work with her SO BAD. I don’t think I’ve ever wanted to work with SOMEONE MORE IN A GAME. BUT I fucking can’t shake the feeling of her stabbing me in the back if it came down to me or Devon. I'm trying not to let my paranoia show and I know I've let it slip a couple of times in conversations with Alssya/ Sammy. They ignored me for a good 20 minutes when I said it so it was obvious they were on a call or communicating someway. OR MAYBE IT’S MY PMS OR PARANOIA?!!!! I’m just sure I’ve STRESSED THIS FACT ENOUGH BUTTTTT: I AM FUCKING NERVOUS. I’m almost as nervous as a drug addict taking a fucking piss test right now.  If José pulls some shit in this challenge I’m going if we LOSE MY FUCKING COOL LIKE NO TOMORROW. The way I see the connections on this tribe right now is simple: Devon has connections with Sammy/ Chelsea.  Side note: Chelsea acts like I’m the plague in her pm’s.  She ignores me harder than I ignore all of my life responsibilities and I ignore them pretty fucking hard. I believe I’m closer to Alyssa than Devon is but will she have the votes if it came down to it? NO. Sammy is close to everyone. He’s my pick to win right now. He has everything a future winner has.
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Color me SHOOK. Im very surprised that they are handling the Jenna very calm and understanding. I might not have been in as much danger as i thought. I told them the truth about why I did the vote and all the reasons. The paranoia. My anxiety that was spiraling out of control. I didnt tell them tho of my connection to Jonesy 🦑❤️ But i want to thank Jones for calming me down from my anxiety before the vote. And to Sarah who helped me after tribal cuz my anxiety kicked up again after i couldnt talk to jones and people were confused on what happened and were asking around. I am much better today tho. A little calmer than last night.
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I am really bad at this, I so imma spill some tea, which I don't have much of. Me and Mitchell agreed to work together until merge then we would kill each other whenever it best suited us. Which was a good think to do because apparently I'm a scary comp beast :D If that is all I am remembered for at the end of this game I'll be happy <3 More to come but I am at work soooooo yeah, more to come ~finger guns~
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Also I have NO idea why everyone trusts Mitchell so much!! He’s a snake and if he doesn’t go home this week, the rest of my tribe are idiots
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Well...that was quick. Aidan taking the advantage is really interesting, and also very telling: 1. Do the fans have a clear majority? Sarah and Dani didn't trust Mitchell, and this would be the perfect time to knock him out. 2. Is Aidan ACTUALLY playing the game? He seems to have a grip on what will happen tonight, which is fearsome, considering he didn't do jackshit on the original fans tribe. 3. What is this twist for later tonight? I predict the advantage has to do with either picking the swapped tribes or sending someone to exile at the F15, making it 7 vs 7 with 1 at exile.
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It looks like they may have thrown the challenge? I might be screwed? Like not in the good way. 😏  They said Mitchell’s name and i want to believe them but how are you going to be like i dont want to go to tribal and hope someone else takes it to taking the temptation. Its very clear of their intention. I just hope they are telling me the real target. Cuz if not im dead. And ill be gone. If its me, its been great. Its been fun. I wish i could have lasted longer. But oh well. Sarah i hope you make it far. Jonesy ❤️ Kill it and take the title.
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oh my godddd, so sorry I forgot to do a confessional. I completely forget to do them when my tribe doesn't have to go to tribal. ;) I genuinely love my tribe so much and have actively talked to everyone ever since the switch. Now there's talk about swaps that may happen, but I don't want that to happen. :( The only good thing that could come out of a swap is that I would have an easier time choosing someone to vote out if need be, because by the looks of it, my current tribe is the most active and serious about making it to the top. I really don't want any switches to happen unless it's merge! Also, I don't think my tribe is ever going to talk in the temptation chat because we're all so on the same page. Ugh, I love them.
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I think Sarah is going home because Mitchell Aidan and I made an alliance. She threw both Mitchell and my name so.
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survivormontenegro · 5 years
Episode 13: “I Feel Like It’s Time for a Classic Blindside” - Mitch
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okay so mo went home and im sad because he is my SON and I LOVE HIM. On a game level, sepearating Jones/Mo was crucial, but Mo was a goat, and Julia and Mo going back to back is bad news.
It kind of limits my options moving forwards, since I know I can't go to the end with Jones/Mitch, and don't think I can go to the end with Jason. I thought Tom would be a goat for literally self voting twice, but Jones is selling him like some big threat?
Anywho that means F3 has to be Me/Caeleb/Benj, which honestly... is all good in my back, they are my two faves on the tribe, so I'm down to clown with that.
also me clocking that caeleb is matt who won kuwait's boyfriend, i truly am the second coming of nancy drew
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okay so morning after last night's tribal. i don't regret any decisions i made, but i am a little concerned about the narrow path I now have to FTC.
I feel like I'm playing a good game, and a game better than those that I have played in the past. However, I'm also not delusional, and I know how big of a threat Jones/Mitch/Jason are at FTC, and while I don't think Tom should be a threat, apparently he is too.
What that means, is I have to angle for a F3 of Me, Caeleb and Benj. I think its do-able, but its going to be tricky.
The best way I see it happening is next vote, siding with Caeleb/Jones to vote off Jason, so that the two 'pairs' are attacked with equal force. Its definitely risky, since it means I'll be very vulnerable, but HOPEFULLY the following round I can swing it back and get Jones out.
That would then leave a F5 (which oh my GOD final five already got to SCREAM), of Me/Mitch/Caeleb/Tom/Benj. I think I would then unfortunately need to take out Mitch at F5, because he is scary scary, and I think would be such a deserving winner. That leaves a F4 of Me, Benj, Caeleb and Tom which I think is probably best case scenario, where I would vote off Tom most likely, leaving the F3 as me, Benj and Caeleb. If its a F2, I go to the end with Benj.
I think its definitely a work-able and do-able plan, its just important to get all the stages right. Thinking about it, it could be worth swapping Jason and Tom on the plan. I think Jason is more of a threat personally, but perception is reality, and if Jones is saying Tom is a threat, I can't be seen walking to the end with him.
So... I'm cautiously optimistic. I think I'm playing a strong game, I still have TWO idols, and am on track to keeping on pushing on.
If I'm voted off at seventh place, the order I would vote for the remaining players at FTC:
Mitch > Jason > Jones > Caeleb > Benj > Tom
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I knew that this could happen, and I was trying so hard to keep Mo around. I told Grandma's boys that we should vote Mitch, they said no. And then Benj let me know he was voting Mo, and since Ali and Mitch weren't responding to me anymore, I knew they were going to vote Mo instead. I told Jones to play her idol on Mo but she didn't do that either. Overall, I am sad. Because I let them tell me how I should play that round but I should've been confident in A) my gameplay and what I wanted to do, and B) my understanding of the roles in this game and who I felt was talking to who. If the last vote showed me anything it showed me that:
I have a pretty good understanding of who is running this game (Mitch and Benj)
Jones is playing a really good social game but she isn't ready to make big moves yet, or she doesn't understand which moves we should make.
