#andrzej romocki
journeythrutime · 2 years
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pol-ski · 4 years
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Andrzej Romocki, codename Morro (April 16, 1923 - September 15, 1944) was a Polish Scoutmaster who attained the rank of captain in the Armia Krajowa (Polish Home Army) during World War II. He was the commander of the Rudy Company and, after August 31, 1944, the whole of the Zośka Battalion.
Romocki died in the Warsaw Uprising in 1944, at the age of 21.
Tadeusz Sumiński, a soldier from "Zośka" recalls: "We are standing behind a small house against the wall facing the Vistula river. Morro comes out alone, completely uncovered and out in the open, approaching the seemingly deserted German trenches. For a moment he stops, facing the bridge. It is getting light. A single shot from a rifle can be heard. Morro falls down on the ground. - Oh my God! - Śpioch tears himself away from the wall and begins to crawl in Morro's direction. He is almost halfway from him. The second bullet hits the ground right before Śpioch's head. Suddenly, Zosia turns up. Without thinking she runs to Amorek, we are trying to stop her. She tears herself loose. She kneels down beside him. She is completely uncovered and turns Andrzej over. - I can't find the wound!...(...) She is still searching for the wound, without success. In any case, it is unnecessary: Morro is dead."
Stanisław Sieradzki ''My meetings with Morro'': "(...) Early, on June 28, 1940 Andrzej's father, who was his great friend, was killed by a German car. Andrzej was left with his mother and a younger brother Janek. Andrzej was very even-tempered. I rarely could see him smiling. He was always contemplative. I particularly remember a day when I was wounded nearby the Polonia stadium, on August 22. I was brought to an insurgent hospital in the Mlawska street. Andrzej visited me there. He did it like a good protector, like my commander. I will not forget his sad face till the end of my life. During fights in the Old Town Andrzej experienced his personal tragedy - the death of his younger brother Janek "Bonawentura". He was fighting further on, commanding as bravely as never before.''
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mynawyspie · 5 years
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21 y old Polish medic Lidia Daniszewska was killed on Sep. 17th 1944 from a bullet to the head by a German sniper. According to many, her boyfriend was Andrzej “Morro” Romocki (Polish Scoutmaster and captain of the Polish Home Army). He was killed in action a day earlier (also aged 21) #WW2 #WarsawUprising #StolenElites
Warsaw Will Not Forget
The Warsaw Uprising - the largest resistance operation in German-occupied Europe during World War II.
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beautyofpoland · 4 years
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historical-babes · 4 years
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Lidia Daniszewska (1923-1944).
She was a liaison and nurse of the “Zośka” Battalion of the scout unit “Szare Szeregi” (which was a part of the Polish Home Army during World War II). She participated in the Warsaw Uprising, in which she was killed from a bullet to the head. Earlier she had attended underground classes in medicine. She was twice awarded the Cross of Valour.
Her boyfriend, Andrzej "Morro" Romocki, was the commander of the unit and was killed a day before she was.
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monikajaworska · 2 years
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“Zośka i Parasol” [literal translation: “Sophie and Umbrella”] is a book every Polish scout should read in their life. The book is based on the famous archive of Jan Rodowicz [Anoda], accounts of battalion soldiers, documents, letters, diaries, consultations with the mothers of the fallen. The author leads his heroes - the heirs of the ideals of the “Kamienie na szaniec”, another classic book for Polish scouts and youth [“Stones for the Rampart”], through the insurgent barricades from Wola through the Old Town to Czerniaków. The book tells the story of the most famous characters of Szare Szeregi [literal translation: Grey Ranks]: Andrzej Romocki - Morro, Piotr Pomian, Stanisław Leopold, Czarny Jasień - Wuttke, Krzysztof Kamil Baczyński. It is an important book, because it tells the story of people, whose legacy we are - as scouts. It expanded my horizons regarding the past - of Warsaw, of Warsovian youth, of scouts whose names our troops bear. It also reminded me about why I joined scouting in the first place - the values we cherish, the brotherhood (and sisterhood), the kindness, the readiness to work and help.
