#another juazz win
littlenekosfan · 4 years
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Freund schild...? what a particular name...
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bazz-b · 6 years
1, 12, 15, 16, 17, 19, 21, 29 lol
for juazz of course. theorically speaking
Send a number (and, optionally, a ship) and I’ll describe:
1. How my Muse acts differently around their love interest(s)
Going forward with all of these HCs, it’s important to note that Bazz-B has the emotionally capacity of a teaspoon. He’s capable of varying styles of anger, and a bit of pain, but conveying any of it is often messy and childish.
Bazz-B acts with Jugo how he acts with most people– an incessant thorn in their side. In the case of an established Juazz scenario, he takes great liberties in this. Letting himself into the other’s room, always making sure to use the last of the milk and then put it back empty in the fridge. It’s a childish way to make sure Jugo is constantly stuck thinking about Bazz-B, without encroaching on his self-imposed concept of ‘cool’.
The biggest difference is that while together with Jugo, outside of the pranks he might have set up earlier, he doesn’t keep hounding. He’s able to coexist in the same space and remain placid. Jugo’s presence can calm at least some of his rage.
12. Ways my Muse goes out of their way for their love interest(s)
His most creative nuisances are reserved for Jugo. The ones he really ponders over, really puts the effort into. But that’s for his own amusement, and a warped method of showing the other he cares. For Bazz-B, going out of his way involves making their life easier, too. Except, only when not asked. If he notices that Jugo is low on coffee, he’ll restock it. Make sure a broken light bulb is replaced. If asked to do any of these things, he’ll glower and push back. Make up some lame excuse not to, or end up doing it as inconveniently as possible.
“Bazz, can you hang the washing up?”
You’ll find your underpants waving from a flagpole in celebration of his childishness. 
15. The differences between lust and love for my Muse
Lust is Bazz-B’s primary motivator in any prolonged relationship, so it’s difficult to separate the two. But before he was who he is today, when he was still a boy, he truly loved Jugo. Not romantically, but as only two with nothing else left to them can love. That never really died, just warped and twisted into a volatile mix of their next centuries together. A functioning Juazz would return to those core feelings. Revisit what brought them together to begin with. Love is something Bazz-B has only experienced from his parents to one another. He doesn’t convey it very well. Wanting to be with someone and not want to fuck or fight them is his closest understanding.
16. My Muse’s kinks and how they would bring them up to their partners), if at all
Bazz-B doesn’t bring up his kinks. If there’s something he wants to do, he just does it. Consent is super important, the moment someone is disinterested he ceases. Continuing like that is lame, save it for the sorry fuckers like PePe who can’t get someone to sleep with them.
For Bazz-B, his preferred kink is partly dominating his partner. Bringing them to climax multiple times, eliciting uninhibited responses from them. It’s like winning a fight, proving yourself better. It works him up seeing his partner get excited because of his ‘victory’.
17. My Muse’s sexual fantasies regarding their partner(s)
There’s no specific sexual fantasy involving Jugo. Mentally, he’d toy with the idea of being called ‘Your Majesty’ but ultimately feel super gross about it. Even giving orders would feel out of place. Controlling when the other can / can’t climax would have a certain, enhanced appeal with Jugo. Mostly because he’s usually so reserved and uptight.
19. What my Muse says instead of the words ‘I love you’
The words are foreign to Bazz-B, and he could go his whole life without saying them. There’s no way to make it sound cooler than what it is, what it represents. If said to him, he wouldn’t spurn the sentiment. Not too harshly. He’d probably give a sharp laugh, but not push the matter. His own version comes in the exchange of the “I’m home” (tadaima), “Welcome home” (okaeri) exchanges. Anyone else, he’d just ignore. He’d make it a point not to ignore Jugo.
21. How my Muse would comfort their partner
All pranks would cease immediately. Any already put into motion would quickly be mopped up, swept under the rug. In most cases, he’d make himself sparse. It’s not secret that he’s an antagonistic force, so the best thing he could imagine for his partner is time away from him. He can slowly build up exposure again from there.
If requested to stay, he’d be dubious, but otherwise try to remain as quiet as possible. Try to help out with anything obvious that Jugo needed. Bazz-B likes to solve problems, so instead of being a good listener he’d try and provide solutions. Often to the chagrin of Jugo, who might just need an ear and a shoulder. 
29. My Muse’s preferred method of being spoiled / pleasured by their partner(s)
Everything needs to be a competition. A fight. He’ll always challenge Jugo, on the streets or in the sheets. He prefers being pleasured while actively attempting to pleasure Jugo. Whoever climaxes first is the loser. He expects for the both of them to finish eventually, regardless of who wins. When being spoiled, it’s being allowed to run rampant. A situation orchestrated by Jugo where Bazz-B can let his hair down (so to speak) and go wild.
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