#andrew kryptos
irregularbillcipher · 4 months
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so god forbid i’m seen just as an average human being
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the-tiniest-demigod · 4 months
Tea time
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nishastisowl · 23 days
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I know I haven't shown the design nor context yet but
I'm impatient
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batsylabs · 1 year
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Post this off-model Kryptos
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stastrodome · 1 month
Fun Facts. 100% verified.
Woodrow Wilson led his mistress to believe he was a race car driver.
The first Pennsylvania State Fair sold "eel fritters".
Bram Stoker based the mannerisms of Dracula on author Mary Shelley.
For two and a half years on General Hospital, the character of stable boy Jimmy Lee Holt was portrayed by Bradley Cooper.
Plans in 2022 to remove the image of Andrew Jackson from the twenty dollar were derailed when it was learned the planned replacement image would be Krypto, the Superdog.
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Pinned post.
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[ID: The icon for this blog, which is a black right triangle on a brown square background, with text following the diagonal of the triangle, reading, "Let irregulars enjoy fandom too.". End ID.]
Please copy and paste the image description I write into the original post for your art, rather than simply reblogging it from me.
The image description should go directly below the image being described, above comments, and stay in normal sized, black text, without italics, bold, or colors. It may be indented (like above) to make it easier to distinguish from the rest of the text in the post. This is in fact more accessible.
Once you add the ID to the original post, I'll delete my reblog and reblog the original again once I have time.
This blog is run by @rjalker so it's easier to keep track of which Flatland art has an ID already, and so people have an easy place to find it all.
The blog theme is now Account Settings, since I like that it shows timestamps and makes it easy to reblog and go to the original post.
Posts on the blog so far: 160 Posts still in the drafts waiting for image descriptions: 455 Blog created on September 18th, 2023 Numbers last updated: September 21st, 2023
(The drafts consist of all of the undescribed Flatland art I could find in the whole tag going back to January 2022, at which point tumblr started giving me random unrelated posts instead. Not sure if it ran out of Flatland posts, or just stops actually keeping track of tagged posts after a year...?)
The tagging system for this blog is under the cut so this post doesn't get too long. More tags will be added as I find more art to reblog.
The tags in use so far, which I have saved to a notepad so I can just copy and paste them as needed.
please copy and paste the image description into the original post when you get the chance, no credit needed, please also feel free to add in more details likes names or pronouns or fix any mistakes i made
described images, described art, Flatland, Flatland art, Flatart,
Flatland a Romance of Many Dimensions Flatland Illustrations
The Color Revolt, Configurationism, Circularchy,
Flatland anatomy
Stylized form, Literal form,
Flatland animals Flatland rabbit Flatland bees
Flatland technology
A Square, A Sphere, The Grandson of a Square The Great Great Great Great Great Grandfather of A Square
memes, Flatland memes,
Family Trees Comic
Flatland OCs, Original characters, Flatland original characters,
Character reference
Disabled characters, Neurodivergent characters, Physically disabled characters, Characters with mobility aids, Characters with disability aids Characters with canes, Characters with walkers Characters with swimmers Characters with glasses Characters with wheelchairs, Characters with chairs Characters with sleds Characters with crutches, Characters with rollators, Characters with scars Characters with facial differences Characters with visual impairment Blind characters
Werestars, Stellanthropes,
The Arts of Being The Breaking Point Flat Dreams Flatterland Flatland the film 2007
Esther Flat Dreams Nora Vigenere
Pollux Codex, Madelyn Schwarz-Carver Hunter Schwarz Marianne Smith Michael the Misogynist Pentagon Providence, Nature, Providence and Nature Germs Mr Square
A Shape Oblisi Liam A Son of A Square Cy Frau Line Lily Cipher, Ruth Galton Liz Orbis
Hauntlight the Irregular Line Cenotaph the rabbit daemon
Flyssa of Ib-Wa Dearg of Ib-Wa Lieutenant Kellite the Configurationist Grandna Tuokeli
Vikki Line, Victoria Line, Lee Line, Jubilee Line,
Bill Cipher, Gravity Falls, GFcrossover, The Axolotl Andrew Kryptos The Mosaic
Video, autoplay, GIF, Autoplay WIP animation Unnamed Animation 001 Animation
Flatland Merch Art you can buy Art you can print
Art templates
Ty for adding it to the original ID added in reblog ID in original