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bohaterzy · 3 years
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Andrzej Romocki ( ur. 16 kwietnia 1923 r. a zm. 15 września 1944 r. ) ps. ,, Morro ‘’ instruktor harcerski , harcmistrz , żołnierz Szarych Szeregów , kapitan Armii Krajowej , dowódca 2 kompanii ,, Rudy ‘’ batalionu ,, Zośka ‘’ 
Cześć I Chwała Bohaterom
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mynawyspie · 5 years
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Andrzej Romocki ps. „Morro” (1923–1944) – instruktor harcerski, harcmistrz, żołnierz Szarych Szeregów, kapitan Armii Krajowej, dowódca 2. kompanii „Rudy” batalionu „Zośka”. Brat Jana Romockiego.
“Ja w głębi samego siebie czuję i wiem, że Powstanie było żywiołowym odruchem narodowej potrzeby przeciw terrorowi, przeciw poniewierce, przeciw śmiertelnemu wrogowi, który nas niszczył. I gdyby dziś, po tym wszystkim, co widziały na Woli i Starówce moje oczy, stanęła przede mną znów decyzja: iść do Powstania czy nie, poszedłbym na nowo i wiem, że poszliby inni. Gloria victis – chwała zwyciężonym – będzie kiedyś wyryte także na warszawskich cmentarzach powstańczych, jeśli ulegniemy w tej walce.”
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pol-ski · 4 years
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Jan Romocki, codename: Bonawentura (April 17, 1925 – August 18, 1944) was a Polish Scoutmaster, Second Lieutenant of AK-Szare Szeregi, poet and younger brother of fellow resistance figure Andrzej "Morro" Romocki.
Jan Romocki completed secondary school in the underground in 1943 during WWII. He joined the conspiracy in 1941, the Grey Ranks in 1942 and the legendary battalion Zośka in 1943. His underground pseudonym (and middle name) was, quite fittingly, Bonawentura, after the medieval scholastic theologian. What survived from his poetry deals mainly with issues of Christianity and his poems are deeply seeped in Catholic ethics.
Romocki died - at the age of 19 - in a hospital at 23 Miodowa Street during the Warsaw Uprising, after it was bombed by the German Luftwaffe.
Stanisław Sieradzki ''My meetings with Morro'': "My wounded friend, lying in a hospital in the Miodowa street, wanted to boast that a great poet was situated next to him. Someone in the hospital found Janek's poems. ''You've got no idea next to whom I'm lying!" And then I saw Janek whom I had not known before. When I stood by a bed on which Janek "Bonawentura" was lying, I could not believe from the very beginning, that we could survive. Poor Janek, with his stomach wounded, with his spine hurt. He was speaking just a little, sad and poor. Then I got to know that my friend was coming back with me to the hospital named after Jan Bozy. I was to go to the hospital again on August 18, in the evening and I was told that the hospital had been bombarded. I was free then so I rushed there. The boys were lying on the second floor. Both this floor and this building were simply non-existing. Everything had crushed. Nothing was left from the room where Janek "Bonawentura" and my friend Janek Zastawny were lying. Everything was crushed.''
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monikajaworska · 4 years
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Today, in the Kabacki Forest, Koniczynki participated in the "Game about heroes".
About 100 people took part in this event, which I am so proud to say I organized.
During the game, patrols walked around the points where they performed various tasks related to Tadeusz Zawadzki "Zośka" and Andrzej Romocki "Morro" - both heroes from Szare Szeregi. There were tests for the character, playing flags, navigating with maps and compasses and baking flatbreads on the bonfire.
The game was long, lasting 5 hours. I am so proud how it turned out. Next time, I will make sure that the timing is better, as there was a few timing-slides. Other than that, it was awesome. I learned so much - how to prepare a game for so many people, how to creat a patrol card, how to make appropraite maps for the given terrain, how to choose good places for points, how to take what i learned from books and internet and transform it into a creative, engaging game.
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