#and yes I loved the Brandon Lee version as a kid
lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
survey by starsareonly2nd
Have you ever been to Las Vegas? Nope. I’d like to go sometime, though. I’m not into the casino scene, but they have fun shows and other stuff to do there.
What did you have for breakfast this morning? I didn’t have anything. I’m about to have dinner soon, which is the first thing I’ll eat today.
Do you have any loose change in your pocket? I don’t have any pockets right now, but I never use pockets anyway.
Do you like Taylor Swift? Not a fan, personally.
What's your favorite Disney Channel movie? I have several from my childhood and teenage years.
If you met your favorite celebrity, would you be calm or star struck? I’d be starstruck in a calm way; like I’d most likely be too shocked to get more than a few words out. I’m sure I’d come off as shy or boring haha, which is why I’ve refused to meet or interact with my favorite celebrities even if I’ve already had the chance to. <<< Aw, omg I’d be the same way. I’d be freaking out internally for sure. I wouldn’t know what to do or say. My awkwardness would definitely shine through.
Are there any lights on in the room you're in? Yeah.
What's your favorite subject in school? Mine was always English. And obviously psych in college.
What's your favorite holiday? Christmas and Halloween. Do you ever have to do yard work? I don’t do the yardwork.
Is your school close to your house? The schools I attended are all local and pretty close by.
Speaking of school, how did you get there today? I’m done with school.
Do you think Bad Romance is a catchy song, or an annoying one? I like it.
Do you use perfect grammar online? Yes. I’m one who texts that way, too.
Are you currently using a laptop? Yep.
Do you have any live versions of songs in your music software? Nope.
Did/do you listen to Britney Spears songs? Yeah.
Is it a windy day? It was a little windy today.
In the past week, have you ridden in a taxi? No. I haven’t taken a taxi in several years.
What shorthand do you use the most? “lol”, “wtf”, “wth”, “omg.”
Do you ever wish on stars at night? Nope.
What color are your eyes? Brown.
What album is the current song you're listening to off of? I’m not listening to music, I’m watching Eli Roth’s History of Horror on AMC. I love this show, each episode discusses different aspects and themes of horror movies through interviews with actors, directors, etc of horror films and show clips from the movies talked about. Tonight’s episode is about body horror and the movies they’re discussing are pretty disturbing :O Like, Hellraiser... wtf is that??! I’ve never seen that movie, but yikes. Or this Japanese movie, Audition... 
What are you doing after you finish this? I’m about to have dinner. And after watching that show ^^^, I’ll watch this other show called Cursed Films. That’s an interesting one, too. As the title suggests, it discusses films that have been said to be cursed. Like, if you’d heard about the Poltergeist curse. Last week they did The Crow and what happened to Brandon Lee is so sad. Tonight they’re discussing Twilight Zone: The Movie. 
In your opinion, what song is the most overplayed right now? I don’t listen to the radio, haven’t for a few years now, so I don’t know.
Are you in a band? Uh, no. I can’t sing or play an instrument. 
How clean is your bedroom? It needs a little tidying up.
Is there a pen within reaching distance of you? Yeah.
Are you sitting at a desk? No, I’m sitting on my bed.
Does your favorite band have a male or female lead singer? One of my favorite bands, Linkin Park, had a male lead singer. RIP Chester Bennington. :(
Do you normally shut your bedroom door before you go to sleep? Yep, always.
Have you seen the movie Moulin Rouge? I haven’t. 
Would you ever dye your hair a different color? I’m gonna stick to dyeing it red for now.
Are there any framed pictures in the room you're in? Yes.
Have you ever been to a Broadway show? I’ve seen Phantom of the Opera.
Do you watch So You Think You Can Dance? No.
What's your favorite movie soundtrack? Hmm. I don’t know.
Do you prefer group or individual work? I much preferred doing my own work. Group projects added more stress for me. Although, I did like group presentations better than doing one by myself. Being up there with other people to back each other up and not having the focus solely on me helped a bit. 
Do you have a key to anything besides your house? Just my car.
Are you wearing anything with stripes? No.
What time did you go to sleep last night? I kept falling asleep off and on, but I didn’t fall asleep for good until after 9AM. :/ I ended up sleeping until 5PM.
Did anyone tell you you were beautiful today? No.
What show did you last watch? I’m watching the show I mentioned earlier, Cursed Films.
Do you think you'll do anymore surveys today? Yes.
What's your favorite ice cream flavor? Strawberry.
When was the last time you stayed home from school sick? I don’t recall, I’ve been done with school for 5 years now.
Could you ever complete a 500-piece puzzle? I have before. I used to like doing puzzles when I was a kid. I get the urge to do one every now and then. Perhaps I’ll get into them again.
If you could run a red light and not get caught, would you? Um, absolutely not. Getting caught is the least of it when you run the risk of possibly KILLING someone or yourself or getting badly injured. Doing stuff like that is how accidents happen. Don’t do it.
Do you like to listen to music as you do your homework? I did sometimes.
Did you think Adam Lambert's AMA performance was really that controversial? I don’t recall that performance.
Do any bands flat-out annoy you? Not currently.
Do you have a mirror in your bedroom? Yes.
Was today a birthday for any of your friends? No.
When was the last time you rode in a limo? My dad actually used to work for a limo service when I was a kid and I got to ride around in one a few times. It was fun.
Do you take naps daily? Not daily, but I have been taking one more often lately.
Do you still make Christmas lists? Yes, my family and I make one for each other.
Do you watch the show Dexter? No.
What's the background on your phone? The lock screen is a pretty picture with a Bible verse and my home screen is Halloween themed. I’ve been switching the theme each week this month with different Halloween themes. I love the new update that allows you to add widgets to the home screen and you can change the background.
When were/will you be a a sophomore in high school? I was a sophomore in 2005.
Are you scared of any animals? I mean, I wouldn’t want to encounter any lions, tigers, or bears. ha. But I’m not afraid to see them at the zoo or in a photo or something, but killer whales? Nopeeeee. Not even a photo or on TV.
Have you ever been to any sort of convention? Hmm. No, I don’t think so.
Which song did you last listen to on repeat? I don’t recall. I don’t usually listen to songs on repeat. Not literally, anyway. I’ll listen to a song a lot, but not back to back to back.
Where do you want to live when you grow up? I am “grown up”, but I better have my beach home one day. 
Are you currently using a blanket? I actually do my blanket over my legs right now. :O It’s finally getting cool at night, which is nice.
Are there any songs that make you cry? Yes, a few.
How many siblings do you have? Two.
What are you doing this weekend? Yesterday I slept until 5PM, got up to make coffee and checked my social medias and emails, started this survey, watched Carrie, Eli Roth’s History of Horror, Cursed Films, and Pet Semetary, had dinner, did my Bible study, read, ate ramen, and now I’m finishing this and watching YouTube videos. Today, I’ll watch my church’s livestream and then do much of the same things but with different TV shows/movies, ha.
Do you prefer swimming at the beach or in a pool? I don’t like swimming at all. I definitely never swam in the ocean, though. Nopeeee.
When was the last time you had a haircut? I got a trim back in February.
Which musical instrument do you think sounds the prettiest? I love the piano.
Are you in band or chorus at your school? I was in choir for a few years and did violin for one year in elementary school.
Do you know what you want for Christmas? I have a few little ideas.
Do you watch fireworks on New Year's Eve? On TV, ha. I like watching the New Year’s Eve festivities every year.
Is your birthday within the next three months? No, my birthday was back in July.
How long is the song you're listening to? I’m not listening to music. I don’t even know the last time I was when asked this question to be honest. I like to listen to ASMR videos while doing surveys.
Are you anticipating anything this week? I’m anticipating it to be a typical week for me.
Is your mom or dad the older parent? My dad is by 4 years.
Have you taken the SATs yet? I never took the SATs.
Do you watch anything on E? Yeah, KUWTK and Daily Pop. They play movies sometimes, too, so I might tune in if they’re playing something I like.
Are you going to get off the computer now that you've finished this? Nope. I’m going to do more surveys.
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wardenari · 4 years
7 Comfort Movies
I was tagged by @thejeeperswife​ and @laraslandlockedblues​.  Thanks!  As soon as I was tagged my brain immediately forgot any movie I’ve ever seen.  Took me a while to remember what the F I like LOL
Once I worked that out though, I had trouble making 7 because there were 8 and I just couldn’t eliminate anyone, so sorry, I don’t listen to the rules :P 
1. The Crow
How much do I love this? I STILL have the VHS because it has the final interview with Brandon Lee on it, which for some reason the DVD does not (???) When I was a senior in High School, actor Brandon Lee was killed on the set of his latest movie. At that time I was really into watching action movies (seemed like Van Damme and Steven Segal had a new movie every month) so I was familiar with Brandon (plus we all knew his dad). His death really hit me. When the movie came out, I was there opening night with my college friends. We watched it (I’m not kidding) 10 more times. Now keep in mind, movies were WAYYYYYY cheaper then, plus we got a college discount!! The sequels were “eh” to me, but this original, still breaks my heart. It’s the story of a loving, young couple killed because she stood up to the wrong people. It’s about getting vengeance, and getting the closure denied to you.
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2. Penny Seranade
This movie is a comfort to me because it’s my grandma’s favorite movie. She lives in NY and I live in NC, so I rarely see her but this movie always makes me think of her. This is a HUGE tear jerker. TW: Miscarriage, Child death
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3. The Big Lebowski
In college I took an “American Comedy” class for an elective. It exposed me to Buster Keaton, Charlie Chaplin, and a host of others. The Coen Brothers was the final film we watched (”Raising Arizona”) and was one of the instructor’s favorites. This was a few years AFTER The Big Lebowski came out. I may have heard of it, but hadn’t seen it. After this class sparked an interest in the Coen brothers, I rented this movie (went to a Blockbuster and everything). Every time I watch this movie I notice something new. What’s it about? A rug. But it really did tie the room together.
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4. Star Trek III: The Search for Spock
This movie is special to me because I remember my dad taking me and my brother (9 and 7 respectfully) to see this in the movies. My dad awakened a love for scifi in me and my brother and it’s something the 3 of us still bond over. I can remember my dad explaining to us the recap from the previous movie so we’d understand what was going on. Every time I see this on TV, I’m taken right back to that movie theater with my dad. It’s Star Trek, so I love it, I’ll watch all of them (well except maybe “Undiscovered Country”) over and over.
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5. Serenity
I know Joss Whedon is not well liked anymore because even though in the 90s he was ahead of his time, he’s sadly not grown and updated his own thinking to reflect how the world had changed and improved.  But this movie is still a comfort to me because I was part of the movement to get it made. I got to see this in theaters 6 months before it was released. It wasn’t a final edit (so there were things in the version I saw that wasn’t in the release). But can you imagine having to keep mum about Wash for 6 fucking months from your best friend? Plus I love the story of a group of rag-tag people on the wrong side of the law taking on the powerful to do what’s right.
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6. The Pink Panther
Oh Inspector Clouseau, you make me laugh so. I’m talking the ORIGINAL, with Peter Sellers here. This and the second movie make me laugh. It’s about a jewel theft, and even though Sellers didn’t even get top billing, he steals the show.
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7. Galaxy Quest
You have to laugh at yourself, and as a sci-fi fan, this movie has that. It lovingly mocks those of us that go to cons, write fanfics, and just worship scifi. And I laugh so so much every time I see this. PLUS it has Sigourney Weaver and Alan Rickman, both of which I just love. Seriously Sigourney is my bad ass hero that I want to be when I grow up.
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8. The Princess Bride This one is on many people’s lists for a good reason -- it’s a great film. This movie was my first ever real date!!  The date was a flop but the movie was great! Several years ago I showed it to the kids of my friend from High School. They didn’t like it so my friend is now wondering where she went wrong with her parenting. If you haven’t seen this well tell me so that once we’re out of isolation, I can come over and MAKE you watch it. It’s a grandfather telling a story to his sick grandson. It has giants, sword fights, pirates, princesses, an evil prince, and, yes, kissing.
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Tagging @kemvee​, @fandomn00blr​, @turbootaku​, @esmeralda-juniper​, @thelittlestfische​, @charlatron​, @serial-chillr​, @sarenkascrawls​
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kittykat-creations · 6 years
"Mom? Hey!" Marcella held the phone between her ear and her shoulder as she looked for her car key. "I have like, ten missed called from you. What's going on?"
"Sorry, Ah fergot y'were at work- sorry," Bella responded.
"You're fine. Is something wrong?"
"Well- alright, no one died," Bella said.
"Ok, there's a long story behind this, but quick version- yer dad got his mind wiped an' lost his memories-"
"Don' interrupt me. Ah'll tell ya the whole thing when ya get here- if yer comin-" Bella sighed. "He's havin' trouble rememberin' everythin' 'bout you an' yer siblin's. Ah thought it might help ta have y'all here. T' trigger 'em. That's how the rest of 'em have been workin'-"
"I mean- what, like, he has amnesia?" Marcella frowned.