Jones and I are in this together. We have to by default because I know about her idol, but also with pairs popping up everywhere its safer to have a voting buddy. Plus Jones is cool so like I could be stuck with someone I didn't like and for that I'm lucky.
Lastly, I need to be confident. I have played well, but I've lost momentum. I had it with the Alex vote, and it waned but I had it in the Jules vote. I was exposed and lost it in the Julia vote, and I was completely left out of the picture in the Mo vote. I need to regain this momentum. I know I like always make a fool of myself with my confessionals hehe because I always say I want something to happen but it never ends up happening. That's largely because so many people have their own agendas, dictating the vote is not my style. Being flexible as F*** for sure is. BUT, I will hopefully get my way next tribal. I am planning on using Jones, Me, Ali and Jason to vote Mitch. I am starting to sow the seeds in Jason and Ali, because Mitch has clearly played the best so far. He has ALWAYS voted right, and been the deciding vote for Jules, Alex, and Mo. Yet he also never was cursed. He'll win, and its my mission to vote him next. But don't keep me on my word because HELL knows things are gonna hit the fan anyways.
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also i have to confess this because its funny and i will forget otherwise, but on the call before last tribal, i said tom is too straight for me to be able to work with him long term in my host chat, because he kept saying bro and chick.
LITERALLY, and I mean LITERALLY, 5 seconds later, he shows us this picture and asks us "how fake this chick's boobs are". I am NOT going to be a straight enabler, straight pride can WAIT, this is not gonna keep happening.
With that said, I wanna go F3 with Tom probably KSADF, or no maybe F4. I definitely know Jason, Mitch and Jones need to leave sooner rather than later, and I will then figure it out from there eeeek!
I would've had a 38 POINT WORD, if he didn't snatch that Z from me, he ROBBED me of quizzical, and now he can spell frazzled which ties my current best word. EEEEEK.
okay me making fun of tom for having a sheet when i have the same... love being a crackhead...
also me getting SO pressed about Caeleb winning immunity for 0.5 seconds, before realising I didn't want to vote him out anyway, and that him winning is like... fine.
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I made this this morning:
I hate everyone KSKSKSKSKKS i want to just do something for myself so bad Bc I feel like such a follower and I wanna just die all the time but like ????? The last 12 times I try to plan moves it backfires so I just need like,,, to breathe a bit.idk??? I don’t even know if I want BENJ in the F2 with me like I said,,, anyways,,,
Best F3 scenario: me/Tom/benj
Best F2 scenario: me/literally one of those two men,,,, maybe preferably Tom? Like no offense to Tom but idt anytime on jury likes Tom rn JSJSJSJS but ya time to die and lose in immunity UwU
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I WON IMMUNITY AHHH. It means I'm guaranteed a spot in the final six, and assuming I play my idols right, F5 and then F4. I'm potentially... one round from FTC, this is CRAZY.
This round is gonna be interesting, it needs to be one of Jones, Jason or Mitch for sure, I just need to angle it so that its definitely the right one. I am immune, and can use that safety to lead a vote... whatever happens i'm so EXCITEDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
quasiconvexity carried me through
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So the game has been going well! I wanted Mo to go at F9 cuz we just didn’t have as good of connection as I do with others but that got overshadowed by Julia blowing up but we made it happen this round me Mitch and Ali wow the votes actually fell 3-3-2 exactly like we planned.
Literally 4 votes in a row now the exposed people voted wrong LOL. Anyways next up to go is Jason, we have worked together well for a few votes but him and Tom are a duo who have to be broken up now that Mo/Jones are broken. Jason has more chance to win so its got to be him.
Jones covered my vote hehe so it should go as planned we hope but idk itll prob be ruined like stuff usually is. It should be me jones mitch caeleb voting him, tom and Jason will I guess vote jones or someone, ali can vote whoever it doesn’t matter
Me and Ali have realised the Sapphire idol is more of a curse than helpful LOL so hopefully we don’t ever have to use it. We have also decided that we want to go to F4 w Tom and Caeleb, I LOVE Jones and Mitch so much but they are the biggest threats. But I wouldn’t be surprised if everyone teams up against me and Ali and realise we have lowkey been shaping the course of the game since F11 hehe.
This is one of my favourite orgs ever and Ali is one of my favourite allies ever! Ali when u see this thank u for putting up w my being cracked and listening to all my scheming and plans u make this game sm fun so just thank u sm.
Everyone left in the game are also such good people ugh it sucks to have to vote them at some point :// The hosts went off w casting…
So ya moving forward me and Ali’s goal is to make F5 and have one of us win immunity and idol the other w Budva idol and not even use the Sapphire bc apparently if its like a 3-1-1 vote they are all immune which is too scary we cant cirie ourselves out!!
Gosh I sounded so cocky just then huh... I rlly am always looking out and worried about being blindsided aswell eeeek
I just have so much hope for benjali duo ;-;
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okay so this vote... it needs to be one of Jones, Mitch and Jason. I've heard from Benj that there is a plan to vote Jason, of Mitch/Benj/Jones/Caeleb, here is the problem tho... I'm down with Jason going, but if I hop on to this plan, I'm just an add on and its not a move I can claim at an FTC resume.
So, I have to plan an alternative, and its either gonna be Me/Jason/Tom/Caeleb vote Mitch, or Me/Jason/Tom/Mitch vote Jones. I am leaning towards voting Jones right now, because like... she just told me she has heard nothing for the vote, when I know she is plotting and has sorted a plan to get Jason out. She clearly doesn't trust me, we've voted separately at basically every single tribal and she is a mega threat in the end.
I think I could convince Mitch to vote her, and it also detaches Caeleb, and it means he is stuck with me, which is good, since I'll need him to vote Jason potentially next round. Its tough because I want all three of Mitch/Jason/Jones out asap... hnnngh.
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So I have the opportunity to make a game changing move. Im almost certain I know who has the idol and i REALLY want the person out this round. Right now they are breezing by without being targeted a single time and I feel like its time for a classic blindside. The problem is, right now that specific person is not being targeted. The risk of telling the people who are being targeted that they are the target is astronomical but if it works it just might send the person who I want gone out. It's a risky plan that I don't know if it will work or not.
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okay so I think I may have already confessed this, but loving having ZERO memory. Okay so Jones is going tonight, she is definitely a major threat, has access to jury votes I couldn't even dream of getting and is SUCH an FTC risk.
I think this vote works, because then... next round we can get Mitch. I can solidify something with Caeleb and Benj, and we can then agree to get Jason at F5, that's... such smooth sailing to FTC. I'm excited.
I love voting with Mitch/Jason for a vote, and then... voting against them in literally the two votes after, loving being a mess.
