#and this is by no means a defense of big corporations (and ofc i do think that smaller artists need our appreciation and support)
shandian-go · 4 years
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[PRE-ORDER] MDZS x Nan Man She - Enamel Pins + Bookmarks
Nan Man She has released details for the other 2 new items for this month! The first option features enamel pins based on portraits of donghua Wangxian and the second is metal bookmarks with detachable chains. The expected release date is Jan 2021.
To pre-order, please complete the pre-order form on the pinned post by December 8, 2020 at 9:00 PM EST as stock may be limited. If you have never joined one of my group orders before, please read the FAQ before signing up.
Portrait pin (2 designs): Wei Wuxian, Lan Wangji
Bookmark (2 designs): Flute, Guqin
Price: 8.50 CAD or 6.50 USD per pin (+ shipping)
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terfslying · 5 years
All longanon answers:
also why does nobody care that gc men/radfems talk positively about intersex issues FOR THEIR OWN SAKE not just to confuse people about sex. Some of us have CAH or AIS, PAIS. 2nd, a GC opinion: men want uteri & to go by she? Go for it. I think it's reactionary, & I'll be open about that, but it's not my choice. But pushing lines like "lesbians like dick, afab-exclusive=fetish" is WRONG. My family has already brought up transdick as a gotcha. Too few of yall care about fallout for gnc/gay people.
Not sure if this is out of order however: “afab-exclusive = fetish” is wrong, it’s not a view I support, and I agree there’s fallout for gay people, so why are you telling me off for pushing it when I don’t?
where do I see lesbians like dick? everywhere. Not explicitly here, though implied with referencing that some lesbians might like no-op transwomen. You are carving out a niche balanced view, and I appreciate that. Don't pretend like it's the majority of the trans/nb community, or the liberal or leftist take on things.
Why are you talking to me as if I am speaking for the entire liberal or leftist ‘take’? You’re talking to me, you get my viewpoint.
there's a lot more going on with ‘erase women’s anatomy and oppression’ than I even have knowledge of. But for me some big ones: it's no longer women's reproductive justice. It's pregnant people, despite us all knowing damn well the intersection between our potential reproductive system and how woman has meant (still means) property too often. Femininity isn't social control, it's fun! It's expression, medically necessary, a part of womanhood. Rapes/assault being covered up.
“Pregnant people” vs “pregnant women” is important in medical contexts to prevent female people being denied medical care on account of not being ‘women’. It also makes self-help resources more inclusive for gnc female people.
“Femininity isn’t social control, it’s fun!” - femininity is social control for female people. Non-female people practicing femininity are literally breaking their prescribed gender roles and undermining the patriarchy.
“Rapes/assault being covered up” - specific examples?
And I'm sorry but I've seen some of the same trans-activist people in threads you're on, who you interact with positively, say shit like "anyway terfs die". Now, maybe someone they perceive as a terf has threatened them. Someone I know to be trans has threatened me. Is it ok for me to go online and say "TRAs, die"? Ofc not. So you tell me you call hateful TRAs out equal to calling out terfs, and I have doubts. Perhaps you could title your blog Terfs and Misogynist TRAs lying, and work on that.
I like how manipulatively you have phrased, “someone they perceive as a terf” vs. “someone I know to be trans”. I’ve also seen hundreds of TERFs online post shit like “Trannies die”, and had death threats personally from people I KNOW to be TERFs. Both sides behave like shit in that sense, and both sides feel like they are on the defensive. The only way to end that nonsense is to STOP participating in “well they do _____ so it’s okay for me to do _______”. But guess what? I’m also not the Tumblr police. Do you personally check the blog history of every person you interact with on Tumblr to ensure they’ve never said anything Problematique? Because I don’t, sorry.
re: erasing women's oppression, there's also a deliberate attempt to chuck out all the shit from the 70s you apparently hate. God forbid we misgender a rapist, or "cancel" any man for misogyny, but reading even excerpts from old radical feminists? Heresy, evil, invaders. Quite fucking honestly, I'll look into the history, but this calling some women political lesbian and thus dead to us thing has all sorts of potential as antifeminist slander. Especially if men think they can talk on it.
I’m talking about actual events in the 70’s that set up the trans-discourse-in-lesbian-spaces-non-stop situation, not whatever shit you’re talking about here.
Also, I have literally done readings and annotations of many radical feminist texts on this site. Stop using me as a puppet to argue with every person you’ve ever thought was a TRA.
I’m also curious if when you became "ex-" radfem, does this mean you also became against being critical of porn and critical of the sex industry? Note - critical of the INDUSTRY and culture, as in the corporations and bosses, pimps, traffickers, johns, and the academics, "art", and media who cover it as queer or fun or sexy or a good way to pay off student loans... not the workers or the prostituted (i'm differentiating here based on a spectrum of how much autonomy and liberty is retained)
No, it doesn’t mean that. I’ve said before - I am pro sex-worker and believe in evidence based rules for helping women in that situation, which means no Nordic system, but I don’t believe that you can ‘manage’ any sex workers in a brothel-type situation without it being dangerous.
