#antonio fernandes carriedo
rosesandalfazemas · 1 year
PortEngSpa Piracy age, Enemies to Lovers to Strangers, Angst, Port takes a direct hit by cannon ball and loses their memory, England and Spain slowly fall in-love trying to care for Portugal. I have no idea where I was going with this. But apparently angst is a competition now.
Oh anon you took my tags too seriously XD. Just enjoy the angst wave and go with the flow~
I do love triangles, by the way, and how problematic they are. My fave trio so far.
It deserves a fanfic itself. But I may add that Portugal has been into a kind of long amnesia for a year and a half. Then he started remembering things and tried to take his place again. The problem is that Spain and England did matelotage already... and all this is pretty awkward.
Now Gabriel is the outsider, and suddenly hates both when he knows the truth. Horrible fightings and discussions and drama; Arthur cannot explain to him that his heart has place for two. He doesn't want to leave Antonio, but his love for him is there. So he's very confused and tormented. Meanwhile, Antonio wants his brother to love him again, but he is in love with his ex brother-in-law. Deeply.
"Maybe we can try the three of us. I have seen it, shouldn't be difficult. This is the best way to protect us all."
Portugal agrees, but no with sexual contact. Arthur and Antonio have their own relationship and he was left behind, this is clear for him. So he stays like a roomie. Another room, another schedule; they invite him to stay with him, to have lunch at least, but he considers himself alone; only when somebody asks he says "I'm in a contratctual matelotage with Fernandes Carriedo and Kirkland", but nothing else.
Then a strange thing starts happening: Arthur is so depressed that Antonio helps him to conquer Gabriel again. He wants them happy; if not, one day Port would take his stuff and leave them for good. None wants that.
So this strange campaing makes shattering things once more, and... open ending for you to complete, anon!
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teandmagic · 4 years
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dutchcementmixer · 5 years
Hetalia human names
All information come from Google or what I already know about the language/culture. About 3 hours of research went into this. Honestly if someone saw my browser history they’ll think I’m pregnant or something. Warning: This is a hella long list. Everyone will be on it.
America - Alfred F. Jones
The “F” stands for whatever he wants to it to be
Ancient Egypt - Isis
No surname as the ancients do not have surnames
Isis after the Egyptian goddess of life and magic
Ancient Greece - Athena
Athena after the Greek goddess of wisdom and patron goddess of Athens, capital of Greece
Ancient Rome - Romulus
Romulus after the legendary founder of Rome
Australia - Jacob “Jake” Kirkland
All of England’s ex-colonies that are part of the Commonwealth has the surname Kirkland
Jacob is one of the most popular boy’s name in Australia
But because Australians abbreviate everything he’s adamant that everyone call him Jake
Austria - Roderich Edelstein
Belarus - Natalya Arlovskaya
Belgium - Angelique van der Velden
I gave the Benelux the same surname
Bulgaria - Nikolaj Ivanov
NIkolaj is one of the most common boy’s name in Bulgaria
One of the most common Bulgarian last names, it means “son of Ivan”, which is appropriate as there are many Bulgarian rulers named Ivan
Canada - Matthew Williams 
China - 王耀 (Wang Yao)
Cuba - Carlos Machado
Denmark - Magnus Densen
Egypt - Gupta Muhammad Hassan
England - Arthur Kirkland
Estonia - Eduard von Bock
Finland - Timo Väinämöinen
I chose Timo instead of Tino as Timo is actually a Finnish name
France - Francis Bonnefoy
EDIT: Thanks to @feynavaley. Francis is the older version of François, which considering his age would be more appropriate
Germania - Folkert
Folkert means “strength of the people”, which is strangely appropriate for the personification of a nation
Germany - Ludwig Beilschmidt
Beilschmidt as last name because he’s Prussia’s brother
Greece - Herakles Karpusi
Holy Roman Empire - Otto Beilschmidt
Beilschmidt as his surname because I count him as one of Prussia and Germany’s brother
There are many Holy Roman emperors named Otto
Hong King - 王佳龙 (Wang Jia Long), English name Leon