"Eh- sorta? It's complicated," Bella said. "But there's ways ta get his memories back."
"Well if it helps, yeah, I'll fly over," Marcella said. "Sky'll stay here to watch Jacob and Brittany. And Brandon can fly back with me-"
"Thanks, sweetie. It means a lot."
"Of course, Mom. I'll see you soon."
"Hey, sweetie!"
"Hey, Mom." Marcella hugged Bella, accepting the kiss she left on her cheek. "Is Dad ok?"
"Yeah- yeah, he's alright," Bella confirmed. "Lee jus' got here yesterday- Ella hasn' shown up yet, but she said she'll be here t'morrow, probably."
"Aunty Marcy!"
Marcella grunted as Taylor and Tyler slammed into her and hugged her.
"Haha! Hey, you two!" She grinned and squeezed them back. A third body joined the group hug. "And Jenny."
"Hey, Mom," Brandon leaned against the doorway leading to the living room.
"Ah! Baby boy!" Marcella grinned and hugged the boy, squishing his cheeks and kissing his forehead.
"Mom, I'm not a baby anymore-" Brandon complained.
"Shush. Where's your grandpa?" Marcella asked.
"In the living room," Brandon said.
"You kids go on- let Marce say hi." Bella shooed the kids upstairs. "Dipper, Mabel!" Said kids appeared from the living room, Mabel holding a scrapbook under her arm. "Marcella's gonna say hi to Stan-"
"Ahh, are you one of Grunkle Stan and Graunty Bella's kids?" Mabel asked excitedly, eyes shining.
"Yeah! I'm your- cousin, I think?" Marcella said. "Wow, I haven't seen you since you were little! But, um- I'm not sure I've met you- Dipper, was it?"
"Y-you have," Dipper mumbled, glancing away and tugging his hat down a bit. "I'm, uh- I-I was-"
"He's my twin!" Mabel interrupted, throwing an arm around her brother. "We saw you when we were seven!"
Everything seemed to click into place rather quickly for Marcella.
"Ah! Ah, alright- yeah!" Marcella smiled. "Well, it's nice to see you again, Dipper. You guys were so small before! It's so weird seeing you both so big."
Dipper smiled and shrugged a bit.
"Alright you two, upstairs with yer cousins," Bella said, shooing them to the stairs. Marcella looked into the living room, where Lee and Stan were sitting on the couch. Stan wrapped an arm around Lee, noogie-ing his head.
"Ah! Dad, cut it out!" Lee laughed, shoving Stan off and adjusting his hair. "I have a thing goin' here."
"Yeah, no one likes the thing you have going on," Marcella teased, folding her arms.
"You don' know what yer talkin' about," Lee said.
"Sorry, who's the fashionista?" Marcella smirked. "Hey, Dad."
"Hey- ...which one are you, again?" Stan frowned a bit.
"Marcella," she said softly, walking over and sitting down. "Mom told me what happened. You ok?"
"Eh, great as I'll ever be." Stan shrugged. "So, uh- you're my daughter."
"Yeah. One of them," Marcella said. "Ella should be heading over. M-my twin."
"Is she the younger one?" Stan asked. Marcella perked up and grinned.
"Yeah! By seven minutes- you remembered!"
"Woah, wait, you're not dad-"
"Oh, um- apologies, I didn't mean to startle you," Ford said, folding his hands behind his back.
"Who- um- so, you're my Uncle Ford?" Marcella asked, frowning a bit.
"...I suppose so." Ford nodded.
"...I'm sorry, I don't mean to be rude by staring-" Marcella shook her head, sitting down at the kitchen table. "Dad always said you were dead- it's a bit weird, seeing you."
Ford smiled a bit, turning to pour out a cup of coffee.
"What, ah- what are you doing up so early?" He asked.
"Ah, my routine has always started early," Marcella said, nodding for Ford to pour her a cup as well. "I'm not really doing my routine today, but I'm just used to waking up early. What about you?"
"I don't really sleep," Ford answered.
They fell into an awkward silence as Ford sat down. He ran a finger along the ring of his cup, glancing around.
"...you have polydactyly," Marcella spoke.
"Huh? Oh- yes, I do." Ford nodded.
"Dad told us about that," Marcella said, smiling a bit. Ford smiled back.
"I remember seeing you before the portal," he said. "You and your sister. You were... about two years old, I believe. And now, you're..."
"Old?" Marcella raised an eyebrow and smirked.
"N-no! Not- I didn't mean it like that." Ford sighed and rubbed the side of his neck. "You're grown up. When I saw you, I- I was excited to have nieces to watch grow up. But it never happened."
"...I heard a lot of stories about you," Marcella said softly. "From Mom and Dad. I always wanted to have an uncle like you. Uncle Michael and Jacen are cool, but not as cool as how you sounded."
"Ah- I'm not that cool."
"Ella sure thought you were." Marcella smiled a bit. "She loved hearing stories about you. Wanted to be just like you."
"I've made a lot of bad decisions. No one's goal should to be like me."
"Well, y'know, 'don't speak ill of the dead'." Marcella shrugged. "We never heard about anything really bad."
"So, do we got a plan to help Dad's memories or what?"
"Well, Ah did dig out a ton'a old family movies," Bella said, setting down a box of VCRs. "Figured watchin' 'em might help."
"Oh, are there embarrassin' ones of Ella and Marcella?" Lee asked, grinning and digging through the box with Bella.
"Probably not nearly as many as there are of you," Ella retorted.
"Hey. Shut up."
"Hey. Make me."
"Moooom, Ella's being mean," Lee complained.
"Yer thirty-three, figure it out yerself," Bella said. "Oh! Here's the one'a us bringin' Ella an' Marcella home!"
She put the VCR in the VHS and got it to play, moving to sit on the couch. (Though, because it was so crowded, she ended up on Stan's lap instead.
"Alright! This here's the video'a us bringin' Ella an' Marcella home fer the first time-"
"C'mon babe, do you really gotta do this?" Stan was grinning either way, holding one of the twins. The other laid in the crib by their bed.
"Oh man, I had a mullet?" Stan asked.
"You had one up until we had to switch clothes to defeat Bill," Ford said. "We had to cut it so you looked more like me."
"Ah miss it," Bella sighed, playing with the ends of Stan's hair.
"It's April 5th, 1975- the girls were born two days ago," Bella was narrating, though hidden behind the camera. "We just got home from the hospital."
"Still don't see why we have to document it," Stan scoffed, setting the twin he was holding in the crib. "Can't we just, I don't know, call your parents and tell them all this?"
"One day yer gonna be glad that we got these videos ta look back on."
"Yeah, yeah." Stan waved her off playfully. "Make sure you get the girls on camera."
"Here, you do some recordin'," Bella said, handing the recorder over to Stan. She appeared on screen, looking tired but happy.
"Woah! You were hot!" Stan exclaimed.
They all burst into laughter.
"'Were'?" Bella questioned.
"Uh- well, you still are, obviously," Stan stammered. Ford snorted.
"Nice save."
"They're so small," Bella murmured, now holding one of the twins. "What the fuuuuuck. They were really in me?"
"Haha! Yeah, babe- that's how pregnancy works."
"Damn. Ah'm still sorta... in shock," Bella said, shaking her head.
"You did a good job, babe," Stan said.
"We did a good job. Though yeah, Ah did do most'a the work," Bella joked.
"Heh. ...how do I turn this thing off?" Stan asked. The camera moved around like Stan was looking over the recorder.
"Here, it's this button-"
"Ah think the rest'a that one is just their first month 'r so," Bella said, standing up and changing out the VCRs. "Hm... let's do one from after Lee's born."
"Yeah, I wanna see myself as a baby," Lee agreed. Bella smiled and put in a new VCR.
"Girls, say hi t'the camera!"
Ella looked up, her finger in her nose, and grinned and waved at the camera.
"Hello!" Marcella chirped.
"Hey, kid, keep still," Stan grunted. He was painting a design on her face with glitter face paint. Both the twins were dressed as fairies, and three-year-old Lee was running around as a pirate, including the eyepatch Stan wore for tours.
"Lee, are ya excited fer yer first Halloween out trick-'r-treatin'?" Bella asked.
"Yeah!" Lee exclaimed.
"Hey pumpkin, show off your costume to the camera," Stan said. Ella grinned and spun around in her costume, grabbing the fairy wings to make them flap.
"An' we're taking the dolls Daddy made of us!" Marcella added, holding up her doll.
"I still have mine," Marcella said softly.
"You do?" Stan asked.
"Mm-hm. You learned to sew just to make them for us. Of course I was gonna keep it."
"I have mine, too," Ella said. "It's under my pillow in the van."
Stan smiled a bit at the two of them before turning back to the TV, grin remaining on his face.
It was late when Bella woke back up. She, Stan, and Ford were asleep on the couch, and it seemed like Lee and the girls had covered them with a blanket. She smiled softly, stretching and sighing. She slowly stood up, making sure to not bother Stan or Ford.
Although- she probably should make sure they get to their beds. Probably a lot more comfortable.
"Psst- Stan," she whispered, gently shaking Stan. She gently tapped the side of his face, successfully waking him.
"Huh- what-?" Stan grunted, rubbing at his eyes. "Ugh- wha's goin' on?"
"We fell asleep," Bella said, helping Stan up. "C'mon- let's get ta bed."
"Uh, yeah, alright," Stan mumbled and yawned. Bella poked Ford's side.
"Hm-? Oh, hello," Ford yawned. "Sorry. I didn't mean to fall asleep."
"Yer alright. We all did," Bella smiled. "Get ta bed, m'kay?"
"Yes yes, alright," Ford said, nodding and standing up.
"Seriously- no coffee 'r work 'r nothin'," Bella said. "Just get ta bed."
"I will, I will." Ford smiled a bit. "Goodnight."