I also am passionately opposed to all kinds of trafficking and slavery for personal reasons, and that obviously includes people trafficked for sex work.
at the end of the day I'm still just like... why can't women who love cis and trans women (or men who love cis and trans men) just say you're bi and that's your preference? Why does gay and lesbian have to always theoretically be flexible? It's obviously used against us, in a biased manner (again, does anyone really expect and go after straight people to be flexible?) ... and is it really worth it? Is temporary relief of a social construct borne pain worth it?
It’s not for ‘relief of a social construct borne pain’ - it’s just to accurately describe myself.
Because I’m not bi. I’m a lesbian. I exist in my city’s lesbian society, as a lesbian who dates lesbians. Then later, I became trans-inclusive. ‘Lesbian’ has to be flexible because human beings are flexible.
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littlehollyleaf · 7 years
P, T and X?
Backwards (because P is gonna be looooong, damn you for asking :p)
X - A trope which you are almost certain to love in any fandom
Big big fan of the Tinman trope - characters who think they are emotionless due to suppression/repression or sci-fi/fantasy characters that were created not to have emotions discovering or re-discovering feelings.
This is why I love the angels in spn so much!
This can apply to, like, stoic and/or soldier type characters as well, but it depends… because I can quickly tire of those kind of characters if I feel their repression is being dragged out… like, I love Aeryn Sun in Farscape for this! But Dean Winchester’s bravado thing… grew tiresome, sorry! (although I am delighted with certain ways the show has been explicitly exposing that bravado for what it is lately, even if I’m too detached from the show now to really care like I once did).
No real examples of this in Gotham yet, alas… though this may explain why Foxy has become such a quick obsession :)
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending?
Other than that, not really :p I try to be flexible with headcanons because I know how easy it can be for canon to break them, and I like to keep as canon compliant in my fandom musings as possible. Also, it’s fun to jump between multiple ideas :)
(Foxy being in love with Thomas Wayne is fast becoming a ‘ride or die’ deal though…)
P - Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas).
*rolls up sleeves, clicks fingers* okay, well, you asked for it - the ‘Foxy and Eddie at Uni together AU’ that apparently the fandom is refusing to indulge me with (rude!)
They meet in a bar - 
Eddie is at a table with a bunch of textbooks and a notepad trying to study, because the couple in the room next to him are having really loud sex and he had to get away, but nowhere else on campus was open so late.
Foxy is reluctantly joining in a bar crawl with his older brother and his friends because the uni team won some football match that he doesn’t care about (didn’t know Foxy had siblings? well he DOES NOW, hush!).
Foxy bumps into Eddie’s table while trying to escape for a moment of peace and nearly spills water all over Ed’s notes - Eddie is suitably irate. 
Cue conversation where Foxy is bemused that Ed is studying in a bar, Ed is defensive and probably asks a riddle, Foxy gets it right because he’s a smart cookie and Ed starts to warm to him, they introduce themselves, Foxy chuckles over Eddie’s name…
Foxy’s brother and friends finally track him down and try and get Foxy to leave with them for more frat boy shenanigans so Foxy latches on to Ed as an excuse to escape - saying he forgot he had a study session with his friend ‘Enigma’ (because a nickname adds weight to the lie that they have been friends for a long time, yeah? :p), Eddie plays along and berates ‘Foxy’ for being late, older brother and friends shrug and leave Foxy to it.
While Foxy could just leave at this point, he can’t help looking over Eddie’s notes and it turns out the topic is one he knows something about, so he actually does stay and help Ed study.
They become regular study buddies after that.
At some point Foxy’s nickname for Ed becomes ‘Riddler,’ because I ADORE the idea that in another life that name was created for and adopted by Ed out of love and not madness.
After a year or so Ed trusts Foxy enough to admit his real name is not ‘Nygma’ and tell him about his dad and Foxy is all supportive and stuff.
When they graduate Eddie is all alone, except for maybe a rude telegram from his father calling him a cheater, so Foxy insists he come celebrate with him and his family (which I imagine being very large, for some reason - like, a doting mother and father and two or three successful older brothers, with Foxy actually being lovingly mocked by his siblings for being supposedly the ‘least smart,’ because the rest of them are, like, doctors and lawyers and serious obviously helping people stuff, while Foxy is interested in computers and machines and corporations and things…).
There’s maybe been a running gag that Foxy’s mum keeps trying to set him up with different neighbourhood girls whenever he goes home… but all it takes is one dinner with Ed for her to realise that Foxy likes him and they have a cute little heart-to-heart about it.