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Episode 2 Confessionals
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who is bryce and how long has he been on this tribe
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so my daughter emma left and im the only one who stood by her side. i still have lexi on my side. hopefully adam, jordan pines (shocking) and jay. im mostly working with jordan and jay bcuz they might know lexi and i are friends. considering i was in the india reuinon chat and kicked from it on and off for weeks. also katie is in this game and i know she's bffls with adam, so i wanna work with him to keep that door open. and katie is also bffs with jordan so ILL GIVE THAT LITTLE PINES BOY A CHANCE
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Me forgetting to make a confessional doesn't surprise me. Anyway I got an advantage from the wishing well thing and I'm shook that it worked to get half the tribe on call
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I think I made a pretty good connection with Chris, especially based on the fact that we are in 2 orgs together. I would like to align with one more person and make it an alliance of 3, so when I get the chance to talk to Chris, that could hopefully be set up. I want to be a bit more straightforward with my goals in this org unlike in some of the previous ones I have played recently. I've been waiting for someone to come to me but maybe if I go to a couple people, they will respect and trust me more because I want to align with them. It worked well with Chris. Also everyone listen to this goddess sing: 
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So, usually i don't make confessionals, because thats lame, but my boy RTP needs them. So what can I say, I'm a giver. Anyways round 1 is fine. I have a few different alliances, each sort of mixing with the other. I got a 1 on 1 of me and adam. I got a 3 person one of me Luke and Jay. And I think I am working with Ryan and Willa. Separately of course. Anyways i'm not too worried about going home. I just hope we win shit soon.
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Okay fake friends!! No one though to inform me about the idol map thing JKDSFJK. I don't even quiet get it AAAAAAAA. I searched somewhere but don't think I got a response so I think I'm wrong. Also we won the first challenge yay!! I'm really scared to go to tribal b/c I don't think I'm in a majority. I want to make an alliance with like carson, charlotte, zachary, katie but I think its too soon??? But that's what people who wait to long say so idk SDDSHFSf. Taylor Swift's new song came out earlier and its so good. Its also everywhere??? Like on so many promotional things and ads shes really getting her business. The reward challenge is usually something I'd like but I finally fixed my sleeping schedule and its about to get ruined again probably. I'm so tired but I want to win. The wishing well is also strange. I didn't get chosen this time and no one told me they did either so yikes :s! Here's hoping things look less grim.
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okay i really like carson. he's really fun and probably the person im closest with. I want to work with as well, Willow. she's a queen! WOO ill make a longer one soon i promise
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Congrats to me for not being the first boot. That'll have to do for my first confessional I'll do a real one later Ryan please don't yell at me.
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I GET SLEEP YES. Sad I didn't get it but tbh idc. I am SO tired and now I don't have to stay up. Gonna finis the Great British Bake Off episode I'm on and them I'll be counting sheep! Hope my tribe wins <3
I dreamed a dream that I searched for the idol apparently. BECAUSE I DIDN'T ACTUALLY DSFJKSFKJFK. I don't understand why I'm like this but I'm cracking up and apparently imagining I searched Churup HSFJKDFsKJF
Just occured to me that hosts see these live not at the end of the season so now I'm extra embarrassed SJDKFS
I love how we're doing every challenge I hate!!! We won reward tho and got another shot at the wishing well but I didn't find anything again lol. I am stressed for this challenge but hope their teams just like talks or something and gets kicked.
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heyyyy im back! after we won immunity (bless), i kinda just.. .stopped talking to ppl but everyone else stopped talking so its fine and idc! emma got voted out and im PRETTY sure i dont know them so idc. i know willa so im happy they stayed over emma. then came the reward, where ryan slung a ball we had to catch it to open treasure chests, and we dominated ! (well not we, but the rest of my tribe), they got 4/6 balls and charlotte managed to open the chest so we won reward and a visit to the wishing well! at the wishing well, i chose #9 bc... it SPOKE to me, and... [9:15:58 AM] Ryan Palmer: Congratulations! You have earned yourself a task from the well. Once you complete this task to the hosts appeasement you may earn a special reward. This task may put you at risk if you complete it so make sure to cover all of your bases. The next Immunity Challenge will be one where you have to earn points as individuals for your tribe. Your task is to make sure you do not earn any points for your tribe, you must earn 0 points. In addition to that there will be a rule about talking in the chat, right after your tribe has earned points you need to post a comment of celebration in the chat. You may write whatever you want, but you will then be removed from the chat. If you complete this task during the Immunity Challenge then you will earn a special reward. If you do not complete this task you will earn nothing. [9:16:02 AM] carson: SDJKSDJKSDJKSDJK [9:16:11 AM] carson: Me being one of the onl;y people to not do anything during the Reward [9:16:12 AM] carson: BYE [9:16:34 AM] carson: Also Ryan ur giving me All Stars teas.... [9:16:37 AM] carson: *cvc [9:16:40 AM] carson: I literally [9:16:43 AM] carson: SFJKSDKSDJK GOD I HATE THISSSS [9:16:47 AM] Ryan Palmer: :) [9:16:52 AM] carson: THis is literally the Same as CvC SO i HAVE AN ADVANTAGE CLUE... and the challenge is one of the task challenges and these are my favorite types of challenges and im rlly mad i dont get to play!!! this reward BETTER be good... (also me not helping in the challenge, but still getting the reward sdlsks) and im having flashbacks from failing this kinda clue in challengers vs champions, so i wanna redeem myself and get the advantage! im still gonna try and fake like im doing it, by answering questions wrong etc, but then ill randomly celebrate in the wrong chat accidentally (while we'rei n the lead bc im not gonna try and lose this SDjksdkj) !! hopefully it goes well and im not exposed and we dont lose immunity. also, nor eal updates on this tribe. chris barely talks which im assuming is bc hes busy but still!!! idk who to work with, so i guess ill wait for a tribal?? kinda wanna get an alliance together soon though idk
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Im gonna be bomb at this comp n here is why eg. Q: who won Bahamas? A: *me in 0.2sec* Zach won Bahamas!!!! Yes I submitted this as a VLconf too don't @me...
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I'm good at puzzles??? But I'm not I guess DSFKJSF
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My ADD made it almost impossible to keep up with this high speed challenge so I kept /leave on my message box the whole time hoping it would become an option to get points... man I'm a smarty pants and also now I get to sleep!
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I am so stressed for tribal. I think I have something good with Carson and Zachary but I still need two votes hopefully Willow and Charlotte vote with me and we can do Eric or Chris. Chris doesn't respond to my messages ever so I'd prefer to do that honestly but idk I am just hoping it works out
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Willow told me she heard Chris's name and im like "HELLL NAW IM NOT VOTING CHRIS BAI." I need Willow, and I need Chris, and there is no way either of us 3 are going to go this tribal.
So I talked to Willow and she's like "my two top allies blah blah blah. Anonymous blah blah blah" and I'm thinking to myself, "Why would you tell me that someone other than me is your top ally. You could of had me sold if you said I was your only top ally." Now I know there is someone you might keep over me." And I have strong suspicions that her top ally that isn't me is 1 of these 3: Katie, Carson, Charlotte. Either way, I am going to remember what Willow said if we are ever in merge together and I need to think about saving her or someone else, especially if one of these suspicions are in merge with us.
