#and while my anxiety is currently high (wow. it hadn't been for so long? or was i just numb?) and I'm tired
bluedestinybluebird · 8 months
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#i think this might be a coffee day for me#coffee or melissa. not sure#the book is 50 this year#the movie 36 this week (or so)#and i'm almost ready to wrap up the conference season#last week i: took care of a group of 60 people (in one bus) and managed feeding over 90. slept not much (which is not an achievement per se#but still important in context of all the daily stuff and evening parties#dealt with 2 annoying people (incl. 1 sexist) and we all made it#came up with an idea of solving (at least locally and on a small scale) an issue of gender inequality and how to deal with harassment#bc maybe students will be able to distribute it further#spent the week managing organising and saved one speaker's flight (and several people's commute)#deejayed (indirectly) and danced and sang. and touched a guitar after a year-long break. i missed playing it so much!#made several new connections and possibly friends#hm. and stopped two adult men from brawling (which was possible) and avoided additional fees. and saw off a group after 3h of sleep#saw a hare and a fox#walked and climbed and almost run#made mistakes and fixed them?#and managed with all these feelings of being overwhelmed#oh. and i muttered the few French words i still know#and while my anxiety is currently high (wow. it hadn't been for so long? or was i just numb?) and I'm tired#i kind of see the light and feel much more capable of dealing with shit#even though currently I'm panicking bc anxiety#but hey. i just need to buy a ticket for tomorrow's flight and I'm off#and it's like the smallest thing of it all#mighty me#now let's tackle the talk and deal with the day#...after i'll be a bit more alive than just slightly#okay organizing a seminar won't solve the issue but it could help at least a bit#and we need to do sth to make it better#caring too much.jpg
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thewellerman · 2 years
this post thing will be about happiness yay
you can probably guess from my previous posts, that i am not very happy. and that probably hasn't been the case for quite a while.
probably the last time i was truly happy was in august 2021. which was 1 year ago now.
the start of my current mental health problems started in feb 2021, when my uncle went into medically induced coma after 2 strokes, hes ok now btw.
but it's important to start here because, not long after, exams for us in High School were cancelled. this is important because now I wouldn't need to do as much revision for big exams at the end of the year, and we werent getting as much homework at this time either. so you can probably see the problem.
My mental health troubles have seriously affected my college work, I can see that now. In and out of college. but at the time, not knowing how bad my mental health was going to get, no exams or revision to do, with little homework to do and like 3 months of high school left before we left. so I wasn't going to notice the affect on my school work.
and after that I would have 4 months of time for my depression and anxiety to cement itself. even after starting college, I didn't realise how bad it was. with hindsight, I can tell that it was BAD.
It wasn't until November last year that I thought to myself, "wow, I got serious problems, like I should tell somebody." but my brain decided to play the anxiety card. It made telling someone about my mental health VERY hard. it also made telling anybody, anything at all very difficult.
at this point i started withdrawing from outside life, I used to love going for walks randomly, I stopped doing that really at this point. I would only do it when I had free periods in college, inbetween lessons. I stopped really talking to most friends, people I would chat to that don't go to my college, I just stopped talking to unless they messaged me. I started act really awkwardly around most people, including close family members, I would act around them, how I would act around a room full of strangers. and I would pretty much stay in my room all day.
But thank god, for my friend randomly deciding to message me in November. we're friends from High School and we hadn't really talked between Aug-Oct. but thankfully she randomly checked in on me, and after that we would have long, short whatever conversations. and these random conversations would really help me, escape from my shitty situation and just talk to someone, we never really had serious conversations, I certainly didn't tell her about my mental issues sadly. this might sound dramatic but I really think that if she hadn't done that, I might not even be alive right now, or at least I would be in a much worse state than I am now. so I truly am thankful to her for doing that, even I haven't told her that.
But, by December, I really started hating myself, I felt like I started acting like a completely person, and I really hated this person I had become, and I tried really hard to change who I was. like, I started dyeing my hair, I started to change my dress style. literally anything to change who from what I thought I had become.
