#and yes i do still have screenshots of this btw dkjhfbkjf
sapphicrpc · 2 years
people love to talk about "redacted" but the truth is that she closed her group because of the amount of hate some people threw at her, not because of any rule, and the same people took post from her personal blog out of context just to talk shit about her, it's kinda unfair if you ask me, i love her charas and she's super inclusive and her rps are fun?? i don't understand why ppl hate her sm
okay but i was in that group and dmed the admin extensively trying to discuss a diversity rule - i sent NO anons, i dmed her directly. i was very polite, i was sympathetic to her, i explained why the diversity rule is important to me and why i'd be posting my unfollow based on what she posted on the main of the group unless something changed. the entire time we spoke in dms she refused to acknowledge or talk about the diversity rule and why i was upset that she was dismissive of it. she just kept on talking about the anon hate she was getting and trying to make me feel sorry for her.
and for context, on the main of the group she said something in response to an anon that was like "i don't want to force people to play certain fcs people should play whoever they want so people can bring family connections, etc." (which is ironic bc it was poc only so like, you were already ruling out certain fcs? so the math was not mathing) and a bunch of lame excuses as to why she wouldn't enforce a diversity rule. all of it boiled down to essentially, she didn't want to.
now i'm not saying she wasn't getting anon hate, and i absolutely don't think hateful things like that are right, but the way she handled that situation with the diversity rule was disrespectful as hell in my opinion. she was dismissive of me even though i maintained a LOT of kindness to her throughout our interactions. i never said a nasty word to her, but she left a very bad and bitter taste in my mouth. i don't hate her, i don't care enough about her for that, but i won't sit here and defend her either.
in fact, that interaction is one of the main reasons i left twitter roleplay - that and the way you treat transgender muses you sick freaks.
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