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sleepykittypaws · 7 years
2017 Holiday Classics
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Where to watch classic holiday movies, animated specials and my made-for-TV favorites this season. (NOTES: Only initial seasonal airing is noted here, but channels frequently re-air holiday classics multiple times during the season; check local listings for potential additional dates. Network or basic cable aired films may be edited for content or time)  
Updated: December 10, 2017
A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving (1973 animated special) - Nov. 22
This is America, Charlie Brown: The Mayflower Voyagers (1988 animated special) - Nov. 22
Santa Claus is Comin’ to Town (1970 Rankin-Bass animated special) - Nov. 24
A Charlie Brown Christmas (1965 animated special) - Nov. 30
Shrek the Halls (2007 animated special) - Dec. 7
Toy Story That Time Forgot (2014 animated special) - Dec. 7
Mary Poppins (1964 Disney classic movie starring Julie Andrews) - Dec. 9
Frozen (2013 animated Disney movie) - Dec. 10
Disney Prep & Landing (2009 animated special) - Dec. 14
I Want a Dog for Christmas, Charlie Brown (2003 animated special) - Dec. 16
The Sound of Music (1965 movie musical classic starring Julie Andrews) - Dec. 17
Prep & Landing 2: Naughty v Nice (2011 animated special sequel) - Dec. 19
Happy New Year, Charlie Brown (1985 animated special) - Dec. 26
Rudolph’s Shiny New Year (1976 animated special) - Dec. 26
A Saturday Night Live Thanksgiving (2016 Thanksgiving-themed clip show) - Nov. 22
Dr. Seuss' How the Grinch Stole Christmas (1966 animated special) - Nov. 24
It’s a Wonderful Life (Frank Capra’s 1946 classic starring Jimmy Stewart and Donna Reed) - Dec. 9 / Dec. 24
Frosty the Snowman (1969 animated special) - Nov. 24
Frosty Returns (1992 animated special) - Nov. 24
Robbie the Reindeer: Hooves of Fire (2002 animated special) - Nov. 25
Robbie the Reindeer in Legend of the Lost Tribe (2002 animated special) - Nov. 25
The Story of Santa Claus (1996 animated special) - Nov. 25
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer (1964 animated special) - Nov. 28
Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer (2000 animated special) - Dec. 1
Frosty’s Winter Wonderland (1976 animated special) - Nov. 18
Jack Frost (1998 movie starring Michael Keaton) - Nov. 18
The Year Without a Santa Claus (1974 animated special) -Nov. 18
Disney’s A Christmas Carol (2009 animated movie starring Jim Carey) - Nov. 18
Home Alone (1990 movie starring Macaulay Culkin) - Nov. 18
Elf (2003 movie starring Will Ferrell) - Nov. 19
National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation (1989 movie starring Chevy Chase) - Nov. 19
Jack Frost (1979 animated special) - Nov. 20
Rudolph and Frosty’s Christmas in July (1979 animated special) - Nov. 20
Arthur Christmas (2011 animated movie) - Nov. 20
Snowglobe (2007 made-for-TV movie starring Christina Milian) - Nov. 27
Four Christmases (2008 movie starring Reese Witherspoon) - Nov. 28
The Mistle-Tones (2013 made-for-TV movie starring Tori Spelling) - Nov. 28
Eloise at Christmastime (2003 movie) - Nov. 30
The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993 stop-motion animated movie directed by Tim Burton) - Nov. 30
Snow (2004 made-for-TV movie starring Tom Cavanagh) - Nov. 30
The Year Without a Santa Claus (1974 Rankin-Bass animated special) - Dec. 1
Frosty’s Winter Wonderland (1976 Rankin-Bass animated special) - Dec. 2
Mickey’s Christmas Carol (1983 animated movie) - Dec. 2 
Mickey’s Once Upon a Christmas (1999 animated compilation) - Dec. 2
How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000 live-action film, starring Jim Carrey) - Dec. 2
The Polar Express (2004 animated movie starring Tom Hanks) - Dec. 2
Santa Claus is Comin’ To Town (1970 Rankin-Bass animated special) - Dec. 3
The Santa Clause (1994 Disney movie starring Tim Allen and Martin Short) - Dec. 3
The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause (2006 Disney movie sequel starring Tim Allen) - Dec. 3
Mickey’s Twice Upon a Christmas (2004 animated compilation) - Dec. 4
The Toy Story That Time Forgot (2013 animated special featuring the character’s from Disney-Pixar’s Toy Story movie series) - Dec. 8
The Bells of Fraggle Rock (1985 animated episode of the Fraggle Rock Henson puppet series) - Dec. 11
The Little Drummer Boy (1968 Rankin-Bass animated special) - Dec. 11
Nestor, the Long Eared Christmas Donkey (1977 Rankin-Bass animated special) - Dec. 12
Rudolph and Frosty’s Christmas in July (1979 Rankin-Bass animated special) - Dec. 13
‘Twas the Night Before Christmas (1974 animated special) - Dec. 13
Rudolph’s Shiny New Year (1975 Rankin-Bass animated special) - Dec. 13
Christmas with the Kranks (2004 movie starring Tim Allen) - Dec. 16
Disney’s Prep and Landing (2008 animated special) - Dec. 17
Disney’s Prep and Landing: Naughty vs Nice ( 2011 animated special, sequel to Prep and Landing) - Dec. 17
Frozen (2013 Disney animated movie) - Dec. 17
Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer (2000 animated special) - Dec. 21
Holiday in Handcuffs (2007 made-for-TV movie starring Melissa Joan Hart and Mario Lopez) - Dec. 21
The Glenn Miller Story (1954 movie classic starring Jimmy Stewart) - Nov. 22
Little Women (1933 movie classic starring Katherine Hepburn) - Nov. 23
Love Finds Andy Hardy (1938 movie classic starring Mickey Rooney) - Nov. 23
Susan Slept Here (1954 movie classic starring Debbie Reynolds) - Dec. 2
The Shop Around the Corner (1940 movie classic starring Jimmy Stewart) - Dec. 3
In the Good Old Summertime (1949 movie classic, a remake of The Shop Around the Corner, starring Judy Garland) - Dec. 3
A Christmas Carol (1951 movie classic starring Alastair Sim) - Dec. 8
Scrooge (1935 movie classic starring Seymour Hicks) - Dec. 8
It Happened on 5th Avenue (1947 movie classic starring Victor Moore) - Dec. 9
A Visit to Santa (1963 short film) - Dec. 9
Holiday Affair (1949 movie classic starring Robert Mitchum) - Dec. 10
Meet Me in St. Louis (1944 movie classic starring Judy Garland) - Dec. 10
A Christmas Carol (1938 movie classic starring Reginald Owen) - Dec. 16
Meet John Doe (1941 movie classic directed by Frank Capra) - Dec. 16
Bundle of Joy (1956 movie classic starring Debbie Reynolds and Eddie Fisher) - Dec. 16
Christmas in Connecticut (1945 movie classic starring Barbara Stanwyck) - Dec. 17
The Bishop’s Wife (1947 movie classic starring Cary Grant) - Dec. 17
Little Women (1949 movie classic starring June Allyson) - Dec. 22
The Bell’s of St. Mary’s (1945 movie classic starring Bing Crosby) - Dec. 24
A Pocketful of Miracles (1961 movie classic starring Bette Davis and Glenn Ford) - Dec. 24
Meet John Doe (1941 Frank Capra-directed movie classic starring Gary Cooper) - Dec. 25
Hallmark Channel
Holiday Engagement (2011 made-for-TV movie starring Bonnie Somerville) - Nov. 3
The Nine Lives of Christmas (2014 made-for-TV movie starring Brandon Routh) - Nov. 5
A Boyfriend for Christmas (2004 made-for-TV movie starring Kelli Williams and Patrick Muldoon) - Nov. 5
My Christmas Love (2016 made-for-TV movie starring Meredith Hanger) - Nov. 5
Snow Bride (2013 made-for-TV movie starring Katarina Law) - Nov. 6
Hallmark Movies & Mysteries
Debbie Macomber’s Mrs. Miracle (2009 made-for-TV movie starring Doris Roberts and James Van Der Beek) - Nov. 2
A Family Thanksgiving (2010 made-for-TV movie starring Daphne Zuniga) - Nov. 5
The Christmas Card (2006 made-for-TV movie starring Ed Asner) - Nov. 8
The Elf on the Shelf: An Elf’s Story (2011 animated special) - Nov. 18
Dr. Seuss' How the Grinch Stole Christmas (1966 animated special) - Nov. 18
24 Hours of A Christmas Story (annual 12 back-to-back airings of the 1983 Christmas classic) - Dec. 24-25
Christmas with the Kranks (2004 movie starring Tim Allen) - Nov. 23
The Holiday (2006 movie starring Kate Winslet and Cameron Diaz) - Dec. 4
The Holiday (2006 movie starring Kate Winslet and Cameron Diaz) - Nov. 12
Love, Actually (2003 movie starring Hugh Grant and Emma Thompson) - Nov. 13
HBO Comedy
This Christmas  (2016 movie starring Gabrielle Union and Danny Glover) - Dec. 5
Peter Tchaikovsky: The Nutcracker and the Mouse King (Dutch-centric production by Toer van Schayk and Wayne Eagling performed by the Dutch National Ballet) - Dec. 12
The Nutcracker: Semperoper (based on the libretto by Maria Petipa, focusing on the work’s fairy-tale elements; choreography by Aaron S Watkin and Jason Beechey) - Dec. 13
The Nutcracker (classic production from the Berlin State Opera) - Dec. 14 
Andy Williams Classic Christmas Special (classic holiday variety show) - Dec. 3
Bing Crosby Classic Christmas Special (classic holiday variety show) - Dec. 10
Perry Como Classic Christmas Special (classic holiday variety show) - Dec. 17
Danny Kaye Classic Christmas Special (classic holiday variety show) - Dec. 24
Ebenezer (1997 made-for-TV movie with a Wild West take on A Christmas Carol, starring Ricky Schroder and Jack Palance) - Dec. 24
Blizzard (2003 movie starring Brenda Blethyn, Christopher Plummer and Whoopi Goldberg) - Dec. 25
The Movie Channel
Love the Coopers (2015 movie starring Diane Keaton and John Goodman)- Nov. 19
Starz Kids
Home Alone 2 (2009 made-for-TV movie starring Macaulay Culkin, sequel to Home Alone)- Nov. 17
Simpson’s Christmas Week (every night at 6 PM, FXX will play classic Simpson’s holiday episodes, culminating with a 12-episode marathon on Christmas Day)- Dec. 18
Simpson’s New Year’s Eve (12-hour Simpson’s marathon starting with the The Simpson’s Movie) - Dec. 31
A Very Brady Christmas (1988 movie based on the classic 1970s series)-Dec. 3
Alf’s Special Christmas (1987 special episode of the series, one of the weirdest Christmas specials ever) - Dec. 10
Scrooge (1970 musical version of A Christmas Carol, starring Albert Finney) - Dec. 24
Get TV
Secret of Giving (1999 made-for-TV movie starring Reba McEntire) - Nov. 23
The Johnny Cash Christmas Show (1977 musical special featuring Roy Orbison and Jerry Lee Lewis) - Nov. 23
The Christmas Gift (1986 made-for-TV movie starring John Denver) - Nov. 24
A Town Without Christmas (2001 made-for-TV movie starring Patricia Heaton and Ernie Hudson) - Nov. 24
Yes, Virginia There Is A Santa Claus (1991 made-for-TV movie starring Richard Thomas, Ed Asner & Charles Bronson) - Nov. 26
The Christmas Wish (1998 made-for-TV movie starring Neil Patrick Harris and Debbie Reynolds) - Nov. 27
Vanessa Williams & Friends: Christmas in New York (1996 musical special featuring Luther Vandross) - Nov. 28
The Kid Who Loved Christmas (1990 made-for-TV movie starring Cicely Tyson and Sammy Davis, Jr.) - Nov. 28
The Sons of Mistletoe (2001 made-for-TV movie starring Roma Downey and Doris Roberts) - Nov. 29
Christmas with the King Family: 50th Anniversary (50th anniversary presentation of the classic 1967 variety special) - Nov. 29
Bing Crosby and the Sounds of Christmas (1971 musical special) - Nov. 30
Miracle in the Wilderness (1991 made-for-TV movie starring Kris Kristofferson and Kim Cattrall) - Dec. 1
A Christmas Carol (1999 made-for-movie adaptation of the Dickens classic starring Patrick Stewart) - Dec. 3
Christmas on Division Street (1991 made-for-TV movie starring Fred Savage and Hume Cronyn) - Dec. 4
Perry Como’s Christmas in Austria (1976 musical special) - Dec. 5
I’ll Be Home for Christmas (1997 made-for-TV movie starring Ann Jillian, Jack Palance and Robert Hays) - Dec. 5
Johnny Cash Christmas (1983 musical special featuring Ricky Skaggs and Merle Haggard) - Dec. 7
Mac Davis Special: The Music of Christmas (1983 musical special featuring Gladys Knight, Barbra Mandrell and Ronnie Milsap) - Dec. 7
Father Knows Best: Home for Christmas (1977 made-for-TV movie starring Robert Young, based on the long-running 1950s series) - Dec. 8
Once Upon a Christmas (2000 made-for-TV movie starring Kathy Ireland) - Dec. 15
Twice Upon a Christmas (2001 made-for-TV movie starring Kathy Ireland, sequel to Once Upon a Christmas)
Bad Santa (2003 movie starring Billy Bob Thornton and Lauren Graham) - available now
Bad Santa 2 (2016 movie starring Billy Bob Thornton and Kathy Bates) - available now
Bridget Jones’s Diary (2001 movie starring Rene Zellweger, Hugh Grant and Colin Firth) - available now
The Christmas Card (2006 made-for-TV Hallmark Christmas movie, starring Ed Asner)
Christmas with the Kranks (2004 movie starring Tim Allen) - available now
The Corpse Bride (2005 stop motion animated movie directed by Tim Burton) - available now
Curious George: A Very Monkey Christmas (2009 animated movie) - available now
Earnest Saves Christmas (1988 movie starring Jim Varney) - available now
Get Santa (2014 British Christmas movie starring Warwick Davis and Jim Broadbent) - available now
Good Luck Charlie It’s Christmas (2011 Disney Channel original movie based on the Disney Channel series of the same name) - available now
Gremlins (1984 movie) - available now
How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000 live action film, starring Jim Carrey) - available now
Holiday Engagement (2011 made-for-TV movie starring Bonnie Somerville) - available now
Kung Fu Panda Holiday (2010 animated special) - available now
The Legend of Frosty the Snowman (2005 animated sequel to the classic special) - available now
Love, Actually (2003 movie starring Hugh Grant and Emma Thompson) - available now
Mariah Carey’s Merriest Christmas (2015 musical special) - available now
Magic Snowflake (2013 animated movie) - available now
Merry Madagascar (2009 animated special; packaged with other Dreamworks holiday shorts as “DreamWorks Holiday Classics”) - available now
Mickey’s Magical Christmas: Snowed In at the House of Mickey Mouse (2001 animated Christmas compilation) - available now
Mickey’s Once Upon a Christmas (1999 animated compilation) - available now
Mickey’s Twice Upon a Christmas (2004 animated compilation) - available now
The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993 stop motion animated movie directed by Tim Burton) - available now
Pee Wee’s Playhouse Christmas Special (1988 special) - available now
Pete’s Christmas (2013 made-for-TV Christmas movie starring Bailee Madison) - available now
Phineas and Ferb Christmas Vacation (2009 animated special; listed as episode 21 of season 2) - available now
The Ref (1994 movie starring Dennis Leary and Kevin Spacey) - available now
Radio City Christmas Spectacular (2007 special featuring the NYC Christmas show tradition) - available now
Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer (1964 Rankin-Bass animated special) - available now
Santa Buddies (2009 Disney movie) - available now
The Search for Santa Paws (2010 Disney movie) - available now
Stick Man (2015 BBC animated special; starring Martin Freeman, based on the book by Julia Donaldson) - available now