My college work had also fallen behind, I was doing less and less homework and revision for tests. I was trying to do things that i used to enjoy, i had become sick and tired of my depression, I thought doing fun things would help me, I just wanted to be happy again, like I used to be. I just wanted to enjoy life again, but nothing was working.
I tried this for months, by February I realised that this wasn't working, I had to try something different to find something to be happy about.
that friend I talked about before, I didn't mention it, but I had a massive crush on her. I had it for years before then probably 3 years. and I kept it bottled up inside for that long, because I was just too scared to tell her. well by February I decided that I was finally going to tell her, mainly because I was tired of bottling it up for any longer, and also because she had done the same five years early on valentines day 2017, I didn't actually like her at the time so the relationship went nowhere. but I decided that I would do the same, In hindsight, It was really cringe, the way I delivered the message and I wont detail it, but she obviously said no and I felt really bad about it at the time.
But I'm glad I did do it, because it showed that, despite how hard it was, I could tell someone about something I had kept secret. and a month later in March, I decided to do a similar thing, and tell my other friend about my mental issues. he's the only one that knows the full extent of my issues, other people who know, like my parents and a college councillor don't know the full extent of it.
and I'm done writing this, it's making me super depressed, see ya.
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love-hatred-stuff · 3 years
Bets } Kim Sunwoo [theboyz]
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feat. Eric, Jacob, Kevin, Juyeon
genre: angst, fluff
warning(s): violence, obsession and manipulation (he's not hurting u or anything)
word count: 2.4k
I was currently at my high school.
I had just finished my studies in the library and it was already evening but I decided to stay longer today as my boyfriend was training with his friends in the basket hall. But it was fine because it was already pretty late and the boys should be finished now and I could finally see Sunwoo.
We have been dating for six months and I feel very comfortable with him, it almost feels like I found the one I wanna be with for the rest of my life.
Even if I don't know him for so long, he gives me strength, the thing I had never had.
I'm delicate but I tend to hide my feelings in front of people that I don't trust.
Lately something confusing is going on. Sunwoo has been weirdly avoiding me, and his friends that I assume to really like me too, also act very suspicious sometimes.
They would take him away from me to talk to him alone.
I would just be confused and worried about what was going on.
But today I would talk to them about it!
Right in the moment I was walking through the school halls, on my way to them, but I heard loud voices that sounded like they were seriously discussing.
Before I opened the door, I heard my name and was even more concerned.
I figured it would be smarter to just listen to it and wait while hiding.
"Sunwoo, you can't lie to her forever! She is a great person, she doesn't deserve this anymore. Actually she never did."
I sensed the one who said this was Juyeon and he sounded very serious about what he was talking about.
My anxiety started to kick in.
What was I going to hear next?
"I know, she would never deserve this. But I really do like her. I could just keep it as my secret." Now Sunwoo talked, he sounded like he meant what he said.
But what was the damn secret they were talking about? How bad was it?
"Oh wow Sunwoo! You finally fell in love, congrats. Just sad that she was only a game to you in the beginning. You decided to play with the wrong heart." Juyeon said in a very loud and angry tone.
Was he trying to protect me?
"He's right, you should tell her before it will be too much and she finds out herself. Honestly, I hoped she would break up with you because you can be an egoistic ass sometimes!" Now Jacob exclaimed.
"Yeah, I'm sorry guys. But I can't. I will lose her if I tell her that she was a bet. I will lose her, and she will hate me. I couldn't handle that."
I gasped quietly, pressing my palm on my mouth to stay silent.
It was pretty much to take.
My boyfriend just confessed that I was just a bet!? Someone who No one cares about. That's what I was for them.
"But you have to Sunwoo, she's too pure. You will break her. You know she has no one that would take care of her. She was new and lonely when she came here. You made her feel safe and now you're doing this to her? She will never forgive you and feel safe with you again." Juyeon scolded and as I watched them through a little split between the door of the gym hall I saw him grabbing Sunwoo by the collar of his muscle shirt aggressively, having dangerous sparkles in his eyes.
"Either you will do it or I will! And maybe one of us will take her from you. Someone who cares about her heart and feelings." Juyeon grabbed him harder and shook him.
I couldn't watch and hear that any longer so I decided to interrupt their fight.