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vipnoviny · 2 months
Jak může kryptoměna pomoci při vyplácení univerzálního základního příjmu
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Utopická myšlenka univerzálního základního příjmu (UBI) – která je s lidstvem spjatá už nejméně půl tisíciletí – se může stát realitou s digitální měnou. Kvůli krizi způsobené COVID-19 přišly miliony lidí o celý nebo částečný příjem. Nově také lidé přicházejí o práci a z ní plnoucí příjem z důvodu robotizace, digitalizace a zavádění AI umělé inteligence. Je možné, aby praxe UBI byla trvalá? A pokud ano, proč budeme potřebovat státní digitální měny? Pandemie COVID-19 donutila Spojené státy, Kanadu, Japonsko, Rusko a mnoho dalších zemí tisknout velké množství rozpočtových rezerv a začít pomáhat lidem s přímými platbami v hotovosti. Tato opatření opět vedla svět k tomu, aby hovořil o myšlence nepodmíněného nebo univerzálního základního příjmu, jinak známého jako UBI, což je myšlenka, kterou předložil Thomas Moore ve svém románu Utopie v roce 1516. Její podstatou je, že každý občan má právo pravidelně dostávat určitou částku od vlády bez splnění jakýchkoli podmínek a všichni lidé mohou tyto peníze utratit podle svého uvážení. Zavádění experimentů UBI začalo dlouho před pandemií koronaviru. Jedním z příkladů je Aljaška, kde podobný systém, nazvaný „Permanent Fund Dividend“, funguje od roku 1982. Jednou ročně obdrží každý obyvatel státu určitou část zisku z místního ropného průmyslu. V roce 2019 to bylo 1 606 dolarů a v nejziskovějším roce 2015 to bylo 2 072 dolarů. Dalším příkladem je Namibie, kde asi 1 000 obyvatel dvou vesnic dostávalo 100 namibijských dolarů (cca 150 Kč) každý měsíc v letech 2008 až 2009. Také ve Finsku byl v letech 2016 až 2017 testován systém UBI, kde 2 000 nepracujících občanů dostávalo 560 eur každý měsíc. Dnes podporuje myšlenku UBI 71 % Evropanů. Papež František takové platby podpořil. Andrew Yang, bývalý kandidát na prezidenta USA pro rok 2020, učinil z UBI střed své kampaně a vytvořil fond Humanity Forward. Nedávno organizace obdržela 5 milionů dolarů od zakladatele Twitteru Jacka Dorseyho, aby rozdala peníze ve formě 20 000 mikrograntů po 250 dolarech. Mnozí však poukazují na nedokonalosti systému UBI a domnívají se, že ve světě tradičních financí může přinést více problémů než užitku. To znamená, že věci mohou být jiné, pokud se na situaci podíváte z jiné perspektivy. Rozvoj krypto technologií otevírá nové možnosti pro zavádění UBI, mění vztahy mezi státem a společností a vytváří spravedlivější svět. Kryptoměny totiž vznikají buď výpočetní těžbou, nebo podobně jako ve světě peněz si je můžete "vyťukat na počítači". Do oběhu by pak moly být vydávany v rámci UBI, což by byla obrovská změna k finanční svobodě na rozdíl od současné lichvářského systému peněz, kdy peníze se dostávají do oběhu formou dluhu.
Co je špatného na myšlence UBI?
Jedním z hlavních argumentů odpůrců UBI je, že pokud stát rozdělí peníze všem občanům, lidé budou méně pracovat, což negativně ovlivní ekonomiku. Může také vést ke zvýšení spotřeby alkoholu a dalších škodlivých látek, zejména u nejchudších vrstev populace. Experimenty, které byly provedeny, však tyto stereotypy vyvracejí. Vědci zjistili, že v Namibii začali příjemci UBI lépe jíst, jejich děti častěji navštěvovaly školy a snížila se kriminalita. Ve vyspělých zemích – jako například Finsko – jsou příjemci UBI spokojenější se svým životem, pozitivněji vnímají svou ekonomickou situaci a zároveň se nesnaží vyhýbat zaměstnání. Snížení úzkosti z vydělávání peněz na jídlo, bydlení a další nezbytnosti navíc vede k rozvoji kreativních dovedností, což pomáhá nacházet nové oblasti činnosti. Kromě stereotypů za zavedením UBI stojí  i další překážky. K realizaci spravedlivého rozdělení finančních prostředků ve světě tradičních financí potřebujeme složitý a nákladný systém interakce mezi všemi účastníky, který musí brát v úvahu mnoho faktorů — od inflace a možné korupce až po charakteristiky migračních toků. V důsledku toho by například pro Spojené Státy s 300 miliony obyvatel, které se nacházejí v pěti různých časových pásmech, mohly náklady na zaplacení UBI ve výši 1 000 USD činit 10 až 130 USD za každých vyplacených 1 000 USD. Dnes však existují technická řešení, která můžou státu pomoci vybudovat efektivní platební systém pro UBI s minimálními náklady: kryptoměny. Nejde o bitcoiny, etherea, nebo jiná digitální aktiva, ale o státní kryptoměny, jejichž vydávání bude řídit centrální banka, stejně jako  nyní vydává emisie papírových peněz. Vývoj těchto státních kryptoměn již probíhá a v některých zemích se již používají.
Jak kryptotechnologie pomohou
