#another girl's revolution
silverxwords · 7 months
@dontpetmeibite | cont. from x
Ravage looks up from the mending she's doing and sets it aside, her face lighting up as she sees his expression. "I always have time for you, don't I?"
Megatron smiles back, field warm. "And I thank you for that."
A brief pause, fading back toward seriousness. " It's... about my frame. Well... It's about more than that."
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justitium · 8 months
@cobalt-cougar | cont. from x
Howlback smiies wryly, hands over the requested stack of datapads, and then leans back against her desk, looking up at him sidewise. "I think you'll be surprised by the results." She knows she was. Tumbler has taken Garboil out for the day. Sometimes she wonders if Flatfoot thinks he can transfer Garboil's loyalty to Tumbler and hers to Prowl. But the more time she spends working with Prowl without either Tumbler or Garboil, the more concerned she becomes. About Prowl. She really doesn't want to care about her handler or his situation or his terrible and unacknowledged enduring conjunction (she'll be surprised if it endures another decivorn).
Prowl, for his part, cants his doors in thanks, adds most of them to the small stack in his upper right desk drawer, then selecting the topmost one to begin to scan over. "Thank you." He tells her.
"Have you fueled yet today? We keep getting assigned more casework to go over, and it takes nearly as much fuel as actually chasing suspects ourselves."
A tip of his doors. "Tumbler brought me more nickel chews. You can have them-- he always forgets I prefer sweet rather than tart flavours."
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doctor-glitterbomb · 5 months
"Howlback, please calm down." Glit frowns. "It's not good for Ravage if you walk around in a cloud of dudgeon; she's excitable enough as it is, and I count on you to be the calm one--"
"Why are there people here that I don't know when my sister is so vulnerable?"
Glit frowned. "Who don't you know?"
Howlback rolled her optics at him. "I know who Skywarp is, but I don't know him well enough to trust him. He took your place--"
"Not my place," Glit says quickly, wounded. "The Winglord made it very clear to me that it was not my place."
Howlback rolls her optics again. "Whatever. And Starscream, and that purple Predacon..."
Glit groans. "Ah. You've met Mesothulas. They're a colleague of mine, and of Starscream's. And they are absolutely on our side of things. The Institute wants them incredibly dead and they used to be friends with Senator Shockwave--"
"Why'd they ask me about Grimlock and Prowl, then?"
"Probably because you like Prowl, and that has the rest of us worried. He's your handler and he could have you reprogrammed or killed--"
Howlback snorted. "You're confusing him with the other one. Garboil and I don't like or trust Tumbler at all. I'm carrying memories for Garboil, because he has to work with Tumbler all the time. Prowl and I have a professional relationship--"
Glit snorted and laughed. Howlback picked up a jar of disinfectant wipes and tossed it at him; he caught it easily.
"You forget what our actual profession is, Glit," she said. "It's not just scouting and recording and killing. You just don't have to think about it because Ratchet and Pharma stopped using you for any of your actual functions when they discovered what you were actually good at."
That stung. He stopped just short of telling her that Ratchet and Pharma would never have asked him to do that even when he was still supposed to be Pharma's bodyguard, because Howlback apparently was asked to do that on a regular basis. He couldn't understand how that would make her like Prowl better than her other handlers, though. Even if he was actually good to her when she serviced him! He wasn't sure he wanted to know. "What about Grimlock?"
Howlback made a face at him. "We're very good friends," she said. "And also I get wet when he looks at me."
"Do me a favour," Glit grumbled. "Don't fall in love with a gladiator, and don't fall in love with your boss."
"I don't fall in love with anyone," Howlback said, and scowled at him.
"And yet here you are, protecting them even in the context of our little family argument," Glit pointed out.
"I don't need to be in love to protect people. I'm protecting our sister, who is the number one example of why it's stupid to be in love, because she's in love with two people, who will someday eventually meet one another, and now she's carrying for one of them!"
Glit gave her a long look. "Senator Shockwave's brother is dead. And don't tell me someone is still maintaining the noisechans, because that's Mesothulas, which is the other reason I trust them."
"Whatever," Howlback said. "You need to start listening to that pirate radio station that pops up out of Nyon sometimes and then tell me you don't have any idea who that is."
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cobalt-cougar · 5 months
Howlback had lately spent so much time recruiting in Kaon that she rarely saw Ravage at all these days, but after Glit had told her about their sister's condition she had to put in an appearance. She spent most of the day with Ravage talking about anything and everything--and trying to figure out what she thought about Megatron, other than that he was terribly sweet and even more terribly earnest.
Ravage was in a romantic fog of the sort that Howlback had never experienced in her life (and really didn't much want to). It was adorable and worrisome, and she was grateful that Megatron seemed to be exactly who Ravage thought he was.
