  “Alec used to be in love with Jace. The show...
@barrythebutternut it’s interesting that you say this because part of the writing and producer team changed from s1 to s2 and many things changed and plots left behind. So it seems to me that they chose a different direction and are trying to distance themselves from s1.
@barrythebutternut: May I also remind people that these are not the writers who were working on the show in season 1? They obviously don't care about continuity...
I was thinking about this when writing the post too but decided not to mention it for now.
But yeah, I think part of the reason the current writers are claiming Alec was never in love with Jace despite clear canon proof to the opposite is because they arent the writers who actually wrote that. So it’s not so much retconning their own canon but more... shitting on the canon of their colleagues?
I mean I get that they might have had different ideas and interpretations about the characters and their relationships than the s01 writers but s01 did still happen the way it did and it’s still part of the canon of the show they are currently writing. Just because they didnt write it doesnt mean they can try to erase it and act like it never happened. That’s disrespectful to the people who worked on the show before them. And inconsistent in terms of the writing itself.
But then again, these are the same writers who seem to have absolutely no regard for their own writing either - hyping up a relationship that hasnt happened yet while the characters are currently involved with other people, for example. So maybe it’s not that surprsing they wouldnt take into account the writing of someone else.
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annalight7 mentioned you on a post “funcast Alec Lightwood - Rob Raco &...”
@nerdsagainstfandomracism​ I don't get this casting either, but isn't Magnus in the TMI books also canonically Asian?
He is. His mother is of Dutch and Indonesian descent. Since Asmodeus is a demon, this makes Magnus biracial Southeast Asian. But there are a lot of people in the book fandom who, for whatever reason picture Magnus as an a white guy in yellowface. Most fancasts before the movie came out were with white guys, when the movie casting was announced, many white fans messaged CC asking her why did they cast an Asian actor for the part. 
The TMI fandom is known to be notoriously racist, they also regularly fancast white guys for the role of Jem (who is biracial Chinese), and they hated Isaiah’s casting too. Harry’s Magnus regularly gets racialized hate from them. 
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poemsfromthealley · 6 years
themimsyborogove replied to your post “I don’t have a 100% definite side in the immortality disc horse and I...”
If immortality is possible, it’s going to come with a price. Think about what vampires have to trade for it. Sunlight, warmth, the ability to eat anything except blood. There’s not going to be an easy, cost free, way for Alec to become immortal.
You’ve brought up the single biggest consideration I have here: immortality should not be easy to achieve, by anyone. Vampirism is the one surefire way we know, and even then the person bitten might not rise as a vampire but instead their soul might be lost forever. So.
And that is also what would potentially make it interesting! Make it a challenge for the characters instead of a matter of snapping fingers. Have there be a tradeoff even beyond the emotional cost.
gingergenower replied to your post “I don’t have a 100% definite side in the immortality disc horse and I...”
I really want a Clary rune, because then it's simply something that never would have been possible before. only shadowhunters can /have/ runes, so even if the immortality rune had been invented in centuries past it wouldn't have been helpful for Magnus or his other lovers anyway. it's just a specific set of lucky circumstances- Clary's connection to the angel, Alec existing at the right moment, his being a shadowhunter- that gives them the opportunity.
For reasons I mentioned above, I’m a little wary of this solution. It’s elegant in conception, because as you say, it would be a one-time opportunity, but it does raise other questions. Clary’s runes come from the angels, via some sort of divine inspiration. What would prompt this? What would make Alec (and Magnus) worthy of such a boon? Would she only be able to draw it once or could she then go around drawing it on other Shadowhunters?
But again, there’s plenty of opportunity there, say, for a fic writer. Create circumstances in which this would make sense. That is what we do, no?
annalight7 reblogged your post and added:
I think that if there is a way it must be...
That is a very good point! If they were to introduce a way, Seelie magic would be a strong contender, though I dread to think what one might have to trade for it. Seelies aren’t really in the business of doing favours for Shadowhunters.
Edit: And yes, consent and thorough discussion before trying any solution to this problem are obviously needed.
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goshzillas · 7 years
annalight7 replied to your post “can u believe cc went from “i love the show” to “my influence changed...”
Did she really say this? It makes no sense. I thought that by season 2 her and the showrunners had already cut ties with each other. I wonder why all of the sudden the showrunners couldn't stand her anymore and she became bitter about the show all of a sudden.
before s2 aired she went to comic con together with the cast and crew and talked about how much she wanted to get involved and how she loved everything so yeah lmfao her story just makes no sense whatsoever
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laurenkmyers · 6 years
annalight7 replied to your post: Is Shadowhunters on in 20 mins or an hour and 20...
