#anthony pasquarosa
dustedmagazine · 11 months
Dust Volume Nine, Number Seven
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Chuck Johnson
Is it hot where you are? Has it been raining a lot? Is there smoke in the air? It's been the weirdest, most disturbing summer, and you might think it would make music irrelevant. But no, this is Dusted, and we continue to listen and judge and write about records even at the end of times. So here's another Dust. Enjoy. We hope there will be one next month, too, but let's see what happens, eh?
Contributors include Jennifer Kelly, Bryon Hayes, Jonathan Shaw, Chris Liberato, Ian Mathers, Patrick Masterson, Jonathan Shaw, Andrew Forell and Tim Clarke.
Omar Ahmad — Inheritance (AKP)
Inheritance by Omar Ahmad
Omar Ahmad’s music follows dance pulses through thickets of memory. A glitchy beat sinks into slippery textures of synthesizer, piano, strings and field recordings; the music moves but in a haze of memory, as the sounds of women, children and running water flashes and subsides. Omar Ahmad is a Palestinian-American electronic artist and DJ currently based in Brooklyn and in this first full-length, he explores identity (ethnic and otherwise) through a scrim of memory. These glowing ambient compositions don’t hammer the point home—rather they gently suggest and evoke a dual western/Arabic identity. The baby in “Gesso” says “Daddy” in English but is answered in another language. The cut “usra” whose name translates as “home” or “family” incorporates a ululating non-western vocal alongside the pristine electronic modernity of synths. “Sham Oasis” has, perhaps, the most concentrated array of Middle Eastern sounds, a jangle of not-guitars, the thud of hand drums, a shaker, but it also twitches and glitters with space-age electronic sounds. The songs have lovely, idealized, luminous textures that don’t belong, exactly, to any single culture, yet they are warm and beautiful enough to make it feel like home anyway.
Jennifer Kelly
Animal Piss It’s Everywhere — S-T (Half a Million)
Animal Piss, It's Everywhere by Animal Piss, It's Everywhere
This loose and goofy country ramble obsesses over Jesus and intoxicants, sometimes but not always in the same songs. Indeed these bleary sing-alongs seem best suited for Sunday morning with the sun streaming in on the tail end of a one- or two-day bender. They’re exhausted but full of good feeling, played on muscle memory and love of the game. “Jesus Got Under My Skin,” for instance, ramps up the roadhouse boogie in a stunned and stoned narrative about finding one’s savior—and then trying to ditch him. “Naked” slouches and twangs in a righteous chorus of “Naked…ass…man…blues.” There’s considerable talent on hand, however casually it is deployed, from a confederation of Western Mass freak folk regulars. A guitar-heavy line-up features Anthony Pasquarosa, Clark Griffin (Weeping Bong Band, Pigeons), Shannon Ketch (Bunwinkies) and Andy Goulet on pedal steel (Winter Pills, Lonesome Brothers etc.). Rob Smith from Rhyton and Mouth Painter plays drums and Jim Bliss (of various Matt Valentine projects) sits in on bass. “I’ve found sucksess, sucking at success,” croons the singer, making a point; this band of miscreants achieve their aims without coming within a hundred miles of commercial palatability.
Jennifer Kelly
Aunty Rayzor — “Nina” (Nyege Nyege Tapes)
Perhaps the hardest song I heard over the last month opens with an almost demented pogoing and a video staring straight at the sun with an airplane’s corpse and a silhouette on the wing fixing her hair before she struts into your life and all over your ears. If you don’t already know Bisola Olungbenga aka Aunty Rayzor, Nyege Nyege Tapes has done a fine job ensuring you’ll want to hear everything the Nigerian has to say after one listen through of “Nina,” the lead single from September’s Viral Wreckage. Veering between red hair and blonde amid rusty MiG-21s, Rayzor takes the hard-nosed rhythm from Berlin-based beatmaker Debmaster — just listen to the way that kick rumbles on the low end — and matches it step for step to powerful effect. You don’t need Nyege Nyege’s effusive description of the forthcoming full-length to gather we have another formidable female rapper waiting in — or is it on? — the wings to embarrass the boys and prolong women’s global chokehold on the genre that little bit longer. Only a fool or an incel could complain.
Patrick Masterson
Aware — Requiem for a Dying Animal (Glacial Movements)
Requiem For A Dying Animal by AWARE
Alexander Glück, who records as Aware, specializes in producing a haunting tributary of ambient sound that aims to cause unease. His music is ghostly, chilling, and morose. It evokes loneliness yet, like most good stories, contains a faint trickle of hope. His compositions encompass vast swathes of tone peppered with microscopic flecks. These resemble large chunks of metamorphic rock that Glück has fused into rich, veiny patterns. These polychromatic constructions tell stories of isolationism and hardship interspersed with hopefulness and joy. They reflect our species’ interconnectedness with a natural world that simultaneously seeks to nurture and destroy us, as we in turn seek to exploit its bounties. With his music, Glück seeks to find an equilibrium, a stalemate between us and our environment. He will likely never solve this riddle, but Requiem for a Dying Animal is a fruitful step on the journey toward his goal.  
Bryon Hayes
Blight House — Blight the Way (Syrup Moose Records)
Blight the Way by Blight House
Blight House makes the kind of death metal-infused grindcore that aims for utter absurdity: absurdly heavy riffing; absurdly fast drum-machine blips, blats and thumps; absurdist, so-stupid-they’re clever semiotics. It’s hard not to laugh (or at least ruefully chuckle) at the puns in the band’s name and in the title of this new record. Song titles are even dumber and sometimes even more funny: “Dismembers Only,” “Bible Belt Baby Buffet,” “Walpurgis Date-Night.” And so on. But as is generally the case with records like this, it’s hard to know where the joke ends and the band begins. If it’s all done for laughs, then why is the music executed with such apparent seriousness (n.b., for a less overworked version of a grindy gag act, see this)? And if we’re supposed to hear at least some of Blight House’s stuff with a dash of gravid sincerity, then please, band, send instructions on how to pull off that bit of cognitive jiu-jitsu. Or on second thought, maybe don’t. It’s probably better for everyone involved if we just accept the low-brow yucks to be found in songs like “Acephalophilia III: Hopelessly Headless for You” for what they are, and take the tune at its word. If you think about this sort of edge-lord-adjacent, meme-driven cultural production too hard, you may end up in the writers’ room for Ron DeSantis’s next campaign commercial. Headless and heedless, thoughtless and feckless—blight the way into our collective, idiotic future, dudes.
Jonathan Shaw
Buffalo Nichols — The Fatalist (Fat Possum)
The Fatalist by Buffalo Nichols
Buffalo Nichols’ Carl Nichols has a fine gravelly voice, an unfussy skill with the pick and the slide and the swagger that turns songs of suffering into songs of defiance. In other words, he’s a bluesman of the first order and unusual, these days, in that he’s not 100 years old or a suburban white guy. Yes, Buffalo Nichols is on a mission to reclaim the blues for the folks who invented it—black people—and this very fine album makes a pretty good case for the rightness of his cause. How so? Well, to begin with The Fatalist is mostly acoustic, relying on the speed and accuracy of Nichols fingers rather than a floor sized pedal board; there are no endless wah wah’d solos, no feedback freakery. His vocal delivery matches up, too, quiet but intense, an on-pitch growl that pulls you in and holds you there. There’s a simplicity in the playing and arrangements that underlines the power of these song. Listen, for instance, to the eerie magic of slide, the elemental punch of kick drum on the Blind Willie Nelson cover, “You’re Gonna Need Somebody on Your Bond.” Or the winding melancholy on “The Long Journey Home,” which frolics funereally in banjo and fiddle tones. He brings in the Philadelphia singer and songcatcher Samantha Rise on “This Moment” for a duet, her voice warm and resonant, his hoarse with emotion, a violin twining around the both of them in a dizzy mesh of sounds. A subtle album, but a good one.
Jennifer Kelly
Cyberplasm — First Emanation (Iron Lung)
First Emanation (LUNGS-262) by CYBERPLASM
Electro-punk dissonance melds and mixes it up with anarcho-freak industrial noise on this new EP from Olympia-based Cyberplasm. The band doesn’t seek to exorcize the ghost in the machine so much as conjure it, feed it with nerve impulses harvested from your frontal lobes and then unleash it on our various political and informational systems. Chaos ensues. Maybe it’s liberatory, maybe it just wants to raze all signs of institutional power. Too damn bad if your sense of security or self-worth gets in the way — and in any case, the music is perversely enjoyable. Check out the d-beat scree of “Spit from Fluid” or the foreboding, crust-infused “Second Mind.” The EP’s ten minutes flash by in a series of burned-out synapses and frying amplifiers. Cyberplasm makes underground music that captures the grit and weirdness of lawless subterranean spaces, virtual and material. It’s exciting stuff. It feels dangerous. Punk’s not dead.