Same surname as China, as I perceive the autonomous provinces as his younger siblings
龙 means “dragon” and 佳 is a common character used in Chinese names, both male and female, that means “well” or “good”
Hungary - Erzsébet Héderváry
I chose Erzsébet instead of Elizabeta or Elizaveta as both of these names originated in the Russian name Yelizabeta while Erzsébet is Hungarian in origin
Hutt River - Lucas Kirkland
Lucas is a popular boy’s name in Australia that means “shining”, which is appropriate as he is richly dressed and rich in general
Iceland - Emil Steinsson
I used Steinsson instead of Steilsson because in Iceland there is no surnames only patronyms and Steil is not an Icelandic name
Ireland - Aengus Kirkland
EDIT: I changed my mind
Aengus is the Irish Gaelic variant of Angus
Japan - 本田菊 (Honda Kiku)
Kugelmugel - Hubert Edelstein
Hubert means “bright mind”, as he is an artist, this is very appropriate
Ladonia - Eriand Oxenstierna
Eriand is a Swedish name that means “foreigner”, appropriate as Ladonia exist in the internet
Latvia - Raivis Galante
Liechtenstein - Lilli Vogel
Lithuania - Tolys Laurinaitis
I chose this particular spelling as these are actual Lithuanian names
Luxembourg - Luca van der Velden
Luca is one of the most popular boy’s names in Luxembourg
Macau - 王诚 (Wang Cheng), English name Vincent
诚 means “sincere”
Moldova - Alexei Popescu
Alexei is one of the most popular boy’s name in Moldova
His surname is the same as his brother, Romania’s
Molossia - Casper Jones
Casper means “treasurer”
Monaco - Elodie Bonnefoy
Elodie is one of the most popular girl’s names in Monaco, it means “foreign riches”
Bonnefoy after France
Netherlands - Abel van der Velden
“Van der Velden“ is a common Dutch surname that means “of the field“ which is suitable because of agriculture
New Zealand - Noah Kirkland
Noah is one of the popular boy’s name in New Zealand and its biblical reference is appropriate as New Zealand is an island country
Northern Ireland - Connor Kirkland
EDIT: Seeing Northern Ireland as a separate entity from Ireland has not existed for that long, I chose a more modern-sounding name that is more commonly used
North Italy - Feliciano Vargas
Norway - Sigurd Bondevik
Persia - Shapur
Shapur after the Persian king
Poland - Feliks Łukasiewicz
Portugal - João Silva Fernandes
Silva and Fernandes are both very common Portuguese last names 
Fernandes is the Portuguese variant of Fernandez, even though Spain and Portugal aren’t brothers, but they are related
João is a common Portuguese given name
Prussia - Gilbert Beilschmidt
Romania - Andrei Popescu
Andrei is one of the most common boy’s name in Romania
Popescu is a common Romanian surname
Russia - Ivan Braginsky
It’s Braginsky not Braginski as surnames ending in “-ski” are Polish
Scotland - Alasdair Kirkland
The UK brothers are all using the same surname
Alistair as commonly seen in fanon is the Anglicised version of Alasdair, and Allistor is NOT a name
Sealand - Peter Kirkland
Seborga - Sebastiano Vargas
Seychelles - Michelle Macham
Macham is the surname of the first president of Seychelles
South Italy - Lovino Vargas
Spain - Antonio Fernandez Carriedo
Sweden - Berwald Oxenstierna
Switzerland - Basch Zwingli
Vash sounds like the French word for cow (vache)
Taiwan - 王梅 (Wang Mei)
梅 means “berry” and it sounds like the Chinese word for beauty (美) and younger sister (妹)
Turkey - Sadık Adnan
Ukraine - Iryna Chernenko
Vietnam - Nguyen Ha Lien
Nguyen is the most popular surname in Vietnam
Ha means “river”
Lien means “lotus”, which is Vietnam’s national flower
She would be addressed as Lien as that is how Vietnamese names work
Wales - Dylan Kirkland
Dylan is a Welsh name that means “son of the waves”
Wy - Wendy Kirkland
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karisak · 9 years
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Arthur & Antonio 
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triboliten · 11 years
On the Sunny Fields of Spain...
...Lovino fell in love with a Spanish farm boy with the name Antonio. He would have never guessed how much a complete stranger could change the world he knew.
- I wanted to share this with you because I loved writing it and I hope to give something to this fandom; a fandom that has already given me so much. I hope you enjoy this piece of Spamano fanfiction.
