#anda's navigation
bestfriend491 · 6 months
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Last updated - 11th March 2024
Internal Scars
Summary: Prompted from the deleted scene between Okoye and Shuri in Wakanda Forever. Leaving Shuri in Haiti for the time being, Okoye decides that her departure from the Dora Milaje will not be in vain. It's time to rediscover herself. Her full self, including the good, the bad, and the messy. The messiest bit of it all? Her arriving at your house, after years of not speaking. 
I'll be waiting
Summary: When Okoye was assigned to do her first round of training internationally, she had low expectations. Learning how the outside world works? Sure. Protecting the king at all costs? Of course. Falling in love with a girl she might never see again after the summer? She'd say that was one of the lesser expected events. But it's happened, fast and hard, She's in love. And that seems to be the one thing she's 8unsure of how to handle.
Loving you unequivocally
Summary: Before you, Ramonda wasn't sure what she was looking to find. But now that she's found it, she's not sure what she's doing, falling in love like a schoolchild, unable to control the urges she has to give you the world, even when you never asked for it.
Upcoming Drabbles/Headcannons...
Hurt People
Summary: When Nakia chose T'Challa over you, you accepted it with a heavy heart. But when she disappeared without a word, leaving you to imagine only the worst happening to her, that hurt more than anything. Now, she's back. And any trace of progress that you might have had over the years is completely wiped away.
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aegonbeingfakeisracist · 10 months
Can you talk more about Arianne and Daemon ? Seriously they are my favorite couple I even have a headcanon that Arianne will be pregnant with Daemon I mean it's more a parallel with Asha's possible pregnancy (pairs between Martells and greyjoys) and Daemons are so fertile hahahaha (Daemon Targaryan Daemon Blackfire) even begin another family but Martin chose the same name and Daemon Sand's father has twins in addition to him...
Anyway I don't see any chance of marriage/ engagement or Arianne's love interest in Aegon it just won't be happening,I see them having a friendship relationship and a strengthening of the family bond , with Ari being a guide for his cousin ( so much potential). This is a bullshit she doesn't want to be queen but Dorne anda her father love. I just want Arianne to be able to be happy white someone who respects her and see her more than just a pretty body and face, and Daemon strikes me as perfect.
I really don't want Arianne to be pregnant because it seems to me like needless drama and just all around bad timing – she's serving as an envoy. There's a war going on. And I feel like her words to Elia kind of apply to her, as well – kiss all the boys you want when you're home in Dorne, but this is so not the time. Sure, she propositions Daemon, but she didn't actually sleep with him. Also, Arianne canonically uses moon tea for birth control. So I'm hopeful there will be no baby unless she lives to the end of the series.
But I think her relationship with Daemon is just so unique in terms of all the relationships we see in the series – they were children doing this entirely on their terms. They were the same age. They just liked each other, and so engaged in a relationship without fear over consequences.
I think in recent years, there's been a weird rise in people forgetting that tropes are tools and not fundamentally good or bad. One of the ways this manifests in particular is hating "childhood friends to lovers" or people winding up with their first love. I don't have hard stances on the kind of relationships in fiction I find interesting or boring. Mostly for me, it's contextual – what is compelling in ASOIAF to me is not the same as what's compelling in another work. And while I certainly agree that there are situations in which a childhood friends to lovers angle may be boring, I think in the ASOIAF context, Arianne and Daemon's childhood sweethearts angle is actually extremely compelling.
For a start, this isn't a people-staying-with-their-middle school-boyfriend-forever scenario. It's the fact Arianne and Daemon had a relationship, broke up, lived near a decade having separate lives with Arianne certainly having other relationships and Daemon probably also doing the same, and are potentially coming back together.
For another, I really, really like what Arianne/Daemon would mean for Arianne as a character. I've said before that she's my favourite ASOIAF character. But even outside of my own personal bias, think about the type of fics that get written about her. It's hard to identify this for certain, because AO3 tagging is just so messy, and navigating through Arianne's tag is a lost cause, but mostly, fic!Arianne is just three sliders of stupidity, horniness, and ambition. Which is just so, so not book Arianne, at all.