12 Dates of Christmas (2011 ABC Family made-for-TV Christmas movie starring Mark-Paul Gosselaar and Amy Smart) - available now
A Very Murray Christmas (2015 variety special starring Bill Murray) - available now
White Christmas (1954 movie classic starring Bing Crosby, Danny Kaye and Rosemary Clooney) - available now
Dreamworks: Trolls Holiday - (holiday special starring Anna Kendrick, Justin Timberlake and Zooey Deschanel, featuring characters from the 2016 Dreamworks feature film) - Dec. 6
Becoming Santa (2013 documentary about the Santa Claus culture) - available now
Caillou's Holiday Movie (2003 animated movie, based on the children’s series) - available now
The Christmas Dragon (2014 animated movie) - available now
Disney’s Winnie the Pooh: A Very Merry Pooh Year (2002 animated film) - available now
The Holiday (2006 movie starring Kate Winslet and Cameron Diaz) - available now
A Holiday Tale (2008 movie starring Catherine Deneuve) - available now
Home for the Holidays (1995 movie starring Holly Hunter) - available now
Inspector Gadget Saves Christmas (1992 animated special) - available now
Love, the Coopers (2015 movie starring Diane Keaton and John Goodman) - available now
Noel (2005 movie starring Penelope Cruz and Susan Sarandon) - available now
One Magic Christmas (1985 Disney movie starring Mary Steenburgen and Harry Dean Stanton) - available now
A Snow Globe Christmas (2013 made-for-TV movie starring Alicia Witt and Christina Milian) - available now
A Very Brady Christmas (1988 movie based on the classic 1970s series) - available now
Yes, Virginia (2009 animated special) - available now
Amazon Prime
A Christmas Carol (1969 animated special, originally aired on NBC) - available now
Abbott & Costello Christmas Show (1955 Christmas special) - available now
An American Girl Story, Maryellen 1955: Extraordinary Christmas (2016 original movie) - available now
Annoying Orange: Christmas is for Giving (2010 animated special) - available now
The Bear Who Slept Through Christmas (1973 animated special) - available now
B.C. A Special Christmas (1981 animated special) - available now
B.C. The First Thanksgiving (1973 animated special) - available now
Bob Hope Christmas Special (1967 variety special) - available now
Charlie Brown’s Christmas Tales (2002 animated special) - available now
A Child’s Christmas (2008 British animated special, narrated by Matthew Rhys) - available now
The Christmas Carol (1949 TV telling of the classic Dickens tale narrated by Vincent Price) - available now
A Christmas Story Documentary: Road Trip For Ralphie (2008 doc about the classic Christmas film) -available now
The Christmas That Almost Wasn’t (1966 Italian movie, avant garde take on A Christmas Carol) - available now
The Christmas Wife (1988 made-for-TV movie starring Jason Robards) - available now
A Christmas Without Snow (1980 made-for-TV movie starring John Houseman and Michael Learned) - available now
Frosty’s Winter Wonderland (1976 Rankin-Bass animated special) - available now
If You Give a Mouse a Christmas Cookie (2016 original animated special) - available now
The Great Rupert a.k.a. A Christmas Wish (1950 movie starring Jimmy Durante) - available now
Happy New Year, Charlie Brown (1985 animated special) - available now
A Hobo’s Christmas (1987 made-for-TV movie starring Gerald McCraney) - available now
The Holiday (2006 movie starring Kate Winslet and Cameron Diaz) - available now
Holiday Engagement (2011 made-for-TV movie starring Bonnie Somerville) - available now
I Want a Dog for Christmas, Charlie Brown (2003 animated special) - available now
Jack Frost (1979 Rankin-Bass animated special) - available now
The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus (1976 Rankin-Bass animated special) - available now
The Little Christmas Burro (1977 animated special available as part of Christmas Classics Vol. 2) - available now
Merry Christmas from Funny or Die (2010 special featuring Ryan Gosling and Will Ferrell) - available now
A Merry Friggin Christmas (2014 movie starring Robin Williams) - available now
Mr. Bill's Christmas Special (1994 Canadian special) - available now
Mr. Magoo’s Christmas Carol (1961 animated special) - available now
Pinocchio’s Christmas (1980 Rankin-Bass animated special) - available now
Red Skelton Christmas Classics (1955 variety specials highlights) - available now
Rudolph and Frosty’s Christmas in July (1979 Rankin-Bass animated special) - available now
Rudolph’s Shiny New Year (1975 Rankin-Bass animated special) - available now
Santa Claus Conquers the Martians (1964 camp classic) - available now
Scrooge (1935 movie classic starring Seymour Hicks; colorized version) - available now
Scrooged (1988 movie starring Bill Murray) - available now
Shower of Stars: A Christmas Carol (1954 TV presentation featuring Basil Rathbone and Fredric March) - available now
The Snowy Day (2016 original animated special, based on the classic children’s book) - available now
The Snowman (1982 animated special based on classic children’s picture book) - available now
The Snowman and the Snowdog (2014 animated special sequel to The Snowman) - available now
This is America, Charlie Brown: The Mayflower Voyagers (1988 animated special) - available now
Story of the Christmas Toys (animated special narrated by Mel Torme)
A Thanksgiving Tale (1983 puppet special from the producers of Alf) - available now
The Year Without a Santa Claus (1974 Rankin-Bass animated special) - available now
Yo Gabba Gabba: A Very Awesome Live Holiday Show! (2014 special) - available now
31 notes · View notes
melindarowens · 6 years
Democrats pick nominee in PA-18
The following newsletter is an abridged version of Campaign Pro’s Morning Score. For an earlier morning read on exponentially more races — and for a more comprehensive aggregation of the day’s most important campaign news — sign up for Campaign Pro today. (http://www.politicopro.com/proinfo)
THE NEXT SPECIAL — “Conor Lamb is Democrats’ pick to replace Tim Murphy,” by the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette’s Chris Potter: “Over 500 Democratic committeepeople gathered in Washington, Pa., on Sunday to pick former federal prosecutor Conor Lamb, who has never run for office before, to be their champion in a special election for the 18th Congressional District to replace Tim Murphy. … In a speech before the vote, Mr. Lamb said his ‘mission’ would be to confront Republicans on what he called ‘a public hypocrisy fully equal to the private hypocrisy of Tim Murphy,’ who resigned in October amid allegations he was having an extramarital affair. Mr. Lamb, 33, of Mt. Lebanon was an assistant U.S. attorney in the Pittsburgh office until he stepped down just after Mr. Murphy stepped down. He is a Marine Corps veteran and prosecutor whose cases included the successful prosecution of a Naval Academy instructor who lied under oath about sexual misconduct involving female servicepeople. Mr. Lamb is from a notable public family: His uncle Michael Lamb is Pittsburgh’s city controller, and his grandfather Thomas Lamb was the Democratic leader in the state Senate during the 1970s, later becoming Gov. Robert P. Casey’s top legislative aide. …. Mr. Lamb was widely regarded as a moderate choice for Democrats. … Asked whether he would support California Democrat Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House, he said answering would be ‘presumptuous.’” Full story.
Story Continued Below
— Republicans picked state Rep. Rick Saccone as their nominee last weekend. The special election is set for March 16.
THE ETERNAL QUESTION — “Republican Governors’ 2018 Dilemma: What to Do About Trump?,” by the New York Times’ Jonathan Martin and Alexander Burns in Austin, Texas: “In a series of closed-door meetings, governors tangled over how best to avoid being tainted by Mr. Trump, and debated the delicate task of steering Mr. Trump’s political activities away from states where he might be unhelpful. Several complained directly to Vice President Mike Pence, prodding him to ensure that the White House intervenes only in races in which its involvement is welcome. … Several candidates and strategists said the governors association had been pressing recruits to define themselves early and develop independent personal brands. But that is a more complicated task than it was during the Obama years, when Republican governors shared an easy template of railing against a Democratic administration and fiscal profligacy at the state level. What Republicans agree on is that their candidates must avoid the contortions of Ed Gillespie, their Virginia nominee for governor, who embraced Mr. Trump’s divisive messages on immigration, crime and Confederate ‘heritage’ but danced inartfully around whether he actually supported the president. ‘You can’t be halfway in and halfway out,’ said Gov. Phil Bryant of Mississippi, a conservative and admirer of Mr. Trump’s.” Full story.
— HE’S BACK — “POLITICO Pro Q&A: Colorado Republican Tom Tancredo,” by Campaign Pro’s Daniel Strauss: “You’ve run two times before for governor. What makes this time different? The polls indicate that, certainly No. 1, I have the best chances of winning in the primary. And No. 2, I am tied with Jared Polis; he’s most likely the Democratic candidate. Now, that’s more than anyone else out there. So why would I not say that’s a pretty good indication? So your expectation is that Polis will be the nominee? Yes. Anybody that’s going to put $30 million into the race, which is what he has promised, will almost certainly — even though he is not, I would say, the favorite of the Democratic establishment. I think $30 million can turn a lot of heads.” Full story.
THE YEAR’S BEST ROMANTIC COMEDY — “Trump still loves polls,” by POLITICO’s Josh Dawsey and Steven Shepard: “Aides in the White House often show Trump polls designed to make him feel good, according to aides and advisers. Usually they’re the ones that focus just on voters who cast ballots for him in 2016 or are potential Trump supporters —Trump’s base — but occasionally include public polls like Rasmussen, depending on what the numbers say. … When the White House sent internal poll numbers to about 15 legislators last month in hopes of pressuring them to support tax reform, it wasn’t the usual approve-disapprove. Instead, the polls delineated by the president’s base, steady Trump voters, soft Trump voters, lean Dem independent voters, white working class men, suburban women. For example, in New Jersey’s seventh congressional district, a wealthier stretch that includes Trump’s Bedminster golf club, 72.7 percent of the president’s base approves of him, while 67.9 percent of Republicans approve, internal polls obtained by POLITICO show. There was no data on his approval rating overall. The numbers came from the Republican National Committee. … Aides in Trump’s political affairs shop shrug off public polls that survey the general public. Most of the public pollsters are seen as ‘not understanding him,’ one senior White House official said, a position carried over from the campaign, when many polls underestimated support for Trump.” Full story.
MONEY CHASE — FIRST IN SCORE: The DSCC raised more than $4.1 million in October and has more than $17.5 million cash on hand. The committee had $15.7 million on hand and $8 million in debt at the end of September.
Days until the 2018 election: 354. (Updated for 11/17)
Thanks for joining us! You can email tips to the Campaign Pro team at [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] and [email protected].
You can also follow us on Twitter: @politicoscott, @ec_schneider, @politicokevin, @danielstrauss4 and @maggieseverns.
PROGRAMMING NOTE: Morning Score will not publish from Nov. 23-Nov. 26. Our next Morning Score newsletter will publish on Nov. 27.
FRANKEN FALLOUT — “Sen. Al Franken faces fallout from account of sexual harassment,” by the Minneapolis Star-Tribune’s Maya Rao and Brandon Stahl: “Supporters, political allies and former employees of U.S. Sen. Al Franken responded with dismay, confusion and support Friday following his public apology for unwanted kissing and groping of a woman in 2006. Some distanced themselves from the Democratic senator, including a Minnesota rape survivor who said she no longer wants Franken to sponsor legislation she has championed to aid sexual assault survivors. At the same time, a group of eight women who worked for Franken in recent years released a letter of support stating that he always ‘treated us with the utmost respect.’ … Two DFL candidates for governor in 2018, State Auditor Rebecca Otto and state Rep. Erin Murphy, said Franken should resign, while a third — St. Paul Mayor Chris Coleman — said that was for Franken to decide.” Full story.
— “Lujan Grisham: Senate leader should leave race,” by the AP’s Russell Contreras and Morgan Lee: “New Mexico Democratic gubernatorial candidate Michelle Lujan Grisham said Friday that Democratic Sen. Michael Padilla should end his bid for lieutenant governor over claims he harassed women as a city of Albuquerque supervisor. Padilla has long denied the harassment claims dating back to 2006 that he links to issues of a hostile workplace environment and not sexual harassment. But Lujan Grisham said in a statement to The Associated Press that Padilla should end his campaign as the decade-old allegations began to resurface on social media and amid sexual harassment cases involving other political leaders and celebrities.” Full story.
DAILY WAR EAGLE — “Roy Moore scandal ignites fundraising explosion for Democratic challenger Doug Jones,” by NBC News’ Alex Seitz-Wald: “The Roy Moore scandal has unleashed a torrent of online donations to Democrat Doug Jones, who was collecting around $250,000 per day in its immediate aftermath, according to two sources familiar with the matter who spoke to NBC News on condition of anonymity.” Full story.
ANOTHER ONE — “Indiana candidate’s DC-area home complicates Senate campaign,” by the AP’s Brian Slodysko: “His family lives in McLean, Virginia, keeps a vacation house in Dandridge, Tennessee, yet sold their home in Indiana two years after his election to Congress in 2012. They now say a two-bedroom house Messer co-owns with his mom in Greensburg is the family’s Indiana residence. … For his part, Messer says he relocated his family in order to stay close. He was raised by a single mother and wanted to be engaged in his three kids’ day-to-day lives, unlike his own father. Plus, his family’s move to Virginia was well known and never a secret, he said. ‘I am proud to serve our state, but being a dad comes first,’ Messer said in a statement Wednesday. ‘My opponents think that’s gonna cost me this election. If it did, I would never regret it.’” Full story.
