magnoliacrowned · 2 months
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We are a welcoming, friendly, and well-moderated Discord server for people who find themselves under the godspouse umbrella:
Our server defines godspousing as intimate relations (romantic or s*xual) with a god, spirit, or other non-corporeal entity, such as angels, demons, etc. 
This includes spirit partnership, consorts, dating, or other intimate, non-corporeal relationships. We are not exclusive to partners of gods or deities.
Godfamily/spirit family, and fictional others are welcome to the server and are actively discussed, but they are not the focus of the server.
Our server has been thriving for 4 years, with over 120 members and an active and present moderation team!
Our community is largely built of queer and neurodivergent folks, with a significant number of chronically ill and/or disabled members.
Our community is 18+ due to the intimate contents, and we do not allow minors to be present on the server under any circumstances.
We are open and accepting of systems and we offer pluralkit as a standard practice.
This is the only advertisement we have posted, as we do not advertise on sites such as disboard. We do not allow indefinite or permanent links to the server, which helps safeguard against trolling, doxxing, or raiding.
If you are interested in joining, you can contact me (@magnoliacrowned), @leannan-sithe, @pysksos or @mxmoth (or any members who sound off in the tags as available).
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thewhytewytch · 2 years
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This is my first time on tumblr so I hope everyone is kind😉
I will have to save my big posts for for my Wordpress blog but it’s good to see the community flourishing. It seems to be still taboo which is why I’ve always tried to keep to myself. Most of the time time when i returned to Wordpress I saw some of the other bloggers had disappeared and that saddened me. I hope they are okay and not chased off their blogs.
But a lot has been going on in my strange life but I’ll write more about that in my blog.
Also i have a Facebook page where I’m doing some witchy services and an Etsy shop too. I’m going to make a godspouse group on Facebook I think. Maybe to help others.
Anyways I hope all is well and love and light.
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murasakikagekitsune · 3 years
My Personal Godconsort Ratio
Kyo-sama is ten parts weary old man, four parts furious and wounded teenager, two parts over-excited five year old, six parts mother hen and nine parts polite gentlemen.
Overall, He’s twenty nine parts Kami. I never know which part I’ll be on the receiving end of (it’s usually the weary old man or the mother hen) but I’m in love with all of Him, no questions asked.  
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rede-legoshis-lynx · 3 years
Advertisement Upcoming!
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Hi everybeing! I wanted to share an Amino I've made, specifically for Agapeas!
Godspousing is marriage to a God, Agapea is like that, but not marriage. I can be parental, platonic, whatever. Sometimes it is undescribable, except for 'Agapea'.
Me and a friend have created an amino for Godspousery, Agapea, Spiritspousing, and everything under those umbrellas. It's very new and under construction, but we'd love to have you!
Join here
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magnoliacrowned · 3 months
Dating as a godspouse is a terrifying experience. I want my partner to be aware of my marriage to Michael and see it in a positive light, but godspousing is a controversial enough topic without throwing Christianity into the mix. Dating other pagans is the best option but we can be hard to find on dating apps where the best option is “spiritual” or “other religion.” Ideally I would like to date another godspouse but we’re so few and far between that it’s unlikely that’ll ever happen.
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magnoliacrowned · 2 months
If I wrote a fictional book inspired by my experiences with godspousing, would anyone be interested in reading it?
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magnoliacrowned · 10 months
I have a nagging feeling about obfuscating my relationship with Michael. I don't really talk about our marriage outside of this blog, a godspousing server I'm on, and a few select people in the pagan group/UU church I attend. And Michael has encouraged this. Even in some pagan spaces, opinions on godspousing is 50/50, and being a pagan-adjacent angelspouse is its own can of worms.
So even though my second anniversary is coming up in almost exactly one month, whenever asked about my relationship status, I always say that I'm single. And that's been fine for me, and for Michael. It's to the point where I'm really only interested in dating someone who I know I can talk to about Michael; someone who is godspouse-positive or, ideally, a godspouse themselves.