Na rozdíl od veřejného kryptoměnového blockchainu, kde je jednou z protichůdných funkcí anonymita vlastníků aktiv, je systém statní pokladny blockchainu naprosto transparentní. Distribuce UBI probíhá uvnitř uzavřeného informačního systému peer-to-peer, jehož účastníky budou: Stát: Provádí centralizovanou emisi kryptoměn, přímý převod UBI plateb do elektronických peněženek občanů, kontrolu peněžních toků v rámci systému a blokování podezřelých transakcí včetně nákupu určitého zboží a služeb. Občané: Získané peníze utrácejí. Organizace: Platby UBI jsou přijímány k platbám od občanů, organizace pak nashromážděnou kryptoměnu použijí k placení daní a/nebo k převodu na jiné měny, které pak používají pro jakékoli tradiční platby. Blockchain umožní okamžitou a spolehlivou výměnu dat nezbytnou pro výpočet částky platby UBI a také kontrolu včasných plateb každé osobě. Aby se předešlo podvodům a opakovaným pokusům pro získání platby, může k identifikaci uživatele v systému dojít např. zadáním údajů o bankovnictví a potvrzením identity (občanka nebo pas) nebo pomocí biometrických údajů. Díky absolutní transparentnosti a automatizaci procesů pomoci chytrých kontraktů, dokážou kryptoměnové technologie  vyřešit hlavní problémy, které se dnes týkají technické implementace databázové technologie. Zde jsou nějaké příklady: - Inflace. Při výpočtu hodnoty plateb UBI je důležité neustále sledovat změnu kupní síly peněz s přihlédnutím ke skutečnému spotřebnímu koši. Dnes se data pro výpočet indexu spotřebitelských cen sbírají ručně; to znamená, že pracovníci chodí nakupovat a vypisují ceny. Je to pomalé a drahé. Řešení: Použití centralizované kryptoměny umožní téměř okamžitý sběr informací, zvýší objektivitu dat a odstraní chyby ve výpočtech. Blockchain také umožňuje měnit hodnotu zboží a služeb na základě sledování skutečné spotřeby obyvatel. - Rozdílná životní úroveň. Stejné zboží a služby mohou mít různé ceny a různou hustotu ve spotřebním koši. Při použití „obyčejných“ fiat peněz pro platby UBI by problém nastal kvůli jednoduchému zprůměrování, což by vedlo k výraznému zkreslení celkového obrazu. Tento problém je typický zejména pro národy s velkým územím a výrazným rozdílem mezi urbanizovanými a zemědělskými/rybářskými oblastmi. Řešení: UBI, postavený na kryptoměně, umožňuje nejen zohlednit změny v ceně zboží, ale také vytvořit „koš subměn“. Náklady na zboží v každém regionu lze posuzovat samostatně a poté je snížit na společného jmenovatele převodem, nikoli průměrováním. Lidé si tak budou moci koupit identické množství zboží a služeb bez ohledu na reálnou životní úroveň v konkrétním regionu. - Korupce. V regionech se slabým systémem vymáhání práva může platba UBI v tradiční měně vést k nárůstu korupce. Řešení: Všechny transakce budou zaznamenány na blockchainu a bude možné sledovat celou cestu kryptoměny od okamžiku vydání. Taková transparentnost plateb nedává prostor pro korupci. - Přistěhovalectví. Se současnou mírou globalizace se lidé často stěhují do zemí s rozvinutější ekonomikou. Pokud se UBI vyplácí všem občanům, i těm, kteří nemají bydliště na území dárcovského státu, vyvolává to ještě větší nerovnost: Ti, kteří se vrátí do své vlasti, jsou dvakrát vítězové. Na druhou stranu, pokud se UBI nevyplácí návštěvníkům, kteří legálně pracují na území donorského státu, prohlubuje se propast mezi nimi a občany dané země. V obou případech může UBI vyvolat zvýšení sociálního napětí a ovlivnit migrační toky. Řešení: Kryptotechnologie umožňují provádět platby UBI selektivně — s přihlédnutím k hlavní geolokaci daňového rezidenta. Například UBI by bylo vypláceno jen těm, kteří se podílejí na tvorbě přidané hodnoty na daném území státu nebo mají jiné zákonné důvody pro příjem finančních prostředků. Například v případě nezletilých, důchodců atp. - Náklady. V rámci tradičního finančního systému je správa přímých, pravidelných a současných vypořádání s miliony lidí obtížná a nákladná. To vyžaduje platby mnoha zaměstnanců a náklady na provoz bankovní infrastruktury, které využívají informační technologie. Je také nutné počítat s dodatečnými náklady při vývoji IT a provozu systémů: Musí mít nadměrnou zásobu produktivity, která je nezbytná v době největšího zatížení. Řešení: Technologie Blockchain automatizuje všechny procesy související s účetnictvím, směrováním, účtováním peněz atd. Celkové transakční náklady — od vydavatele až po elektronickou peněženku — v případě státního blockchainu jsou mnohem levnější než v tradiční infrastruktuře fiat plateb. Vlastní peněženky lze vytvářet prostřednictvím veřejných aplikačních programových rozhraní, což je učiní zdarma jak pro stát, tak pro veřejnost. V tomto případě si stát ponechá pouze certifikační funkci tohoto softwaru. - Důležitost statistiky. Podniky jsou dnes nuceny připravovat mnoho reportů pro různá oddělení, které se následně promění v souhrnná data za odvětví, regiony a zemi jako celek. Takový proces vyžaduje spoustu práce, času a peněz, ale jeho efektivita je extrémně nízká, protože konečné statistiky jsou odesílány do pokladny o několik měsíců později, kdy by mohly být již nepodstatné nebo přinejmenším zastaralé. Řešení: Díky kryptotechnologiím se statistiky stanou okamžitými, přesnými a spolehlivými. Když osoba platí prostředky UBI z kryptoměnové peněženky, informace odrážené v pokladním dokladu se v reálném čase odesílají do státních zúčtovacích center. Přesné údaje o dynamice prodeje v sortimentním kontextu umožní vytvářet informované plány výroby zboží a cenové politiky a včasné úpravy v oblasti odměňování a sociálního zabezpečení.