There were a lot of new people hanging around Ravage's house, and she wasn't sure how she felt about that. They needed to recruit new people, but new people who might not be fully committed just yet really didn't need to know about Ravage's rather delicate...condition.
"Stop staring at my sister." Howlback looked up at the purple mech with a frown. "I remember you. You're one of Starscream's friends."
The purple mech nodded. "Researchers with variant alt-modes," the purple mech said, "need to stick together. I helped Starscream get funding, and now I am helping Glit get funding, too."
Howlback's ears flattened back--and not to the sides. "You'd better not be doing research on--"
"That's just personal curiosity," said the purple mech in a silken voice that did not register as either femme or otherwise. "You're very protective of people, I see."
"I can be."
Another downward glance that seemed somehow appraising. "So which of them is it, the enforcer or the gladiator?"
It took Howlback several full minutes to understand the question she was being asked. "Despite my legal status," she said, "I am my own person, and so are both of the other two. The rest of it's none of your business."
The purple mech's shoulders canted slightly in an elegant gesture. "Predacons should stick together. But the enforcer's also quite."
"You know way too much about my personal life. I guess Glit always has had a big mouth."
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dontpetmeibite · 7 months
"... Ravi? Do you have a moment?" Megatron looks.... hopeful. (@silverxwords -- babyTron verse)
Ravage looks up from the mending she's doing and sets it aside, her face lighting up as she sees his expression. "I always have time for you, don't I?"
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i-am-drift-locked · 8 months
The only reason I didn't put Impactor through the wall today was that the wall I would have had to put him through was the wall of the house where Ravage and Gasket live.
Where I would be living, if I didn't live with Ratchet.
Under my soon-to-be-deadname, because nobody needs to know that he's conjunct with the Decepticon terrorist everyone In Iacon's aft-slagging terrified of.
As they should be.
Impactor is Megatron's friend but if he finds out too much about what we are actually doing here before he gets over himself, I might have to kill him.
I don't want to do that to Megatron; the kid was D-16 until yesterday, and I'm pretty sure he and Ravi have never been in love before. They are both too fragging young. But she's brilliant and he's no slouch and Ravi deserves this.
I like Frenzy and Rumble, but I'm pretty sure Impactor's brain module is at least 75% lead, even if Ratty says that isn't possible.
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As an avid anime watcher who is hard to please, I decided to finally make a list of shows I recommend called “2023 Binge-worthy New Releases That Are 12 Eps Long”. My criteria is the following:
-A new series (not a second, third, etc. season — so you can pick it up fresh).
-More or less well rounded with excellent story telling / character development.
-Made me feel many things or a LOT of one thing.
-Has kept my AuDHD ass hooked. Trust, this was the toughest requirement of the criteria list.
So without further ado, 2023 Binge-worthy New Releases That Are 12 Episodes Long.
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wackachewbacca · 9 months
Keyleth mentioned that tensions are on the rise within the Dwendalian empire what with the king on his way out and the Cerberus Assembly running around unchecked especially with Ludinus as its head and while I would love for the Cerberus Assembly to be completely abolished or prevented from ever rising back to the height of its current political power after this whole Predathos incident I also hope the empire doesn’t tear itself apart from the inside.
The empire has just barely gotten out of war with the Kryn Dynasty and now it may just fall into civil war and I could give less than a shit about king Dwendal and all the bureaucracy and shit but the people still need to heal from the War of Ash and Light because that ended only seven years ago (836 PD) give or take and that’s hardly anytime at all to rebuild their lives because the ruling body of their nation have neglected their safety for arcane power and knowledge
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silverxwords · 6 months
When Megatron finally stirs from recharge, the next morning, he feels... better.
The driving urge to defend has lessened, at least, and he can yawn, uncurl from his huddle around Ravage and look around without the expectation to act.
He still pulls out a fuel ration and sets it aside for her to drink first.
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animefeminist · 1 year
2023 Winter Three-Episode Check-In
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The big forerunner this season? Girls in fantasy shows!
The team split up the three-episode reviews between staff volunteers, with one person putting together a short(ish) review on each series. Like we do with our check-in podcasts, we started from the bottom of our Premiere Digest list and worked our way up.
If we didn’t watch a show for at least three episodes, we skipped it, and we’ve used nice bold headers to help you quickly jump to the shows you’re interested in. We’ve also excluded shows that are continuing on in basically the same vein as our premiere review to conserve space. Unless specifically noted, we will not be mentioning overt spoilers for anything beyond episode three.
We don’t have the time to keep up with everything, so please let us know about any gems we might be missing in the comments!
Read it at Anime Feminist!
