#anyway fine I’ll block you if you feel that strongly. no content for u. lol
petrellicest · 4 months
People who like/rb my heroes gifsets (from my main tbf) and then I go on their blog and they’re like NO INCEST NO PETRELLICEST EW GROSS BAD. Buddy this is the freaks n degenerates fandom. cmon man
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colorisbyshe · 2 months
hi!! i’m so sorry for liking old discourse posts i just forgot why i was following u and looked through some tags and found some good posts there. also the stuff u reblog these days is really nice so i’m not planning on unfollowing or anything hehe
sorry i isn’t dare to go off anon even tho u probably know who i am based on recent notifs anyways. i’m shy lol
it’s fine!!! i don’t mind when old posts are liked or reblogged, at this point they rarely recirculate in any meaningful way unless someone with like 10k followers brings it back
i stand by 95% of the stuff i said before with most of the 5% i don’t just being how i said it. (i made a lot of concessions to placate people that i wouldn’t do now, lol.)
so truly no worries about going through old content. it’s still representative of this blog i jus t don’t think it’s a pressing issue to talk about in that a. everyone has already made up their minds and b. those who haven’t are going to… actually listen to reason?
i’ll say it here tho for new followers: this person is referencing ace discourse posts because i quite strongly believe cisgender, straight people and cisgender aroace people do not belong in lgbt spaces and that holds especially true when aromantic and asexuality have been watered down to include people who do want to date and do want to have sex, respectively.
I do not believe aphobic opppression is real—I think everything described as aphobia is either rape culture/misogyny, ableism, misdirected homophobia, or is just interpersonal discrimination which is BAD but not oppression—and that even if it were, it would not make cisgender straight people or cisgender aroace people belong in LGBT spaces. Because experiencing oppression does not necessarily mitigate your role in the oppression of others.
I believe strongly in aces forming their own community, though I will say there is little incentive for them to do so considering my previous point. There’s no laws to protest, no funds to raise. So you end up with spaces just based on including everyone and catering to any possible feeling which ends up forming harmful, contradicting rhetoric.
All this said, I won’t be arguing any of these points. I have tags you can browse—ace discourse, hsdd, ace history—and again I stand by most of what is said there. If anything seems incongruous with things I currently say, assume I’ve changed my mind or message me off anon for clarification.
Otherwise… yeah. Welcome new and old to the fact that I, years ago, discussed ace discourse and did more research than any of you, therefore I know more than any of you and don’t need to talk about it at length. I know where I stand, y’all know where you stand.
Follow harder, unfollow… be free with yourselves but not with my inbox.
No need to apologize for interacting with old content either. Unless you’re arguing on it. Then get blocked.
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