Závěrečné myšlenky
Před třemi lety Mark Zuckerberg v projevu k absolventům Harvardu vyzval k využití UBI, aby lidé měli možnost zkoušet nové věci, dělat chyby a hledat svá životní poslání. A dnes, kdy je ve světě tolik omezení, máme technologie, které mohou poskytnout každému člověku více svobody a bezpečí. Toho je třeba využít, a učinit z UBI  ideální nástroj k posílení jednotlivce a k vytvoření lepšího světa. Překlad: Martin Kirschner (www.vipnoviny.cz), Zdroj: cointelegraph.com Read the full article
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kryptomunze · 1 year
Krypto Newsletter : 4 April 2023
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Krypto Newsletter : 4 April 2023
In der vergangenen Woche gab es eine Fülle von Ereignissen und Entwicklungen im Web3 und Kryptowährungs-Ökosystem, die für Investoren, Händler und Enthusiasten gleichermaßen von Interesse waren. Von der Klage gegen Binance wegen Markmanipulation bis hin zu neuen Berichten über das Wachstum des Tokenisierungsmarktes gab es eine Vielzahl von Nachrichten, die die Aufmerksamkeit der Branche auf sich zogen. Darüber hinaus gab es auch Entwicklungen in der Welt der DAOs, der Regulierung von Kryptowährungen und der Haltung von Unternehmen und Führungskräften gegenüber wichtigen Themen wie KI und Inflation. In diesem Artikel werden wir einen Überblick über die wichtigsten Ereignisse der Woche geben und ihre Auswirkungen auf die Branche diskutieren. Rückblick auf die Woche - Binance wird von der CFTC wegen Markmanipulation verklagt – Binance-CEO weist die Vorwürfe zurück, während Investoren nach der Klage 1,6 Milliarden Dollar aus der Börse abziehen. - Dokumente zeigen, dass Binance-Führungskräfte umfangreiche Verbindungen nach China verschleiert haben. - Binance, der CEO und Influencer stehen auch einer 1-Milliarden-Dollar-Klage gegenüber, weil sie angeblich nicht registrierte Wertpapiere bewerben. - Mit einem "Killer-Anwendungsfall" soll der Tokenisierungsmarkt bis 2030 auf bis zu 4 Billionen Dollar steigen, so ein Bericht der Citibank. - First Citizens kauft die Silicon Valley Bank und übernimmt alle ihre Vermögenswerte, Einlagen und Kredite. - Die Schatzkammern der dezentralen autonomen Organisationen (DAOs) erreichen mit 25 Milliarden Dollar einen Rekordwert. - Der australische Senator Andrew Bragg bringt einen privaten Gesetzentwurf ein, um die Krypto-Regulierung zu beschleunigen. - Sam Bankman-Fried wird beschuldigt, chinesische Beamte bestochen zu haben, plädiert jedoch auf nicht schuldig – FTX Europe startet eine Abhebungswebsite, um europäische Benutzer zu entschädigen. - Elon Musk und andere Führungskräfte fordern eine Pause in der KI-Entwicklung und verweisen auf soziale Risiken. - MicroStrategy begleicht seinen 205 Millionen Dollar Kredit bei Silvergate und kauft weitere 6.500 Bitcoin – die Gesamtzahl der BTC-Bestände beträgt nun 138.955. - Das BIP des letzten Quartals in den USA erhält einen Schub, trotz reduzierten Konsums der Verbraucher. - Der Gouverneur der BoE, Bailey, sieht keine Chance auf eine Finanzkrise im Vereinigten Königreich aufgrund jüngster Bankenzusammenbrüche – er gibt an, dass Inflation immer noch eine viel größere Sorge darstellt. - Die australische Inflation fällt auf den tiefsten Stand seit 8 Monaten und verstärkt damit den Fall für eine Pause bei Zinserhöhungen. Zusammenfassend lässt sich sagen, dass die vergangene Woche im Web3 und Krypto-Ökosystem sehr ereignisreich war. Von Klagen gegen Binance und andere Unternehmen bis hin zu neuen Berichten über das Wachstum des Tokenisierungsmarktes gab es viele wichtige Entwicklungen, die die Aufmerksamkeit der Branche auf sich zogen. In der Zwischenzeit setzten sich DAOs fort und erreichten einen Rekordwert an Schatzkammern, während Regulierungsbehörden und Politiker weltweit Maßnahmen ergriffen, um den Bereich zu regulieren und zu unterstützen. Währenddessen beschäftigten sich Unternehmen und Führungskräfte mit wichtigen Themen wie KI und Inflation, die sich auf die Wirtschaft insgesamt auswirken könnten. Insgesamt gibt es viel zu diskutieren und zu beobachten, während das Web3 und Krypto-Ökosystem weiter wächst und sich entwickelt. - Solidity - Krypto Newsletter - Technische Analyse - Twitter - LinkedIN - YOUTUBE Read the full article
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blockchain-hero · 1 year
Bitcoin-Kaufbericht von MicroStrategey treibt Aktie um 100% nach oben
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Der Anbieter für Enterprise Business Intelligence (BI) Software, MicroStrategy (NASDAQ: MSTR), kaufte während des großen Rückgangs des Kryptowährungsmarkts im Jahr 2022 mehr als 8.800 Bitcoin (BTC). Gleichzeitig hat sich der Aktienkurs des Unternehmens seit Jahresbeginn mehr als verdoppelt, wie ein neuer Bericht zeigt. Während des Kryptowährungssturzes im Jahr 2022 erwarb MicroStrategy, ein Anbieter von Software für Business Intelligence, 8.813 BTC. Hierbei nahm das Unternehmen einen Abschreibungsverlust in Höhe von 1,28 Milliarden US-Dollar für das Jahr 2022 in Anspruch. Die Quartalsumsätze betrugen 132,6 Millionen US-Dollar, aber es gab auch einen Nettoverlust von 250 Millionen US-Dollar, wie in den am 2. Februar veröffentlichten Finanzergebnissen zu sehen ist. Wenn man den Bericht berücksichtigt, summieren sich die während des Abschlags gekauften BTC (zum Zeitpunkt der Veröffentlichung über 200 Millionen US-Dollar wert) auf insgesamt 132.500 BTC, die das Unternehmen bis zum 31. Dezember zu einem Durchschnittspreis von 30.137 US-Dollar erworben hat. Dies bedeutet, dass MicroStrategy 3,9 Milliarden US-Dollar für seine Bitcoin-Käufe ausgegeben hat Über diese Ergebnisse äußerte sich der Finanzchef von MicroStrategy, Andrew Kang, wie folgt: "Wir können weitere Transaktionen in Betracht ziehen, die die Volatilität der Bitcoin-Preise ausnutzen oder andere Marktlücken, die unserer langfristigen Bitcoin-Strategie entsprechen, nutzen. (...) Unsere unternehmensweite Strategie und Überzeugung, unsere Bitcoin-Position zu erwerben, zu halten und zu wachsen, bleiben unverändert." Währenddessen hat sich der Aktienkurs von MicroStrategy seit Beginn des Jahres signifikant verbessert, da er im Verlauf des letzten Monats um 101,44% gestiegen ist, von $145,02 am 3. Januar auf $292,13 zum Zeitpunkt des Schreibens des Artikels. Microstrategy hatte bis August 2022 seine Bitcoin-Hodl-Strategie von 2020 angepasst und 97% der Aktien des S&P 500 übertroffen, obwohl das Unternehmen 2022 unter dem Einfluss des Krypto-Markt-Zusammenbruchs Umsatzeinbußen verzeichnet hat. Es ist auch wichtig zu beachten, dass der jüngste Anstieg des Aktienkurses dem Unternehmen folgt, das Pläne für die Veröffentlichung von Anwendungen und Lösungen mit Unterstützung des Bitcoin Lightning Network im Jahr 2023 hat, in Bereichen wie Online-Inhalts-Monetarisierung, interner Unternehmenskontrolle und Enterprise Marketing, wie von Saylor Ende Dezember skizziert. Bildquelle: Pixabay Read the full article
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tomorrowedblog · 2 years
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Friday Releases for July 29
Friday is the busiest day of the week for new releases, so we've decided to collect them all in one place. Friday Releases for July 29 include Vengeance, Resurrection, Paper Girls, and more.