Jonathan Shaw
Decoherence — Order (Sentient Ruin Laboratories)
If you have been following Decoherence’s coruscating, cosmic circuit through the 21st century, you won’t find much to be surprised by on Order, the band’s new LP. It’s 40+ minutes of pounding, pyrotechnic industrial metal, thoroughly blackened and shot through with enough harsh noise to burn off your eyebrows. The pace is a little slower, vocalist Derek Jacobsen (who appears on Decoherence releases as Tahazu, an anglicized version of the ancient Sumerian word for battle) sounds like another layer of gristle is occluding his vocal cords, and the compositions of musicians Stroda and Prior are marginally less engaged by melody than many of those on the band’s previous LP, Unitary (2020). If you’re into this sort of thing, none of those small changes is a bad thing. But while Unitary represented a profound development when contrasted with the band’s first several releases, Order feels like a consolidation — a band summing its aesthetics and refining its songwriting sensibility. Which suggests an interesting question: How much order do we want in metal music? This reviewer likes it when Decoherence embraces the chaos denoted by its band name. Check out “An Unconfined System” on this new record. Play it very, very loud. Order? Not so much.
Jonathan Shaw
Drekka—The Water of Life (Orb Tapes)
The Water of Life by Drekka
Michael Anderson, the artist who records as Drekka, made these four long-form meditations for a live performance in Indianapolis in 2015, loosely basing his mix of primitive and electronic sounds on the sci fi classic Dune. All four cuts evolve slowly out of hiss and static (the first one is even called “Stasis and Static”), a buzz like live power wires in the foreground, the faint ghosts of bells, altered choral voices rising up occasionally to mysterious ends. You could, of course, construct an imaginary Dune world out of these sounds, its vast deserts and obliterating sandstorms, its mystic addiction to spice, but it would take some active listening and imagining on your part. The title track assists, somewhat, submerging drips of liquid in the rumble of wind flapping through sails, and the nearly human chants that rise as if from a distance out of the noise. There’s a lot of activity here, a scramble to rattle bits against each other, the click and ching of various percussive elements. And through it comes the hum of dawning revelation, just hovering notes rising, but seeming to reach some inscrutable insight out of the noisy scrum.
Jennifer Kelly
The Finks — Birthdays at Solo Pasta (Milk!)
Birthdays at Solo Pasta by The Finks
Courtney Barnett’s recent announcement that her label Milk! Records will be closing down at the end of the year means that The Finks’ Birthdays at Solo Pasta will be one of the label’s final releases. This feels fitting for a label that has quietly released some understated gems over the years from artists such as Tiny Ruins and Mess Esque. The Finks, led by Oliver Mestitz, create the kind of intimate, loosely woven songs that thrive on the obvious ease between the players, as if you’re listening in to a front-room jam session in which everyone is warmed up and starting to develop their instrumental parts into a lively, organic whole. Mestitz leads the way with his quiet, congested voice, as if he’s perpetually getting over a head-cold, often accompanied by the complementary vocals of Sarah Farquharson. The rhythm section, piano and guitar are wonderfully restrained, the woodwinds muted and sinuous, with everything unfolding patiently. At their best, such as on “Marco Polo” and the instrumental “Ego Slump,” The Finks tap into something truly gorgeous and radiant.
Tim Clarke
Frode Gjerstad / Kalle Moberg / Paal Nilssen-Love — Time Sound Shape (PNL)
Time Sound Shape by Gjerstad / Moberg / Nilssen-Love
If you’ve been tracking Scandinavian free music for the past few decades, you might think you know what record sounds like when you hear that Frode Gjerstad and Paal Nilssen-Love are on it. After all, they’ve been playing together since the latter was a teen and the former was trying to lure promising players into the out-jazz life, and they’ve made a fair number of steaming recordings in that time. But they haven’t made anything quite like Time Sound Shape. Recorded at the Gamle Aker Kirke, Oslo’s oldest edifice, in 2021, it may be completely improvised, but it takes its cues from circumstance, space and opportunity, and those cues point the music in a very different direction. The old stone church’s resonance amplifies Nilssen-Love’s all-gongs set up into a massive sonic presence, and accordionist Kalle Moberg conspires with the percussionist to create a solemnly orchestral breadth of sound. Gjerstad, alternating between alto sax, alto flute and Bb clarinet, sharpens the action with short, anguished cries. This is the biggest sound that three guys can make without the assistance of electricity.
Bill Meyer
Gerrit Hatcher — Solo Five (Kettle Hole)
Solo Five by Gerrit Hatcher
Gerrit Hatcher’s learned well. Instead of waiting for fortune, the Chicago-based tenor saxophonist makes things happen. He plays in town quite often, tours econo and self-releases music on his own label, Kettle Hole Records. The title of this album (a real, glass-mastered CD, unlike the blue-faced disappointments so often sold under that name on Bandcamp these days) attests to his devotion to solo performance. It takes practice as well as physical prowess to command the quivering presence and driving force of his tone, which might remind some of Dave Rempis. Each of the album’s seven tracks makes an assertive statement, but not always a big, loud one; windy textures can be as compelling as rippling notes.
Bill Meyer
James Howard — Peek-a-Boo (Faith and Industry)
Peek-a-Boo by James Howard
James Howard’s debut is all stardust and stopped time. For some reason, I’m reminded of that scene in Buffalo ‘66 where Ben Gazzara, in surreal Sinatra-in-a-tee-shirt mode, croons his father-in-law-y feelings to an entranced, doe-eyed Christina Ricci. Except that Howard’s voice is closer to the dreamy, chill side of Roger Waters (see “St. Tropez'' and “Wots… The Deal”). And his songs are about things like meeting up with your drug dealer on the scenic outskirts of town and raising your children to fear nuclear annihilation. The high point of Peek-a-Boo might be “The Reckoning,” where Howard’s fingers tiptoe up the fretboard like a kid on Christmas Eve on his way to peek at his presents, and cymbals splash like someone on tranquilizers falling into a pool. But really the whole record is a gem and feels like one big, wonderful, floaty, pill-powered dream.
Chris Liberato
Chuck Johnson — Music from Burden of Proof (All Saints)
Music From Burden Of Proof by Chuck Johnson
Chuck Johnson has long been a master of eerie pedal steel atmospherics, building shadowy cloudscapes out of shifting, resonating guitar tone. Here he turns his grasp of sonic mystery to cinematic ends, composing music both guitar-based and not for the HBO series Burden of Proof. If you’re familiar with Johnson’s solo work, the opening “Burden of Proof” will catch you up short with its Bach organ cantata ominous-ness, its densely arranged chamber strings. It sounds not at all like the silvery dream narratives of Balsams or The Cinder Grove; it gathers up in stirring crescendos of emotional turmoil. “The Night of the Disappearance” fits more neatly with what you might have heard before from Johnson. It floats lingering traces of bending guitar sound over a slow lattice of electric keyboard. But setting aside expectations of what Chuck Johnson should or shouldn’t sound like, there is quite a lot to appreciate here: the glittering rhythms and bare-bones bass plunk of “Interrogation,” the swelling synth tones of “Ruth Ann,” the bright cerebral keyboard cadences of “The Note.” Not having seen the show, I can’t tell you how the music works (or doesn’t) to support mood or plot points, but here on the record, it’s subtle and varied, and occasionally, as on “More Surreal” has the slow moving contemplative grace that distinguishes Johnson’s best work. He’s making art and likely getting well paid. Good for him.
Jennifer Kelly
Héctor Lavoe — La Voz (Craft Latino)
After arriving in New York as a teenager, Puerto Rican singer Héctor Lavoe became a key figure in the popularization of salsa during the 1960s and 1970s. As part of the Fania label roster that included Willie Cólon, Rubén Blades and Celia Cruz, Lavoe released nine albums beginning with his 1975 debut, the aptly named La Voz. Produced and arranged by Cólon, the album foregoes much of the instrumental pyrotechnics of his contemporaries’ records to focus on Lavoe’s voice and improvisational talents. Opener “El Todopoderosa” (The Almighty) features frenetic percussion, piano vamps and blasts of brass which, good as they are, have no chance distracting from Lavoe’s caramel smooth tone and timbre. The clarity of his voice carries the emotional weight of “Un Amor de la Calle” even as the horns weep behind him. On the joyful, faster numbers his call and response with backing vocalists Cólon, Blades and Willie Garcia drive the songs forward but there’s plenty in the background to grab the ears. Witness the off-kilter piano and trumpet solo in “Rompe Saragüey” or the percussion and horn breakdown in “Mi Gente.” Whether you’re a salsa fan or not, this is an opportunity to hear one of the great vocalists in his prime with a killer band and irresistible songs. What’s not to love.