Arianne is unique amongst the most important female characters of ASOIAF. She's is not the heir presumptive, she's the heir apparent. Dorne will be hers. And she is a descendant of Nymeria, the most recent in a long line of rulers of Dorne. Her family is central to Dorne's cultural memory, as it was Nymeria and Mors that turned the collection of states into a unified nation. So unlike, say, the Tyrells or Freys, who determinedly pursue these grand matches in a way of compensating for their relatively recent history, Arianne...doesn't really need to do that? Like, she can just marry a bannerman and it would be totally fine.
Furthermore, Arianne clearly has more rights of refusal than most women, and she is not shy about using them - these are real rights she has. I can imagine her feeling more pressure to accept if offered a candidate that wasn't clearly a joke, but given the setting, this is true for everyone. The fact remains, Arianne has options, and since she's going to be a ruling princess, those options are broad.
But despite all of this, her marital prospects are a huge theme. Doran offers her elderly suitors. Daemon and Drey wanted to marry her. There was an entire marriage pact that no one bothered to tell her about. Arianne intends on bartering her own hand, and thinks about how whoever she weds would rule Dorne by her side.
How does all this connect to Daemon? Because he's a nobody. Okay, sure, that's a little extreme – he's a knight, the son of an important lord, and the former squire of a prince. But even though that is the case, he is still a bastard. His father has at least two legitimate children. This isn't a case like Ellaria, in which the set up makes it extremely reasonable to think that her father's land and title will one day fall to her and her daughters - Daemon will not inherit anything. Meaning if Arianne were to marry him, or even just obviously choose him as her partner without a marriage? It would be for her.
There might be some political benefits, given that Daemon is clearly on good terms with his father, but very indirectly, and not nearly to the extent that would be the case with other marital candidates. It cannot be considered anything resembling a political move. So Arianne choosing Daemon would be her taking control over her life, making the choices she wants, for her. It would be her choosing a Dornish spouse that has ties to her family beyond just her alone. It would be her in a position where she can safely choose to make her life with a person that she loves, that isn't the best political choice.
It would be her choosing someone that is deeply, fundamentally tied to Dorne - not just because he's Dornish, but because he is a bastard, because he was once a child in the Water Gardens, because he attended the feast for Balon Swann and did not drink upon the toast to Tommen. Arianne drank. Doran drank. But Daemon did not. Daemon is clearly still in love with Arianne. There is a reason their relationship was never the same after Doran rejected him for her. He loves her enough to serve as her sworn shield and beg her to allow him to go into a dangerous situation in her place. But he has his own mind, and his own beliefs, and his Dornish identity is a big part of that.
We've seen very little of Daemon. But from what we have, he sees Arianne in a way that few do. Doran didn't understand what was going on with her at all. Arys and Areo both clearly had images of her in their heads that didn't quite align with reality. But Daemon, despite their relationship having never recovered fully and despite Doran being so much like Arianne that one would really think he should understand her more than he does, gets her more than anyone else. He understands the strained relationship with Quentyn and that Arianne maybe isn't so desperate to have her little brother return. He sees bits of Arianne in Elia. He literally finishes some of her sentences.
Of all the people Arianne could ever engage in a relationship with, I think Daemon, more than any other character, represents her making her own choices and coming into her own as the ruling princess of Dorne.
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waltzforluma · 1 year
Jasa Web Desain: Meningkatkan Keberhasilan Bisnis dengan Desain Website yang Profesional
Dalam era digital ini, memiliki kehadiran online yang kuat adalah penting bagi setiap bisnis. Salah satu elemen kunci dalam membangun kehadiran online yang sukses adalah desain website yang profesional. Jasa web desain dapat membantu bisnis Anda untuk menciptakan tampilan dan pengalaman online yang menarik, fungsional, dan efektif. Artikel ini akan membahas pentingnya jasa web desain untuk bisnis, unsur-unsur desain website yang efektif, proses desain dan pengembangan yang profesional, manfaat dari menggunakan jasa web desain, serta cara menemukan layanan jasa web desain yang tepat.
Pentingnya Memiliki Website Untuk Bisnis
Sebagai bisnis, memiliki website yang menarik dan profesional dapat memiliki dampak besar pada keberhasilan Anda. Website adalah wajah online bisnis Anda, dan seringkali menjadi titik pertama kontak antara Anda dan pelanggan potensial. Desain website yang baik dapat menciptakan kesan positif yang kuat, menggambarkan kepercayaan dan kredibilitas bisnis Anda. Hal ini akan mendorong pengunjung untuk menjelajahi lebih lanjut, melakukan pembelian, atau menghubungi Anda untuk informasi lebih lanjut.
