#anyhow truth be told that's just my pet peeve and this is just a vent post
Genuinely don't want to get too deep into the whole AI art controversy because - as I mentioned in the tags of that post I reblogged before - I'm personally familiar with the issue in that I build AI as part of my job, but I'm not personally familiar with the issue in that I am not someone who relies on making art to survive (I do art as a hobby but obviously the artists who have more to fear from the development of AI like this are the ones who, you know, do it for a living).
I definitely see why people are concerned and in general I'd say this issue plays into the wider issue of "what happens if a robot/AI/etc takes my job" which is, I suppose, something we as a society have been facing since... the Industrial Revolution? Thereabouts? And it's not my place to speak on that since I haven't done thorough research on the matter, but I certainly understand the concern - hell, there already exist AIs that can write working code, for all I know my job could be at risk one day.
That being said, on a professional level I'm irked at the person who wrote "AI IS EVIL" in the notes of a post on the matter that I saw.
AI is a tool, my dude. Nothing more, nothing less. Whether it's used for good or evil depends wholly on the people who make it and the people who use it.
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