Andrew Forell
Natalie Rose LeBrecht — Holy Prana Open Game (American Dreams)
Holy Prana Open Game by Natalie Rose LeBrecht
It would not be accurate to describe Natalie Rose LeBrecht’s new record as a mix between La Monte Young/Marian Zazeela’s (who she’s studied with and assisted) cosmic minimalism and the Dirty Three’s more spacey, searching efforts (that trio’s Mick Turner and Jim White both play on Holy Prana Open Game), but even in its inadequacy the comparison points towards the kind of rarified air the record is floating amidst. It’s kind of wild to remember that “Amok” here is a radically transformed (one might even say, ahem, improved) cover of the Atoms For Peace song, it’s so of a piece with the other five pieces that make up the album. Whether it’s the more open excursions of “Open” and “Prana” or the gentle lilt of the opening “Home,” this suite soars into inner space immediately and rests there contentedly.
Ian Mathers
Gabe ‘Nandez — “Louis XIV” (POW Recordings)
Anyone paying attention to Jeff Weiss’ POW Recordings has been able to surmise how enthusiastic the label head has been about the hushed husk of New Yorker Gabe ‘Nandez, and Gabe’s returned the favor in kind with polyglot explorations of the inter- and intrapersonal alike, most recently on April’s Pangea, plus a feature alongside fellow East Coast tome spitter Billy Woods on last year’s Aethiopes. The one-off “Louis XIV” finds Gabe talking kingly killings and heartbreak over a sublimely paired beat from Tel Aviv producer Argov (he of “Venus in Mercury” that preceded this) and kitted in a Burberry coat amid London’s Abney Park cemetery. A low-slung, high-intensity performance, “Louis XIV” is self-evident, a perfect portrait of what makes ‘Nandez so lethal (and appealing) as a rapper. Anyone with an affinity for bars ought to appreciate it.
Patrick Masterson
Jim O’Rourke — Hands That Bind OST (Drag City)
Hands That Bind (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) by Jim O'Rourke
Any word of a new Jim O’Rourke release is justifiably greeted with excitement, especially when that release is via Drag City. However, Hands That Bind isn’t a continuation of the glorious singer-songwriter fare O’Rourke has perfected on albums such as Eureka, Insignificance and Simple Songs, but rather the soundtrack to a new film by director Kyle Armstrong. The instrumental atmosphere is aligned with many of O’Rourke’s Steamroom explorations, which he’s made available in a steady stream via Bandcamp: slow, sparse, mostly abstract synthesizer soundscapes. The difference here, given O’Rourke is responding to a visual medium, is deeper grounding in the creation of an immediate evocative mood. Shimmering synth textures evoke the chittering of crickets and wide-open expanses of countryside, punctuated by percussion and the reassuring thrum of upright bass. Then, suddenly, a detuned piano or dulcimer will cut through the mix, raising an eyebrow of concern, as if uncertainty is looming on the horizon. The drama of this simple juxtaposition creates an addictive tension that sustains this elegant suite’s runtime.
Tim Clarke
Rat Heart — “Flashing Lights Freestyle” (Shotta Tapes)
Rat Heart - Flashing Lights Freestyle by Shotta Tapes
One of Kanye’s most indelible beats is herewith given a kind of Jai Paul-like treatment via Mancunian Tom Boogizm, who runs the Shotta Tapes label that’s known best for the free-for-all experiments of his increasingly visible Rat Heart alias. We’re a far cry from Northern Luv Songs 4 Wen Ur Life's a Mess, obviously, which threw all manner of spaced-out, instrumental guitar hypnotics at the wall only to see it all stick in a manner most Dusted faithful would find familiar — but this isn’t a total left turn for Tom given we’ve also seen stuff like the Actress-esque 'A Blues' come out in the last year. If you don’t know where to start with him, this serves as a good point of entry for his more beat-driven material, the vocals submerged just that little bit too much beneath the fluorescent, once-ubiquitous backing beat of the Graduation staple. Nobody’s asking for a return to 2007 (that I know of, anyway), but it’s enough for a moment to remember the music once outshone the hubris of its creator. Some of us might call that moment simpler.
Patrick Masterson
La Sécurité — Stay Safe! (Mothland)
Montreal quintet La Sécurité combine insouciant new wave and funk driven post punk on their debut album Stay Safe! It’s a lane that’s been driven before by bands like Romeo Void and Au Pairs, but they bring an infectious energy to bear. Singing in French and English, lead vocalist Éliane Viens-Synnott moves from the ironic detachment of Debora Lyall to indignant recrimination, shaping her voice to inhabit each song.  Atop Kenneth Smith’s propulsive drums and Félix Bélisle’s elastic bass lines, guitarists Melissa Di Menna and Laurence Anne Charest-Gagné add chunky chords and sibilant solos. Although you can spend time picking the influences, the songs are uniformly good. The dispassionate sprechgesang of “Le Kick” with its motorik drums and Au Pairs guitar licks, the mocking tone of the Devo like “Waiting For Kenny,” the groove of “Serpent” which sounds like an amalgam of “Snakes Crawl” and “Too Many Creeps.” The rhythms are tight, the guitars slash and chime in equal measure, the quintet all contribute synths, percussion and backing vocals to their stories of toxic men, relationship ups and downs and daily grind of existence.
Andrew Forell
Jumping Back Slash, Būjin — “Order of Change” (Future Bounce Ltd.)
Would you believe this started as a piano-based folk ballad? Maybe not if you only heard the first half of the first single from a promised forthcoming album due in November. But what originated as a song with a “folklike Kate Bush flavor to it” morphed into a Janus-faced split of a dancefloor-filling first half that runs Brit-turned-South African Jumping Back Slash’s bass-heavy club deconstruction right through Cape Town native Būjin’s delicate but firm vocal before turning into a lush, orchestral outro much closer in spirit to the original idea. The balance works both ways for Būjin, who tightropes across the transition clear to the other side. What else this LP has in store remains to be seen, but it’s a promising first dispatch for those who err on the side of futuristic pop sounds.
Patrick Masterson
Whose Rules — Hasler (777 Rules)
Hasler by Whose Rules
If you’ve got any sort of weakness for airy, breathless, pristine indie pop, may I suggest Whose Rules, the solo endeavor from a busy Norwegian producer named Marius Elfstedt. This first album, Hasler, touches ever so lightly on sonic territories staked out by Elliott Smith: a wistful tenor warble wrapped around softly inevitable tunes. You might even catch a whiff of the Sea and Cake’s breezy artfulness. Yet while the songs aren’t weighted down, they’re not exactly scrubbed bare either. Elfstedt’s producer background shows through in shifting, transparencies of overlaid sound: guitars, synths, percussion frame delicate melodies but don’t overwhelm them. The music wafts by in a flavored cloud, but there’s a good deal of nourishment in its ethereal mix. I like “Stone” with its scrabbly guitars, its rainy/sunny moods, its sudden swells of synth that could easily be horn lines. There’s a bigger, brassier song in here somewhere, but for now it’s hiding shyly, reticently in a private corner of Elfstedt’s imagination.
Jennifer Kelly
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Loneliness October 1, 2022
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stream on Mixcloud
Bay City Rollers - Saturday Night Pat Powdrill & The Powerdrills - They Are the Lonely
DJ speaks over The Debonairs - Lonely is the Summer
Joe Dassin - Comme la lune (Four Kinds of Lonely) Generacion Suicida - Dulce Soledad Katherine Henderson with Clarence Williams and His Orchestra - Lonesome Lovesick Blues Alien Nosejob - Phone Alone
DJ speaks over Ornette Coleman - Lonely Woman
Lime Crush - I Don't Wanna Die Alone Beck - I Get Lonesome Bill Withers - Lonely Town, Lonely Street Cosmic Overdose - Isolatorer The Pretty Things - Loneliest Person The Chefs - Commander Lonely
DJ speaks over Desmond Simmons - Alone on Penguin Island
Dick "Two Ton" Baker and His Music Makers - I'm a Lonely Little Petunia in an Onion Patch Lotte Lenya - Lonely House Space - Begin Again Husker Du - Don't Want to Know If You Are Lonely
DJ speaks over Malaria! - Einsam
Camille Yarbrough - Ain't It A Lonely Feeling Tres and Kitsy - If You Are Lonely TTL - Bored and Lonely Range Rats - Lonely Melvin Davis - Find a Quiet Place (And Be Lonely) The Carter Family - Happy Or Lonesome Guinea Pig - Lonely Sun Is Dead Mr. Wrong - Isolation Du Plenty
DJ speaks over The Ventures - Lonely Bull
Jonathan Richman & The Modern Lovers - Lonely Financial Zone Los Saicos - Lonely Star (Estrella solitaria) Merle Haggard - Why Should I Be Lonely? No Entry Band - Cold and Lonely Life Gino Soccio - So Lonely Joe Brown And His Bruvvers - Lonely Circus
DJ speaks over Graf Haufen - Allein
Leonard Cohen - A Bunch of Lonesome Heros The Motels - Only the Lonely Catastrophe Bizarre - Oh Lonesome Me Sham 69 - What About the Lonely?