PRIMARY CONCERNS — “Dems opt for state-run primary in Virginia’s 10th District,” by the AP: “Democrats will hold a state-run primary next year in their race to unseat Republican Barbara Comstock from a northern Virginia congressional district. … The 10th District Congressional Committee voted Saturday to hold a state-run primary, rather than a convention or ‘firehouse primary,’ to nominate a candidate for the 2018 race. Nine Democrats, including state Sen. Jennifer Wexton, have already announced plans to run for the seat.” Full story.
— FLASHBACK — “Democrats weigh convention instead of primary in top House battleground,” by Campaign Pro’s Kevin Robillard on Sept. 13: “Democratic officials in one of the nation’s most contested House districts are considering picking their nominee through a convention rather than a primary, a step opposed by all but one of the leading candidates: Virginia state Sen. Jennifer Wexton, the only Democratic elected official in the race against GOP Rep. Barbara Comstock. … Some Democrats in the district think Wexton, the only candidate with experience running elections in the 10th District, may prefer a more insular convention to a more expensive primary.” Full story.
2018 WATCH — “Wolf starting to look like ‘two-term Tom’ as 2018 approaches,” by the Associated Press’ Marc Levy: “Democratic Gov. Tom Wolf likely has wrapped up his biggest first-term fights with the Legislature’s huge Republican majorities and his record is largely set a year before voters decide whether to give him a second term. He now heads into the 2018 election year with political winds at his back. Wolf’s polls currently resemble those of former Gov. Ed Rendell’s, the Democrat who won a second term in 2006, rather than former Gov. Tom Corbett’s, the Republican who Wolf beat in 2014 to make the first Pennsylvania governor to lose re-election and the original ‘one-term Tom.’” Full story.
QUOTE OF THE DAY: “Did he go visit them in jail? Did you go visit them in jail? If you went to visit them in jail then I would say, ‘Thank you.’” — LaVar Ball, explaining why he isn’t thanking President Donald Trump for freeing his son.
Source link
source https://capitalisthq.com/democrats-pick-nominee-in-pa-18/ from CapitalistHQ http://capitalisthq.blogspot.com/2017/11/democrats-pick-nominee-in-pa-18.html
0 notes
everettwilkinson · 6 years
Democrats pick nominee in PA-18
The following newsletter is an abridged version of Campaign Pro’s Morning Score. For an earlier morning read on exponentially more races — and for a more comprehensive aggregation of the day’s most important campaign news — sign up for Campaign Pro today. (http://www.politicopro.com/proinfo)
THE NEXT SPECIAL — “Conor Lamb is Democrats’ pick to replace Tim Murphy,” by the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette’s Chris Potter: “Over 500 Democratic committeepeople gathered in Washington, Pa., on Sunday to pick former federal prosecutor Conor Lamb, who has never run for office before, to be their champion in a special election for the 18th Congressional District to replace Tim Murphy. … In a speech before the vote, Mr. Lamb said his ‘mission’ would be to confront Republicans on what he called ‘a public hypocrisy fully equal to the private hypocrisy of Tim Murphy,’ who resigned in October amid allegations he was having an extramarital affair. Mr. Lamb, 33, of Mt. Lebanon was an assistant U.S. attorney in the Pittsburgh office until he stepped down just after Mr. Murphy stepped down. He is a Marine Corps veteran and prosecutor whose cases included the successful prosecution of a Naval Academy instructor who lied under oath about sexual misconduct involving female servicepeople. Mr. Lamb is from a notable public family: His uncle Michael Lamb is Pittsburgh’s city controller, and his grandfather Thomas Lamb was the Democratic leader in the state Senate during the 1970s, later becoming Gov. Robert P. Casey’s top legislative aide. …. Mr. Lamb was widely regarded as a moderate choice for Democrats. … Asked whether he would support California Democrat Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House, he said answering would be ‘presumptuous.’” Full story.
Story Continued Below
— Republicans picked state Rep. Rick Saccone as their nominee last weekend. The special election is set for March 16.
THE ETERNAL QUESTION — “Republican Governors’ 2018 Dilemma: What to Do About Trump?,” by the New York Times’ Jonathan Martin and Alexander Burns in Austin, Texas: “In a series of closed-door meetings, governors tangled over how best to avoid being tainted by Mr. Trump, and debated the delicate task of steering Mr. Trump’s political activities away from states where he might be unhelpful. Several complained directly to Vice President Mike Pence, prodding him to ensure that the White House intervenes only in races in which its involvement is welcome. … Several candidates and strategists said the governors association had been pressing recruits to define themselves early and develop independent personal brands. But that is a more complicated task than it was during the Obama years, when Republican governors shared an easy template of railing against a Democratic administration and fiscal profligacy at the state level. What Republicans agree on is that their candidates must avoid the contortions of Ed Gillespie, their Virginia nominee for governor, who embraced Mr. Trump’s divisive messages on immigration, crime and Confederate ‘heritage’ but danced inartfully around whether he actually supported the president. ‘You can’t be halfway in and halfway out,’ said Gov. Phil Bryant of Mississippi, a conservative and admirer of Mr. Trump’s.” Full story.
— HE’S BACK — “POLITICO Pro Q&A: Colorado Republican Tom Tancredo,” by Campaign Pro’s Daniel Strauss: “You’ve run two times before for governor. What makes this time different? The polls indicate that, certainly No. 1, I have the best chances of winning in the primary. And No. 2, I am tied with Jared Polis; he’s most likely the Democratic candidate. Now, that’s more than anyone else out there. So why would I not say that’s a pretty good indication? So your expectation is that Polis will be the nominee? Yes. Anybody that’s going to put $30 million into the race, which is what he has promised, will almost certainly — even though he is not, I would say, the favorite of the Democratic establishment. I think $30 million can turn a lot of heads.” Full story.
THE YEAR’S BEST ROMANTIC COMEDY — “Trump still loves polls,” by POLITICO’s Josh Dawsey and Steven Shepard: “Aides in the White House often show Trump polls designed to make him feel good, according to aides and advisers. Usually they’re the ones that focus just on voters who cast ballots for him in 2016 or are potential Trump supporters —Trump’s base — but occasionally include public polls like Rasmussen, depending on what the numbers say. … When the White House sent internal poll numbers to about 15 legislators last month in hopes of pressuring them to support tax reform, it wasn’t the usual approve-disapprove. Instead, the polls delineated by the president’s base, steady Trump voters, soft Trump voters, lean Dem independent voters, white working class men, suburban women. For example, in New Jersey’s seventh congressional district, a wealthier stretch that includes Trump’s Bedminster golf club, 72.7 percent of the president’s base approves of him, while 67.9 percent of Republicans approve, internal polls obtained by POLITICO show. There was no data on his approval rating overall. The numbers came from the Republican National Committee. … Aides in Trump’s political affairs shop shrug off public polls that survey the general public. Most of the public pollsters are seen as ‘not understanding him,’ one senior White House official said, a position carried over from the campaign, when many polls underestimated support for Trump.” Full story.
MONEY CHASE — FIRST IN SCORE: The DSCC raised more than $4.1 million in October and has more than $17.5 million cash on hand. The committee had $15.7 million on hand and $8 million in debt at the end of September.
Days until the 2018 election: 354. (Updated for 11/17)
Thanks for joining us! You can email tips to the Campaign Pro team at [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] and [email protected].
You can also follow us on Twitter: @politicoscott, @ec_schneider, @politicokevin, @danielstrauss4 and @maggieseverns.
PROGRAMMING NOTE: Morning Score will not publish from Nov. 23-Nov. 26. Our next Morning Score newsletter will publish on Nov. 27.
FRANKEN FALLOUT — “Sen. Al Franken faces fallout from account of sexual harassment,” by the Minneapolis Star-Tribune’s Maya Rao and Brandon Stahl: “Supporters, political allies and former employees of U.S. Sen. Al Franken responded with dismay, confusion and support Friday following his public apology for unwanted kissing and groping of a woman in 2006. Some distanced themselves from the Democratic senator, including a Minnesota rape survivor who said she no longer wants Franken to sponsor legislation she has championed to aid sexual assault survivors. At the same time, a group of eight women who worked for Franken in recent years released a letter of support stating that he always ‘treated us with the utmost respect.’ … Two DFL candidates for governor in 2018, State Auditor Rebecca Otto and state Rep. Erin Murphy, said Franken should resign, while a third — St. Paul Mayor Chris Coleman — said that was for Franken to decide.” Full story.
— “Lujan Grisham: Senate leader should leave race,” by the AP’s Russell Contreras and Morgan Lee: “New Mexico Democratic gubernatorial candidate Michelle Lujan Grisham said Friday that Democratic Sen. Michael Padilla should end his bid for lieutenant governor over claims he harassed women as a city of Albuquerque supervisor. Padilla has long denied the harassment claims dating back to 2006 that he links to issues of a hostile workplace environment and not sexual harassment. But Lujan Grisham said in a statement to The Associated Press that Padilla should end his campaign as the decade-old allegations began to resurface on social media and amid sexual harassment cases involving other political leaders and celebrities.” Full story.
DAILY WAR EAGLE — “Roy Moore scandal ignites fundraising explosion for Democratic challenger Doug Jones,” by NBC News’ Alex Seitz-Wald: “The Roy Moore scandal has unleashed a torrent of online donations to Democrat Doug Jones, who was collecting around $250,000 per day in its immediate aftermath, according to two sources familiar with the matter who spoke to NBC News on condition of anonymity.” Full story.
ANOTHER ONE — “Indiana candidate’s DC-area home complicates Senate campaign,” by the AP’s Brian Slodysko: “His family lives in McLean, Virginia, keeps a vacation house in Dandridge, Tennessee, yet sold their home in Indiana two years after his election to Congress in 2012. They now say a two-bedroom house Messer co-owns with his mom in Greensburg is the family’s Indiana residence. … For his part, Messer says he relocated his family in order to stay close. He was raised by a single mother and wanted to be engaged in his three kids’ day-to-day lives, unlike his own father. Plus, his family’s move to Virginia was well known and never a secret, he said. ‘I am proud to serve our state, but being a dad comes first,’ Messer said in a statement Wednesday. ‘My opponents think that’s gonna cost me this election. If it did, I would never regret it.’” Full story.
PRIMARY CONCERNS — “Dems opt for state-run primary in Virginia’s 10th District,” by the AP: “Democrats will hold a state-run primary next year in their race to unseat Republican Barbara Comstock from a northern Virginia congressional district. … The 10th District Congressional Committee voted Saturday to hold a state-run primary, rather than a convention or ‘firehouse primary,’ to nominate a candidate for the 2018 race. Nine Democrats, including state Sen. Jennifer Wexton, have already announced plans to run for the seat.” Full story.
— FLASHBACK — “Democrats weigh convention instead of primary in top House battleground,” by Campaign Pro’s Kevin Robillard on Sept. 13: “Democratic officials in one of the nation’s most contested House districts are considering picking their nominee through a convention rather than a primary, a step opposed by all but one of the leading candidates: Virginia state Sen. Jennifer Wexton, the only Democratic elected official in the race against GOP Rep. Barbara Comstock. … Some Democrats in the district think Wexton, the only candidate with experience running elections in the 10th District, may prefer a more insular convention to a more expensive primary.” Full story.
2018 WATCH — “Wolf starting to look like ‘two-term Tom’ as 2018 approaches,” by the Associated Press’ Marc Levy: “Democratic Gov. Tom Wolf likely has wrapped up his biggest first-term fights with the Legislature’s huge Republican majorities and his record is largely set a year before voters decide whether to give him a second term. He now heads into the 2018 election year with political winds at his back. Wolf’s polls currently resemble those of former Gov. Ed Rendell’s, the Democrat who won a second term in 2006, rather than former Gov. Tom Corbett’s, the Republican who Wolf beat in 2014 to make the first Pennsylvania governor to lose re-election and the original ‘one-term Tom.’” Full story.
QUOTE OF THE DAY: “Did he go visit them in jail? Did you go visit them in jail? If you went to visit them in jail then I would say, ‘Thank you.’” — LaVar Ball, explaining why he isn’t thanking President Donald Trump for freeing his son.
Source link
from CapitalistHQ.com https://capitalisthq.com/democrats-pick-nominee-in-pa-18/
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furederiko · 7 years
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Here's the 3rd, but probably not the last Random News Digest for April...