Vengeance, the new movie from B.J. Novak, is out today.
VENGEANCE, the directorial debut from writer and star B.J. Novak (“The Office”), is a darkly comic thriller about Ben Manalowitz, a journalist and podcaster who travels from New York City to West Texas to investigate the death of a girl he was hooking up with.
Resurrection, the new movie from Andrew Semans, is out today.
A woman’s carefully constructed life is upended when an unwelcome shadow from her past returns, forcing her to confront the monster she’s evaded for two decades.
League Of Super-Pets
League Of Super-Pets, the new movie from Jared Stern and Sam Levine, is out today.
In “DC League of Super-Pets,” Krypto the Super-Dog and Superman are inseparable best friends, sharing the same superpowers and fighting crime in Metropolis side by side. When Superman and the rest of the Justice League are kidnapped, Krypto must convince a rag-tag shelter pack—Ace the hound, PB the potbellied pig, Merton the turtle and Chip the squirrel—to master their own newfound powers and help him rescue the superheroes.
Not Okay
Not Okay, the new movie from Quinn Shephard, is out today.
Danni Sanders (Zoey Deutch), an aimless aspiring writer with no friends, no romantic prospects and — worst of all — no followers, fakes an Instagram-friendly trip to Paris in the hopes of boosting her social media clout. When a terrifying incident strikes the City of Lights, Danni unwittingly falls into a lie bigger than she ever imagined. She “returns” a hero, even striking up an unlikely friendship with Rowan (Mia Isaac), a real trauma survivor dedicated to societal change, and scooping up the man of her dreams Colin (Dylan O'Brien). As an influencer and advocate, Danni finally has the life and audience she always wanted. But it’s only a matter of time before the façade cracks, and she learns the hard way that the Internet loves a takedown.
Sharp Stick
Sharp Stick, the new movie from Lena Dunham, is out today.
Sarah Jo is a naive 26-year-old living on the fringes of Hollywood with her mother and sister. She just longs to be seen. When she begins an affair with her older employer, she is thrust into an education on sexuality, loss and power.
Medusa, the new movie from Anita Rocha da Silveira, is out today.
Mari and her friends broadcast their spiritual devotion through pastel pinks and catchy evangelical songs about purity and perfection, but underneath it all they harbor a deep rage. By day they hide behind their manicured facade, and by night they form a masked, vigilante girl gang, prowling the streets in search of sinners who have deviated from the rightful path. After an attack goes wrong, leaving Mari scarred and unemployed, her view of community, religion, and her peers begin to shift.
Honor Society
Honor Society, the new movie from Oran Zegman, is out today.
Honor is an ambitious high school senior whose sole focus is getting into an Ivy League college… assuming she can first score the coveted recommendation from her guidance counselor, Mr. Calvin. Willing to do whatever it takes, Honor concocts a Machiavellian-like plan to take down her top three student competitors, until things take a turn when she unexpectedly falls for her biggest competition, Michael.
A Love Song
A Love Song, the new movie from Max Walker-Silverman, is out today.
At a campground in the rural West, a woman waits alone for an old flame from her past to arrive, uncertain of his intentions while bashful about her own.
Paradise Highway
Paradise Highway, the new movie from Anna Gutto, is out today.
Academy Award winners Juliette Binoche and Morgan Freeman lead this riveting thriller set in the trucking industry and its seamy underbelly of human trafficking. When her brother’s life is threatened, Sally (Binoche), a truck driver, reluctantly agrees to smuggle illicit cargo: a girl named Leila (Hala Finley). As Sally and Leila begin a danger-fraught journey across state lines, a dogged FBI operative (Freeman) sets out on their trail, determined to do whatever it takes to terminate a human-trafficking operation — and bring Sally and Leila to safety.
Paper Girls
Paper Girls, the new TV series from Stephany Folsom, is out today.
It’s the day after Halloween in 1988 when four young friends accidentally stumble into an intense time war and find themselves inexplicably transported to the year 2019. When they come face-to-face with their adult selves, each girl discovers her own strengths as together they try to find a way back to the past while saving the world of the future.
Surface, the new TV series from Veronica West, is out today.
Set in high-end San Francisco, Surface, stars Gugu Mbatha-Raw (“The Morning Show”) who also executive produces, as Sophie, a woman who has suffered a traumatic head injury that has left her with extreme memory loss. As Sophie embarks on a quest to put the pieces of her life back together with the help of her husband and friends, she begins to question whether or not the truth she is told is in fact the truth she has lived. Through twists and turns and an unexpected love triangle, this sexy, elevated thriller asks: What if you woke up one day and didn’t know your own secrets?
Fanático, the new TV series from Yago de Torres Peño, Dani del Águila, and Federico Maniá Sibona, is out today.