(Warnigs: swearing and romane between two men)
   It was funny, how Antonio kept finding him like this; clothes wrinkled, his hair all messed up, hands and knees dirty from work. The bastard seemed to know just when to find Lovino when he least expected him to show up.
The Spaniard walked up to where Lovino was on his knees in front of the tomato-plants, seating himself behind the other, his warm body touching the Lovino's back. Antonio pushed away the wide-rimmed sun-hat to nuzzle into his neck, kissing the skin just below his ear. It tickled a little, but Lovino didn’t mind.
   The kisses to his neck grew braver and more passionate. Lovino melted into the embrace, leaning back against the warm chest behind him.
He was just about to turn around when someone started to shout somewhere in the distance. Lovino looked around to see who had made the call, but the sun was blinding his eye-sight. Where had his sun-hat disappeared to? Turning to face Antonio, he noticed that the Spaniard was gone, and instead there was-
…a horse?
   Lovino yelped and sat up quickly, regretting the sudden movement when a fierce pounding ache immediately made itself known inside his skull.
   A snort from his left reminded Lovino of what had awoken him from his nap. Bringing a hand up to support his aching head, Lovino watched fearfully as the horse came near him, having backed away in caution when he sat up so suddenly. The animal brought its big head close to Lovino’s, mouthing at his dark auburn hair. Lovino was frozen in fright at the proximity of such a large animal seemingly trying to eat him.
   Having grown up in a pampered environment, Lovino had never had to deal with many frightening things in his life, the most frightening scenario being when his brother had talked him into driving their grandfather’s sports-car. They hadn’t made it very far, but Lovino had had his heart in his throat the entire time.
   He would never trust Feliciano with a car ever again, to say the least. Not that Lovino would ever admit that he had been scared out of his life, no matter how many times Feliciano would tease him about how he had screamed like a girl during the entire ride. Lovino never thought he would be as frightened ever again, not of anything.
   But oh, was he wrong. Lovino had apparently never thought of an animal ever scaring the shit out of him.
   A sharp whistle sounded close by. Lovino heard someone talking and calling out, bringing the horse to stop in its mission to eat him alive. Lovino’s heart rate, which was already alarmingly fast, accelerated when the horse moved, its gigantic hooves coming close to the Italian’s feet. Lovino followed the massive animal with his gaze, never letting it leave his eye-sight. When it was at a relatively safe distance, Lovino drew a deep breath, never having noticed when he stopped breathing at all.
   When Lovino’s brain was freed from its fear-locked haze, he noticed with embarrassment who exactly had called on the horse.
   Of course, it just had to be Antonio of all people. It couldn’t just be any other random Spanish guy, but it had to be the one Lovino most of all wanted to avoid.
   The Spaniard talked to the horse in quiet, soothing Spanish, petting it with firm strokes. Lovino would quietly admit, only to himself, that Antonio was unbelievably handsome when caring for something as wild-looking as the horse currently standing a few feet away from him. The Italian briefly wondered if those hands stroking the dark coat of the horse would be rough and warm to the touch. A blush covered his cheeks at the thought.
   “Are you alright? He didn’t hurt you, did-… oh. “Antonio was talking in his mother-language, which brought a pleasant tingle down Lovino’s spine. He determinedly formed his face into his usual scowl. Antonio’s was drawn in distraught confusion, a small crease forming between his eyebrows.
   “Lovino,” he said with wonder lacing his voice, his green eyes wide-open. “What are you doing here?” Lovino forced himself to calm down, to breathe, and to not stare into those eyes, because he didn’t need to do that again, damn it.
   He rose to his feet, mindful of his head, and crossed his arms.
   “I was taking a fucking nap, before this motherfucker woke me up.” Lovino motioned to the horse. He huffed out a breath. “But I should ask you the same fucking thing. I thought you said you worked in the fields? What the fuck are you doing here then?”
   Antonio rubbed the back of his head sheepishly, smiling tentatively in Lovino’s direction. “Well, I kinda- um, you see, work a little in the stables as well,” he said, sounding uncertain. “And I was going down here to see how El Toro was doing. It’s his first day here, you know, at least the first that he gets to go outside. Isn’t it, big boy?”