I had the same doubt as you and was devastated when I found out it was 1h20 lol
It literally sucks so much. I'm very lucky this week that I have tomorrow off, but most SH nights I'm working the next day and look like a zombie at work. But for my boys, it's worth it. It's when you have a shit episode with very little Magnus that it really makes you think was giving up my sleep really worht it?? :')
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beautifulbelief821 · 6 years
@annalight7 I have thoroughly enjoyed reading your posts about the show. Hopefully, we will continue to do so (with a season 4) 😬
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eternallymalec · 6 years
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@rosegoldgemini you sound like you WANT a cheating plotline to happen considering you wanting to laugh if it happens. It was already said by @annalight7 but the writers placed themself firmly on the “anti cheating” side of storytelling by not letting simon cheat and they confirmed on twitter that nothing’s gonna happen there so why are you so aggressive? And yeah, I'll mark your word. Because you're wrong.
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singingwordwright · 6 years
@saadiestuff replied to your post “@annalight7 replied to your post “Unpopular opinion: I don’t want...”
I can remember a particular moment when I was listening to @thedescentiseasypodcast​ in the car when I started yelling at my phone in agreement on this subject. I feel like maybe it was the 2x10 episode?
Yeah, if it were one thing or just a couple things it wouldn’t be an issue, because everyone has their up moments and down moments and moments of extenuating circumstances.
The problem is that it’s become a very consistent, predictable pattern, and there’s only so many times where you can say “but but but...extenuating circumstances!” before you just have to stop making excuses for the writers and doing their jobs for them by coming up with various headcanons to justify it all.
Sooner or later, you just have to reach the conclusion that when a situation comes where the writers/showrunners want someone else to look shiny, rather than making sure every character steps up their game for that to happen and that the storytelling supports it, nine times out of ten, Alec’s gonna be the one to take the fall with a convenient moment of incompetence.
It’s a problem with the storytelling and I really hope they fix it. Because that’s the thing: I don’t say this stuff just to be pointlessly critical.
I say it because I care. I say it because I want the show to do better. To be better. To learn from their missteps and produce a better product. And unfortunately, calling out the fact that the writers tend to undermine Alec’s competence whenever it’s more convenient for Alec to not be competent is not something I’ve seen enough of.
It’s a disservice to the character and to the fandom. I want them to do better.
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@annalight7 replied to your post “Gotta love how CC will take any opportunity to vague…”
At least now she’s waking up to Malec and writing more about them… I wonder if the people obsessing about show!Malec made her have this idea of writing the non existent Malec in TMI now lol
I mean, I don’t doubt that the popularity that the show has been giving to Malec is what’s causing Copyandpaste’s sudden interest in one of her few lgbt+ relationships. She really loves mooching off of the show’s popularity and acting like all of the show’s original ideas/great additions were hers or that she deserves the praise for them just because she plagiaraized created the series that the show is based off of
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I'm sorry if you've already mentioned this but I'm a bit of a noob here, so if you have just ignore it, but since you and me both had a problem with some of the directing and filming choices of the Malec scenes through season 2, what is your opinion on that having seen the first episode of S3 and possibly the sneak peek? I know it's hard to predict their new direction because there are many different directors but I'd like to know your take on it. Have a nice day :)
Hey. :)
Ok so before I start, I just want to note that I will be talking about only the first episode of s03 and what I say is in no way judgement on the rest of the season. I am really looking forward to see how they will progress things from here on.
Also when I talk about physical affection, I dont just mean sex or anything sex-related. I am talking about all the different kinds of physical intimacy - hand-holding, hugging, cheek kisses, forehead kisses, cuddling, etc etc.
Ok so onto the actual answer. I would say that if anything disappointed me in 3x01 it was probably the kiss scene because it didnt show any marked difference or improvement from their s02 trend (minus 2x18). It was again a very short and... surface- like kiss with dark lighting (though not as bad as some other cases *cough 2x02, forever bitter about that cough*) and most of it was hidden by the back of Alec’s head. So yeah, it’s pretty much the same as most of their s02 kisses which were either over before you could blink or obstructed in some way with the camera panning out pretty darn quickly.
I think what makes this especially jarring and upseting - to me at least - is that this was the only physical contact between them in an episode where Clary and Jace spent 90% of their time in each other’s arms to the point where Jace I Am God’s Gift to Women’s Sex Lives even went looking for platonic physical comfort. And I’m not saying that’s a bad thing, far from it. The problem for me isnt that other characters get to have this, it’s that Magnus and Alec dont. And yes, ok, I know physical intimacy isnt the be all-end all of relationships. I’m not saying they need to be all over each other all the time in order to be a valid couple or that they have to suck face for 10mins every episode or whatever. But damnit, give me something more than little pecks and the occasional hand-holding. They are supposedly crazily in love with each other and wanting to spend forever together and soulmates and all that jazz, dont tell me they dont want to climb each other like two hunky trees.
If the other couples get to flash boobs and abs all over the place, if the other couples get to have hot wall sex, if Meliorn gets to slowly undress Izzy while we get a nice long shot of her half-naked body, if Jace’s random one night stand can sit on his bed topless and offer to have a threesome with him and Alec, if Clary and Simon can bang in a bloody canoe, if Jace can symbolically shove his dick between Clary’s legs during training, then why the hell cant Magnus and Alec touch more than once a season finale when they thought the other is dead or when the writers got so much backlash they had to rewrite a whole damn episode to include some of that aforementioned touching??? I mean I know why And why cant we be allowed to actually see it?