DJ speaks over Vitamin String Quartet - Cactus
Wipers - The Lonely One Mižerija - Izolacija Lil Louis - Club Lonely Donald Adkins - Lonely Side Walks The Accüsed - Lonely Place Woody Guthrie - Lonesome Day
DJ speaks over Vassar Clements - Lonesome Fiddle Blues
The Louvin Brothers - Weary Lonesome Blues The O'Jays - Lonely Drifter The Lemon Pipers - Lonely Atmosphere Reality - Lonely Shadow Bad Livers - High, Lonesome, Dead and Gone
DJ speaks over Anthony Pasquarosa - On Solitude
Pete Ham - A Lonely Day Wanda Jackson - I'm the Queen of My Lonely Little World Bertha "Chippie" Hill - Lonesome All Alone And Blue Zyfilis - Isolera Tommy Fogerty and the Blue Velvets - Have You Ever Been Lonely Johnny Cash - Port of Lonely Hearts
DJ speaks over The Ventures - The Lonely Sea
Joy Division - Isolation
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uququ · 1 month
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Bandcamp Monday :: Holiday Jams 2020
Do you hear what I hear? Yeah, you do. Here are a few new additions to the holiday season canon that I can personally recommend. 
First up we’ve got San Francisco’s bitchin’ Blades of Joy’s MMXXXMAS, an EP that adds a nice cozy haziness to some seasonal classics, plus the very cool “Snow Queen,” a dark-hued original that choirs all of the globe should be adding to their Christmas Eve repertoire. The main draw is Inna Showalter’s lovely vocals, calling to mind those C86 days of yore. The version of Wham’s deathless “Last Christmas” will melt your icy heart, guaranteed. 
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Last year, I put together Frozen Fingers, a playlist of Takoma School-style holiday meditations. Josh Kimbrough’s new Yule Chime fits right into that vibe, with some wintry-but-warm picking for your enjoyment. Kimbrough’s own winsome “Sledding Down Spring Valley” is a highlight, but his somewhat more downcast version of the spiritual “Poor Little Jesus” might be my personal favorite, offering moody minor-key moves and ghostly organ. For even more American Primitive Christmas jams, check out Anthony Pasquarosa’s very toasty Magic and Warmth at Christmastime. 
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Finally, we’ve got Dean and Britta (assisted by the mighty Sonic Boom) with a dreamy digital seven-inch to stuff your virtual stockings with. The duo adds their inimitable style to John and Yoko’s always relevant “Happy Xmas (War Is Over)” and “Little Altar Boy,” which I’ve heard Glen Campbell and the Carpenters sing before, but tons of others have tackled it. “Little Altar Boy” has some of that essential Christmas music element of creepiness — Christmas can be creepy, right? 
One more holiday music recommendation if you can even handle it — my friends Evan and Emily’s annual mix of weird and wonderful winter sounds. Dig it! 
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✰✰✰✰✰  5th ANNIVERSARY  ✰✰✰✰✰
It’s time to feast from the grapevine of 2017 with 103 (+ 171 more) of the…  
(all long playing records unless otherwise noted; also, this list was created with links to every item, but the links aren’t appearing, so you’ll have to direct your web browser searches the old fashioned way)
✰✰  TAIWAN HOUSING PROJECT Veblen Death Mask  (Kill Rock Stars) ✰✰
✰  HAND & LEG  Hand & Leg (Black Gladiator)
✰  CHROMASTHETIC  Gold Sound cassette  (Time Release)
✰  ANTIETAM  Intimations of Immortality (Motorific)
✰  girlSperm  gSp (Thrilling Living)
✰  RODENTICIDE Rodenticide (Self Sabotage)
✰  ANGIE Shyness (Rice Is Nice/DERO Arcade, Australia)
✰  BLOODY SHOW Let America Pay cassette (Superdreamer)
✰  MICHAEL BEACH  Gravity/Repulsion (Spectacular Commodity)
✰  ANTHONY PASQUAROSA  Abbandonato Da Dio Nazione (VDSQ)
✰  ALBERT DEMUTH Corporate Rights 7″ (self-released)
✰  MOUNTAIN MOVERS Mountain Movers (Trouble In Mind)
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✰  X-POP  Alphabet Cereal ep cassette  (Chemical Imbalance., Australia) 
✰  DANA Dana (Heel Turn)
✰  GOSPEL OF MARS Gospel Of Mars (Amish)
✰  PRIVATE SORROW  Fake Lions (Mystery Plane, U.K.)
✰  JUDY & THE JERKS  3 Songs cassette (Earth Girl) &  Alive At The Skatepark cassette (Earth Girl)
✰  PIERRE & BASTIEN Musique Grecque (sdz, France)
✰  XETAS  The Tower (12XU)
✰  JAIMIE BRANCH Fly Or Die (International Anthem Recording Company)
✰  STEFAN CHRISTENSEN Shake Off The Village (C/Site Recordings) & Open Day 7″(I Dischi Del Barone, Sweden)
✰  LISE BARKAS & LISA KAÜFFERT Lo Becat cd-r (Soleis Bleus, France)
✰  USA/MEXICO Laredo (12XU)
✰  PREGNANCY Urgency (Emotional Response)
✰  FULLY GLAZED Full Glazed cassette (The Loki Label)
✰  DARK TEA  Dark Tea cassette (self-released) & Bright Flame (bandcamp DL) 
✰  SYLVIA COURVOISIER & MARY HALVORSON Crop Circles (Relative Pitch)
✰  KAY ODYSSEY  What’s A Woman To Do? (Little Bit)
✰  THE DOLL/STEFAN NEVILLE  1974 8″ lathe (stabbies etc, NZ)
✰  CLARINETTE The Now Of Then (Feeding Tube)
✰  ERIK KRAMER A House, Floating In The Middle Of A Lake cassette (Anthropocene Recordings)
✰  AKI ONDA/TASHI DORJI/CHE CHEN ‘HAZ-,BINS cassette (Black Pollen Press)
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✰  KATE CARR The Story Surrounds Us cassette (The Helen Scarsdale Agency) & From A Wind Turbine To Vultures (And Back) cassette (Flaming Pines, U.K.)
✰  BLACK TRUMPETS Blue Blew It cassette (Ikuisuus, Finland)
✰  SUSPIRIANS  Ti Bon Ange (Super Secret Records)
✰  YEAR OF BIRDS White Death To Power Alan (Odd Box, U.K.) & Stanhill Wonder 7″ (Third Uncle)
✰  DAVID WEST with TEARDROPS Cherry On Willow (Tough Love, U.K.)
✰  WILLIAM PARKER QUARTETS  Meditation/Resurrection double cd (AUM Fidelity)
✰  the CAVEMEN Banned In B.C. 7″ (Weirdly)
✰  MICHAEL FOSTER & BEN BENNETT In It cassette (Astral Spirits)
✰  PLATES OF CAKE Let’s Not Deprive Each Other cassette (Unblinking Ear)
✰  ZAÏMPH  Transverse Presence cassette (No Rent)
✰  WURLD SERIES Air Goofy cassette (Melted Ice Cream, New Zealand)
✰  HEADROOM Head In The Clouds (Trouble In Mind)
✰  LORDS OF THYME The Future Of Things Past (Feeding Tube/Shagrat, U.K.)