   Lovino would not admit to finding the Spaniard cute when he talked to the horse (El Toro, was it?) and showering the beast in adoration. And he would certainly not be jealous of a horse.
   Lovino shook himself when he was brought out of his unaware staring by Antonio’s voice.
   “You’re sure he didn’t do anything to you? Toro is known for his temper and he doesn’t really like strangers.” Antonio was looking at him like that again, his green eyes meeting Lovino’s golden brown, smiling as if he didn’t notice Lovino’s scowling face.
   The blush adorning his face turned brighter, making Lovino scowl harder. He shook his head no, glaring to the side, trying to hide the embarrassing blush turning his cheeks red.
   “If you wanted somewhere to take a nice nap you could always go to the hayloft at the barns instead. It’s not really safe to go inside the enclosures, you know, with all the animals. And if someone asks why you’re there, you could tell them I sent you there. They all know me in the stables.” Antonio grinned, big and dopey-like, never turning his eyes away from Lovino. A nervous, fluttering feeling churned in Lovino’s stomach at that grin. The unusual attention the handsome Spaniard kept on giving him was unnerving and Lovino almost felt frustrated, because he didn’t really know how to react. He wasn’t used to that kind of attention, and especially not from people who barely knew him.
   “Yeah, yeah, what-the-fuck-ever,” he said as an answer to Antonio’s offer. He bit his lip when a nervous tension seemed to linger in the air between them. Antonio just kept on smiling goofily and petting the horse, not at all bothered by the awkwardness. Not knowing what to do next, Lovino glanced back towards the centre of the farm, wondering if he should start heading back, but he hadn’t needed to worry. Antonio cleared his throat.
   “Are you heading back to the farm? I could walk there with you?”
   “I will be fine walking back on my own. I don’t need your fucking help,” Lovino grumbled, starting on the way back. Antonio followed him anyway.
   “Did you sleep well? You were pretty gone last night…”
Lovino didn’t let the embarrassment show on his face, having it set on his usual scowl, although the blush was still there.
   “Why the fuck do you care? I don’t.” Lovino walked faster, the shame creeping up his neck and the dull head-ache pounding against his skull.
   “Well, I brought you back to the barracks unconscious, and even if Bella was there to help you might have had a terrible night. It’s only polite to care about your friends.”
   The innocent comment made Lovino’s heart take an extra leap in his chest.
   Friends? He quickly composed himself.
   “We’re not fucking friends, bastard, so you don’t have to care about me, exactly like I don’t have to care about you.” Oh you liar…
   “Aw, but I thought we were. We’ve known each other for over a week now, and we’ve spoken lots with each other. Doesn’t that mean we’re friends?”
   “No, it fucking doesn’t! You don’t even know anything about me, and hell, I don’t even know your last name! You could be a motherfucking Greek and I wouldn’t know!”
   “But I’ve spoken Spanish plenty of times, haven’t you hea-“
   “Not the point! The fucking point is, you’re not my fucking friend! Friends hang out with each other, and we,” Lovino gestured between the both of them.” don’t!”
   Lovino kept up a fierce pace along the road through the pastures. Some of the horses stopped their grazing to look up at the two humans walking past.
   “Do you want to be friends then? If you’re worried about us not hanging out, we could go to the lake to do that, it’s so hot today, it could be nice to cool down a little.” Antonio sounded hopeful, but that wasn’t on Lovino’s mind at the moment. He had halted his steps suddenly.
   Everything went quiet for a short moment. Then…
   “You mean to say, that there is a lake nearby?” Lovino spoke in thinly concealed anger, having abruptly stopped his brutal stomping of the sandy road. Antonio walked past him, not having expected the sudden stop. But Lovino continued, tension growing in the air.
   “And nobody could find it in them to fucking tell me?!” Lovino’s voice rose in volume. “The hell! It is not so fucking difficult to tell someone there’s a fucking lake nearby! I’ve been slowly dying in the sun in this motherfucking heat! Argh!” Lovino stomped onwards, grumbling in anger at all the stupid idiots he had the misfortune to meet.
   “Hey, wait!” Antonio quickly caught up with the angry Italian with a few strides with his long legs. “Does that mean you want to go? Because I have some things to do first, but we could go there in a bit? You have a day off today, right?” Antonio sounded so hopeful, Lovino didn’t have it in him to blatantly say no. He glared angrily instead.