When a trap artist’s biggest fan tries to take over his idol’s persona, he finds out that being a superstar isn’t as easy as it looks.
City On A Hill S3
The third season of City On A Hill, the TV series from Chuck MacLean, is out today.
Season three of CITY ON A HILL brings us to Boston’s high society Beacon Hill. Having left the FBI and thrown his badge into Boston Harbor, Jackie Rohr (Bacon) lands a lavish new gig running security for a wealthy family. Life is good until secrets begin to unravel. When an investigation opens, ADA Decourcy Ward (Hodge) sees an opportunity to finally rip out the machinery perpetuating a broken criminal justice system. Siobhan Quays (Banks), representing a construction worker who was severely injured on the Big Dig, encounters the city’s corruption firsthand, all while coping with the traumatic events of her past year. As Jenny Rohr (Hennessy) can attest, given her history with her father, some experiences will haunt you beyond your breaking point.
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jcink-resource · 2 years
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Between the Lines is a panfandom RPG set on a fantasy world with flavorings of other genres. We accept characters from or based on all fandoms imaginable as well as completely original creations. Face claims are also reusable, so no chance of your favorite being taken. We can even have up to three versions of each canon character (yay multiverses!). It can get a bit chaotic, but in a fun way. We currently have a handful of characters with duplicates (some with same face claims, some with different) and watching them interact is magic. Essentially, Haven is the dumping ground of the multiverse. We're 3-3-3 and 18+ with no word or monthly post counts.
  The basic premise is that a long long time ago, a group of mythical creatures pooled their magic and created their own world to escape humanity. As it does, things started to go south between the species who made this little planet and the space time continuum of their precious Haven cracked. Now people from across the various multiverses are popping up all over the place. 
  We're currently looking for a bunch of characters to help flesh out our eclectic cast.
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    Our friendly neighborhood Spider-Man would love to have more kids his age running around at Supergirl's hidden safehouse in NNYC and who better than another Spider-Man who's not some weird older copy of him. I can see much nerdy wonderful chaos between the two with a hefty helping of hyperactivity. Not only is there a Tom Holland Spidey, but several other superheroes, including Tobey and Andrew Spideys to bounce off of. Just don't break anything in Boris's kitchen. Aw heck, who are we kidding. You could probably blame it on the dog… no seriously, we have a Krypto.
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    Confident, competent, and just as emotionally scarred as her male counterparts, Gwen was the one to get bit by a radioactive spider in her universe. After the death of her best friend, Peter Parker, she tends to carry the weight of the world on her shoulders. Gwen is always ready to swing in and save the day, but avoids making any real friends if she can help it. In her experience, fewer people get hurt that way. Herself included. I can see her reluctantly joining the little superhero group in New New York or even stumbling upon seedier parts of the world like Gutted City or The Outpost before ultimately finding her way to the other Spiders. We haveTom Holland and Tobey Maguire Peters, and are juuust about to get an Andrew Garfield one. We’re also on the hunt for a Miles, so depending on what age you make her, there’s choice of ships for the single brain cell Peter/Miles have left. There’s certainly likely to be some juicy IC drama for everyone either way.
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  Our Tom Holland Peter is having a really rough go of it (he’s currently possessed by Venom and about to meet his older selves for the first time… for him) and he’d love to have his MJ to bounce his thoughts off of. Depending on where you pull her from in the timeline, she could know he was Spider-Man or not. Have been in a relationship with him at one point already or still need to work up to the two of them dating. She’d likely be dropped into NNYC and be hella confused at all the dinosaurs, dragons, elves, and the like. With all three Peter’s (Tom, Tobey, and Andrew) and a buttload of Marvel, DC, and other superhero characters on the board already, there’s plenty for her to do. *Quick Note: Our Tom Holland Peter was taken from before No Way Home and is currently 15. Anyone looking for a ship between him and MJ will have to make a younger MJ than she canonically is in the MCU at this moment. Anything beyond fade to black wouldn’t be a choice until you and his player aged the character’s up to 18 naturally.*
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  She’s getting whipped up into a frenzy and panda-ing all over the place. All jokes aside, Xavier’s school, Marshwood, is looking for a few more students and teachers and Mei Mei would make the perfect fit. She’s probably still working on becoming the confident young lady she was meant to be and missing her family. But that doesn’t stop her from playing the ‘mom’ to some of the other kids.
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Of course, for every good student, there’s bound to be a prankster. What Marshwood really needs is a bit of B.B. to shake things up. When he’s not saving the day, this young teen is probably devouring more food than any one person should and cooking up his own brand of chaos. It’s all in good fun, of course. It’s certainly better than going to class. 
    These, by no means, are the only characters we'd like to see (heroes or otherwise). In fact, we’ve recently gotten a few Buffy the Vampire Slayer characters and would love more of those, as well as more Dark Angel characters and anything from the 90's to early 2000’s. 
Feel free to check out our 'Want Ad' and 'Site Characters' sections for more ideas on who we're looking for.
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irregularbillcipher · 4 months
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a romance of— oh, you already know the punchline
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rpings · 2 years
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Between the Lines is a panfandom RPG set on a fantasy world with flavorings of other genres. We accept characters from or based on all fandoms imaginable as well as completely original creations. Face claims are also reusable, so no chance of your favorite being taken. We can even have up to three versions of each canon character (yay multiverses!). It can get a bit chaotic, but in a fun way. We currently have a handful of characters with duplicates (some with same face claims, some with different) and watching them interact is magic. Essentially, Haven is the dumping ground of the multiverse. We're 3-3-3 and 18+ with no word or monthly post counts.
  The basic premise is that a long long time ago, a group of mythical creatures pooled their magic and created their own world to escape humanity. As it does, things started to go south between the species who made this little planet and the space time continuum of their precious Haven cracked. Now people from across the various multiverses are popping up all over the place. 