X-Men Universe
Looks like 20th Century FOX has found its superhero niche, that's able to place the studio on a similar level to its more popular Marvel counterpart, Marvel Studios. And that is, the R-Rated department! Yes, following the success of "Deadpool", now "Logan" has secured its place as the fourth highest grossing R-rated movie of all time. So while the studio might not be able to catch up the financial and critical success in the PG-13 department, it's going strong in the older-oriented market with approximately $598 million cume. Currently finishing its seventh weekend run, the critically acclaimed "Logan" is only $13 million away from taking over Mel Gibson's "The Passion of the Christ" that's still sitting on the third place. There is a possibility that it might get dethroned, but with the Summer movies like "Fate of the Furious" entering the competition and massively snatching away public's attention, things are definitely not quite so certain anymore. I guess we'll have to wait and see how the movie performs this week, right?
Earlier today (my time region, so I believe it's... yesterday in the US?), Josh Brolin trolled actor Ryan Reynolds via social media, now that his involvement in "Deadpool 2" has been publicly confirmed. True to his character Cable, and his long tumultous history with Deadpool, Brolin's making fun of the movie's lead by calling him out with '#ryanreyondsismybitch'. Marvel Studios' Kevin Feige confirmed very recently, that his studio does NOT prohibit its actors from starring other superhero character in other studios. Particularly, in regards of Brolin's double roles. So I'm guessing Brolin gets to have the best of both worlds... or should I say universes. He's a major supervillain in Marvel Cinematic Universe, but a crucial superhero in the X-Men side at the same year. Could one actor get any privilege cooler than that? By the way, is that the photo of him preparing for prosthetics? After all, Cable is a character with both human and robotic body. Seriously, with how comically accurate "Deadpool" depicted Piotr Rasputin/Collosus, I can't help but wonder how authentic Brolin's Cable would look...
Marvel Studios
Let's get the biggest and most important news out of the way first. James Gunn is returning to write and direct "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3"! Revealing this huge information in advance, just ahead of the first US press junket and screening of "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2", Gunn took to Facebook to express his heartwarming love and devotion to the franchise. Typical Gunn, to be honest, to not let himself be outdone by any journalists who would claim scoops and exclusives. Of course, this isn't actually surprising as much as a confirmation, because he HAD expressed interest to walk through the same cosmic road before this, albeit still in 'uncertain mode'.
If you ask me, this is a VERY wise choice, because that means we can expect the same style and tone moving forward to the 3rd and possibly final movie of the franchise. Why final? Gunn himself stated that the third movie "...will conclude the story of this iteration of the Guardians of the Galaxy, and help catapult both old and new Marvel characters into the next ten years and beyond. I will be working side-by-side with Kevin Feige and the gang to help design where these stories go, and make sure the future of the Marvel Cosmic Universe is as special and authentic and magical as what we have created so far.". Does this mean it will help kickstart MCU's Phase 4, along the lines of "Iron Man 3" and "Captain America: Civil War" for Phase 2 and Phase 3 respectively? It's certainly looking that way. I have a feeling, we're going to see the likes of future heroes like Nova, Quasar, Beta Ray Bill, or future cosmic villains like Michael Korvac and many others being set up in this movie. Just imagine the interesting possibilities, right? Considering we already have a "Spider-Man: Homecoming" sequel dated for 2019, highly likely "Vol. 3" will snatch the Summer 2020 slot. For this one, I'm even willing to bet on it!
Speaking of press junket, yes, the first screening of the movie has been held just yesterday (Monday night, April 17th, US time). While official reviews are still embargoed until April 24th, 2017 12:01 AM PST, members of the press are allowed to express their thoughts on the movie via social media. As for the results... should we even be surprised if most of them are positive? Here, I'll put them on a list: - Eric Eisenberg of Cinema Blend was super happy and called it as "great continuation of the heroes". - Mike Ryan of Uproxx thought the movie was "very fun", calling out Baby Groot for being the scene stealer, and confirmed that there are more than one post credit scene. Gunn later openly confirmed and corrected that there are 5 of them! WOW. They are mostly included for the sake of fun, and it sounded like the press were only given four since the final, fifth one is being reserved for opening date. Hence why many journalists were saying they didn't saw five. This clearly puts "Vol. 2" to have the most post-credit scenes of any MCU movie to date. - Steven Weintraub of Collider said that the movie "kept a smile on my face from beginning to end" while giving "Tons of surprises". Alongside fellow Collider's reviewer Haleigh Foutch, he agreed that it was "surprisingly emotional". - Though he still liked the first movie better, Germain Lussier of iO9 chimed in with the emotional sentiment, and declared this movie "Another Marvel winner". - /Film's Peter Sciretta thought it was funnier than the original, and agreed with the 'ton of surprises and emotion' notion. While fellow reviewer Angie Han boldly called it "MCU at its very best", as she pointed out the vast color palette. - Fandango's Erik Davis stated that the sequel is "like a water-color acid trip full of awesome", and that many will consider it as "their new favorite Marvel movie". - Brandon Davis of ComicBook.com said he seriously loved it, and wished "it was never going to end". - Jeff Sneider offered one of the negative response among all. He thought it wasn't as good as the first, and that the "VFX threaten to swallow the film". - Last but not least, Joshua Yehl of IGN and Mark Hughes of Forbes put the least amount of words to describe the movie.
Now hold on a minute there. Allow me to be the pessimistic one here! Despite those cheers, somehow I feel a little suspicious to the 'lack of words' from these critics. It's as if, they are holding back on something, so now I'm more curious than ever to read their full reviews instead. I just hope I'm merely being overly pessimistic, and that this movie is equal, if not better than the first. After all, it's common sense that a sequel would be directly compared to its first movie, and that could spell either greatness or disaster in the result. Case point, for every "Captain America: The Winter Soldier", there's a "Thor: The Dark World", or "Avengers: Age of Ultron". Head over to various Entertainment Sites (like The Hollywood Reporter, Collider, Cinema Blend, and others) to check out more of these social media reactions in digest format, and help assure your ownselves whether these meant a good sign or not. Also, as we wait for the movie's Red Carpet Hollywood premiere tomorrow at 9PM ET/ 6PM PT, you can stop by on Marvel's official Youtube channel to check out the movie's latest trailer, teasing the coming of "Vol. 2" to theatres in just two weeks from now. One thing for sure, the sequel is primed to be one of 2017's 'Summer Surefire Hit', so Marvel fans shouldn't miss it for the world.
Meanwhile, "Homecoming" is preparing itself in the final stages as well, as Michael Giacchino began working on the movie's score. Not long after, news surrounding Logan Marshall-Green's mysterious role started hitting the internet as well. Based on an anonymous source, MCU Exchange reported that Marshall-Green, possibly alongside Donald Glover and Michael Mando are set to portray the live action version of The Enforcers. In the comics, these guys were featured as some of Spider-Man's earliest foes, and they usually served as henchmen for other big named super villains. Considering "Homecoming" has an obvious strong nod to Stan Lee/Steve Ditko's original works, this shouldn't sound too surprising. Even if it's clear their backstory are being modernly retooled to become the crew of Michael Keaton's Adrian Toomes/Vulture. Something I don't think they have done before in the comics.
According to the site, Marshall-Green was wearing a name tag 'Brice' in one of the scene. This easily pointed his character towards the MCU version of Jackson 'Montana' Brice. Brice is also said to become one of the two Shockers in the movie, alongside Bokeem Woodbine's Herman Schultz. With that, they also speculated that Mando might be playing 'Fancy Dan' Brito, while Glover is possibly playing a version of Raymond 'Ox' Bloch. This character information might be inline with a rumor/report posted on 4Chan board (via Reddit). The whole content of this rumor, definitely sounds REALLY interesting, and should make any Marvel movie fans leap with joy due to what we can expect in the future. Although we all know that the source's credibility is questionable at best, it's fun to get excited nonetheless. Seriously, I'm NOT kidding. So if you don't mind a little spoiler and random geekish speculations, head over and read the thread yourself. Be cautious though, it might not be 100% true. Do it just for the sake of fun!
On top of all these news however, Marvel Studios made a surprise gesture as they held an actual Open House of their office at Burbank, California. Precisely two hours before the first screening to "Vol. 2"! They've invited members of the press for a meet and greet, allowing them to see what's currently in development and what's coming in the future. This is something the studio hasn't done before, and I certainly hope it won't be the last time either. In attendance were Studio President Kevin Feige, co-President Louis D'Esposito, directors Taika Waititi, Peyton Reed, and conceptual artist Andy Park, as they helped shed some lights on various topics. This ranged from behind the scene developments and out-takes, FX work-in-progress, important tidbits from upcoming movies, as well as an exclusive one hour Q&A roundtable with Kevin Feige.
For convenience sake, let's go through them with another set of list, shall we? - Ryan Coogler's "Black Panther" is set to wrap production in just a couple of days from now. D'Esposito showed an early sizzle reel that depicted scenes like: a casino fight, the coronation of one shirtless Chadwick Boseman's T'Challa, Danai Gurira's Okoye 'flirting' with Florence Kasumba's Ayo, car-flip stunt, Lupita Nyong'o's Nakia in action, and Andy Serkis' Ulysses Klau interacting with Martin Freeman's Everett K. Ross about a mixtape. According to Scott Mendelson of Forbes, he has heard before that the genre this movie will take on is akin to James Bond's globetrotting adventure. Looks like this footage might have implicitly confirmed such report. If that's the case, then Marvel Studios is scoring big time with "Black Panther". Not only the movie will be their first movie with a black lead, it's also the first James Bond-type action hero with one. Add to that, the likelihood of an LGBT nod between two female characters, this movie might end up carrying huge torch of importance for the MCU. - Reed and Park showcased their concept designs for "Ant-Man & the Wasp", offering all kinds of brilliant size-shifting action scenes. They also showed the new superpowered suits for both Paul Rudd's Scott Lang and Evangeline Lilly's Hope van Dyne. Yes, Lang will have a new suit, which will be necessary to the story. Reed named it the "3.0" suit. - Waititi revealed that his cameo in "Thor: Ragnarok" would be a mo-cap role, as he'll portray Korg, a character from the "Planet Hulk" comic book. The presence of Miek was also confirmed via footage that Waititi personally shown to the press. - On a separate place, concept art for Josh Brolin's Thanos in"Avengers: Infinity War" could be seen. Oddly, that's all there is for the movie. It's likely that things are being tightly wrapped for this production, to avoid giving early spoilers to the press. After all, the title of UNTITLED 2019's Avengers movie alone, might already be considered one. - Although not yet called official, a mockup costume of Brie Larson's Carol Danvers for "Captain Marvel" can be spotted on the studio. It seems to be taking cues from the comics, so fans can rest assured. For detailed description of this tentative Captain America-esque design, you can head over to Screen Rant. Also, the plan is for the movie to begin production in February 2018, as a female director might have already been selected to helm the movie. I guess we'll just have to wait for Marvel Studios to officially announce her to public. - In the Q&A, Feige stated his stance on R-rated superhero movies, and how Marvel Studios is unlikely to venture that route. He refused to comment on how Warner Bros is doing with their DC Extended Universe. But he himself admitted to be a fan of DC characters, so naturally he wishes them to do well. It's the kind of generous move I can only hope, someday could be replicated by those generally bullish folks at WB/DC, as impossible as that might seem. Feige even shared his enthusiasm and support for Joss Whedon's DC project, revealing that the former MCU consultant actually talked to their team about doing "Batgirl", waaay before the news went public! Now that's what I call respect... am I right? - Last but not least, Feige confirmed that Tom Holland's Peter Parker, will also appear in the currently UNTITLED 2019's Avengers movie. He said the deal with SONY has been extended until the already-announced sequel of "Homecoming" that's coming in 2019, but what happens afterwards remains in question for the time being. Oh, and that Marvel Studios does NOT have anything to do with any of the announced Spider-Man spin-offs (like "Venom" or "Black Cat & Silver Sable"). So obviously, those titles won't take place in the MCU. To those who are still wondering about that, there's your valid answer.
This event, as well as that report from 4Chan that I've mentioned earlier, will undeniably make any MCU fans happy. Of course, I actually don't need to remind you, but don't forget to book your tickets for "Vol. 2" that will arrive real soon. And this was just in several hours ago, but despite the existence of Disney D23, Marvel Studios is NOT skipping out San Diego Comic Con (SDCC) this Summer (held on July 20th to July 23rd)! That means, we can get more news surrounding the upcoming movies like "Ragnarok", "Black Panther", "Infinity War", and perhaps the confirmation of who will be directing "Captain Marvel". Maaan, it's such a good time to be Marvel Studios fans, am I right?
Star Wars
Star Wars Celebration 2017 (SWCO 2017) was held last week from April 13th to 16th, 2017, and as many had expected, some key information about the franchise were delivered.
The long-awaited, and much-anticipated first teaser for "Star Wars: The Last Jedi" has been released. I personally thought it looked okay, and somehow looking more ominous than 2015's "The Force Awakens". But of course, I'm not a huge Star Wars fans, so I don't think I'm qualified to judge this. It seems to be focusing more on Daisy Ridley's Rey, as she trains under the guidance of Mark Hamill's Luke Skywalker. Perhaps, this movie is serving as some kind of Hamill's swan song in the franchise? Much like how "The Force Awakens" had Harrison Ford exited in a high note? Will we get to know more about Rey's back story? Who her parents are? It's currently unclear if writer/director Rian Johnson will be able to accomplish the same critical and financial success to J.J. Abrams. His enthusiasm did look comforting, but as always, we'll have to wait and see whether he'll deliver when the movie arrives later this year on December 15, 2017.