That’s what bothers me so much. It’s the unevenness of the relationships - the other couples get to have their cake and eat it too while Malec is on a vegetable diet, apparently. If the other relationships were treated the same way as Magnus and Alec, I wouldnt complain as much but since this isnt the case... it just feels... not good.
Sorry, I went a bit on a rant there but this is one of the two biggest issues I have with the writing of the relationships so I got a little heated. But anyway, back to your question, like I said I dont see any difference so far from s02 which is a bit disappointing but on the other hand, it was just one scene in the first episode so I’m not gonna even try to predict how the season will continue. If that trailer was any indication we will see an increase in their physical intimacy this season - hell, in that sneak peek for next week alone they’ve touched more than they have in some of the previous episodes as a whole. That in itself is very promising.
And the other thing that really made me happy was that their scenes were pretty darn long by show standards? Like in general Shadowhunters has a problem with too short scenes and jumping from one scene to the other like a rabbit on cocaine and 3x01 definitely suffered from that but the Malec scenes were the longest, I think, apart from the Clary/Jace scenes. Which in my opinion is a very good sign. I hope they keep it up!
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annalight7 replied to your post “seguun replied to your post “Marty was really toxic. He was...”
Sorry for the dumb question but how are loki and kylo pro-killing white people (aka white genocide) ?
@annalight7 I think you’ve misread @seguun’s submission (it was a quick reply to post, so grammar / stylistic mistakes can happen)
Meanwhile white genocide and mass murder lovers like Loki and Kylo
The meaning here is “white characters like Loki and Kylo, who love to commit genocide and mass murder”.
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immortals-malec · 7 years
@annalight7 said  Aren't they the some writers from season 2 with one or two new writers that joined in on the end of 2B? I can however see that there was a difference on the writing and display of Malec from season 2A to 2B. Yeah I  believe so. And you can totally see the difference on the writing and display of Malec.... I have been wondering if it’s because the writers, Todd and Darren listened to the fans or if it’s because the writers from s1 and 2a weren’t heavily taking part in 2b. 
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annalight7 2x06 Thoughts
Simon annoyed me on season 1 and part of season 2 but afterwards he grew on me and now I love him lol
I do hope he grows out of this, especially since I know he’s going to get an even more prominant role later on so I’d rather not hate his entire existence.
It’s just this way he’s got of throwing off blame on everyone else but himself right now that really gets on my nerves. I mean yes, it’s not his fault that he was turned into a vampire and it was awful and I feel bad for him for that but he needs to get a grip a little bit at least because he’s being a giant ass right now. Setting up Raphael as the one to blame for Camille’s actions (though I’ll give him that he probably didnt have malicious intent when he babbled to Aldertree about it) was bad enough but then he just keeps going mememeME even when the people around him - the very same people who took him under their wing and saved his life more than once - are suffering because of his actions or lack of action (Rapael) or having to make tough choices which are obviously hurting them (Magnus) and it just pisses me off. It probably doesnt help that I like Magnus and Raphael so much more than Simon so I’m obviously biased towards them. ;P
And in the ep I watched today he’s like Yo, this is your fault because you didnt bring me blood and now my mom saw me so you need to fix it to Raphael and I was like wow there, pal. Whose genuis idea was it to go live with your family when you’re a new0turned vampire with little self-control? Chill out on the blame game.
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  2x06 Thoughts
That thing about Izzy not knowing what ynfen could do also annoyed me deeply when I watched it. I loved all the Malec interactions on that episode. I think Magnus said 17000 just to see Alec’s reaction. It’d be impossible to keep track and he said in another episode that he was a “one soul at a time” kind of guy so I doubt it was actually 17000.
I would take that headcanon over it actually being true, lol.
I mean nothng wrong with him sleeping with however many people he feels like it but 17000 is just way over the top even for a guy who’s been alive for centuries. Actually if I remember correctly someone did the math on this a while back and it turned out that he would have had to be with a different partner every week or so in order to fit that many people in the time he’s been around. Which is just a bit... yeah, I’m not buying it.
Plus what kind of person would even bother to keep track of his exes up to such a high number? That such gives off some not-so-nice implications to me so I’d much rather think that Magnus lied just to see if Alec could handle him having a past with significantly more lovers than Alec himself (even if they arent 17 bloody thousand).
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mlf7916 2x06 Thoughts
@annalight7 I’m with you. Magnus like to exaggerate with stuff like this. He also told him in s1ep4 that he slept with Michelangelo that died before his birth so… Btw, there’s nothing wrong if he had also 10% of these 17000 partners. He was a single man with no commitment. Honestly, I don’t see the problem here.
I never said there was anything wrong with his past. As I pointed out in another post Magnus is absolutely free to sleep with however many people he wants. My issue is simply that I find the number 17000 way too high even for a guy who’s been alive for so long. Especially if all these people were full-blown relationships and not one-night stands (which I’m guessing he was also including in order to get such a high number).
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