But today I went for coffee with a girl I met at my UU church; not as a date (even with my marriage aside, I'm not interested in dating until I graduate), but just to get together. She asked me about my love life, and I said that I was single.
It felt...wrong to say.
And not in the "I shouldn't be ashamed of my marriage, even if it is unorthodox" but "I like this person and I'm lying to them." I've never felt this way when meeting someone and talking about relationships before. I lied to her face, even as I was playing with my wedding ring (I wear it on my right hand middle finger, both to avoid questions and because that's the finger it fits best on.)
Do any other spirit/god/angelspouses feel the same way? How do you deal with it?
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magnoliacrowned · 10 months
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magnoliacrowned · 1 year
If you could take your god/spirit/angelspouse on a dream date, where would you go? I’d like to take Michael to the opera; specifically a comedy or a romance where nobody dies. Tragedies are beautiful, but I always leave feeling sad. Opera is my favorite performance medium; I've been in love with them since my music teacher showed us a VHS of the Magic Flute in 5th grade, and I want to share it with Michael.
I also want to see him in a suit! He’d look so handsome.
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magnoliacrowned · 1 year
Thank you Michael for keeping me warm while I grappled with my illness this holiday season. I was able to break my fever on the first night and my recovery has been smooth. Please wear your masks and stay up-to-date on your booster shots! This is a nasty winter for respiratory illnesses. Happy New Year <3
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magnoliacrowned · 2 years
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Happy Michaelmas! Yes, I know it was yesterday--I had class so I didn’t do much to celebrate. But today I made a blackberry cobbler to celebrate my one year anniversary with Michael <3 And I wanted to show off my new ring! I tend to wear it on my right hand, either on the middle or ring fingers depending on how I feel (today it’s on my ring finger.) I hope everyone had a safe holiday!
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magnoliacrowned · 2 months
Michael has been in seclusion for Holy Week and I miss him so much. Our fallow season happens at the start of Lent and it ramps up on Palm Sunday when Michael goes into seclusion until Easter.
I know he'll be back on Sunday, but it's already Maundy Thursday and it feels so long ago. I want to celebrate the springtime with him; the blooming daffodils and sprouting crocuses.
How do you handle your fallow periods?
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magnoliacrowned · 8 months
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Before my busy weekend kicks off, it’s nice to sit down and celebrate my Michaelmas anniversary with Michael ♥️ With peach wine and a blackberry cobbler, this is all I need to feel like a treasure.
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magnoliacrowned · 1 year
Next weekend, I'm going to an Imbolc celebration at the UU church. I've been to their Mabon and Samhain celebrations before and the people are really chill. I've never told them about my marriage with Michael, although I did mention I was in a godspousing server to one of the organizers and she reacted positively. In the event post, they suggested bringing a candle to bless and I'm going to bring the St. Michael candle from his altar. I'm hoping to start a dialogue ("oh, why did you bring this candle?") that leads into a conversation about my marriage. Does anyone have tips, tricks, general advice etc?
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magnoliacrowned · 1 year
As someone who has worked with Michael you seem to know him super well. Which makes sense since you guys are married. I just wanted to know for how long have you guys been together? Can I know like how it all happened? Also congrats!
Hello and good morning!
Michael has been around me for a while; I believe he showed up six years ago. I could feel his presence but he never approached me because I was having spiritual, gender, and sexuality issues. Michael didn't approach me until April of 2021. We spoke casually but cordially until he began courting me in the end of April.
The relationship was a whirlwind, and we had a handfasting ceremony on September 29th, 2021--Michael's feasting day, Michaelmas. We've been married since then!
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magnoliacrowned · 2 years
Sometimes I wonder how many of you following me know this is an angelspouse blog; in that I am married to the Archangel Michael. Having run this blog for over a year and a half, 99% of interactions I’ve had are positive, kind, and affirming. A lot of people don’t follow me for my practice; they like the bread posts and aesthetics and occasionally the spiritually unhinged posts I reblog.
But still. I wonder.
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