I abruptly swung the door open, earning all of the boy's eyes.
I approached them pretty fast and pushed Juyeon from Sunwoo.
I didn't want them to hurt each other, although probl all I was for them was a little doll to play with.
"Stop. This is kindergarten. You all are so immature, I can't believe it." I sighed heavily.
Then I locked eyes with Sunwoo, staring in his soul mercilessly.
"You really never would have told me? God, it is really frustrating when you find out, you never knew who your only friends really are. You are little boys, all you care about is fun. Grow the fuck up!" I scoffed at my broken state.
Being ashamed that I had let them do so much to me already.
I looked at all of them. Sunwoo, Juyeon, Jacob, Kevin and Eric. I was honestly disappointed.
And they were also guiltily looking back at me.
"What? Are you enjoying seeing me suffer under your game?" I asked.
"Look Y/N, we are truly sorry for what we did. I know it was immature and I promise we will make it up to you."
I scoffed again at Juyeon's words with a weak sarcastic smile on my lips.
"Do you think I still want to hang out with you guys? You betrayed me. I'm not dumb, I know you sprayed rumours around about me, just so everyone was going to keep their distance to me. And I think you didn't even realize that you did this so you had me just to yourself. While I was too blind of happiness. I hate you for what you did. I won't be your puppet any longer!" I made clear while my vision started to blurry because my eyes were getting teary.
Sunwoo grabbed my arm in desperation.
"Please don't break up with me." His begging voice sent a shiver down my spine.
"That's all you have to say? I think it would be the best if I would leave you and your games alone."
Tears started silently rolling down my cheeks.
But still, no one was talking or reacting. Just pleading eyes were looking at me.
"I wonder who will be the next victim. Whatever, I hope you will have your fun." I smiled pathetically and turned around.
"Don't leave us Y/N. We love you and never wanted to hurt you." Juyeon's calming voice stopped my movements.
I looked at him again.
"You love me so much that you forget how to care about my feelings? I loved you too, but it's over for now." I stated and left the hall.
They looked after me in sadness.
Third person's POV
"See what you did, Sunwoo!" Eric pushed him to the ground.
Sunwoo looked down, letting his tears fall on the ground as well.
"Now we all lost the only girl we ever liked!" Juyeon kicked Sunwoo in his stomach, making him clench his jaw in pain.
"Stop, Y/N doesn't like when we hurt someone, especially each other." Kevin wanted to stop him from hitting the crying boy on the ground by grabbing his arm.
But he wouldn't budge and continued, making him bleed and bruised all over.
"She is gone now!" Juyeon yelled and kicked Sunwoo again, earning quiet cries and groans from him.
"It's enough!" Jacob shoved him away from the almost defaced Sunwoo.
"You can't hurt your best friend!" He reminded him with a strong tone.
"But he stole the girl that was supposed to be mine. It's his fault she left us!" Juyeon defended himself.
"We all lost her, Juyeon. But you don't have to hurt Sunwoo even more. Don't you see him?"
Juyeon now looked at him, sitting on the ground, still crying, with bruises all over his body and a bleeding nose and lip.
Now he felt slightly sorry for overdoing it, although he knew that Sunwoo's beloved girlfriend just broke up with him. That alone surely were so painful for him already.
Of course it was too much to handle for him.
After all Juyeon is the older one and he should have kept his control instead of beating him up.
And Sunwoo had even endured it, he did not flinch a single time that Juyeon punched him.
"Hey, sorry bro." He tapped his shoulder in apology.
"I will take you home, come on." Jacob helped him to stand up so they could walk to his car.
•the next day•
Sunwoo walked through the busy halls of his high school.
He was sad, angry at himself and depressed.
He loved her so bad but he screwed up.
And he understood why Juyeon beat him up yesterday, he was glad so he wouldn't have to hurt himself for a while.
His head was down and the playful smile he always wore was completely gone.
Suddenly he felt a small hand grab him, that pulled him to the narrow room where stuff for the facility manager was.
He couldn't make out the face of the person that took him there until she was standing face to face with him in this room.
Now his eyes glowed, it was the prettiest face he had ever seen.