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aeroplaneblues · 1 year
Anime I was watching that had their season finale, SPOILERS
✨ Tomo-chan is a girl: I really like this one, every episode was entertaining or really sweet (excepts about the cousin we are ignoring that) the main couple is nice, but what I loved more about this was the friendship between the girls. Personally having an acknowledgement that Tomo doesn't have to change to be in a romantic relationship is nice, she is a girl no matter how she acts or presents herself. If she wants to wear dresses it should be because she wants to not because she needs to fit in some weird idea of what a girl is. There is a good amount of this and characters learning how to build/maintain relationships. Anyway I do rec it! Its fun but yeah cousin love is the *
✨Sugar Apple Fairy Tale: The art is great, I like that MC has a goal, how fairies are born/die is probably my favorite thing after the MC's name lol. The story has its ups and downs because of how melodramatic it can get, it feels like the MC is letting herself fall into these circumstances and others are like "please just talk". I get it, its a shoujo, its not baaad I just wish it was a little less dramatic and the MC got a little more idk street smarts? There is a second cour in July and I'll watch it bc I like hearing my name, lol nah I want the happy ending you cant leave me like that now im invested. I want Annes around the world to get the fairy ikemen. I think its early to rec, I do like it give it a chance if you don't mind the drama.
✨The Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess and the Genius Young Lady: Yes I wrote everything so you know its an isekai, HOWEVER we never talk about being isekai again until the last ep. Not solid story imo but quite entertaining anyway! Plus the girl gets the girl who cares about anything else. There is a lot of crying bc girls i guess and some fanservice bc girls? I mentioning this as its * if you don't like that. But I can say the characters do have their emotional mini personal arc then it ends in rainbows, they do kiss and its explicitly said not as "friends" or whatever and there is a literal rainbow. I do rec it as the isekai that isn't an isekai and its short fun.
Thats it, the other ones have more episodes or I haven't watched them yet. Thanks for reading!!✨✨
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cobalt-cougar · 8 months
".... Ah, there you are." Prowl greets, quietly. "... Do you have the expenditure reports I requested?" (@justitium)
Howlback smiies wryly, hands over the requested stack of datapads, and then leans back against her desk, looking up at him sidewise.
"I think you'll be surprised by the results."
She knows she was.
Tumbler has taken Garboil out for the day. Sometimes she wonders if Flatfoot thinks he can transfer Garboil's loyalty to Tumbler and hers to Prowl. But the more time she spends working with Prowl without either Tumbler or Garboil, the more concerned she becomes.
About Prowl.
She really doesn't want to care about her handler or his situation or his terrible and unacknowledged enduring conjunction (she'll be surprised if it endures another decivorn).
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goddessofroyalty · 2 years
During Silco' pregnancy with Mylo how do you think Vander coped trying to take care of two pups, a grumpy pregnant omega and trying to run a bar. This poor man is so overworked 😭
I feel like 'is so overworked' is just the vibe of this au.
He's not just running a bar on top of the family responsibilities at that point, he's also still actively leading a revolt against Piltover (with Silco but they're not sending the pregnant person to go get into punch ups with Enforcers).
It's why I kind of have it in my head that in the span of Claggor and Mylo's pregnancies the Violent Revolts side of their work took a bit of a back seat and they instead more focused on consolidating control and power of the Lanes and Zaun generally (only to return to the Violent Revolting with probably more power behind them after Mylo's born up to finding the girls). Because something has to give or else everything is going to come crashing down around them and they are at a point where Solidifying Control And Assets is a useful move.
And like I've mentioned before, Silco is working up until he drops the pup and Viktor is starting to be an age where he can somewhat look after himself. So while the responsibility of it all isn't sitting on Vander's shoulders the whole time he's definitively feeling more and more like he's responsible for it all each day of the pregnancy that passes.
On the flipside of course Claggor is still under 1 years old when Mylo is conceived and isn't quite yet 2 years old when he's born. So still needs a lot of care and is still pretty dependent on his parents. And while Silco is certainly not avoiding lifting him because he's pregnant when he gets further along it gets hard to do so partially because Claggor's generally on the bigger side. And Viktor can only help so much so... Vander has to help.
Vander's honestly likely not getting much sleep for most of the pregnancy (I feel like Silco gets pregnancy insomnia a bit so when he is asleep Vander is doing everything in his power to let him keep sleeping and when Silco is awake he will sometimes wake Vander because he wants to talk something through). And, gods, he looks so rough by the end of it. Although he does get sympathy from everyone who comes through the bar regularly because they all figure Silco is running him into the ground.
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widevibratobitch · 2 years
today I once again mourn the fact that so many people live their whole lives without ever once reading, nay, ever even knowing of Schiller’s Don Carlos’s existence. 
RIP Enjolras stans, y’all would have loved Rodrigo. 
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maratsbathtub · 1 year
Talking with allistic people about the French Revolution in real life can be really tiring. Like, they’ll just look at me weird, move the topic away from it, and then two weeks later when I mention the exact same thing I’d been rambling about they’ll have forgotten entirely.
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