What truly stole the attention of almost every (if not all) attendees during the event, was none other than a strong melancholic tribute to the late Carrie Fisher. A special tribute video was released online in accordance to this, and although it didn't have as much effect on me, I'm sure "Star Wars" fans would appreciate it a lot better. In their own "Star Wars" way. As a follow up to this, Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy announced that the late actress will not appear, as in digitally inserted, as General Leia in the upcoming Episode IX. That means Episode VIII or "The Last Jedi", which was Fisher's last movie before her untimely passing on December 2016, would certainly be her final "Star Wars" appearance in the franchise. This helped clarified the previous report, when Carrie's brother Todd and daughter Billie Lourd stated their permission for Disney and Lucasfilm to use her footage for the 2019 movie. Kennedy assured fans, that we will be seeing "a lot of Carrie" this December. While some fans have indeed expressed grieve and disappointments about this decision, some others agreed with Kennedy, that it was the right thing to do to honor the late actress.
On the TV side, comes a surprising announcement for fans. "Star Wars REBELS" is ending in its next, 4th season. Yep, this is the primary reason why this category is suddenly sitting in the borderline of movie and TV, because it goes both ways. Series co-creator and executive producer Dave Filoni, brought this news himself to the audience, accompanied by core cast members like Freddie Prinze, Jr., Vanessa Marshall, Taylor Gray, Tiya Sircar, and Steve Blum. He stated that adventure for Kanan Jarrus, Ezra Bridger, and their Rebel 'family' will come to a close in 15 episodes, and that it's going to be "A little dark, a little fun". Filoni admitted that ending the show was his decision, learning from unpleasant experience with "Star Wars: The Clone Wars". Eventhough "REBELS" is ending, Filoni did state that there will be more animated "Star Wars" stories in the future.
To be honest, considering the in-show developments that's getting more and more colossal for a TV budget, I didn't find this news to be THAT surprising. Although interestingly, this thing always happen everytime I'm on the verge of dropping a series. LOL. No really, I thought Season 3 ended in a good note, and I'm going to leave it at that. Knowing that the next is going to be the last season, obviously I've changed my plan. Of course, I do feel curious about where or how this show cannonically fits in between the movies. According to popular knowledge, it takes place before the events of the "Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope". As far as I know (mind you, I'm still Star Wars illiterate, so pardon if I'm mistaken), there aren't any active Jedi present until Luke Skywalker become one in the movie. While apparently, Hera and Chopper are mentioned to be stationed on Yavin 4 in "Rogue One: A Star Wars Story". Does this mean Kanan and Ezra will meet their demise in the final season? Hmmmm, intriguing.
Through SWCO's special panel for the series, the voice actors talked about what will happen to their characters. Marshall said, that members of the Ghost will be "pressed to the very edges of their ability". Perhaps we might see her Hera Syndulla gets promoted to General, as revealed in "Rogue One" then? Blum's Zeb Aurellios is taking more of an uncle-figure, to what I assume to be Ezra. Filoni said that Chopper will get to show his "bigger heart" in this last season, considering he has been seen as cranky and grumpy in the previous three. Obviously, Sabine Wren will be dealing with her Mandalorian Civil War, as was hinted in the finale of Season 3. Sircar hesitated to say much about it, but teased that things might get ugly for her family, especially when a certain 'familiar' someone arrives. And by familiar, perhaps... the elusive Boba Fett? Prinze Jr. said Kanan will slowly evolve into the strong Jedi, joining the ranks that audience have seen before. Gray certainly said that his Ezra will make some great decisions this season, away from the dark side.
As for the guest characters, Forest Whitaker will reprise his role as the voice of Saw Gerrera. Saw's co-pilot Two Tubes will joining him this season. Genevieve O'Reilly, will be reprising Mon Mothma as well. We can presumably expect more "Rogue One" stars, jumping in for a quick inclusion. Ahsoka Tano's return is being teased, but not properly confirmed. Finally, Grand Admiral Thrawn's bodyguard Rukh, is also set to make his debut in the series. Warwick Davis will be voicing this role. Hints of these developments weren't specifically felt through the Final Season's official trailer that has been made available on Youtube, but it sure promised a serious, conclusive, and definitely explosive finale to the series. The first two-parter episodes entitled "The Heroes of Mandalore" have already been screened exclusively for attendees. Fans of the series, or those who ended up watching it like yours truly, should anticipate the return of the fourth and final season later when it premiere this Fall on Disney XD.
Marvel TV
Marvel's "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." gained a boost of interest due the final arc of its currently airing 4th season, "The Framework". Despite that achievement though, in general the continuously declining ratings for Marvel's first MCU-oriented TV show remains a lingering concern. And it is made worse because the network, ABC, tends to not announce renewal for its shows until sometime in May. May 16th, 2017 to be precise, though individual confirmation might always arrive earlier than that schedule.
The good news is, Entertainment Weekly evaluated the possibility for most running shows with 'uncertain future', and deduced that at the very least, AoS will be given another season, even if just only one more. I think it's a good idea, as the showrunners are given the chance to conclude their run in a satisfying manner, tying up all the loose ends. The bad news is, with Marvel's "The Inhumans" stealing the network's attention, there's always the unexpected turnaround of AoS eventually getting axed early on, to clear out some excess baggage and schedule. After all, we've experienced this before with both the cancelled Marvel's "Agent Carter", and Marvel's "Most Wanted" that never even saw the light of day.
I'm aware that some, if not many fans would feel disappointed with this decision. Particularly when other networks are still on a hot-streak, as they renew their superhero shows over and over again no matter how the audience perceived them. But I for one, will not feel as bad if AoS eventually gets cancelled, or given just one final season. Looking on the bright side, the absence of AoS can pave the way for spin off shows like perhaps, Ghost Rider, or the actual Secret Warriors. Not to mention, any members of the AoS cast can then move on to star in a Marvel Studios' big screen production, right? No more scheduling issues that prevented the two divisions from properly crossing over. That would all be cleared up with the series' end. Mind you, things are not yet certain for now. Filming for Season 4 had already wrapped the other day, so I doubt even the showrunners and cast can tell anything in advance regarding their show's future. So whether you're rooting for the show or not, you better start crossing your fingers, to hope the best, while expecting the worse possible outcome as well.
As for "The Inhumans", it's also still unclear whether this 8-episode mini series will be a first season of more to come, or just this one off. It's likely that this new show is being set up as the replacement for AoS, but with Marvel Studios also planning a movie for them, things just become a little cloudy and murky to predict. One thing for sure, the mini-series might have recently cast actor Chad James Buchanan in a mystery role. Buchanan tweeted this hint, and then later deleted it, implying that he might be playing an important role. Considering I have poor knowledge on the Inhumans comics and its character, and also unfamiliar with Buchanan's previous roles (was he really in "Glee"? I honestly can't remember), I can't exactly predict who he'll be playing. Or whether he's any good. Perhaps an antagonist? A NuHuman, like writer Charles Soule had confirmed? Then again, it's always possible that he's just playing a random one-episode only character, not unlike Lewis Tan in "Iron Fist". So perhaps it would be wiser to not think too highly of him too soon.
With Marvel's "The Punisher" effectively in post-production, we can expect promotional stuff for the new series pretty soon. Particularly as SDCC 2017 is coming in just around 3 months from now, and the high chance of Marvel TV's presence. One of the more likely giveaway to be handed over during the event, might very well be that one specially designed poster coming from the hands of Joe Quesada. For the time being, it's a freebie handed out to cast and crew, but I suspect fans are going to get a hand of it pretty soon as well. Quesada did a similar poster before this for Marvel's "The Defenders", and likewise, this poster gives us glimpse of Jon Bernthal's main character Frank Castle, as well as his supporting cast. You can check out MCU Exchange for their description of who's who in this poster.
It seems this show would be taking extra liberties, thus many things would be vastly different compared to the comics. MCU Exchange pointed out, that Ben Barnes' Billy Russo might not be set up as an antagonist. At least, not until the first season ends. Which isn't that much surprising, since we've seen the same slow-burn treatment in previous Marvel-Netflix shows, with Sacha Dhawan's Davos being the latest example. The good news is, we can stare at Barnes' charming face a lot longer before his character, assuming it's going by the book, gets roughed up to jigsaws. But the bad news of this approach? Well, it seems that once again, this show would be using the exact same pattern and premise of the previous shows, which might or might not work for everyone. Especially those who have sensed a repetitive painstakingly SLOOOW formula that's starting to make them feel... 'bored' with the Netflix Universe. Yes, I'll be honest, I'm one of those people. I'm personally hoping at least "The Punisher" will offer something fresh and different, to break new grounds, and not go through the exact same motions, scenarios, and story beats of its older brothers. Otherwise, I might just have to say no to it...
The Telltale Series
Telltale released a trailer for the first episode of "Guardians of the Galaxy" via Marvel's official channel. As far as I know, there will be 5 episodes just like previous Telltale titles, so there are four more coming after this. Clearly this release is timed real well to coincide with the worldwide premiere of "Vol. 2". The Guardians seems to be taking on Thanos in this series, but it's unclear if it will include more characters inspired by the movie. Anyways, Guardians, and in general, Marvel fans should look forward for this. I'm still a bit taken aback thanks to the character designs, but when it comes to video games, it's really the gameplay that really counts. So I'm wishing it will have better luck in that department.
Ace Attorney
Through their recent Nintendo Direct, the company announced that "Dai Gyakuten Saiban 2: Naruhodou Ryuunosuke no Kakugo", or translated as "The Great Ace Attorney 2: Ryunosuke Naruhodo’s Resolution", will be available for Nintendo 3DS on August 3rd, 2017 for 5,800 yen retail-price, or 5,546 download-price. As a follow up to said announcement, CAPCOM officially released two new trailers for the game's new trailer. The first featured Sherlock and Van Ziek, while the second put Sherlock and Iris Watson in the spotlight.
A web demo has been made available through the title's official Japanese website, accessible on PC and smartphones. If you prefer to simply watch, then there are some gameplay videos you can watch online instead. You can found them on Youtube, through this link and this one. CAPCOM has listed story and character details, like Ryuunosuke's cousin Ryuutarou, and the case he'll be involved with. The company also offered several exclusive bonuses for those who purchased the game early. You can read these through the official site though it requires a bit of Japanese Kanji knowledge, or via Gematsu for the translated version. There are also two Special Edition sets: - The Great Ace Attorney 1&2 Limited Edition: Ryunosuke Naruhodo’s Adventure and Resolution, that will launch on August 3rd, 2017 for 7,200 yen. This will include both games, as well as a mini soundtrack album. Those who haven't purchased the first title might opt to take this one due to the discount price. - The Great Ace Attorney 2 e-Capcom Limited Edition, that will launch on August 3rd, 2017 for 9,800 yen. Pre-orders has begun on April 18th at 13:00 JST. This will include "Read Aloud CD" featuring the characters of the game, a Ryunosuke Naruhodo piggy bank, a "University Notebook", and a set of three pencils. Three exclusive coasters will be awarded to the first prints. This one's obviously for the Ace Attorney enthusiasts and item collectors.
Professor Layton
LEVEL-5's latest project in the popular mystery-puzzle series, the one that will feature Layton's daughter, has been officially renamed into "Layton's Mystery Journey: Katrielle and The Millionaires' Conspiracy" (it was previously called "Lady Layton: The Millionaire Ariadne's Conspiracy"). A release date has also been announced. This new game will arrive on July 20th, 2017, for Nintendo 3DS in Japan, and on iOS and Android worldwide (available in eight languages). It seems the non-Japan version of Nintendo 3DS will arrive later in Fall, though that part is left unclear for now. Also currently unclear, is the pricing of the game.
As already revealed before, Katrielle Layton and her assistant, the dog Sharo, are the main characters of this game. She will go on a quest to locate her missing father, the great Professor Hershel Layton. London-based Katrielle is said to be "jack-of-all-trades and mystery-solving detective", someone who will take on any job and solve cases with bizarre ideas. While Sharo, is a... well, talking dog. There's going to be a new gameplay style with the hope of attracting new players, as solving smaller conundrums and puzzles is now necessary to complete a bigger goal. Thus the tagline for the game is "high-speed comical puzzle-solving story". Despite that, interactions with witty and weird characters will still remain the same, as the game divulges into a story of "dramatic developments and amusing incidents". Ain't that sound interesting! Well you can see it for yourself through the game's latest trailer. Looks familiar but also different, eh? I wonder how expensive this will cost, because I sure would want to play it. Even if only to find out what happens to Layton, and the identity of Katrielle's mother... XD.