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SO WE WON IMMUNITY! Even without help from Jay, Lexi and Willa the rest of us killed the challenge and took home immunity. I'm so happy that we won immunity because Willa was looking like he'd be the  next person to go and I kind of don't want that? I know it puts me in a pretty precarious spot with my alliance since they agreed it's probably best if Willa leaves next. If I can't save Willa at all then I'll vote him out but if I can save him that would be GREAT for me. I want to get closer to Ryan and Adam. Adam and I talked during the first tribal council and we're both pretty straight forward thinkers and know what's best for the tribe so I'm interested with working with him. Ryan is someone who I really want to work with and he's close with Lexi which means I might have to vote her out so that he'll fully trust me?? Idk we'll see. I've been thinking about what Ulta will do at tribal because if a winner from that tribe ends up leaving and then we swap and I end up on an Ulta dominated tribe...that's bad news for me. 
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So I think I'll get at least one vote here. But I feel good with my alliance that they'll have my back. I trust carson the most, then charlotte, then zachary, but I trust them all so that's good.  I think  Willow and Eric are together but I don't think they'll be able to get chris and Katie on their side. Willow wanting chris is also pretty bad so idk I think I'm safe at least I hope so cuz I'm really starting to enjoy the cast and season!! Should be a 7-1 or 6-2 or 6-1-1 vote hopefully and then 4-4 at worst
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we;ll.... we lost badly!! AND I DIDNT GET MY REWARD FROM WISHING WELL BC WE FLOPPED TOO MUCH... but that dont matter, tribals more important, and chris was the plan to go... UNTIL!!! today, eric told chris that chris was going and if he wanted to stay to vote out bryce. like??? What kinda crackedt world do you live in where u threaten someone to vote someone so they  can stay SDJHDSJ (also returnee alliance made between me/zach/charlotte/bryce YES.) so... chris snitched (king) eric out and so we want eric out now... bc hes playing way too hard. NOW HE WANTS TO VOTE CHARLOTTE OUT TOO WHICH>>> SDKJSDKJ. i see why he went premerge so many times right now. like... if you try something over and over, and it doesn't work. take another LOOK!! but whatever i could be getting bamboozled but the plan is to get out eric bc he blew up his game by scrambling with little numbers, and withholding info (like telling bryce that he should vote charlotte and he couldnt tell him why but hed give him 3 rounds of safety DSJKSJK...) hopefully im not being dumb and im actually right. (also im actually... strategizing and forming social bonds oh wow! survivor is actually fun when you play it.) lets pray for no blindside of me or anyone... and lets get through this! http://photos.costume-works.com/full/furby.jpg
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i just heard carsons voice on live tribal council and like i knew he was in high school but omg he sounds like such a smol baby and i need to protect him
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survivormontenegro · 5 years
Episode 10: “It’s Like Giving A Baby A Glock” - Mo
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I’ve been tricked, I’ve been backstabbed and, quite possibly, bamboozled.
So like here’s the thing, the person I thought going into merge I could trust the least is apparently now my closest ally. That’s Julia. I thought everyone was on the same page of voting out Tom like oh we’re gucci. But fucking quick fake out, no such thing as Tom getting voted out. I literally started hysterically laughing because no one was answering me when I asked what happened on the call. Now I don’t know what to do but I’m still just gonna have fun.
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operation vote alex was a success. i feel really really awful because he looked so upset, but he was just too powerful and couldn't stick around any longer ahh. in other news sleeping beauty tom is so funny, he almost self-voted himself out of the game I am truly screaming. i was determined this season to make up for the last time we played together and i think i got to do that ahh.
in other news... i need to go into hiding. i have done way too much in both of the last votes, and its really gonna start getting me some attention unless i really really go under the radar. me and jules are the only people who voted both ian and alex, and on call with jason i think its obvious to him now that us two are close eek!
i feel like mo is a good next vote, he is much more of an outsider than jones and is an easy vote which is what i need since im in such a highlighted position at the moment eek, i really think i'm gonna go like 8th or something, so we will see how that little pickle goes eek!
New Goal Bootlist: Mo > Jones > Jason > Julia > Mitch > Me/Caeleb/Jules/Benj/Tom F5, ahh I love everyone left way too much this is gonna become such a pickle when I don't wanna vote out like.... half the tribe EEK. lets just hope its all smooth sailing till i idol someone out eek.
i do not expect to make FTC, but I just wanna use my idol correctly before I go askljdfa. Also new jury rankings if I get booted 10th:
Jules > Jason > Benj > Caeleb > Mitch > Jones > Julia > Tom > Mo
Caeleb shot up my rankings for being open to a move, Jason would be a major underdog if he makes it to FTC, Jules is too woke and deserves votes, and Benj is playing a super smart game ha! We will see, but I sure do not expect to last much longer in this game KLASDFA
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HELLO!!! This game has been chaos lately. Firstly Ian gets blindsided and I knew it would be a split vote but had no clue he was leaving wow... but then this round all the people who organised that got blindsided with the Alex vote hehe. I didn't vote him bc my vote was publicized by Ian even tho I didn't vote him smh but I fully knew about it and kinda helped with it even tho its mainly caelebs move
Alex was super nice I liked him but it was purely for game he was the biggest threat and we were almost certain he had durmitor idol so! Even with tom self voting it worked wowow so I guess jules also voted with ali/caeleb/mitch/Jason
But whew this merge has been so crazy and I love it. Im kinda becoming floaterish again but that's fine bc we see threats leave early like ian and alex so! this should work for a while... altho im terrified to even make the end cuz its a live finale tribal AHHHH but idk if I will make it there anyway we will see. prob not .
Current rankings (strategically)
1. Ali - MY KINGGGG FOREVER!!!! Best duo ever and I don't think anyone knows it... we have voted differently again so its like perfect cuz despite doing diff stuff we still tell each other everything. and I hope we find merge idol so we have 2 hehe
2. Caeleb - Omg we have been working together a lot more closely lately and I really like it hes fun to work with im so sad I voted him 2 rounds ago LOL but its ok since its going to well now! king
3. Mitch - Only person ive been on every tribe with, usually always on the same page w stuff
4. Jones - LOVE HER QUEEN! she would be like tied 1st for personal but so far we have voted diff both times at merge oops! but still wanna go far with her
5/6. Jules/Tom - Without really talking about strategy we were still on the same page. Tom aussie king. JULES FRIENDLY QUEEN!
7/8/9. Jason/Julia/Mo - I just don't know how to talk to them really lol but all nice . my fault cuz maybe im so inactive... love u guys still
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Ok ok after tending to my needy cat, taking a shower, and taking a short 6 hour nap that others may call sleep,,, I’m 60% in the right headspace to gather my thoughts I think.
Last nights move was so good, I hated it Bc I wasn’t included in it but it was so good. But also seeing Alex literally on the verge of tears was NOT so good. That was actually depressing. Granted he WAS the biggest threat to win and he was on the verge of becoming an extremely controlling paranoid person - but dammit the combination of Mitch/Ali/Jason/Jules/Caeleb/Tom (to an extent) got us SO good.