✰  SEX TIDE  Possession Sessions (Feeding Tube)
✰  MARAUDEUR Maraudeur  (bruit direct disques, France)
✰  LES FILLES DE ILLIGHADAD Eghass Malan (Sahel Sounds)
✰  BRANDY Laugh Track cassette (self-released)
✰  LEILA BORDREUIL & ZACH ROWDEN  Hollow cassette (No Rent)
✰  RAYS  Rays (Trouble In Mind)
✰  ANDY REPTOID & THE HUMANOIDS Refridgerator 7″ (Total Punk) & Kill The Comma 7″(Emotional Response) & Pee-Pee EP (Goodbye Boozy, Italy)
✰  GUN SHY Gun Shy cassette (Cheat Prick)
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✰  MARK EITZEL  Hey Mr. Ferryman (Merge)
✰  E42. A8 Niobium cassette (Tanuki, Belgium)
✰  BLAU BLAU Kiss Kiss (bandcamp DL)
✰  THE COWBOY The Cowboy (Fashionable Idiots)
✰  MARCELO DOS REIS & EVE RISSER  Timeless cd (JACC, Portugal)
✰   LIZ DURETTE Four Improvisations On Electric Piano (Ehse)
✰   MIDNIGHT MINES Since My Baby Left Me cassette & We Are The Primitives Of A New Era cassette (both The Loki Label)
✰  JENNY & JADE  Day Release 12″ lathe ep (stabbies etc, NZ)
✰  FEMME Chroma (bruit direct disques, France)
✰  PRIVATE ANARCHY Private Anarchy cassette (Round Bale Recordings)
✰  ERIC ARN  Orphic Resonance (Feeding Tube)
✰  PILL Aggressive Advertising cassette (Dull Tools)
✰  GAMARDAH FUNGUS Fairytales cd (Flaming Pines, U.K.)
✰  JON COLLIN Water And Rock Music, Volume I cd-r & The Nature (both Early Music, U.K. )
✰  Killed By Meth #2: Rust Belt Rockers comp (It’s Trash!)
✰  the TERMINALS Antiseptic (Ba Da Bing)
✰  SOURDURE  Mantras triple cassette (Standard in-Fi, France)
✰  The Hired Hands: A Tribute to Bruce Langhorne double cd (Scissor Tail)
✰  GLEN SCHENAU Addressing The Scar cassette (Tropical Cancer, Australia)
EKIN FIL Inflame: Original Soundtrack cassette & Ghosts Inside (both The Helen Scarsdale Agency)
✰  TARA CLERKIN Hello (Stolen Body Records, U.K.)
✰  LEE KONITZ  Frescalalto cd (impulse!, France)
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✰  the STROPPIES The Stroppies cassette & It’s A Hit 7″ (Hobbies Galore, Australia)
✰  DELPHINE DORA & MOCKE  Le Corps Défendant (Okraïna, Belgium)
✰ QUIN GALAVIS  The Battery Line (Super Secret Records)
✰  HOUSE AND LAND House And Land (Thrill Jockey)
✰  C.I.A. DEBUTANTE  We Will Play For Spirits cassette (sdz, France)
✰  AILBHE NIC OIREACHTAIGH Oreing (Fort Evil Fruit, Ireland)
✰  the BISCUITS Albatross 7″ (Ilk Ither, New Zealand)
✰  SYLVIA MONNIER Stock Shot & Addictive Sling cassette (Sacred Phrases)
✰  the GOLDEN BOYS Better Than Good Times (12XU)
✰  PALACE LIDO  Concrete cassette (Czaszka Records, U.K.)
✰  MARK FEEHAN  M.F. II (Richie Records)
✰  OBNOX Murder Radio (ever/never) & Niggative Approach (12XU)
✰  ALEXANDER Alexander (self-released) & ROB NOYES/ALEXANDER split 7″ (C/Site Recordings)
✰  TRIO 3: ANDREW CYRILLE/REGGIE WORKMAN/OLIVER LAKE Visiting Texture cd (Intakt, Switzerland)
✰  BARON SATURDAY Concrete Poetry cassette (Mystery Plane, U.K.)
✰  NINA HARKER Nina Harker cassette (Le Syndicat Des Scorpions, France)
✰  DAVID NANCE Do The Negative Boogie (Ba Da Bing)
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GOLDEN PELICANS Disciples Of Blood (Goner)
ÆTHER JAG Amaranthine Stretch cassette (No Rent)
GAD WHIP In A Room (ever/never)
YANNICK DAUBY Magicien Rouch cassette (Tanuki, Belgium)
MAX LODERBAUER & JACEK SIENKIEWICZ  End cd (Recognition, Poland)
VÁR  By Ghost And Tape (Home Normal, Japan)
ANGELICA SANCHEZ TRIO Float The Edge cd (Clean Feed, Portugal)
LECH NIENARTOWICZ Nici cassette (Dinzu Artefacts)
EKMAN & OWEN Ekman & Owen 7″ (Goodbye Boozy, Italy)
POU  Dimonis  (Metadona, Spain) 
HANS CHEW  Open Sea (At The Helm)
DALIA RAUDONIKYTÉ WITH Solitarius cd (New Focus Recordings)
GŪTARA KYŌ  Gütara Kyō  10″ (Slovenly/Mondo Mongo)
TUCKER THEODORE  Lady Hope cassette (Antiquated Future)
MIA SCHOEN Golden Hour (Albert’s Basement, Australia)
THE STRANGER The Void (bandcamp dl)
LAKES Silver Thorns 12″ EP (Paradise Daily, Australia)
Horrendous New Wave comp (Lumpy)
CHRIS FORSYTH & THE SOLAR MOTEL BAND Dreaming The Non-Dream (No Quarter)
TASHI DORJI & DAVID GRUBBA  Fixed Entrance Derivatives cassette (Sky Lantern)
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SAMUEL TRUITT Thorns cassette (Melters)
HELTA SKELTA  Nightclubbin’  7″ (Deranged, British Columbia, Canada)
UV-TV Glass (Deranged, British Columbia, Canada) & Go Away 7″ (Emotional Response
HASH REDACTOR  Demo Tape 2017  (self-released bandcamp DL)
LEE NOBLE  The Hell You Come In cassette (No Kings)
PRETTY PRETTY Demo II cassette (Superdreamer)
AGUSTÍ MARTÍNEZ/EDUARD ALTABA/QUICU SAMSÓ On The Nature Of Will (Discordian bandcamp DL, Spain)
the TRENDEES  We Are Sonic Art (Melted Ice Cream, NZ/Albert’s Basement, Australia)
GREG ASHLEY  Pictures of Saint Paul Street (Trouble In Mind)
DAVE REMPIS  Solo cd  (Aerophonic)
TIN FOIL Tin Foil (Almost Ready)
HACO Qoosui cd (Room40, Australia)
PETER LEWIS Just Like Jack (Shagrat, U.K./Hookah)
PROSTITUTES Live At Cookout  (TRAM Planet)
ANTENES Shifting Zones 12″ (Silent Season, Canada)
LOFT Three Settlements Four Ways 12″ (Wisdom Teeth, U.K.) & Turn My Built Dances (The Astral Plane)
NEUTRALS  Promotional Cassette 2 cassette (Neutrals)
DARLINGCHEMICALIA Off Blonde (self-released bandcamp DL)
WV WHITE House Of The Spiritual Athletes (Anyway)
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CHAVEZ Cockfighters 12″ (Matador)
RYAN GARBES  Living Ether cassette (Post-Materialization Music, Russia)
TRAMPOLINE TEAM Drug Culture 7″ (Space Taker Sounds/Pelican Pow Wow) & Trampoline Team/Mama split 7″ (Giveaway)
LAURA BAIRD  I Wish I Were A Sparrow (Ba Da Bing)
MAREIKE SAUER The Tension and the Body of the Woman of Mystery cd (Karl Schmidt Verlag, Germany) 
FNU CLONE Binary Or Die (Total Punk)
DAN MELCHIOR  Road Not Driving (ever/never)
$UN $KELETONS GET IT UP YERS TRIO R.I.P. Music & Absolutely Fucked In & Rust Belt UK cd-rs (Double Dot Dash!?, U.K.)   
VIOLENCE CREEPS Ease The Seed Bag 7″ (Drunken Sailor, U.K.) & The Gift Of Music + Singles cassette (Total Punk) & Northwest Tour Tape 2017 (self-released)
ERIC COPELAND Courtesy, Professionalism, Respect (L.I.E.S.)
WIREHEADS  Lightning Ears (Tenth Court, Australia)
DANIEL LEVIN  Living (Smeraldina-Rima, Belgium)
the COWBOYS Vol. 4 (Drunken Sailor, U.K.)
IRENE KEPL SololoS cd (Fou, France) & Superstring Theory bandcamp download (SoundOut, Australia)
VIDEO DUCT Small Pets And Kitchenettes cassette (Maple Death, Italy)
SCUPPER Some Gauls (Blue Cheese Toothpaste)
MOSQUITOES Mosquitoes one sided 12″ (self-released, U.K.)