Element Website yang Efektif
Ada beberapa elemen penting dalam desain website yang efektif:
1. Responsive Design Responsiveness adalah faktor penting dalam desain website modern. Dengan semakin banyak pengguna yang mengakses website melalui perangkat mobile, penting untuk memastikan bahwa website Anda dapat diakses dengan baik dan tampil sempurna di berbagai perangkat, termasuk ponsel pintar dan tablet.
2. Visual Appeal Tampilan visual website sangat penting dalam menarik pengunjung. Desain yang menarik, penggunaan warna yang tepat, tipografi yang mudah dibaca, dan penggunaan gambar dan grafik yang relevan dapat menciptakan kesan yang kuat dan memikat.
3. User Experience (UX) Pengalaman pengguna yang baik adalah kunci dalam desain website yang sukses. Website harus mudah dinavigasi, dengan tata letak yang intuitif dan navigasi yang jelas. Pengguna harus dapat dengan mudah menemukan informasi yang mereka cari dan berinteraksi dengan situs tanpa hambatan.
4. Navigation Navigasi yang baik memastikan bahwa pengunjung dapat dengan mudah berpindah antara halaman dan bagian yang berbeda dalam website Anda. Menu yang jelas dan terorganisir dengan baik akan membantu pengunjung menavigasi dengan mudah dan menemukan apa yang mereka butuhkan.
5. Content Organization Organisasi konten yang baik adalah kunci untuk memberikan pengalaman yang mudah dipahami dan terstruktur kepada pengunjung. Konten harus disajikan dengan cara yang logis dan teratur, memudahkan pengunjung untuk menemukan informasi yang mereka cari.
Bagaimana Ciri-ciri Web Designer yang Professional
Jasa web desain profesional dapat membantu bisnis Anda menciptakan website yang efektif dan menarik. Berikut adalah langkah-langkah dalam proses jasa web desain profesional:
1. Mengerti Kebutuhan Klien Langkah pertama dalam jasa web desain adalah memahami kebutuhan dan tujuan klien. Tim desain akan berkomunikasi dengan klien untuk memahami visi, merek, dan target audiens bisnis mereka. Informasi ini akan membantu dalam menghasilkan desain yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan keinginan klien.
2. Memiliki Perencanaan dan Strategi Setelah memahami kebutuhan klien, langkah berikutnya adalah merencanakan dan mengembangkan strategi desain. Ini melibatkan membuat kerangka kerja, menentukan tata letak halaman, dan merencanakan navigasi website. Tahap ini juga mencakup penelitian pasar dan analisis pesaing untuk memastikan bahwa desain website akan bersaing dengan baik di pasar yang dituju.
3. Design and Development Process Setelah perencanaan selesai, tim desain akan mulai merancang dan mengembangkan website. Ini meliputi langkah-langkah seperti pembuatan wireframe dan prototipe, desain grafis, pengembangan front-end, dan pengembangan back-end. Tim desain akan terus berkomunikasi dengan klien untuk memastikan bahwa desain dan pengembangan berjalan sesuai dengan harapan.
Apa Keuntungan Menyewa Professional Web Design Service
Menggunakan jasa web desain profesional memiliki banyak manfaat bagi bisnis Anda:
1. Customized and Unique Design Jasa web desain profesional akan menciptakan desain yang unik dan disesuaikan dengan merek dan kebutuhan bisnis Anda. Ini akan memastikan bahwa website Anda berbeda dari pesaing dan menciptakan kesan yang kuat kepada pengunjung.
2. Improved User Experience and Navigation Tim desain profesional akan memastikan bahwa tata letak dan navigasi website Anda mudah dipahami dan mudah dinavigasi oleh pengunjung. Ini akan meningkatkan pengalaman pengguna dan memungkinkan mereka menemukan informasi yang mereka butuhkan dengan cepat.
3. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Friendly Design Desain website yang ramah SEO adalah penting untuk meningkatkan visibilitas
online bisnis Anda. Tim desain akan memastikan bahwa website Anda dioptimalkan untuk mesin pencari dengan menggunakan praktik desain yang tepat, termasuk struktur URL yang baik, penggunaan kata kunci yang relevan, dan pengaturan metadata yang benar.