BTW I can say with like 95% certainty that those were the 6 people involved w Alex going. It only makes sense to me that it would be? Ali/Mitch/Tom straight up TOLD me why they did what they did, Jason Bc why the fuck would he vote out Tom, Caeleb has expressed so much paranoia ab Alex that I’d be shocked if he wasn’t on board w it, and honestly Jules just hasn’t said anything ab anything and Alex went home w 5 votes, Benj and Julia voted Jason, Mo was VISIBLY shaken by Alex going, and I know I didn’t do it. So unless I’m missing someone in my process of elimination, those are the 6 people involved in the murder of Alexander Crooks.
Also on a couple unrelated notes - I’m thinking ab willing my vote cover to someone. I just don’t understand why I should be afraid of being exposed - I feel like I shouldn’t have anything to hide yk? Assuming I have to expose my vote I mean, hopefully I don’t! But ya
Also literally the round Before last round I think Caeleb actually exposed the plan to blindside Alex to me ? Like he was talking to me ab Tom and Ali wanting to get him out and then I approached Ali ab it and he was like no that’s not a thing BUT IT WAS A THING!! I think Alex was supposed to go last round, but Bc I confronted Ali ab it then it got pushed back??? Or it was legit just meant for this round smdmmdmd but um ya that’s might be the same plan?? So maybe I’ll expose Caeleb a bit hehehehe.
But honestly tho I think this could be really good for me in the sense that every single person thought of me as a duo w Alex - now I’m kind of a free agent who can do whatever the fuck I want!! Which is fun, the only true alliances I have w people now are just w benj and mo, which is cute and also I doubt anyone would target them anytime soon ? Tom seems like he’s still open to working w me, so are Ali and Mitch. Julia was also blindsided hardcore so maybe she’d be down to work out something too ? Right now I’m just holding out hope knowing for a fact that I CAN make this situation better. I’ve literally BEEN in this situation 2 times already?? I can do this! Just like Co-Star always tells me.
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Wait just kidding on the Julia thing I can’t trust her either, I can only trust Jones at the moment.
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So I found out from Benj that there was another split vote led by Alex. Last tribal he failed to tell me that they were going to vote out Ian instead of Jason. So this time around, when I found out that they were going to do the same thing to me again, I knew there was no going back with my new connection with Ali. The more I talked around with everyone the more the pieces started to align. Tom and Jason were targets so they would be easy to get involved. With me and Ali that's already 4. Mitch was going to be the fifth, and Jules as well if we felt like he wasn't going to go for it. I honestly wanted to vote Jules first tho, and I talked to Ali and Benj about that originally, but Ali had reservations as Jules is SUCH a flipper. AND THEN Julia voted so early, so I kinda went up to everyone in this new group and was like, "okay that was arrogant I think she's trying to be funny but thats enough for me to vote her," and Ali was way more into that so for a couple hours we had that going. BUT MITCH WAS NO WHERE TO BE SEEN. Like we had our four and we were ready but Mitch didn't come on line until like 40 min before tribal. And when he did he was like I'm voting Alex. I really didn't want to go for Alex right away because of a couple of reasons. One being that if he heard of this vote in anyyy way he might be able to get Jones to play her idol for him and that could destroy everything. SECONDLY, I knew that if we voted him then I was gonna have to do some SERIOUS damage control with Mo and Jones but if I had the opportunity to vote out Julia instead, I can go back to them and say that I knew I had to take the opportunity to be involved in the decisions but I didn't want it to be any of them. SOOO last 40 min I had to make a really big decision if I was gonna vote Alex or Tom and ultimately, I chose to vote out Alex. It just would put me in a better position.
I am so glad I did it to be honest. The moment I saw Alex's name five times I knew I made the right decision. I felt Happy and I felt Free. Alex was clearly using me as a failsafe, an easy first vote out once Me, Mo, Alex, Jones, Julia, Jules, and Ali were left. Now, this game is open up not just for me, but for everybody. I seriously think anyone can take control at this point. I don't need it to be me, I just need it to be someone who likes me. I think Jones is the most dangerous player right now, because of her idol. But I have kept that to myself, as well as her advantage, because while I might have to play the middle ground, I'm not a snitch.
Everyone is always so obsessed with being a hero or a villain. Going into Tumblr Survivor as a new player I really wanted to find out what type of player I was going to become. If I was gonna fit into one of those roles. I don't know what I am. I kinda feel like a villain because clearly that was a devious move, and I broke a strong alliance, but also I feel like I was a villain by default. I didn't necessarily want to be that player, I actually would've loved to have felt safe in that group. But trust has gotta go both ways, and if you show me two tribals in a row that you don't trust me to tell me the whole plan, I'm not gonna stick true with a group that sees me as expendable. So sure I was a villain, but it wasn't about vengeance or deceit or ill-will. It was to put this game back on a balance, and move me into a new spot that can work for me.
Okay, something I have learned about Survivor is that you have to put your Pride in Check. Tom is so nice to me, says a lot of things along the lines of "thanks for saving me," "you and I can go far in this," and such. And he told me he wasn't going to vote me in the first merge vote, and I think he believes that he fooled me. I know he voted me. He's literally the only person that would think voting me was the majority vote, except Ian and Jason. I wanna tell him that I know so badly so he doesn't think he's pulling one over me but I can't because I want him to think he can work with me, that I am in his pocket because he "stuck his neck out for me" or whatever.
Also ummm Mitch told me that Alex had a planned assassination on me for the last vote before merge. But he didn't tell me until after the Alex vote and said Jones was in on it. I know better than to trust what Mitch tells me for sure, so I don't think I will even go and fact check him on it. I honestly don't know how that would've helped Alex in the slightest so I don't know if its true, but also Alex likes to throw out my name as a "just in case" so god who knows. Regardless, I doubt I'll use this information for anything because it honestly doesn't matter going forward, other than that Mitch is a little bit of a snake.
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So I won the reward challenge because I’m cool.
Fucking clue
What to do with this
Like all three of the people voted Alex off without telling me about anything and I was in an alliance chat with all three of them (Ali & Jules in Space Jam, Caeleb in Durmitor Dominators) so like of course I was sad because that meant I was on the outs. Truth be told I kinda wish I didn’t win this because it’s like giving a baby a glock. Because I don’t know how to come out of this without people thinking I’m holding a grudge.
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okay so mo won reward which is okay! I dont really wanna ask him to save me, because that will require making promises that I dont know if I'll be able to keep. I expect to be cursed this round.
touchy subjects is going to tank my game like CRAZY. I'm worried that Caeleb, Benj & Jules could all say they trust me most which is highkey terrifying, because if I win that it'll send red flags to all of them. I expect to win the shady game ones, about lying and flipping on alliances and stuff which is not as bad because I can just blame that on Space Jam which I told Caeleb about.
My big fear and this could just be ego-talking, like when I thought I was gonna win the lists challenge and then came second last but I'm so worried about getting the will win if they make it to the end category, thats... a death sentence in my opinion.
