#answein asksssss
b00bconnoisseur · 5 years
1, 4, 5, 14, 23, 27, & 28!!! (for the pride asks)
1. Is your family accepting?
That issss.....complicated tbh? Im not openly out to my fam yet abt being asexual n stuff so its not like ive straight out asked yknow? But one time i was explaning all the different sexualities n types of ppl i knew in the community annnnnd when i explained the ace spectrum she said "ohhhhh so they jus want friends they dont wanna date" "no no no they DO wanna date, its a normal relationship, they jus dont wanna go that far" "yea, a friendship" ".....no youre thinking of aromantic. They dont feel romantic attraction" etc etc. and she was basically saying u need sex to have a real relationship :') ik she jus heard of the term so she was probably confused but.....yea. So ig thats a no, not accepting at least for now
4. Favorite color?
B l u e, (smokey) g r e y, and b l a c k !! (See how i made all the questions blue? Jxbx)
5. When did you find out your sexuality?
Well i fully started identifying as ace in december last year but was questioning it for abt a month or 2 beforehand or so? My old bf was p sexual and i wasnt feelin it and thought i was jus weird but one day i rb'd a post on types of asexuality in relationships and he saw and was like yo thats us! And long story short he was right! (After i did alot of reading up on what it meant ofc lol)
14. Are you openly out?
Not to family but to the lgbtq+ bookclub at the library i got to almost every month (so p much like....4 or 5 librarians jxbxb) and 1 of my my frens irl! I do wanna come out to more of my frens but idk im a lol iffy on what theyll say or even how I'll bring it up???
23. Describe your partner.
Oh man where do i even begin??
Funny, adorable personality, cute, weird (in a good way), nerdy, is adorable when talking abt smtn they like, shortie bean (they'll tell u different but its true!!), alot more but im bad on the spot jxbdb
27. Do you own any pride flags/merch?
I haveeeee 3 or 4 pride pins i believe??? I wish i had more tho :(( my mom wont let me get any pride bracelets cause "only gay people wear them" and so im guessing that'll be a no on a shirt :(
28. Have you ever been to a pride parade?
I haven't but i want to!!! At one of the book club meetings i asked abt pride parades and stuff and they said they have some near here, like 15 or 20 mins from me so i was like !!!!!! But my fam would never let me go, so I'll have to wait till im older :(
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