   “Aw, c’mon, don’t give me that look~ you should put a smile on that face!”
   To Lovino’s utter horror, Antonio reached out and ruffled his hair. The Italian spluttered and tried to slap the hand away, but Antonio grinned mischievously and did it again. When Lovino’s angry snarls and yelled insults did nothing, he pushed the Spaniard to the side making sure he fell before he ran away. Stopping a short distance away, Lovino turned around with a victorious smirk on his face. The smirk fell quickly, however, when he saw Antonio catching up to him, sling his arms around the Italian’s waist and throwing him onto his left shoulder. Having been caught totally unaware, Lovino had no chance to defend himself, except for yelling curses and flailing his legs around uselessly and hitting the bigger man on the back with his fists. Antonio didn’t seem to notice, laughing the entire time.
   “Put me down, fucktard, or I will kick your balls so hard, they will end up in your fucking brains!”
   To make matters worse, Antonio started to spin them around, now holding Lovino’s legs in a firm grip. “Naaah! No-no-no-no! Stop it! Stop! It! Put me down basta-! Antonio!” Lovino felt nauseous and dizzy and oh, so amazing, because it felt like he was flying, and when Antonio held him like that, Lovino felt safe, despite the spinning and the height.
   The feeling of safety was what made Lovino tense up, surprising him like it always did around Antonio.
   Lovino’s reaction seemed to draw the Spaniard’s attention, as he dropped Lovino from his shoulder, holding his waist tightly so the shorter man wouldn’t fall to the ground.
   Lovino held Antonio’s arms in a tight grip, dizziness and nausea and uncertainty overcoming him.   He had to take a few moments to get his bearings back.
   When the nausea and dizziness finally went away, Lovino was still in Antonio’s arms, the Spaniard smiling down at him with green eyes intense, glinting with emotions Lovino was too afraid of to name. Lovino panicked and detached himself from the embrace, Antonio letting him go just as quickly. Lovino hid his glowingly red face behind his (too long) hair, letting it fall across his eyes.  He felt frustrated and uncertain by the emotions he tried so hard to repress when he was in the proximity of this man. Antonio was too kind, too attentive to Lovino’s attitude and behaviour and it made Lovino feel vulnerable and naked in a whole new sense. Even if they had only known each other a little more than a week, Antonio seemed to know Lovino like the back of his hand, always knowing how to handle Lovino’s mood and how to make him forget who he was; forget how his life had been before this trip to Spain, the utter humiliation of what he had done, to others as well as himself, and what finally made him want to change it.
   The shame burned like an ugly fire in his chest and Lovino had to turn away from Antonio, had to turn his self-hatred away from this lovely man, protect him from it, but Antonio reached out for him either way. The Spaniard’s warm fingers gently brushed Lovino’s hair to let it rest behind an ear.
   “Whatever you’re thinking about, stop. Forget about it.” His voice was as gentle as his gesture, deep and caring and Lovino couldn’t hide himself from it. “I don’t know what is haunting you so much to make that look in your eyes appear, but I know I don’t want you to think about it. Please, enjoy the here and now and away from all the bad things. Can you do that?” Their eyes met again, and vulnerable to the green fiery passion residing in Antonio’s, Lovino nodded. It was all he could do.
   “Come, let’s go back now.” Antonio put one of his hands to rest between Lovino’s shoulder blades, warm and comforting were it lay, keeping it there the whole journey back to the stables.
   They came to a stop in front of the main stable; the open doors leading in to an aisle were heads peaked out at them.
   Antonio brought his hand up to the back of his neck in a now familiar gesture.
   “I have to get back to work now, but if you still want to go to the lake later, I can wait for you at the main gate. I’ll be done by half past three.”
   Lovino scowled at the ground and crossed his arms, embarrassment crawling up his neck.
   “Yeah, whatever. Don’t expect me to be there - I’m fucking exhausted and I’m going to take a nap. I might sleep through the whole fucking day.”
   “Whatever you say Lovi,” Antonio said cheerfully.
   They parted ways, Antonio heading into the stable while Lovino steered his steps to the barracks, pretending that he hadn’t already decided to meet the other that afternoon.