Wanna do like a quick update for each person too, just so I can look back when they all hate me at the end of the season:
Benj: my KING. He is such a legend, I love talking to me and do not think I would ever be able to vote for him, except at FTC! Wanna go super far with him, super super far!
Caeleb: Oh god I'm already realising the problem, which is that I love everyone. Caeleb I did not expect to get as close to, but he is so so fun to talk to! I'm really giving with him, and I think he is close to Benj too, so could be a good endgame person too. Will see on that one.
Jason: I love him! I for some reason convinced myself that he hated me during the swap, but I dont think... he does? he is SO smart and fun, I'd love to vote for him at an FTC. Ideally he needs to go before then, but I've lost Ian and Alex who were great shields so he acc probably needs to stick around.
Jones: Okay Jones is tough. Like... we stan becausee she is so much fun and I love talking to her. But talking game with her right now is tough because we have this weird poor communication and I'm conscious of not making empty promises when I want to see her go soon. I really like her on a personal, but I see either me voting her out or her voting me out.
Jules: what can I say except we stan. I talk to her and Benj the most by far, they are just consistently showing why we love them! I think they are such a threat, but I cant face the idea of voting them out eek! Wanna go super far with Jules because I LOVE THEM and they are a great friend and ally!
Julia: I messed up with Julia BAD. I should've told her about the Alex vote, I really think she would've been down, and it would've been so much better. Now she is upset and paranoid, and I feel so bad. I did her wrong and need to make it up to her, but I dont know if I will be able to eeek!
Mitch: he is so funny HDJDKDKD, like the way he talks is so funny. I've had a real rollercoaster relationship with him this season, but I could see some sort of alliance of me/Caeleb/Mitch/Benj coming together in the future! We will see ahh!
Mo: I've been quite harsh about Mo in confessionals this season but I feel like this vote gave him the kick he needs? Like he was playing it super safe and while it frustrates me seeing him say stuff like just keep me to F7 and such, he is, as always great to be around and a lotta fun!
Tom: Sleeping Beauty Tom. It's so funny to me that he stayed despite self-voting and sleeping. He is so much fun, I was determined to make up for our last game and I think I have ahh.
Summary is I wanna see Jones and Mo out next, then Mitch & Jason, then Julia leaving a F5 of Caeleb/ Me/ Benj/ Tom/ Jules? Thats the dream anyway ha!
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Maybe I'm just paranoid but I feel like I've backstabbed/betrayed a good amount of people in this game and it's hard because sure they were moves that had to be made, but I hate being THAT PERSON. I don't know. Here's a confession Johnny, I'm trying but I'm bad at these.
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So Mo said he was going to give me the reward tonight. He definitely doesn't talk to me as much and is much less excited and fun to talk to but I think I need to just accept that. The fact that he came up to me to tell me he's giving it to me, rather than me asking, makes me think he's telling the truth.
Plus I am being honest with him when I tell him that I don't want it to be him next. I hope he knows that.
Jones meanwhile has yet to say anything to me after last tribal. I finally messaged her last night, saying that I didn't mean anything towards her when I voted Alex. I hope she'll come around, but if not, then umm I kinda have no choice but to be wary of her and her idol and might have to do something about it. I don't want to though, I do wanna work with both her and Mo.
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I actually think Julia is on my side. I can’t tell if she’s lying but she seemed upset because apparently no one talked to her about the plan to vote out Alex.
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I'm bored at work. This tribal council is Odd as Hell. No one wants to throw out names, no one wants to seem too schemey, so everyone is just talking about being nervous and concerned. I honestly don't know who I want to go home because I think this vote is going to determine the course of this game post-Alex. I know I sure as hell don't want to come off as someone who is dictating the votes, so I'm trying to make it clear that I am willing to go with the flow with anyone who needs a vote rn.
I think there are people who have my back hopefully that will tell me if I need to be worried at least. Ali hopefully would, Tom *hopefully* would (but who knows hes sneaky), Mo was nice enough to give me the reward but um the Alex vote has changed him, I miss the old Mo. come back. Jones finally is talking to me again, but she's still trying to keep some secrets about the last couple of votes so I don't fully trust her. Benj hopefully would, but I was surprised he talks to Julia so much. Jason hopefully would, but now with Alex gone his game opens up tremendously. Julia would never tell me. Mitch wouldn't tell me unless it helped himself which I can't imagine happening. Jules probably wouldn't tell me because she's the easiest to convince into doing something no matter what Touchy Subjects said. She's literally flipped allegiances like every single vote ever. I hope I can survive tonight because I think this is going to be a pivotal vote and literally anyone can go home tonight (except Benj who has the sweet immunity).
HI um I think this game is broken? No one will say anything to anyone. Did I do this? Did I break this game? Or maybe we all did? Maybe Ali did maybe Jules did maybe Mitch did because us four are the middle people and we created an atmosphere where no one trusts anyone? or everyone trusts some people and none of that fits into a substantial person to vote?
I'm literally laughing rn. I am logging off. I am not going to focus on this game because literally every person just says "I don't want to throw a name out" "I haven't heard anything" "what have you heard" Like the gravity of this is crazy. This has gone on for HOURS. I don't know what to do so I am going to ignore my messages for like an hour and then reanalyze because Damn.
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APPARENTLY NO ONES SAYING SHIT. But like part of me is like “Hm.... Yeah ok sure...” thinking it’s gonna be me. Because either everyone is lying to me or everyone’s genuinely confused.
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okay i did a video confessionals that's uploading which has my thoughts from a couple of hours ago.
since then jules is pushing for mitch to go... but its so tough. mitch i think has my back, i just wanna vote mo and delay this war by a round. I just want someone like Mo or Jones gone, its getting tough. I'm playing the middle and am in a web of problems.
I have to have Jules back above all. Benj is safe, so I need to keep them safe. I need to get the vote on like Mo or someone, but Caeleb wants to vote Mitch or Jules too... ugh this is getting really messy and I'm worried and tired.
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Idk if I sent this yet but
At the moment rightnow it seems like it’s Jules or Mitch, right now I think,,,, the best way to vote is Mitch. I’m Trying to get everyone on the path for mitch because I think Jules is falling in the “I’m a big threat wah” category and I want that to keep growing,,, I just feel,, so awful.
Mitch if you’re reading this ily w my whole heart and I still wanna crash Drew’s library w you some day
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i am... what we call in the business, trash. i upset mitch and deserve to be voted out for it. i'm snappin' hearts on my way to FTC LORD.