Only Ed is all in denial about liking guys because of internalised shit from his dad, so Foxy thinks he only likes girls and it’s all very tragic, noooo!
Jump ahead some years to start of the show time and everything is basically the same, but Eddie and Foxy have been friends the whole time and just IMAGINE HOW THIS LITTLE THING WOULD CHANGE EVERYTHING -
After the Wayne murder Eddie would rush to see Foxy, because he would know that he and Thomas were close (and how Foxy wished they could be closer), and it would be all emotional and stuff! And maybe Ed would talk about new guy Jim who is on the case and perhaps convince Foxy to talk to him, helping put Jim onto the fact that there is more to the murder than meets the eye sooner.
And Foxy would help Ed with his attempts at courting Kristen - mocking him thoroughly for thinking putting a bullet in a cupcake without explanation was a good idea :p
But more to the point - Ed would obviously tell Foxy all about Tom abusing Kristen and how wrong it is and Foxy, who knows Ed super well by this point, would probably pick up on Ed having foolish ideas and end up finding him lying in wait for Tom with his knife and STOP HIM KILLING TOM, meaning Ed never has his post-murder break down.
Then maybe Foxy convinces Ed to talk to Jim about the abuse and Jim finds a way to arrest Tom. Which makes Kristen mad at first, because in her shame over being a victim she lashes out at Ed for getting involved in her business.
But then the whole Jerome attack would still happen and Eddie would still save her, so they’d end up still going out. Except Foxy would have rushed to the station after the shooting to make sure Ed was okay and there would be hugging and stuff :) And everyone at the GCPD would maybe be a little - oh, wow, the weird guy actually HAS FRIENDS WHO CARE ABOUT HIM and A LIFE outside work, maybe we’ve not been giving him enough credit…
…my scenario is about to fall down a little bit now, because I want to involve Penguin, but without having killed Kristen (which ofc Eddie doesn’t do here!) there is no reason for Ed to discover him in the woods…
So, let’s assume Eddie is still in the woods because he is having a romantic picnic with Kristen and they BOTH end up stumbling on wounded Penguin.
Eddie thinks they should help, Kristen thinks otherwise because Ozzie is a criminal. This prompts the end of their relationship.
Eddie nurses Ozzie back to health. Alas, without Mr Leonard… but maybe Foxy helps. For Ed’s sake, as opposed to Ozzie’s. 
In this scenario then, since Ed has committed no murders, he is not distracted by paranoia about Jim and actually goes to visit Ozzie in Arkham, leading him to discover pretty quick that things are Not Right at the Asylum.
But when he tries to get Jim etc to investigate they are reluctant (what with Jim not wanting the truth about Galavan to come to light and stuff), so Eddie sneaks in to investigate alone and promptly gets kidnapped by Strange!!
Um… I’ve lost track of what else is happening in canon at this point… but I’m building up to a climax, stay with me!
So, Foxy would be frantic because Ed is now missing, but… whatever other canon stuff is happening is happening, so Ed’s disappearance is tragically not a priority…
Oh yeah, Foxy and Bruce and Jim and their plan to investigate Arkham - so that happens, and it’s also about finding out what’s happened to Eddie now as well.
Foxy and Bruce end up in the gas chamber as in canon, with a now BRAINWASHED!ED sent by Strange to interrogate them.
Cue a dramatic Power of Love moment between Foxy and Ed, where Foxy breaks through Ed’s conditioning and it’s awesome!
Only Ed has no way to actually free Foxy or Bruce, so he still has to gas them… And still ends up locked away in a cell afterwards…
Clayface!Jim, Selina and Firefly, Firefly fighting Freeze etc all plays out as in canon, as does the bomb.
Selina tells everyone where Eddie’s cell is - cue emotional reunion between Eddie and Foxy and Eddie apologising for the gassing etc etc.
Only this time when Jim and Foxy go to defuse the bomb they TAKE ED WITH THEM because Ed KNOWS STUFF and insists he stay and help.
They defuse the bomb, probably still as a result of misinterpreting Peabody’s request for water because I thought that was GOLD, and in the resulting relief and celebrations EDDIE GRABS FOXY AND KISSES HIM!! Because in thinking he was gonna die he realised how he really felt about Foxy and Foxy, ofc, has loved him FOREVER, so everything is YAY! YAY!
(well… I can imagine more -
like, picture S03 with a Foxy/Eddie subplot
Foxy still joins the GCPD
Ozzie still recruits Ed to work for his mayoral campaign - Eddie agrees because he believes Oswald might actually be good for the city perhaps?
minor differences to everything else but crucially - Ozzie would still fall for Ed, but instead of killing Izzy to win him he would (try to) kill FOXY!
drama! pain! excitement! etc etc. :p
but I’ll stop because this nonsense has gone on far enough!)  
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