4. Mobile-Friendly and Responsive Design Dalam era mobile, memiliki website yang responsif adalah suatu keharusan. Jasa web desain profesional akan memastikan bahwa website Anda tampil sempurna di berbagai perangkat mobile, memberikan pengalaman yang baik kepada pengunjung yang menggunakan ponsel atau tablet.
Cara Memilih Jasa Yang Benar
Untuk menemukan jasa web desain yang tepat untuk bisnis Anda, pertimbangkan faktor-faktor berikut:
1. Portfolio and Experience Periksa portofolio dan pengalaman agensi atau desainer web sebelumnya. Tinjau proyek-proyek sebelumnya yang mereka kerjakan untuk melihat apakah desain mereka sesuai dengan preferensi Anda dan mencerminkan kualitas yang diharapkan.
2. Client Testimonials and Reviews Baca testimonial dan ulasan dari klien sebelumnya. Ini dapat memberi Anda wawasan tentang kepuasan klien mereka dan kualitas layanan yang mereka tawarkan.
3. Pricing and Packages Bandingkan harga dan paket yang ditawarkan oleh beberapa agensi atau desainer web. Pastikan untuk memahami apa yang termasuk dalam paket, termasuk revisi, pemeliharaan, dan dukungan pasca-penjualan.
Jasa web desain profesional dapat membantu bisnis Anda menciptakan website yang menarik, fungsional, dan efektif. Dengan desain yang baik, Anda dapat meningkatkan kehadiran online Anda, menarik pengunjung, dan meningkatkan kesempatan untuk pertumbuhan bisnis. Pertimbangkan untuk menggunakan jasa web desain profesional untuk mencapai hasil terbaik.
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backlinkweb · 1 year
Examine This Report On N78Slot
Examine This Report On N78Slot
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With this review, we suggest a co-polarized, incident angle-insensitive MMA at 3.five GHz to decrease the SAR of up coming-technology cellular units (5G Band n78 devices) in Malaysia. The proposed MMA was designed focusing on the 3.5 GHz frequency While using the the very least doable unit cell dimensions and has shown metamaterial Attributes at this frequency. Additionally, the absorber was measured practically with VNA (vector community analyzer) to make sure its functionality as per simulation. In addition, a planer sleeve monopole antenna functioning at 3.five GHz n78 units was imported from commercially available Antenna Magus™ to CST Design Environment™ program positioned inside of a template-based 5G cell phone together with the proposed MMA for SAR calculation.
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During this study, we numerically studied the SAR reduction from subsequent-era 5G n78 cellular units by implementing a novel co-polarization-insensitive here metamaterial absorber (MMA) and experimentally verified the absorptivity of the MMA at the resonance frequency. The MMA was made to goal the resonance frequency at 3.5 GHz with metamaterial qualities by the required engineering of L-C-R transmission traces as per the equivalent circuit. Nevertheless, it is crucial to mention that the metamaterial was created using a modified circular break up-ring resonator to make sure that it can not be rotationally symmetric13,29 and so have the ability to soak up the co-polarized part of the utilized EM wave only.
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underteika · 1 year
Down You Go: Event Info
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For areas where Anda isn't aquatic, they've traded in their empathetic abilities for their Fantasia Form for ease of navigation (and defense) in the dungeons below. Unlike their prior form, Anda has taken the form of an Alraune, taking on the look of a tall, sturdy willow tree given a mobile form (and oddly, they feel very comfortable about that.)
With bark skin and fortifying vines, they're tanking these dungeons. Not very fast, but they are sturdy, and hit hard.
Starting Gear:
Barkskin (natural armor)
Shield (Spawned in with; has the emblem of the Kingdom of Airaisal)
Mace (looted, reluctantly)
Adventuring gear (looted, reluctantly)
Awaken (a lingering gift from Eccoita, the tree they bonded with during The Fantasia War)
A pacifist by nature, Anda doesn't really like fighting, so they're more likely to help escort someone than go fighting. Despite going TreeMode, Anda's strength remains the same as their typical form (stronger than average, but not supernaturally so), so enemies against them aren't very powerful.