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teandmagic · 3 years
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the-windy-kid · 11 years
I just keep finding these omegle things in my drafts, so here you go.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hello!
You both like Hetalia.
Stranger is using Omegle's mobile Web site (omegle.com on a phone or tablet)
Stranger: Hi
You: Ciao
Stranger: Italy? Is that you?
You: Romano.
Stranger: Ahh Roma!
Stranger: It's me! Spain!
You: ............Cazzo......
Stranger: Ahh Roma you were always a cute one :)
You: Are you trying to flirt?
You: Are you wasted?
Stranger: Heheh no Roma
Stranger: Just a *hic* little tipsy
You: You're drunk, you bastard...
Stranger: Went out with Prussia and France and *hic* well
You: So now I have to babysit a man-child... Fucking fabulous.
Stranger: Ahhh Roma *hic* don't be like that
You: Come here and lets me get rid of your annoying hiccups.
Stranger: Roma *hugs* you know I *hic* love you right
You: Si... *rubs your back*
Stranger: Roma why do you*hic* hate me?
You: I don't hate you, idiota.
Stranger: Then why do you *hic* say you do.
You: Because I can... Now look at me.
Stranger: Ok *hic*
You: You're so wasted... Now tell me, how do I get rid of your hiccups?
Stranger: I don't *hic* n
Stranger: O
Stranger: I'm not sure what to*hic* do
You: *kisses your cheek* Sure you do... You're smart enough to handle a small task like this.
Stranger: *blushes* Roma?
You: Si?
Stranger: Do you....
Stranger: *hic*
You: Do I what?
Stranger: Do you... Feel like the world has stopped
You: No...?
Stranger: Well.. I do *kisses*
You: *kisses back, then breaks away* I'm sorry, this is wrong.
Stranger: Huh? *hic*
You: You're drunk, I shouldn't be doing this... You don't know what you're doing and you'll regret it later...
Stranger: No Roma I won't I know how I feel about you. Oat
Stranger: It's just that I needed to tell you when I know you wouldn't reject me
You: Tch... Bastardo...
Stranger: Heh Roma! You look like a cute little tomato
You: *slaps you across the face* Stop with that!
Stranger: Ow! Heh oh Roma *smiles*
You: What?
Stranger: Your so cute when your mad *hugs*
You: Whatever... *hugs back* Hey, your hiccups are gone... Good.
Stranger: Heh it's nice to hug you without you hitting me
You: Because you're drunk...
Stranger: I know :) too many tequilas
You: I never had tequila.. What does it taste like? Good or bad?
Stranger: At first it's like a fire in your stomach and then it feel amazing!
Stranger: France told me we were only going out for a while, but then Prussia kept saying "one more one more!" And well
You: Open your mouth...
Stranger: Ok *opens mouth*
You: *leans close to you and quickly licks your tongue* Yeah... Pretty good... Pretty good...
Stranger: *blushes* Roma, well I think you didn't get a good enough taste..
You: Hm? Why not?
Stranger: Here *kisses*
You: *gasps against the kiss*
Stranger: Roma...
You: S-si?
Stranger: Will you be mi corazon?
You: I don't think a person can become your heart... That's kind of an organ...
Stranger: Hahhah oh Roma.
You: Not that I actually know your language e/////e
Stranger: Roma.. You don't need to know my language
Stranger: As long as you understand what I say when I say Te amo
You: Ti amo troppo....
Stranger: *phone buzzes* oh! Sorry Roma *looks at phone* oh no....
You: What?
Stranger: Prussia has been hurt by a car. I knew he should have come with me!
Stranger: He said he was getting a ride home with Germany but he drove!
You: ... Wow. You guys are just fucking idiotas!
Stranger: Si I know but I've got to go and help him. I'm so sorry Roma
You: Whatever *rolls eyes*
Stranger: Oh before I go
You: Si?
Stranger: *kissses* don't forget about me while I'm gone. *runs out door*
You: Okay.
Stranger has disconnected.
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Pixiv ID: 38792964 Member: 綾瀬◆マイピク受付停止中
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harmonious-symphony · 11 years
Help. I'm swooning over pirate!Spain!
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39267779 by とくこ 2013/10/22 on pixiv
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extorchic · 12 years
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