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canaryatlaw · 7 years
Well, today was kind of blah, mostly because I'm still in the same shitty mood from yesterday. And now that I'm back here even though I have a handle on most of my things I still feel ridiculously stressed out and can't stop my mind from racing and I could really use some fucking Xanax right now (I only say that because I'm awaiting my prescription for it from the company, I don't normally throw around comments like that). Ugh. But anyway. My alarm went off at 9:45 and I got up, got my things together and got ready, then ate some breakfast and my dad took me to the airport. I made it through all my goodbyes okay, despite having the feeling in my chest that tears were lurking right below the surface, waiting to be set off at the smallest trigger, but it somehow subsided and I was okay. The airport is small, so I made it through security and to the gate in no time. The first flight was fine, nothing spectacular. I mostly worked on my appellate brief, fixing citations and breaking up sentences (because I have a habit of making 4 line sentences, grammatically proper but I know my prof won't appreciate it) and just generally trying to get my word count up. We landed in Baltimore pretty soon and my next flight was in an hour, with the gate pretty close by to where I was. So I grabbed some sushi that looked appetizing from one of the places then sat at the gate and took advantage of the free wifi I finally managed to hack into without actually paying (it's not actual hacking, it's just knowing how to navigate the system). And with that wifi I looked up and downloaded the rest of the cases mentioned in the trial court fake opinion so I could use them for the second section of my paper. Flight boarded soon, and when we were in the air I started reading cases and working on them, and made a solid amount of progress. Landed after not too long, took for-fucking-ever for our bags to come, and then my uber app flipped out on me and kept saying my request wouldn't go through so I'm like fine whatever I'll use Lyft, so I do and the driver gets there a lot quicker than they usually do since the airport makes them wait in a special lot until they get a pick up. So I get in the car and we started chatting, apparently they had been leaving the airport after another pick up planning on going home but had their app on to see if they'd get anything going north towards where they lives and they got me haha so they turned around and so we went. And then I get a notification saying my uber driver was arriving now and I'm like ????? I bring up the app and it doesn't even have a trip going, so I'm like wtf....and then a few minutes later the poor guy calls wanting to know where I am and I'm just like....I didn't order an uber?? Haha it was strange. But my driver and I established pretty early on that we're both tumblr people, so that kind of set the level of understanding of each other for the rest of the conversation haha. So we talked about a lot of things, they talked about figuring out that they were non-binary and picking a new name, and of course we eventually got into religion and it's social effects and I was happy to hear that they were still actually a Christian even after having grown up in a crappy conservative Christian environment and dealing with all that shit. So they were telling me how much they love their church and I in turn told them how much I love my church, and yeah, it was nice. Got home soon enough, and as expected my white canary boots had arrived, so I had to try on my whole costume to make sure they work of course, haha (I'll post a photo when I'm down here). They fit, thankfully, and they match the costume pretty well- they're a little darker than the actual suit, but the jacket is a darker gray so with them together they just look awesome, so I'm very happy about that. So I settled in and started catching up on my tv shows, which I'll try to comment on if I can remember what I watched, lol. But I kept working on my appellate brief until I had about 4700 words (out of the maximum 5000). I had one more case I was gonna cover but the opinion was so confusing and its relevance to our case really tenuous, so I said ah screw it and called it there. Hopefully I can make up the last 300 or so words in final edits and adding transitory and other necessary things. I'm not worried though, which is good. I've said this a million times before, and I fucking hate it so much, but every single time I have to write something I get scared I won't be able to write as much as needed, even though I pretty much always exceed the word count and being too short is almost never an issue, and while knowing this, I still think it, and 5000 words was looming over me this whole week as some unattainable goal, so now that I'm a lot closer to it I'm feeling better about it. So yeah, tv. I initially picked out my recording of powerless, only to find out the dvr had actually recorded the premiere of trial and error. Okay, well I wanted to watch this anyway, so I might as well keep watching, and holy Jesus this show is amazing haha I already love it so much, although I know the legal inaccuracies are gonna kill me even when I'm telling myself it's a comedy ffs (but in the episode they were pulling shit like "oh homosexuality as a crime was never repealed here" and I'm like uh bullshit Lawrence v. Texas much???? Lol). But I enjoyed that a lot. I think I went to Designated Survivor next, which was a thoroughly epic episode, fairly major spoilers ahead (you've been warned) but ahhh I can't believe just like that MacLeish is dead??? The Vice President is dead?? And how that's just gonna look so much worse for president Kirkman and not just that MacLeish was a dirty traitor....ugh. I was glad to at least see my girl Hannah FINALLY getting vindicated cuz I was like ahh yes you go girl cuz I've hardcore been pulling for her this whole time, lol, so that was cool. But yeah, really intense and awesome episode, I liked it a lot. Riverdale next I think, and holy shit that episode was so sad???? Like dang man, Jughead's life is really fucking depressing. I was of course calling major bs when the sheriff supposedly took him in on literally no evidence and then had his school record because that's not fucking illegal or anything?????? Ugh. I'm glad he's at least living with Archie now though. Veronica continues to be awesome, and with the whole Betty and Polly situation I was thinking the whole time yo do not trust the Blossoms they evil AF so of course I was right there. Good episode though. Then I started last week's episode of Time After Time, which I managed to start in time to finish right before this week's episode started without actually meaning to at all haha so I watched the two episodes back to back. Continues to be an intriguing show, I think it's still finding its footing a bit, but the twists have been very interesting so far. I'm not sure how sustainable it is in the long run, like I'm not sure I can see it going more than one season really, which is unfortunate because it's clever, the plot just doesn't really allow for it. They also love killing people off haha I guess that's what happens when you have a show featuring Jack the Ripper. HG Wells continues to be an gem ("he came over right after world war 2" ".....there was more than 1???????") and the rest of cast does well too. So when that was over I knew I had just missed the live episode of Chicago justice, but I didn't really have much else to watch at this point so I watched the second episode. It wasn't bad, annoyed me less than the first, though that's likely just because they spent less time in the courtroom, lol. They're not quite mastering the time jump thing yet, where they go from crime to investigation to trial in one episode, without any real inference to time passing, which makes it feel like it all happened over like 3 days, which isn't just unrealistic, it's confusing, because they're like "oh who are we gonna bring to the grand jury?" and then the next scene is "the grand jury returned an indictment!" and you're just like da fuck?? Lol. The episode itself was interesting though, I wish they tied in their twist a little sooner, it seemed like too much of an afterthought with the entire plot they had come up with, but it was a well-thought out and well-played twist for sure. It kind of annoyed me that through the entire episode everyone was like "oh you know any cop who gets put on trial is gonna be found guilty" when that's pretty much categorically false, as cops are almost never convicted for officer involved behavior?? Lol, like I get that they're connected to Chicago PD or whatever but they gotta get that down a bit better. And yeah, when that was over I let the news play for a bit while I finished up the queue for the week on the company tumblr. Throughout the night I also wrote my "speech" (it's like a paragraph and a half) for the PAD election speeches tomorrow- so needless to say I decided that I would run. I had kind of come to that decision last night and was gonna text the justice (president) but I was already falling asleep, then I woke up and started doubting it again, but then came back to that conclusion and went for it. I'm not running for justice though because I know that would be too much, so I'm running for service chair (my current position) and vice justice. I don't know the current state of people running, but I have to imagine it's not gonna be all that many. I guess we'll see tomorrow though. And yeah, that's about it. Tired and about ready to fall asleep, back to real life tomorrow. So goodnight friends of mine. Hope you had a relaxing weekend.