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BLUE CHEMISE Influence On Dusk (Gravity Ventilator, Australia) & “The Music Lesson”/”Watcher At The Window” 7″ (I Dischi Del Barone, Sweden)
CONTRIBUTORS Contributors (Monofonus Press)
NICOLE MITCHELL Awakening II: Emerging Worlds cd (FPE)
KALEIDOSCOPE  Volume 3 (Feel It Records)
Ladyfest Boston 2017 cassette comp (Ladyfest)
BRIDGET HAYDEN  Incantations From Yin Valley cassette (Fort Evil Fruit, Ireland)
MIKE COOPER Raft (Room40, Australia)
MAZOZMA Heavy Death Head (Feeding Tube)
SUSS CUNTS Suss Cunts 7″ ep (Emotional Response) & “Newby” (Suss Cunts bandcamp DL)
MATT JENCIK  Weird Times (Hands In The Dark) 
somesurprises serious dreams cassette (Eiderdown Records)
CIGGIE WITCH Mad Music (Lost & Lonesome, Australia)
SUN VALLEY Black Canyons (bandcamp DL)
MORDECAI Abstract Recipe (Richie Records)
JANTAR Panisperna (MIE Music, U.K.)
SARAH DAVACHI  All My Circles Run (Students Of Decay)
KÜKEN  Küken (Drunken Sailor, U.K.)
ULAAN PASSERINE The Landscape of Memory (Worstward)
MY TEENAGE STRIDE Living In The Straight World cassette (Unblinking Ear)
SLOW TONGUED BEAUTY  The Absolution Of Royalty cassettes (No Rent)
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DAVID FIRST Same Animal, Different Cages Vol. 3: Civil War Songs (for Solo Harmonica)  (Fabrica)
REBEKAH HELLER  Metafagote (New Focus Recordings)
DIANETICS Booked Learned 7″ (Weirdly) & And Psycho Horse cassette (Gut Freak)
SPARROW STEEPLE Steeple Two (Richie Records) & A Aardvark (ever/never)
WEATHER WEAPON II (self-released bandcamp DL)
KRISTY & THE KRAKS  Snakes On The Phone 7″ (Fettkakao, Austria)
STEPHAN CRUMP/INGRID LAUBROCK/CORY SMYTHE Planktonic Finales cd (Intakt, Switzerland)
NAG “Motorcycle Blue” + 2 7″ (Third Uncle/Chunklet) & False Anxiety 7″ (Total Punk) & No Flag + 2 7″ (Space Taker Sounds)
ROSS MANNING  Reflex In Waves (Room40, Australia) & 
Both Sides of the Cocoon cassette (Chemical Imbalance., Australia)
DANIEL LEVIN QUARTET Live At Firehouse 12 cd (Firehouse 12)
RAKTA Oculto Pelos Seres 7" (La Vida Es Un Mus Discos, U.K.)
MARBLED EYE EP II 7" (Melters/Digital Regress)
RIK & THE PIGS Blue Jean Queen 7″ (Feel It) & A Child’s Gator  (Total Punk)
US WEEKLY  US Weekly (Night Moves)
KEN IKEDA + DAVID TOOP Skin Tones cd (Home Normal, Japan)
L$D FUNDRAISER Drones On Lap Steel (self-released, NZ) + like, 30 others
MDOU MOCTAR  Sousoume Tamachek (Sahel Sounds)
CHIHEI HATAKEYAMA  Mirage (Room40, Australia)
the DREAM SYNDICATE  How Did I Find Myself Here? (Anti-)
DAY CREEPER  A Mirror To The Fire (Heel Turn/Superdreamer)
LITTLE MAZARN Little Mazarn (Self Sabotage)
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BAUS Secret Bathroom Recordings (self-released bandcamp DL)
MARK CONE Now Showing (Neck Chop)
LÉONIE RISJETERRE Tresseterre cd (Soleils Bleus, France)
ENDLESS BOOGIE  Vibe Killer (No Quarter)
MCHY I PORØSTY Hypnagogic Polish Music For Teenage Mutants cd (Recognition, Poland)
DAG  Benefits Of Solitude (Bedroom Suck, Australia)
ANGEL DUST Excavatum cassette (Dinzu Artefacts)
MAXIMUM ERNST with DANIEL CARTER  Maximum Ernst cd (ever/never)
RABBIT U.S. Rabbit U.S. lathe 7″ (Third Uncle)
INSTITUTE Subordination (Sacred Bones)
RUBBER MATE  Cha Boi  7″ (Total Punk) & Tour Tape MMXVII cassette (self-released)
MARY LATTIMORE Collected Pieces cassette (Ghostly International)
VERY MENTAL (Total Punk)
UNITED WATERS  The Narrows (Drawing Room)TYSHAWN SOREY Verisimilitude (Pi Recordings)
A GIANT DOG Toy (Merge)
DREAM WEAPON RITUAL The Uncanny Little Sparrows (Boring Machines, Italy)
SMALL WORLD EXPERIENCE Soft Knocks (Tenth Court, Australia)
DIRTY & HIS FISTS Dirty & HIs Fists 7″ (Feel It) 
ABBY LEE TEE  Hebert’s Archive cassette (Dinzu Artefacts)
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BLANK STATEMENTS  Signs Are Rampant cassette (Hobbies Galore, New Zealand)
NOTS“Cruel Friend"/"Violence" 7″ (Goner) &  Live At Goner Records (Goner)
LEA BERTUCCI  All That Is Solid Melts Into Air cassette (NNA Tapes)
SICK THOUGHTS Songs About People You Hate (Neck Chop)
MOHLAO Landforms (Silent Season, Canada)
ISOTOPE SOAP Piñata Chaos 12" (Levande Begravd Records, Sweden) & The WOW! Signal EP 7" (Levande Begravd Records, Sweden)
JIM HAYNES Tiny Portraits 3″ cd-r (Flaming Pines, U.K.)
ISS (Endless Pussyfooting)  (Erste Theke Tonträger, Germany)
PREENING Beeters 7″ (Digital Regress)
MIKE MAJKOWSKI  Days And Other Days cassette (Astral Spirits)
RANGERS Texas Rock Bottom cd (Doom Trip)
KNOWSO Look At The Chart (Neck Chop)
CIRCUIT DES YEUX  Reaching For Indigo (Drag City)
SWEET APPLE Sing The Night In Sorrow (Tee Pee)
LEDA ‎Gitarrmusik III-X (Förlag För Fri Musik, Sweden)
TROPICAL TRASH  Decisions' Empty Nest 7″ ep (Sophomore Lounge) &  A Dent In The Forever Can  cassette (The Loki Label)
GUILHEM LACOUX  La Traversée double cassette (Standard in-Fi, France)
IAN WILLIAM CRAIG Slow Vessels 12″ ep (130701, U.K.)
MOZART Nasty 7″ep (Iron Lung)
CENTURY PALM Meet You (Deranged, British Columbia, Canada)
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GATE  Highway Ghosts (self-released, New Zealand)
the FEELIES  In Between (Bar None)
SCHIZOS  Fuck Iggy Pop 7″ (Neck Chop)
VIOLENT QUAND ON AIME  Violent Quand On Ame 7″ (Le Syndicat des Scorpions, France)
HONEY New Moody Judy (Wharf Cat)
ANXIETY  Wild Life 7″ (La Vida Es Un Mus Discos, U.K.)
EARTH GIRL HELEN BROWN  Mercury & Mars & Saturn cassettes (all Empty Cellar)
the BLINDS The Blinds cassette (Hobbies Galore, Australia)
FRENCH VANILLA  French Vanilla cassette (Danger Collective)
HEAVY METAL  LP 2 (Static Age Musik, Germany) & LP 3 (Harbinger Sound, U.K.)
fEEDTIME  Gas  (In The Red) 
REESE McHENRY w/ SPIDER BAGS Bad Girl (Sophomore Lounge)
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From November 2017: A LIST OF WORTHY CAUSES TO WHICH YOU MIGHT WANNA THINK ABOUT DONATING...Coalition To Stop Gun Violence, Save DACA Lives  via Here To Stay, Planned Parenthood, The Trevor Project, National Abortion And Reproductive Rights Action League (NARAL), Southern Poverty Law Center, Emily’s List, etc....