It was his girl, the one that broke his heart just yesterday. But all he cared about was that she was standing in front of him now.
It was me, and he had broken my heart even more.
"Who did this to you?" I wanted to know instantly, coming straight to the point.
"Huh?" He was surprised I even talked to him.
"Who beat you up like this?" I exerted more pressure in my voice.
"Oh, um.." Sunwoo looked down, suddenly so shy and insecure.
What was going on?
Usually he was the one that would do this to people that bothered him, but he would never let someone do this to his handsome face.
I wondered if his face was the only affected place on his body, so I slowly lifted up his thin t-shirt, exposing hurted muscles and bruises all over his stomach.
It looked really painful.
I never saw him being hurt that much. And it also affected me.
To know that I hadn't had protected him, made me feel guilty.
I felt bad.
"Sunwoo, who the fuck did this to you? And why did you let this even happen?"
He was looking in my eyes, down at me, not sure if he should tell the truth.
But I think he learned his lesson, lying is bad and has consequences.
"It was Juyeon. But it's fine, I allowed him." He talked unusually quietly and I didn't like it at all. I hated it.
I wanted my confident Boyfriend back that wanted to hold my hand the whole day and whenever he had the chance, kissed me to give me his love and affection.
Where was the old Sunwoo?
How could Juyeon do this to him?
He, no, all of them knew what I thought of physical aggression.
"I miss you Y/N." He cried in the crook of my neck after he had made a quick step forward.
When I didn't move, he put his hands around my waist and hugged me gently.
"It's been one day." I reminded him.
He could have handled that.
"Yes, but I know that I lost you forever." He hugged me tighter.
I heard him sniff his tears back.
"Why do you care so much?" I started patting his back lightly.
Even though he hurted me so much with his actions, I still cared about him. More than about anyone else.
"Because I love you Y/N."
He really did?
I knew he and his friends were a little obsessed with me, but he never actually said these three words.
And now I even knew, he wasn't the only one that had serious feelings for me.
Juyeon had done this to him because he was angry at Sunwoo that I left him, and also his friends.
I figured that he did this because he also had feelings for me. I could judge only by his look and body language the day before. And I wasn't sure if that was a good thing.
Iliked him too, everyone of them, but not the way I liked Sunwoo. It would make things even more complicated between us.
"Why did you do this to me then?"
Sunwoo backed away a little, so he could see my face properly.
"We didn't know you when we started this. But when we got to know you, each of us felt something. I guess we just weren't aware that we were having feelings for you because we never really had some for anybody. So we were toxic and manipulated you and everyone that was interested in you, so no one would steal you from us. And I'm so so sorry, baby. I wanna have you back, I promise I changed."
I was impressed that he had explained everything so truthfully.
And I was proud in some way.
He had always controlled me, but he also always was my little boy.
They all were clingy and needy around me, just how someone would act when they liked someone.
I think I could forgive him if he would prove to me that he had really changed.
But could I forgive Juyeon for doing this to his best friend, for losing his self control and letting him down like this?
"And why let you Juyeon hurt you? You are supposed to be kind to each other, as friends. He truly hurt you. Look." I stroked my thumb over his lip where a little bit of dried blood was left.
On his left cheek was a big, green and blue bruise that went up to his eye. It was a bit swollen and he couldn't open his left eye completely.
I forgot everything around me and just admired his his cute baby face. Even if he looked a bit tired and miserable, I still found him utterly adorable.
"I wanna kiss you, Y/N." He whispered, when I noticed our position and that he was staring at me as well.
But I just didn't care anymore what he had done to me, I was sorry for what his friend did to him and that he was sad because I left him.
So I shove all my doubts away and tiptoed so I could kiss his full lips to convince my heart, that I had to give him another chance. It was everything I wanted at this moment.
I think I loved this boy.
Although it was probably pretty stupid of me to trust him again, I just needed him too much because he was everything I had and everything I always wanted.
He pressed me against his toned body and gave me a kiss full of love, to show me that I wouldn't regret choosing him over everything.
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The gif and the pictures that I used for the cover are not mine, credits to the owners :)
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