  We're currently looking for a bunch of characters to help flesh out our eclectic cast.
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    Our friendly neighborhood Spider-Man would love to have more kids his age running around at Supergirl's hidden safehouse in NNYC and who better than another Spider-Man who's not some weird older copy of him. I can see much nerdy wonderful chaos between the two with a hefty helping of hyperactivity. Not only is there a Tom Holland Spidey, but several other superheroes, including Tobey and Andrew Spideys to bounce off of. Just don't break anything in Boris's kitchen. Aw heck, who are we kidding. You could probably blame it on the dog… no seriously, we have a Krypto.
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    Confident, competent, and just as emotionally scarred as her male counterparts, Gwen was the one to get bit by a radioactive spider in her universe. After the death of her best friend, Peter Parker, she tends to carry the weight of the world on her shoulders. Gwen is always ready to swing in and save the day, but avoids making any real friends if she can help it. In her experience, fewer people get hurt that way. Herself included. I can see her reluctantly joining the little superhero group in New New York or even stumbling upon seedier parts of the world like Gutted City or The Outpost before ultimately finding her way to the other Spiders. We haveTom Holland and Tobey Maguire Peters, and are juuust about to get an Andrew Garfield one. We’re also on the hunt for a Miles, so depending on what age you make her, there’s choice of ships for the single brain cell Peter/Miles have left. There’s certainly likely to be some juicy IC drama for everyone either way.
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  Our Tom Holland Peter is having a really rough go of it (he’s currently possessed by Venom and about to meet his older selves for the first time… for him) and he’d love to have his MJ to bounce his thoughts off of. Depending on where you pull her from in the timeline, she could know he was Spider-Man or not. Have been in a relationship with him at one point already or still need to work up to the two of them dating. She’d likely be dropped into NNYC and be hella confused at all the dinosaurs, dragons, elves, and the like. With all three Peter’s (Tom, Tobey, and Andrew) and a buttload of Marvel, DC, and other superhero characters on the board already, there’s plenty for her to do. *Quick Note: Our Tom Holland Peter was taken from before No Way Home and is currently 15. Anyone looking for a ship between him and MJ will have to make a younger MJ than she canonically is in the MCU at this moment. Anything beyond fade to black wouldn’t be a choice until you and his player aged the character’s up to 18 naturally.*
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  She’s getting whipped up into a frenzy and panda-ing all over the place. All jokes aside, Xavier’s school, Marshwood, is looking for a few more students and teachers and Mei Mei would make the perfect fit. She’s probably still working on becoming the confident young lady she was meant to be and missing her family. But that doesn’t stop her from playing the ‘mom’ to some of the other kids.
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Of course, for every good student, there’s bound to be a prankster. What Marshwood really needs is a bit of B.B. to shake things up. When he’s not saving the day, this young teen is probably devouring more food than any one person should and cooking up his own brand of chaos. It’s all in good fun, of course. It’s certainly better than going to class. 
    These, by no means, are the only characters we'd like to see (heroes or otherwise). In fact, we’ve recently gotten a few Buffy the Vampire Slayer characters and would love more of those, as well as more Dark Angel characters and anything from the 90's to early 2000’s. 
Feel free to check out our 'Want Ad' and 'Site Characters' sections for more ideas on who we're looking for.
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nishastisowl · 3 months
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How Bill deals with Tad's Random behavior
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Then there's Andy:
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And his aggression
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"spit it out."
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rpgadverts · 2 years
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Between the Lines is a panfandom RPG set on a fantasy world with flavorings of other genres. We accept characters from or based on all fandoms imaginable as well as completely original creations. Face claims are also reusable, so no chance of your favorite being taken. We can even have up to three versions of each canon character (yay multiverses!). It can get a bit chaotic, but in a fun way. We currently have a handful of characters with duplicates (some with same face claims, some with different) and watching them interact is magic. Essentially, Haven is the dumping ground of the multiverse. We're 3-3-3 and 18+ with no word or monthly post counts.
  The basic premise is that a long long time ago, a group of mythical creatures pooled their magic and created their own world to escape humanity. As it does, things started to go south between the species who made this little planet and the space time continuum of their precious Haven cracked. Now people from across the various multiverses are popping up all over the place. 
  We're currently looking for a bunch of characters to help flesh out our eclectic cast.
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    Our friendly neighborhood Spider-Man would love to have more kids his age running around at Supergirl's hidden safehouse in NNYC and who better than another Spider-Man who's not some weird older copy of him. I can see much nerdy wonderful chaos between the two with a hefty helping of hyperactivity. Not only is there a Tom Holland Spidey, but several other superheroes, including Tobey and Andrew Spideys to bounce off of. Just don't break anything in Boris's kitchen. Aw heck, who are we kidding. You could probably blame it on the dog… no seriously, we have a Krypto.
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    Confident, competent, and just as emotionally scarred as her male counterparts, Gwen was the one to get bit by a radioactive spider in her universe. After the death of her best friend, Peter Parker, she tends to carry the weight of the world on her shoulders. Gwen is always ready to swing in and save the day, but avoids making any real friends if she can help it. In her experience, fewer people get hurt that way. Herself included. I can see her reluctantly joining the little superhero group in New New York or even stumbling upon seedier parts of the world like Gutted City or The Outpost before ultimately finding her way to the other Spiders. We haveTom Holland and Tobey Maguire Peters, and are juuust about to get an Andrew Garfield one. We’re also on the hunt for a Miles, so depending on what age you make her, there’s choice of ships for the single brain cell Peter/Miles have left. There’s certainly likely to be some juicy IC drama for everyone either way.