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ospiteepasseggero · 4 years
Listen/purchase: VDSQ Solo Acoustic Vol. 7 by Anthony Pasquarosa
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rockscissorsgun · 5 years
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Frozen Corn, Kath Bloom (w/Dave Shapiro) and Anthony Pasquarosa (solo) at the Brick House in Turners Falls MA 5/25/19
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auralthicket · 3 years
episode 39: music for my car, part three (09.15.21)
set 1:
Donnie & Joe Emerson -- Girl with the Rainbow Seeds -- Still Dreamin’ Wild: the Lost Recordings, 1979-1981 (Light in the Attic, 2014)
Dummy -- Final Weapon -- Mandatory Enjoyment (Trouble in Mind, 2021)
claire rousay -- Virulence -- A Collection (Mended Dreams, 2021)
“Blue” Gene Tyranny -- Dreamtime: In the Past (1980) -- Degrees of Freedom Found (Unseen Worlds, 2021)
set 2:
Anthony Pasquarosa / John Moloney / Jon Collin -- Part 3 -- Live at Mystery Train (COdA fanzine, 2020)
Spiral Joy Band -- Long Shadows Beneath the Moon -- Wake of the Dying Sun King (VHF, 2017)
set 3:
Sunroof! -- The Last Lemur -- Delicate Autobahn Under Construction (VHF, 2018)
Currituck Co. -- Silly Woman -- Ghost Man On First (Lexicon Devil, 2003)
Thelonious Monk Septet -- Crepuscule with Nellie (takes 4 and 5) -- Monk’s Music (Riverside/Original Jazz Classics, 1957/2011)
David Grubbs & Ryley Walker -- A Tap On The Shoulder -- A Tap On The Shoulder (Husky Pants, 2021)
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dyingforbadmusic · 6 years
Almost all important guitarists alive + 3 ghosts are gathering on April 13-15, 2018 to the The Thousand Incarnations of the Rose – A Festival of American Primitive Guitar in Takoma Park, Maryland .
The tickets are extremely limited and sale starts today. So go to this page and wait for the link to appear: https://1000rose.org/
In the meantime imagine a festival over two days, with many names that show up here on dfbm frequently and around the place where John Fahey, the father of American primitive guitar grew up under the watch of the Great Koonaklaster.
Here is the insane list of performers:
Alexander (CT) Alexander Turnquist (NY) Anthony Pasquarosa (MA) Charlie Schmidt (IL) Chuck Johnson (CA) Daniel Bachman (VA) Danny Paul Grody (CA) Don Bikoff (NY) Dylan Aycock (OK) George Stavis (NY) Glenn Jones (MA) Harry Taussig (CA) Is@s@ (ES) Itasca (CA) Joseph Allred (TN) Lloyd Thayer (MA) Marisa Anderson (OR) Mark Fosson (KY) Matt Sowell (PA) Max Ochs (MD) Nathan Bowles (VA) @Nick Schillac (MI) Peter Lang (MN) Peter Walker (NY) Rich Osborn (CA) Rob Noyes (MA) Sarah Louise (NC) Will Csorba (TX) Willie Lane (MA)
➕ Panel discussion with Byron Coley, featuring musicians and scholars including Glenn Jones, Sarah Louise, Steve Lowenthal, and Claudio Guerrieri.
➕ First DC-area screening of the documentary, Voice of the Eagle: The Enigma of Robbie Basho, screening of never-before-shown performance footage of Jack Rose an John Fahey
If you still like American steel string guitar music after these three days, you are weird!
Don't wait too long and go to https://1000rose.org/ to get your ticket.
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snackpointcharlie · 4 years
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Scrape those last little charred and corroded bits of 2019 out of your pipes with an exclusive circuit-cleansing set by noise improv maestro PARASHI on the first SNACKPOINT CHARLIE of 2020. Download from the archive  or stream on the Wave Farm iPhone app or your favorite podcast aggregator (instructions at link). Happy New!
Snackpoint Charlie - Transmission 032 - 2020.01.01 PLAYLIST
1) Rahul Dev Burman - “The Burning Train” from THE BURNING TRAIN - ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PPC482DzYM0
2) Googoosh - “Shekayat” from ﮔﻮﮔﻮش https://www.finderskeepersrecords.com/shop/googoosh/
3) Grupo Ismaeliloo - “Amanacer (Sound Voyage Future World Remix)” https://soundcloud.com/freesoulinc/grupo-ismaelillo-amanacer-sound-voyage-future-world-rmx-limited-free-download-100
4) Jen Kutler - “Jenn Grossman” from DISEMBODIED https://jenkutler.bandcamp.com/releases
5) Parashi - Live In-Studio Improv
“Mike Griffin’s Parashi project has been releasing material since 2010. Parashi’s sound utilizes a wide variety of improvised sound sources, in various states of interaction and decay. Pitchshifted tapes, creaky analog pedals, primitive synthesizers, metal objects, percussion, voice, and murky field recordings all collide and reorganize themselves within Parashi’s work. The resulting sonic constructions are imbued with a vitality that never distracts from the narrative focus of each piece.
Parashi has collaborated on releases with artists such as John Olson (Wolf Eyes), Anthony Pasquarosa, Noise Nomads, Rambutan, Belltonesuicide, Fossils from the Sun, HSFB, among others. He has been a member of Albany psych-rock troop Burnt Hills since 2011, and was a participating member of the long-running Albany Sonic Arts Collective. He also plays guitar in Sky Furrows, backing up poet Karen Schoemer along with fellow Burnt Hillians Philip Donnelly and Eric Hardiman. Griffin has played shows as a member of Century Plants, Chalaque, Bulle, and Desmadrados Soldados de Ventura.”
https://parashi.bandcamp.com/album/tape-from-oort-cloud http://www.sedimental.com/ https://tinyurl.com/spw7lvu
6) Fumaça Preta - “Impuros Fanaticos” from IMPUROS FANÁTICOS https://fumaca-preta.bandcamp.com/album/impuros-fanaticos
7) Milo Silva / Nina Violet - “Electricity of Love” from POST MODERN MONGOL https://soundcloud.com/rocky-shoals-3/sets/milo-silva-nina-violet-post
8) Ralph Steadman - “Sweetest Love (Lament After a Broken Sashcord on a Theme of John Donne)” from MINIATURES https://www.discogs.com/Various-Miniatures/master/32838
9) The Residents - “New Mexico Dream” from NOT AVAILABLE (PRESERVED EDITION) https://www.cherryred.co.uk/product/the-residents-not-available-2cd-preserved-edition/
10) DakhaBrakha - “Karamysly” from THE ROAD https://dakhabrakha.bandcamp.com/album/the-road
11) Иверия (Iberia) - “Восход солнца (Sun Rise)” from ИВЕРИЯ (IBERIA) https://www.discogs.com/%D0%98%D0%B2%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B8%D1%8F-%D0%92%D0%BE%D1%81%D1%85%D0%BE%D0%B4-%D0%A1%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%BD%D1%86%D0%B0/master/563268
12) Yang Xiao Ping - “Love in the Rain”
13) Gökçen Kaynatan - “Anjiyo (Angioma)” from CEHENNEM https://finderskeepersrecords.bandcamp.com/album/cehennem https://www.finderskeepersrecords.com/shop/cehennem-gokcen-kaynatan/
14) The Hawaii Calls Orchestra and Chorus - “Beautiful Kahana / Song of Old Hawaii”
15) Fred Lane and his Disheveled Monkeybiters - “I'm Gonna Go to Hell (When I Die)” from ICEPICK TO THE MOON http://revfredlane.bandcamp.com
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still-single · 7 years
NEW RADIO 7/16/2017
Right here chief: https://www.mixcloud.com/mosurock/chirp-radio-doug-mosurock-show-094-16-july-2017/
Tracks below:
More Than Enough (Reprise) by David Nance Rocky Mountain Way by Joe Walsh Big 10 1/2 by New Kingdom Bennie and the Jets by Elton John What Makes a Man by Anthony Pasquarosa Blue Flower by Mazzy Star Love, Love, Love, Love, Love by Wool I Can't Do Without You by Doris Duke Leanin' on You by Reese McHenry & Spider Bags The Sun Goes Down by Dave Dee, Dozy, Beaky, Mick & Tich Waltzer by Jaimie Branch I Do Believe You Are Blushing by Unrest Another Dimension by GG King Voices by Siouxsie and the Banshees Tenderness by Jefre Cantu-Ledesma Texture by Catherine Wheel Dead Break by Trans FX Moonwave by Suspirians Catapults by Burning Star Core Cantiere Orlando by Hear in Now Windsor Park Hardcore by USA/Mexico Nighttime Pt. 2 by Black Time Organdie by Steal Shit Do Drugs Edge of the Envelope by Cupid Car Club Hot Smoke and Sassafras by The Bubble Puppy Drive My Car by Nasty Facts Head of the Witch by Thigh Master An Epic Story by Peter Perrett Desperate Motion by Universal Order of Armageddon Down with Me by Cherry Death Can We Start Again? by Tindersticks Take a Look at Yourself by Help El Doomo by Ellis Rasta Communication by Keith Hudson Please by Rhye Disgrace by TALsounds Happy Birthday to Me by Beau Wanzer Serve the Spirits by Alleged Witches Say It with Strings by Amos & Sara Beat it Down by Y Pants Hotel by the Railroad by Francisco Franco Eyechant by Michele Mercure Macobayou by B.N.M. Hell Is Other People by Luxurious Bags Richie by Glorias Navales
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dustedmagazine · 6 years
Bill Meyer: Year In Review 2017
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Dusted’s writers bid 2016 farewell with a mixture of sadness and revulsion. We grieved the many great musicians who died, but the sense that the countries we live in were collectively embracing paths that might make us mourn the toppling of fundamental principals weighed even heavier. And 2017 has shown that our dismay was not misplaced. There’s no need to recount the shit show of USA politics here, except to say that it’s fucking embarrassing to know that a sizable portion of your country is swallowing scams so transparent that if your teenager pulled that crap on you, you’d ground them an extra week just for thinking you were that dumb. But while compassion, justice, and reality contact seem to have gone out the window, I’ve never found music more sustaining. So let’s talk about what gives a guy hope.  