Sonic the Hedgehog
A quick 1-minute footage for "Sonic Forces" also made its way through Nintendo Direct. This time around we get to see Classic Sonic in action. But not just that, the announced third character has been teased at the end of this footage as well. And... is that Tails? He looks like a cat or something like that, and it is said to be a 'New Friend', so definitely not Tails. Which begs the question... for a game that features two different timeline of Sonic the Hedgehogs, why would an external character becoming the third playable lead? Why not just give the spot to... say, Tails, Knuckles, Shadow, or his other friends? Hmmm... curious.
Aside from previewing a cool futuristic main theme for "Sonic Forces", SEGA also debuted a new gameplay video for "Sonic Mania". This video showcased the co-op mode, with the female host playing Tails, as the two character scoured their way through 'Green Hill Zone' Act 2. Fans of the 8-bit era titles will be nostalgically delighted with this title. "Sonic Mania" is set to be released this summer for the PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC, while "Sonic Forces" is due out this holiday.
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madpicks · 7 years
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15 NHL Stars You Didn’t Know Had Famous Wives
Alexander Ovechkin: Married to Nastya Shubskaya
After dating for three years, Capitals superstar Alexander Ovechkin got engaged to his then-girlfriend, Russian tennis pro Maria Kirilenko, in December 2012. By July of 2014, the engagement was off, but Ovechkin wasn’t back on the market for long. He was engaged again, this time to Russian model and actress Nastya Shubskaya, in September the following year.
The two got married in a small wedding in Russia last summer, which sent both the Russian tabloids and the hockey community as a whole into a frenzy. And while Shubskaya is well-known for her modeling work, her parents are probably even more famous. Her mother, Vera Glagoleva is a film star who has appeared in 33 movies and has directed a handful of others, and her dad, Kirill Shubsky, is a prominent ship-builder, well known within the industry.
Sean Avery: Married to Hilary Rhoda
Apparently former NHL bad boy Sean Avery finally found a celebrity who could put up with him long enough to marry him, and her name is Hilary Rhoda, a dark-haired, knockout, 30-year-old supermodel from Maryland.
Perhaps best known for her work with Estee Lauder, Rhoda has made appearances in Sports Illustrated’s Swimsuit Issues from 2009 to 2011 and has also appeared in advertising for Abercrombie and Fitch, Dolce & Gabbana, Gucci, Gap, Ralph Lauren and Victoria’s Secret, among others. She’s also been featured prominently on the covers of Vogue, Harper’s Bazaar, Time and W.
Avery met the blue-eyed stunner at the opening party for a restaurant that he and some former teammates had invested in. At the time, she was dating NFL quarterback Mark Sanchez, but Avery was able to win her over, and the pair eventually married at the Parrish Art Museum on Long Island in October 2015.
Tomas Plekanec: Married to Lucie Vondrackova
You may not recognize her name on this side of the pond, but Lucie Vondrackova’s fawning fans in her native Czech Republic definitely do. Vondrackova is an uber-popular singer and actress over there and one of the most successful cultural icons in her country.
When she married star Canadiens forward and fellow Czech Republic compatriot Tomas Plekanec in June 2011, the couple dominated the Czech tabloids like Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie used to in the U.S., so that sort-of gives you an idea of her social impact in their country.
Plekanec reportedly proposed to Vondrackova over a dinner in Montreal, and the couple was already expecting when she said yes. Nowadays, they live in Montreal with their two sons, Matyas and Adam.
Henrik Zetterberg: Married to Emma Andersson
Henrik Zetterberg met Swede Emma Andersson in 2007, and the couple basically became Swedish royalty when they wed in 2010 in what’s considered one of the largest and most expensive ceremonies in the country’s history.
Andersson first came onto the scene in 2001 when she appeared as a contestant on a Survivor-like show in Sweden called Expedition Robinson. A year after that, she started her singing career and released her first album, Who Am I, though it didn’t ever sell very well.
She appeared on an all-star version of “Expedition Robinson” in 2003 and won it, which helped her land later gigs as a TV show host, but she then ended up moving to the U.S. to be with Zetterberg, and the couple now lives in Detroit with their son, Love.
Brandon Prust: Engaged to Maripier Morin
French TV personality Maripier Morin caught the eye of former NHL winger Brandon Prust during his time in New York with the Rangers. They turned into a Quebec power couple later when Prust was traded to the Canadiens, allowing them to spend more time together, before he eventually asked her to marry him.
Making her television debut in 2006 on Canadian reality show Double Occupancy, Morin has appeared on several shows and has since built up quite the following in Quebec.
Most notably, she has been a mainstay on the W Network’s reality show Hockey Wives, where she bears all on her relationship with Prust and the challenges of maintaining a long-distance relationship as he follows his career around the world.
Prust and Morin got engaged in Italy in 2015, and nuptials are reportedly coming soon.
Bret Hedican: Married to Kristi Yamaguchi
Bret Hedican’s Team USA lost to Czechoslovakia in the bronze medal game of the men’s ice hockey tournament at the 1992 Winter Olympics in Albertville, France, but Hedican went home a winner anyways.
Those Games were the place not only where Hedican met his eventual wife, decorated U.S. figure skater Kristi Yamaguchi, but also the place in which Yamaguchi became a household name in America.
Yamaguchi won Olympic gold in the women’s singles figure skating that year, capping off an amateur career in style before turning pro and joining Stars on Ice while also touring on the pro circuit.
Hedican and Yamaguchi eventually got married in 2000 while Hedican was playing for the Panthers. Nowadays, they live with their two daughters in northern California and oftentimes work together on charities and other public events.
Evgeni Malkin: Married to Anna Kasterova
Evgeni Malkin himself actually alluded to his laissez-faire approach to marriage in favor of kids, but he eventually legally wed the beautiful fellow Russian Anna Kasterova last year, just days before they welcomed their first child, Nikita.
Born in Moscow, Kasterova is a 32-year-old Russian television personality. She graduated from Moscow State pedagogical University with a degree in psychology and got her start in TV at 22. She has worked for a number of different channels, among them BBC News and other entertainment programs.
After dating for two years, the couple got engaged in November of 2015 and applied for a marriage license in Pennsylvania last May. No word yet on the actual ceremony for these two, but then again, they’re a fairly private couple.
Valeri Bure: Married to Candace Cameron
Former NHL All-Star and brother to “Russian Rocket” Pavel Bure, Valeri Bure married Full House actress Candace Cameron, who played DJ Tanner on the popular ‘90s TV show, in June of 1996 as a young 22-year-old following his rookie NHL season with the Montreal Canadiens. They were introduced at a charity hockey game by one of Cameron’s then-co-stars, Dave Coulier, who was playing in the event alongside Bure.
After her stint on Full House, Cameron starred in family comedy Make it or Break it and made appearances on other shows like Cybill, Boy Meets World, That’s So Raven, Dancing with the Stars, and Fuller House, among others.
Bure and Cameron now operate a Napa Valley winery called Bure Family Wines and have three children together.
Brooks Laich: Engaged to Julianne Hough
Smoking hot dancer, country music star and actress Julianne Hough is officially the arm-candy of former Washington Capital and current AHL Toronto Marlies forward Brooks Laich. Now that’s a good-looking couple.
Hough’s celebrity began to rise when she was became a pro dancer on Dancing with the Stars in the mid-2000s. She then rose to country music fame with her self-titled debut album in 2007, which featured the popular single “That Song in my Head” and has since won multiple awards for her music.
Her acting accolades include appearances in the films Burlesque, Footloose, Rock of Ages and Safe Haven, and she’s made several appearances in television roles as well.
Laich and Hough bean dating in 2014 after Hough broke it off with Ryan Seacrest, and they got engaged in August of the following year. They were supposed to get married last summer, but they postponed the ceremony, citing relationship issues. It sounds like things are back on track for this summer, though, so stay tuned.
Sheldon Souray: Married to Barbie Blank
Former NHLer and 2004 hardest-shot winner Sheldon Souray walked down the aisle with model and former WWE Diva Barbie Blank (or should we call her by her ring name, Kelly Kelly?) just last year in a “fairytale” wedding in Cabo. The location had meaning; it’s where they took their first trip together when they started dating.
Blank’s background was in gymnastics and cheerleading, and she studied broadcast journalism with hopes of becoming a TV anchor in her professional career. She ended up signing with WWE in 2006 and debuted in the ECW later that year as “Kelly Kelly,” performing as a salacious exhibitionist.
Along the way, she got into various feuds and won her first Divas championship in 2011. She has also appeared in music videos, TV shows and magazine spreads and currently stars on reality TV show WAGS.
Souray himself retired from hockey in 2013 before the pair got engaged the next year.
Wayne Gretzky: Married to Janet Jones
I don’t know if Wayne Gretzky was the first superstar athlete to marry a supermodel, but he definitely set the bar for guys like Tom Brady to follow later.
Gretzky and Janet Jones first met in 1983 when they were both 22 and engaged to other people. They met again four years later at an L.A. Lakers game when both were single again, started dating, and were engaged within six months.
Prior to that point, Jones had a resume with both modeling and acting jobs, appearing in several movies like Flamingo Kid, A Chorus Line, and Police Academy V. She also appeared in Playboy in 1987, so you can understand The Great One’s attraction.
They wed in Edmonton in July of 1988 in what was dubbed “Canada’s Royal Wedding,” and she shortly thereafter put her career on hold to raise their kids while Gretzky did his thing in the NHL.
Cale Hulse: Married to Gena Lee Nolin
I’m sure you remember former NHL defenseman Cale Hulse’s wife, Gena Lee Nolin. She was the busty blonde who starred as Neely Capshaw in the television series Baywatch alongside David Hasselhoff for a few years in the ‘90s.
After that, she used her assets to do some modeling, appearing in Maxim, Stuff, Playboy and FHM, as well as various other TV projects, including her own show, “Sheena,” between 2000 and 2002.
Previously married to Greg Fahlman, Nolin divorced him in 2001 and married Hulse in Phoenix three years later in 2004, during the lockout-cancelled 2004-05 NHL season. These days, they live in Phoenix, where Hulse works in the front office for the Arizona Coyotes, the team he played for in 2003-04, while Nolin continues acting part time, most recently in Sharknado 4.
Ryan Miller: Married to Noureen DeWulf
Vancouver Canucks goaltender Ryan Miller married Indian-American stunner Noureen DeWulf over Labor Day Weekend in 2011 while Miller was playing for the Buffalo Sabres, immediately and forever raising the bar for future hockey WAGs with her red-hot, exotic beauty.
You probably know DeWulf best for her acting role alongside Charlie Sheen on the FX comedy Anger Management, as well as her film projects West Bank Story, Ghosts of Girlfriends Past and The Back-up Plan.
She was born in New York but grew up in Georgia before attending Boston University, and her other works include drool-inducing appearances in Maxim, Nylon Magazine and Playboy, as well as her recent role on reality show Hockey Wives on the W Network.
The couple now has one child together and lives in Vancouver during the season.
Dion Phaneuf: Married to Elisha Cuthbert
Is Dion Phaneuf the luckiest guy on this list, or what? He somehow managed to put a ring on blazingly hot actress Elisha Cuthbert, making basically every single male in North America, including the aforementioned Sean Avery, very jealous.
After Cuthbert and Avery broke up from their previous relationship, Phaneuf stepped into the picture in 2008, and they pair began dating amid controversy surrounding Avery’s nasty comments. Nonetheless, they trudged forward and got engaged four years later before marrying in July of 2013 on Prince Edward Island.
Cuthbert is a Canadian actress and model from Calgary and had her first hit role playing Kim Bauer on the TV series 24. She has also had roles in films Old School, The Girl Next Door, and House of Wax, as well as on TV as the quirky, cute Alex in Happy Endings, which aired on ABC.
Phaneuf, a three-time All-Star and former first-rounder, is currently in his second season with the playoff-bound Senators and will look to win his first Cup with his lovely, hockey-loving wife undoubtedly watching from the stands.
Mike Fisher: Married to Carrie Underwood
And finally, we have the ultimate NHL power couple. Carrie Underwood is a country-music superstar at the top of her industry, and Mike Fisher is the captain of the hometown Nashville Predators. Together they are perhaps the best-looking, most successful couple on this list.
Underwood got her start in music when she won the fourth season of reality singing talent show American Idol in 2005, and the rest is history. She’s not only a beautiful, popular and prominent star on the country-music scene, she’s also one of the most successful artists of any musical genre, period.
She’s sold more than 65 million records, won numerous awards and is commonly referred to as country music’s reigning queen. I could go on and on about Underwood, but you probably need to get on with your life, so here are the deets on their nuptials.
Fisher and Underwood met at one of her concerts in 2008, and they got engaged the following December. They got married at the Ritz-Carlton Lodge, Reynolds Plantation in Greensboro, Georgia during the summer of 2010, and they have one son together.
Underwood is commonly sighted at Bridgestone arena when her hubby’s team plays at home, and she’s reportedly become quite the hockey fan.
Well, I’d sure hope so.
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