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canaryatlaw · 7 years
Well today was pretty good, so yay for that! Woke up at 10:15, changed into a nice shirt and blazer and kept my pajama pants on because Skype interviews, lol. Ate breakfast and by 10:50 I was logging into their video conferencing system and ready to go. There were a few minutes of technical difficulties because I couldn't hear them, but we figured that out and we were good to go. Overall I felt like the interview went really well, I thought it would. They asked you know why do you want to work here, how do I feel about them suing the state in order to get work done, asked about my legal writing experience (I swear that's like the punchline of my life at this point, they were very interested in the school memo I sent in as my writing sample) and about majoring in theatre in undergrad, lol and why I decided to go to law school. And they asked what problems I'd seen in my work so far in the foster care system so I talked about residential facilities and the sheer volume of children living in them for years and years, and not only being deprived of a family but sometimes being horribly mistreated by the staff (i.e. a girl's arm being broken in 4 places from a "restraint"). And they asked about my volunteering at the juvenile detention center, so I explained what we did there. I felt well-prepared for all the questions, and I asked them a few about the logistics of their operations and what the role of an intern looks like and yeah, overall I was quite pleased with it! The whole thing only took about 20 minutes, and right after I got an email regarding one of my medications I was trying to refill but the system was being stupid so I had to call my doctor and try to make a phone appointment but the soonest time they could get me in is the second week of March which is when I'll be in New York for spring break so I said I might as well go in for an actual appointment when I'm there, and they'll send me a prescription for the mean time, so hopefully that works. In the spirit of being totally exhausted all the time, after that I put the other half of my pajamas back on and went back to bed until 2:30, though it took me a while to actually fall asleep, but at least I got some rest (not acknowledging just how much my body has been sleeping lately). At 2:30 I got up and changed and put some of my laundry away before heading out on my mission to deliver the Valentine's Day cards from last week. The organization that handles them is based in Chi so I asked them if I could just drop them off instead of mailing them and they said sure, so that's what I was doing. They're all the way out by O'hare, which is basically the northwest corner of Chicago, a good bit west and a little north of my apartment, so it was a bit of a trek. Took one bus to another bus, then got off and walked a little until I found the building. It was just one guy, and it was out of his office for a shipping supplies business (or something like that) that he also runs the cards for hospitalized kids out of, and he had boxes upon boxes of cards waiting for delivery. I told him that I was the service chair and he said if we're ever looking for a service project we could come out and help him sort through cards and get thank yous sent out to everyone, so I'll tell the board that at our meeting on Friday. So that was good. Took yet another bus from there just about 10 minutes or so to the blue line, quite far north, and it was about 40 minutes to school from there (the blue line starts at O'hare and goes down diagonally to the loop and then back west in a straight line from the bottom of the loop) which was about what I estimated, so not bad. Saw Anthony quickly before running to class and made it just in time. It was my nonprofit class so I told my prof about my interview and he sounded very happy to hear it. Class was fine, pretty boring so I only pay so much attention haha, I was also working on booking a flight for spring break which ended up being WAY more expensive than expected. I had originally tried to see if I could get a direct flight from O'hare to JFK since my parents are still refusing to use laguardia, but I asked my dad and he was pretty much just as opposed there as he was to laguardia for traffic reasons. It's just annoying to fly into the local airport because it means a stop over and takes a 3 hour deal and makes it a 6 hour deal which is tiring. All of them were pretty expensive though, and the hour options really sucked. The cheapest combo I could find was on southwest for like $240 but the hours were like departing flight 5:50 am to 12 pm and returning at like 11:45 pm or like taking a layover in Orlando which I fucking refuse to do, so I ended up flying from Midway into the local LI airport to the tune of like $600 something which is fucking ridiculous and I could've gotten into jfk for like $320 but my dad is so ridiculous with money he'd rather spend that much to avoid having to spend time in traffic (I'm not really complaining, I just think he's ridiculous). But the rest of the class was fine. As we were heading out my spring break friend was telling me about an event at the school last week that I had wanted to attend because it was the state director of DCFS, and there were a lot of actual lawyers in there in addition to law students and apparently one guy had asked something to the tune of "so about abortion, do you think a lot of these kids would rather have been aborted?" when literally nobody had mentioned abortion up to this point and my friend was just like "you would've ripped this guy a new asshole" which is 100% correct because that's exactly what I would've done. Like are you fucking kidding me????? Do you have any idea how awful of a thing that is to say about a person's life?? A child, nonetheless?? Do children in foster care have hard lives? Yes, of course they do, but that doesn't mean they'd be better off never existing. Their lives have value and a hard childhood doesn't mean they will never find happiness in their lives or contribute to society and like, I was just seething even hearing about it and it's probably a good thing I wasn't there because I probably would've lost it on the guy. Apparently the DCFS guy gave a good answer too though, so that was comforting. Headed home then, and while I'm waiting for the train I get approached by a guy who has one of those boxes of fundraising chocolate bars and he starts talking to me about how he's a single father, and I ask if he can break a 20 because that's all the cash I had, but he said he couldn't so I pulled together a dollar's worth of change and gave it to him, and then he keeps standing there and starts hitting on me saying things like "what if I had a beautiful woman like you in my life" and I told him no in no uncertain terms but he just keeps standing there and talking like I hadn't said anything and I ended up having to say I had a boyfriend (which I don't of course) for him to leave me alone. Just like, are you fucking serious? Does my no mean absolutely nothing to you unless there's another man involved? Otherwise my refusal doesn't mean anything? Just left me really fucking angry. Sigh. Headed home though and watched supergirl, which was a pretty good episode. I love Lena Luthor because she reminds me of my girl Tess Mercer so much being as they're more or less the same character, which they established further tonight by bringing in the whole love child of Lionel Luthor thing instead of just straight up being adopted. So I enjoyed seeing her, and of course it made me sad to see everyone just assuming she's evil like the rest of them and not listening to Kara insisting she wasn't when she was the only one who actually knew Lena and would know such a thing. Also, is Maggie the only cop in national city cuz she just happened to be heading up that investigation too? I mean I guess it's alien related but it's really a prison break so it seemed like a bit of a stretch. But I was happy when she got vindicated in the end. So overall I liked it as an episode, other than fucking Mon-El who I'm so fucking sick of seeing because he's literally so fucking obnoxious and he doesn't understand shit about Kara and why would she even be attracted to a selfish prick like him??? Really now, she wouldn't. Ugh. I liked his assertion in the beginning at least in reaction to Maggie and Alex as "on Daxam, it's the more the merrier" which seems to at least tentatively establish that he was totally into that guy from home we saw the flashback of, lol. But yeah, that was about it for my day. Tomorrow is work then trial ad, not terribly romantic but I don't really care being as I have nobody to be romantic with, lol, but it doesn't really bother me anyway. And now I should get some sleep because I have to wake up in 6 1/2 hours and we know how my body has been reacting to that lately. Sigh. Goodnight babes. Stay golden.
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