Bill Orcutt
Bill Orcutt by Bill Orcutt
This year, like every year, I listened to a lot of solo guitar music. Bill Orcutt’s self-titled LP twisted all the lies out of the old American songbook and made it sing his song; Richard Osborn’s Endless kept up the tradition of transcendence; and newcomers Rob Noyes and Alexander delivered strong debut LPs. Elkhorn is a duo and not quite new, but their first full-length record, The Black River, nails that feeling of knowing that things have been lost but that can’t stop you.  
The Black River by Elkhorn
In 2017 I was privileged to hear many improvisers repeatedly, in different contexts and sometimes on different continents. It has felt like a privilege to hear them negotiate a balance between the articulation of personal concerns and group values, night after night, in ways that build things up. If Jim Baker, Steve Hunt, Mars Williams, Brian Sandstrom, Ikue Mori, Paal Nilssen-Love, Pascal Niggenkemper, John Butcher, Ståle Liavik Solberg, Anton Hatwich, Tony Buck, Dave Rempis, Andrew Clinkman, Macie Stewart, Steve Marquette, Phil Sudderberg, Ken Vandermark, Rafael Toral, Carol Genetti, Jaimie Branch, Joe McPhee, Tomeka Reid, John Edwards, Nick Mazzarella, Fred Lonberg-Holm, Tim Daisy, Jason Stein, Jason Roebke, Jason Adasiewicz, Paul Giallorenzo, Joshua Abrams, Hamid Drake, Michael Zerang and Chad Taylor (as well as the others I saw more than once, but am forgetting to name here) can do it, the rest of us can too.
 Butcher/Buck/Mori at Café Mir, Oslo  
p>It’s the end of the year, so lists are obligatory. Here are two that I compiled for other publications.
 The Wire top ten
1 Jaimie Branch, Fly or Die (International Anthem)
2 Bill Orcutt, Bill Orcutt (Palilalia)
3 Sarah Davachi, All My Circles Run (SOD)
4 Keiji Haino/John Butcher Haino, Light Never Bright Enough (Otoroku)
5 Evan Caminiti, Toxic City Music (Dust Editions)
6 Les Filles de Illighadad, Eghass Malan (Sahel Sounds)
7 Shelter, Shelter (Audiographic)
8 Anthony Pasquarosa, Abbandonato Da Dio Nazione (VDSQ/Thin Wrist)
9 Richard Osborn, Endless (Tompkins Square)
10 Anahita, Tourmaline (Three Four)
 2017 Magnet Magazine Jazz and Improvised Music top 10
1 Jaimie Branch, Fly or Die (International Anthem)
2 Bill Orcutt, Bill Orcutt (Palilalia)
3 Shelter, Shelter (Audiographic)
4 Keiji Haino/John Butcher Haino, Light Never Bright Enough (Otoroku)
5 Rempis Percussion Quartet, Cochonerie (Aerophonic)
6 Paal Nilssen-Love/Frode Gjerstad, Nearby Faraway (PNL)
7 Tomas Fujiwara, Triple Double (Firehouse 12)
8 Keith Rowe The Room Extended (Erstwhile Records)
9 Rob Mazurek, Rome (Clean Feed)
10 The Necks, Unfold (Ideologic Organ)
 Both were done too soon to acknowledge some great music I heard late in the year, so let’s just say that Olivia Block and Ulaan Passerine made records very much worth your time. But these lists convey this point; in 2017, sound felt truer than words.  Most of the music on these lists is instrumental, and of the records with singing, one bypasses linguistic meaning by being in a language I don’t know and a couple others obliterate it altogether. So how about it, 2018, what do you have to say for yourself?
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rowj · 7 years
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Anthony Pasquarosa - Morning Meditations Another new pickup. Good morning coffee music. #nowplaying #nowspinning #music #vinyl #record #anthonypasquarosa #guitar #week4vinyl #whitebuddha #bluebuddha #cyberman #vinyligclub #vinyljunkie #vinylcollection #instavinyl #recordcollector
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jamesholroyd-blog1 · 7 years
2017 Albums
I’ve never been inclined to compile a best of the year list before. I have, however, found some great music from other people’s lists over the last few days, so I thought I’d share the albums that I really enjoyed listening to this year (or at least the ones I remembered when writing this). I think it is good to support musicians by buying direct from them or the label, so I have included links where I have been able to find them. The list is in no particular order. 
Michael Chapman - 50 Chicago/London Underground - A Night Walking Through Mirrors Nadah El Shazly - Ahwar Anton Hunter - Article XI Bitchin Bajas - Bajas Fresh Chuck Johnson - Balsams Gunn-Truscinski Duo - Bay Head Six Organs of Admittance - Burning the Threshold Wooden Wand - Clipper Ship Les Filles de Illighadad - Eghass Malan Richard Osborn - Endless Favourite Animals - Favourite Animals Joan Shelley - Joan Shelley Tamikrest - Kidal Oneida - Live At Secret Project Robot Konstrukt with Hawkins, Spicer & Wilkinson - Lotus  Nicole Mitchell - Mandorla Awakening II: Emerging Worlds Lina Capra Vaccina - Metafisiche del suono Prana Crafter - MindStreamBlessing Entropi - Moment Frozen Anthony Pasquarosa with John Moloney - My Pharaoh, My King Four Tet - New Energy* On Fillmore - On Fillmore Richard Dawson - Peasant Rick Tomlinson - Phases of Daylight Joshua Abrams & Natural Information Society - Simultonality Tonstartssbandht - Sorcerer Bill MacKay & Ryley Walker - SpiderBeetleBee Trad Gras och Stenar - Tack For Kaffet Brooklyn Raga Massive - Terry Riley In C The Weather Station - The Weather Station
* Kieran Hebden donated copies to Oxfam. At time of writing the CD is still available here.
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Anthony “Crystalline Roses” Pasquarosa with John “Sunburned” Moloney - My Pharaoh, My King
Bandcamp Mondayyyyyy ... this one comes to us via the estimable Feeding Tube Records, a reliable purveyor of free-psych-underground sounds. My Pharaoh, My King is an extremely nice set of duets from multi-instrumentalist Anthony Pasquarosa and drummer John Moloney (Sunburned Hand of Man, Caught On Tape etc). Byron Coley rightly references the similarly styled blends of Sandy Bull and Billy Higgins -- the tunes here unfold slowly but surely, with no particular place to go, but never wandering too far from the path. Great vibes, plus a zoned out cover of Lonnie Liston Smith’s deathless “Astral Traveling.” 
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still-single · 7 years
NEW RADIO 6/18/2017
it’s here: https://www.mixcloud.com/mosurock/chirp-radio-doug-mosurock-show-091-18-june-2017/
here’s what:
Unnatural Channel Pts. 1 & 2 by Drew McDowall Eye on the Sparrow by Chuck Johnson End on End by Rites of Spring Blow Yourself Up by Tommy Hoehn I Got Cut by Superchunk What Institution Are You From? by Helium O Platitudes! by Bill Orcutt Es Samra by Omar Souleyman Black Holes by Suspirians Sweet Surprise 2 by Chris & Cosey Disgrace by TALsound In My Room by Yaz Still Chasing You by Pay the Rent Don't Spread It Round College by The Pheromoans Inhuman Form Revealed by Aaron Dilloway Splat by Bailter Space Kaleidoscope by The Boo Radleys Dead Break by Trans FX Mankind by Ekin Fil Lavender by Cruel Summer Ye Medjuie by Emmanuel Kahe & Jeanette Kemonge Your Friend Is Insane by Urge Overkill Spitwad by Cherubs Voices by Rancid X Upon Nebraska Prairies by Anthony Pasquarosa Your Eyes Are Looking Down / Candy Kane / The All Electric Fur Trapper / American Mother by Help Yourself My Friend by Happy Days Crew High Drag, Hard Doin' by Endless Boogie Sister Ray / Foggy Notion (live) by The Velvet Underground
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