If you'd like to thread, lemme know via dm or replies on this post! I might put out a starter call later, too~
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borrelia · 1 year
you'd think, in my baby crazy spiral, the order would be "obsesses over mother/grandmother/son relationship and the group navigating boundaries between support and understanding" THEN "make a fankid literally named Baby as a joke then immediately become obsessed over them and draw them all the damn time and decide everyone loves him so much hes the best and the worst and everyone is their babysitter and everyone wants to be the best aunt/uncle and anda and." but actually. it is in fact the other way around.
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bestfriend491 · 10 months
- anda's navigation (a guide to my mind)
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Currently on hiatus: I'll be back, i promise! 💗
|masterlist - what i've done|
|updater: what i'm currently working on|
|works in progress - what's in store for the future|
|request and blog rules and info|
|anda's thoughts/anda replies|
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censowaretechnologies · 3 months
 Difference Between Web Design and Web Development
Difference Between Web Design and Web Development, where digital landscapes flourish and online presence is paramount, the terms "web design" and "web development" are often used interchangeably, leading to confusion among novices and professionals alike.
While both disciplines are integral to the creation anda maintenance of websites, they entail distinct roles, skill sets, and responsibilities. In this comprehensive guide, we unravel the intricacies of web design and web development, shedding light on their unique characteristics and clarifying their respective contributions to the digital ecosystem.
Defining Web Design and Web Development
Before delving into the disparities between web design and web development, let's establish a foundational understanding of each discipline:
Web Design:
Web design primarily focuses on the visual aesthetics and user experience of a website. It encompasses the creative elements that shape the look, feel, and usability of a site, including layout, color scheme, typography, graphics, and interactive elements. Web designers leverage their artistic prowess and design principles to craft engaging interfaces that captivate audiences and facilitate seamless navigation. Moreover, they prioritize user-centric design, ensuring that every aspect of the website enhances the overall user experience.
Web Development:
In contrast, web development revolves around the technical implementation and functionality of a website. Web developers are responsible for bringing the design concept to life through coding languages such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. They handle the backend infrastructure, frontend interactions, database management, and server-side scripting, translating design mockups into fully functional websites. Additionally, web developers optimize websites for performance, responsiveness, and compatibility across various devices and browsers, ensuring a seamless user experience across the digital landscape.
Key Differences Between Web Design and Web Development
Now that we've delineated the fundamental principles of web design and web development, let's explore the key distinctions between these two disciplines:
Focus and Scope:
Web Design: Web designers concentrate on the visual and interactive aspects of a website, including layout, graphics, typography, and user interface design. They strive to create visually appealing and intuitive interfaces that enhance user engagement and satisfaction.
Web Development: Web developers focus on the technical implementation and functionality of a website, encompassing frontend development, backend development, and database management. They work behind the scenes to ensure that the website operates smoothly, efficiently, and securely.
Skill Sets:
Web Design: Web designers possess a blend of artistic creativity, graphic design skills, and proficiency in design tools such as Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, or Sketch. They have a keen eye for aesthetics, typography, color theory, and user experience principles.
Web Development: Web developers are proficient in coding languages and frameworks such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and various backend technologies like PHP, Python, or Ruby on Rails. They have a solid understanding of software development principles, algorithms, data structures, and version control systems.
Web Design: The primary responsibilities of web designers include conceptualizing design concepts, creating wireframes and mockups, selecting color palettes and typography, designing visual assets, and collaborating with clients and stakeholders to achieve design objectives.
Web Development: Web developers are tasked with writing clean, efficient, and maintainable code, implementing frontend and backend functionality, integrating third-party APIs and services, optimizing website performance, and troubleshooting technical issues.
Workflow and Collaboration:
Web Design: Web designers typically collaborate closely with clients, project managers, and other stakeholders to understand project requirements, gather feedback, and iterate on design concepts. They may use prototyping tools or design systems to streamline the design process and ensure consistency across multiple pages or screens.
Web Development: Web developers often work in multidisciplinary teams alongside designers, QA testers, and system administrators to develop and deploy websites. They follow established development methodologies such as Agile or Scrum, participate in code reviews and peer programming sessions, and adhere to coding standards and best practices.
Evolution and Trends:
Web Design: The field of web design is constantly evolving, driven by emerging design trends, technological advancements, and changing user expectations. Modern web design trends include minimalism, responsive design, microinteractions, dark mode, and immersive multimedia experiences.