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  Our Tom Holland Peter is having a really rough go of it (he’s currently possessed by Venom and about to meet his older selves for the first time… for him) and he’d love to have his MJ to bounce his thoughts off of. Depending on where you pull her from in the timeline, she could know he was Spider-Man or not. Have been in a relationship with him at one point already or still need to work up to the two of them dating. She’d likely be dropped into NNYC and be hella confused at all the dinosaurs, dragons, elves, and the like. With all three Peter’s (Tom, Tobey, and Andrew) and a buttload of Marvel, DC, and other superhero characters on the board already, there’s plenty for her to do. *Quick Note: Our Tom Holland Peter was taken from before No Way Home and is currently 15. Anyone looking for a ship between him and MJ will have to make a younger MJ than she canonically is in the MCU at this moment. Anything beyond fade to black wouldn’t be a choice until you and his player aged the character’s up to 18 naturally.*
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  She’s getting whipped up into a frenzy and panda-ing all over the place. All jokes aside, Xavier’s school, Marshwood, is looking for a few more students and teachers and Mei Mei would make the perfect fit. She’s probably still working on becoming the confident young lady she was meant to be and missing her family. But that doesn’t stop her from playing the ‘mom’ to some of the other kids.
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Of course, for every good student, there’s bound to be a prankster. What Marshwood really needs is a bit of B.B. to shake things up. When he’s not saving the day, this young teen is probably devouring more food than any one person should and cooking up his own brand of chaos. It’s all in good fun, of course. It’s certainly better than going to class. 
    These, by no means, are the only characters we'd like to see (heroes or otherwise). In fact, we’ve recently gotten a few Buffy the Vampire Slayer characters and would love more of those, as well as more Dark Angel characters and anything from the 90's to early 2000’s. 
Feel free to check out our 'Want Ad' and 'Site Characters' sections for more ideas on who we're looking for.
0 notes
jcinknetwork · 2 years
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Between the Lines is a panfandom RPG set on a fantasy world with flavorings of other genres. We accept characters from or based on all fandoms imaginable as well as completely original creations. Face claims are also reusable, so no chance of your favorite being taken. We can even have up to three versions of each canon character (yay multiverses!). It can get a bit chaotic, but in a fun way. We currently have a handful of characters with duplicates (some with same face claims, some with different) and watching them interact is magic. Essentially, Haven is the dumping ground of the multiverse. We're 3-3-3 and 18+ with no word or monthly post counts.
  The basic premise is that a long long time ago, a group of mythical creatures pooled their magic and created their own world to escape humanity. As it does, things started to go south between the species who made this little planet and the space time continuum of their precious Haven cracked. Now people from across the various multiverses are popping up all over the place. 
  We're currently looking for a bunch of characters to help flesh out our eclectic cast.
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    Our friendly neighborhood Spider-Man would love to have more kids his age running around at Supergirl's hidden safehouse in NNYC and who better than another Spider-Man who's not some weird older copy of him. I can see much nerdy wonderful chaos between the two with a hefty helping of hyperactivity. Not only is there a Tom Holland Spidey, but several other superheroes, including Tobey and Andrew Spideys to bounce off of. Just don't break anything in Boris's kitchen. Aw heck, who are we kidding. You could probably blame it on the dog… no seriously, we have a Krypto.
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    Confident, competent, and just as emotionally scarred as her male counterparts, Gwen was the one to get bit by a radioactive spider in her universe. After the death of her best friend, Peter Parker, she tends to carry the weight of the world on her shoulders. Gwen is always ready to swing in and save the day, but avoids making any real friends if she can help it. In her experience, fewer people get hurt that way. Herself included. I can see her reluctantly joining the little superhero group in New New York or even stumbling upon seedier parts of the world like Gutted City or The Outpost before ultimately finding her way to the other Spiders. We haveTom Holland and Tobey Maguire Peters, and are juuust about to get an Andrew Garfield one. We’re also on the hunt for a Miles, so depending on what age you make her, there’s choice of ships for the single brain cell Peter/Miles have left. There’s certainly likely to be some juicy IC drama for everyone either way.
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  Our Tom Holland Peter is having a really rough go of it (he’s currently possessed by Venom and about to meet his older selves for the first time… for him) and he’d love to have his MJ to bounce his thoughts off of. Depending on where you pull her from in the timeline, she could know he was Spider-Man or not. Have been in a relationship with him at one point already or still need to work up to the two of them dating. She’d likely be dropped into NNYC and be hella confused at all the dinosaurs, dragons, elves, and the like. With all three Peter’s (Tom, Tobey, and Andrew) and a buttload of Marvel, DC, and other superhero characters on the board already, there’s plenty for her to do. *Quick Note: Our Tom Holland Peter was taken from before No Way Home and is currently 15. Anyone looking for a ship between him and MJ will have to make a younger MJ than she canonically is in the MCU at this moment. Anything beyond fade to black wouldn’t be a choice until you and his player aged the character’s up to 18 naturally.*
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  She’s getting whipped up into a frenzy and panda-ing all over the place. All jokes aside, Xavier’s school, Marshwood, is looking for a few more students and teachers and Mei Mei would make the perfect fit. She’s probably still working on becoming the confident young lady she was meant to be and missing her family. But that doesn’t stop her from playing the ‘mom’ to some of the other kids.
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Of course, for every good student, there’s bound to be a prankster. What Marshwood really needs is a bit of B.B. to shake things up. When he’s not saving the day, this young teen is probably devouring more food than any one person should and cooking up his own brand of chaos. It’s all in good fun, of course. It’s certainly better than going to class. 
    These, by no means, are the only characters we'd like to see (heroes or otherwise). In fact, we’ve recently gotten a few Buffy the Vampire Slayer characters and would love more of those, as well as more Dark Angel characters and anything from the 90's to early 2000’s. 
Feel free to check out our 'Want Ad' and 'Site Characters' sections for more ideas on who we're looking for.
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