Web Development: Web development is also subject to ongoing innovation and evolution, with new programming languages, frameworks, and tools emerging to streamline development workflows and enhance website performance. Recent trends in web development include progressive web apps (PWAs), serverless architecture, headless CMS, and Jamstack development.
In conclusion, while web design and web development are closely intertwined disciplines, they serve distinct purposes and require different skill sets and expertise. Web design focuses on the visual aesthetics and user experience of a website, while web development encompasses the technical implementation and functionality.
By understanding the differences between these two disciplines, businesses and professionals can better appreciate the collaborative nature of website creation and leverage the strengths of each discipline to achieve their digital objectives.
Whether it's crafting visually stunning interfaces or building robust, scalable web applications, the synergy between web design and web development is essential for delivering exceptional online experiences in today's digital landscape.
More Details
Website: https://censoware.com/
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Carboprost Tromethamine Market ,Analysis, Top Players, Regions, Market Segments and Forecasts to 2030
According to Analytical Market Research, the global Carboprost Tromethamine market estimated at USD 1.5 billion in 2022 and will expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 2.9% from 2023 to 2030. Key players in the Carboprost Tromethamine market employ various strategies to maintain and enhance their market presence. These strategies help key players capture a significant market share and remain competitive in the dynamic Carboprost Tromethamine market. In addition to the market insights such as market value, growth rate, market segments, geographical coverage, market players, and market scenario, the market report curated includes proficient analysis, predictive analysis, prescriptive analysis, cumulative analysis, and value chain analysis.
Read More Here: https://analyticalmr.com/reports-details/Carboprost-Tromethamine-Market
Growing Incidence of Postpartum Hemorrhage (PPH) The increasing prevalence of postpartum hemorrhage, a leading cause of maternal mortality, is driving the demand for medications like carboprost tromethamine. Carboprost tromethamine is commonly used to manage PPH, particularly in cases where conventional methods may not be effective. As efforts to improve maternal healthcare and reduce PPH-related complications intensify, the demand for carboprost tromethamine is expected to rise. Limited Availability and Accessibility in Some Regions Despite its effectiveness in managing postpartum hemorrhage, carboprost tromethamine faces challenges related to limited availability and accessibility in certain regions. Issues such as distribution challenges, inadequate healthcare infrastructure, and regulatory constraints can hinder the smooth access to and adoption of carboprost tromethamine in some areas. Improving the availability and accessibility of this medication globally remains a challenge.
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The significant players rapidly evolve with new strategies to attain a competitive edge and capture significant market share. • For Instance, in February 2023, Caplin Point Laboratories Ltd has received approval from the US FDA for its ANDA carboprost tromethamine injectable USP (250 mcg/mL). It is a generic single-dose vial pharmaceutical comparable to Pfizer Inc's (RLD) HEMABATE Injection. It is an oxytocic medication used to treat uterine atony-related postpartum bleeding.
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haridiva · 4 months
Whether on a Calm Lake or the Stormy Sea
Prompt tulisan BloganuaryApa yang akan Anda lakukan jika memenangkan lotre?Lihat semua tanggapan The human mind, a vessel fragile yet profound, cradles within its depths a tempestuous ocean of thought. We sail upon its surface, navigating currents of joy and sorrow, prosperity and loss. Yet, amidst the ever-shifting tides, an anchor of fortitude must be cast, a steadfastness unshaken by life’s…
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View On WordPress
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underteika · 2 years
Event Info: Maskerade Festival (Two!!!!)
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Yo ho yo ho, a pirate’s life for... Anda!
Sporting a stylishly rugged costume, Captain Teika will be plundering the streets for gold weed candy! Inspiration for the costume comes from this image (but probably more purples than blues), and on their shoulder is their trusty and “very fearsome” First Mate Sundae
Changes one can expect from Anda in costume are...
More adventurous, less of a coward (Still afraid of trains)
Can actually drink this time, but in true pirate fashion, only things with rum in it
Pirate Speech
Can sail boats and tie knots??
Can use the sky for navigational purposes
A bit more materialistic than Anda usually is, especially for precious metals and gems
Complete with a cutlass and an old timey pistol!
May or may not enlist people into their ‘pirate crew’
Honestly they’re out here to be silly and have a good time
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saishousagi · 6 months
About our Concept
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First Rabbit – A tale of a rabbit destined to be born in the darkness of the earth, yet harboring a desire to emerge from the shadows and witness the brilliance of the sun illuminating the cosmos.
Stepping out of the comfort zone, embarking on a journey from a different origin, yet within the same universe. Afraid of falling? Afraid of pain? All mere illusions, for the reality will remain undiscovered if one continues to be lost in daydreams.
Navigate through obstacles without looking back. The future stands ready to embrace you with open arms and a genuine smile. Every scar you carry is evidence of the life flowing within you.
So, are you prepared to leave your comfort zone and pursue your dreams in the future with us?
First Rabbit – Sebuah kisah tentang kelinci yang lahir dalam kegelapan tanah, namun didalamnya tersembunyi keinginan untuk melampaui kegelapan dan menyaksikan cahaya mentari menerangi jagad raya.
Melangkah keluar dari zona kenyamanan, memulai perjalanan dari asal yang berbeda, namun masih dalam semesta yang sama. Takut terjatuh? Takut terluka? Semua hanya bayangan belaka, karena kenyataannya tidak akan pernah terungkap jika terus terbuai dalam angan-angan.
Lewati rintangan tanpa menoleh ke belakang. Masa depan telah bersiap menyambut Anda dengan pelukan hangat dan senyuman tulus. Setiap luka yang dialami adalah bukti hidup yang mengalir di dalam dirimu.
Jadi, apakah Anda sudah siap untuk meninggalkan zona nyaman dan meraih impian di masa depan bersama kami?
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namirene-wndflrry · 6 months
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Nami, the navigator of Straw Hat Pirates!
“to draw a map of the whole word!”
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livmobile88 · 4 months
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Embark on a comprehensive Mega888 experience with our APK download tutorial. Navigate effortlessly through the process, unlocking access to thrilling mobile gaming adventures.
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webdesignmurahbdg · 7 months
PALING MURAH! (WA) 0895-3248-17728 | SAGALA DIGITAL - Jasa Desain Web Otomotif di Mamuju Tengah Sulawesi Barat
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Kembangkan Bisnis Anda dengan Website Terbaik dari Jasa Pembuatan Website 0895-3248-17728. Jaman telah berkembang, begitu pula tren penjualan barang dan jasa. Sudah saatnya Anda dan bisnis Anda terkenal lebih luas hingga se-antero negeri di era transformasi digital terkini. Kami siap membantu kebutuhan digital Anda.  jasa pembuat website harga,jasa pembuatan website harga,jasa pembuatan website hotel,jasa pembuatan website html,jasa pembuat web hosting,jasa pembuatan web harga,jasa pembuatan web hotel
Apa itu Web Developer?
Pahlawan tanpa tanda jasa di era digital yang menjadikan situs web dan aplikasi web berfungsi adalah pengembang web. Tanggung jawab mereka sangat beragam, mulai dari pengkodean hingga pemecahan masalah dan pengoptimalan. Esai ini akan mengkaji tugas penting yang dilakukan oleh pengembang web, menjelaskan nuansa posisi mereka.
Web Design Terbaik: A Symphony of Digital Excellence
Greetings, digital aficionados and professionals sculpting the online landscape! Today, we're immersing ourselves in the realm of "web design terbaik" or the best web design in Indonesia. Whether you're a seasoned professional seeking the pinnacle of design or a recent graduate stepping into the digital arena, understanding the intricacies of top-notch web design is paramount. So, let's embark on this digital journey, exploring the world of Jasa Pembuatan Website and unraveling the elements that make the best web designs stand out.
Decoding Web Design Terbaik:
What makes a "web design terbaik"? It's not just about aesthetics; it's about creating a symphony of digital excellence. If you're on the lookout for top-tier design without breaking the bank, "Jasa Web Design Murah" is your compass – guiding you towards web designs that not only catch the eye but also elevate the user experience.
Navigating the Digital Landscape: Perusahaan Pembuat Website
In the vast digital landscape, it's crucial to navigate with precision. "Perusahaan pembuat website" or website creation companies are the architects of your online presence. These entities go beyond coding; they craft digital spaces that represent your brand with finesse. Let's delve into the synergy between web design terbaik and perusahaan pembuat website.
Balancing Act: Harga Web Developer
Now, let's talk numbers – "harga web developer" or the cost of web developers. It's not just about finding the cheapest option; it's about striking a balance between cost and quality. Affordable web development services ensure that your budget aligns with your digital aspirations.
Crafting Digital Storefronts: Jasa Pembuat Website Toko Online
For entrepreneurs venturing into the e-commerce realm, "jasa pembuat website toko online" is your gateway to success. Crafting a digital storefront isn't just about aesthetics; it's about creating an immersive online shopping experience. The best web designs for online stores combine visual appeal with seamless functionality.
Affordable Design Solutions: Jasa Desain Web Murah
Affordability and design excellence need not be mutually exclusive. "Jasa desain web murah" provides cost-effective design solutions without compromising on creativity. These services understand the value of a visually appealing website that fits your budget.
Understanding the Price: Harga Jasa Desain Web
Delving deeper into the financial aspect, "harga jasa desain web" or the cost of web design services varies based on several factors. Let's demystify the elements that contribute to the overall price tag.
Factors Influencing Harga Jasa Desain Web:
The more intricate the design, the higher the cost. Complex graphics, animations, and unique layouts may incur additional charges.
Need special features like e-commerce capabilities or interactive elements? The more functionalities, the higher the cost.
Tailor-made designs for a unique brand identity? Customization often comes with an additional price tag but sets you apart in the digital crowd.
Urgent deadlines? Rushed timelines may incur a premium price. Planning ahead can help manage costs.
Freelancers and Beyond: Web Developer Bandung
In the vibrant city of Bandung, "web developer Bandung" represents a diverse pool of talent. Freelancers and agencies alike contribute to the city's digital ecosystem, offering web design solutions that reflect Bandung's creative energy.
Nationwide Digital Artisans: Web Developer Freelance
Beyond the confines of a city, "web developer freelance" professionals are the nomads of the digital realm. These artisans bring their expertise to clients nationwide, offering flexible solutions for businesses and individuals seeking a personalized touch.
Embracing Digital Transformation: Web Developer Indonesia
In the era of digital transformation, "web developer Indonesia" stands at the forefront. Professionals across the archipelago contribute to the country's digital evolution, offering web design solutions that cater to the diverse needs of businesses and individuals.
FAQ Section:
1. What distinguishes Jasa Web Design Terbaik from other services?
Jasa Web Design Terbaik goes beyond aesthetics; they focus on creating a seamless user experience. The emphasis is on design excellence that not only catches the eye but also enhances the overall usability of the website.
2. How does Jasa Pembuat Website Toko Online enhance the online shopping experience?
Jasa Pembuat Website Toko Online understands the nuances of e-commerce. Their web designs prioritize a visually appealing layout coupled with user-friendly functionalities, ensuring a delightful online shopping experience for customers.
3. Is there an affordable option for web design services?
Absolutely! Jasa Desain Web Murah provides cost-effective design solutions without compromising on quality. These services understand the importance of affordability, especially for businesses and individuals with budget constraints.
In the dynamic world of web design, "web design terbaik" serves as the guiding light for businesses and individuals seeking digital excellence. From perusahaan pembuat website to web developers in Bandung and freelancers nationwide, the digital journey is diverse. Whether you're seeking affordability with "Jasa Web Design Murah" or aiming for design brilliance with "Jasa Web Design Terbaik," the key is to find a service that aligns with your vision. So, step into the digital realm, explore the possibilities, and let your online presence become a digital masterpiece in the vast canvas of the internet!
Kontak dan Pemesanan Hubungi:
0895-3248-17728 https://wa.me/62895324817728
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bestfriend491 · 6 months
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Blog Rules and Information
1. I'm still going to be an active writer on here, but I do have other fandoms that I write for, so my inactivity sometimes is due to both personal matters and just being busy writing for other fandoms.
2. The w.i.p. page will have 1 work per character that is being thought of, while the updater page will say exactly which story is being worked on on that very day.
3. Fic requests are always open.
4. Headcannon requests are more than welcome also.
5. I will be focusing more on quality over quantity in the upcoming new year, so the amount of works I came out with this year will probably be very different to the amount of works coming in 2024.
6. My chats are always open too.
Request Guidelines:
1. I don't write smut
2. Be patient , I'm a human, not a robot.
3. Ask nicely, I block people who lack common decency.
4. My written reader is mostly Fem or at least GN if requested
5. Be comfortable, you can ask for details that you want to be added in an ask. Make it fun for yourself !
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